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| <p><b><a href="/wiki/Sergo_Ordzhonikidze" title="Sergo Ordzhonikidze">Sergo |
| Ordzhonikidze</a></b> (1886–1937) was a <a href="/wiki/Bolsheviks" |
| title="Bolsheviks">Bolshevik</a> and <a href="/wiki/Soviet_Union" |
| title="Soviet Union">Soviet</a> politician from <a |
| href="/wiki/Georgia_within_the_Russian_Empire" |
| title="Georgia within the Russian Empire">Georgia</a>. Joining the |
| Bolsheviks at a young age, he became an important figure and was arrested |
| repeatedly. After the Bolsheviks came to power in 1917, he oversaw the |
| invasions <a href="/wiki/Red_Army_invasion_of_Azerbaijan" |
| title="Red Army invasion of Azerbaijan">of Azerbaijan</a>, <a |
| href="/wiki/Red_Army_invasion_of_Armenia" |
| title="Red Army invasion of Armenia">of Armenia</a>, and <a |
| href="/wiki/Red_Army_invasion_of_Georgia" |
| title="Red Army invasion of Georgia">of Georgia</a>. He backed their |
| union into the <a |
| href="/wiki/Transcaucasian_Socialist_Federative_Soviet_Republic" |
| title="Transcaucasian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic">Transcaucasian |
| Socialist Federative Soviet Republic</a> in 1922, one of the original |
| Soviet republics, and served as its <a href="/wiki/Secretary_(title)" |
| title="Secretary (title)">first secretary</a> until 1926. He then |
| oversaw Soviet economic production and led a massive overhaul; he |
| implemented <a |
| href="/wiki/Five-year_plans_for_the_national_economy_of_the_Soviet_Union" |
| title="Five-year plans for the national economy of the Soviet Union">five-year |
| plans</a>, helped create the <a href="/wiki/Stakhanovite_movement" |
| title="Stakhanovite movement">Stakhanovite movement</a> and was named to |
| the <a href="/wiki/Politburo" title="Politburo">Politburo</a>. He was |
| reluctant to join the campaign against so-called <a |
| href="/wiki/Wrecking_(Soviet_Union)" |
| title="Wrecking (Soviet Union)">wreckers</a> and saboteurs in the early |
| 1930s, causing friction with <a href="/wiki/Joseph_Stalin" |
| title="Joseph Stalin">Joseph Stalin</a>. Before a meeting where he was |
| expected to denounce workers, Ordzhonikidze shot himself. He was |
| posthumously honoured, and several towns and cities in the Soviet Union were |
| named after him. (<b><a href="/wiki/Sergo_Ordzhonikidze" |
| title="Sergo Ordzhonikidze">Full article...</a></b>) |
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| <div class="thumbcaption" |
| style="padding: 0.25em 0; word-wrap: break-word;">Short-haired |
| Segugio Italiano</div> |
| </div> |
| </div> |
| <ul> |
| <li>... that the <b><a href="/wiki/Segugio_Italiano" |
| title="Segugio Italiano">Segugio Italiano</a></b> <i>(example |
| pictured)</i> was highly prized during the <a |
| href="/wiki/Italian_Renaissance" title="Italian Renaissance">Italian |
| Renaissance</a>, being used in elaborate hunts with large numbers of |
| servants and followers mounted on horseback?</li> |
| <li>... that <b><a href="/wiki/Jenna_Ellis" title="Jenna Ellis">Jenna |
| Ellis</a></b> was a stern critic of <a href="/wiki/Donald_Trump" |
| title="Donald Trump">Donald Trump</a> before she became his legal |
| adviser?</li> |
| <li>... that Australian pop band <b><a href="/wiki/Autumn_(Australian_band)" |
| title="Autumn (Australian band)">Autumn</a></b> was one of four |
| artists co-credited with a number-one hit in the Australian charts on |
| 31 October 1970, each with a version of the song "<a |
