blob: 6f46deec66e1a52145bfaf6e3d92806460215615 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
use crate::style::{Color, Style};
use crate::write::AnyWrite;
use std::fmt;
impl Style {
/// Write any bytes that go *before* a piece of text to the given writer.
fn write_prefix<W: AnyWrite + ?Sized>(&self, f: &mut W) -> Result<(), W::Error> {
// If there are actually no styles here, then don’t write *any* codes
// as the prefix. An empty ANSI code may not affect the terminal
// output at all, but a user may just want a code-free string.
if self.is_plain() {
return Ok(());
// Prefix everything with reset characters if needed
if self.prefix_with_reset {
write!(f, "\x1B[0m")?
// Write the codes’ prefix, then write numbers, separated by
// semicolons, for each text style we want to apply.
write!(f, "\x1B[")?;
let mut written_anything = false;
let mut write_char = |c| {
if written_anything {
write!(f, ";")?;
written_anything = true;
#[cfg(feature = "gnu_legacy")]
write!(f, "0")?;
write!(f, "{}", c)?;
if self.is_bold {
if self.is_dimmed {
if self.is_italic {
if self.is_underline {
if self.is_blink {
if self.is_reverse {
if self.is_hidden {
if self.is_strikethrough {
// The foreground and background colors, if specified, need to be
// handled specially because the number codes are more complicated.
// (see `write_background_code` and `write_foreground_code`)
#[cfg(feature = "gnu_legacy")]
// with GNU, write foreground first, else background first.
if let Some(fg) = self.foreground {
if written_anything {
write!(f, ";")?;
written_anything = true;
if let Some(bg) = self.background {
if written_anything {
write!(f, ";")?;
#[cfg(not(feature = "gnu_legacy"))]
if let Some(bg) = self.background {
if written_anything {
write!(f, ";")?;
written_anything = true;
if let Some(fg) = self.foreground {
if written_anything {
write!(f, ";")?;
// All the codes end with an `m`, because reasons.
write!(f, "m")?;
/// Write any bytes that go *after* a piece of text to the given writer.
fn write_suffix<W: AnyWrite + ?Sized>(&self, f: &mut W) -> Result<(), W::Error> {
if self.is_plain() {
} else {
write!(f, "{}", RESET)
/// The code to send to reset all styles and return to `Style::default()`.
pub static RESET: &str = "\x1B[0m";
impl Color {
fn write_foreground_code<W: AnyWrite + ?Sized>(&self, f: &mut W) -> Result<(), W::Error> {
match self {
Color::Black => write!(f, "30"),
Color::Red => write!(f, "31"),
Color::Green => write!(f, "32"),
Color::Yellow => write!(f, "33"),
Color::Blue => write!(f, "34"),
Color::Purple => write!(f, "35"),
Color::Magenta => write!(f, "35"),
Color::Cyan => write!(f, "36"),
Color::White => write!(f, "37"),
Color::Fixed(num) => write!(f, "38;5;{}", num),
Color::Rgb(r, g, b) => write!(f, "38;2;{};{};{}", r, g, b),
Color::Default => write!(f, "39"),
Color::DarkGray => write!(f, "90"),
Color::LightRed => write!(f, "91"),
Color::LightGreen => write!(f, "92"),
Color::LightYellow => write!(f, "93"),
Color::LightBlue => write!(f, "94"),
Color::LightPurple => write!(f, "95"),
Color::LightMagenta => write!(f, "95"),
Color::LightCyan => write!(f, "96"),
Color::LightGray => write!(f, "97"),
fn write_background_code<W: AnyWrite + ?Sized>(&self, f: &mut W) -> Result<(), W::Error> {
match self {
Color::Black => write!(f, "40"),
Color::Red => write!(f, "41"),
Color::Green => write!(f, "42"),
Color::Yellow => write!(f, "43"),
Color::Blue => write!(f, "44"),
Color::Purple => write!(f, "45"),
Color::Magenta => write!(f, "45"),
Color::Cyan => write!(f, "46"),
Color::White => write!(f, "47"),
Color::Fixed(num) => write!(f, "48;5;{}", num),
Color::Rgb(r, g, b) => write!(f, "48;2;{};{};{}", r, g, b),
Color::Default => write!(f, "49"),
Color::DarkGray => write!(f, "100"),
Color::LightRed => write!(f, "101"),
Color::LightGreen => write!(f, "102"),
Color::LightYellow => write!(f, "103"),
Color::LightBlue => write!(f, "104"),
Color::LightPurple => write!(f, "105"),
Color::LightMagenta => write!(f, "105"),
Color::LightCyan => write!(f, "106"),
Color::LightGray => write!(f, "107"),
/// Like `AnsiString`, but only displays the style prefix.
