blob: 74c9d7f51af2571a90285c2f007ca95097fe1c82 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
use core::marker::PhantomData;
use core::{cmp, iter, slice, str};
use crate::endian::LittleEndian as LE;
use crate::pe;
use crate::pe::ImageSectionHeader;
use crate::read::{
self, CompressedData, CompressedFileRange, ObjectSection, ObjectSegment, ReadError, ReadRef,
Relocation, Result, SectionFlags, SectionIndex, SectionKind, SegmentFlags,
use super::{ImageNtHeaders, PeFile, SectionTable};
/// An iterator for the loadable sections in a [`PeFile32`](super::PeFile32).
pub type PeSegmentIterator32<'data, 'file, R = &'data [u8]> =
PeSegmentIterator<'data, 'file, pe::ImageNtHeaders32, R>;
/// An iterator for the loadable sections in a [`PeFile64`](super::PeFile64).
pub type PeSegmentIterator64<'data, 'file, R = &'data [u8]> =
PeSegmentIterator<'data, 'file, pe::ImageNtHeaders64, R>;
/// An iterator for the loadable sections in a [`PeFile`].
pub struct PeSegmentIterator<'data, 'file, Pe, R = &'data [u8]>
Pe: ImageNtHeaders,
R: ReadRef<'data>,
pub(super) file: &'file PeFile<'data, Pe, R>,
pub(super) iter: slice::Iter<'data, pe::ImageSectionHeader>,
impl<'data, 'file, Pe, R> Iterator for PeSegmentIterator<'data, 'file, Pe, R>
Pe: ImageNtHeaders,
R: ReadRef<'data>,
type Item = PeSegment<'data, 'file, Pe, R>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {|section| PeSegment {
file: self.file,
/// A loadable section in a [`PeFile32`](super::PeFile32).
pub type PeSegment32<'data, 'file, R = &'data [u8]> =
PeSegment<'data, 'file, pe::ImageNtHeaders32, R>;
/// A loadable section in a [`PeFile64`](super::PeFile64).
pub type PeSegment64<'data, 'file, R = &'data [u8]> =
PeSegment<'data, 'file, pe::ImageNtHeaders64, R>;
/// A loadable section in a [`PeFile`].
/// Most functionality is provided by the [`ObjectSegment`] trait implementation.
pub struct PeSegment<'data, 'file, Pe, R = &'data [u8]>
Pe: ImageNtHeaders,
R: ReadRef<'data>,
file: &'file PeFile<'data, Pe, R>,
section: &'data pe::ImageSectionHeader,
impl<'data, 'file, Pe, R> read::private::Sealed for PeSegment<'data, 'file, Pe, R>
Pe: ImageNtHeaders,
R: ReadRef<'data>,
impl<'data, 'file, Pe, R> ObjectSegment<'data> for PeSegment<'data, 'file, Pe, R>
Pe: ImageNtHeaders,
R: ReadRef<'data>,
fn address(&self) -> u64 {
fn size(&self) -> u64 {
fn align(&self) -> u64 {
fn file_range(&self) -> (u64, u64) {
let (offset, size) = self.section.pe_file_range();
(u64::from(offset), u64::from(size))
fn data(&self) -> Result<&'data [u8]> {
fn data_range(&self, address: u64, size: u64) -> Result<Option<&'data [u8]>> {
fn name_bytes(&self) -> Result<Option<&[u8]>> {
fn name(&self) -> Result<Option<&str>> {
let name =;
.read_error("Non UTF-8 PE section name")?,
fn flags(&self) -> SegmentFlags {
let characteristics = self.section.characteristics.get(LE);
SegmentFlags::Coff { characteristics }
/// An iterator for the sections in a [`PeFile32`](super::PeFile32).
pub type PeSectionIterator32<'data, 'file, R = &'data [u8]> =
PeSectionIterator<'data, 'file, pe::ImageNtHeaders32, R>;
/// An iterator for the sections in a [`PeFile64`](super::PeFile64).
