blob: da1d3c0f654a9ad29045efc643f451b93618c91a [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
//! # Mime
//! Mime is now Media Type, technically, but `Mime` is more immediately
//! understandable, so the main type here is `Mime`.
//! ## What is Mime?
//! Example mime string: `text/plain`
//! ```
//! let plain_text: mime::Mime = "text/plain".parse().unwrap();
//! assert_eq!(plain_text, mime::TEXT_PLAIN);
//! ```
//! ## Inspecting Mimes
//! ```
//! let mime = mime::TEXT_PLAIN;
//! match (mime.type_(), mime.subtype()) {
//! (mime::TEXT, mime::PLAIN) => println!("plain text!"),
//! (mime::TEXT, _) => println!("structured text"),
//! _ => println!("not text"),
//! }
//! ```
#![doc(html_root_url = "")]
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::error::Error;
use std::fmt;
use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher};
use std::str::FromStr;
use std::slice;
mod parse;
/// A parsed mime or media type.
pub struct Mime {
source: Source,
slash: usize,
plus: Option<usize>,
params: ParamSource,
/// An iterator of parsed mime
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct MimeIter<'a> {
pos: usize,
source: &'a str,
/// A section of a `Mime`.
/// For instance, for the Mime `image/svg+xml`, it contains 3 `Name`s,
/// `image`, `svg`, and `xml`.
/// In most cases, `Name`s are compared ignoring case.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
pub struct Name<'a> {
// TODO: optimize with an Atom-like thing
// There a `const` Names, and so it is possible for the statis strings
// to havea different memory address. Additionally, when used in match
// statements, the strings are compared with a memcmp, possibly even
// if the address and length are the same.
// Being an enum with an Atom variant that is a usize (and without a
// string pointer and boolean) would allow for faster comparisons.
source: &'a str,
insensitive: bool,
/// An error when parsing a `Mime` from a string.
pub struct FromStrError {
inner: parse::ParseError,
impl FromStrError {
fn s(&self) -> &str {
"mime parse error"
impl fmt::Display for FromStrError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{}: {}", self.s(), self.inner)
impl Error for FromStrError {
// Minimum Rust is 1.15, Error::description was still required then
fn description(&self) -> &str {
enum Source {
Atom(u8, &'static str),
impl Source {
fn as_ref(&self) -> &str {
match *self {
Source::Atom(_, s) => s,
Source::Dynamic(ref s) => s,
enum ParamSource {
Custom(usize, Vec<(Indexed, Indexed)>),
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
struct Indexed(usize, usize);
impl Mime {
/// Get the top level media type for this `Mime`.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// let mime = mime::TEXT_PLAIN;
/// assert_eq!(mime.type_(), "text");
/// assert_eq!(mime.type_(), mime::TEXT);
/// ```
pub fn type_(&self) -> Name {
Name {
source: &self.source.as_ref()[..self.slash],
insensitive: true,
/// Get the subtype of this `Mime`.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// let mime = mime::TEXT_PLAIN;
/// assert_eq!(mime.subtype(), "plain");
/// assert_eq!(mime.subtype(), mime::PLAIN);
/// ```
pub fn subtype(&self) -> Name {
let end =|| {
return self.semicolon().unwrap_or(self.source.as_ref().len())
Name {
source: &self.source.as_ref()[self.slash + 1..end],
insensitive: true,
/// Get an optional +suffix for this `Mime`.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// let svg = "image/svg+xml".parse::<mime::Mime>().unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(svg.suffix(), Some(mime::XML));
/// assert_eq!(svg.suffix().unwrap(), "xml");
/// assert!(mime::TEXT_PLAIN.suffix().is_none());
/// ```
pub fn suffix(&self) -> Option<Name> {
let end = self.semicolon().unwrap_or(self.source.as_ref().len());|idx| Name {
source: &self.source.as_ref()[idx + 1..end],
insensitive: true,
/// Look up a parameter by name.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// let mime = mime::TEXT_PLAIN_UTF_8;
/// assert_eq!(mime.get_param(mime::CHARSET), Some(mime::UTF_8));
/// assert_eq!(mime.get_param("charset").unwrap(), "utf-8");
/// assert!(mime.get_param("boundary").is_none());
/// let mime = "multipart/form-data; boundary=ABCDEFG".parse::<mime::Mime>().unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(mime.get_param(mime::BOUNDARY).unwrap(), "ABCDEFG");
/// ```
pub fn get_param<'a, N>(&'a self, attr: N) -> Option<Name<'a>>
where N: PartialEq<Name<'a>> {
self.params().find(|e| attr == e.0).map(|e| e.1)
/// Returns an iterator over the parameters.
pub fn params<'a>(&'a self) -> Params<'a> {
let inner = match self.params {
ParamSource::Utf8(_) => ParamsInner::Utf8,
ParamSource::Custom(_, ref params) => {
ParamsInner::Custom {
source: &self.source,
params: params.iter(),
ParamSource::None => ParamsInner::None,
/// Return a `&str` of the Mime's ["essence"][essence].
/// [essence]:
pub fn essence_str(&self) -> &str {
let end = self.semicolon().unwrap_or(self.source.as_ref().len());
fn has_params(&self) -> bool {
match self.params {
ParamSource::None => false,
_ => true,
fn semicolon(&self) -> Option<usize> {
match self.params {
ParamSource::Utf8(i) |
ParamSource::Custom(i, _) => Some(i),
ParamSource::None => None,
fn atom(&self) -> u8 {
match self.source {
Source::Atom(a, _) => a,
_ => 0,
// Mime ============
fn eq_ascii(a: &str, b: &str) -> bool {
// str::eq_ignore_ascii_case didn't stabilize until Rust 1.23.
// So while our MSRV is 1.15, gotta import this trait.
#[allow(deprecated, unused)]
use std::ascii::AsciiExt;
fn mime_eq_str(mime: &Mime, s: &str) -> bool {
if let ParamSource::Utf8(semicolon) = mime.params {
if mime.source.as_ref().len() == s.len() {
eq_ascii(mime.source.as_ref(), s)
} else {
params_eq(semicolon, mime.source.as_ref(), s)
} else if let Some(semicolon) = mime.semicolon() {
params_eq(semicolon, mime.source.as_ref(), s)
} else {
eq_ascii(mime.source.as_ref(), s)
fn params_eq(semicolon: usize, a: &str, b: &str) -> bool {
if b.len() < semicolon + 1 {
} else if !eq_ascii(&a[..semicolon], &b[..semicolon]) {
} else {
// gotta check for quotes, LWS, and for case senstive names
let mut a = &a[semicolon + 1..];
let mut b = &b[semicolon + 1..];
let mut sensitive;
loop {
a = a.trim();
b = b.trim();
match (a.is_empty(), b.is_empty()) {
(true, true) => return true,
(true, false) |
(false, true) => return false,
(false, false) => (),
if let Some(a_idx) = a.find('=') {
let a_name = {
{ a[..a_idx].trim_left() }
if let Some(b_idx) = b.find('=') {
let b_name = {
{ b[..b_idx].trim_left() }
if !eq_ascii(a_name, b_name) {
return false;
sensitive = a_name != CHARSET;
a = &a[..a_idx];
b = &b[..b_idx];
} else {
return false;
} else {
return false;
let a_quoted = if a.as_bytes()[0] == b'"' {
a = &a[1..];
} else {
let b_quoted = if b.as_bytes()[0] == b'"' {
b = &b[1..];
} else {
let a_end = if a_quoted {
if let Some(quote) = a.find('"') {
} else {
return false;
} else {
let b_end = if b_quoted {
if let Some(quote) = b.find('"') {
} else {
return false;
} else {
if sensitive {
if !eq_ascii(&a[..a_end], &b[..b_end]) {
return false;
} else {
if &a[..a_end] != &b[..b_end] {
return false;
a = &a[a_end..];
b = &b[b_end..];
impl PartialEq for Mime {
fn eq(&self, other: &Mime) -> bool {
match (self.atom(), other.atom()) {
// TODO:
// This could optimize for when there are no customs parameters.
