blob: dc1ffd608b3417d6e3ac0fe397ff2b57b91bd1b9 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
//! Key String: Optimized for map keys.
//! # Examples
//! String creation
//! ```rust
//! // Explicit
//! let literal = kstring::KString::from_static("literal");
//! // Implicit
//! let literal = kstring::KString::from("literal");
//! // Explicit
//! let inline = kstring::KString::try_inline("stack").unwrap();
//! let inline = kstring::KString::from_ref("stack");
//! let formatted: kstring::KStringCow = format!("Hello {} and {}", literal, inline).into();
//! ```
//! # Background
//! Considerations:
//! - Large maps
//! - Most keys live and drop without being used in any other way
//! - Most keys are relatively small (single to double digit bytes)
//! - Keys are immutable
//! - Allow zero-cost abstractions between structs and maps (e.g. no allocating
//! when dealing with struct field names)
//! Ramifications:
//! - Inline small strings rather than going to the heap.
//! - Preserve `&'static str` across strings ([`KString`]),
//! references ([`KStringRef`]), and lifetime abstractions ([`KStringCow`]) to avoid
//! allocating for struct field names.
//! - Use `Box<str>` rather than `String` to use less memory.
//! # Feature Flags
#![cfg_attr(feature = "document-features", doc = document_features::document_features!())]
#![cfg_attr(feature = "safe", forbid(unsafe_code))]
#[cfg(not(feature = "std"))]
compile_error!("`std` feature is required; reserved for future `no_std` support");
mod stack;
mod string;
mod string_cow;
mod string_ref;
pub mod backend;
pub use stack::StackString;
pub use string::*;
pub use string_cow::*;
pub use string_ref::*;
mod test {
fn test_size() {
"String: {}",
"Box<str>: {}",
"Box<Box<str>>: {}",
println!("str: {}", std::mem::size_of::<&'static str>());
"Cow: {}",
std::mem::size_of::<std::borrow::Cow<'static, str>>()