blob: d5bc82cf6c1097d728b1fcf69999ffb04508a638 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
use std::fmt;
use std::str;
use std::time::{SystemTime, Duration, UNIX_EPOCH};
mod max {
pub const SECONDS: u64 = ::std::u64::MAX / 1_000_000_000;
pub const TIMESTAMP: &'static str = "2554-07-21T23:34:33Z";
not(all(target_arch="wasm32", not(target_os="emscripten")))
mod max {
pub const SECONDS: u64 = ::std::i32::MAX as u64;
pub const TIMESTAMP: &'static str = "2038-01-19T03:14:07Z";
all(target_arch="wasm32", not(target_os="emscripten")),
mod max {
pub const SECONDS: u64 = 253402300800-1; // last second of year 9999
pub const TIMESTAMP: &'static str = "9999-12-31T23:59:59Z";
quick_error! {
/// Error parsing datetime (timestamp)
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum Error {
/// Numeric component is out of range
OutOfRange {
display("numeric component is out of range")
/// Bad character where digit is expected
InvalidDigit {
display("bad character where digit is expected")
/// Other formatting errors
InvalidFormat {
display("timestamp format is invalid")
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum Precision {
/// A wrapper type that allows you to Display a SystemTime
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Rfc3339Timestamp(SystemTime, Precision);
fn two_digits(b1: u8, b2: u8) -> Result<u64, Error> {
if b1 < b'0' || b2 < b'0' || b1 > b'9' || b2 > b'9' {
return Err(Error::InvalidDigit);
Ok(((b1 - b'0')*10 + (b2 - b'0')) as u64)
/// Parse RFC3339 timestamp `2018-02-14T00:28:07Z`
/// Supported feature: any precision of fractional
/// digits `2018-02-14T00:28:07.133Z`.
/// Unsupported feature: localized timestamps. Only UTC is supported.
pub fn parse_rfc3339(s: &str) -> Result<SystemTime, Error> {
if s.len() < "2018-02-14T00:28:07Z".len() {
return Err(Error::InvalidFormat);
let b = s.as_bytes();
if b[10] != b'T' || b[b.len()-1] != b'Z' {
return Err(Error::InvalidFormat);
return parse_rfc3339_weak(s);
/// Parse RFC3339-like timestamp `2018-02-14 00:28:07`
/// Supported features:
/// 1. Any precision of fractional digits `2018-02-14 00:28:07.133`.
/// 2. Supports timestamp with or without either of `T` or `Z`
/// 3. Anything valid for `parse_3339` is valid for this function
/// Unsupported feature: localized timestamps. Only UTC is supported, even if
/// `Z` is not specified.
/// This function is intended to use for parsing human input. Whereas
/// `parse_rfc3339` is for strings generated programmatically.
pub fn parse_rfc3339_weak(s: &str) -> Result<SystemTime, Error> {
if s.len() < "2018-02-14T00:28:07".len() {
return Err(Error::InvalidFormat);
let b = s.as_bytes(); // for careless slicing
if b[4] != b'-' || b[7] != b'-' || (b[10] != b'T' && b[10] != b' ') ||
b[13] != b':' || b[16] != b':'
return Err(Error::InvalidFormat);
let year = two_digits(b[0], b[1])? * 100 + two_digits(b[2], b[3])?;
let month = two_digits(b[5], b[6])?;
let day = two_digits(b[8], b[9])?;
let hour = two_digits(b[11], b[12])?;
let minute = two_digits(b[14], b[15])?;
let mut second = two_digits(b[17], b[18])?;
if year < 1970 || hour > 23 || minute > 59 || second > 60 {
return Err(Error::OutOfRange);
// TODO(tailhook) should we check that leaps second is only on midnight ?
