blob: 91fa322f7159e6713a6c049f93006cf02dc75349 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
//! An asynchronous, HTTP/2 server and client implementation.
//! This library implements the [HTTP/2] specification. The implementation is
//! asynchronous, using [futures] as the basis for the API. The implementation
//! is also decoupled from TCP or TLS details. The user must handle ALPN and
//! HTTP/1.1 upgrades themselves.
//! # Getting started
//! Add the following to your `Cargo.toml` file:
//! ```toml
//! [dependencies]
//! h2 = "0.3"
//! ```
//! # Layout
//! The crate is split into [`client`] and [`server`] modules. Types that are
//! common to both clients and servers are located at the root of the crate.
//! See module level documentation for more details on how to use `h2`.
//! # Handshake
//! Both the client and the server require a connection to already be in a state
//! ready to start the HTTP/2 handshake. This library does not provide
//! facilities to do this.
//! There are three ways to reach an appropriate state to start the HTTP/2
//! handshake.
//! * Opening an HTTP/1.1 connection and performing an [upgrade].
//! * Opening a connection with TLS and use ALPN to negotiate the protocol.
//! * Open a connection with prior knowledge, i.e. both the client and the
//! server assume that the connection is immediately ready to start the
//! HTTP/2 handshake once opened.
//! Once the connection is ready to start the HTTP/2 handshake, it can be
//! passed to [`server::handshake`] or [`client::handshake`]. At this point, the
//! library will start the handshake process, which consists of:
//! * The client sends the connection preface (a predefined sequence of 24
//! octets).
//! * Both the client and the server sending a SETTINGS frame.
//! See the [Starting HTTP/2] in the specification for more details.
//! # Flow control
//! [Flow control] is a fundamental feature of HTTP/2. The `h2` library
//! exposes flow control to the user.
//! An HTTP/2 client or server may not send unlimited data to the peer. When a
//! stream is initiated, both the client and the server are provided with an
//! initial window size for that stream. A window size is the number of bytes
//! the endpoint can send to the peer. At any point in time, the peer may
//! increase this window size by sending a `WINDOW_UPDATE` frame. Once a client
//! or server has sent data filling the window for a stream, no further data may
//! be sent on that stream until the peer increases the window.
//! There is also a **connection level** window governing data sent across all
//! streams.
//! Managing flow control for inbound data is done through [`FlowControl`].
//! Managing flow control for outbound data is done through [`SendStream`]. See
//! the struct level documentation for those two types for more details.
//! [HTTP/2]:
//! [futures]:
//! [`client`]: client/index.html
//! [`server`]: server/index.html
//! [Flow control]:
//! [`FlowControl`]: struct.FlowControl.html
//! [`SendStream`]: struct.SendStream.html
//! [Starting HTTP/2]:
//! [upgrade]:
//! [`server::handshake`]: server/fn.handshake.html
//! [`client::handshake`]: client/fn.handshake.html
#![allow(clippy::type_complexity, clippy::manual_range_contains)]
#![cfg_attr(test, deny(warnings))]
macro_rules! proto_err {
(conn: $($msg:tt)+) => {
tracing::debug!("connection error PROTOCOL_ERROR -- {};", format_args!($($msg)+))
(stream: $($msg:tt)+) => {
tracing::debug!("stream error PROTOCOL_ERROR -- {};", format_args!($($msg)+))
macro_rules! ready {
($e:expr) => {
match $e {
::std::task::Poll::Ready(r) => r,
::std::task::Poll::Pending => return ::std::task::Poll::Pending,
#[cfg_attr(feature = "unstable", allow(missing_docs))]
mod codec;
mod error;
mod hpack;
#[cfg(not(feature = "unstable"))]
mod proto;
#[cfg(feature = "unstable")]
pub mod proto;
#[cfg(not(feature = "unstable"))]
mod frame;
#[cfg(feature = "unstable")]
pub mod frame;
pub mod client;
pub mod ext;
pub mod server;
mod share;
#[cfg_attr(feature = "unstable", allow(missing_docs))]
pub mod fuzz_bridge;
pub use crate::error::{Error, Reason};
pub use crate::share::{FlowControl, Ping, PingPong, Pong, RecvStream, SendStream, StreamId};
#[cfg(feature = "unstable")]
pub use codec::{Codec, SendError, UserError};