| // Copyright © 2015, Peter Atashian |
| // Licensed under the MIT License <LICENSE.md> |
| //! FFI bindings to kernel32. |
| #![cfg(windows)] |
| extern crate winapi; |
| use winapi::*; |
| extern "system" { |
| pub fn AcquireSRWLockExclusive(SRWLock: PSRWLOCK); |
| pub fn AcquireSRWLockShared(SRWLock: PSRWLOCK); |
| pub fn ActivateActCtx(hActCtx: HANDLE, lpCookie: *mut ULONG_PTR) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn AddAtomA(lpString: LPCSTR) -> ATOM; |
| pub fn AddAtomW(lpString: LPCWSTR) -> ATOM; |
| pub fn AddConsoleAliasA(Source: LPSTR, Target: LPSTR, ExeName: LPSTR) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn AddConsoleAliasW(Source: LPWSTR, Target: LPWSTR, ExeName: LPWSTR) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn AddDllDirectory(NewDirectory: PCWSTR) -> DLL_DIRECTORY_COOKIE; |
| pub fn AddIntegrityLabelToBoundaryDescriptor( |
| BoundaryDescriptor: *mut HANDLE, IntegrityLabel: PSID, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| // pub fn AddLocalAlternateComputerNameA(); |
| // pub fn AddLocalAlternateComputerNameW(); |
| pub fn AddRefActCtx(hActCtx: HANDLE); |
| pub fn AddResourceAttributeAce( |
| pAcl: PACL, dwAceRevision: DWORD, AceFlags: DWORD, AccessMask: DWORD, pSid: PSID, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn AddSIDToBoundaryDescriptor(BoundaryDescriptor: *mut HANDLE, RequiredSid: PSID) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn AddScopedPolicyIDAce( |
| pAcl: PACL, dwAceRevision: DWORD, AceFlags: DWORD, AccessMask: DWORD, pSid: PSID, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn AddSecureMemoryCacheCallback(pfnCallBack: PSECURE_MEMORY_CACHE_CALLBACK) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn AddVectoredContinueHandler(First: ULONG, Handler: PVECTORED_EXCEPTION_HANDLER) -> PVOID; |
| pub fn AddVectoredExceptionHandler( |
| ) -> PVOID; |
| pub fn AllocConsole() -> BOOL; |
| pub fn AllocateUserPhysicalPages( |
| hProcess: HANDLE, NumberOfPages: PULONG_PTR, PageArray: PULONG_PTR, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn AllocateUserPhysicalPagesNuma( |
| hProcess: HANDLE, NumberOfPages: PULONG_PTR, PageArray: PULONG_PTR, nndPreferred: DWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| // pub fn AppXGetOSMaxVersionTested(); |
| pub fn ApplicationRecoveryFinished(bSuccess: BOOL); |
| pub fn ApplicationRecoveryInProgress(pbCancelled: PBOOL) -> HRESULT; |
| pub fn AreFileApisANSI() -> BOOL; |
| pub fn AssignProcessToJobObject(hJob: HANDLE, hProcess: HANDLE) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn AttachConsole(dwProcessId: DWORD) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn BackupRead( |
| hFile: HANDLE, lpBuffer: LPBYTE, nNumberOfBytesToRead: DWORD, lpNumberOfBytesRead: LPDWORD, |
| bAbort: BOOL, bProcessSecurity: BOOL, lpContext: *mut LPVOID, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn BackupSeek( |
| hFile: HANDLE, dwLowBytesToSeek: DWORD, dwHighBytesToSeek: DWORD, |
| lpdwLowByteSeeked: LPDWORD, lpdwHighByteSeeked: LPDWORD, lpContext: *mut LPVOID, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn BackupWrite( |
| hFile: HANDLE, lpBuffer: LPBYTE, nNumberOfBytesToWrite: DWORD, |
| lpNumberOfBytesWritten: LPDWORD, bAbort: BOOL, bProcessSecurity: BOOL, |
| lpContext: *mut LPVOID, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| // pub fn BaseSetLastNTError(); |
| pub fn Beep(dwFreq: DWORD, dwDuration: DWORD) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn BeginUpdateResourceA(pFileName: LPCSTR, bDeleteExistingResources: BOOL) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn BeginUpdateResourceW(pFileName: LPCWSTR, bDeleteExistingResources: BOOL) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn BindIoCompletionCallback( |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn BuildCommDCBA(lpDef: LPCSTR, lpDCB: LPDCB) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn BuildCommDCBAndTimeoutsA( |
| lpDef: LPCSTR, lpDCB: LPDCB, lpCommTimeouts: LPCOMMTIMEOUTS, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn BuildCommDCBAndTimeoutsW( |
| lpDef: LPCWSTR, lpDCB: LPDCB, lpCommTimeouts: LPCOMMTIMEOUTS, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn BuildCommDCBW(lpDef: LPCWSTR, lpDCB: LPDCB) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn CallNamedPipeA( |
| lpNamedPipeName: LPCSTR, lpInBuffer: LPVOID, nInBufferSize: DWORD, lpOutBuffer: LPVOID, |
| nOutBufferSize: DWORD, lpBytesRead: LPDWORD, nTimeOut: DWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn CallNamedPipeW( |
| lpNamedPipeName: LPCWSTR, lpInBuffer: LPVOID, nInBufferSize: DWORD, lpOutBuffer: LPVOID, |
| nOutBufferSize: DWORD, lpBytesRead: LPDWORD, nTimeOut: DWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn CallbackMayRunLong(pci: PTP_CALLBACK_INSTANCE) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn CalloutOnFiberStack( |
| lpFiber: PVOID, lpStartAddress: PFIBER_CALLOUT_ROUTINE, lpParameter: PVOID, |
| ) -> PVOID; |
| pub fn CancelDeviceWakeupRequest(hDevice: HANDLE) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn CancelIo(hFile: HANDLE) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn CancelIoEx(hFile: HANDLE, lpOverlapped: LPOVERLAPPED) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn CancelSynchronousIo(hThread: HANDLE) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn CancelThreadpoolIo(pio: PTP_IO); |
| pub fn CancelTimerQueueTimer(TimerQueue: HANDLE, Timer: HANDLE) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn CancelWaitableTimer(hTimer: HANDLE) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn CeipIsOptedIn() -> BOOL; |
| pub fn ChangeTimerQueueTimer( |
| TimerQueue: HANDLE, Timer: HANDLE, DueTime: ULONG, Period: ULONG, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| // pub fn CheckElevation(); |
| // pub fn CheckElevationEnabled(); |
| pub fn CheckNameLegalDOS8Dot3A( |
| lpName: LPCSTR, lpOemName: LPSTR, OemNameSize: DWORD, pbNameContainsSpaces: PBOOL, |
| pbNameLegal: PBOOL, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn CheckNameLegalDOS8Dot3W( |
| lpName: LPCWSTR, lpOemName: LPSTR, OemNameSize: DWORD, pbNameContainsSpaces: PBOOL, |
| pbNameLegal: PBOOL, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent(hProcess: HANDLE, pbDebuggerPresent: PBOOL) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn CheckTokenCapability( |
| TokenHandle: HANDLE, CapabilitySidToCheck: PSID, HasCapability: PBOOL, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn CheckTokenMembershipEx( |
| TokenHandle: HANDLE, SidToCheck: PSID, Flags: DWORD, IsMember: PBOOL, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn ClearCommBreak(hFile: HANDLE) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn ClearCommError(hFile: HANDLE, lpErrors: LPDWORD, lpStat: LPCOMSTAT) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn CloseHandle(hObject: HANDLE) -> BOOL; |
| // pub fn ClosePackageInfo(); |
| pub fn ClosePrivateNamespace(Handle: HANDLE, Flags: ULONG) -> BOOLEAN; |
| // pub fn CloseState(); |
| pub fn CloseThreadpool(ptpp: PTP_POOL); |
| pub fn CloseThreadpoolCleanupGroup(ptpcg: PTP_CLEANUP_GROUP); |
| pub fn CloseThreadpoolCleanupGroupMembers( |
| ptpcg: PTP_CLEANUP_GROUP, fCancelPendingCallbacks: BOOL, pvCleanupContext: PVOID, |
| ); |
| pub fn CloseThreadpoolIo(pio: PTP_IO); |
| pub fn CloseThreadpoolTimer(pti: PTP_TIMER); |
| pub fn CloseThreadpoolWait(pwa: PTP_WAIT); |
| pub fn CloseThreadpoolWork(pwk: PTP_WORK); |
| pub fn CommConfigDialogA(lpszName: LPCSTR, hWnd: HWND, lpCC: LPCOMMCONFIG) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn CommConfigDialogW(lpszName: LPCWSTR, hWnd: HWND, lpCC: LPCOMMCONFIG) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn CompareFileTime(lpFileTime1: *const FILETIME, lpFileTime2: *const FILETIME) -> LONG; |
| pub fn CompareStringA( |
| Locale: LCID, dwCmpFlags: DWORD, lpString1: PCNZCH, cchCount1: c_int, lpString2: PCNZCH, |
| cchCount2: c_int, |
| ) -> c_int; |
| pub fn CompareStringEx( |
| lpLocaleName: LPCWSTR, dwCmpFlags: DWORD, lpString1: LPCWCH, cchCount1: c_int, |
| lpString2: LPCWCH, cchCount2: c_int, lpVersionInformation: LPNLSVERSIONINFO, |
| lpReserved: LPVOID, lParam: LPARAM, |
| ) -> c_int; |
| pub fn CompareStringOrdinal( |
| lpString1: LPCWCH, cchCount1: c_int, lpString2: LPCWCH, cchCount2: c_int, bIgnoreCase: BOOL, |
| ) -> c_int; |
| pub fn CompareStringW( |
| Locale: LCID, dwCmpFlags: DWORD, lpString1: PCNZWCH, cchCount1: c_int, lpString2: PCNZWCH, |
| cchCount2: c_int, |
| ) -> c_int; |
| pub fn ConnectNamedPipe(hNamedPipe: HANDLE, lpOverlapped: LPOVERLAPPED) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn ContinueDebugEvent( |
| dwProcessId: DWORD, dwThreadId: DWORD, dwContinueStatus: DWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn ConvertDefaultLocale(Locale: LCID) -> LCID; |
| pub fn ConvertFiberToThread() -> BOOL; |
| pub fn ConvertThreadToFiber(lpParameter: LPVOID) -> LPVOID; |
| pub fn ConvertThreadToFiberEx(lpParameter: LPVOID, dwFlags: DWORD) -> LPVOID; |
| pub fn CopyContext(Destination: PCONTEXT, ContextFlags: DWORD, Source: PCONTEXT) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn CopyFile2( |
| pwszExistingFileName: PCWSTR, pwszNewFileName: PCWSTR, |
| pExtendedParameters: *mut COPYFILE2_EXTENDED_PARAMETERS, |
| ) -> HRESULT; |
| pub fn CopyFileA( |
| lpExistingFileName: LPCSTR, lpNewFileName: LPCSTR, bFailIfExists: BOOL |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn CopyFileExA( |
| lpExistingFileName: LPCSTR, lpNewFileName: LPCSTR, lpProgressRoutine: LPPROGRESS_ROUTINE, |
| lpData: LPVOID, pbCancel: LPBOOL, dwCopyFlags: DWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn CopyFileExW( |
| lpExistingFileName: LPCWSTR, lpNewFileName: LPCWSTR, lpProgressRoutine: LPPROGRESS_ROUTINE, |
| lpData: LPVOID, pbCancel: LPBOOL, dwCopyFlags: DWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn CopyFileTransactedA( |
| lpExistingFileName: LPCWSTR, lpNewFileName: LPCWSTR, lpProgressRoutine: LPPROGRESS_ROUTINE, |
| lpData: LPVOID, pbCancel: LPBOOL, dwCopyFlags: DWORD, hTransaction: HANDLE, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn CopyFileTransactedW( |
| lpExistingFileName: LPCWSTR, lpNewFileName: LPCWSTR, lpProgressRoutine: LPPROGRESS_ROUTINE, |
| lpData: LPVOID, pbCancel: LPBOOL, dwCopyFlags: DWORD, hTransaction: HANDLE, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn CopyFileW( |
| lpExistingFileName: LPCWSTR, lpNewFileName: LPCWSTR, bFailIfExists: BOOL |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn CreateActCtxA(pActCtx: PCACTCTXA) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn CreateActCtxW(pActCtx: PCACTCTXW) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn CreateBoundaryDescriptorA(Name: LPCSTR, Flags: ULONG) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn CreateBoundaryDescriptorW(Name: LPCWSTR, Flags: ULONG) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn CreateConsoleScreenBuffer( |
| dwDesiredAccess: DWORD, dwShareMode: DWORD, |
| lpSecurityAttributes: *const SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, dwFlags: DWORD, |
| lpScreenBufferData: LPVOID, |
| ) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn CreateDirectoryA( |
| lpPathName: LPCSTR, lpSecurityAttributes: LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn CreateDirectoryExA( |
| lpTemplateDirectory: LPCSTR, lpNewDirectory: LPCSTR, |
| lpSecurityAttributes: LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn CreateDirectoryExW( |
| lpTemplateDirectory: LPCWSTR, lpNewDirectory: LPCWSTR, |
| lpSecurityAttributes: LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn CreateDirectoryTransactedA( |
| lpTemplateDirectory: LPCSTR, lpNewDirectory: LPCSTR, |
| lpSecurityAttributes: LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, hTransaction: HANDLE, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn CreateDirectoryTransactedW( |
| lpTemplateDirectory: LPCWSTR, lpNewDirectory: LPCWSTR, |
| lpSecurityAttributes: LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, hTransaction: HANDLE, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn CreateDirectoryW( |
| lpPathName: LPCWSTR, lpSecurityAttributes: LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn CreateEventA( |
| lpEventAttributes: LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, bManualReset: BOOL, bInitialState: BOOL, |
| lpName: LPCSTR, |
| ) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn CreateEventW( |
| lpEventAttributes: LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, bManualReset: BOOL, bInitialState: BOOL, |
| lpName: LPCWSTR, |
| ) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn CreateEventExA( |
| lpEventAttributes: LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, lpName: LPCSTR, dwFlags: DWORD, |
| dwDesiredAccess: DWORD, |
| ) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn CreateEventExW( |
| lpEventAttributes: LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, lpName: LPCWSTR, dwFlags: DWORD, |
| dwDesiredAccess: DWORD, |
| ) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn CreateFiber( |
| dwStackSize: SIZE_T, lpStartAddress: LPFIBER_START_ROUTINE, lpParameter: LPVOID, |
| ) -> LPVOID; |
| pub fn CreateFiberEx( |
| dwStackCommitSize: SIZE_T, dwStackReserveSize: SIZE_T, dwFlags: DWORD, |
| lpStartAddress: LPFIBER_START_ROUTINE, lpParameter: LPVOID, |
| ) -> LPVOID; |
| pub fn CreateFile2( |
| lpFileName: LPCWSTR, dwDesiredAccess: DWORD, dwShareMode: DWORD, |
| dwCreationDisposition: DWORD, pCreateExParams: LPCREATEFILE2_EXTENDED_PARAMETERS, |
| ) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn CreateFileA( |
| lpFileName: LPCSTR, dwDesiredAccess: DWORD, dwShareMode: DWORD, |
| lpSecurityAttributes: LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, dwCreationDisposition: DWORD, |
| dwFlagsAndAttributes: DWORD, hTemplateFile: HANDLE, |
| ) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn CreateFileMappingA( |
| hFile: HANDLE, lpAttributes: LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, flProtect: DWORD, |
| dwMaximumSizeHigh: DWORD, dwMaximumSizeLow: DWORD, lpName: LPCSTR, |
| ) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn CreateFileMappingFromApp( |
| hFile: HANDLE, SecurityAttributes: PSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, PageProtection: ULONG, |
| MaximumSize: ULONG64, Name: PCWSTR, |
| ) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn CreateFileMappingNumaA( |
| hFile: HANDLE, lpFileMappingAttributes: LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, flProtect: DWORD, |
| dwMaximumSizeHigh: DWORD, dwMaximumSizeLow: DWORD, lpName: LPCSTR, nndPreferred: DWORD, |
| ) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn CreateFileMappingNumaW( |
| hFile: HANDLE, lpFileMappingAttributes: LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, flProtect: DWORD, |
| dwMaximumSizeHigh: DWORD, dwMaximumSizeLow: DWORD, lpName: LPCWSTR, nndPreferred: DWORD, |
| ) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn CreateFileMappingW( |
| hFile: HANDLE, lpAttributes: LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, flProtect: DWORD, |
| dwMaximumSizeHigh: DWORD, dwMaximumSizeLow: DWORD, lpName: LPCWSTR, |
| ) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn CreateFileTransactedA( |
| lpFileName: LPCSTR, dwDesiredAccess: DWORD, dwShareMode: DWORD, |
| lpSecurityAttributes: LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, dwCreationDisposition: DWORD, |
| dwFlagsAndAttributes: DWORD, hTemplateFile: HANDLE, hTransaction: HANDLE, |
| pusMiniVersion: PUSHORT, lpExtendedParameter: PVOID, |
| ) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn CreateFileTransactedW( |
| lpFileName: LPCWSTR, dwDesiredAccess: DWORD, dwShareMode: DWORD, |
| lpSecurityAttributes: LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, dwCreationDisposition: DWORD, |
| dwFlagsAndAttributes: DWORD, hTemplateFile: HANDLE, hTransaction: HANDLE, |
| pusMiniVersion: PUSHORT, lpExtendedParameter: PVOID, |
| ) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn CreateFileW( |
| lpFileName: LPCWSTR, dwDesiredAccess: DWORD, dwShareMode: DWORD, |
| lpSecurityAttributes: LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, dwCreationDisposition: DWORD, |
| dwFlagsAndAttributes: DWORD, hTemplateFile: HANDLE, |
| ) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn CreateHardLinkA( |
| lpFileName: LPCSTR, lpExistingFileName: LPCSTR, lpSecurityAttributes: LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn CreateHardLinkTransactedA( |
| lpFileName: LPCSTR, lpExistingFileName: LPCSTR, lpSecurityAttributes: LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, |
| hTransaction: HANDLE, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn CreateHardLinkTransactedW( |
| lpFileName: LPCWSTR, lpExistingFileName: LPCWSTR, |
| lpSecurityAttributes: LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, hTransaction: HANDLE, |
| ); |
| pub fn CreateHardLinkW( |
| lpFileName: LPCWSTR, lpExistingFileName: LPCWSTR, |
| lpSecurityAttributes: LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn CreateIoCompletionPort( |
| FileHandle: HANDLE, ExistingCompletionPort: HANDLE, CompletionKey: ULONG_PTR, |
| NumberOfConcurrentThreads: DWORD, |
| ) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn CreateJobObjectA(lpJobAttributes: LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, lpName: LPCSTR) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn CreateJobObjectW(lpJobAttributes: LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, lpName: LPCWSTR) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn CreateJobSet(NumJob: ULONG, UserJobSet: PJOB_SET_ARRAY, Flags: ULONG) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn CreateMailslotA( |
| lpName: LPCSTR, nMaxMessageSize: DWORD, lReadTimeout: DWORD, |
| lpSecurityAttributes: LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, |
| ) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn CreateMailslotW( |
| lpName: LPCWSTR, nMaxMessageSize: DWORD, lReadTimeout: DWORD, |
| lpSecurityAttributes: LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, |
| ) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn CreateMemoryResourceNotification( |
| ) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn CreateMutexA( |
| lpMutexAttributes: LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, bInitialOwner: BOOL, lpName: LPCSTR, |
| ) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn CreateMutexExA( |
| lpMutexAttributes: LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, lpName: LPCSTR, dwFlags: DWORD, |
| dwDesiredAccess: DWORD, |
| ) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn CreateMutexExW( |
| lpMutexAttributes: LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, lpName: LPCWSTR, dwFlags: DWORD, |
| dwDesiredAccess: DWORD, |
| ) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn CreateMutexW( |
| lpMutexAttributes: LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, bInitialOwner: BOOL, lpName: LPCWSTR, |
| ) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn CreateNamedPipeA( |
| lpName: LPCSTR, dwOpenMode: DWORD, dwPipeMode: DWORD, nMaxInstances: DWORD, |
| nOutBufferSize: DWORD, nInBufferSize: DWORD, nDefaultTimeOut: DWORD, |
| lpSecurityAttributes: LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, |
| ) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn CreateNamedPipeW( |
| lpName: LPCWSTR, dwOpenMode: DWORD, dwPipeMode: DWORD, nMaxInstances: DWORD, |
| nOutBufferSize: DWORD, nInBufferSize: DWORD, nDefaultTimeOut: DWORD, |
| lpSecurityAttributes: LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, |
| ) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn CreatePipe( |
| hReadPipe: PHANDLE, hWritePipe: PHANDLE, lpPipeAttributes: LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, |
| nSize: DWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn CreatePrivateNamespaceA( |
| lpPrivateNamespaceAttributes: LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, lpBoundaryDescriptor: LPVOID, |
| lpAliasPrefix: LPCSTR, |
| ) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn CreatePrivateNamespaceW( |
| lpPrivateNamespaceAttributes: LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, lpBoundaryDescriptor: LPVOID, |
| lpAliasPrefix: LPCWSTR, |
| ) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn CreateProcessA( |