// Any parsed mime has already been lowercased, so if there aren't
// any parameters that are case sensistive, this can skip the
// eq_ascii, and just use a memcmp instead.
(0, _) |
(_, 0) => mime_eq_str(self, other.source.as_ref()),
(a, b) => a == b,
impl Eq for Mime {}
impl PartialOrd for Mime {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Mime) -> Option<Ordering> {
impl Ord for Mime {
fn cmp(&self, other: &Mime) -> Ordering {
impl Hash for Mime {
fn hash<T: Hasher>(&self, hasher: &mut T) {
impl<'a> PartialEq<&'a str> for Mime {
fn eq(&self, s: & &'a str) -> bool {
mime_eq_str(self, *s)
impl<'a> PartialEq<Mime> for &'a str {
fn eq(&self, mime: &Mime) -> bool {
mime_eq_str(mime, *self)
impl FromStr for Mime {
type Err = FromStrError;
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Mime, Self::Err> {
parse::parse(s).map_err(|e| FromStrError { inner: e })
impl AsRef<str> for Mime {
fn as_ref(&self) -> &str {
impl fmt::Debug for Mime {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
fmt::Debug::fmt(self.source.as_ref(), f)
impl fmt::Display for Mime {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
fmt::Display::fmt(self.source.as_ref(), f)
// Name ============
fn name_eq_str(name: &Name, s: &str) -> bool {
if name.insensitive {
eq_ascii(name.source, s)
} else {
name.source == s
impl<'a> Name<'a> {
/// Get the value of this `Name` as a string.
/// Note that the borrow is not tied to `&self` but the `'a` lifetime, allowing the
/// string to outlive `Name`. Alternately, there is an `impl<'a> From<Name<'a>> for &'a str`
/// which isn't rendered by Rustdoc, that can be accessed using `str::from(name)` or `name.into()`.
pub fn as_str(&self) -> &'a str {
impl<'a, 'b> PartialEq<&'b str> for Name<'a> {
fn eq(&self, other: & &'b str) -> bool {
name_eq_str(self, *other)
impl<'a, 'b> PartialEq<Name<'a>> for &'b str {
fn eq(&self, other: &Name<'a>) -> bool {
name_eq_str(other, *self)
impl<'a> AsRef<str> for Name<'a> {
fn as_ref(&self) -> &str {
impl<'a> From<Name<'a>> for &'a str {
fn from(name: Name<'a>) -> &'a str {
impl<'a> fmt::Debug for Name<'a> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
fmt::Debug::fmt(self.source, f)
impl<'a> fmt::Display for Name<'a> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
fmt::Display::fmt(self.source, f)
// Params ===================
enum ParamsInner<'a> {
Custom {
source: &'a Source,
params: slice::Iter<'a, (Indexed, Indexed)>,
/// An iterator over the parameters of a MIME.
