blob: 277f01827887511d3281a3fc52cdcd6a0c0660af [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
use std::error;
use std::fmt;
use std::io::{self, Read};
use std::iter;
use std::process;
use std::thread::{self, JoinHandle};
/// An error that can occur while running a command and reading its output.
/// This error can be seamlessly converted to an `io::Error` via a `From`
/// implementation.
pub struct CommandError {
kind: CommandErrorKind,
enum CommandErrorKind {
impl CommandError {
/// Create an error from an I/O error.
pub(crate) fn io(ioerr: io::Error) -> CommandError {
CommandError { kind: CommandErrorKind::Io(ioerr) }
/// Create an error from the contents of stderr (which may be empty).
pub(crate) fn stderr(bytes: Vec<u8>) -> CommandError {
CommandError { kind: CommandErrorKind::Stderr(bytes) }
/// Returns true if and only if this error has empty data from stderr.
pub(crate) fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
match self.kind {
CommandErrorKind::Stderr(ref bytes) => bytes.is_empty(),
_ => false,
impl error::Error for CommandError {
fn description(&self) -> &str {
"command error"
impl fmt::Display for CommandError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
match self.kind {
CommandErrorKind::Io(ref e) => e.fmt(f),
CommandErrorKind::Stderr(ref bytes) => {
let msg = String::from_utf8_lossy(bytes);
if msg.trim().is_empty() {
write!(f, "<stderr is empty>")
} else {
let div = iter::repeat('-').take(79).collect::<String>();
div = div,
msg = msg.trim()
impl From<io::Error> for CommandError {
fn from(ioerr: io::Error) -> CommandError {
CommandError { kind: CommandErrorKind::Io(ioerr) }
impl From<CommandError> for io::Error {
fn from(cmderr: CommandError) -> io::Error {
match cmderr.kind {
CommandErrorKind::Io(ioerr) => ioerr,
CommandErrorKind::Stderr(_) => {
io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, cmderr)
/// Configures and builds a streaming reader for process output.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)]
pub struct CommandReaderBuilder {
async_stderr: bool,
impl CommandReaderBuilder {
/// Create a new builder with the default configuration.
pub fn new() -> CommandReaderBuilder {
/// Build a new streaming reader for the given command's output.
/// The caller should set everything that's required on the given command
/// before building a reader, such as its arguments, environment and
/// current working directory. Settings such as the stdout and stderr (but
/// not stdin) pipes will be overridden so that they can be controlled by
/// the reader.
/// If there was a problem spawning the given command, then its error is
/// returned.
pub fn build(
command: &mut process::Command,
) -> Result<CommandReader, CommandError> {
let mut child = command
let stderr = if self.async_stderr {
} else {
Ok(CommandReader { child, stderr, eof: false })
/// When enabled, the reader will asynchronously read the contents of the
/// command's stderr output. When disabled, stderr is only read after the
/// stdout stream has been exhausted (or if the process quits with an error
/// code).
/// Note that when enabled, this may require launching an additional
/// thread in order to read stderr. This is done so that the process being
/// executed is never blocked from writing to stdout or stderr. If this is
/// disabled, then it is possible for the process to fill up the stderr
/// buffer and deadlock.
/// This is enabled by default.
pub fn async_stderr(&mut self, yes: bool) -> &mut CommandReaderBuilder {
self.async_stderr = yes;
/// A streaming reader for a command's output.
/// The purpose of this reader is to provide an easy way to execute processes
/// whose stdout is read in a streaming way while also making the processes'
/// stderr available when the process fails with an exit code. This makes it
/// possible to execute processes while surfacing the underlying failure mode
/// in the case of an error.
/// Moreover, by default, this reader will asynchronously read the processes'
/// stderr. This prevents subtle deadlocking bugs for noisy processes that
/// write a lot to stderr. Currently, the entire contents of stderr is read
/// on to the heap.
/// # Example
/// This example shows how to invoke `gzip` to decompress the contents of a
/// file. If the `gzip` command reports a failing exit status, then its stderr
/// is returned as an error.