| lpApplicationName: LPCSTR, lpCommandLine: LPSTR, lpProcessAttributes: LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, |
| lpThreadAttributes: LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, bInheritHandles: BOOL, dwCreationFlags: DWORD, |
| lpEnvironment: LPVOID, lpCurrentDirectory: LPCSTR, lpStartupInfo: LPSTARTUPINFOA, |
| lpProcessInformation: LPPROCESS_INFORMATION, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn CreateProcessW( |
| lpApplicationName: LPCWSTR, lpCommandLine: LPWSTR, |
| lpProcessAttributes: LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, lpThreadAttributes: LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, |
| bInheritHandles: BOOL, dwCreationFlags: DWORD, lpEnvironment: LPVOID, |
| lpCurrentDirectory: LPCWSTR, lpStartupInfo: LPSTARTUPINFOW, |
| lpProcessInformation: LPPROCESS_INFORMATION, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn CreateRemoteThread( |
| hProcess: HANDLE, lpThreadAttributes: LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, dwStackSize: SIZE_T, |
| lpStartAddress: LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE, lpParameter: LPVOID, dwCreationFlags: DWORD, |
| lpThreadId: LPDWORD, |
| ) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn CreateRemoteThreadEx( |
| hProcess: HANDLE, lpThreadAttributes: LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, dwStackSize: SIZE_T, |
| lpStartAddress: LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE, lpParameter: LPVOID, dwCreationFlags: DWORD, |
| ) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn CreateSemaphoreA( |
| lpSemaphoreAttributes: LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, lInitialCount: LONG, lMaximumCount: LONG, |
| lpName: LPCSTR, |
| ) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn CreateSemaphoreExA( |
| lpSemaphoreAttributes: LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, lInitialCount: LONG, lMaximumCount: LONG, |
| lpName: LPCSTR, dwFlags: DWORD, dwDesiredAccess: DWORD, |
| ) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn CreateSemaphoreExW( |
| lpSemaphoreAttributes: LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, lInitialCount: LONG, lMaximumCount: LONG, |
| lpName: LPCWSTR, dwFlags: DWORD, dwDesiredAccess: DWORD, |
| ) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn CreateSemaphoreW( |
| lpSemaphoreAttributes: LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, lInitialCount: LONG, lMaximumCount: LONG, |
| lpName: LPCWSTR, |
| ) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn CreateSymbolicLinkA( |
| lpSymlinkFileName: LPCSTR, lpTargetFileName: LPCSTR, dwFlags: DWORD, |
| ) -> BOOLEAN; |
| pub fn CreateSymbolicLinkTransactedA( |
| lpSymlinkFileName: LPCSTR, lpTargetFileName: LPCSTR, dwFlags: DWORD, hTransaction: HANDLE, |
| ) -> BOOLEAN; |
| pub fn CreateSymbolicLinkTransactedW( |
| lpSymlinkFileName: LPCWSTR, lpTargetFileName: LPCWSTR, dwFlags: DWORD, hTransaction: HANDLE, |
| ) -> BOOLEAN; |
| pub fn CreateSymbolicLinkW( |
| lpSymlinkFileName: LPCWSTR, lpTargetFileName: LPCWSTR, dwFlags: DWORD, |
| ) -> BOOLEAN; |
| pub fn CreateTapePartition( |
| hDevice: HANDLE, dwPartitionMethod: DWORD, dwCount: DWORD, dwSize: DWORD, |
| ) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn CreateThread( |
| lpThreadAttributes: LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, dwStackSize: SIZE_T, |
| lpStartAddress: LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE, lpParameter: LPVOID, dwCreationFlags: DWORD, |
| lpThreadId: LPDWORD, |
| ) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn CreateThreadpool(reserved: PVOID) -> PTP_POOL; |
| pub fn CreateThreadpoolCleanupGroup() -> PTP_CLEANUP_GROUP; |
| pub fn CreateThreadpoolIo( |
| ) -> PTP_IO; |
| pub fn CreateThreadpoolTimer( |
| ) -> PTP_TIMER; |
| pub fn CreateThreadpoolWait( |
| ) -> PTP_WAIT; |
| pub fn CreateThreadpoolWork( |
| ) -> PTP_WORK; |
| pub fn CreateTimerQueue() -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn CreateTimerQueueTimer( |
| phNewTimer: PHANDLE, TimerQueue: HANDLE, Callback: WAITORTIMERCALLBACK, Parameter: PVOID, |
| DueTime: DWORD, Period: DWORD, Flags: ULONG, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(dwFlags: DWORD, th32ProcessID: DWORD) -> HANDLE; |
| #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] |
| pub fn CreateUmsCompletionList(UmsCompletionList: *mut PUMS_COMPLETION_LIST) -> BOOL; |
| #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] |
| pub fn CreateUmsThreadContext(lpUmsThread: *mut PUMS_CONTEXT) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn CreateWaitableTimerA( |
| lpTimerAttributes: LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, bManualReset: BOOL, lpTimerName: LPCSTR, |
| ) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn CreateWaitableTimerExA( |
| lpTimerAttributes: LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, lpTimerName: LPCSTR, dwFlags: DWORD, |
| dwDesiredAccess: DWORD, |
| ) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn CreateWaitableTimerExW( |
| lpTimerAttributes: LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, lpTimerName: LPCWSTR, dwFlags: DWORD, |
| dwDesiredAccess: DWORD, |
| ) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn CreateWaitableTimerW( |
| lpTimerAttributes: LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, bManualReset: BOOL, lpTimerName: LPCWSTR, |
| ) -> HANDLE; |
| // pub fn CtrlRoutine(); |
| pub fn DeactivateActCtx(dwFlags: DWORD, ulCookie: ULONG_PTR) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn DebugActiveProcess(dwProcessId: DWORD) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn DebugActiveProcessStop(dwProcessId: DWORD) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn DebugBreak(); |
| pub fn DebugBreakProcess(Process: HANDLE) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn DebugSetProcessKillOnExit(KillOnExit: BOOL) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn DecodePointer(Ptr: PVOID) -> PVOID; |
| pub fn DecodeSystemPointer(Ptr: PVOID) -> PVOID; |
| pub fn DefineDosDeviceA(dwFlags: DWORD, lpDeviceName: LPCSTR, lpTargetPath: LPCSTR) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn DefineDosDeviceW(dwFlags: DWORD, lpDeviceName: LPCWSTR, lpTargetPath: LPCWSTR) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn DelayLoadFailureHook(pszDllName: LPCSTR, pszProcName: LPCSTR) -> FARPROC; |
| pub fn DeleteAtom(nAtom: ATOM) -> ATOM; |
| pub fn DeleteBoundaryDescriptor(BoundaryDescriptor: HANDLE); |
| pub fn DeleteCriticalSection(lpCriticalSection: LPCRITICAL_SECTION); |
| pub fn DeleteFiber(lpFiber: LPVOID); |
| pub fn DeleteFileA(lpFileName: LPCSTR) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn DeleteFileTransactedA(lpFileName: LPCSTR, hTransaction: HANDLE) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn DeleteFileTransactedW(lpFileName: LPCWSTR, hTransaction: HANDLE) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn DeleteFileW(lpFileName: LPCWSTR) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn DeleteProcThreadAttributeList(lpAttributeList: LPPROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_LIST); |
| pub fn DeleteSynchronizationBarrier(lpBarrier: LPSYNCHRONIZATION_BARRIER) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn DeleteTimerQueue(TimerQueue: HANDLE) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn DeleteTimerQueueEx(TimerQueue: HANDLE, CompletionEvent: HANDLE) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn DeleteTimerQueueTimer( |
| TimerQueue: HANDLE, Timer: HANDLE, CompletionEvent: HANDLE, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] |
| pub fn DeleteUmsCompletionList(UmsCompletionList: PUMS_COMPLETION_LIST) -> BOOL; |
| #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] |
| pub fn DeleteUmsThreadContext(UmsThread: PUMS_CONTEXT) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn DeleteVolumeMountPointA(lpszVolumeMountPoint: LPCSTR) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn DeleteVolumeMountPointW(lpszVolumeMountPoint: LPCWSTR) -> BOOL; |
| #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] |
| pub fn DequeueUmsCompletionListItems( |
| UmsCompletionList: PUMS_COMPLETION_LIST, WaitTimeOut: DWORD, |
| UmsThreadList: *mut PUMS_CONTEXT, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn DeviceIoControl( |
| hDevice: HANDLE, dwIoControlCode: DWORD, lpInBuffer: LPVOID, nInBufferSize: DWORD, |
| lpOutBuffer: LPVOID, nOutBufferSize: DWORD, lpBytesReturned: LPDWORD, |
| lpOverlapped: LPOVERLAPPED, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn DisableThreadLibraryCalls(hLibModule: HMODULE) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn DisableThreadProfiling(PerformanceDataHandle: HANDLE) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn DisassociateCurrentThreadFromCallback(pci: PTP_CALLBACK_INSTANCE); |
| pub fn DisconnectNamedPipe(hNamedPipe: HANDLE) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn DnsHostnameToComputerNameA( |
| Hostname: LPCSTR, ComputerName: LPCSTR, nSize: LPDWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn DnsHostnameToComputerNameExW( |
| Hostname: LPCWSTR, ComputerName: LPWSTR, nSize: LPDWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn DnsHostnameToComputerNameW( |
| Hostname: LPCWSTR, ComputerName: LPWSTR, nSize: LPDWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn DosDateTimeToFileTime(wFatDate: WORD, wFatTime: WORD, lpFileTime: LPFILETIME) -> BOOL; |
| // pub fn DosPathToSessionPathW(); |
| pub fn DuplicateHandle( |
| hSourceProcessHandle: HANDLE, hSourceHandle: HANDLE, hTargetProcessHandle: HANDLE, |
| lpTargetHandle: LPHANDLE, dwDesiredAccess: DWORD, bInheritHandle: BOOL, dwOptions: DWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn EnableThreadProfiling( |
| ThreadHandle: HANDLE, Flags: DWORD, HardwareCounters: DWORD64, |
| PerformanceDataHandle: *mut HANDLE, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn EncodePointer(Ptr: PVOID) -> PVOID; |
| pub fn EncodeSystemPointer(Ptr: PVOID) -> PVOID; |
| pub fn EndUpdateResourceA(hUpdate: HANDLE, fDiscard: BOOL) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn EndUpdateResourceW(hUpdate: HANDLE, fDiscard: BOOL) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn EnterCriticalSection(lpCriticalSection: LPCRITICAL_SECTION); |
| pub fn EnterSynchronizationBarrier( |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] |
| pub fn EnterUmsSchedulingMode(SchedulerStartupInfo: PUMS_SCHEDULER_STARTUP_INFO) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn EnumCalendarInfoA( |
| lpCalInfoEnumProc: CALINFO_ENUMPROCA, Locale: LCID, Calendar: CALID, CalType: CALTYPE, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn EnumCalendarInfoExA( |
| lpCalInfoEnumProcEx: CALINFO_ENUMPROCEXA, Locale: LCID, Calendar: CALID, CalType: CALTYPE, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn EnumCalendarInfoExEx( |
| pCalInfoEnumProcExEx: CALINFO_ENUMPROCEXEX, lpLocaleName: LPCWSTR, Calendar: CALID, |
| lpReserved: LPCWSTR, CalType: CALTYPE, lParam: LPARAM, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn EnumCalendarInfoExW( |
| lpCalInfoEnumProcEx: CALINFO_ENUMPROCEXW, Locale: LCID, Calendar: CALID, CalType: CALTYPE, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn EnumCalendarInfoW( |
| lpCalInfoEnumProc: CALINFO_ENUMPROCW, Locale: LCID, Calendar: CALID, CalType: CALTYPE, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn EnumDateFormatsA( |
| lpDateFmtEnumProc: DATEFMT_ENUMPROCA, Locale: LCID, dwFlags: DWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn EnumDateFormatsExA( |
| lpDateFmtEnumProcEx: DATEFMT_ENUMPROCEXA, Locale: LCID, dwFlags: DWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn EnumDateFormatsExEx( |
| lpDateFmtEnumProcExEx: DATEFMT_ENUMPROCEXEX, lpLocaleName: LPCWSTR, dwFlags: DWORD, |
| lParam: LPARAM, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn EnumDateFormatsExW( |
| lpDateFmtEnumProcEx: DATEFMT_ENUMPROCEXW, Locale: LCID, dwFlags: DWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn EnumDateFormatsW( |
| lpDateFmtEnumProc: DATEFMT_ENUMPROCW, Locale: LCID, dwFlags: DWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn EnumLanguageGroupLocalesA( |
| lpLangGroupLocaleEnumProc: LANGGROUPLOCALE_ENUMPROCA, LanguageGroup: LGRPID, dwFlags: DWORD, |
| lParam: LONG_PTR, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn EnumLanguageGroupLocalesW( |
| lpLangGroupLocaleEnumProc: LANGGROUPLOCALE_ENUMPROCW, LanguageGroup: LGRPID, dwFlags: DWORD, |
| lParam: LONG_PTR, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn EnumResourceLanguagesA( |
| hModule: HMODULE, lpType: LPCSTR, lpName: LPCSTR, lpEnumFunc: ENUMRESLANGPROCA, |
| lParam: LONG_PTR, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn EnumResourceLanguagesExA( |
| hModule: HMODULE, lpType: LPCSTR, lpName: LPCSTR, lpEnumFunc: ENUMRESLANGPROCA, |
| lParam: LONG_PTR, dwFlags: DWORD, LangId: LANGID, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn EnumResourceLanguagesExW( |
| hModule: HMODULE, lpType: LPCWSTR, lpName: LPCWSTR, lpEnumFunc: ENUMRESLANGPROCW, |
| lParam: LONG_PTR, dwFlags: DWORD, LangId: LANGID, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn EnumResourceLanguagesW( |
| hModule: HMODULE, lpType: LPCWSTR, lpName: LPCWSTR, lpEnumFunc: ENUMRESLANGPROCW, |
| lParam: LONG_PTR, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn EnumResourceNamesA( |
| hModule: HMODULE, lpType: LPCSTR, lpEnumFunc: ENUMRESNAMEPROCA, lParam: LONG_PTR, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn EnumResourceNamesExA( |
| hModule: HMODULE, lpType: LPCSTR, lpEnumFunc: ENUMRESNAMEPROCA, lParam: LONG_PTR, |
| dwFlags: DWORD, LangId: LANGID, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn EnumResourceNamesExW( |
| hModule: HMODULE, lpType: LPCWSTR, lpEnumFunc: ENUMRESNAMEPROCW, lParam: LONG_PTR, |
| dwFlags: DWORD, LangId: LANGID, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn EnumResourceNamesW( |
| hModule: HMODULE, lpType: LPCWSTR, lpEnumFunc: ENUMRESNAMEPROCW, lParam: LONG_PTR, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn EnumResourceTypesA( |
| hModule: HMODULE, lpEnumFunc: ENUMRESTYPEPROCA, lParam: LONG_PTR, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn EnumResourceTypesExA( |
| hModule: HMODULE, lpEnumFunc: ENUMRESTYPEPROCA, lParam: LONG_PTR, dwFlags: DWORD, |
| LangId: LANGID, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn EnumResourceTypesExW( |
| hModule: HMODULE, lpEnumFunc: ENUMRESTYPEPROCW, lParam: LONG_PTR, dwFlags: DWORD, |
| LangId: LANGID, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn EnumResourceTypesW( |
| hModule: HMODULE, lpEnumFunc: ENUMRESTYPEPROCW, lParam: LONG_PTR, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn EnumSystemCodePagesA(lpCodePageEnumProc: CODEPAGE_ENUMPROCA, dwFlags: DWORD) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn EnumSystemCodePagesW(lpCodePageEnumProc: CODEPAGE_ENUMPROCW, dwFlags: DWORD) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn EnumSystemFirmwareTables( |
| FirmwareTableProviderSignature: DWORD, pFirmwareTableEnumBuffer: PVOID, BufferSize: DWORD, |
| ) -> UINT; |
| pub fn EnumSystemGeoID( |
| GeoClass: GEOCLASS, ParentGeoId: GEOID, lpGeoEnumProc: GEO_ENUMPROC, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn EnumSystemLanguageGroupsA( |
| lpLanguageGroupEnumProc: LANGUAGEGROUP_ENUMPROCA, dwFlags: DWORD, lParam: LONG_PTR, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn EnumSystemLanguageGroupsW( |
| lpLanguageGroupEnumProc: LANGUAGEGROUP_ENUMPROCW, dwFlags: DWORD, lParam: LONG_PTR, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn EnumSystemLocalesA(lpLocaleEnumProc: LOCALE_ENUMPROCA, dwFlags: DWORD) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn EnumSystemLocalesEx( |
| lpLocaleEnumProcEx: LOCALE_ENUMPROCEX, dwFlags: DWORD, lParam: LPARAM, lpReserved: LPVOID, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn EnumSystemLocalesW(lpLocaleEnumProc: LOCALE_ENUMPROCW, dwFlags: DWORD) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn EnumTimeFormatsA( |
| lpTimeFmtEnumProc: TIMEFMT_ENUMPROCA, Locale: LCID, dwFlags: DWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn EnumTimeFormatsEx( |
| lpTimeFmtEnumProcEx: TIMEFMT_ENUMPROCEX, lpLocaleName: LPCWSTR, dwFlags: DWORD, |
| lParam: LPARAM, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn EnumTimeFormatsW( |
| lpTimeFmtEnumProc: TIMEFMT_ENUMPROCW, Locale: LCID, dwFlags: DWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn EnumUILanguagesA( |
| lpUILanguageEnumProc: UILANGUAGE_ENUMPROCA, dwFlags: DWORD, lParam: LONG_PTR, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn EnumUILanguagesW( |
| lpUILanguageEnumProc: UILANGUAGE_ENUMPROCW, dwFlags: DWORD, lParam: LONG_PTR, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| // pub fn EnumerateLocalComputerNamesA(); |
| // pub fn EnumerateLocalComputerNamesW(); |
| pub fn EraseTape(hDevice: HANDLE, dwEraseType: DWORD, bImmediate: BOOL) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn EscapeCommFunction(hFile: HANDLE, dwFunc: DWORD) -> BOOL; |
| #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] |
| pub fn ExecuteUmsThread(UmsThread: PUMS_CONTEXT) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn ExitProcess(uExitCode: UINT); |
| pub fn ExitThread(dwExitCode: DWORD); |
| pub fn ExpandEnvironmentStringsA(lpSrc: LPCSTR, lpDst: LPSTR, nSize: DWORD) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn ExpandEnvironmentStringsW(lpSrc: LPCWSTR, lpDst: LPWSTR, nSize: DWORD) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn FatalAppExitA(uAction: UINT, lpMessageText: LPCSTR); |
| pub fn FatalAppExitW(uAction: UINT, lpMessageText: LPCWSTR); |
| pub fn FatalExit(ExitCode: c_int); |
| pub fn FileTimeToDosDateTime( |
| lpFileTime: *const FILETIME, lpFatDate: LPWORD, lpFatTime: LPWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn FileTimeToLocalFileTime( |
| lpFileTime: *const FILETIME, lpLocalFileTime: LPFILETIME, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn FileTimeToSystemTime( |
| lpFileTime: *const FILETIME, lpSystemTime: LPSYSTEMTIME, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn FillConsoleOutputAttribute( |
| hConsoleOutput: HANDLE, wAttribute: WORD, nLength: DWORD, dwWriteCoord: COORD, |
| lpNumberOfAttrsWritten: LPDWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn FillConsoleOutputCharacterA( |
| hConsoleOutput: HANDLE, cCharacter: CHAR, nLength: DWORD, dwWriteCoord: COORD, |
| lpNumberOfCharsWritten: LPDWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn FillConsoleOutputCharacterW( |
| hConsoleOutput: HANDLE, cCharacter: WCHAR, nLength: DWORD, dwWriteCoord: COORD, |
| lpNumberOfCharsWritten: LPDWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn FindActCtxSectionGuid( |
| dwFlags: DWORD, lpExtensionGuid: *const GUID, ulSectionId: ULONG, lpGuidToFind: *const GUID, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn FindActCtxSectionStringA( |
| dwFlags: DWORD, lpExtensionGuid: *const GUID, ulSectionId: ULONG, lpStringToFind: LPCSTR, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn FindActCtxSectionStringW( |
| dwFlags: DWORD, lpExtensionGuid: *const GUID, ulSectionId: ULONG, lpStringToFind: LPCWSTR, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn FindAtomA(lpString: LPCSTR) -> ATOM; |
| pub fn FindAtomW(lpString: LPCWSTR) -> ATOM; |
| pub fn FindClose(hFindFile: HANDLE) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn FindCloseChangeNotification(hChangeHandle: HANDLE) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn FindFirstChangeNotificationA( |
| lpPathName: LPCSTR, bWatchSubtree: BOOL, dwNotifyFilter: DWORD, |
| ) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn FindFirstChangeNotificationW( |
| lpPathName: LPCWSTR, bWatchSubtree: BOOL, dwNotifyFilter: DWORD, |
| ) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn FindFirstFileA(lpFileName: LPCSTR, lpFindFileData: LPWIN32_FIND_DATAA) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn FindFirstFileExA( |
| lpFileName: LPCSTR, fInfoLevelId: FINDEX_INFO_LEVELS, lpFindFileData: LPVOID, |
| fSearchOp: FINDEX_SEARCH_OPS, lpSearchFilter: LPVOID, dwAdditionalFlags: DWORD, |
| ) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn FindFirstFileExW( |
| lpFileName: LPCWSTR, fInfoLevelId: FINDEX_INFO_LEVELS, lpFindFileData: LPVOID, |