| href="/wiki/Yellow_River_(song)" title="Yellow River (song)">Yellow |
| River</a>"?</li> |
| <li>... that <a href="/wiki/Bernie_Sanders" title="Bernie Sanders">Bernie |
| Sanders</a> <b><a href="/wiki/1981_Burlington_mayoral_election" |
| title="1981 Burlington mayoral election">won the |
| election</a></b> to become Mayor of <a |
| href="/wiki/Burlington,_Vermont" |
| title="Burlington, Vermont">Burlington, Vermont</a>, by ten votes in |
| 1981?</li> |
| <li>... that during the <a |
| href="/wiki/Occupation_of_Poland_(1939%E2%80%931945)" |
| title="Occupation of Poland (1939–1945)">Nazi occupation of |
| Poland</a>, <b><a href="/wiki/Halina_Kwiatkowska" |
| title="Halina Kwiatkowska">Halina Kwiatkowska</a></b> acted in |
| an underground theatre alongside <a href="/wiki/Pope_John_Paul_II" |
| title="Pope John Paul II">a future pope</a>?</li> |
| <li>... that in his book <i><b><a |
| href="/wiki/Thematic_Origins_of_Scientific_Thought" |
| title="Thematic Origins of Scientific Thought">Thematic |
| Origins of Scientific Thought: Kepler to |
| Einstein</a></b></i>, <a href="/wiki/Gerald_Holton" |
| title="Gerald Holton">Gerald Holton</a> argues that philosophy from |
| <i><a href="/wiki/Either/Or" title="Either/Or">Either/Or</a></i> |
| influenced <a href="/wiki/Niels_Bohr" title="Niels Bohr">Niels |
| Bohr</a>'s concept of <a href="/wiki/Complementarity_(physics)" |
| title="Complementarity (physics)">complementarity</a>?</li> |
| <li>... that <b><a href="/wiki/Robert_Hammerstiel" |
| title="Robert Hammerstiel">Robert Hammerstiel</a></b> wrapped |
| Vienna's Ringturm tower in a painting showing stations of human life in |
| simplified and brightly coloured figures?</li> |
| <li>... that the marine worm <i><b><a href="/wiki/Neanthes_arenaceodentata" |
| title="Neanthes arenaceodentata">Neanthes |
| arenaceodentata</a></b></i> is both an environmental monitor |
| and a caring father?</li> |
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| <ul> |
| <li>The <b><a href="/wiki/Chang%27e_5" title="Chang'e 5">Chang'e |
| 5</a></b> <i>(illustration shown)</i> <a |
| href="/wiki/Sample-return_mission" |
| title="Sample-return mission">sample-return mission</a> returns <a |
| href="/wiki/Moon_rock" title="Moon rock">lunar material</a> to |
| Earth.</li> |
| <li><a href="/wiki/Nana_Akufo-Addo" title="Nana Akufo-Addo">Nana |
| Akufo-Addo</a> is <b><a href="/wiki/2020_Ghanaian_general_election" |
| title="2020 Ghanaian general election">re-elected</a></b> for a |
| second term as <a href="/wiki/President_of_Ghana" |
| title="President of Ghana">President of Ghana</a>.</li> |
| <li>In motorsport, <a href="/wiki/S%C3%A9bastien_Ogier" |
| title="Sébastien Ogier">Sébastien Ogier</a> and <a |
| href="/wiki/Julien_Ingrassia" title="Julien Ingrassia">Julien |
| Ingrassia</a> win <b><a href="/wiki/2020_World_Rally_Championship" |
| title="2020 World Rally Championship">the World Rally |
| Championship</a></b>, while <a href="/wiki/Hyundai_Motorsport" |
| title="Hyundai Motorsport">Hyundai</a> win the manufacturers' title. |
| </li> |
| <li><i><b><a href="/wiki/Hayabusa2" title="Hayabusa2">Hayabusa2</a></b></i> |
| successfully returns samples collected from asteroid <a |
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| <p><b><a href="/wiki/December_21" title="December 21">December 21</a></b>: <b><a |
| href="/wiki/December_solstice" title="December solstice">December |
| solstice</a></b> (10:03 <a |
| href="/wiki/Coordinated_Universal_Time" |
| title="Coordinated Universal Time">UTC</a>, 2020); <b><a |