/// This type implements the `Display` trait, meaning it can be written to a
/// `std::fmt` formatting without doing any extra allocation, and written to a
/// string with the `.to_string()` method. For examples, see
/// [`Style::prefix`](struct.Style.html#method.prefix).
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub struct Prefix(Style);
/// Like `AnsiString`, but only displays the difference between two
/// styles.
/// This type implements the `Display` trait, meaning it can be written to a
/// `std::fmt` formatting without doing any extra allocation, and written to a
/// string with the `.to_string()` method. For examples, see
/// [`Style::infix`](struct.Style.html#method.infix).
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub struct Infix(Style, Style);
/// Like `AnsiString`, but only displays the style suffix.
/// This type implements the `Display` trait, meaning it can be written to a
/// `std::fmt` formatting without doing any extra allocation, and written to a
/// string with the `.to_string()` method. For examples, see
/// [`Style::suffix`](struct.Style.html#method.suffix).
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub struct Suffix(Style);
impl Style {
/// The prefix bytes for this style. These are the bytes that tell the
/// terminal to use a different color or font style.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # #[cfg(not(feature = "gnu_legacy"))]
/// # {
/// use nu_ansi_term::{Style, Color::Blue};
/// let style = Style::default().bold();
/// assert_eq!("\x1b[1m",
/// style.prefix().to_string());
/// let style = Blue.bold();
/// assert_eq!("\x1b[1;34m",
/// style.prefix().to_string());
/// let style = Style::default();
/// assert_eq!("",
/// style.prefix().to_string());
/// # }
/// ```
/// # Examples with gnu_legacy feature enabled
/// Styles like bold, underlined, etc. are two-digit now
/// ```
/// # #[cfg(feature = "gnu_legacy")]
/// # {
/// use nu_ansi_term::{Style, Color::Blue};
/// let style = Style::default().bold();
/// assert_eq!("\x1b[01m",
/// style.prefix().to_string());
/// let style = Blue.bold();
/// assert_eq!("\x1b[01;34m",
/// style.prefix().to_string());
/// # }
/// ```
pub const fn prefix(self) -> Prefix {
/// The infix bytes between this style and `next` style. These are the bytes
/// that tell the terminal to change the style to `next`. These may include
/// a reset followed by the next color and style, depending on the two styles.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # #[cfg(not(feature = "gnu_legacy"))]
/// # {
/// use nu_ansi_term::{Style, Color::Green};
/// let style = Style::default().bold();
/// assert_eq!("\x1b[32m",
/// style.infix(Green.bold()).to_string());
/// let style = Green.normal();
/// assert_eq!("\x1b[1m",
/// style.infix(Green.bold()).to_string());
/// let style = Style::default();
/// assert_eq!("",
/// style.infix(style).to_string());
/// # }
/// ```
/// # Examples with gnu_legacy feature enabled
/// Styles like bold, underlined, etc. are two-digit now
/// ```
/// # #[cfg(feature = "gnu_legacy")]
/// # {
/// use nu_ansi_term::Color::Green;
/// let style = Green.normal();
/// assert_eq!("\x1b[01m",
/// style.infix(Green.bold()).to_string());
/// # }
/// ```
pub const fn infix(self, next: Style) -> Infix {
Infix(self, next)
/// The suffix for this style. These are the bytes that tell the terminal
/// to reset back to its normal color and font style.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use nu_ansi_term::{Style, Color::Green};
/// let style = Style::default().bold();
/// assert_eq!("\x1b[0m",
/// style.suffix().to_string());
/// let style = Green.normal().bold();
/// assert_eq!("\x1b[0m",
/// style.suffix().to_string());
/// let style = Style::default();
/// assert_eq!("",
/// style.suffix().to_string());
/// ```
pub const fn suffix(self) -> Suffix {
impl Color {
/// The prefix bytes for this color as a `Style`. These are the bytes
/// that tell the terminal to use a different color or font style.
/// See also [`Style::prefix`](struct.Style.html#method.prefix).
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use nu_ansi_term::Color::Green;
/// assert_eq!("\x1b[32m",
/// Green.prefix().to_string());
/// ```
pub fn prefix(self) -> Prefix {
/// The infix bytes between this color and `next` color. These are the bytes
/// that tell the terminal to use the `next` color, or to do nothing if
/// the two colors are equal.
/// See also [`Style::infix`](struct.Style.html#method.infix).
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use nu_ansi_term::Color::{Red, Yellow};
/// assert_eq!("\x1b[33m",
/// Red.infix(Yellow).to_string());
/// ```
pub fn infix(self, next: Color) -> Infix {
Infix(self.normal(), next.normal())
/// The suffix for this color as a `Style`. These are the bytes that
/// tell the terminal to reset back to its normal color and font style.
/// See also [`Style::suffix`](struct.Style.html#method.suffix).
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use nu_ansi_term::Color::Purple;
/// assert_eq!("\x1b[0m",
/// Purple.suffix().to_string());
/// ```
pub fn suffix(self) -> Suffix {
impl fmt::Display for Prefix {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
let f: &mut dyn fmt::Write = f;
impl fmt::Display for Infix {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
use crate::difference::Difference;
match Difference::between(&self.0, &self.1) {
Difference::ExtraStyles(style) => {
let f: &mut dyn fmt::Write = f;
Difference::Reset => {
let f: &mut dyn fmt::Write = f;
write!(f, "{}{}", RESET, self.1.prefix())
Difference::Empty => {
Ok(()) // nothing to write
impl fmt::Display for Suffix {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
let f: &mut dyn fmt::Write = f;
macro_rules! test {
($name: ident: $style: expr; $input: expr => $result: expr) => {
fn $name() {
assert_eq!($style.paint($input).to_string(), $result.to_string());
let mut v = Vec::new();
$style.paint($input.as_bytes()).write_to(&mut v).unwrap();
assert_eq!(v.as_slice(), $result.as_bytes());
#[cfg(not(feature = "gnu_legacy"))]
mod test {
use crate::style::Color::*;
use crate::style::Style;
use crate::Color;
use std::default::Default;
test!(plain: Style::default(); "text/plain" => "text/plain");
test!(red: Red; "hi" => "\x1B[31mhi\x1B[0m");
test!(black: Black.normal(); "hi" => "\x1B[30mhi\x1B[0m");
test!(yellow_bold: Yellow.bold(); "hi" => "\x1B[1;33mhi\x1B[0m");
test!(yellow_bold_2: Yellow.normal().bold(); "hi" => "\x1B[1;33mhi\x1B[0m");
test!(blue_underline: Blue.underline(); "hi" => "\x1B[4;34mhi\x1B[0m");
test!(green_bold_ul: Green.bold().underline(); "hi" => "\x1B[1;4;32mhi\x1B[0m");
test!(green_bold_ul_2: Green.underline().bold(); "hi" => "\x1B[1;4;32mhi\x1B[0m");
test!(purple_on_white: Purple.on(White); "hi" => "\x1B[47;35mhi\x1B[0m");
test!(purple_on_white_2: Purple.normal().on(White); "hi" => "\x1B[47;35mhi\x1B[0m");
test!(yellow_on_blue: Style::new().on(Blue).fg(Yellow); "hi" => "\x1B[44;33mhi\x1B[0m");