| fSearchOp: FINDEX_SEARCH_OPS, lpSearchFilter: LPVOID, dwAdditionalFlags: DWORD, |
| ) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn FindFirstFileNameTransactedW( |
| lpFileName: LPCWSTR, dwFlags: DWORD, StringLength: LPDWORD, LinkName: PWSTR, |
| hTransaction: HANDLE, |
| ) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn FindFirstFileNameW( |
| lpFileName: LPCWSTR, dwFlags: DWORD, StringLength: LPDWORD, LinkName: PWSTR, |
| ) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn FindFirstFileTransactedA( |
| lpFileName: LPCSTR, fInfoLevelId: FINDEX_INFO_LEVELS, lpFindFileData: LPVOID, |
| fSearchOp: FINDEX_SEARCH_OPS, lpSearchFilter: LPVOID, dwAdditionalFlags: DWORD, |
| hTransaction: HANDLE, |
| ) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn FindFirstFileTransactedW( |
| lpFileName: LPCWSTR, fInfoLevelId: FINDEX_INFO_LEVELS, lpFindFileData: LPVOID, |
| fSearchOp: FINDEX_SEARCH_OPS, lpSearchFilter: LPVOID, dwAdditionalFlags: DWORD, |
| hTransaction: HANDLE, |
| ) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn FindFirstFileW(lpFileName: LPCWSTR, lpFindFileData: LPWIN32_FIND_DATAW) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn FindFirstStreamTransactedW( |
| lpFileName: LPCWSTR, InfoLevel: STREAM_INFO_LEVELS, lpFindStreamData: LPVOID, |
| dwFlags: DWORD, hTransaction: HANDLE, |
| ) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn FindFirstStreamW( |
| lpFileName: LPCWSTR, InfoLevel: STREAM_INFO_LEVELS, lpFindStreamData: LPVOID, |
| dwFlags: DWORD, |
| ) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn FindFirstVolumeA(lpszVolumeName: LPSTR, cchBufferLength: DWORD) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn FindFirstVolumeMountPointA( |
| lpszRootPathName: LPCSTR, lpszVolumeMountPoint: LPSTR, cchBufferLength: DWORD, |
| ) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn FindFirstVolumeMountPointW( |
| lpszRootPathName: LPCWSTR, lpszVolumeMountPoint: LPWSTR, cchBufferLength: DWORD, |
| ) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn FindFirstVolumeW(lpszVolumeName: LPWSTR, cchBufferLength: DWORD) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn FindNLSString( |
| Locale: LCID, dwFindNLSStringFlags: DWORD, lpStringSource: LPCWSTR, cchSource: c_int, |
| lpStringValue: LPCWSTR, cchValue: c_int, pcchFound: LPINT, |
| ) -> c_int; |
| pub fn FindNLSStringEx( |
| lpLocaleName: LPCWSTR, dwFindNLSStringFlags: DWORD, lpStringSource: LPCWSTR, |
| cchSource: c_int, lpStringValue: LPCWSTR, cchValue: c_int, pcchFound: LPINT, |
| lpVersionInformation: LPNLSVERSIONINFO, lpReserved: LPVOID, sortHandle: LPARAM, |
| ) -> c_int; |
| pub fn FindNextChangeNotification(hChangeHandle: HANDLE) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn FindNextFileA(hFindFile: HANDLE, lpFindFileData: LPWIN32_FIND_DATAA) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn FindNextFileNameW(hFindStream: HANDLE, StringLength: LPDWORD, LinkName: PWSTR) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn FindNextFileW(hFindFile: HANDLE, lpFindFileData: LPWIN32_FIND_DATAW) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn FindNextStreamW(hFindStream: HANDLE, lpFindStreamData: LPVOID) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn FindNextVolumeA( |
| hFindVolume: HANDLE, lpszVolumeName: LPSTR, cchBufferLength: DWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn FindNextVolumeMountPointA( |
| hFindVolumeMountPoint: HANDLE, lpszVolumeMountPoint: LPSTR, cchBufferLength: DWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn FindNextVolumeMountPointW( |
| hFindVolumeMountPoint: HANDLE, lpszVolumeMountPoint: LPWSTR, cchBufferLength: DWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn FindNextVolumeW( |
| hFindVolume: HANDLE, lpszVolumeName: LPWSTR, cchBufferLength: DWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| // pub fn FindPackagesByPackageFamily(); |
| pub fn FindResourceA(hModule: HMODULE, lpName: LPCSTR, lpType: LPCSTR) -> HRSRC; |
| pub fn FindResourceExA( |
| hModule: HMODULE, lpName: LPCSTR, lpType: LPCSTR, wLanguage: WORD, |
| ) -> HRSRC; |
| pub fn FindResourceExW( |
| hModule: HMODULE, lpName: LPCWSTR, lpType: LPCWSTR, wLanguage: WORD, |
| ) -> HRSRC; |
| pub fn FindResourceW(hModule: HMODULE, lpName: LPCWSTR, lpType: LPCWSTR) -> HRSRC; |
| pub fn FindStringOrdinal( |
| dwFindStringOrdinalFlags: DWORD, lpStringSource: LPCWSTR, cchSource: c_int, |
| lpStringValue: LPCWSTR, cchValue: c_int, bIgnoreCase: BOOL, |
| ) -> c_int; |
| pub fn FindVolumeClose(hFindVolume: HANDLE) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn FindVolumeMountPointClose(hFindVolumeMountPoint: HANDLE) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn FlsAlloc(lpCallback: PFLS_CALLBACK_FUNCTION) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn FlsFree(dwFlsIndex: DWORD) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn FlsGetValue(dwFlsIndex: DWORD) -> PVOID; |
| pub fn FlsSetValue(dwFlsIndex: DWORD, lpFlsData: PVOID) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn FlushConsoleInputBuffer(hConsoleInput: HANDLE) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn FlushFileBuffers(hFile: HANDLE) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn FlushInstructionCache(hProcess: HANDLE, lpBaseAddress: LPCVOID, dwSize: SIZE_T) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn FlushProcessWriteBuffers(); |
| pub fn FlushViewOfFile(lpBaseAddress: LPCVOID, dwNumberOfBytesToFlush: SIZE_T) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn FoldStringA( |
| dwMapFlags: DWORD, lpSrcStr: LPCSTR, cchSrc: c_int, lpDestStr: LPSTR, cchDest: c_int, |
| ) -> c_int; |
| pub fn FoldStringW( |
| dwMapFlags: DWORD, lpSrcStr: LPCWCH, cchSrc: c_int, lpDestStr: LPWSTR, cchDest: c_int, |
| ) -> c_int; |
| // pub fn FormatApplicationUserModelId(); |
| pub fn FormatMessageA( |
| dwFlags: DWORD, lpSource: LPCVOID, dwMessageId: DWORD, dwLanguageId: DWORD, |
| lpBuffer: LPSTR, nSize: DWORD, Arguments: *mut va_list, |
| ) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn FormatMessageW( |
| dwFlags: DWORD, lpSource: LPCVOID, dwMessageId: DWORD, dwLanguageId: DWORD, |
| lpBuffer: LPWSTR, nSize: DWORD, Arguments: *mut va_list, |
| ) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn FreeConsole() -> BOOL; |
| pub fn FreeEnvironmentStringsA(penv: LPCH) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn FreeEnvironmentStringsW(penv: LPWCH) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn FreeLibrary(hLibModule: HMODULE) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn FreeLibraryAndExitThread(hLibModule: HMODULE, dwExitCode: DWORD); |
| pub fn FreeLibraryWhenCallbackReturns(pci: PTP_CALLBACK_INSTANCE, module: HMODULE); |
| pub fn FreeResource(hResData: HGLOBAL) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn FreeUserPhysicalPages( |
| hProcess: HANDLE, NumberOfPages: PULONG_PTR, PageArray: PULONG_PTR, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent(dwCtrlEvent: DWORD, dwProcessGroupId: DWORD) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetACP() -> UINT; |
| pub fn GetActiveProcessorCount(GroupNumber: WORD) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn GetActiveProcessorGroupCount() -> WORD; |
| pub fn GetAppContainerAce( |
| Acl: PACL, StartingAceIndex: DWORD, AppContainerAce: *mut PVOID, |
| AppContainerAceIndex: *mut DWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetAppContainerNamedObjectPath( |
| Token: HANDLE, AppContainerSid: PSID, ObjectPathLength: ULONG, ObjectPath: LPWSTR, |
| ReturnLength: PULONG, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetApplicationRecoveryCallback( |
| hProcess: HANDLE, pRecoveryCallback: *mut APPLICATION_RECOVERY_CALLBACK, |
| ppvParameter: *mut PVOID, pdwPingInterval: PDWORD, pdwFlags: PDWORD, |
| ) -> HRESULT; |
| pub fn GetApplicationRestartSettings( |
| hProcess: HANDLE, pwzCommandline: PWSTR, pcchSize: PDWORD, pdwFlags: PDWORD, |
| ) -> HRESULT; |
| // pub fn GetApplicationUserModelId(); |
| pub fn GetAtomNameA(nAtom: ATOM, lpBuffer: LPSTR, nSize: c_int) -> UINT; |
| pub fn GetAtomNameW(nAtom: ATOM, lpBuffer: LPWSTR, nSize: c_int) -> UINT; |
| pub fn GetBinaryTypeA(lpApplicationName: LPCSTR, lpBinaryType: LPDWORD) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetBinaryTypeW(lpApplicationName: LPCWSTR, lpBinaryType: LPDWORD) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetCPInfo(CodePage: UINT, lpCPInfo: LPCPINFO) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetCPInfoExA(CodePage: UINT, dwFlags: DWORD, lpCPInfoEx: LPCPINFOEXA) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetCPInfoExW(CodePage: UINT, dwFlags: DWORD, lpCPInfoEx: LPCPINFOEXW) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetCachedSigningLevel( |
| File: HANDLE, Flags: PULONG, SigningLevel: PULONG, Thumbprint: PUCHAR, |
| ThumbprintSize: PULONG, ThumbprintAlgorithm: PULONG, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetCalendarInfoA( |
| Locale: LCID, Calendar: CALID, CalType: CALTYPE, lpCalData: LPSTR, cchData: c_int, |
| lpValue: LPDWORD, |
| ) -> c_int; |
| pub fn GetCalendarInfoEx( |
| lpLocaleName: LPCWSTR, Calendar: CALID, lpReserved: LPCWSTR, CalType: CALTYPE, |
| lpCalData: LPWSTR, cchData: c_int, lpValue: LPDWORD, |
| ) -> c_int; |
| pub fn GetCalendarInfoW( |
| Locale: LCID, Calendar: CALID, CalType: CALTYPE, lpCalData: LPWSTR, cchData: c_int, |
| lpValue: LPDWORD, |
| ) -> c_int; |
| pub fn GetCommConfig(hCommDev: HANDLE, lpCC: LPCOMMCONFIG, lpdwSize: LPDWORD) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetCommMask(hFile: HANDLE, lpEvtMask: LPDWORD) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetCommModemStatus(hFile: HANDLE, lpModemStat: LPDWORD) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetCommProperties(hFile: HANDLE, lpCommProp: LPCOMMPROP) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetCommState(hFile: HANDLE, lpDCB: LPDCB) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetCommTimeouts(hFile: HANDLE, lpCommTimeouts: LPCOMMTIMEOUTS) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetCommandLineA() -> LPSTR; |
| pub fn GetCommandLineW() -> LPWSTR; |
| pub fn GetCompressedFileSizeA(lpFileName: LPCSTR, lpFileSizeHigh: LPDWORD) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn GetCompressedFileSizeTransactedA( |
| lpFileName: LPCSTR, lpFileSizeHigh: LPDWORD, hTransaction: HANDLE, |
| ) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn GetCompressedFileSizeTransactedW( |
| lpFileName: LPCWSTR, lpFileSizeHigh: LPDWORD, hTransaction: HANDLE, |
| ); |
| pub fn GetCompressedFileSizeW(lpFileName: LPCWSTR, lpFileSizeHigh: LPDWORD) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn GetComputerNameA(lpBuffer: LPSTR, nSize: LPDWORD) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetComputerNameExA( |
| NameType: COMPUTER_NAME_FORMAT, lpBuffer: LPSTR, nSize: LPDWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetComputerNameExW( |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetComputerNameW(lpBuffer: LPWSTR, nSize: LPDWORD) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetConsoleAliasA( |
| Source: LPSTR, TargetBuffer: LPSTR, TargetBufferLength: DWORD, ExeName: LPSTR, |
| ) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn GetConsoleAliasExesA(ExeNameBuffer: LPSTR, ExeNameBufferLength: DWORD) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn GetConsoleAliasExesLengthA() -> DWORD; |
| pub fn GetConsoleAliasExesLengthW() -> DWORD; |
| pub fn GetConsoleAliasExesW(ExeNameBuffer: LPWSTR, ExeNameBufferLength: DWORD) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn GetConsoleAliasW( |
| Source: LPWSTR, TargetBuffer: LPWSTR, TargetBufferLength: DWORD, ExeName: LPWSTR, |
| ) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn GetConsoleAliasesA( |
| AliasBuffer: LPSTR, AliasBufferLength: DWORD, ExeName: LPSTR, |
| ) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn GetConsoleAliasesLengthA(ExeName: LPSTR) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn GetConsoleAliasesLengthW(ExeName: LPWSTR) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn GetConsoleAliasesW( |
| AliasBuffer: LPWSTR, AliasBufferLength: DWORD, ExeName: LPWSTR, |
| ) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn GetConsoleCP() -> UINT; |
| pub fn GetConsoleCursorInfo( |
| hConsoleOutput: HANDLE, lpConsoleCursorInfo: PCONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetConsoleDisplayMode(lpModeFlags: LPDWORD) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetConsoleFontSize(hConsoleOutput: HANDLE, nFont: DWORD) -> COORD; |
| pub fn GetConsoleHistoryInfo(lpConsoleHistoryInfo: PCONSOLE_HISTORY_INFO) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetConsoleMode(hConsoleHandle: HANDLE, lpMode: LPDWORD) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetConsoleOriginalTitleA(lpConsoleTitle: LPSTR, nSize: DWORD) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn GetConsoleOriginalTitleW(lpConsoleTitle: LPWSTR, nSize: DWORD) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn GetConsoleOutputCP() -> UINT; |
| pub fn GetConsoleProcessList(lpdwProcessList: LPDWORD, dwProcessCount: DWORD) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo( |
| hConsoleOutput: HANDLE, lpConsoleScreenBufferInfo: PCONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx( |
| hConsoleOutput: HANDLE, lpConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx: PCONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFOEX, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetConsoleSelectionInfo(lpConsoleSelectionInfo: PCONSOLE_SELECTION_INFO) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetConsoleTitleA(lpConsoleTitle: LPSTR, nSize: DWORD) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn GetConsoleTitleW(lpConsoleTitle: LPWSTR, nSize: DWORD) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn GetConsoleWindow() -> HWND; |
| pub fn GetCurrencyFormatA( |
| Locale: LCID, dwFlags: DWORD, lpValue: LPCSTR, lpFormat: *const CURRENCYFMTA, |
| lpCurrencyStr: LPSTR, cchCurrency: c_int, |
| ) -> c_int; |
| pub fn GetCurrencyFormatEx( |
| lpLocaleName: LPCWSTR, dwFlags: DWORD, lpValue: LPCWSTR, lpFormat: *const CURRENCYFMTW, |
| lpCurrencyStr: LPWSTR, cchCurrency: c_int, |
| ) -> c_int; |
| pub fn GetCurrencyFormatW( |
| Locale: LCID, dwFlags: DWORD, lpValue: LPCWSTR, lpFormat: *const CURRENCYFMTW, |
| lpCurrencyStr: LPWSTR, cchCurrency: c_int, |
| ) -> c_int; |
| pub fn GetCurrentActCtx(lphActCtx: *mut HANDLE) -> BOOL; |
| // pub fn GetCurrentApplicationUserModelId(); |
| pub fn GetCurrentConsoleFont( |
| hConsoleOutput: HANDLE, bMaximumWindow: BOOL, lpConsoleCurrentFont: PCONSOLE_FONT_INFO, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetCurrentConsoleFontEx( |
| hConsoleOutput: HANDLE, bMaximumWindow: BOOL, lpConsoleCurrentFontEx: PCONSOLE_FONT_INFOEX, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetCurrentDirectoryA(nBufferLength: DWORD, lpBuffer: LPSTR) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn GetCurrentDirectoryW(nBufferLength: DWORD, lpBuffer: LPWSTR) -> DWORD; |
| // pub fn GetCurrentPackageFamilyName(); |
| // pub fn GetCurrentPackageFullName(); |
| // pub fn GetCurrentPackageId(); |
| // pub fn GetCurrentPackageInfo(); |
| // pub fn GetCurrentPackagePath(); |
| pub fn GetCurrentProcess() -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn GetCurrentProcessId() -> DWORD; |
| pub fn GetCurrentProcessorNumber() -> DWORD; |
| pub fn GetCurrentProcessorNumberEx(ProcNumber: PPROCESSOR_NUMBER); |
| pub fn GetCurrentThread() -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn GetCurrentThreadId() -> DWORD; |
| pub fn GetCurrentThreadStackLimits(LowLimit: PULONG_PTR, HighLimit: PULONG_PTR); |
| #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] |
| pub fn GetCurrentUmsThread() -> PUMS_CONTEXT; |
| pub fn GetDateFormatA( |
| Locale: LCID, dwFlags: DWORD, lpDate: *const SYSTEMTIME, lpFormat: LPCSTR, lpDateStr: LPSTR, |
| cchDate: c_int, |
| ) -> c_int; |
| pub fn GetDateFormatEx( |
| lpLocaleName: LPCWSTR, dwFlags: DWORD, lpDate: *const SYSTEMTIME, lpFormat: LPCWSTR, |
| lpDateStr: LPWSTR, cchDate: c_int, lpCalendar: LPCWSTR, |
| ) -> c_int; |
| pub fn GetDateFormatW( |
| Locale: LCID, dwFlags: DWORD, lpDate: *const SYSTEMTIME, lpFormat: LPCWSTR, |
| lpDateStr: LPWSTR, cchDate: c_int, |
| ) -> c_int; |
| pub fn GetDefaultCommConfigA(lpszName: LPCSTR, lpCC: LPCOMMCONFIG, lpdwSize: LPDWORD) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetDefaultCommConfigW(lpszName: LPCWSTR, lpCC: LPCOMMCONFIG, lpdwSize: LPDWORD) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetDevicePowerState(hDevice: HANDLE, pfOn: *mut BOOL) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetDiskFreeSpaceA( |
| lpRootPathName: LPCSTR, lpSectorsPerCluster: LPDWORD, lpBytesPerSector: LPDWORD, |
| lpNumberOfFreeClusters: LPDWORD, lpTotalNumberOfClusters: LPDWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetDiskFreeSpaceExA( |
| lpDirectoryName: LPCSTR, lpFreeBytesAvailableToCaller: PULARGE_INTEGER, |
| lpTotalNumberOfBytes: PULARGE_INTEGER, lpTotalNumberOfFreeBytes: PULARGE_INTEGER, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetDiskFreeSpaceExW( |
| lpDirectoryName: LPCWSTR, lpFreeBytesAvailableToCaller: PULARGE_INTEGER, |
| lpTotalNumberOfBytes: PULARGE_INTEGER, lpTotalNumberOfFreeBytes: PULARGE_INTEGER, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetDiskFreeSpaceW( |
| lpRootPathName: LPCWSTR, lpSectorsPerCluster: LPDWORD, lpBytesPerSector: LPDWORD, |
| lpNumberOfFreeClusters: LPDWORD, lpTotalNumberOfClusters: LPDWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetDllDirectoryA(nBufferLength: DWORD, lpBuffer: LPSTR) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn GetDllDirectoryW(nBufferLength: DWORD, lpBuffer: LPWSTR) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn GetDriveTypeA(lpRootPathName: LPCSTR) -> UINT; |
| pub fn GetDriveTypeW(lpRootPathName: LPCWSTR) -> UINT; |
| pub fn GetDurationFormat( |
| Locale: LCID, dwFlags: DWORD, lpDuration: *const SYSTEMTIME, ullDuration: ULONGLONG, |
| lpFormat: LPCWSTR, lpDurationStr: LPWSTR, cchDuration: c_int, |
| ) -> c_int; |
| pub fn GetDurationFormatEx( |
| lpLocaleName: LPCWSTR, dwFlags: DWORD, lpDuration: *const SYSTEMTIME, |
| ullDuration: ULONGLONG, lpFormat: LPCWSTR, lpDurationStr: LPWSTR, cchDuration: c_int, |
| ) -> c_int; |
| pub fn GetDynamicTimeZoneInformation( |
| ) -> DWORD; |
| #[cfg(any(target_arch = "x86", target_arch = "x86_64"))] |
| pub fn GetEnabledXStateFeatures() -> DWORD64; |
| pub fn GetEnvironmentStrings() -> LPCH; |
| pub fn GetEnvironmentStringsW() -> LPWCH; |
| pub fn GetEnvironmentVariableA(lpName: LPCSTR, lpBuffer: LPSTR, nSize: DWORD) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn GetEnvironmentVariableW(lpName: LPCWSTR, lpBuffer: LPWSTR, nSize: DWORD) -> DWORD; |
| // pub fn GetEraNameCountedString(); |
| pub fn GetErrorMode() -> UINT; |
| pub fn GetExitCodeProcess(hProcess: HANDLE, lpExitCode: LPDWORD) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetExitCodeThread(hThread: HANDLE, lpExitCode: LPDWORD) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetFileAttributesA(lpFileName: LPCSTR) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn GetFileAttributesExA( |
| lpFileName: LPCSTR, fInfoLevelId: GET_FILEEX_INFO_LEVELS, lpFileInformation: LPVOID, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetFileAttributesExW( |
| lpFileName: LPCWSTR, fInfoLevelId: GET_FILEEX_INFO_LEVELS, lpFileInformation: LPVOID, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetFileAttributesTransactedA( |
| lpFileName: LPCSTR, fInfoLevelId: GET_FILEEX_INFO_LEVELS, lpFileInformation: LPVOID, |
| hTransaction: HANDLE, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetFileAttributesTransactedW( |
| lpFileName: LPCWSTR, fInfoLevelId: GET_FILEEX_INFO_LEVELS, lpFileInformation: LPVOID, |
| hTransaction: HANDLE, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetFileAttributesW(lpFileName: LPCWSTR) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn GetFileBandwidthReservation( |
| hFile: HANDLE, lpPeriodMilliseconds: LPDWORD, lpBytesPerPeriod: LPDWORD, |
| pDiscardable: LPBOOL, lpTransferSize: LPDWORD, lpNumOutstandingRequests: LPDWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetFileInformationByHandle( |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetFileInformationByHandleEx( |