| href="/wiki/Yule" title="Yule">Yule</a></b> begins |
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| data-file-width="1796" data-file-height="1297" /></a> |
| <div class="thumbcaption" |
| style="padding: 0.25em 0; word-wrap: break-word;">Grumman F-14 |
| Tomcat</div> |
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| <ul> |
| <li><a href="/wiki/1620" title="1620">1620</a> – The <a |
| href="/wiki/Pilgrims_(Plymouth_Colony)" |
| title="Pilgrims (Plymouth Colony)">Pilgrims</a> aboard the <i><a |
| href="/wiki/Mayflower" title="Mayflower">Mayflower</a></i> |
| landed at present-day <a href="/wiki/Plymouth,_Massachusetts" |
| title="Plymouth, Massachusetts">Plymouth, Massachusetts</a>, |
| establishing the <b><a href="/wiki/Plymouth_Colony" |
| title="Plymouth Colony">Plymouth Colony</a></b>.</li> |
| <li><a href="/wiki/1872" title="1872">1872</a> – <b><a |
| href="/wiki/HMS_Challenger_(1858)" |
| title="HMS Challenger (1858)">HMS <i>Challenger</i></a></b> |
| departed <a href="/wiki/Portsmouth" title="Portsmouth">Portsmouth</a> on |
| <a href="/wiki/Challenger_expedition" title="Challenger expedition">a |
| scientific expedition</a> that laid the foundations of <a |
| href="/wiki/Oceanography" title="Oceanography">oceanography</a>. |
| </li> |
| <li><a href="/wiki/1937" title="1937">1937</a> – <i><b><a |
| href="/wiki/Snow_White_and_the_Seven_Dwarfs_(1937_film)" |
| title="Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937 film)">Snow |
| White and the Seven Dwarfs</a></b></i>, the first |
| full-length <a href="/wiki/Cel" title="Cel">cel</a>-animated feature in |
| film history, premiered at the <a href="/wiki/Carthay_Circle_Theatre" |
| title="Carthay Circle Theatre">Carthay Circle Theatre</a> in Los |
| Angeles.</li> |
| <li><a href="/wiki/1970" title="1970">1970</a> – The <b><a |
| href="/wiki/Grumman_F-14_Tomcat" |
| title="Grumman F-14 Tomcat">Grumman <span |
| class="nowrap">F-14</span> Tomcat</a></b> <i>(example |
| pictured)</i>, the primary <a href="/wiki/Fighter_aircraft" |
| title="Fighter aircraft">fighter aircraft</a> of the U.S. Navy for |
| nearly 30 years, made its first flight.</li> |
| <li><a href="/wiki/1995" title="1995">1995</a> – In accordance with the <a |
| href="/wiki/Oslo_II_Accord" title="Oslo II Accord">Oslo II |
| Accord</a>, Israeli troops withdrew from <b><a |
| href="/wiki/Bethlehem" title="Bethlehem">Bethlehem</a></b> in |
| preparation for the transfer of control to the <a |
| href="/wiki/Palestinian_National_Authority" |
| title="Palestinian National Authority">Palestinian National |
| Authority</a>.</li> |
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| <li><b><a href="/wiki/Ali_ibn_Muhammad_ibn_al-Walid" |
| title="Ali ibn Muhammad ibn al-Walid">Ali ibn Muhammad ibn |
| al-Walid</a></b> (<abbr title="died">d.</abbr> 1215) |
| </li> |
| <li><b><a href="/wiki/Maud_Gonne" title="Maud Gonne">Maud Gonne</a></b> |
| (<abbr title="born">b.</abbr> 1866)</li> |
| <li><b><a href="/wiki/Iris_Cummings" title="Iris Cummings">Iris |
| Cummings</a></b> (<abbr title="born">b.</abbr> 1920) |
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| data-file-width="400" data-file-height="600" /></a> |
| <div class="thumbcaption" style="padding: 0.25em 0; word-wrap: break-word;"> |
| Raccoon</div> |
| </div> |
| </div> |
| <p><b><a href="/wiki/List_of_procyonids" title="List of procyonids">Procyonids</a></b> |
| are members of <a href="/wiki/Procyonidae" title="Procyonidae">Procyonidae</a>, a <a |