if second == 60 {
second = 59
let leap_years = ((year - 1) - 1968) / 4 - ((year - 1) - 1900) / 100 +
((year - 1) - 1600) / 400;
let leap = is_leap_year(year);
let (mut ydays, mdays) = match month {
1 => (0, 31),
2 if leap => (31, 29),
2 => (31, 28),
3 => (59, 31),
4 => (90, 30),
5 => (120, 31),
6 => (151, 30),
7 => (181, 31),
8 => (212, 31),
9 => (243, 30),
10 => (273, 31),
11 => (304, 30),
12 => (334, 31),
_ => return Err(Error::OutOfRange),
if day > mdays || day == 0 {
return Err(Error::OutOfRange);
ydays += day - 1;
if leap && month > 2 {
ydays += 1;
let days = (year - 1970) * 365 + leap_years + ydays;
let time = second + minute * 60 + hour * 3600;
let mut nanos = 0;
let mut mult = 100_000_000;
if b.get(19) == Some(&b'.') {
for idx in 20..b.len() {
if b[idx] == b'Z' {
if idx == b.len()-1 {
} else {
return Err(Error::InvalidDigit);
if b[idx] < b'0' || b[idx] > b'9' {
return Err(Error::InvalidDigit);
nanos += mult * (b[idx] - b'0') as u32;
mult /= 10;
} else {
if b.len() != 19 && (b.len() > 20 || b[19] != b'Z') {
return Err(Error::InvalidFormat);
let total_seconds = time + days * 86400;
if total_seconds > max::SECONDS {
return Err(Error::OutOfRange);
return Ok(UNIX_EPOCH + Duration::new(total_seconds, nanos));
fn is_leap_year(y: u64) -> bool {
y % 4 == 0 && (!(y % 100 == 0) || y % 400 == 0)
/// Format an RFC3339 timestamp `2018-02-14T00:28:07Z`
/// This function formats timestamp with smart precision: i.e. if it has no
/// fractional seconds, they aren't written at all. And up to nine digits if
/// they are.
/// The value is always UTC and ignores system timezone.
pub fn format_rfc3339(system_time: SystemTime) -> Rfc3339Timestamp {
return Rfc3339Timestamp(system_time, Precision::Smart);
/// Format an RFC3339 timestamp `2018-02-14T00:28:07Z`
/// This format always shows timestamp without fractional seconds.
/// The value is always UTC and ignores system timezone.
pub fn format_rfc3339_seconds(system_time: SystemTime) -> Rfc3339Timestamp {
return Rfc3339Timestamp(system_time, Precision::Seconds);
/// Format an RFC3339 timestamp `2018-02-14T00:28:07.000Z`
/// This format always shows milliseconds even if millisecond value is zero.
/// The value is always UTC and ignores system timezone.
pub fn format_rfc3339_millis(system_time: SystemTime) -> Rfc3339Timestamp {
return Rfc3339Timestamp(system_time, Precision::Millis);
/// Format an RFC3339 timestamp `2018-02-14T00:28:07.000000Z`
/// This format always shows microseconds even if microsecond value is zero.
/// The value is always UTC and ignores system timezone.
pub fn format_rfc3339_micros(system_time: SystemTime) -> Rfc3339Timestamp {
return Rfc3339Timestamp(system_time, Precision::Micros);
/// Format an RFC3339 timestamp `2018-02-14T00:28:07.000000000Z`
/// This format always shows nanoseconds even if nanosecond value is zero.
/// The value is always UTC and ignores system timezone.
pub fn format_rfc3339_nanos(system_time: SystemTime) -> Rfc3339Timestamp {
return Rfc3339Timestamp(system_time, Precision::Nanos);
impl fmt::Display for Rfc3339Timestamp {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
use self::Precision::*;
let dur = self.0.duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH)
.expect("all times should be after the epoch");
let secs_since_epoch = dur.as_secs();
let nanos = dur.subsec_nanos();
if secs_since_epoch >= 253402300800 { // year 9999
return Err(fmt::Error);
/* 2000-03-01 (mod 400 year, immediately after feb29 */
const LEAPOCH: i64 = 11017;
const DAYS_PER_400Y: i64 = 365*400 + 97;
const DAYS_PER_100Y: i64 = 365*100 + 24;
const DAYS_PER_4Y: i64 = 365*4 + 1;
let days = (secs_since_epoch / 86400) as i64 - LEAPOCH;
let secs_of_day = secs_since_epoch % 86400;