| hFile: HANDLE, FileInformationClass: FILE_INFO_BY_HANDLE_CLASS, lpFileInformation: LPVOID, |
| dwBufferSize: DWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetFileMUIInfo( |
| dwFlags: DWORD, pcwszFilePath: PCWSTR, pFileMUIInfo: PFILEMUIINFO, |
| pcbFileMUIInfo: *mut DWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetFileMUIPath( |
| dwFlags: DWORD, pcwszFilePath: PCWSTR, pwszLanguage: PWSTR, pcchLanguage: PULONG, |
| pwszFileMUIPath: PWSTR, pcchFileMUIPath: PULONG, pululEnumerator: PULONGLONG, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetFileSize(hFile: HANDLE, lpFileSizeHigh: LPDWORD) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn GetFileSizeEx(hFile: HANDLE, lpFileSize: PLARGE_INTEGER) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetFileTime( |
| hFile: HANDLE, lpCreationTime: LPFILETIME, lpLastAccessTime: LPFILETIME, |
| lpLastWriteTime: LPFILETIME, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetFileType(hFile: HANDLE) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn GetFinalPathNameByHandleA( |
| hFile: HANDLE, lpszFilePath: LPSTR, cchFilePath: DWORD, dwFlags: DWORD, |
| ) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn GetFinalPathNameByHandleW( |
| hFile: HANDLE, lpszFilePath: LPWSTR, cchFilePath: DWORD, dwFlags: DWORD, |
| ) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn GetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableA( |
| lpName: LPCSTR, lpGuid: LPCSTR, pBuffer: PVOID, nSize: DWORD, |
| ) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn GetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableExA( |
| lpName: LPCSTR, lpGuid: LPCSTR, pBuffer: PVOID, nSize: DWORD, pdwAttribubutes: PDWORD, |
| ) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn GetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableExW( |
| lpName: LPCWSTR, lpGuid: LPCWSTR, pBuffer: PVOID, nSize: DWORD, pdwAttribubutes: PDWORD, |
| ) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn GetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableW( |
| lpName: LPCWSTR, lpGuid: LPCWSTR, pBuffer: PVOID, nSize: DWORD, |
| ) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn GetFirmwareType(FirmwareType: PFIRMWARE_TYPE) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetFullPathNameA( |
| lpFileName: LPCSTR, nBufferLength: DWORD, lpBuffer: LPSTR, lpFilePart: *mut LPSTR, |
| ) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn GetFullPathNameTransactedA( |
| lpFileName: LPCSTR, nBufferLength: DWORD, lpBuffer: LPSTR, lpFilePart: *mut LPSTR, |
| hTransaction: HANDLE, |
| ) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn GetFullPathNameTransactedW( |
| lpFileName: LPCWSTR, nBufferLength: DWORD, lpBuffer: LPWSTR, lpFilePart: *mut LPWSTR, |
| hTransaction: HANDLE, |
| ); |
| pub fn GetFullPathNameW( |
| lpFileName: LPCWSTR, nBufferLength: DWORD, lpBuffer: LPWSTR, lpFilePart: *mut LPWSTR, |
| ) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn GetGeoInfoA( |
| Location: GEOID, GeoType: GEOTYPE, lpGeoData: LPSTR, cchData: c_int, LangId: LANGID, |
| ) -> c_int; |
| pub fn GetGeoInfoW( |
| Location: GEOID, GeoType: GEOTYPE, lpGeoData: LPWSTR, cchData: c_int, LangId: LANGID, |
| ) -> c_int; |
| pub fn GetHandleInformation(hObject: HANDLE, lpdwFlags: LPDWORD) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetLargePageMinimum() -> SIZE_T; |
| pub fn GetLargestConsoleWindowSize(hConsoleOutput: HANDLE) -> COORD; |
| pub fn GetLastError() -> DWORD; |
| pub fn GetLocalTime(lpSystemTime: LPSYSTEMTIME); |
| pub fn GetLocaleInfoA( |
| Locale: LCID, LCType: LCTYPE, lpLCData: LPSTR, cchData: c_int, |
| ) -> c_int; |
| pub fn GetLocaleInfoEx( |
| lpLocaleName: LPCWSTR, LCType: LCTYPE, lpLCData: LPWSTR, cchData: c_int, |
| ) -> c_int; |
| pub fn GetLocaleInfoW( |
| Locale: LCID, LCType: LCTYPE, lpLCData: LPWSTR, cchData: c_int, |
| ) -> c_int; |
| pub fn GetLogicalDriveStringsA(nBufferLength: DWORD, lpBuffer: LPSTR) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn GetLogicalDriveStringsW(nBufferLength: DWORD, lpBuffer: LPWSTR) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn GetLogicalDrives() -> DWORD; |
| pub fn GetLogicalProcessorInformation( |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetLogicalProcessorInformationEx( |
| ReturnedLength: PDWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetLongPathNameA(lpszShortPath: LPCSTR, lpszLongPath: LPSTR, cchBuffer: DWORD) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn GetLongPathNameTransactedA( |
| lpszShortPath: LPCSTR, lpszLongPath: LPSTR, cchBuffer: DWORD, hTransaction: HANDLE, |
| ) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn GetLongPathNameTransactedW( |
| lpszShortPath: LPCWSTR, lpszLongPath: LPWSTR, cchBuffer: DWORD, hTransaction: HANDLE, |
| ) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn GetLongPathNameW( |
| lpszShortPath: LPCWSTR, lpszLongPath: LPWSTR, cchBuffer: DWORD, |
| ) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn GetMailslotInfo( |
| hMailslot: HANDLE, lpMaxMessageSize: LPDWORD, lpNextSize: LPDWORD, lpMessageCount: LPDWORD, |
| lpReadTimeout: LPDWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetMaximumProcessorCount(GroupNumber: WORD) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn GetMaximumProcessorGroupCount() -> WORD; |
| pub fn GetMemoryErrorHandlingCapabilities(Capabilities: PULONG) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetModuleFileNameA( |
| hModule: HMODULE, lpFilename: LPSTR, nSize: DWORD, |
| ) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn GetModuleFileNameW( |
| hModule: HMODULE, lpFilename: LPWSTR, nSize: DWORD, |
| ) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn GetModuleHandleA(lpModuleName: LPCSTR) -> HMODULE; |
| pub fn GetModuleHandleExA( |
| dwFlags: DWORD, lpModuleName: LPCSTR, phModule: *mut HMODULE, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetModuleHandleExW( |
| dwFlags: DWORD, lpModuleName: LPCWSTR, phModule: *mut HMODULE, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetModuleHandleW(lpModuleName: LPCWSTR) -> HMODULE; |
| pub fn GetNLSVersion( |
| Function: NLS_FUNCTION, Locale: LCID, lpVersionInformation: LPNLSVERSIONINFO, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetNLSVersionEx( |
| function: NLS_FUNCTION, lpLocaleName: LPCWSTR, lpVersionInformation: LPNLSVERSIONINFOEX, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| // pub fn GetNamedPipeAttribute(); |
| pub fn GetNamedPipeClientComputerNameA( |
| Pipe: HANDLE, ClientComputerName: LPSTR, ClientComputerNameLength: ULONG, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetNamedPipeClientComputerNameW( |
| Pipe: HANDLE, ClientComputerName: LPWSTR, ClientComputerNameLength: ULONG, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetNamedPipeClientProcessId(Pipe: HANDLE, ClientProcessId: PULONG) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetNamedPipeClientSessionId(Pipe: HANDLE, ClientSessionId: PULONG) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetNamedPipeHandleStateA( |
| hNamedPipe: HANDLE, lpState: LPDWORD, lpCurInstances: LPDWORD, |
| lpMaxCollectionCount: LPDWORD, lpCollectDataTimeout: LPDWORD, lpUserName: LPSTR, |
| nMaxUserNameSize: DWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetNamedPipeHandleStateW( |
| hNamedPipe: HANDLE, lpState: LPDWORD, lpCurInstances: LPDWORD, |
| lpMaxCollectionCount: LPDWORD, lpCollectDataTimeout: LPDWORD, lpUserName: LPWSTR, |
| nMaxUserNameSize: DWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetNamedPipeInfo( |
| hNamedPipe: HANDLE, lpFlags: LPDWORD, lpOutBufferSize: LPDWORD, lpInBufferSize: LPDWORD, |
| lpMaxInstances: LPDWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetNamedPipeServerProcessId(Pipe: HANDLE, ServerProcessId: PULONG) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetNamedPipeServerSessionId(Pipe: HANDLE, ServerSessionId: PULONG) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetNativeSystemInfo(lpSystemInfo: LPSYSTEM_INFO); |
| #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] |
| pub fn GetNextUmsListItem(UmsContext: PUMS_CONTEXT) -> PUMS_CONTEXT; |
| pub fn GetNumaAvailableMemoryNode(Node: UCHAR, AvailableBytes: PULONGLONG) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetNumaAvailableMemoryNodeEx(Node: USHORT, AvailableBytes: PULONGLONG) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetNumaHighestNodeNumber(HighestNodeNumber: PULONG) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetNumaNodeNumberFromHandle(hFile: HANDLE, NodeNumber: PUSHORT) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetNumaNodeProcessorMask(Node: UCHAR, ProcessorMask: PULONGLONG) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetNumaNodeProcessorMaskEx(Node: USHORT, ProcessorMask: PGROUP_AFFINITY) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetNumaProcessorNode(Processor: UCHAR, NodeNumber: PUCHAR) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetNumaProcessorNodeEx(Processor: PPROCESSOR_NUMBER, NodeNumber: PUSHORT) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetNumaProximityNode(ProximityId: ULONG, NodeNumber: PUCHAR) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetNumaProximityNodeEx(ProximityId: ULONG, NodeNumber: PUSHORT) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetNumberFormatA( |
| Locale: LCID, dwFlags: DWORD, lpValue: LPCSTR, lpFormat: *const NUMBERFMTA, |
| lpNumberStr: LPSTR, cchNumber: c_int, |
| ) -> c_int; |
| pub fn GetNumberFormatEx( |
| lpLocaleName: LPCWSTR, dwFlags: DWORD, lpValue: LPCWSTR, lpFormat: *const NUMBERFMTW, |
| lpNumberStr: LPWSTR, cchNumber: c_int, |
| ) -> c_int; |
| pub fn GetNumberFormatW( |
| Locale: LCID, dwFlags: DWORD, lpValue: LPCWSTR, lpFormat: *const NUMBERFMTW, |
| lpNumberStr: LPWSTR, cchNumber: c_int, |
| ) -> c_int; |
| pub fn GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents(hConsoleInput: HANDLE, lpNumberOfEvents: LPDWORD) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetNumberOfConsoleMouseButtons(lpNumberOfMouseButtons: LPDWORD) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetOEMCP() -> UINT; |
| pub fn GetOverlappedResult( |
| hFile: HANDLE, lpOverlapped: LPOVERLAPPED, lpNumberOfBytesTransferred: LPDWORD, bWait: BOOL, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetOverlappedResultEx( |
| hFile: HANDLE, lpOverlapped: LPOVERLAPPED, lpNumberOfBytesTransferred: LPDWORD, |
| dwMilliseconds: DWORD, bAlertable: BOOL, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| // pub fn GetPackageApplicationIds(); |
| // pub fn GetPackageFamilyName(); |
| // pub fn GetPackageFullName(); |
| // pub fn GetPackageId(); |
| // pub fn GetPackageInfo(); |
| // pub fn GetPackagePath(); |
| // pub fn GetPackagePathByFullName(); |
| // pub fn GetPackagesByPackageFamily(); |
| pub fn GetPhysicallyInstalledSystemMemory(TotalMemoryInKilobytes: PULONGLONG) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetPriorityClass(hProcess: HANDLE) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn GetPrivateProfileIntA( |
| lpAppName: LPCSTR, lpKeyName: LPCSTR, nDefault: INT, lpFileName: LPCSTR, |
| ) -> UINT; |
| pub fn GetPrivateProfileIntW( |
| lpAppName: LPCWSTR, lpKeyName: LPCWSTR, nDefault: INT, lpFileName: LPCWSTR, |
| ) -> UINT; |
| pub fn GetPrivateProfileSectionA( |
| lpAppName: LPCSTR, lpReturnedString: LPSTR, nSize: DWORD, lpFileName: LPCSTR, |
| ) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn GetPrivateProfileSectionNamesA( |
| lpszReturnBuffer: LPSTR, nSize: DWORD, lpFileName: LPCSTR, |
| ) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn GetPrivateProfileSectionNamesW( |
| lpszReturnBuffer: LPWSTR, nSize: DWORD, lpFileName: LPCWSTR, |
| ) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn GetPrivateProfileSectionW( |
| lpAppName: LPCWSTR, lpReturnedString: LPWSTR, nSize: DWORD, lpFileName: LPCWSTR, |
| ) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn GetPrivateProfileStringA( |
| lpAppName: LPCSTR, lpKeyName: LPCSTR, lpDefault: LPCSTR, lpReturnedString: LPSTR, |
| nSize: DWORD, lpFileName: LPCSTR, |
| ) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn GetPrivateProfileStringW( |
| lpAppName: LPCWSTR, lpKeyName: LPCWSTR, lpDefault: LPCWSTR, lpReturnedString: LPWSTR, |
| nSize: DWORD, lpFileName: LPCWSTR, |
| ) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn GetPrivateProfileStructA( |
| lpszSection: LPCSTR, lpszKey: LPCSTR, lpStruct: LPVOID, uSizeStruct: UINT, szFile: LPCSTR, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetPrivateProfileStructW( |
| lpszSection: LPCWSTR, lpszKey: LPCWSTR, lpStruct: LPVOID, uSizeStruct: UINT, |
| szFile: LPCWSTR, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetProcAddress(hModule: HMODULE, lpProcName: LPCSTR) -> FARPROC; |
| pub fn GetProcessAffinityMask( |
| hProcess: HANDLE, lpProcessAffinityMask: PDWORD_PTR, lpSystemAffinityMask: PDWORD_PTR, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetProcessDEPPolicy(hProcess: HANDLE, lpFlags: LPDWORD, lpPermanent: PBOOL) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetProcessGroupAffinity( |
| hProcess: HANDLE, GroupCount: PUSHORT, GroupArray: PUSHORT, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetProcessHandleCount(hProcess: HANDLE, pdwHandleCount: PDWORD) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetProcessHeap() -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn GetProcessHeaps(NumberOfHeaps: DWORD, ProcessHeaps: PHANDLE) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn GetProcessId(Process: HANDLE) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn GetProcessIdOfThread(Thread: HANDLE) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn GetProcessInformation( |
| hProcess: HANDLE, ProcessInformationClass: PROCESS_INFORMATION_CLASS, |
| ProcessInformation: LPVOID, ProcessInformationSize: DWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetProcessIoCounters(hProcess: HANDLE, lpIoCounters: PIO_COUNTERS) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetProcessMitigationPolicy( |
| hProcess: HANDLE, MitigationPolicy: PROCESS_MITIGATION_POLICY, lpBuffer: PVOID, |
| dwLength: SIZE_T, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetProcessPreferredUILanguages( |
| dwFlags: DWORD, pulNumLanguages: PULONG, pwszLanguagesBuffer: PZZWSTR, |
| pcchLanguagesBuffer: PULONG, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetProcessPriorityBoost(hProcess: HANDLE, pDisablePriorityBoost: PBOOL) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetProcessShutdownParameters(lpdwLevel: LPDWORD, lpdwFlags: LPDWORD) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetProcessTimes( |
| hProcess: HANDLE, lpCreationTime: LPFILETIME, lpExitTime: LPFILETIME, |
| lpKernelTime: LPFILETIME, lpUserTime: LPFILETIME, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetProcessVersion(ProcessId: DWORD) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn GetProcessWorkingSetSize( |
| hProcess: HANDLE, lpMinimumWorkingSetSize: PSIZE_T, lpMaximumWorkingSetSize: PSIZE_T, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetProcessWorkingSetSizeEx( |
| hProcess: HANDLE, lpMinimumWorkingSetSize: PSIZE_T, lpMaximumWorkingSetSize: PSIZE_T, |
| Flags: PDWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetProcessorSystemCycleTime( |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetProductInfo( |
| dwOSMajorVersion: DWORD, dwOSMinorVersion: DWORD, dwSpMajorVersion: DWORD, |
| dwSpMinorVersion: DWORD, pdwReturnedProductType: PDWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetProfileIntA(lpAppName: LPCSTR, lpKeyName: LPCSTR, nDefault: INT) -> UINT; |
| pub fn GetProfileIntW(lpAppName: LPCWSTR, lpKeyName: LPCWSTR, nDefault: INT) -> UINT; |
| pub fn GetProfileSectionA(lpAppName: LPCSTR, lpReturnedString: LPSTR, nSize: DWORD) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn GetProfileSectionW(lpAppName: LPCWSTR, lpReturnedString: LPWSTR, nSize: DWORD) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn GetProfileStringA( |
| lpAppName: LPCSTR, lpKeyName: LPCSTR, lpDefault: LPCSTR, lpReturnedString: LPSTR, |
| nSize: DWORD, |
| ) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn GetProfileStringW( |
| lpAppName: LPCWSTR, lpKeyName: LPCWSTR, lpDefault: LPCWSTR, lpReturnedString: LPWSTR, |
| nSize: DWORD, |
| ) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn GetQueuedCompletionStatus( |
| CompletionPort: HANDLE, lpNumberOfBytesTransferred: LPDWORD, lpCompletionKey: PULONG_PTR, |
| lpOverlapped: *mut LPOVERLAPPED, dwMilliseconds: DWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetQueuedCompletionStatusEx( |
| CompletionPort: HANDLE, lpCompletionPortEntries: LPOVERLAPPED_ENTRY, ulCount: ULONG, |
| ulNumEntriesRemoved: PULONG, dwMilliseconds: DWORD, fAlertable: BOOL, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetShortPathNameA( |
| lpszLongPath: LPCSTR, lpszShortPath: LPSTR, cchBuffer: DWORD, |
| ) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn GetShortPathNameW( |
| lpszLongPath: LPCWSTR, lpszShortPath: LPWSTR, cchBuffer: DWORD, |
| ) -> DWORD; |
| // pub fn GetStagedPackagePathByFullName(); |
| pub fn GetStartupInfoA(lpStartupInfo: LPSTARTUPINFOA); |
| pub fn GetStartupInfoW(lpStartupInfo: LPSTARTUPINFOW); |
| // pub fn GetStateFolder(); |
| pub fn GetStdHandle(nStdHandle: DWORD) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn GetStringScripts( |
| dwFlags: DWORD, lpString: LPCWSTR, cchString: c_int, lpScripts: LPWSTR, cchScripts: c_int, |
| ) -> c_int; |
| pub fn GetStringTypeA( |
| Locale: LCID, dwInfoType: DWORD, lpSrcStr: LPCSTR, cchSrc: c_int, lpCharType: LPWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetStringTypeExA( |
| Locale: LCID, dwInfoType: DWORD, lpSrcStr: LPCSTR, cchSrc: c_int, lpCharType: LPWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetStringTypeExW( |
| Locale: LCID, dwInfoType: DWORD, lpSrcStr: LPCWCH, cchSrc: c_int, lpCharType: LPWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetStringTypeW( |
| dwInfoType: DWORD, lpSrcStr: LPCWCH, cchSrc: c_int, lpCharType: LPWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| // pub fn GetSystemAppDataKey(); |
| pub fn GetSystemDEPPolicy() -> DEP_SYSTEM_POLICY_TYPE; |
| pub fn GetSystemDefaultLCID() -> LCID; |
| pub fn GetSystemDefaultLangID() -> LANGID; |
| pub fn GetSystemDefaultLocaleName(lpLocaleName: LPWSTR, cchLocaleName: c_int) -> c_int; |
| pub fn GetSystemDefaultUILanguage() -> LANGID; |
| pub fn GetSystemDirectoryA(lpBuffer: LPSTR, uSize: UINT) -> UINT; |
| pub fn GetSystemDirectoryW(lpBuffer: LPWSTR, uSize: UINT) -> UINT; |
| pub fn GetSystemFileCacheSize( |
| lpMinimumFileCacheSize: PSIZE_T, lpMaximumFileCacheSize: PSIZE_T, lpFlags: PDWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetSystemFirmwareTable( |
| FirmwareTableProviderSignature: DWORD, FirmwareTableID: DWORD, pFirmwareTableBuffer: PVOID, |
| BufferSize: DWORD, |
| ) -> UINT; |
| pub fn GetSystemInfo(lpSystemInfo: LPSYSTEM_INFO); |
| pub fn GetSystemPowerStatus(lpSystemPowerStatus: LPSYSTEM_POWER_STATUS) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetSystemPreferredUILanguages( |
| dwFlags: DWORD, pulNumLanguages: PULONG, pwszLanguagesBuffer: PZZWSTR, |
| pcchLanguagesBuffer: PULONG, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetSystemRegistryQuota(pdwQuotaAllowed: PDWORD, pdwQuotaUsed: PDWORD) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetSystemTime(lpSystemTime: LPSYSTEMTIME); |
| pub fn GetSystemTimeAdjustment( |
| lpTimeAdjustment: PDWORD, lpTimeIncrement: PDWORD, lpTimeAdjustmentDisabled: PBOOL, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(lpSystemTimeAsFileTime: LPFILETIME); |
| pub fn GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime(lpSystemTimeAsFileTime: LPFILETIME); |
| pub fn GetSystemTimes( |
| lpIdleTime: LPFILETIME, lpKernelTime: LPFILETIME, lpUserTime: LPFILETIME, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetSystemWindowsDirectoryA(lpBuffer: LPSTR, uSize: UINT) -> UINT; |
| pub fn GetSystemWindowsDirectoryW(lpBuffer: LPWSTR, uSize: UINT) -> UINT; |
| pub fn GetSystemWow64DirectoryA(lpBuffer: LPSTR, uSize: UINT) -> UINT; |
| pub fn GetSystemWow64DirectoryW(lpBuffer: LPWSTR, uSize: UINT) -> UINT; |
| pub fn GetTapeParameters( |
| hDevice: HANDLE, dwOperation: DWORD, lpdwSize: LPDWORD, lpTapeInformation: LPVOID |
| ) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn GetTapePosition( |
| hDevice: HANDLE, dwPositionType: DWORD, lpdwPartition: LPDWORD, |
