blob: 93b1c7067b4de05160a5ce0ee50020d215f5f0a0 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
use std::fmt;
const TAG_SIZE: usize = std::mem::size_of::<u8>();
const MAX_CAPACITY: usize = std::mem::size_of::<crate::string::StdString>() - TAG_SIZE - TAG_SIZE;
// Performance seems to slow down when trying to occupy all of the padding left by `String`'s
// discriminant. The question is whether faster len=1-16 "allocations" outweighs going to the heap
// for len=17-22.
const ALIGNED_CAPACITY: usize = std::mem::size_of::<crate::string::OwnedStr>() - TAG_SIZE;
#[cfg(feature = "max_inline")]
pub(crate) const CAPACITY: usize = MAX_CAPACITY;
#[cfg(not(feature = "max_inline"))]
pub(crate) const CAPACITY: usize = ALIGNED_CAPACITY;
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub(crate) struct InlineString {
len: u8,
array: [u8; CAPACITY],
impl InlineString {
pub(crate) fn new(s: &str) -> Self {
let len = s.as_bytes().len();
debug_assert!(len <= CAPACITY);
let mut array = [0; CAPACITY];
Self {
len: len as u8,
pub(crate) fn to_boxed_str(&self) -> Box<str> {
pub(crate) fn as_str(&self) -> &str {
let len = self.len as usize;
// SAFETY: Constructors guarantee that `buffer[..len]` is a `str`,
// and we don't mutate the data afterwards.
unsafe {
let slice = self.array.get_unchecked(..len);
impl fmt::Debug for InlineString {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
fmt::Debug::fmt(self.as_str(), f)
mod test {
use super::*;
fn test_size() {
println!("InlineString: {}", std::mem::size_of::<InlineString>());