blob: ac487770b679f27c55590414aef3a987e5395fac [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
use std::io::{self, BufRead};
use log::warn;
use crate::collapse::common::{self, Occurrences};
use crate::collapse::Collapse;
// The set of symbols to ignore for 'waiting' threads, for ease of use.
// This will hide waiting threads from the view, making it easier to
// see what is actually running in the sample.
static IGNORE_SYMBOLS: &[&str] = &[
// The call graph begins after this line.
static START_LINE: &str = "Call graph:";
// The section after the call graph begins with this.
// We know we're done when we get to this line.
static END_LINE: &str = "Total number in stack";
/// `sample` folder configuration options.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)]
pub struct Options {
/// Don't include modules with function names.
/// Default is `false`.
pub no_modules: bool,
/// A stack collapser for the output of `sample` on macOS.
/// To construct one, either use `sample::Folder::default()` or create an [`Options`] and use
/// `sample::Folder::from(options)`.
#[derive(Clone, Default)]
pub struct Folder {
/// Number of samples for the current stack frame.
current_samples: usize,
/// Function on the stack in this entry thus far.
stack: Vec<String>,
opt: Options,
impl Collapse for Folder {
fn collapse<R, W>(&mut self, mut reader: R, writer: W) -> io::Result<()>
R: io::BufRead,
W: io::Write,
// Consume the header...
let mut line = Vec::new();
loop {
if reader.read_until(0x0A, &mut line)? == 0 {
warn!("File ended before start of call graph");
return Ok(());
let l = String::from_utf8_lossy(&line);
if l.starts_with(START_LINE) {
// Process the data...
let mut occurrences = Occurrences::new(1);
loop {
if reader.read_until(0x0A, &mut line)? == 0 {
return invalid_data_error!("File ended before end of call graph");
let l = String::from_utf8_lossy(&line);
let line = l.trim_end();
if line.is_empty() {
} else if line.starts_with(" ") {
self.on_line(line, &mut occurrences)?;
} else if line.starts_with(END_LINE) {
self.write_stack(&mut occurrences);
} else {
return invalid_data_error!("Stack line doesn't start with 4 spaces:\n{}", line);
// Write the results...
// Reset the state...
self.current_samples = 0;
/// Check for start and end lines of a call graph.
fn is_applicable(&mut self, input: &str) -> Option<bool> {
let mut found_start = false;
let mut input = input.as_bytes();
let mut line = String::new();
loop {
if let Ok(n) = input.read_line(&mut line) {
if n == 0 {
} else {
return Some(false);
if line.starts_with(START_LINE) {
found_start = true;
} else if line.starts_with(END_LINE) {
return Some(found_start);
impl From<Options> for Folder {
fn from(opt: Options) -> Self {
Folder {
impl Folder {
fn line_parts<'a>(&self, line: &'a str) -> Option<(&'a str, &'a str, &'a str)> {
let mut line = line.trim_start().splitn(2, ' ');
let time =;
let line =;
let func = match line.find('(') {
Some(open) => &line[],
None => line,
let mut module = "";
if !self.opt.no_modules {
// Modules are shown with "(in libfoo.dylib)" or "(in AppKit)".
let mut line = line.rsplitn(2, "(in ");
if let Some(line) = {
if let Some(close) = line.find(')') {
module = &line[..close];
// Remove ".dylib", since it adds no value.
if module.ends_with(".dylib") {
module = &module[..module.len() - 6]
Some((time, func, module))
fn is_indent_char(c: char) -> bool {
c == ' ' || c == '+' || c == '|' || c == ':' || c == '!'
// Handle call graph lines of the form:
// 5130 Thread_8749954
// + 5130 start_wqthread (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) ...
// + 4282 _pthread_wqthread (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) ...
// + ! 4282 __doworkq_kernreturn (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) ...
// + 848 _pthread_wqthread (in libsystem_pthread.dylib) ...
// + 848 __doworkq_kernreturn (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) ...
fn on_line(&mut self, line: &str, occurrences: &mut Occurrences) -> io::Result<()> {
if let Some(indent_chars) = line[4..].find(|c| !Self::is_indent_char(c)) {
// Each indent is two characters
if indent_chars % 2 != 0 {
return invalid_data_error!(
"Odd number of indentation characters for line:\n{}",
let prev_depth = self.stack.len();
let depth = indent_chars / 2 + 1;
if depth <= prev_depth {
// Each sampled function will be a leaf node in the call tree.
// If the depth of this line is less than the previous one,
// it means the previous line was a leaf node and we should
// write out the stack and pop it back to one before the current depth.
for _ in 0..=prev_depth - depth {
} else if depth > prev_depth + 1 {
return invalid_data_error!("Skipped indentation level at line:\n{}", line);
if let Some((samples, func, module)) = self.line_parts(&line[4 + indent_chars..]) {
if let Ok(samples) = samples.parse::<usize>() {
// The sample counts of the direct children of a non-leaf entry will always
// add up to that node's sample count so we only need to keep track of the
// sample count at the top of the stack.
self.current_samples = samples;
// sample doesn't properly demangle Rust symbols, so fix those.
let func = common::fix_partially_demangled_rust_symbol(func);
if module.is_empty() {
} else {
self.stack.push(format!("{}`{}", module, func));
} else {
return invalid_data_error!("Invalid samples field: {}", samples);
} else {
return invalid_data_error!("Unable to parse stack line:\n{}", line);
} else {
return invalid_data_error!("Found stack line with only indent characters:\n{}", line);
fn write_stack(&self, occurrences: &mut Occurrences) {
if let Some(func) = self.stack.last() {
for symbol in IGNORE_SYMBOLS {
if func.ends_with(symbol) {
// Don't write out stacks with ignored symbols
occurrences.insert(self.stack.join(";"), self.current_samples);