| lpdwOffsetLow: LPDWORD, lpdwOffsetHigh: LPDWORD |
| ) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn GetTapeStatus(hDevice: HANDLE) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn GetTempFileNameA( |
| lpPathName: LPCSTR, lpPrefixString: LPCSTR, uUnique: UINT, lpTempFileName: LPSTR, |
| ) -> UINT; |
| pub fn GetTempFileNameW( |
| lpPathName: LPCWSTR, lpPrefixString: LPCWSTR, uUnique: UINT, lpTempFileName: LPWSTR, |
| ) -> UINT; |
| pub fn GetTempPathA(nBufferLength: DWORD, lpBuffer: LPSTR) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn GetTempPathW(nBufferLength: DWORD, lpBuffer: LPWSTR) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn GetThreadContext(hThread: HANDLE, lpContext: LPCONTEXT) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetThreadErrorMode() -> DWORD; |
| pub fn GetThreadGroupAffinity(hThread: HANDLE, GroupAffinity: PGROUP_AFFINITY) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetThreadIOPendingFlag(hThread: HANDLE, lpIOIsPending: PBOOL) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetThreadId(Thread: HANDLE) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn GetThreadIdealProcessorEx(hThread: HANDLE, lpIdealProcessor: PPROCESSOR_NUMBER) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetThreadInformation( |
| hThread: HANDLE, ThreadInformationClass: THREAD_INFORMATION_CLASS, |
| ThreadInformation: LPVOID, ThreadInformationSize: DWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetThreadLocale() -> LCID; |
| pub fn GetThreadPreferredUILanguages( |
| dwFlags: DWORD, pulNumLanguages: PULONG, pwszLanguagesBuffer: PZZWSTR, |
| pcchLanguagesBuffer: PULONG, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetThreadPriority(hThread: HANDLE) -> c_int; |
| pub fn GetThreadPriorityBoost(hThread: HANDLE, pDisablePriorityBoost: PBOOL) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetThreadSelectorEntry( |
| hThread: HANDLE, dwSelector: DWORD, lpSelectorEntry: LPLDT_ENTRY, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetThreadTimes( |
| hThread: HANDLE, lpCreationTime: LPFILETIME, lpExitTime: LPFILETIME, |
| lpKernelTime: LPFILETIME, lpUserTime: LPFILETIME, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetThreadUILanguage() -> LANGID; |
| pub fn GetTickCount() -> DWORD; |
| pub fn GetTickCount64() -> ULONGLONG; |
| pub fn GetTimeFormatA( |
| Locale: LCID, dwFlags: DWORD, lpTime: *const SYSTEMTIME, lpFormat: LPCSTR, |
| lpTimeStr: LPSTR, cchTime: c_int, |
| ) -> c_int; |
| pub fn GetTimeFormatEx( |
| lpLocaleName: LPCWSTR, dwFlags: DWORD, lpTime: *const SYSTEMTIME, lpFormat: LPCWSTR, |
| lpTimeStr: LPWSTR, cchTime: c_int, |
| ) -> c_int; |
| pub fn GetTimeFormatW( |
| Locale: LCID, dwFlags: DWORD, lpTime: *const SYSTEMTIME, lpFormat: LPCWSTR, |
| lpTimeStr: LPWSTR, cchTime: c_int, |
| ) -> c_int; |
| pub fn GetTimeZoneInformation(lpTimeZoneInformation: LPTIME_ZONE_INFORMATION) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn GetTimeZoneInformationForYear( |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetUILanguageInfo( |
| dwFlags: DWORD, pwmszLanguage: PCZZWSTR, pwszFallbackLanguages: PZZWSTR, |
| pcchFallbackLanguages: PDWORD, pAttributes: PDWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] |
| pub fn GetUmsCompletionListEvent( |
| UmsCompletionList: PUMS_COMPLETION_LIST, UmsCompletionEvent: PHANDLE, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] |
| pub fn GetUmsSystemThreadInformation( |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetUserDefaultLCID() -> LCID; |
| pub fn GetUserDefaultLangID() -> LANGID; |
| pub fn GetUserDefaultLocaleName(lpLocaleName: LPWSTR, cchLocaleName: c_int) -> c_int; |
| pub fn GetUserDefaultUILanguage() -> LANGID; |
| pub fn GetUserGeoID(GeoClass: GEOCLASS) -> GEOID; |
| pub fn GetUserPreferredUILanguages( |
| dwFlags: DWORD, pulNumLanguages: PULONG, pwszLanguagesBuffer: PZZWSTR, |
| pcchLanguagesBuffer: PULONG, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetVersion() -> DWORD; |
| pub fn GetVersionExA(lpVersionInformation: LPOSVERSIONINFOA) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetVersionExW(lpVersionInformation: LPOSVERSIONINFOW) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetVolumeInformationA( |
| lpRootPathName: LPCSTR, lpVolumeNameBuffer: LPSTR, nVolumeNameSize: DWORD, |
| lpVolumeSerialNumber: LPDWORD, lpMaximumComponentLength: LPDWORD, |
| lpFileSystemFlags: LPDWORD, lpFileSystemNameBuffer: LPSTR, nFileSystemNameSize: DWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetVolumeInformationByHandleW( |
| hFile: HANDLE, lpVolumeNameBuffer: LPWSTR, nVolumeNameSize: DWORD, |
| lpVolumeSerialNumber: LPDWORD, lpMaximumComponentLength: LPDWORD, |
| lpFileSystemFlags: LPDWORD, lpFileSystemNameBuffer: LPWSTR, nFileSystemNameSize: DWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetVolumeInformationW( |
| lpRootPathName: LPCWSTR, lpVolumeNameBuffer: LPWSTR, nVolumeNameSize: DWORD, |
| lpVolumeSerialNumber: LPDWORD, lpMaximumComponentLength: LPDWORD, |
| lpFileSystemFlags: LPDWORD, lpFileSystemNameBuffer: LPWSTR, nFileSystemNameSize: DWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointA( |
| lpszVolumeMountPoint: LPCSTR, lpszVolumeName: LPSTR, cchBufferLength: DWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointW( |
| lpszVolumeMountPoint: LPCWSTR, lpszVolumeName: LPWSTR, cchBufferLength: DWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetVolumePathNameA( |
| lpszFileName: LPCSTR, lpszVolumePathName: LPSTR, cchBufferLength: DWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetVolumePathNameW( |
| lpszFileName: LPCWSTR, lpszVolumePathName: LPWSTR, cchBufferLength: DWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeNameA( |
| lpszVolumeName: LPCSTR, lpszVolumePathNames: LPCH, cchBufferLength: DWORD, |
| lpcchReturnLength: PDWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeNameW( |
| lpszVolumeName: LPCWSTR, lpszVolumePathNames: LPWCH, cchBufferLength: DWORD, |
| lpcchReturnLength: PDWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GetWindowsDirectoryA(lpBuffer: LPSTR, uSize: UINT) -> UINT; |
| pub fn GetWindowsDirectoryW(lpBuffer: LPWSTR, uSize: UINT) -> UINT; |
| pub fn GetWriteWatch( |
| dwFlags: DWORD, lpBaseAddress: PVOID, dwRegionSize: SIZE_T, lpAddresses: *mut PVOID, |
| lpdwCount: *mut ULONG_PTR, lpdwGranularity: LPDWORD, |
| ) -> UINT; |
| #[cfg(any(target_arch = "x86", target_arch = "x86_64"))] |
| pub fn GetXStateFeaturesMask(Context: PCONTEXT, FeatureMask: PDWORD64) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GlobalAddAtomA(lpString: LPCSTR) -> ATOM; |
| pub fn GlobalAddAtomExA(lpString: LPCSTR, Flags: DWORD) -> ATOM; |
| pub fn GlobalAddAtomExW(lpString: LPCWSTR, Flags: DWORD) -> ATOM; |
| pub fn GlobalAddAtomW(lpString: LPCWSTR) -> ATOM; |
| pub fn GlobalAlloc(uFlags: UINT, dwBytes: SIZE_T) -> HGLOBAL; |
| pub fn GlobalCompact(dwMinFree: DWORD) -> SIZE_T; |
| pub fn GlobalDeleteAtom(nAtom: ATOM) -> ATOM; |
| pub fn GlobalFindAtomA(lpString: LPCSTR) -> ATOM; |
| pub fn GlobalFindAtomW(lpString: LPCWSTR) -> ATOM; |
| pub fn GlobalFix(hMem: HGLOBAL); |
| pub fn GlobalFlags(hMem: HGLOBAL) -> UINT; |
| pub fn GlobalFree(hMem: HGLOBAL) -> HGLOBAL; |
| pub fn GlobalGetAtomNameA(nAtom: ATOM, lpBuffer: LPSTR, nSize: c_int) -> UINT; |
| pub fn GlobalGetAtomNameW(nAtom: ATOM, lpBuffer: LPWSTR, nSize: c_int) -> UINT; |
| pub fn GlobalHandle(pMem: LPCVOID) -> HGLOBAL; |
| pub fn GlobalLock(hMem: HGLOBAL) -> LPVOID; |
| pub fn GlobalMemoryStatus(lpBuffer: LPMEMORYSTATUS); |
| pub fn GlobalMemoryStatusEx(lpBuffer: LPMEMORYSTATUSEX) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GlobalReAlloc(hMem: HGLOBAL, dwBytes: SIZE_T, uFlags: UINT) -> HGLOBAL; |
| pub fn GlobalSize(hMem: HGLOBAL) -> SIZE_T; |
| pub fn GlobalUnWire(hMem: HGLOBAL) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GlobalUnfix(hMem: HGLOBAL); |
| pub fn GlobalUnlock(hMem: HGLOBAL) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn GlobalWire(hMem: HGLOBAL) -> LPVOID; |
| pub fn Heap32First(lphe: LPHEAPENTRY32, th32ProcessID: DWORD, th32HeapID: ULONG_PTR) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn Heap32ListFirst(hSnapshot: HANDLE, lphl: LPHEAPLIST32) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn Heap32ListNext(hSnapshot: HANDLE, lphl: LPHEAPLIST32) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn Heap32Next(lphe: LPHEAPENTRY32) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn HeapAlloc(hHeap: HANDLE, dwFlags: DWORD, dwBytes: SIZE_T) -> LPVOID; |
| pub fn HeapCompact(hHeap: HANDLE, dwFlags: DWORD) -> SIZE_T; |
| pub fn HeapCreate(flOptions: DWORD, dwInitialSize: SIZE_T, dwMaximumSize: SIZE_T) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn HeapDestroy(hHeap: HANDLE) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn HeapFree(hHeap: HANDLE, dwFlags: DWORD, lpMem: LPVOID) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn HeapLock(hHeap: HANDLE) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn HeapQueryInformation( |
| HeapHandle: HANDLE, HeapInformationClass: HEAP_INFORMATION_CLASS, HeapInformation: PVOID, |
| HeapInformationLength: SIZE_T, ReturnLength: PSIZE_T, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn HeapReAlloc(hHeap: HANDLE, dwFlags: DWORD, lpMem: LPVOID, dwBytes: SIZE_T) -> LPVOID; |
| pub fn HeapSetInformation( |
| HeapHandle: HANDLE, HeapInformationClass: HEAP_INFORMATION_CLASS, HeapInformation: PVOID, |
| HeapInformationLength: SIZE_T, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn HeapSize(hHeap: HANDLE, dwFlags: DWORD, lpMem: LPCVOID) -> SIZE_T; |
| pub fn HeapSummary(hHeap: HANDLE, dwFlags: DWORD, lpSummary: LPHEAP_SUMMARY) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn HeapUnlock(hHeap: HANDLE) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn HeapValidate(hHeap: HANDLE, dwFlags: DWORD, lpMem: LPCVOID) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn HeapWalk(hHeap: HANDLE, lpEntry: LPPROCESS_HEAP_ENTRY) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn InitAtomTable(nSize: DWORD) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn InitOnceBeginInitialize( |
| lpInitOnce: LPINIT_ONCE, dwFlags: DWORD, fPending: PBOOL, lpContext: *mut LPVOID, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn InitOnceComplete( |
| lpInitOnce: LPINIT_ONCE, dwFlags: DWORD, lpContext: LPVOID, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn InitOnceExecuteOnce( |
| InitOnce: PINIT_ONCE, InitFn: PINIT_ONCE_FN, Parameter: PVOID, Context: *mut LPVOID, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn InitOnceInitialize(InitOnce: PINIT_ONCE); |
| pub fn InitializeConditionVariable(ConditionVariable: PCONDITION_VARIABLE); |
| pub fn InitializeContext( |
| Buffer: PVOID, ContextFlags: DWORD, Context: *mut PCONTEXT, ContextLength: PDWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn InitializeCriticalSection(lpCriticalSection: LPCRITICAL_SECTION); |
| pub fn InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount( |
| lpCriticalSection: LPCRITICAL_SECTION, dwSpinCount: DWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn InitializeCriticalSectionEx( |
| lpCriticalSection: LPCRITICAL_SECTION, dwSpinCount: DWORD, Flags: DWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn InitializeProcThreadAttributeList( |
| lpAttributeList: LPPROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_LIST, dwAttributeCount: DWORD, dwFlags: DWORD, |
| lpSize: PSIZE_T, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn InitializeSListHead(ListHead: PSLIST_HEADER); |
| pub fn InitializeSRWLock(SRWLock: PSRWLOCK); |
| pub fn InitializeSynchronizationBarrier( |
| lpBarrier: LPSYNCHRONIZATION_BARRIER, lTotalThreads: LONG, lSpinCount: LONG, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn InstallELAMCertificateInfo(ELAMFile: HANDLE) -> BOOL; |
| #[cfg(target_arch = "x86")] |
| pub fn InterlockedCompareExchange( |
| Destination: *mut LONG, ExChange: LONG, Comperand: LONG, |
| ) -> LONG; |
| #[cfg(target_arch = "x86")] |
| pub fn InterlockedCompareExchange64( |
| Destination: *mut LONG64, ExChange: LONG64, Comperand: LONG64, |
| ) -> LONG64; |
| #[cfg(target_arch = "x86")] |
| pub fn InterlockedDecrement(Addend: *mut LONG) -> LONG; |
| #[cfg(target_arch = "x86")] |
| pub fn InterlockedExchange(Target: *mut LONG, Value: LONG) -> LONG; |
| #[cfg(target_arch = "x86")] |
| pub fn InterlockedExchangeAdd(Addend: *mut LONG, Value: LONG) -> LONG; |
| pub fn InterlockedFlushSList(ListHead: PSLIST_HEADER) -> PSLIST_ENTRY; |
| #[cfg(target_arch = "x86")] |
| pub fn InterlockedIncrement(Addend: *mut LONG) -> LONG; |
| pub fn InterlockedPopEntrySList(ListHead: PSLIST_HEADER) -> PSLIST_ENTRY; |
| pub fn InterlockedPushEntrySList( |
| ) -> PSLIST_ENTRY; |
| pub fn InterlockedPushListSListEx( |
| ) -> PSLIST_ENTRY; |
| pub fn IsBadCodePtr(lpfn: FARPROC) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn IsBadHugeReadPtr(lp: *const VOID, ucb: UINT_PTR) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn IsBadHugeWritePtr(lp: LPVOID, ucb: UINT_PTR) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn IsBadReadPtr(lp: *const VOID, ucb: UINT_PTR) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn IsBadStringPtrA(lpsz: LPCSTR, ucchMax: UINT_PTR) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn IsBadStringPtrW(lpsz: LPCWSTR, ucchMax: UINT_PTR) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn IsBadWritePtr(lp: LPVOID, ucb: UINT_PTR) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn IsDBCSLeadByte(TestChar: BYTE) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn IsDBCSLeadByteEx(CodePage: UINT, TestChar: BYTE) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn IsDebuggerPresent() -> BOOL; |
| pub fn IsNLSDefinedString( |
| Function: NLS_FUNCTION, dwFlags: DWORD, lpVersionInformation: LPNLSVERSIONINFO, |
| lpString: LPCWSTR, cchStr: INT, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn IsNativeVhdBoot(NativeVhdBoot: PBOOL) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn IsNormalizedString(NormForm: NORM_FORM, lpString: LPCWSTR, cwLength: c_int) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn IsProcessCritical(hProcess: HANDLE, Critical: PBOOL) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn IsProcessInJob(ProcessHandle: HANDLE, JobHandle: HANDLE, Result: PBOOL) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn IsProcessorFeaturePresent(ProcessorFeature: DWORD) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn IsSystemResumeAutomatic() -> BOOL; |
| pub fn IsThreadAFiber() -> BOOL; |
| pub fn IsThreadpoolTimerSet(pti: PTP_TIMER) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn IsValidCodePage(CodePage: UINT) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn IsValidLanguageGroup(LanguageGroup: LGRPID, dwFlags: DWORD) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn IsValidLocale(Locale: LCID, dwFlags: DWORD) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn IsValidLocaleName(lpLocaleName: LPCWSTR) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn IsValidNLSVersion( |
| function: NLS_FUNCTION, lpLocaleName: LPCWSTR, lpVersionInformation: LPNLSVERSIONINFOEX, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn IsWow64Process(hProcess: HANDLE, Wow64Process: PBOOL) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn K32EmptyWorkingSet(hProcess: HANDLE) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn K32EnumDeviceDrivers(lpImageBase: *mut LPVOID, cb: DWORD, lpcbNeeded: LPDWORD) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn K32EnumPageFilesA( |
| pCallBackRoutine: PENUM_PAGE_FILE_CALLBACKA, pContext: LPVOID, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn K32EnumPageFilesW( |
| pCallBackRoutine: PENUM_PAGE_FILE_CALLBACKW, pContext: LPVOID, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn K32EnumProcessModules( |
| hProcess: HANDLE, lphModule: *mut HMODULE, cb: DWORD, lpcbNeeded: LPDWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn K32EnumProcessModulesEx( |
| hProcess: HANDLE, lphModule: *mut HMODULE, cb: DWORD, lpcbNeeded: LPDWORD, |
| dwFilterFlag: DWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn K32EnumProcesses( |
| lpidProcess: *mut DWORD, cb: DWORD, lpcbNeeded: LPDWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn K32GetDeviceDriverBaseNameA(ImageBase: LPVOID, lpFilename: LPSTR, nSize: DWORD) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn K32GetDeviceDriverBaseNameW( |
| ImageBase: LPVOID, lpFilename: LPWSTR, nSize: DWORD, |
| ) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn K32GetDeviceDriverFileNameA(ImageBase: LPVOID, lpFilename: LPSTR, nSize: DWORD) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn K32GetDeviceDriverFileNameW( |
| ImageBase: LPVOID, lpFilename: LPWSTR, nSize: DWORD, |
| ) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn K32GetMappedFileNameA( |
| hProcess: HANDLE, lpv: LPVOID, lpFilename: LPSTR, nSize: DWORD, |
| ) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn K32GetMappedFileNameW( |
| hProcess: HANDLE, lpv: LPVOID, lpFilename: LPWSTR, nSize: DWORD, |
| ) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn K32GetModuleBaseNameA( |
| hProcess: HANDLE, hModule: HMODULE, lpBaseName: LPSTR, nSize: DWORD, |
| ) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn K32GetModuleBaseNameW( |
| hProcess: HANDLE, hModule: HMODULE, lpBaseName: LPWSTR, nSize: DWORD, |
| ) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn K32GetModuleFileNameExA( |
| hProcess: HANDLE, hModule: HMODULE, lpFilename: LPSTR, nSize: DWORD, |
| ) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn K32GetModuleFileNameExW( |
| hProcess: HANDLE, hModule: HMODULE, lpFilename: LPWSTR, nSize: DWORD, |
| ) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn K32GetModuleInformation( |
| hProcess: HANDLE, hModule: HMODULE, lpmodinfo: LPMODULEINFO, cb: DWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn K32GetPerformanceInfo( |
| pPerformanceInformation: PPERFORMANCE_INFORMATION, cb: DWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn K32GetProcessImageFileNameA( |
| hProcess: HANDLE, lpImageFileName: LPSTR, nSize: DWORD, |
| ) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn K32GetProcessImageFileNameW( |
| hProcess: HANDLE, lpImageFileName: LPWSTR, nSize: DWORD, |
| ) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn K32GetProcessMemoryInfo( |
| Process: HANDLE, ppsmemCounters: PPROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS, cb: DWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn K32GetWsChanges( |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn K32GetWsChangesEx( |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn K32InitializeProcessForWsWatch(hProcess: HANDLE) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn K32QueryWorkingSet(hProcess: HANDLE, pv: PVOID, cb: DWORD) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn K32QueryWorkingSetEx(hProcess: HANDLE, pv: PVOID, cb: DWORD) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn LCIDToLocaleName(Locale: LCID, lpName: LPWSTR, cchName: c_int, dwFlags: DWORD) -> c_int; |
| pub fn LCMapStringA( |
| Locale: LCID, dwMapFlags: DWORD, lpSrcStr: LPCSTR, cchSrc: c_int, lpDestStr: LPSTR, |
| cchDest: c_int, |
| ) -> c_int; |
| pub fn LCMapStringEx( |
| lpLocaleName: LPCWSTR, dwMapFlags: DWORD, lpSrcStr: LPCWSTR, cchSrc: c_int, |
| lpDestStr: LPWSTR, cchDest: c_int, lpVersionInformation: LPNLSVERSIONINFO, |
| lpReserved: LPVOID, sortHandle: LPARAM, |
| ) -> c_int; |
| pub fn LCMapStringW( |
| Locale: LCID, dwMapFlags: DWORD, lpSrcStr: LPCWSTR, cchSrc: c_int, lpDestStr: LPWSTR, |
| cchDest: c_int, |
| ) -> c_int; |
| pub fn LeaveCriticalSection(lpCriticalSection: LPCRITICAL_SECTION); |
| pub fn LeaveCriticalSectionWhenCallbackReturns( |
| ); |
| // pub fn LoadAppInitDlls(); |
| pub fn LoadLibraryA(lpFileName: LPCSTR) -> HMODULE; |
| pub fn LoadLibraryExA(lpLibFileName: LPCSTR, hFile: HANDLE, dwFlags: DWORD) -> HMODULE; |
| pub fn LoadLibraryExW(lpLibFileName: LPCWSTR, hFile: HANDLE, dwFlags: DWORD) -> HMODULE; |
| pub fn LoadLibraryW(lpFileName: LPCWSTR) -> HMODULE; |
| pub fn LoadModule(lpModuleName: LPCSTR, lpParameterBlock: LPVOID) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn LoadPackagedLibrary(lpwLibFileName: LPCWSTR, Reserved: DWORD) -> HMODULE; |
| pub fn LoadResource(hModule: HMODULE, hResInfo: HRSRC) -> HGLOBAL; |
| // pub fn LoadStringBaseExW(); |
