blob: 25ec873258ece9e7ecaa6f143a689b1a5f396685 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
#![cfg(any(feature = "std", feature = "libm"))]
use core::ops::Neg;
use crate::{Float, Num, NumCast};
// NOTE: These doctests have the same issue as those in src/
// They're testing the inherent methods directly, and not those of `Real`.
/// A trait for real number types that do not necessarily have
/// floating-point-specific characteristics such as NaN and infinity.
/// See [this Wikipedia article](
/// for a list of data types that could meaningfully implement this trait.
/// This trait is only available with the `std` feature, or with the `libm` feature otherwise.
pub trait Real: Num + Copy + NumCast + PartialOrd + Neg<Output = Self> {
/// Returns the smallest finite value that this type can represent.
/// ```
/// use num_traits::real::Real;
/// use std::f64;
/// let x: f64 = Real::min_value();
/// assert_eq!(x, f64::MIN);
/// ```
fn min_value() -> Self;
/// Returns the smallest positive, normalized value that this type can represent.
/// ```
/// use num_traits::real::Real;
/// use std::f64;
/// let x: f64 = Real::min_positive_value();
/// assert_eq!(x, f64::MIN_POSITIVE);
/// ```
fn min_positive_value() -> Self;
/// Returns epsilon, a small positive value.
/// ```
/// use num_traits::real::Real;
/// use std::f64;
/// let x: f64 = Real::epsilon();
/// assert_eq!(x, f64::EPSILON);
/// ```
/// # Panics
/// The default implementation will panic if `f32::EPSILON` cannot
/// be cast to `Self`.
fn epsilon() -> Self;
/// Returns the largest finite value that this type can represent.
/// ```
/// use num_traits::real::Real;
/// use std::f64;
/// let x: f64 = Real::max_value();
/// assert_eq!(x, f64::MAX);
/// ```
fn max_value() -> Self;
/// Returns the largest integer less than or equal to a number.
/// ```
/// use num_traits::real::Real;
/// let f = 3.99;
/// let g = 3.0;
/// assert_eq!(f.floor(), 3.0);
/// assert_eq!(g.floor(), 3.0);
/// ```
fn floor(self) -> Self;
/// Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to a number.
/// ```
/// use num_traits::real::Real;
/// let f = 3.01;
/// let g = 4.0;
/// assert_eq!(f.ceil(), 4.0);
/// assert_eq!(g.ceil(), 4.0);
/// ```
fn ceil(self) -> Self;
/// Returns the nearest integer to a number. Round half-way cases away from
/// `0.0`.
/// ```
/// use num_traits::real::Real;
/// let f = 3.3;
/// let g = -3.3;
/// assert_eq!(f.round(), 3.0);
/// assert_eq!(g.round(), -3.0);
/// ```
fn round(self) -> Self;
/// Return the integer part of a number.
/// ```
/// use num_traits::real::Real;
/// let f = 3.3;
/// let g = -3.7;
/// assert_eq!(f.trunc(), 3.0);
/// assert_eq!(g.trunc(), -3.0);
/// ```
fn trunc(self) -> Self;
/// Returns the fractional part of a number.
/// ```
/// use num_traits::real::Real;
/// let x = 3.5;
/// let y = -3.5;
/// let abs_difference_x = (x.fract() - 0.5).abs();
/// let abs_difference_y = (y.fract() - (-0.5)).abs();
/// assert!(abs_difference_x < 1e-10);
/// assert!(abs_difference_y < 1e-10);
/// ```
fn fract(self) -> Self;
/// Computes the absolute value of `self`. Returns `Float::nan()` if the
/// number is `Float::nan()`.
/// ```
/// use num_traits::real::Real;
/// use std::f64;
/// let x = 3.5;
/// let y = -3.5;
/// let abs_difference_x = (x.abs() - x).abs();
/// let abs_difference_y = (y.abs() - (-y)).abs();
/// assert!(abs_difference_x < 1e-10);
/// assert!(abs_difference_y < 1e-10);
/// assert!(::num_traits::Float::is_nan(f64::NAN.abs()));
/// ```
fn abs(self) -> Self;
/// Returns a number that represents the sign of `self`.