/// ```no_run
/// use std::io::Read;
/// use std::process::Command;
/// use grep_cli::CommandReader;
/// # fn example() -> Result<(), Box<::std::error::Error>> {
/// let mut cmd = Command::new("gzip");
/// cmd.arg("-d").arg("-c").arg("/usr/share/man/man1/ls.1.gz");
/// let mut rdr = CommandReader::new(&mut cmd)?;
/// let mut contents = vec![];
/// rdr.read_to_end(&mut contents)?;
/// # Ok(()) }
/// ```
pub struct CommandReader {
child: process::Child,
stderr: StderrReader,
/// This is set to true once 'read' returns zero bytes. When this isn't
/// set and we close the reader, then we anticipate a pipe error when
/// reaping the child process and silence it.
eof: bool,
impl CommandReader {
/// Create a new streaming reader for the given command using the default
/// configuration.
/// The caller should set everything that's required on the given command
/// before building a reader, such as its arguments, environment and
/// current working directory. Settings such as the stdout and stderr (but
/// not stdin) pipes will be overridden so that they can be controlled by
/// the reader.
/// If there was a problem spawning the given command, then its error is
/// returned.
/// If the caller requires additional configuration for the reader
/// returned, then use
/// [`CommandReaderBuilder`](struct.CommandReaderBuilder.html).
pub fn new(
cmd: &mut process::Command,
) -> Result<CommandReader, CommandError> {
/// Closes the CommandReader, freeing any resources used by its underlying
/// child process. If the child process exits with a nonzero exit code, the
/// returned Err value will include its stderr.
/// `close` is idempotent, meaning it can be safely called multiple times.
/// The first call closes the CommandReader and any subsequent calls do
/// nothing.
/// This method should be called after partially reading a file to prevent
/// resource leakage. However there is no need to call `close` explicitly
/// if your code always calls `read` to EOF, as `read` takes care of
/// calling `close` in this case.
/// `close` is also called in `drop` as a last line of defense against
/// resource leakage. Any error from the child process is then printed as a
/// warning to stderr. This can be avoided by explictly calling `close`
/// before the CommandReader is dropped.
pub fn close(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
// Dropping stdout closes the underlying file descriptor, which should
// cause a well-behaved child process to exit. If child.stdout is None
// we assume that close() has already been called and do nothing.
let stdout = match self.child.stdout.take() {
None => return Ok(()),
Some(stdout) => stdout,
if self.child.wait()?.success() {
} else {
let err = self.stderr.read_to_end();
// In the specific case where we haven't consumed the full data
// from the child process, then closing stdout above results in
// a pipe signal being thrown in most cases. But I don't think
// there is any reliable and portable way of detecting it. Instead,
// if we know we haven't hit EOF (so we anticipate a broken pipe
// error) and if stderr otherwise doesn't have anything on it, then
// we assume total success.
if !self.eof && err.is_empty() {
return Ok(());
impl Drop for CommandReader {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if let Err(error) = self.close() {
log::warn!("{}", error);
impl io::Read for CommandReader {
fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
let stdout = match self.child.stdout {
None => return Ok(0),
Some(ref mut stdout) => stdout,
let nread =;
if nread == 0 {
self.eof = true;
self.close().map(|_| 0)
} else {
/// A reader that encapsulates the asynchronous or synchronous reading of
/// stderr.
enum StderrReader {
impl StderrReader {
/// Create a reader for stderr that reads contents asynchronously.
fn r#async(mut stderr: process::ChildStderr) -> StderrReader {
let handle =
thread::spawn(move || stderr_to_command_error(&mut stderr));
/// Create a reader for stderr that reads contents synchronously.
fn sync(stderr: process::ChildStderr) -> StderrReader {
/// Consumes all of stderr on to the heap and returns it as an error.
/// If there was a problem reading stderr itself, then this returns an I/O
/// command error.
fn read_to_end(&mut self) -> CommandError {
match *self {
StderrReader::Async(ref mut handle) => {
let handle = handle
.expect("read_to_end cannot be called more than once");
handle.join().expect("stderr reading thread does not panic")
StderrReader::Sync(ref mut stderr) => {
fn stderr_to_command_error(stderr: &mut process::ChildStderr) -> CommandError {
let mut bytes = vec![];
match stderr.read_to_end(&mut bytes) {
Ok(_) => CommandError::stderr(bytes),
Err(err) => CommandError::io(err),