| // pub fn LoadStringBaseW(); |
| pub fn LocalAlloc(uFlags: UINT, uBytes: SIZE_T) -> HLOCAL; |
| pub fn LocalCompact(uMinFree: UINT) -> SIZE_T; |
| pub fn LocalFileTimeToFileTime( |
| lpLocalFileTime: *const FILETIME, lpFileTime: LPFILETIME, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn LocalFlags(hMem: HLOCAL) -> UINT; |
| pub fn LocalFree(hMem: HLOCAL) -> HLOCAL; |
| pub fn LocalHandle(pMem: LPCVOID) -> HLOCAL; |
| pub fn LocalLock(hMem: HLOCAL) -> LPVOID; |
| pub fn LocalReAlloc(hMem: HLOCAL, uBytes: SIZE_T, uFlags: UINT) -> HLOCAL; |
| pub fn LocalShrink(hMem: HLOCAL, cbNewSize: UINT) -> SIZE_T; |
| pub fn LocalSize(hMem: HLOCAL) -> SIZE_T; |
| pub fn LocalUnlock(hMem: HLOCAL) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn LocaleNameToLCID(lpName: LPCWSTR, dwFlags: DWORD) -> LCID; |
| #[cfg(any(target_arch = "x86", target_arch = "x86_64"))] |
| pub fn LocateXStateFeature(Context: PCONTEXT, FeatureId: DWORD, Length: PDWORD) -> PVOID; |
| pub fn LockFile( |
| hFile: HANDLE, dwFileOffsetLow: DWORD, dwFileOffsetHigh: DWORD, |
| nNumberOfBytesToLockLow: DWORD, nNumberOfBytesToLockHigh: DWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn LockFileEx( |
| hFile: HANDLE, dwFlags: DWORD, dwReserved: DWORD, nNumberOfBytesToLockLow: DWORD, |
| nNumberOfBytesToLockHigh: DWORD, lpOverlapped: LPOVERLAPPED, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn LockResource(hResData: HGLOBAL) -> LPVOID; |
| pub fn MapUserPhysicalPages( |
| VirtualAddress: PVOID, NumberOfPages: ULONG_PTR, PageArray: PULONG_PTR, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn MapUserPhysicalPagesScatter( |
| VirtualAddresses: *mut PVOID, NumberOfPages: ULONG_PTR, PageArray: PULONG_PTR, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn MapViewOfFile( |
| hFileMappingObject: HANDLE, dwDesiredAccess: DWORD, dwFileOffsetHigh: DWORD, |
| dwFileOffsetLow: DWORD, dwNumberOfBytesToMap: SIZE_T, |
| ) -> LPVOID; |
| pub fn MapViewOfFileEx( |
| hFileMappingObject: HANDLE, dwDesiredAccess: DWORD, dwFileOffsetHigh: DWORD, |
| dwFileOffsetLow: DWORD, dwNumberOfBytesToMap: SIZE_T, lpBaseAddress: LPVOID, |
| ) -> LPVOID; |
| pub fn MapViewOfFileExNuma( |
| hFileMappingObject: HANDLE, dwDesiredAccess: DWORD, dwFileOffsetHigh: DWORD, |
| dwFileOffsetLow: DWORD, dwNumberOfBytesToMap: SIZE_T, lpBaseAddress: LPVOID, |
| nndPreferred: DWORD, |
| ) -> LPVOID; |
| pub fn MapViewOfFileFromApp( |
| hFileMappingObject: HANDLE, DesiredAccess: ULONG, FileOffset: ULONG64, |
| NumberOfBytesToMap: SIZE_T, |
| ) -> PVOID; |
| pub fn Module32First(hSnapshot: HANDLE, lpme: LPMODULEENTRY32) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn Module32FirstW(hSnapshot: HANDLE, lpme: LPMODULEENTRY32W) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn Module32Next(hSnapshot: HANDLE, lpme: LPMODULEENTRY32) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn Module32NextW(hSnapshot: HANDLE, lpme: LPMODULEENTRY32W) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn MoveFileA(lpExistingFileName: LPCSTR, lpNewFileName: LPCSTR) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn MoveFileExA(lpExistingFileName: LPCSTR, lpNewFileName: LPCSTR, dwFlags: DWORD) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn MoveFileExW(lpExistingFileName: LPCWSTR, lpNewFileName: LPCWSTR, dwFlags: DWORD) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn MoveFileTransactedA( |
| lpExistingFileName: LPCSTR, lpNewFileName: LPCSTR, lpProgressRoutine: LPPROGRESS_ROUTINE, |
| lpData: LPVOID, dwFlags: DWORD, hTransaction: HANDLE, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn MoveFileTransactedW( |
| lpExistingFileName: LPCWSTR, lpNewFileName: LPCWSTR, lpProgressRoutine: LPPROGRESS_ROUTINE, |
| lpData: LPVOID, dwFlags: DWORD, hTransaction: HANDLE, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn MoveFileW(lpExistingFileName: LPCWSTR, lpNewFileName: LPCWSTR) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn MoveFileWithProgressA( |
| lpExistingFileName: LPCSTR, lpNewFileName: LPCSTR, lpProgressRoutine: LPPROGRESS_ROUTINE, |
| lpData: LPVOID, dwFlags: DWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn MoveFileWithProgressW( |
| lpExistingFileName: LPCWSTR, lpNewFileName: LPCWSTR, lpProgressRoutine: LPPROGRESS_ROUTINE, |
| lpData: LPVOID, dwFlags: DWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn MulDiv(nNumber: c_int, nNumerator: c_int, nDenominator: c_int) -> c_int; |
| pub fn MultiByteToWideChar( |
| CodePage: UINT, dwFlags: DWORD, lpMultiByteStr: LPCSTR, cbMultiByte: c_int, |
| lpWideCharStr: LPWSTR, cchWideChar: c_int, |
| ) -> c_int; |
| pub fn NeedCurrentDirectoryForExePathA(ExeName: LPCSTR) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn NeedCurrentDirectoryForExePathW(ExeName: LPCWSTR) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn NormalizeString( |
| NormForm: NORM_FORM, lpSrcString: LPCWSTR, cwSrcLength: c_int, lpDstString: LPWSTR, |
| cwDstLength: c_int, |
| ) -> c_int; |
| // pub fn NotifyMountMgr(); |
| pub fn NotifyUILanguageChange( |
| dwFlags: DWORD, pcwstrNewLanguage: PCWSTR, pcwstrPreviousLanguage: PCWSTR, |
| dwReserved: DWORD, pdwStatusRtrn: PDWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| // pub fn OOBEComplete(); |
| pub fn OpenEventA(dwDesiredAccess: DWORD, bInheritHandle: BOOL, lpName: LPCSTR) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn OpenEventW(dwDesiredAccess: DWORD, bInheritHandle: BOOL, lpName: LPCWSTR) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn OpenFile(lpFileName: LPCSTR, lpReOpenBuff: LPOFSTRUCT, uStyle: UINT) -> HFILE; |
| pub fn OpenFileById( |
| hVolumeHint: HANDLE, lpFileId: LPFILE_ID_DESCRIPTOR, dwDesiredAccess: DWORD, |
| dwShareMode: DWORD, lpSecurityAttributes: LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, |
| dwFlagsAndAttributes: DWORD, |
| ) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn OpenFileMappingA( |
| dwDesiredAccess: DWORD, bInheritHandle: BOOL, lpName: LPCSTR, |
| ) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn OpenFileMappingW( |
| dwDesiredAccess: DWORD, bInheritHandle: BOOL, lpName: LPCWSTR, |
| ) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn OpenJobObjectA(dwDesiredAccess: DWORD, bInheritHandle: BOOL, lpName: LPCSTR) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn OpenJobObjectW(dwDesiredAccess: DWORD, bInheritHandle: BOOL, lpName: LPCWSTR) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn OpenMutexA(dwDesiredAccess: DWORD, bInheritHandle: BOOL, lpName: LPCSTR) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn OpenMutexW(dwDesiredAccess: DWORD, bInheritHandle: BOOL, lpName: LPCWSTR) -> HANDLE; |
| // pub fn OpenPackageInfoByFullName(); |
| pub fn OpenPrivateNamespaceA(lpBoundaryDescriptor: LPVOID, lpAliasPrefix: LPCSTR) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn OpenPrivateNamespaceW(lpBoundaryDescriptor: LPVOID, lpAliasPrefix: LPCWSTR) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn OpenProcess(dwDesiredAccess: DWORD, bInheritHandle: BOOL, dwProcessId: DWORD) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn OpenSemaphoreA(dwDesiredAccess: DWORD, bInheritHandle: BOOL, lpName: LPCSTR) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn OpenSemaphoreW(dwDesiredAccess: DWORD, bInheritHandle: BOOL, lpName: LPCWSTR) -> HANDLE; |
| // pub fn OpenState(); |
| // pub fn OpenStateExplicit(); |
| pub fn OpenThread(dwDesiredAccess: DWORD, bInheritHandle: BOOL, dwThreadId: DWORD) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn OpenWaitableTimerA( |
| dwDesiredAccess: DWORD, bInheritHandle: BOOL, lpTimerName: LPCSTR, |
| ) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn OpenWaitableTimerW( |
| dwDesiredAccess: DWORD, bInheritHandle: BOOL, lpTimerName: LPCWSTR, |
| ) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn OutputDebugStringA(lpOutputString: LPCSTR); |
| pub fn OutputDebugStringW(lpOutputString: LPCWSTR); |
| // pub fn PackageFamilyNameFromFullName(); |
| // pub fn PackageFamilyNameFromId(); |
| // pub fn PackageFullNameFromId(); |
| // pub fn PackageIdFromFullName(); |
| // pub fn PackageNameAndPublisherIdFromFamilyName(); |
| // pub fn ParseApplicationUserModelId(); |
| pub fn PeekConsoleInputA( |
| hConsoleInput: HANDLE, lpBuffer: PINPUT_RECORD, nLength: DWORD, |
| lpNumberOfEventsRead: LPDWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn PeekConsoleInputW( |
| hConsoleInput: HANDLE, lpBuffer: PINPUT_RECORD, nLength: DWORD, |
| lpNumberOfEventsRead: LPDWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn PeekNamedPipe( |
| hNamedPipe: HANDLE, lpBuffer: LPVOID, nBufferSize: DWORD, lpBytesRead: LPDWORD, |
| lpTotalBytesAvail: LPDWORD, lpBytesLeftThisMessage: LPDWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn PostQueuedCompletionStatus( |
| CompletionPort: HANDLE, dwNumberOfBytesTransferred: DWORD, dwCompletionKey: ULONG_PTR, |
| lpOverlapped: LPOVERLAPPED, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn PowerClearRequest(PowerRequest: HANDLE, RequestType: POWER_REQUEST_TYPE) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn PowerCreateRequest(Context: PREASON_CONTEXT) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn PowerSetRequest(PowerRequest: HANDLE, RequestType: POWER_REQUEST_TYPE) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn PrefetchVirtualMemory( |
| hProcess: HANDLE, NumberOfEntries: ULONG_PTR, VirtualAddresses: PWIN32_MEMORY_RANGE_ENTRY, |
| Flags: ULONG, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn PrepareTape(hDevice: HANDLE, dwOperation: DWORD, bImmediate: BOOL) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn Process32First(hSnapshot: HANDLE, lppe: LPPROCESSENTRY32) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn Process32FirstW(hSnapshot: HANDLE, lppe: LPPROCESSENTRY32W) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn Process32Next(hSnapshot: HANDLE, lppe: LPPROCESSENTRY32) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn Process32NextW(hSnapshot: HANDLE, lppe: LPPROCESSENTRY32W) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn ProcessIdToSessionId(dwProcessId: DWORD, pSessionId: *mut DWORD) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn PssCaptureSnapshot( |
| ProcessHandle: HANDLE, CaptureFlags: PSS_CAPTURE_FLAGS, ThreadContextFlags: DWORD, |
| SnapshotHandle: *mut HPSS, |
| ) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn PssDuplicateSnapshot( |
| SourceProcessHandle: HANDLE, SnapshotHandle: HPSS, TargetProcessHandle: HANDLE, |
| TargetSnapshotHandle: *mut HPSS, Flags: PSS_DUPLICATE_FLAGS, |
| ) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn PssFreeSnapshot(ProcessHandle: HANDLE, SnapshotHandle: HPSS) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn PssQuerySnapshot( |
| SnapshotHandle: HPSS, InformationClass: PSS_QUERY_INFORMATION_CLASS, Buffer: *mut c_void, |
| BufferLength: DWORD, |
| ) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn PssWalkMarkerCreate( |
| Allocator: *const PSS_ALLOCATOR, WalkMarkerHandle: *mut HPSSWALK, |
| ) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn PssWalkMarkerFree(WalkMarkerHandle: HPSSWALK) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn PssWalkMarkerGetPosition(WalkMarkerHandle: HPSSWALK, Position: *mut ULONG_PTR) -> DWORD; |
| // pub fn PssWalkMarkerRewind(); |
| // pub fn PssWalkMarkerSeek(); |
| pub fn PssWalkMarkerSeekToBeginning(WalkMarkerHandle: HPSS) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn PssWalkMarkerSetPosition(WalkMarkerHandle: HPSSWALK, Position: ULONG_PTR) -> DWORD; |
| // pub fn PssWalkMarkerTell(); |
| pub fn PssWalkSnapshot( |
| SnapshotHandle: HPSS, InformationClass: PSS_WALK_INFORMATION_CLASS, |
| WalkMarkerHandle: HPSSWALK, Buffer: *mut c_void, BufferLength: DWORD, |
| ) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn PulseEvent(hEvent: HANDLE) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn PurgeComm(hFile: HANDLE, dwFlags: DWORD) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn QueryActCtxSettingsW( |
| dwFlags: DWORD, hActCtx: HANDLE, settingsNameSpace: PCWSTR, settingName: PCWSTR, |
| pvBuffer: PWSTR, dwBuffer: SIZE_T, pdwWrittenOrRequired: *mut SIZE_T, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn QueryActCtxW( |
| dwFlags: DWORD, hActCtx: HANDLE, pvSubInstance: PVOID, ulInfoClass: ULONG, pvBuffer: PVOID, |
| cbBuffer: SIZE_T, pcbWrittenOrRequired: *mut SIZE_T, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn QueryDepthSList(ListHead: PSLIST_HEADER) -> USHORT; |
| pub fn QueryDosDeviceA(lpDeviceName: LPCSTR, lpTargetPath: LPSTR, ucchMax: DWORD) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn QueryDosDeviceW(lpDeviceName: LPCWSTR, lpTargetPath: LPWSTR, ucchMax: DWORD) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn QueryFullProcessImageNameA( |
| hProcess: HANDLE, dwFlags: DWORD, lpExeName: LPSTR, lpdwSize: PDWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn QueryFullProcessImageNameW( |
| hProcess: HANDLE, dwFlags: DWORD, lpExeName: LPWSTR, lpdwSize: PDWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn QueryIdleProcessorCycleTime( |
| BufferLength: PULONG, ProcessorIdleCycleTime: PULONG64, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn QueryIdleProcessorCycleTimeEx( |
| Group: USHORT, BufferLength: PULONG, ProcessorIdleCycleTime: PULONG64, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn QueryInformationJobObject( |
| hJob: HANDLE, JobObjectInformationClass: JOBOBJECTINFOCLASS, |
| lpJobObjectInformation: LPVOID, cbJobObjectInformationLength: DWORD, |
| lpReturnLength: LPDWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn QueryMemoryResourceNotification( |
| ResourceNotificationHandle: HANDLE, ResourceState: PBOOL, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn QueryPerformanceCounter(lpPerformanceCount: *mut LARGE_INTEGER) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn QueryPerformanceFrequency(lpFrequency: *mut LARGE_INTEGER) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn QueryProcessAffinityUpdateMode(hProcess: HANDLE, lpdwFlags: LPDWORD) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn QueryProcessCycleTime(ProcessHandle: HANDLE, CycleTime: PULONG64) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn QueryProtectedPolicy(PolicyGuid: LPCGUID, PolicyValue: PULONG_PTR) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn QueryThreadCycleTime(ThreadHandle: HANDLE, CycleTime: PULONG64) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn QueryThreadProfiling(ThreadHandle: HANDLE, Enabled: PBOOLEAN) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn QueryThreadpoolStackInformation( |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] |
| pub fn QueryUmsThreadInformation( |
| UmsThread: PUMS_CONTEXT, UmsThreadInfoClass: UMS_THREAD_INFO_CLASS, |
| UmsThreadInformation: PVOID, UmsThreadInformationLength: ULONG, ReturnLength: PULONG, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn QueryUnbiasedInterruptTime(UnbiasedTime: PULONGLONG) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn QueueUserAPC(pfnAPC: PAPCFUNC, hThread: HANDLE, dwData: ULONG_PTR) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn QueueUserWorkItem( |
| Function: LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE, Context: PVOID, Flags: ULONG, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn RaiseException( |
| dwExceptionCode: DWORD, dwExceptionFlags: DWORD, nNumberOfArguments: DWORD, |
| lpArguments: *const ULONG_PTR, |
| ); |
| pub fn RaiseFailFastException( |
| pExceptionRecord: PEXCEPTION_RECORD, pContextRecord: PCONTEXT, dwFlags: DWORD, |
| ); |
| pub fn ReOpenFile( |
| hOriginalFile: HANDLE, dwDesiredAccess: DWORD, dwShareMode: DWORD, dwFlags: DWORD, |
| ) -> HANDLE; |
| pub fn ReadConsoleA( |
| hConsoleInput: HANDLE, lpBuffer: LPVOID, nNumberOfCharsToRead: DWORD, |
| lpNumberOfCharsRead: LPDWORD, pInputControl: PCONSOLE_READCONSOLE_CONTROL, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn ReadConsoleInputA( |
| hConsoleInput: HANDLE, lpBuffer: PINPUT_RECORD, nLength: DWORD, |
| lpNumberOfEventsRead: LPDWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn ReadConsoleInputW( |
| hConsoleInput: HANDLE, lpBuffer: PINPUT_RECORD, nLength: DWORD, |
| lpNumberOfEventsRead: LPDWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn ReadConsoleOutputA( |
| hConsoleOutput: HANDLE, lpBuffer: PCHAR_INFO, dwBufferSize: COORD, dwBufferCoord: COORD, |
| lpReadRegion: PSMALL_RECT, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn ReadConsoleOutputAttribute( |
| hConsoleOutput: HANDLE, lpAttribute: LPWORD, nLength: DWORD, dwReadCoord: COORD, |
| lpNumberOfAttrsRead: LPDWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn ReadConsoleOutputCharacterA( |
| hConsoleOutput: HANDLE, lpCharacter: LPSTR, nLength: DWORD, dwReadCoord: COORD, |
| lpNumberOfCharsRead: LPDWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn ReadConsoleOutputCharacterW( |
| hConsoleOutput: HANDLE, lpCharacter: LPWSTR, nLength: DWORD, dwReadCoord: COORD, |
| lpNumberOfCharsRead: LPDWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn ReadConsoleOutputW( |
| hConsoleOutput: HANDLE, lpBuffer: PCHAR_INFO, dwBufferSize: COORD, dwBufferCoord: COORD, |
| lpReadRegion: PSMALL_RECT, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn ReadConsoleW( |
| hConsoleInput: HANDLE, lpBuffer: LPVOID, nNumberOfCharsToRead: DWORD, |
| lpNumberOfCharsRead: LPDWORD, pInputControl: PCONSOLE_READCONSOLE_CONTROL, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn ReadDirectoryChangesW( |
| hDirectory: HANDLE, lpBuffer: LPVOID, nBufferLength: DWORD, bWatchSubtree: BOOL, |
| dwNotifyFilter: DWORD, lpBytesReturned: LPDWORD, lpOverlapped: LPOVERLAPPED, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn ReadFile( |
| hFile: HANDLE, lpBuffer: LPVOID, nNumberOfBytesToRead: DWORD, lpNumberOfBytesRead: LPDWORD, |
| lpOverlapped: LPOVERLAPPED, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn ReadFileEx( |
| hFile: HANDLE, lpBuffer: LPVOID, nNumberOfBytesToRead: DWORD, lpOverlapped: LPOVERLAPPED, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn ReadFileScatter( |
| hFile: HANDLE, aSegmentArray: *mut FILE_SEGMENT_ELEMENT, nNumberOfBytesToRead: DWORD, |
| lpReserved: LPDWORD, lpOverlapped: LPOVERLAPPED, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn ReadProcessMemory( |
| hProcess: HANDLE, lpBaseAddress: LPCVOID, lpBuffer: LPVOID, nSize: SIZE_T, |
| lpNumberOfBytesRead: *mut SIZE_T, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn ReadThreadProfilingData( |
| PerformanceDataHandle: HANDLE, Flags: DWORD, PerformanceData: PPERFORMANCE_DATA, |
| ) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn RegisterApplicationRecoveryCallback( |
| pRecoveyCallback: APPLICATION_RECOVERY_CALLBACK, pvParameter: PVOID, dwPingInterval: DWORD, |
| dwFlags: DWORD, |
| ) -> HRESULT; |
| pub fn RegisterApplicationRestart(pwzCommandline: PCWSTR, dwFlags: DWORD) -> HRESULT; |
| pub fn RegisterBadMemoryNotification(Callback: PBAD_MEMORY_CALLBACK_ROUTINE) -> PVOID; |
| // pub fn RegisterWaitForInputIdle(); |
| pub fn RegisterWaitForSingleObject( |
| phNewWaitObject: PHANDLE, hObject: HANDLE, Callback: WAITORTIMERCALLBACK, Context: PVOID, |
| dwMilliseconds: ULONG, dwFlags: ULONG, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn RegisterWaitForSingleObjectEx( |
| hObject: HANDLE, Callback: WAITORTIMERCALLBACK, Context: PVOID, dwMilliseconds: ULONG, |
| dwFlags: ULONG, |
| ) -> HANDLE; |
| // pub fn RegisterWaitUntilOOBECompleted(); |
| pub fn ReleaseActCtx(hActCtx: HANDLE); |
| pub fn ReleaseMutex(hMutex: HANDLE) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn ReleaseMutexWhenCallbackReturns(pci: PTP_CALLBACK_INSTANCE, mutex: HANDLE); |
| pub fn ReleaseSRWLockExclusive(SRWLock: PSRWLOCK); |
| pub fn ReleaseSRWLockShared(SRWLock: PSRWLOCK); |
| pub fn ReleaseSemaphore( |
| hSemaphore: HANDLE, lReleaseCount: LONG, lpPreviousCount: LPLONG, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn ReleaseSemaphoreWhenCallbackReturns( |
| ); |
| pub fn RemoveDirectoryA(lpPathName: LPCSTR) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn RemoveDirectoryTransactedA(lpPathName: LPCSTR, hTransaction: HANDLE) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn RemoveDirectoryTransactedW(lpPathName: LPCWSTR, hTransaction: HANDLE) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn RemoveDirectoryW(lpPathName: LPCWSTR) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn RemoveDllDirectory(Cookie: DLL_DIRECTORY_COOKIE) -> BOOL; |