let mut qc_cycles = days / DAYS_PER_400Y;
let mut remdays = days % DAYS_PER_400Y;
if remdays < 0 {
remdays += DAYS_PER_400Y;
qc_cycles -= 1;
let mut c_cycles = remdays / DAYS_PER_100Y;
if c_cycles == 4 { c_cycles -= 1; }
remdays -= c_cycles * DAYS_PER_100Y;
let mut q_cycles = remdays / DAYS_PER_4Y;
if q_cycles == 25 { q_cycles -= 1; }
remdays -= q_cycles * DAYS_PER_4Y;
let mut remyears = remdays / 365;
if remyears == 4 { remyears -= 1; }
remdays -= remyears * 365;
let mut year = 2000 +
remyears + 4*q_cycles + 100*c_cycles + 400*qc_cycles;
let months = [31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31,31,29];
let mut mon = 0;
for mon_len in months.iter() {
mon += 1;
if remdays < *mon_len {
remdays -= *mon_len;
let mday = remdays+1;
let mon = if mon + 2 > 12 {
year += 1;
mon - 10
} else {
mon + 2
let mut buf: [u8; 30] = [
// Too long to write as: b"0000-00-00T00:00:00.000000000Z"
b'0', b'0', b'0', b'0', b'-', b'0', b'0', b'-', b'0', b'0', b'T',
b'0', b'0', b':', b'0', b'0', b':', b'0', b'0',
b'.', b'0', b'0', b'0', b'0', b'0', b'0', b'0', b'0', b'0', b'Z',
buf[0] = b'0' + (year / 1000) as u8;
buf[1] = b'0' + (year / 100 % 10) as u8;
buf[2] = b'0' + (year / 10 % 10) as u8;
buf[3] = b'0' + (year % 10) as u8;
buf[5] = b'0' + (mon / 10) as u8;
buf[6] = b'0' + (mon % 10) as u8;
buf[8] = b'0' + (mday / 10) as u8;
buf[9] = b'0' + (mday % 10) as u8;
buf[11] = b'0' + (secs_of_day / 3600 / 10) as u8;
buf[12] = b'0' + (secs_of_day / 3600 % 10) as u8;
buf[14] = b'0' + (secs_of_day / 60 / 10 % 6) as u8;
buf[15] = b'0' + (secs_of_day / 60 % 10) as u8;
buf[17] = b'0' + (secs_of_day / 10 % 6) as u8;
buf[18] = b'0' + (secs_of_day % 10) as u8;
let offset = if self.1 == Seconds || nanos == 0 && self.1 == Smart {
buf[19] = b'Z';
} else if self.1 == Millis {
buf[20] = b'0' + (nanos / 100_000_000) as u8;
buf[21] = b'0' + (nanos / 10_000_000 % 10) as u8;
buf[22] = b'0' + (nanos / 1_000_000 % 10) as u8;
buf[23] = b'Z';
} else if self.1 == Micros {
buf[20] = b'0' + (nanos / 100_000_000) as u8;
buf[21] = b'0' + (nanos / 10_000_000 % 10) as u8;
buf[22] = b'0' + (nanos / 1_000_000 % 10) as u8;
buf[23] = b'0' + (nanos / 100_000 % 10) as u8;
buf[24] = b'0' + (nanos / 10_000 % 10) as u8;
buf[25] = b'0' + (nanos / 1_000 % 10) as u8;
buf[26] = b'Z';
} else {
buf[20] = b'0' + (nanos / 100_000_000) as u8;
buf[21] = b'0' + (nanos / 10_000_000 % 10) as u8;
buf[22] = b'0' + (nanos / 1_000_000 % 10) as u8;
buf[23] = b'0' + (nanos / 100_000 % 10) as u8;
buf[24] = b'0' + (nanos / 10_000 % 10) as u8;
buf[25] = b'0' + (nanos / 1_000 % 10) as u8;
buf[26] = b'0' + (nanos / 100 % 10) as u8;
buf[27] = b'0' + (nanos / 10 % 10) as u8;
buf[28] = b'0' + (nanos / 1 % 10) as u8;
// 29th is 'Z'
// we know our chars are all ascii
f.write_str(unsafe { str::from_utf8_unchecked(&buf[..offset+1]) })
mod test {
extern crate time;
extern crate rand;
use std::str::from_utf8;
use self::rand::Rng;
use std::time::{UNIX_EPOCH, SystemTime, Duration};
use super::{parse_rfc3339, parse_rfc3339_weak, format_rfc3339};
use super::{format_rfc3339_millis, format_rfc3339_micros};
use super::{format_rfc3339_nanos};
use super::max;
fn from_sec(sec: u64) -> (String, SystemTime) {
let s = time::at_utc(time::Timespec { sec: sec as i64, nsec: 0 })
let time = UNIX_EPOCH + Duration::new(sec, 0);
return (s, time)
#[cfg(all(target_pointer_width="32", target_os="linux"))]
fn year_after_2038_fails_gracefully() {
// next second
fn smoke_tests_parse() {
UNIX_EPOCH + Duration::new(0, 0));
UNIX_EPOCH + Duration::new(1, 0));
UNIX_EPOCH + Duration::new(1518563312, 0));
UNIX_EPOCH + Duration::new(1325376000, 0));
fn smoke_tests_format() {
format_rfc3339(UNIX_EPOCH + Duration::new(0, 0)).to_string(),