pub type PeSectionIterator64<'data, 'file, R = &'data [u8]> =
PeSectionIterator<'data, 'file, pe::ImageNtHeaders64, R>;
/// An iterator for the sections in a [`PeFile`].
pub struct PeSectionIterator<'data, 'file, Pe, R = &'data [u8]>
Pe: ImageNtHeaders,
R: ReadRef<'data>,
pub(super) file: &'file PeFile<'data, Pe, R>,
pub(super) iter: iter::Enumerate<slice::Iter<'data, pe::ImageSectionHeader>>,
impl<'data, 'file, Pe, R> Iterator for PeSectionIterator<'data, 'file, Pe, R>
Pe: ImageNtHeaders,
R: ReadRef<'data>,
type Item = PeSection<'data, 'file, Pe, R>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {|(index, section)| PeSection {
file: self.file,
index: SectionIndex(index + 1),
/// A section in a [`PeFile32`](super::PeFile32).
pub type PeSection32<'data, 'file, R = &'data [u8]> =
PeSection<'data, 'file, pe::ImageNtHeaders32, R>;
/// A section in a [`PeFile64`](super::PeFile64).
pub type PeSection64<'data, 'file, R = &'data [u8]> =
PeSection<'data, 'file, pe::ImageNtHeaders64, R>;
/// A section in a [`PeFile`].
/// Most functionality is provided by the [`ObjectSection`] trait implementation.
pub struct PeSection<'data, 'file, Pe, R = &'data [u8]>
Pe: ImageNtHeaders,
R: ReadRef<'data>,
pub(super) file: &'file PeFile<'data, Pe, R>,
pub(super) index: SectionIndex,
pub(super) section: &'data pe::ImageSectionHeader,
impl<'data, 'file, Pe, R> read::private::Sealed for PeSection<'data, 'file, Pe, R>
Pe: ImageNtHeaders,
R: ReadRef<'data>,
impl<'data, 'file, Pe, R> ObjectSection<'data> for PeSection<'data, 'file, Pe, R>
Pe: ImageNtHeaders,
R: ReadRef<'data>,
type RelocationIterator = PeRelocationIterator<'data, 'file, R>;
fn index(&self) -> SectionIndex {
fn address(&self) -> u64 {
fn size(&self) -> u64 {
fn align(&self) -> u64 {
fn file_range(&self) -> Option<(u64, u64)> {
let (offset, size) = self.section.pe_file_range();
if size == 0 {
} else {
Some((u64::from(offset), u64::from(size)))
fn data(&self) -> Result<&'data [u8]> {
fn data_range(&self, address: u64, size: u64) -> Result<Option<&'data [u8]>> {
fn compressed_file_range(&self) -> Result<CompressedFileRange> {
fn compressed_data(&self) -> Result<CompressedData<'data>> {
fn name_bytes(&self) -> Result<&[u8]> {
fn name(&self) -> Result<&str> {
let name = self.name_bytes()?;
.read_error("Non UTF-8 PE section name")
fn segment_name_bytes(&self) -> Result<Option<&[u8]>> {
fn segment_name(&self) -> Result<Option<&str>> {
fn kind(&self) -> SectionKind {
fn relocations(&self) -> PeRelocationIterator<'data, 'file, R> {
fn flags(&self) -> SectionFlags {
SectionFlags::Coff {
characteristics: self.section.characteristics.get(LE),
impl<'data> SectionTable<'data> {
/// Return the file offset of the given virtual address, and the size up
/// to the end of the section containing it.
/// Returns `None` if no section contains the address.
pub fn pe_file_range_at(&self, va: u32) -> Option<(u32, u32)> {
self.iter().find_map(|section| section.pe_file_range_at(va))
/// Return the data starting at the given virtual address, up to the end of the
/// section containing it.
/// Ignores sections with invalid data.