| // pub fn RemoveLocalAlternateComputerNameA(); |
| // pub fn RemoveLocalAlternateComputerNameW(); |
| pub fn RemoveSecureMemoryCacheCallback(pfnCallBack: PSECURE_MEMORY_CACHE_CALLBACK) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn RemoveVectoredContinueHandler(Handle: PVOID) -> ULONG; |
| pub fn RemoveVectoredExceptionHandler(Handle: PVOID) -> ULONG; |
| pub fn ReplaceFileA( |
| lpReplacedFileName: LPCSTR, lpReplacementFileName: LPCSTR, lpBackupFileName: LPCSTR, |
| dwReplaceFlags: DWORD, lpExclude: LPVOID, lpReserved: LPVOID, |
| ); |
| pub fn ReplaceFileW( |
| lpReplacedFileName: LPCWSTR, lpReplacementFileName: LPCWSTR, lpBackupFileName: LPCWSTR, |
| dwReplaceFlags: DWORD, lpExclude: LPVOID, lpReserved: LPVOID, |
| ); |
| pub fn ReplacePartitionUnit( |
| TargetPartition: PWSTR, SparePartition: PWSTR, Flags: ULONG, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn RequestDeviceWakeup(hDevice: HANDLE) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn RequestWakeupLatency(latency: LATENCY_TIME) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn ResetEvent(hEvent: HANDLE) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn ResetWriteWatch(lpBaseAddress: LPVOID, dwRegionSize: SIZE_T) -> UINT; |
| // pub fn ResolveDelayLoadedAPI(); |
| // pub fn ResolveDelayLoadsFromDll(); |
| pub fn ResolveLocaleName( |
| lpNameToResolve: LPCWSTR, lpLocaleName: LPWSTR, cchLocaleName: c_int, |
| ) -> c_int; |
| pub fn RestoreLastError(dwErrCode: DWORD); |
| pub fn ResumeThread(hThread: HANDLE) -> DWORD; |
| #[cfg(target_arch = "arm")] |
| pub fn RtlAddFunctionTable( |
| FunctionTable: PRUNTIME_FUNCTION, EntryCount: DWORD, BaseAddress: DWORD, |
| ) -> BOOLEAN; |
| #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] |
| pub fn RtlAddFunctionTable( |
| FunctionTable: PRUNTIME_FUNCTION, EntryCount: DWORD, BaseAddress: DWORD64, |
| ) -> BOOLEAN; |
| pub fn RtlCaptureContext(ContextRecord: PCONTEXT); |
| pub fn RtlCaptureStackBackTrace( |
| FramesToSkip: DWORD, FramesToCapture: DWORD, BackTrace: *mut PVOID, BackTraceHash: PDWORD, |
| ) -> WORD; |
| // #[cfg(any(target_arch = "arm", target_arch = "x86_64"))] |
| pub fn RtlCompareMemory(Source1: *const VOID, Source2: *const VOID, Length: SIZE_T) -> SIZE_T; |
| // #[cfg(any(target_arch = "arm", target_arch = "x86_64"))] |
| pub fn RtlCopyMemory(Destination: PVOID, Source: *const VOID, Length: SIZE_T); |
| #[cfg(any(target_arch = "arm", target_arch = "x86_64"))] |
| pub fn RtlDeleteFunctionTable(FunctionTable: PRUNTIME_FUNCTION) -> BOOLEAN; |
| // pub fn RtlFillMemory(); |
| #[cfg(target_arch = "arm")] |
| pub fn RtlInstallFunctionTableCallback( |
| TableIdentifier: DWORD, BaseAddress: DWORD, Length: DWORD, |
| Callback: PGET_RUNTIME_FUNCTION_CALLBACK, Context: PVOID, OutOfProcessCallbackDll: PCWSTR, |
| ) -> BOOLEAN; |
| #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] |
| pub fn RtlInstallFunctionTableCallback( |
| TableIdentifier: DWORD64, BaseAddress: DWORD64, Length: DWORD, |
| Callback: PGET_RUNTIME_FUNCTION_CALLBACK, Context: PVOID, OutOfProcessCallbackDll: PCWSTR, |
| ) -> BOOLEAN; |
| #[cfg(target_arch = "arm")] |
| pub fn RtlLookupFunctionEntry( |
| ControlPc: ULONG_PTR, ImageBase: PDWORD, HistoryTable: PUNWIND_HISTORY_TABLE, |
| #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] |
| pub fn RtlLookupFunctionEntry( |
| ControlPc: DWORD64, ImageBase: PDWORD64, HistoryTable: PUNWIND_HISTORY_TABLE, |
| // pub fn RtlMoveMemory(); |
| // #[cfg(any(target_arch = "arm", target_arch = "x86_64"))] |
| pub fn RtlPcToFileHeader(PcValue: PVOID, BaseOfImage: *mut PVOID) -> PVOID; |
| // #[cfg(any(target_arch = "arm", target_arch = "x86_64"))] |
| // pub fn RtlRaiseException(); |
| #[cfg(any(target_arch = "arm", target_arch = "x86_64"))] |
| pub fn RtlRestoreContext(ContextRecord: PCONTEXT, ExceptionRecord: *mut EXCEPTION_RECORD); |
| pub fn RtlUnwind( |
| TargetFrame: PVOID, TargetIp: PVOID, ExceptionRecord: PEXCEPTION_RECORD, ReturnValue: PVOID, |
| ); |
| #[cfg(any(target_arch = "arm", target_arch = "x86_64"))] |
| pub fn RtlUnwindEx( |
| TargetFrame: PVOID, TargetIp: PVOID, ExceptionRecord: PEXCEPTION_RECORD, ReturnValue: PVOID, |
| ContextRecord: PCONTEXT, HistoryTable: PUNWIND_HISTORY_TABLE, |
| ); |
| #[cfg(target_arch = "arm")] |
| pub fn RtlVirtualUnwind( |
| HandlerType: DWORD, ImageBase: DWORD, ControlPc: DWORD, FunctionEntry: PRUNTIME_FUNCTION, |
| ContextRecord: PCONTEXT, HandlerData: *mut PVOID, EstablisherFrame: PDWORD, |
| #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] |
| pub fn RtlVirtualUnwind( |
| HandlerType: DWORD, ImageBase: DWORD64, ControlPc: DWORD64, |
| FunctionEntry: PRUNTIME_FUNCTION, ContextRecord: PCONTEXT, HandlerData: *mut PVOID, |
| EstablisherFrame: PDWORD64, ContextPointers: PKNONVOLATILE_CONTEXT_POINTERS, |
| // pub fn RtlZeroMemory(); |
| pub fn ScrollConsoleScreenBufferA( |
| hConsoleOutput: HANDLE, lpScrollRectangle: *const SMALL_RECT, |
| lpClipRectangle: *const SMALL_RECT, dwDestinationOrigin: COORD, lpFill: *const CHAR_INFO, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn ScrollConsoleScreenBufferW( |
| hConsoleOutput: HANDLE, lpScrollRectangle: *const SMALL_RECT, |
| lpClipRectangle: *const SMALL_RECT, dwDestinationOrigin: COORD, lpFill: *const CHAR_INFO, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SearchPathA( |
| lpPath: LPCSTR, lpFileName: LPCSTR, lpExtension: LPCSTR, nBufferLength: DWORD, |
| lpBuffer: LPSTR, lpFilePart: *mut LPSTR, |
| ) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn SearchPathW( |
| lpPath: LPCWSTR, lpFileName: LPCWSTR, lpExtension: LPCWSTR, nBufferLength: DWORD, |
| lpBuffer: LPWSTR, lpFilePart: *mut LPWSTR, |
| ) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn SetCachedSigningLevel( |
| SourceFiles: PHANDLE, SourceFileCount: ULONG, Flags: ULONG, TargetFile: HANDLE, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetCalendarInfoA( |
| Locale: LCID, Calendar: CALID, CalType: CALTYPE, lpCalData: LPCSTR, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetCalendarInfoW( |
| Locale: LCID, Calendar: CALID, CalType: CALTYPE, lpCalData: LPCWSTR, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetCommBreak(hFile: HANDLE) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetCommConfig(hCommDev: HANDLE, lpCC: LPCOMMCONFIG, dwSize: DWORD) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetCommMask(hFile: HANDLE, dwEvtMask: DWORD) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetCommState(hFile: HANDLE, lpDCB: LPDCB) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetCommTimeouts(hFile: HANDLE, lpCommTimeouts: LPCOMMTIMEOUTS) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetComputerNameA(lpComputerName: LPCSTR) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetComputerNameEx2W( |
| NameType: COMPUTER_NAME_FORMAT, Flags: DWORD, lpBuffer: LPCWSTR, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetComputerNameExA(NameType: COMPUTER_NAME_FORMAT, lpBuffer: LPCSTR) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetComputerNameExW(NameType: COMPUTER_NAME_FORMAT, lpBuffer: LPCWSTR) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetComputerNameW(lpComputerName: LPCWSTR) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer(hConsoleOutput: HANDLE) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetConsoleCP(wCodePageID: UINT) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetConsoleCtrlHandler(HandlerRoutine: PHANDLER_ROUTINE, Add: BOOL) -> BOOL; |
| // pub fn SetConsoleCursor(); |
| pub fn SetConsoleCursorInfo( |
| hConsoleOutput: HANDLE, lpConsoleCursorInfo: *const CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetConsoleCursorPosition(hConsoleOutput: HANDLE, dwCursorPosition: COORD) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetConsoleDisplayMode( |
| hConsoleOutput: HANDLE, dwFlags: DWORD, lpNewScreenBufferDimensions: PCOORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetConsoleHistoryInfo(lpConsoleHistoryInfo: PCONSOLE_HISTORY_INFO) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetConsoleMode(hConsoleHandle: HANDLE, dwMode: DWORD) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetConsoleOutputCP(wCodePageID: UINT) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx( |
| hConsoleOutput: HANDLE, lpConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx: PCONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFOEX, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(hConsoleOutput: HANDLE, dwSize: COORD) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetConsoleTextAttribute(hConsoleOutput: HANDLE, wAttributes: WORD) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetConsoleTitleA(lpConsoleTitle: LPCSTR) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetConsoleTitleW(lpConsoleTitle: LPCWSTR) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetConsoleWindowInfo( |
| hConsoleOutput: HANDLE, bAbsolute: BOOL, lpConsoleWindow: *const SMALL_RECT, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetCriticalSectionSpinCount( |
| lpCriticalSection: LPCRITICAL_SECTION, dwSpinCount: DWORD, |
| ) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn SetCurrentConsoleFontEx( |
| hConsoleOutput: HANDLE, bMaximumWindow: BOOL, lpConsoleCurrentFontEx: PCONSOLE_FONT_INFOEX, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetCurrentDirectoryA(lpPathName: LPCSTR) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetCurrentDirectoryW(lpPathName: LPCWSTR) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetDefaultCommConfigA(lpszName: LPCSTR, lpCC: LPCOMMCONFIG, dwSize: DWORD) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetDefaultCommConfigW(lpszName: LPCWSTR, lpCC: LPCOMMCONFIG, dwSize: DWORD) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetDefaultDllDirectories(DirectoryFlags: DWORD) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetDllDirectoryA(lpPathName: LPCSTR) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetDllDirectoryW(lpPathName: LPCWSTR) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetDynamicTimeZoneInformation( |
| lpTimeZoneInformation: *const DYNAMIC_TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetEndOfFile(hFile: HANDLE) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetEnvironmentStringsA(NewEnvironment: LPCH) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetEnvironmentStringsW(NewEnvironment: LPWCH) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetEnvironmentVariableA(lpName: LPCSTR, lpValue: LPCSTR) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetEnvironmentVariableW(lpName: LPCWSTR, lpValue: LPCWSTR) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetErrorMode(uMode: UINT) -> UINT; |
| pub fn SetEvent(hEvent: HANDLE) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetEventWhenCallbackReturns(pci: PTP_CALLBACK_INSTANCE, evt: HANDLE); |
| pub fn SetFileApisToANSI(); |
| pub fn SetFileApisToOEM(); |
| pub fn SetFileAttributesA(lpFileName: LPCSTR, dwFileAttributes: DWORD) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetFileAttributesTransactedA( |
| lpFileName: LPCSTR, dwFileAttributes: DWORD, hTransaction: HANDLE, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetFileAttributesTransactedW( |
| lpFileName: LPCWSTR, dwFileAttributes: DWORD, hTransaction: HANDLE, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetFileAttributesW(lpFileName: LPCWSTR, dwFileAttributes: DWORD) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetFileBandwidthReservation( |
| hFile: HANDLE, nPeriodMilliseconds: DWORD, nBytesPerPeriod: DWORD, bDiscardable: BOOL, |
| lpTransferSize: LPDWORD, lpNumOutstandingRequests: LPDWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetFileCompletionNotificationModes(FileHandle: HANDLE, Flags: UCHAR) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetFileInformationByHandle( |
| hFile: HANDLE, FileInformationClass: FILE_INFO_BY_HANDLE_CLASS, lpFileInformation: LPVOID, |
| dwBufferSize: DWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetFileIoOverlappedRange( |
| FileHandle: HANDLE, OverlappedRangeStart: PUCHAR, Length: ULONG, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetFilePointer( |
| hFile: HANDLE, lDistanceToMove: LONG, lpDistanceToMoveHigh: PLONG, dwMoveMethod: DWORD, |
| ) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn SetFilePointerEx( |
| hFile: HANDLE, liDistanceToMove: LARGE_INTEGER, lpNewFilePointer: PLARGE_INTEGER, |
| dwMoveMethod: DWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetFileShortNameA(hFile: HANDLE, lpShortName: LPCSTR) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetFileShortNameW(hFile: HANDLE, lpShortName: LPCWSTR) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetFileTime( |
| hFile: HANDLE, lpCreationTime: *const FILETIME, lpLastAccessTime: *const FILETIME, |
| lpLastWriteTime: *const FILETIME, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetFileValidData(hFile: HANDLE, ValidDataLength: LONGLONG) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableA( |
| lpName: LPCSTR, lpGuid: LPCSTR, pValue: PVOID, nSize: DWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableExA( |
| lpName: LPCSTR, lpGuid: LPCSTR, pValue: PVOID, nSize: DWORD, dwAttributes: DWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableExW( |
| lpName: LPCWSTR, lpGuid: LPCWSTR, pValue: PVOID, nSize: DWORD, dwAttributes: DWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableW( |
| lpName: LPCWSTR, lpGuid: LPCWSTR, pValue: PVOID, nSize: DWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetHandleCount(uNumber: UINT) -> UINT; |
| pub fn SetHandleInformation(hObject: HANDLE, dwMask: DWORD, dwFlags: DWORD) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetInformationJobObject( |
| hJob: HANDLE, JobObjectInformationClass: JOBOBJECTINFOCLASS, |
| lpJobObjectInformation: LPVOID, cbJobObjectInformationLength: DWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetLastError(dwErrCode: DWORD); |
| // pub fn SetLocalPrimaryComputerNameA(); |
| // pub fn SetLocalPrimaryComputerNameW(); |
| pub fn SetLocalTime(lpSystemTime: *const SYSTEMTIME) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetLocaleInfoA(Locale: LCID, LCType: LCTYPE, lpLCData: LPCSTR) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetLocaleInfoW(Locale: LCID, LCType: LCTYPE, lpLCData: LPCWSTR) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetMailslotInfo(hMailslot: HANDLE, lReadTimeout: DWORD) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetMessageWaitingIndicator(hMsgIndicator: HANDLE, ulMsgCount: ULONG) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetNamedPipeAttribute( |
| Pipe: HANDLE, AttributeType: PIPE_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, AttributeName: PSTR, |
| AttributeValue: PVOID, AttributeValueLength: SIZE_T, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetNamedPipeHandleState( |
| hNamedPipe: HANDLE, lpMode: LPDWORD, lpMaxCollectionCount: LPDWORD, |
| lpCollectDataTimeout: LPDWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetPriorityClass(hProcess: HANDLE, dwPriorityClass: DWORD) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetProcessAffinityMask(hProcess: HANDLE, dwProcessAffinityMask: DWORD) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetProcessAffinityUpdateMode(hProcess: HANDLE, dwFlags: DWORD) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetProcessDEPPolicy(dwFlags: DWORD) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetProcessInformation( |
| hProcess: HANDLE, ProcessInformationClass: PROCESS_INFORMATION_CLASS, |
| ProcessInformation: LPVOID, ProcessInformationSize: DWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetProcessMitigationPolicy( |
| MitigationPolicy: PROCESS_MITIGATION_POLICY, lpBuffer: PVOID, dwLength: SIZE_T, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetProcessPreferredUILanguages( |
| dwFlags: DWORD, pwszLanguagesBuffer: PCZZWSTR, pulNumLanguages: PULONG, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetProcessPriorityBoost(hProcess: HANDLE, bDisablePriorityBoost: BOOL) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetProcessShutdownParameters(dwLevel: DWORD, dwFlags: DWORD) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetProcessWorkingSetSize( |
| hProcess: HANDLE, dwMinimumWorkingSetSize: SIZE_T, dwMaximumWorkingSetSize: SIZE_T, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetProcessWorkingSetSizeEx( |
| hProcess: HANDLE, dwMinimumWorkingSetSize: SIZE_T, dwMaximumWorkingSetSize: SIZE_T, |
| Flags: DWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetProtectedPolicy( |
| PolicyGuid: LPCGUID, PolicyValue: ULONG_PTR, OldPolicyValue: PULONG_PTR, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetSearchPathMode(Flags: DWORD) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetStdHandle(nStdHandle: DWORD, hHandle: HANDLE) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetStdHandleEx(nStdHandle: DWORD, hHandle: HANDLE, phPrevValue: PHANDLE) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetSystemFileCacheSize( |
| MinimumFileCacheSize: SIZE_T, MaximumFileCacheSize: SIZE_T, Flags: DWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetSystemPowerState(fSuspend: BOOL, fForce: BOOL) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetSystemTime(lpSystemTime: *const SYSTEMTIME) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetSystemTimeAdjustment(dwTimeAdjustment: DWORD, bTimeAdjustmentDisabled: BOOL) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetTapeParameters( |
| hDevice: HANDLE, dwOperation: DWORD, lpTapeInformation: LPVOID, |
| ) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn SetTapePosition( |
| hDevice: HANDLE, dwPositionMethod: DWORD, dwPartition: DWORD, |
| dwOffsetLow: DWORD, dwOffsetHigh: DWORD, bImmediate: BOOL |
| ) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn SetThreadAffinityMask(hThread: HANDLE, dwThreadAffinityMask: DWORD_PTR) -> DWORD_PTR; |
| pub fn SetThreadContext(hThread: HANDLE, lpContext: *const CONTEXT) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetThreadErrorMode(dwNewMode: DWORD, lpOldMode: LPDWORD) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetThreadExecutionState(esFlags: EXECUTION_STATE) -> EXECUTION_STATE; |
| pub fn SetThreadGroupAffinity( |
| hThread: HANDLE, GroupAffinity: *const GROUP_AFFINITY, |
| PreviousGroupAffinity: PGROUP_AFFINITY, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetThreadIdealProcessor(hThread: HANDLE, dwIdealProcessor: DWORD) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn SetThreadIdealProcessorEx( |
| hThread: HANDLE, lpIdealProcessor: PPROCESSOR_NUMBER, |
| lpPreviousIdealProcessor: PPROCESSOR_NUMBER, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetThreadInformation( |
| hThread: HANDLE, ThreadInformationClass: THREAD_INFORMATION_CLASS, |
| ThreadInformation: LPVOID, ThreadInformationSize: DWORD, |
| ); |
| pub fn SetThreadLocale(Locale: LCID) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetThreadPreferredUILanguages( |
| dwFlags: DWORD, pwszLanguagesBuffer: PCZZWSTR, pulNumLanguages: PULONG, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetThreadPriority(hThread: HANDLE, nPriority: c_int) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetThreadPriorityBoost(hThread: HANDLE, bDisablePriorityBoost: BOOL) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetThreadStackGuarantee(StackSizeInBytes: PULONG) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetThreadUILanguage(LangId: LANGID) -> LANGID; |
| pub fn SetThreadpoolStackInformation( |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetThreadpoolThreadMaximum(ptpp: PTP_POOL, cthrdMost: DWORD); |
| pub fn SetThreadpoolThreadMinimum(ptpp: PTP_POOL, cthrdMic: DWORD) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetThreadpoolTimer( |
| pti: PTP_TIMER, pftDueTime: PFILETIME, msPeriod: DWORD, msWindowLength: DWORD, |
| ); |
| pub fn SetThreadpoolTimerEx( |
| pti: PTP_TIMER, pftDueTime: PFILETIME, msPeriod: DWORD, msWindowLength: DWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetThreadpoolWait(pwa: PTP_WAIT, h: HANDLE, pftTimeout: PFILETIME); |
| pub fn SetThreadpoolWaitEx( |
| pwa: PTP_WAIT, h: HANDLE, pftTimeout: PFILETIME, Reserved: PVOID, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetTimeZoneInformation(lpTimeZoneInformation: *const TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetTimerQueueTimer( |