test!(magenta_on_white: Magenta.on(White); "hi" => "\x1B[47;35mhi\x1B[0m");
test!(magenta_on_white_2: Magenta.normal().on(White); "hi" => "\x1B[47;35mhi\x1B[0m");
test!(yellow_on_blue_2: Cyan.on(Blue).fg(Yellow); "hi" => "\x1B[44;33mhi\x1B[0m");
test!(yellow_on_blue_reset: Cyan.on(Blue).reset_before_style().fg(Yellow); "hi" => "\x1B[0m\x1B[44;33mhi\x1B[0m");
test!(yellow_on_blue_reset_2: Cyan.on(Blue).fg(Yellow).reset_before_style(); "hi" => "\x1B[0m\x1B[44;33mhi\x1B[0m");
test!(cyan_bold_on_white: Cyan.bold().on(White); "hi" => "\x1B[1;47;36mhi\x1B[0m");
test!(cyan_ul_on_white: Cyan.underline().on(White); "hi" => "\x1B[4;47;36mhi\x1B[0m");
test!(cyan_bold_ul_on_white: Cyan.bold().underline().on(White); "hi" => "\x1B[1;4;47;36mhi\x1B[0m");
test!(cyan_ul_bold_on_white: Cyan.underline().bold().on(White); "hi" => "\x1B[1;4;47;36mhi\x1B[0m");
test!(fixed: Fixed(100); "hi" => "\x1B[38;5;100mhi\x1B[0m");
test!(fixed_on_purple: Fixed(100).on(Purple); "hi" => "\x1B[45;38;5;100mhi\x1B[0m");
test!(fixed_on_fixed: Fixed(100).on(Fixed(200)); "hi" => "\x1B[48;5;200;38;5;100mhi\x1B[0m");
test!(rgb: Rgb(70,130,180); "hi" => "\x1B[38;2;70;130;180mhi\x1B[0m");
test!(rgb_on_blue: Rgb(70,130,180).on(Blue); "hi" => "\x1B[44;38;2;70;130;180mhi\x1B[0m");
test!(blue_on_rgb: Blue.on(Rgb(70,130,180)); "hi" => "\x1B[48;2;70;130;180;34mhi\x1B[0m");
test!(rgb_on_rgb: Rgb(70,130,180).on(Rgb(5,10,15)); "hi" => "\x1B[48;2;5;10;15;38;2;70;130;180mhi\x1B[0m");
test!(bold: Style::new().bold(); "hi" => "\x1B[1mhi\x1B[0m");
test!(bold_with_reset: Style::new().reset_before_style().bold(); "hi" => "\x1B[0m\x1B[1mhi\x1B[0m");
test!(bold_with_reset_2: Style::new().bold().reset_before_style(); "hi" => "\x1B[0m\x1B[1mhi\x1B[0m");
test!(underline: Style::new().underline(); "hi" => "\x1B[4mhi\x1B[0m");
test!(bunderline: Style::new().bold().underline(); "hi" => "\x1B[1;4mhi\x1B[0m");
test!(dimmed: Style::new().dimmed(); "hi" => "\x1B[2mhi\x1B[0m");
test!(italic: Style::new().italic(); "hi" => "\x1B[3mhi\x1B[0m");
test!(blink: Style::new().blink(); "hi" => "\x1B[5mhi\x1B[0m");
test!(reverse: Style::new().reverse(); "hi" => "\x1B[7mhi\x1B[0m");
test!(hidden: Style::new().hidden(); "hi" => "\x1B[8mhi\x1B[0m");
test!(stricken: Style::new().strikethrough(); "hi" => "\x1B[9mhi\x1B[0m");
test!(lr_on_lr: LightRed.on(LightRed); "hi" => "\x1B[101;91mhi\x1B[0m");
fn test_infix() {
assert_eq!(White.normal().infix(White.bold()).to_string(), "\x1B[1m");
assert_eq!(White.normal().infix(Blue.normal()).to_string(), "\x1B[34m");
assert_eq!(Blue.bold().infix(Blue.bold()).to_string(), "");
fn test_write_prefix_no_gnu_compat_order() {
let style = Style {
foreground: Some(Color::Red),
background: Some(Color::Blue),
#[cfg(feature = "gnu_legacy")]
mod gnu_legacy_test {
use crate::style::Color::*;
use crate::style::Style;
use crate::Color;
use std::default::Default;
test!(plain: Style::default(); "text/plain" => "text/plain");
test!(red: Red; "hi" => "\x1B[31mhi\x1B[0m");
test!(black: Black.normal(); "hi" => "\x1B[30mhi\x1B[0m");