pub struct Params<'a>(ParamsInner<'a>);
impl<'a> fmt::Debug for Params<'a> {
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
impl<'a> Iterator for Params<'a> {
type Item = (Name<'a>, Name<'a>);
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<(Name<'a>, Name<'a>)> {
match self.0 {
ParamsInner::Utf8 => {
let value = (CHARSET, UTF_8);
self.0 = ParamsInner::None;
ParamsInner::Custom { source, ref mut params } => {|&(name, value)| {
let name = Name {
source: &source.as_ref()[],
insensitive: true,
let value = Name {
source: &source.as_ref()[value.0..value.1],
insensitive: name == CHARSET,
(name, value)
ParamsInner::None => None
fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
match self.0 {
ParamsInner::Utf8 => (1, Some(1)),
ParamsInner::Custom { ref params, .. } => params.size_hint(),
ParamsInner::None => (0, Some(0)),
macro_rules! names {
($($id:ident, $e:expr;)*) => (
#[doc = $e]
pub const $id: Name<'static> = Name {
source: $e,
insensitive: true,
fn test_names_macro_consts() {
#[allow(unused, deprecated)]
use std::ascii::AsciiExt;
assert_eq!($id.source.to_ascii_lowercase(), $id.source);
names! {
STAR, "*";
TEXT, "text";
IMAGE, "image";
AUDIO, "audio";
VIDEO, "video";
APPLICATION, "application";
MULTIPART, "multipart";
MESSAGE, "message";
MODEL, "model";
FONT, "font";
// common text/ *
PLAIN, "plain";
HTML, "html";
XML, "xml";
JAVASCRIPT, "javascript";
CSS, "css";
CSV, "csv";
EVENT_STREAM, "event-stream";
VCARD, "vcard";
// common application/*
JSON, "json";
WWW_FORM_URLENCODED, "x-www-form-urlencoded";
MSGPACK, "msgpack";
OCTET_STREAM, "octet-stream";
PDF, "pdf";
// common font/*
WOFF, "woff";
WOFF2, "woff2";
// multipart/*
FORM_DATA, "form-data";
// common image/*
BMP, "bmp";
GIF, "gif";
JPEG, "jpeg";
PNG, "png";
SVG, "svg";
// audio/*
BASIC, "basic";
MPEG, "mpeg";
MP4, "mp4";
OGG, "ogg";
// parameters
CHARSET, "charset";
BOUNDARY, "boundary";
UTF_8, "utf-8";
macro_rules! mimes {
($($id:ident, $($piece:expr),*;)*) => (
enum __Atoms {
mime_constant! {
$id, $($piece),*
fn test_mimes_macro_consts() {
let _ = [
mime_constant_test! {
$id, $($piece),*
].iter().enumerate().map(|(pos, &atom)| {
assert_eq!(pos + 1, atom as usize, "atom {} in position {}", atom, pos + 1);
macro_rules! mime_constant {
($id:ident, $src:expr, $slash:expr) => (
mime_constant!($id, $src, $slash, None);
($id:ident, $src:expr, $slash:expr, $plus:expr) => (
mime_constant!(FULL $id, $src, $slash, $plus, ParamSource::None);
($id:ident, $src:expr, $slash:expr, $plus:expr, $params:expr) => (
mime_constant!(FULL $id, $src, $slash, $plus, ParamSource::Utf8($params));
(FULL $id:ident, $src:expr, $slash:expr, $plus:expr, $params:expr) => (
#[doc = "`"]
#[doc = $src]
#[doc = "`"]
pub const $id: Mime = Mime {
source: Source::Atom(__Atoms::$id as u8, $src),
slash: $slash,
plus: $plus,
params: $params,
macro_rules! mime_constant_test {
($id:ident, $src:expr, $slash:expr) => (
mime_constant_test!($id, $src, $slash, None);
($id:ident, $src:expr, $slash:expr, $plus:expr) => (
mime_constant_test!(FULL $id, $src, $slash, $plus, ParamSource::None);
($id:ident, $src:expr, $slash:expr, $plus:expr, $params:expr) => (
mime_constant_test!(FULL $id, $src, $slash, $plus, ParamSource::Utf8($params));
(FULL $id:ident, $src:expr, $slash:expr, $plus:expr, $params:expr) => ({
let __mime = $id;
let __slash = __mime.as_ref().as_bytes()[$slash];
assert_eq!(__slash, b'/', "{:?} has {:?} at slash position {:?}", __mime, __slash as char, $slash);
if let Some(plus) = {
let __c = __mime.as_ref().as_bytes()[plus];
assert_eq!(__c, b'+', "{:?} has {:?} at plus position {:?}", __mime, __c as char, plus);
} else {
assert!(!__mime.as_ref().as_bytes().contains(&b'+'), "{:?} forgot plus", __mime);
if let ParamSource::Utf8(semicolon) = __mime.params {
assert_eq!(__mime.as_ref().as_bytes()[semicolon], b';');
assert_eq!(&__mime.as_ref()[semicolon..], "; charset=utf-8");
} else if let ParamSource::None = __mime.params {
} else {
mimes! {
STAR_STAR, "*/*", 1;
TEXT_STAR, "text/*", 4;
TEXT_PLAIN, "text/plain", 4;
TEXT_PLAIN_UTF_8, "text/plain; charset=utf-8", 4, None, 10;
TEXT_HTML, "text/html", 4;
TEXT_HTML_UTF_8, "text/html; charset=utf-8", 4, None, 9;
TEXT_CSS, "text/css", 4;
TEXT_CSS_UTF_8, "text/css; charset=utf-8", 4, None, 8;
TEXT_JAVASCRIPT, "text/javascript", 4;
TEXT_XML, "text/xml", 4;
TEXT_EVENT_STREAM, "text/event-stream", 4;
TEXT_CSV, "text/csv", 4;
TEXT_CSV_UTF_8, "text/csv; charset=utf-8", 4, None, 8;
TEXT_TAB_SEPARATED_VALUES, "text/tab-separated-values", 4;
TEXT_TAB_SEPARATED_VALUES_UTF_8, "text/tab-separated-values; charset=utf-8", 4, None, 25;
TEXT_VCARD, "text/vcard", 4;
IMAGE_STAR, "image/*", 5;
IMAGE_JPEG, "image/jpeg", 5;
IMAGE_GIF, "image/gif", 5;
IMAGE_PNG, "image/png", 5;
IMAGE_BMP, "image/bmp", 5;
IMAGE_SVG, "image/svg+xml", 5, Some(9);
FONT_WOFF, "font/woff", 4;
FONT_WOFF2, "font/woff2", 4;
APPLICATION_JSON, "application/json", 11;
APPLICATION_JAVASCRIPT, "application/javascript", 11;
APPLICATION_JAVASCRIPT_UTF_8, "application/javascript; charset=utf-8", 11, None, 22;
APPLICATION_WWW_FORM_URLENCODED, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", 11;
APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM, "application/octet-stream", 11;
APPLICATION_MSGPACK, "application/msgpack", 11;
APPLICATION_PDF, "application/pdf", 11;
MULTIPART_FORM_DATA, "multipart/form-data", 9;
#[deprecated(since="0.3.1", note="please use `TEXT_JAVASCRIPT` instead")]
mod tests {
use std::str::FromStr;
use super::*;
fn test_type_() {
assert_eq!(TEXT_PLAIN.type_(), TEXT);
fn test_subtype() {
assert_eq!(TEXT_PLAIN.subtype(), PLAIN);
assert_eq!(TEXT_PLAIN_UTF_8.subtype(), PLAIN);
let mime = Mime::from_str("text/html+xml").unwrap();
assert_eq!(mime.subtype(), HTML);
fn test_matching() {
match (TEXT_PLAIN.type_(), TEXT_PLAIN.subtype()) {
(TEXT, PLAIN) => (),
_ => unreachable!(),
fn test_suffix() {
assert_eq!(TEXT_PLAIN.suffix(), None);
let mime = Mime::from_str("text/html+xml").unwrap();
assert_eq!(mime.suffix(), Some(XML));
fn test_mime_fmt() {
let mime = TEXT_PLAIN;
assert_eq!(mime.to_string(), "text/plain");
let mime = TEXT_PLAIN_UTF_8;
assert_eq!(mime.to_string(), "text/plain; charset=utf-8");
fn test_mime_from_str() {
assert_eq!(Mime::from_str("text/plain").unwrap(), TEXT_PLAIN);
assert_eq!(Mime::from_str("TEXT/PLAIN").unwrap(), TEXT_PLAIN);