/// Returns `None` if no section contains the address.
pub fn pe_data_at<R: ReadRef<'data>>(&self, data: R, va: u32) -> Option<&'data [u8]> {
self.iter().find_map(|section| section.pe_data_at(data, va))
/// Return the data of the section that contains the given virtual address in a PE file.
/// Also returns the virtual address of that section.
/// Ignores sections with invalid data.
pub fn pe_data_containing<R: ReadRef<'data>>(
data: R,
va: u32,
) -> Option<(&'data [u8], u32)> {
.find_map(|section| section.pe_data_containing(data, va))
/// Return the section that contains a given virtual address.
pub fn section_containing(&self, va: u32) -> Option<&'data ImageSectionHeader> {
self.iter().find(|section| section.contains_rva(va))
impl pe::ImageSectionHeader {
/// Return the offset and size of the section in a PE file.
/// The size of the range will be the minimum of the file size and virtual size.
pub fn pe_file_range(&self) -> (u32, u32) {
// Pointer and size will be zero for uninitialized data; we don't need to validate this.
let offset = self.pointer_to_raw_data.get(LE);
let size = cmp::min(self.virtual_size.get(LE), self.size_of_raw_data.get(LE));
(offset, size)
/// Return the file offset of the given virtual address, and the remaining size up
/// to the end of the section.
/// Returns `None` if the section does not contain the address.
pub fn pe_file_range_at(&self, va: u32) -> Option<(u32, u32)> {
let section_va = self.virtual_address.get(LE);
let offset = va.checked_sub(section_va)?;
let (section_offset, section_size) = self.pe_file_range();
// Address must be within section (and not at its end).
if offset < section_size {
Some((section_offset.checked_add(offset)?, section_size - offset))
} else {
/// Return the virtual address and size of the section.
pub fn pe_address_range(&self) -> (u32, u32) {
(self.virtual_address.get(LE), self.virtual_size.get(LE))
/// Return the section data in a PE file.
/// The length of the data will be the minimum of the file size and virtual size.
pub fn pe_data<'data, R: ReadRef<'data>>(&self, data: R) -> Result<&'data [u8]> {
let (offset, size) = self.pe_file_range();
data.read_bytes_at(offset.into(), size.into())
.read_error("Invalid PE section offset or size")
/// Return the data starting at the given virtual address, up to the end of the
/// section.
/// Ignores sections with invalid data.
/// Returns `None` if the section does not contain the address.
pub fn pe_data_at<'data, R: ReadRef<'data>>(&self, data: R, va: u32) -> Option<&'data [u8]> {
let (offset, size) = self.pe_file_range_at(va)?;
data.read_bytes_at(offset.into(), size.into()).ok()
/// Tests whether a given RVA is part of this section
pub fn contains_rva(&self, va: u32) -> bool {
let section_va = self.virtual_address.get(LE);
match va.checked_sub(section_va) {
None => false,
Some(offset) => {
// Address must be within section (and not at its end).
offset < self.virtual_size.get(LE)
/// Return the section data if it contains the given virtual address.
/// Also returns the virtual address of that section.
/// Ignores sections with invalid data.
pub fn pe_data_containing<'data, R: ReadRef<'data>>(
data: R,
va: u32,
) -> Option<(&'data [u8], u32)> {
let section_va = self.virtual_address.get(LE);
let offset = va.checked_sub(section_va)?;
let (section_offset, section_size) = self.pe_file_range();
// Address must be within section (and not at its end).
if offset < section_size {
let section_data = data
.read_bytes_at(section_offset.into(), section_size.into())
Some((section_data, section_va))
} else {
/// An iterator for the relocations in an [`PeSection`].
/// This is a stub that doesn't implement any functionality.
pub struct PeRelocationIterator<'data, 'file, R = &'data [u8]>(
PhantomData<(&'data (), &'file (), R)>,
impl<'data, 'file, R> Iterator for PeRelocationIterator<'data, 'file, R> {
type Item = (u64, Relocation);
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {