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#![doc(html_root_url = "")]
#![cfg_attr(docsrs, feature(doc_cfg))]
//! # Handlebars
//! [Handlebars]( is a modern and extensible templating solution originally created in the JavaScript world. It's used by many popular frameworks like [Ember.js]( and Chaplin. It's also ported to some other platforms such as [Java](
//! And this is handlebars Rust implementation, designed for general purpose text generation.
//! ## Quick Start
//! ```
//! use std::collections::BTreeMap;
//! use handlebars::Handlebars;
//! # fn main() {
//! // create the handlebars registry
//! let mut handlebars = Handlebars::new();
//! // register the template. The template string will be verified and compiled.
//! let source = "hello {{world}}";
//! assert!(handlebars.register_template_string("t1", source).is_ok());
//! // Prepare some data.
//! //
//! // The data type should implements `serde::Serialize`
//! let mut data = BTreeMap::new();
//! data.insert("world".to_string(), "世界!".to_string());
//! assert_eq!(handlebars.render("t1", &data).unwrap(), "hello 世界!");
//! # }
//! ```
//! In this example, we created a template registry and registered a template named `t1`.
//! Then we rendered a `BTreeMap` with an entry of key `world`, the result is just what
//! we expected.
//! I recommend you to walk through handlebars.js' [intro page](
//! if you are not quite familiar with the template language itself.
//! ## Features
//! Handlebars is a real-world templating system that you can use to build
//! your application without pain.
//! ### Isolation of Rust and HTML
//! This library doesn't attempt to use some macro magic to allow you to
//! write your template within your rust code. I admit that it's fun to do
//! that but it doesn't fit real-world use cases.
//! ### Limited but essential control structures built-in
//! Only essential control directives `if` and `each` are built-in. This
//! prevents you from putting too much application logic into your template.
//! ### Extensible helper system
//! Helper is the control system of handlebars language. In the original JavaScript
//! version, you can implement your own helper with JavaScript.
//! Handlebars-rust offers similar mechanism that custom helper can be defined with
//! rust function, or [rhai]( script.
//! The built-in helpers like `if` and `each` were written with these
//! helper APIs and the APIs are fully available to developers.
//! ### Auto-reload in dev mode
//! By turning on `dev_mode`, handlebars auto reloads any template and scripts that
//! loaded from files or directory. This can be handy for template development.
//! ### Template inheritance
//! Every time I look into a templating system, I will investigate its
//! support for [template inheritance][t].
//! [t]:
//! Template include is not sufficient for template reuse. In most cases
//! you will need a skeleton of page as parent (header, footer, etc.), and
//! embed your page into this parent.
//! You can find a real example of template inheritance in
//! `examples/` and templates used by this file.
//! ### Strict mode
//! Handlebars, the language designed to work with JavaScript, has no
//! strict restriction on accessing nonexistent fields or indexes. It
//! generates empty strings for such cases. However, in Rust we want to be
//! a little stricter sometimes.
//! By enabling `strict_mode` on handlebars:
//! ```
//! # use handlebars::Handlebars;
//! # let mut handlebars = Handlebars::new();
//! handlebars.set_strict_mode(true);
//! ```
//! You will get a `RenderError` when accessing fields that do not exist.
//! ## Limitations
//! ### Compatibility with original JavaScript version
//! This implementation is **not fully compatible** with the original JavaScript version.
//! First of all, mustache blocks are not supported. I suggest you to use `#if` and `#each` for
//! the same functionality.
//! Feel free to file an issue on [github]( if
//! you find missing features.
//! ### Types
//! As a static typed language, it's a little verbose to use handlebars.
//! Handlebars templating language is designed against JSON data type. In rust,
//! we will convert user's structs, vectors or maps into Serde-Json's `Value` type
//! in order to use in templates. You have to make sure your data implements the
//! `Serialize` trait from the [Serde]( project.
//! ## Usage
//! ### Template Creation and Registration
//! Templates are created from `String`s and registered to `Handlebars` with a name.
//! ```
//! # extern crate handlebars;
//! use handlebars::Handlebars;
//! # fn main() {
//! let mut handlebars = Handlebars::new();
//! let source = "hello {{world}}";
//! assert!(handlebars.register_template_string("t1", source).is_ok())
//! # }
//! ```
//! On registration, the template is parsed, compiled and cached in the registry. So further
//! usage will benefit from the one-time work. Also features like include, inheritance
//! that involves template reference requires you to register those template first with
//! a name so the registry can find it.
//! If you template is small or just to experiment, you can use `render_template` API
//! without registration.
//! ```
//! # use std::error::Error;
//! use handlebars::Handlebars;
//! use std::collections::BTreeMap;
//! # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
//! let mut handlebars = Handlebars::new();
//! let source = "hello {{world}}";
//! let mut data = BTreeMap::new();
//! data.insert("world".to_string(), "世界!".to_string());
//! assert_eq!(handlebars.render_template(source, &data)?, "hello 世界!".to_owned());
//! # Ok(())
//! # }
//! ```
//! #### Additional features for loading template from
//! * Feature `dir_source` enables template loading
//! `register_templates_directory` from given directory.