format_rfc3339(UNIX_EPOCH + Duration::new(1, 0)).to_string(),
format_rfc3339(UNIX_EPOCH + Duration::new(1518563312, 0)).to_string(),
format_rfc3339(UNIX_EPOCH + Duration::new(1325376000, 0)).to_string(),
fn smoke_tests_format_millis() {
format_rfc3339_millis(UNIX_EPOCH +
Duration::new(0, 0)).to_string(),
format_rfc3339_millis(UNIX_EPOCH +
Duration::new(1518563312, 123_000_000)).to_string(),
fn smoke_tests_format_micros() {
format_rfc3339_micros(UNIX_EPOCH +
Duration::new(0, 0)).to_string(),
format_rfc3339_micros(UNIX_EPOCH +
Duration::new(1518563312, 123_000_000)).to_string(),
format_rfc3339_micros(UNIX_EPOCH +
Duration::new(1518563312, 456_123_000)).to_string(),
fn smoke_tests_format_nanos() {
format_rfc3339_nanos(UNIX_EPOCH +
Duration::new(0, 0)).to_string(),
format_rfc3339_nanos(UNIX_EPOCH +
Duration::new(1518563312, 123_000_000)).to_string(),
format_rfc3339_nanos(UNIX_EPOCH +
Duration::new(1518563312, 789_456_123)).to_string(),
fn upper_bound() {
let max = UNIX_EPOCH + Duration::new(max::SECONDS, 0);
assert_eq!(parse_rfc3339(&max::TIMESTAMP).unwrap(), max);
assert_eq!(format_rfc3339(max).to_string(), max::TIMESTAMP);
fn leap_second() {
UNIX_EPOCH + Duration::new(1483228799, 0));
fn first_731_days() {
let year_start = 0; // 1970
for day in 0.. (365 * 2 + 1) { // scan leap year and non-leap year
let (s, time) = from_sec(year_start + day * 86400);
assert_eq!(parse_rfc3339(&s).unwrap(), time);
assert_eq!(format_rfc3339(time).to_string(), s);
fn the_731_consecutive_days() {
let year_start = 1325376000; // 2012
for day in 0.. (365 * 2 + 1) { // scan leap year and non-leap year
let (s, time) = from_sec(year_start + day * 86400);
assert_eq!(parse_rfc3339(&s).unwrap(), time);
assert_eq!(format_rfc3339(time).to_string(), s);
fn all_86400_seconds() {
let day_start = 1325376000;
for second in 0..86400 { // scan leap year and non-leap year
let (s, time) = from_sec(day_start + second);
assert_eq!(parse_rfc3339(&s).unwrap(), time);
assert_eq!(format_rfc3339(time).to_string(), s);
fn random_past() {
let upper = SystemTime::now().duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH).unwrap()
for _ in 0..10000 {
let sec = rand::thread_rng().gen_range(0, upper);
let (s, time) = from_sec(sec);
assert_eq!(parse_rfc3339(&s).unwrap(), time);
assert_eq!(format_rfc3339(time).to_string(), s);
fn random_wide_range() {
for _ in 0..100000 {
let sec = rand::thread_rng().gen_range(0, max::SECONDS);
let (s, time) = from_sec(sec);
assert_eq!(parse_rfc3339(&s).unwrap(), time);
assert_eq!(format_rfc3339(time).to_string(), s);
fn milliseconds() {
UNIX_EPOCH + Duration::new(0, 123000000));
assert_eq!(format_rfc3339(UNIX_EPOCH + Duration::new(0, 123000000))
.to_string(), "1970-01-01T00:00:00.123000000Z");
fn zero_month() {
fn big_month() {
fn zero_day() {
fn big_day() {
fn big_day2() {
fn big_second() {
fn big_minute() {
fn big_hour() {
fn break_data() {
for pos in 0.."2016-12-31T23:59:60Z".len() {
let mut s = b"2016-12-31T23:59:60Z".to_vec();
s[pos] = b'x';
fn weak_smoke_tests() {
assert_eq!(parse_rfc3339_weak("1970-01-01 00:00:00").unwrap(),
UNIX_EPOCH + Duration::new(0, 0));
parse_rfc3339("1970-01-01 00:00:00").unwrap_err();
assert_eq!(parse_rfc3339_weak("1970-01-01 00:00:00.000123").unwrap(),
UNIX_EPOCH + Duration::new(0, 123000));
parse_rfc3339("1970-01-01 00:00:00.000123").unwrap_err();
UNIX_EPOCH + Duration::new(0, 123000));
assert_eq!(parse_rfc3339_weak("1970-01-01 00:00:00.000123Z").unwrap(),
UNIX_EPOCH + Duration::new(0, 123000));
parse_rfc3339("1970-01-01 00:00:00.000123Z").unwrap_err();
assert_eq!(parse_rfc3339_weak("1970-01-01 00:00:00Z").unwrap(),
UNIX_EPOCH + Duration::new(0, 0));
parse_rfc3339("1970-01-01 00:00:00Z").unwrap_err();