test!(yellow_bold: Yellow.bold(); "hi" => "\x1B[01;33mhi\x1B[0m");
test!(yellow_bold_2: Yellow.normal().bold(); "hi" => "\x1B[01;33mhi\x1B[0m");
test!(blue_underline: Blue.underline(); "hi" => "\x1B[04;34mhi\x1B[0m");
test!(green_bold_ul: Green.bold().underline(); "hi" => "\x1B[01;04;32mhi\x1B[0m");
test!(green_bold_ul_2: Green.underline().bold(); "hi" => "\x1B[01;04;32mhi\x1B[0m");
test!(purple_on_white: Purple.on(White); "hi" => "\x1B[35;47mhi\x1B[0m");
test!(purple_on_white_2: Purple.normal().on(White); "hi" => "\x1B[35;47mhi\x1B[0m");
test!(yellow_on_blue: Style::new().on(Blue).fg(Yellow); "hi" => "\x1B[33;44mhi\x1B[0m");
test!(yellow_on_blue_reset_2: Cyan.on(Blue).fg(Yellow).reset_before_style(); "hi" => "\x1B[0m\x1B[33;44mhi\x1B[0m");
test!(magenta_on_white: Magenta.on(White); "hi" => "\x1B[35;47mhi\x1B[0m");
test!(magenta_on_white_2: Magenta.normal().on(White); "hi" => "\x1B[35;47mhi\x1B[0m");
test!(yellow_on_blue_2: Cyan.on(Blue).fg(Yellow); "hi" => "\x1B[33;44mhi\x1B[0m");
test!(cyan_bold_on_white: Cyan.bold().on(White); "hi" => "\x1B[01;36;47mhi\x1B[0m");
test!(cyan_ul_on_white: Cyan.underline().on(White); "hi" => "\x1B[04;36;47mhi\x1B[0m");
test!(cyan_bold_ul_on_white: Cyan.bold().underline().on(White); "hi" => "\x1B[01;04;36;47mhi\x1B[0m");
test!(cyan_ul_bold_on_white: Cyan.underline().bold().on(White); "hi" => "\x1B[01;04;36;47mhi\x1B[0m");
test!(fixed: Fixed(100); "hi" => "\x1B[38;5;100mhi\x1B[0m");
test!(fixed_on_purple: Fixed(100).on(Purple); "hi" => "\x1B[38;5;100;45mhi\x1B[0m");
test!(fixed_on_fixed: Fixed(100).on(Fixed(200)); "hi" => "\x1B[38;5;100;48;5;200mhi\x1B[0m");
test!(rgb: Rgb(70,130,180); "hi" => "\x1B[38;2;70;130;180mhi\x1B[0m");
test!(rgb_on_blue: Rgb(70,130,180).on(Blue); "hi" => "\x1B[38;2;70;130;180;44mhi\x1B[0m");
test!(blue_on_rgb: Blue.on(Rgb(70,130,180)); "hi" => "\x1B[34;48;2;70;130;180mhi\x1B[0m");
test!(rgb_on_rgb: Rgb(70,130,180).on(Rgb(5,10,15)); "hi" => "\x1B[38;2;70;130;180;48;2;5;10;15mhi\x1B[0m");
test!(bold: Style::new().bold(); "hi" => "\x1B[01mhi\x1B[0m");
test!(bold_with_reset: Style::new().reset_before_style().bold(); "hi" => "\x1B[0m\x1B[01mhi\x1B[0m");
test!(bold_with_reset_2: Style::new().bold().reset_before_style(); "hi" => "\x1B[0m\x1B[01mhi\x1B[0m");
test!(underline: Style::new().underline(); "hi" => "\x1B[04mhi\x1B[0m");
test!(bunderline: Style::new().bold().underline(); "hi" => "\x1B[01;04mhi\x1B[0m");
test!(dimmed: Style::new().dimmed(); "hi" => "\x1B[02mhi\x1B[0m");
test!(italic: Style::new().italic(); "hi" => "\x1B[03mhi\x1B[0m");
test!(blink: Style::new().blink(); "hi" => "\x1B[05mhi\x1B[0m");
test!(reverse: Style::new().reverse(); "hi" => "\x1B[07mhi\x1B[0m");
test!(hidden: Style::new().hidden(); "hi" => "\x1B[08mhi\x1B[0m");
test!(stricken: Style::new().strikethrough(); "hi" => "\x1B[09mhi\x1B[0m");
test!(lr_on_lr: LightRed.on(LightRed); "hi" => "\x1B[91;101mhi\x1B[0m");
fn test_write_prefix_gnu_compat_order() {
let style = Style {
foreground: Some(Color::Red),
background: Some(Color::Blue),