/// - `1.0` if the number is positive, `+0.0` or `Float::infinity()`
/// - `-1.0` if the number is negative, `-0.0` or `Float::neg_infinity()`
/// - `Float::nan()` if the number is `Float::nan()`
/// ```
/// use num_traits::real::Real;
/// use std::f64;
/// let f = 3.5;
/// assert_eq!(f.signum(), 1.0);
/// assert_eq!(f64::NEG_INFINITY.signum(), -1.0);
/// assert!(f64::NAN.signum().is_nan());
/// ```
fn signum(self) -> Self;
/// Returns `true` if `self` is positive, including `+0.0`,
/// `Float::infinity()`, and with newer versions of Rust `f64::NAN`.
/// ```
/// use num_traits::real::Real;
/// use std::f64;
/// let neg_nan: f64 = -f64::NAN;
/// let f = 7.0;
/// let g = -7.0;
/// assert!(f.is_sign_positive());
/// assert!(!g.is_sign_positive());
/// assert!(!neg_nan.is_sign_positive());
/// ```
fn is_sign_positive(self) -> bool;
/// Returns `true` if `self` is negative, including `-0.0`,
/// `Float::neg_infinity()`, and with newer versions of Rust `-f64::NAN`.
/// ```
/// use num_traits::real::Real;
/// use std::f64;
/// let nan: f64 = f64::NAN;
/// let f = 7.0;
/// let g = -7.0;
/// assert!(!f.is_sign_negative());
/// assert!(g.is_sign_negative());
/// assert!(!nan.is_sign_negative());
/// ```
fn is_sign_negative(self) -> bool;
/// Fused multiply-add. Computes `(self * a) + b` with only one rounding
/// error, yielding a more accurate result than an unfused multiply-add.
/// Using `mul_add` can be more performant than an unfused multiply-add if
/// the target architecture has a dedicated `fma` CPU instruction.
/// ```
/// use num_traits::real::Real;
/// let m = 10.0;
/// let x = 4.0;
/// let b = 60.0;
/// // 100.0
/// let abs_difference = (m.mul_add(x, b) - (m*x + b)).abs();
/// assert!(abs_difference < 1e-10);
/// ```
fn mul_add(self, a: Self, b: Self) -> Self;
/// Take the reciprocal (inverse) of a number, `1/x`.
/// ```
/// use num_traits::real::Real;
/// let x = 2.0;
/// let abs_difference = (x.recip() - (1.0/x)).abs();
/// assert!(abs_difference < 1e-10);
/// ```
fn recip(self) -> Self;
/// Raise a number to an integer power.
/// Using this function is generally faster than using `powf`
/// ```
/// use num_traits::real::Real;
/// let x = 2.0;
/// let abs_difference = (x.powi(2) - x*x).abs();
/// assert!(abs_difference < 1e-10);
/// ```
fn powi(self, n: i32) -> Self;
/// Raise a number to a real number power.
/// ```
/// use num_traits::real::Real;
/// let x = 2.0;
/// let abs_difference = (x.powf(2.0) - x*x).abs();
/// assert!(abs_difference < 1e-10);
/// ```
fn powf(self, n: Self) -> Self;
/// Take the square root of a number.
/// Returns NaN if `self` is a negative floating-point number.
/// # Panics
/// If the implementing type doesn't support NaN, this method should panic if `self < 0`.
/// ```
/// use num_traits::real::Real;
/// let positive = 4.0;
/// let negative = -4.0;
/// let abs_difference = (positive.sqrt() - 2.0).abs();
/// assert!(abs_difference < 1e-10);
/// assert!(::num_traits::Float::is_nan(negative.sqrt()));
/// ```
fn sqrt(self) -> Self;
/// Returns `e^(self)`, (the exponential function).
/// ```
/// use num_traits::real::Real;
/// let one = 1.0;
/// // e^1
/// let e = one.exp();
/// // ln(e) - 1 == 0
/// let abs_difference = (e.ln() - 1.0).abs();
/// assert!(abs_difference < 1e-10);
/// ```
fn exp(self) -> Self;
/// Returns `2^(self)`.
/// ```
/// use num_traits::real::Real;
/// let f = 2.0;
/// // 2^2 - 4 == 0
/// let abs_difference = (f.exp2() - 4.0).abs();
/// assert!(abs_difference < 1e-10);
/// ```
fn exp2(self) -> Self;
/// Returns the natural logarithm of the number.
/// # Panics
/// If `self <= 0` and this type does not support a NaN representation, this function should panic.
/// ```
/// use num_traits::real::Real;
/// let one = 1.0;
/// // e^1
/// let e = one.exp();
/// // ln(e) - 1 == 0
/// let abs_difference = (e.ln() - 1.0).abs();
/// assert!(abs_difference < 1e-10);
/// ```
fn ln(self) -> Self;
/// Returns the logarithm of the number with respect to an arbitrary base.
/// # Panics
/// If `self <= 0` and this type does not support a NaN representation, this function should panic.
/// ```
/// use num_traits::real::Real;
/// let ten = 10.0;
/// let two = 2.0;
/// // log10(10) - 1 == 0
/// let abs_difference_10 = (ten.log(10.0) - 1.0).abs();
/// // log2(2) - 1 == 0
/// let abs_difference_2 = (two.log(2.0) - 1.0).abs();
/// assert!(abs_difference_10 < 1e-10);
/// assert!(abs_difference_2 < 1e-10);
/// ```
fn log(self, base: Self) -> Self;
/// Returns the base 2 logarithm of the number.
/// # Panics
/// If `self <= 0` and this type does not support a NaN representation, this function should panic.
/// ```
/// use num_traits::real::Real;
/// let two = 2.0;
/// // log2(2) - 1 == 0
/// let abs_difference = (two.log2() - 1.0).abs();
/// assert!(abs_difference < 1e-10);
/// ```
fn log2(self) -> Self;
/// Returns the base 10 logarithm of the number.
/// # Panics
/// If `self <= 0` and this type does not support a NaN representation, this function should panic.
/// ```
/// use num_traits::real::Real;
/// let ten = 10.0;
/// // log10(10) - 1 == 0
/// let abs_difference = (ten.log10() - 1.0).abs();
/// assert!(abs_difference < 1e-10);
/// ```
fn log10(self) -> Self;
/// Converts radians to degrees.
/// ```
/// use std::f64::consts;
/// let angle = consts::PI;
/// let abs_difference = (angle.to_degrees() - 180.0).abs();
/// assert!(abs_difference < 1e-10);
/// ```
fn to_degrees(self) -> Self;
/// Converts degrees to radians.
/// ```
/// use std::f64::consts;
/// let angle = 180.0_f64;
/// let abs_difference = (angle.to_radians() - consts::PI).abs();
/// assert!(abs_difference < 1e-10);
/// ```
fn to_radians(self) -> Self;
/// Returns the maximum of the two numbers.
/// ```
/// use num_traits::real::Real;
/// let x = 1.0;
/// let y = 2.0;
/// assert_eq!(x.max(y), y);
/// ```
fn max(self, other: Self) -> Self;
/// Returns the minimum of the two numbers.
/// ```
/// use num_traits::real::Real;
/// let x = 1.0;
/// let y = 2.0;
/// assert_eq!(x.min(y), x);
/// ```
fn min(self, other: Self) -> Self;
/// The positive difference of two numbers.
/// * If `self <= other`: `0:0`
/// * Else: `self - other`
/// ```
/// use num_traits::real::Real;
/// let x = 3.0;
/// let y = -3.0;
/// let abs_difference_x = (x.abs_sub(1.0) - 2.0).abs();
/// let abs_difference_y = (y.abs_sub(1.0) - 0.0).abs();
/// assert!(abs_difference_x < 1e-10);
/// assert!(abs_difference_y < 1e-10);
/// ```
fn abs_sub(self, other: Self) -> Self;
/// Take the cubic root of a number.
/// ```
/// use num_traits::real::Real;
/// let x = 8.0;
/// // x^(1/3) - 2 == 0
/// let abs_difference = (x.cbrt() - 2.0).abs();
/// assert!(abs_difference < 1e-10);
/// ```
fn cbrt(self) -> Self;
/// Calculate the length of the hypotenuse of a right-angle triangle given
/// legs of length `x` and `y`.
/// ```
/// use num_traits::real::Real;
/// let x = 2.0;
/// let y = 3.0;
/// // sqrt(x^2 + y^2)
/// let abs_difference = (x.hypot(y) - (x.powi(2) + y.powi(2)).sqrt()).abs();
/// assert!(abs_difference < 1e-10);
/// ```
fn hypot(self, other: Self) -> Self;
/// Computes the sine of a number (in radians).
/// ```
/// use num_traits::real::Real;
/// use std::f64;
/// let x = f64::consts::PI/2.0;
/// let abs_difference = (x.sin() - 1.0).abs();
/// assert!(abs_difference < 1e-10);
/// ```
fn sin(self) -> Self;
/// Computes the cosine of a number (in radians).
/// ```
/// use num_traits::real::Real;
/// use std::f64;
/// let x = 2.0*f64::consts::PI;
/// let abs_difference = (x.cos() - 1.0).abs();
/// assert!(abs_difference < 1e-10);
/// ```
fn cos(self) -> Self;
/// Computes the tangent of a number (in radians).