| TimerQueue: HANDLE, Callback: WAITORTIMERCALLBACK, Parameter: PVOID, DueTime: DWORD, |
| Period: DWORD, PreferIo: BOOL, |
| ) -> HANDLE; |
| #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] |
| pub fn SetUmsThreadInformation( |
| UmsThread: PUMS_CONTEXT, UmsThreadInfoClass: UMS_THREAD_INFO_CLASS, |
| UmsThreadInformation: PVOID, UmsThreadInformationLength: ULONG, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetUnhandledExceptionFilter( |
| lpTopLevelExceptionFilter: LPTOP_LEVEL_EXCEPTION_FILTER, |
| pub fn SetUserGeoID(GeoId: GEOID) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetVolumeLabelA(lpRootPathName: LPCSTR, lpVolumeName: LPCSTR) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetVolumeLabelW(lpRootPathName: LPCWSTR, lpVolumeName: LPCWSTR) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetVolumeMountPointA(lpszVolumeMountPoint: LPCSTR, lpszVolumeName: LPCSTR) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetVolumeMountPointW(lpszVolumeMountPoint: LPCWSTR, lpszVolumeName: LPCWSTR) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetWaitableTimer( |
| hTimer: HANDLE, lpDueTime: *const LARGE_INTEGER, lPeriod: LONG, |
| pfnCompletionRoutine: PTIMERAPCROUTINE, lpArgToCompletionRoutine: LPVOID, fResume: BOOL, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetWaitableTimerEx( |
| hTimer: HANDLE, lpDueTime: *const LARGE_INTEGER, lPeriod: LONG, |
| pfnCompletionRoutine: PTIMERAPCROUTINE, lpArgToCompletionRoutine: LPVOID, |
| WakeContext: PREASON_CONTEXT, TolerableDelay: ULONG, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| #[cfg(any(target_arch = "x86", target_arch = "x86_64"))] |
| pub fn SetXStateFeaturesMask(Context: PCONTEXT, FeatureMask: DWORD64) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SetupComm(hFile: HANDLE, dwInQueue: DWORD, dwOutQueue: DWORD) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SignalObjectAndWait( |
| hObjectToSignal: HANDLE, hObjectToWaitOn: HANDLE, dwMilliseconds: DWORD, bAlertable: BOOL, |
| ) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn SizeofResource(hModule: HMODULE, hResInfo: HRSRC) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn Sleep(dwMilliseconds: DWORD); |
| pub fn SleepConditionVariableCS( |
| ConditionVariable: PCONDITION_VARIABLE, CriticalSection: PCRITICAL_SECTION, |
| dwMilliseconds: DWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SleepConditionVariableSRW( |
| ConditionVariable: PCONDITION_VARIABLE, SRWLock: PSRWLOCK, dwMilliseconds: DWORD, |
| Flags: ULONG, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SleepEx(dwMilliseconds: DWORD, bAlertable: BOOL) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn StartThreadpoolIo(pio: PTP_IO); |
| pub fn SubmitThreadpoolWork(pwk: PTP_WORK); |
| pub fn SuspendThread(hThread: HANDLE) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn SwitchToFiber(lpFiber: LPVOID); |
| pub fn SwitchToThread() -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SystemTimeToFileTime(lpSystemTime: *const SYSTEMTIME, lpFileTime: LPFILETIME) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime( |
| lpTimeZoneInformation: *const TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION, lpUniversalTime: *const SYSTEMTIME, |
| lpLocalTime: LPSYSTEMTIME, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTimeEx( |
| lpTimeZoneInformation: *const DYNAMIC_TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION, |
| lpUniversalTime: *const SYSTEMTIME, lpLocalTime: LPSYSTEMTIME, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn TerminateJobObject(hJob: HANDLE, uExitCode: UINT) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn TerminateProcess(hProcess: HANDLE, uExitCode: UINT) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn TerminateThread(hThread: HANDLE, dwExitCode: DWORD) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn Thread32First(hSnapshot: HANDLE, lpte: LPTHREADENTRY32) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn Thread32Next(hSnapshot: HANDLE, lpte: LPTHREADENTRY32) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn TlsAlloc() -> DWORD; |
| pub fn TlsFree(dwTlsIndex: DWORD) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn TlsGetValue(dwTlsIndex: DWORD) -> LPVOID; |
| pub fn TlsSetValue(dwTlsIndex: DWORD, lpTlsValue: LPVOID) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn Toolhelp32ReadProcessMemory(th32ProcessID: DWORD, lpBaseAddress: LPCVOID, |
| lpBuffer: LPVOID, cbRead: SIZE_T, lpNumberOfBytesRead: *mut SIZE_T |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn TransactNamedPipe( |
| hNamedPipe: HANDLE, lpInBuffer: LPVOID, nInBufferSize: DWORD, lpOutBuffer: LPVOID, |
| nOutBufferSize: DWORD, lpBytesRead: LPDWORD, lpOverlapped: LPOVERLAPPED, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn TransmitCommChar(hFile: HANDLE, cChar: c_char) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn TryAcquireSRWLockExclusive(SRWLock: PSRWLOCK) -> BOOLEAN; |
| pub fn TryAcquireSRWLockShared(SRWLock: PSRWLOCK) -> BOOLEAN; |
| pub fn TryEnterCriticalSection(lpCriticalSection: LPCRITICAL_SECTION) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn TrySubmitThreadpoolCallback( |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn TzSpecificLocalTimeToSystemTime( |
| lpTimeZoneInformation: *const TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION, lpLocalTime: *const SYSTEMTIME, |
| lpUniversalTime: LPSYSTEMTIME, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn TzSpecificLocalTimeToSystemTimeEx( |
| lpTimeZoneInformation: *const DYNAMIC_TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION, |
| lpLocalTime: *const SYSTEMTIME, lpUniversalTime: LPSYSTEMTIME, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] |
| pub fn UmsThreadYield(SchedulerParam: PVOID) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn UnhandledExceptionFilter(ExceptionInfo: *mut EXCEPTION_POINTERS) -> LONG; |
| pub fn UnlockFile( |
| hFile: HANDLE, dwFileOffsetLow: DWORD, dwFileOffsetHigh: DWORD, |
| nNumberOfBytesToUnlockLow: DWORD, nNumberOfBytesToUnlockHigh: DWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn UnlockFileEx( |
| hFile: HANDLE, dwReserved: DWORD, nNumberOfBytesToUnlockLow: DWORD, |
| nNumberOfBytesToUnlockHigh: DWORD, lpOverlapped: LPOVERLAPPED, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn UnmapViewOfFile(lpBaseAddress: LPCVOID) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn UnregisterApplicationRecoveryCallback() -> HRESULT; |
| pub fn UnregisterApplicationRestart() -> HRESULT; |
| pub fn UnregisterBadMemoryNotification(RegistrationHandle: PVOID) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn UnregisterWait(WaitHandle: HANDLE) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn UnregisterWaitEx(WaitHandle: HANDLE, CompletionEvent: HANDLE) -> BOOL; |
| // pub fn UnregisterWaitUntilOOBECompleted(); |
| pub fn UpdateProcThreadAttribute( |
| lpAttributeList: LPPROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_LIST, dwFlags: DWORD, Attribute: DWORD_PTR, |
| lpValue: PVOID, cbSize: SIZE_T, lpPreviousValue: PVOID, lpReturnSize: PSIZE_T, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn UpdateResourceA( |
| hUpdate: HANDLE, lpType: LPCSTR, lpName: LPCSTR, wLanguage: WORD, lpData: LPVOID, cb: DWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn UpdateResourceW( |
| hUpdate: HANDLE, lpType: LPCWSTR, lpName: LPCWSTR, wLanguage: WORD, lpData: LPVOID, |
| cb: DWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn VerLanguageNameA(wLang: DWORD, szLang: LPSTR, cchLang: DWORD) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn VerLanguageNameW(wLang: DWORD, szLang: LPWSTR, cchLang: DWORD) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn VerSetConditionMask( |
| ConditionMask: ULONGLONG, TypeMask: DWORD, Condition: BYTE, |
| ) -> ULONGLONG; |
| pub fn VerifyScripts( |
| dwFlags: DWORD, lpLocaleScripts: LPCWSTR, cchLocaleScripts: c_int, lpTestScripts: LPCWSTR, |
| cchTestScripts: c_int, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn VerifyVersionInfoA( |
| lpVersionInformation: LPOSVERSIONINFOEXA, dwTypeMask: DWORD, dwlConditionMask: DWORDLONG, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn VerifyVersionInfoW( |
| lpVersionInformation: LPOSVERSIONINFOEXW, dwTypeMask: DWORD, dwlConditionMask: DWORDLONG, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn VirtualAlloc( |
| lpAddress: LPVOID, dwSize: SIZE_T, flAllocationType: DWORD, flProtect: DWORD, |
| ) -> LPVOID; |
| pub fn VirtualAllocEx( |
| hProcess: HANDLE, lpAddress: LPVOID, dwSize: SIZE_T, flAllocationType: DWORD, |
| flProtect: DWORD, |
| ) -> LPVOID; |
| pub fn VirtualAllocExNuma( |
| hProcess: HANDLE, lpAddress: LPVOID, dwSize: SIZE_T, flAllocationType: DWORD, |
| flProtect: DWORD, nndPreferred: DWORD, |
| ) -> LPVOID; |
| pub fn VirtualFree(lpAddress: LPVOID, dwSize: SIZE_T, dwFreeType: DWORD) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn VirtualFreeEx( |
| hProcess: HANDLE, lpAddress: LPVOID, dwSize: SIZE_T, dwFreeType: DWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn VirtualLock(lpAddress: LPVOID, dwSize: SIZE_T) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn VirtualProtect( |
| lpAddress: LPVOID, dwSize: SIZE_T, flNewProtect: DWORD, lpflOldProtect: PDWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn VirtualProtectEx( |
| hProcess: HANDLE, lpAddress: LPVOID, dwSize: SIZE_T, flNewProtect: DWORD, |
| lpflOldProtect: DWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn VirtualQuery( |
| lpAddress: LPCVOID, lpBuffer: PMEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION, dwLength: SIZE_T, |
| ) -> SIZE_T; |
| pub fn VirtualQueryEx( |
| hProcess: HANDLE, lpAddress: LPCVOID, lpBuffer: PMEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION, dwLength: SIZE_T, |
| ) -> SIZE_T; |
| pub fn VirtualUnlock(lpAddress: LPVOID, dwSize: SIZE_T) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn WTSGetActiveConsoleSessionId() -> DWORD; |
| pub fn WaitCommEvent(hFile: HANDLE, lpEvtMask: LPDWORD, lpOverlapped: LPOVERLAPPED) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn WaitForDebugEvent(lpDebugEvent: LPDEBUG_EVENT, dwMilliseconds: DWORD) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn WaitForMultipleObjects( |
| nCount: DWORD, lpHandles: *const HANDLE, bWaitAll: BOOL, dwMilliseconds: DWORD, |
| ) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn WaitForMultipleObjectsEx( |
| nCount: DWORD, lpHandles: *const HANDLE, bWaitAll: BOOL, dwMilliseconds: DWORD, |
| bAlertable: BOOL, |
| ) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn WaitForSingleObject(hHandle: HANDLE, dwMilliseconds: DWORD) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn WaitForSingleObjectEx( |
| hHandle: HANDLE, dwMilliseconds: DWORD, bAlertable: BOOL, |
| ) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn WaitForThreadpoolIoCallbacks(pio: PTP_IO, fCancelPendingCallbacks: BOOL); |
| pub fn WaitForThreadpoolTimerCallbacks(pti: PTP_TIMER, fCancelPendingCallbacks: BOOL); |
| pub fn WaitForThreadpoolWaitCallbacks(pwa: PTP_WAIT, fCancelPendingCallbacks: BOOL); |
| pub fn WaitForThreadpoolWorkCallbacks(pwk: PTP_WORK, fCancelPendingCallbacks: BOOL); |
| pub fn WaitNamedPipeA(lpNamedPipeName: LPCSTR, nTimeOut: DWORD) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn WaitNamedPipeW(lpNamedPipeName: LPCWSTR, nTimeOut: DWORD) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn WakeAllConditionVariable(ConditionVariable: PCONDITION_VARIABLE); |
| pub fn WakeConditionVariable(ConditionVariable: PCONDITION_VARIABLE); |
| pub fn WerGetFlags(hProcess: HANDLE, pdwFlags: PDWORD) -> HRESULT; |
| pub fn WerRegisterFile( |
| pwzFile: PCWSTR, regFileType: WER_REGISTER_FILE_TYPE, dwFlags: DWORD, |
| ) -> HRESULT; |
| pub fn WerRegisterMemoryBlock(pvAddress: PVOID, dwSize: DWORD) -> HRESULT; |
| pub fn WerRegisterRuntimeExceptionModule( |
| pwszOutOfProcessCallbackDll: PCWSTR, pContext: PVOID, |
| ) -> HRESULT; |
| pub fn WerSetFlags(dwFlags: DWORD) -> HRESULT; |
| pub fn WerUnregisterFile(pwzFilePath: PCWSTR) -> HRESULT; |
| pub fn WerUnregisterMemoryBlock(pvAddress: PVOID) -> HRESULT; |
| pub fn WerUnregisterRuntimeExceptionModule( |
| pwszOutOfProcessCallbackDll: PCWSTR, pContext: PVOID, |
| ) -> HRESULT; |
| // pub fn WerpInitiateRemoteRecovery(); |
| pub fn WideCharToMultiByte( |
| CodePage: UINT, dwFlags: DWORD, lpWideCharStr: LPCWSTR, cchWideChar: c_int, |
| lpMultiByteStr: LPSTR, cbMultiByte: c_int, lpDefaultChar: LPCSTR, lpUsedDefaultChar: LPBOOL, |
| ) -> c_int; |
| pub fn WinExec(lpCmdLine: LPCSTR, uCmdShow: UINT) -> UINT; |
| pub fn Wow64DisableWow64FsRedirection(OldValue: *mut PVOID) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn Wow64EnableWow64FsRedirection(Wow64FsEnableRedirection: BOOLEAN) -> BOOLEAN; |
| pub fn Wow64GetThreadContext(hThread: HANDLE, lpContext: PWOW64_CONTEXT) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn Wow64GetThreadSelectorEntry( |
| hThread: HANDLE, dwSelector: DWORD, lpSelectorEntry: PWOW64_LDT_ENTRY, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn Wow64RevertWow64FsRedirection(OlValue: PVOID) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn Wow64SetThreadContext(hThread: HANDLE, lpContext: *const WOW64_CONTEXT) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn Wow64SuspendThread(hThread: HANDLE) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn WriteConsoleA( |
| hConsoleOutput: HANDLE, lpBuffer: *const VOID, nNumberOfCharsToWrite: DWORD, |
| lpNumberOfCharsWritten: LPDWORD, lpReserved: LPVOID, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn WriteConsoleInputA( |
| hConsoleInput: HANDLE, lpBuffer: *const INPUT_RECORD, nLength: DWORD, |
| lpNumberOfEventsWritten: LPDWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn WriteConsoleInputW( |
| hConsoleInput: HANDLE, lpBuffer: *const INPUT_RECORD, nLength: DWORD, |
| lpNumberOfEventsWritten: LPDWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn WriteConsoleOutputA( |
| hConsoleOutput: HANDLE, lpBuffer: *const CHAR_INFO, dwBufferSize: COORD, |
| dwBufferCoord: COORD, lpWriteRegion: PSMALL_RECT, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn WriteConsoleOutputAttribute( |
| hConsoleOutput: HANDLE, lpAttribute: *const WORD, nLength: DWORD, dwWriteCoord: COORD, |
| lpNumberOfAttrsWritten: LPDWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn WriteConsoleOutputCharacterA( |
| hConsoleOutput: HANDLE, lpCharacter: LPCSTR, nLength: DWORD, dwWriteCoord: COORD, |
| lpNumberOfCharsWritten: LPDWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn WriteConsoleOutputCharacterW( |
| hConsoleOutput: HANDLE, lpCharacter: LPCWSTR, nLength: DWORD, dwWriteCoord: COORD, |
| lpNumberOfCharsWritten: LPDWORD, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn WriteConsoleOutputW( |
| hConsoleOutput: HANDLE, lpBuffer: *const CHAR_INFO, dwBufferSize: COORD, |
| dwBufferCoord: COORD, lpWriteRegion: PSMALL_RECT, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn WriteConsoleW( |
| hConsoleOutput: HANDLE, lpBuffer: *const VOID, nNumberOfCharsToWrite: DWORD, |
| lpNumberOfCharsWritten: LPDWORD, lpReserved: LPVOID, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn WriteFile( |
| hFile: HANDLE, lpBuffer: LPCVOID, nNumberOfBytesToWrite: DWORD, |
| lpNumberOfBytesWritten: LPDWORD, lpOverlapped: LPOVERLAPPED, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn WriteFileEx( |
| hFile: HANDLE, lpBuffer: LPCVOID, nNumberOfBytesToWrite: DWORD, lpOverlapped: LPOVERLAPPED, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn WriteFileGather( |
| hFile: HANDLE, aSegmentArray: *mut FILE_SEGMENT_ELEMENT, nNumberOfBytesToWrite: DWORD, |
| lpReserved: LPDWORD, lpOverlapped: LPOVERLAPPED, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn WritePrivateProfileSectionA( |
| lpAppName: LPCSTR, lpString: LPCSTR, lpFileName: LPCSTR, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn WritePrivateProfileSectionW( |
| lpAppName: LPCWSTR, lpString: LPCWSTR, lpFileName: LPCWSTR, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn WritePrivateProfileStringA( |
| lpAppName: LPCSTR, lpKeyName: LPCSTR, lpString: LPCSTR, lpFileName: LPCSTR, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn WritePrivateProfileStringW( |
| lpAppName: LPCWSTR, lpKeyName: LPCWSTR, lpString: LPCWSTR, lpFileName: LPCWSTR, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn WritePrivateProfileStructA( |
| lpszSection: LPCSTR, lpszKey: LPCSTR, lpStruct: LPVOID, uSizeStruct: UINT, szFile: LPCSTR, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn WritePrivateProfileStructW( |
| lpszSection: LPCWSTR, lpszKey: LPCWSTR, lpStruct: LPVOID, uSizeStruct: UINT, |
| szFile: LPCWSTR, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn WriteProcessMemory( |
| hProcess: HANDLE, lpBaseAddress: LPVOID, lpBuffer: LPCVOID, nSize: SIZE_T, |
| lpNumberOfBytesWritten: *mut SIZE_T, |
| ) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn WriteProfileSectionA(lpAppName: LPCSTR, lpString: LPCSTR) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn WriteProfileSectionW(lpAppName: LPCWSTR, lpString: LPCWSTR) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn WriteProfileStringA(lpAppName: LPCSTR, lpKeyName: LPCSTR, lpString: LPCSTR) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn WriteProfileStringW(lpAppName: LPCWSTR, lpKeyName: LPCWSTR, lpString: LPCWSTR) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn WriteTapemark( |
| hDevice: HANDLE, dwTapemarkType: DWORD, dwTapemarkCount: DWORD, bImmediate: BOOL, |
| ) -> DWORD; |
| pub fn ZombifyActCtx(hActCtx: HANDLE) -> BOOL; |
| pub fn _hread(hFile: HFILE, lpBuffer: LPVOID, lBytes: c_long) -> c_long; |
| pub fn _hwrite(hFile: HFILE, lpBuffer: LPCCH, lBytes: c_long) -> c_long; |
| pub fn _lclose(hFile: HFILE) -> HFILE; |
| pub fn _lcreat(lpPathName: LPCSTR, iAttrubute: c_int) -> HFILE; |
| pub fn _llseek(hFile: HFILE, lOffset: LONG, iOrigin: c_int) -> LONG; |
| pub fn _lopen(lpPathName: LPCSTR, iReadWrite: c_int) -> HFILE; |
| pub fn _lread(hFile: HFILE, lpBuffer: LPVOID, uBytes: UINT) -> UINT; |
| pub fn _lwrite(hFile: HFILE, lpBuffer: LPCCH, uBytes: UINT) -> UINT; |
| pub fn lstrcat(lpString1: LPSTR, lpString2: LPCSTR) -> LPSTR; |
| pub fn lstrcatA(lpString1: LPSTR, lpString2: LPCSTR) -> LPSTR; |
| pub fn lstrcatW(lpString1: LPWSTR, lpString2: LPCWSTR) -> LPSTR; |
| pub fn lstrcmp(lpString1: LPCSTR, lpString2: LPCSTR) -> c_int; |
| pub fn lstrcmpA(lpString1: LPCSTR, lpString2: LPCSTR) -> c_int; |
| pub fn lstrcmpW(lpString1: LPCWSTR, lpString2: LPCWSTR) -> c_int; |
| pub fn lstrcmpi(lpString1: LPCSTR, lpString2: LPCSTR) -> c_int; |
| pub fn lstrcmpiA(lpString1: LPCSTR, lpString2: LPCSTR) -> c_int; |
| pub fn lstrcmpiW(lpString1: LPCWSTR, lpString2: LPCWSTR) -> c_int; |
| pub fn lstrcpy(lpString1: LPSTR, lpString2: LPCSTR) -> LPSTR; |
| pub fn lstrcpyA(lpString1: LPSTR, lpString2: LPCSTR) -> LPSTR; |
| pub fn lstrcpyW(lpString1: LPWSTR, lpString2: LPCWSTR) -> LPSTR; |
| pub fn lstrcpyn(lpString1: LPSTR, lpString2: LPCSTR, iMaxLength: c_int) -> LPSTR; |
| pub fn lstrcpynA(lpString1: LPSTR, lpString2: LPCSTR, iMaxLength: c_int) -> LPSTR; |
| pub fn lstrcpynW(lpString1: LPWSTR, lpString2: LPCWSTR, iMaxLength: c_int) -> LPSTR; |
| pub fn lstrlen(lpString: LPCSTR) -> c_int; |
| pub fn lstrlenA(lpString: LPCSTR) -> c_int; |
| pub fn lstrlenW(lpString: LPCWSTR) -> c_int; |
| #[cfg(any(target_arch = "arm", target_arch = "x86_64"))] |
| pub fn uaw_lstrcmpW(String1: PCUWSTR, String2: PCUWSTR) -> c_int; |
| #[cfg(any(target_arch = "arm", target_arch = "x86_64"))] |
| pub fn uaw_lstrcmpiW(String1: PCUWSTR, String2: PCUWSTR) -> c_int; |
| #[cfg(any(target_arch = "arm", target_arch = "x86_64"))] |
| pub fn uaw_lstrlenW(String: LPCUWSTR) -> c_int; |
| #[cfg(any(target_arch = "arm", target_arch = "x86_64"))] |
| pub fn uaw_wcschr(String: PCUWSTR, Character: WCHAR) -> PUWSTR; |
| #[cfg(any(target_arch = "arm", target_arch = "x86_64"))] |
| pub fn uaw_wcscpy(Destination: PUWSTR, Source: PCUWSTR) -> PUWSTR; |
| #[cfg(any(target_arch = "arm", target_arch = "x86_64"))] |
| pub fn uaw_wcsicmp(String1: PCUWSTR, String2: PCUWSTR) -> c_int; |
| #[cfg(any(target_arch = "arm", target_arch = "x86_64"))] |
| pub fn uaw_wcslen(String: PCUWSTR) -> size_t; |
| #[cfg(any(target_arch = "arm", target_arch = "x86_64"))] |
| pub fn uaw_wcsrchr(String: PCUWSTR, Character: WCHAR) -> PUWSTR; |
| } |