| href="/wiki/Family_(biology)" title="Family (biology)">family</a> of <a |
| href="/wiki/Mammal" title="Mammal">mammals</a> in the <a |
| href="/wiki/Order_(biology)" title="Order (biology)">order</a> <a |
| href="/wiki/Carnivora" title="Carnivora">Carnivora</a>. The family includes <a |
| href="/wiki/Procyon_(genus)" title="Procyon (genus)">raccoons</a>, <a |
| href="/wiki/Coati" title="Coati">coatis</a>, <a href="/wiki/Bassaricyon" |
| title="Bassaricyon">olingos</a>, <a href="/wiki/Kinkajou" |
| title="Kinkajou">kinkajous</a>, <a href="/wiki/Ring-tailed_cat" |
| title="Ring-tailed cat">ring-tailed cats</a>, and <a href="/wiki/Cacomistle" |
| title="Cacomistle">cacomistles</a>, and many other <a |
| href="/wiki/Neontology#Extant_taxa_versus_extinct_taxa" |
| title="Neontology">extant</a> and <a href="/wiki/Extinction" |
| title="Extinction">extinct</a> mammals. They are native to North and South |
| America, though the <a href="/wiki/Raccoon" title="Raccoon">common raccoon</a> |
| <i>(pictured)</i> has been introduced to Europe, western Asia, and Japan. Procyonid |
| habitats are generally forests, though some are found in shrublands and grasslands |
| as well. The fourteen species of Procyonidae are split into six <a |
| href="/wiki/Genus" title="Genus">genera</a>, which are not currently grouped |
| into named <a href="/wiki/Cladistics" title="Cladistics">clades</a>. Procyonidae is |
| believed to have diverged as a separate family within Carnivora around |
| 22.6 million years ago. Procyonidae includes forty extinct species placed in |
| the six extant and nineteen extinct genera, though due to ongoing research and |
| discoveries the exact number and categorization is not fixed. (<b><a |
| href="/wiki/List_of_procyonids" |
| title="List of procyonids">Full list...</a></b>) |
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| title="List of national forests of the United States">National |
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| <p><b><a href="/wiki/Anne_Vallayer-Coster" |
| title="Anne Vallayer-Coster">Anne Vallayer-Coster</a></b> |
| (21 December 1744 – 28 February 1818) was |
| an 18th-century French painter, best known for her <a |
| href="/wiki/Still_life" title="Still life">still-life</a> works. |
| When she was 26, she was admitted to the prestigious <a |
| href="/wiki/Acad%C3%A9mie_royale_de_peinture_et_de_sculpture" |
| title="Académie royale de peinture et de sculpture">Académie |
| royale de peinture et de sculpture</a>; Vallayer-Coster was one |
| of only four women to be accepted into the Académie before the <a |
| href="/wiki/French_Revolution" title="French Revolution">French |
| Revolution</a>, in a period when men dominated the profession. |
| By 1780, she had come under the patronage of <a |
| href="/wiki/Marie_Antoinette" title="Marie Antoinette">Marie |
| Antoinette</a>, after which her career flourished. This 1783 |
| oil-on-canvas portrait, showing Vallayer-Coster at work, is by the |
| Swedish painter <a href="/wiki/Alexander_Roslin" |
| title="Alexander Roslin">Alexander Roslin</a>. The painting is |
| in the collection of the <a href="/wiki/Crocker_Art_Museum" |
| title="Crocker Art Museum">Crocker Art Museum</a> in <a |
| href="/wiki/Sacramento,_California" |
| title="Sacramento, California">Sacramento, California</a>. |
| </p> |
| <p style="text-align:left;"><small>Painting credit: <a |
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| title="Alexander Roslin">Alexander Roslin</a></small></p> |
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