/// ```
/// use num_traits::real::Real;
/// use std::f64;
/// let x = f64::consts::PI/4.0;
/// let abs_difference = (x.tan() - 1.0).abs();
/// assert!(abs_difference < 1e-14);
/// ```
fn tan(self) -> Self;
/// Computes the arcsine of a number. Return value is in radians in
/// the range [-pi/2, pi/2] or NaN if the number is outside the range
/// [-1, 1].
/// # Panics
/// If this type does not support a NaN representation, this function should panic
/// if the number is outside the range [-1, 1].
/// ```
/// use num_traits::real::Real;
/// use std::f64;
/// let f = f64::consts::PI / 2.0;
/// // asin(sin(pi/2))
/// let abs_difference = (f.sin().asin() - f64::consts::PI / 2.0).abs();
/// assert!(abs_difference < 1e-10);
/// ```
fn asin(self) -> Self;
/// Computes the arccosine of a number. Return value is in radians in
/// the range [0, pi] or NaN if the number is outside the range
/// [-1, 1].
/// # Panics
/// If this type does not support a NaN representation, this function should panic
/// if the number is outside the range [-1, 1].
/// ```
/// use num_traits::real::Real;
/// use std::f64;
/// let f = f64::consts::PI / 4.0;
/// // acos(cos(pi/4))
/// let abs_difference = (f.cos().acos() - f64::consts::PI / 4.0).abs();
/// assert!(abs_difference < 1e-10);
/// ```
fn acos(self) -> Self;
/// Computes the arctangent of a number. Return value is in radians in the
/// range [-pi/2, pi/2];
/// ```
/// use num_traits::real::Real;
/// let f = 1.0;
/// // atan(tan(1))
/// let abs_difference = (f.tan().atan() - 1.0).abs();
/// assert!(abs_difference < 1e-10);
/// ```
fn atan(self) -> Self;
/// Computes the four quadrant arctangent of `self` (`y`) and `other` (`x`).
/// * `x = 0`, `y = 0`: `0`
/// * `x >= 0`: `arctan(y/x)` -> `[-pi/2, pi/2]`
/// * `y >= 0`: `arctan(y/x) + pi` -> `(pi/2, pi]`
/// * `y < 0`: `arctan(y/x) - pi` -> `(-pi, -pi/2)`
/// ```
/// use num_traits::real::Real;
/// use std::f64;
/// let pi = f64::consts::PI;
/// // All angles from horizontal right (+x)
/// // 45 deg counter-clockwise
/// let x1 = 3.0;
/// let y1 = -3.0;
/// // 135 deg clockwise
/// let x2 = -3.0;
/// let y2 = 3.0;
/// let abs_difference_1 = (y1.atan2(x1) - (-pi/4.0)).abs();
/// let abs_difference_2 = (y2.atan2(x2) - 3.0*pi/4.0).abs();
/// assert!(abs_difference_1 < 1e-10);
/// assert!(abs_difference_2 < 1e-10);
/// ```
fn atan2(self, other: Self) -> Self;
/// Simultaneously computes the sine and cosine of the number, `x`. Returns
/// `(sin(x), cos(x))`.
/// ```
/// use num_traits::real::Real;
/// use std::f64;
/// let x = f64::consts::PI/4.0;
/// let f = x.sin_cos();
/// let abs_difference_0 = (f.0 - x.sin()).abs();
/// let abs_difference_1 = (f.1 - x.cos()).abs();
/// assert!(abs_difference_0 < 1e-10);
/// assert!(abs_difference_0 < 1e-10);
/// ```
fn sin_cos(self) -> (Self, Self);
/// Returns `e^(self) - 1` in a way that is accurate even if the
/// number is close to zero.
/// ```
/// use num_traits::real::Real;
/// let x = 7.0;
/// // e^(ln(7)) - 1
/// let abs_difference = (x.ln().exp_m1() - 6.0).abs();
/// assert!(abs_difference < 1e-10);
/// ```
fn exp_m1(self) -> Self;
/// Returns `ln(1+n)` (natural logarithm) more accurately than if
/// the operations were performed separately.
/// # Panics
/// If this type does not support a NaN representation, this function should panic
/// if `self-1 <= 0`.
/// ```
/// use num_traits::real::Real;
/// use std::f64;
/// let x = f64::consts::E - 1.0;
/// // ln(1 + (e - 1)) == ln(e) == 1
/// let abs_difference = (x.ln_1p() - 1.0).abs();
/// assert!(abs_difference < 1e-10);
/// ```
fn ln_1p(self) -> Self;
/// Hyperbolic sine function.
/// ```
/// use num_traits::real::Real;
/// use std::f64;
/// let e = f64::consts::E;
/// let x = 1.0;
/// let f = x.sinh();
/// // Solving sinh() at 1 gives `(e^2-1)/(2e)`
/// let g = (e*e - 1.0)/(2.0*e);
/// let abs_difference = (f - g).abs();
/// assert!(abs_difference < 1e-10);
/// ```
fn sinh(self) -> Self;
/// Hyperbolic cosine function.
/// ```
/// use num_traits::real::Real;
/// use std::f64;
/// let e = f64::consts::E;
/// let x = 1.0;
/// let f = x.cosh();
/// // Solving cosh() at 1 gives this result
/// let g = (e*e + 1.0)/(2.0*e);
/// let abs_difference = (f - g).abs();
/// // Same result
/// assert!(abs_difference < 1.0e-10);
/// ```
fn cosh(self) -> Self;
/// Hyperbolic tangent function.
/// ```
/// use num_traits::real::Real;
/// use std::f64;
/// let e = f64::consts::E;
/// let x = 1.0;
/// let f = x.tanh();
/// // Solving tanh() at 1 gives `(1 - e^(-2))/(1 + e^(-2))`
/// let g = (1.0 - e.powi(-2))/(1.0 + e.powi(-2));
/// let abs_difference = (f - g).abs();
/// assert!(abs_difference < 1.0e-10);
/// ```
fn tanh(self) -> Self;
/// Inverse hyperbolic sine function.
/// ```
/// use num_traits::real::Real;
/// let x = 1.0;
/// let f = x.sinh().asinh();
/// let abs_difference = (f - x).abs();
/// assert!(abs_difference < 1.0e-10);
/// ```
fn asinh(self) -> Self;
/// Inverse hyperbolic cosine function.
/// ```
/// use num_traits::real::Real;
/// let x = 1.0;
/// let f = x.cosh().acosh();
/// let abs_difference = (f - x).abs();
/// assert!(abs_difference < 1.0e-10);
/// ```
fn acosh(self) -> Self;
/// Inverse hyperbolic tangent function.
/// ```
/// use num_traits::real::Real;
/// use std::f64;
/// let e = f64::consts::E;
/// let f = e.tanh().atanh();
/// let abs_difference = (f - e).abs();
/// assert!(abs_difference < 1.0e-10);
/// ```
fn atanh(self) -> Self;
impl<T: Float> Real for T {
forward! {
Float::min_value() -> Self;
Float::min_positive_value() -> Self;
Float::epsilon() -> Self;
Float::max_value() -> Self;
forward! {
Float::floor(self) -> Self;
Float::ceil(self) -> Self;
Float::round(self) -> Self;
Float::trunc(self) -> Self;
Float::fract(self) -> Self;
Float::abs(self) -> Self;
Float::signum(self) -> Self;
Float::is_sign_positive(self) -> bool;
Float::is_sign_negative(self) -> bool;
Float::mul_add(self, a: Self, b: Self) -> Self;
Float::recip(self) -> Self;
Float::powi(self, n: i32) -> Self;
Float::powf(self, n: Self) -> Self;
Float::sqrt(self) -> Self;
Float::exp(self) -> Self;
Float::exp2(self) -> Self;
Float::ln(self) -> Self;
Float::log(self, base: Self) -> Self;
Float::log2(self) -> Self;
Float::log10(self) -> Self;
Float::to_degrees(self) -> Self;
Float::to_radians(self) -> Self;
Float::max(self, other: Self) -> Self;
Float::min(self, other: Self) -> Self;
Float::abs_sub(self, other: Self) -> Self;
Float::cbrt(self) -> Self;
Float::hypot(self, other: Self) -> Self;
Float::sin(self) -> Self;
Float::cos(self) -> Self;
Float::tan(self) -> Self;
Float::asin(self) -> Self;
Float::acos(self) -> Self;
Float::atan(self) -> Self;
Float::atan2(self, other: Self) -> Self;
Float::sin_cos(self) -> (Self, Self);
Float::exp_m1(self) -> Self;
Float::ln_1p(self) -> Self;
Float::sinh(self) -> Self;
Float::cosh(self) -> Self;
Float::tanh(self) -> Self;
Float::asinh(self) -> Self;
Float::acosh(self) -> Self;
Float::atanh(self) -> Self;