//! * Feature `rust-embed` enables template loading
//! `register_embed_templates` from embedded resources in rust struct
//! generated with `RustEmbed`.
//! ### Rendering Something
//! Since handlebars is originally based on JavaScript type system. It supports dynamic features like duck-typing, truthy/falsey values. But for a static language like Rust, this is a little difficult. As a solution, we are using the `serde_json::value::Value` internally for data rendering.
//! That means, if you want to render something, you have to ensure the data type implements the `serde::Serialize` trait. Most rust internal types already have that trait. Use `#derive[Serialize]` for your types to generate default implementation.
//! You can use default `render` function to render a template into `String`. From 0.9, there's `render_to_write` to render text into anything of `std::io::Write`.
//! ```
//! # use std::error::Error;
//! # #[macro_use]
//! # extern crate serde_derive;
//! # extern crate handlebars;
//! use handlebars::Handlebars;
//! #[derive(Serialize)]
//! struct Person {
//! name: String,
//! age: i16,
//! }
//! # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
//! let source = "Hello, {{name}}";
//! let mut handlebars = Handlebars::new();
//! assert!(handlebars.register_template_string("hello", source).is_ok());
//! let data = Person {
//! name: "Ning Sun".to_string(),
//! age: 27
//! };
//! assert_eq!(handlebars.render("hello", &data)?, "Hello, Ning Sun".to_owned());
//! # Ok(())
//! # }
//! #
//! ```
//! Or if you don't need the template to be cached or referenced by other ones, you can
//! simply render it without registering.
//! ```
//! # use std::error::Error;
//! # #[macro_use]
//! # extern crate serde_derive;
//! # extern crate handlebars;
//! use handlebars::Handlebars;
//! # #[derive(Serialize)]
//! # struct Person {
//! # name: String,
//! # age: i16,
//! # }
//! # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
//! let source = "Hello, {{name}}";
//! let mut handlebars = Handlebars::new();
//! let data = Person {
//! name: "Ning Sun".to_string(),
//! age: 27
//! };
//! assert_eq!(handlebars.render_template("Hello, {{name}}", &data)?,
//! "Hello, Ning Sun".to_owned());
//! # Ok(())
//! # }
//! ```
//! #### Escaping
//! As per the handlebars spec, output using `{{expression}}` is escaped by default (to be precise, the characters `&"<>'`=_` are replaced by their respective html / xml entities). However, since the use cases of a rust template engine are probably a bit more diverse than those of a JavaScript one, this implementation allows the user to supply a custom escape function to be used instead. For more information see the `EscapeFn` type and `Handlebars::register_escape_fn()` method. In particular, `no_escape()` can be used as the escape function if no escaping at all should be performed.
//! ### Custom Helper
//! Handlebars is nothing without helpers. You can also create your own helpers with rust. Helpers in handlebars-rust are custom struct implements the `HelperDef` trait, concretely, the `call` function. For your convenience, most of stateless helpers can be implemented as bare functions.
//! ```
//! use std::io::Write;
//! # use std::error::Error;
//! use handlebars::*;
//! // implement by a structure impls HelperDef
//! #[derive(Clone, Copy)]
//! struct SimpleHelper;
//! impl HelperDef for SimpleHelper {
//! fn call<'reg: 'rc, 'rc>(&self, h: &Helper, _: &Handlebars, _: &Context, rc: &mut RenderContext, out: &mut dyn Output) -> HelperResult {
//! let param = h.param(0).unwrap();
//! out.write("1st helper: ")?;
//! out.write(param.value().render().as_ref())?;
//! Ok(())
//! }
//! }
//! // implement via bare function
//! fn another_simple_helper (h: &Helper, _: &Handlebars, _: &Context, rc: &mut RenderContext, out: &mut dyn Output) -> HelperResult {
//! let param = h.param(0).unwrap();
//! out.write("2nd helper: ")?;
//! out.write(param.value().render().as_ref())?;
//! Ok(())
//! }
//! # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
//! let mut handlebars = Handlebars::new();
//! handlebars.register_helper("simple-helper", Box::new(SimpleHelper));
//! handlebars.register_helper("another-simple-helper", Box::new(another_simple_helper));
//! // via closure
//! handlebars.register_helper("closure-helper",
//! Box::new(|h: &Helper, r: &Handlebars, _: &Context, rc: &mut RenderContext, out: &mut dyn Output| -> HelperResult {
//! let param =
//! h.param(0).ok_or(RenderErrorReason::ParamNotFoundForIndex("closure-helper", 0))?;
//! out.write("3rd helper: ")?;
//! out.write(param.value().render().as_ref())?;
//! Ok(())
//! }));
//! let tpl = "{{simple-helper 1}}\n{{another-simple-helper 2}}\n{{closure-helper 3}}";
//! assert_eq!(handlebars.render_template(tpl, &())?,
//! "1st helper: 1\n2nd helper: 2\n3rd helper: 3".to_owned());
//! # Ok(())
//! # }
//! ```
//! Data available to helper can be found in [Helper](struct.Helper.html). And there are more
//! examples in [HelperDef](trait.HelperDef.html) page.
//! You can learn more about helpers by looking into source code of built-in helpers.
//! ### Script Helper
//! Like our JavaScript counterparts, handlebars allows user to define simple helpers with
//! a scripting language, [rhai]( This can be enabled by
//! turning on `script_helper` feature flag.
//! A sample script:
//! ```handlebars
//! {{percent 0.34 label="%"}}
//! ```
//! ```rhai
//! // percent.rhai
//! // get first parameter from `params` array
//! let value = params[0];
//! // get key value pair `label` from `hash` map
//! let label = hash["label"];
//! // compute the final string presentation
//! (value * 100).to_string() + label
//! ```
//! A runnable [example]( can be find in the repo.
//! #### Built-in Helpers
//! * `{{{{raw}}}} ... {{{{/raw}}}}` escape handlebars expression within the block
//! * `{{#if ...}} ... {{else}} ... {{/if}}` if-else block
//! (See [the handlebarjs documentation]( on how to use this helper.)
//! * `{{#unless ...}} ... {{else}} .. {{/unless}}` if-not-else block
//! (See [the handlebarjs documentation]( on how to use this helper.)
//! * `{{#each ...}} ... {{/each}}` iterates over an array or object. Handlebars-rust doesn't support mustache iteration syntax so use `each` instead.
//! (See [the handlebarjs documentation]( on how to use this helper.)
//! * `{{#with ...}} ... {{/with}}` change current context. Similar to `{{#each}}`, used for replace corresponding mustache syntax.
//! (See [the handlebarjs documentation]( on how to use this helper.)
//! * `{{lookup ... ...}}` get value from array by `@index` or `@key`
//! (See [the handlebarjs documentation]( on how to use this helper.)
//! * `{{> ...}}` include template by its name
//! * `{{log ...}}` log value with rust logger, default level: INFO. Currently you cannot change the level.
//! * Boolean helpers that can be used in `if` as subexpression, for example `{{#if (gt 2 1)}} ...`:
//! * `eq`
//! * `ne`
//! * `gt`
//! * `gte`
//! * `lt`
//! * `lte`
//! * `and`
//! * `or`
//! * `not`
//! * `{{len ...}}` returns length of array/object/string
//! ### Template inheritance
//! Handlebars.js' partial system is fully supported in this implementation.
//! Check [example]( for details.
//! ### String (or Case) Helpers
//! [Handlebars] supports helpers for converting string cases for example converting a value to
//! 'camelCase or 'kebab-case' etc. This can be useful during generating code using Handlebars.
//! This can be enabled by selecting the feature-flag `string_helpers`. Currently the case
//! conversions from the [`heck`]( crate are supported.
//! ```
//! # #[cfg(feature = "string_helpers")] {
//! # use std::error::Error;
//! # extern crate handlebars;
//! use handlebars::Handlebars;
//! # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
//! let mut handlebars = Handlebars::new();
//! let data = serde_json::json!({"value": "lower camel case"});
//! assert_eq!(handlebars.render_template("This is {{lowerCamelCase value}}", &data)?,
//! "This is lowerCamelCase".to_owned());
//! # Ok(())
//! # }
//! # }
//! ```
#![allow(dead_code, clippy::upper_case_acronyms)]
#![recursion_limit = "200"]
#[cfg(not(feature = "no_logging"))]
extern crate log;
extern crate pest_derive;
extern crate serde_derive;
extern crate serde_json;
pub use self::block::{BlockContext, BlockParams};
pub use self::context::Context;
pub use self::decorators::DecoratorDef;
pub use self::error::{RenderError, RenderErrorReason, TemplateError, TemplateErrorReason};
pub use self::helpers::{HelperDef, HelperResult};
pub use self::json::path::Path;
pub use self::json::value::{to_json, JsonRender, JsonTruthy, PathAndJson, ScopedJson};
pub use self::local_vars::LocalVars;
pub use self::output::{Output, StringOutput};
#[cfg(feature = "dir_source")]
pub use self::registry::DirectorySourceOptions;
pub use self::registry::{html_escape, no_escape, EscapeFn, Registry as Handlebars};
pub use self::render::{Decorator, Evaluable, Helper, RenderContext, Renderable};
pub use self::template::Template;
pub use self::serde_json::Value as JsonValue;
mod macros;
mod block;
mod context;
mod decorators;
mod error;
mod grammar;
mod helpers;
mod json;
mod local_vars;
mod output;
mod partial;
mod registry;
mod render;
mod sources;
mod support;
pub mod template;
mod util;