assert_eq!(Mime::from_str("text/plain;charset=utf-8").unwrap(), TEXT_PLAIN_UTF_8);
assert_eq!(Mime::from_str("text/plain;charset=\"utf-8\"").unwrap(), TEXT_PLAIN_UTF_8);
// spaces
assert_eq!(Mime::from_str("text/plain; charset=utf-8").unwrap(), TEXT_PLAIN_UTF_8);
// quotes + semi colon
Mime::from_str("text/plain;charset=\"utf-8\"; foo=bar").unwrap();
Mime::from_str("text/plain;charset=\"utf-8\" ; foo=bar").unwrap();
let upper = Mime::from_str("TEXT/PLAIN").unwrap();
assert_eq!(upper, TEXT_PLAIN);
assert_eq!(upper.type_(), TEXT);
assert_eq!(upper.subtype(), PLAIN);
let extended = Mime::from_str("TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=UTF-8; FOO=BAR").unwrap();
assert_eq!(extended, "text/plain; charset=utf-8; foo=BAR");
assert_eq!(extended.get_param("charset").unwrap(), "utf-8");
assert_eq!(extended.get_param("foo").unwrap(), "BAR");
Mime::from_str("multipart/form-data; boundary=--------foobar").unwrap();
// stars
assert_eq!("*/*".parse::<Mime>().unwrap(), STAR_STAR);
assert_eq!("image/*".parse::<Mime>().unwrap(), "image/*");
assert_eq!("text/*; charset=utf-8".parse::<Mime>().unwrap(), "text/*; charset=utf-8");
// parse errors
Mime::from_str("f o o / bar").unwrap_err();
Mime::from_str("text/plain; charset=\r\nutf-8").unwrap_err();
Mime::from_str("text/plain; charset=\"\r\nutf-8\"").unwrap_err();
fn test_mime_from_str_empty_parameter_list() {
static CASES: &'static [&'static str] = &[
"text/event-stream; ",
"text/event-stream; ",
for case in CASES {
let mime = Mime::from_str(case).expect(case);
assert_eq!(mime, TEXT_EVENT_STREAM, "case = {:?}", case);
assert_eq!(mime.type_(), TEXT, "case = {:?}", case);
assert_eq!(mime.subtype(), EVENT_STREAM, "case = {:?}", case);
assert!(!mime.has_params(), "case = {:?}", case);
fn test_case_sensitive_values() {
let mime = Mime::from_str("multipart/form-data; charset=BASE64; boundary=ABCDEFG").unwrap();
assert_eq!(mime.get_param(CHARSET).unwrap(), "bAsE64");
assert_eq!(mime.get_param(BOUNDARY).unwrap(), "ABCDEFG");
assert_ne!(mime.get_param(BOUNDARY).unwrap(), "abcdefg");
fn test_get_param() {
assert_eq!(TEXT_PLAIN.get_param("charset"), None);
assert_eq!(TEXT_PLAIN.get_param("baz"), None);
assert_eq!(TEXT_PLAIN_UTF_8.get_param("charset"), Some(UTF_8));
assert_eq!(TEXT_PLAIN_UTF_8.get_param("baz"), None);
let mime = Mime::from_str("text/plain; charset=utf-8; foo=bar").unwrap();
assert_eq!(mime.get_param(CHARSET).unwrap(), "utf-8");
assert_eq!(mime.get_param("foo").unwrap(), "bar");
assert_eq!(mime.get_param("baz"), None);
let mime = Mime::from_str("text/plain;charset=\"utf-8\"").unwrap();
assert_eq!(mime.get_param(CHARSET), Some(UTF_8));
fn test_name_eq() {
assert_eq!(TEXT, TEXT);
assert_eq!(TEXT, "text");
assert_eq!("text", TEXT);
assert_eq!(TEXT, "TEXT");
let param = Name {
source: "ABC",
insensitive: false,
assert_eq!(param, param);
assert_eq!(param, "ABC");
assert_eq!("ABC", param);
assert_ne!(param, "abc");
assert_ne!("abc", param);
fn test_essence_str() {
assert_eq!(TEXT_PLAIN.essence_str(), "text/plain");
assert_eq!(TEXT_PLAIN_UTF_8.essence_str(), "text/plain");
assert_eq!(IMAGE_SVG.essence_str(), "image/svg+xml");