blob: 0544d06145136844becc6fca12166fc114ef423d [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
#![cfg_attr(docsrs, feature(doc_auto_cfg))]
html_logo_url = "",
html_favicon_url = ""
#![warn(missing_docs, rust_2018_idioms, unused_qualifications)]
#![doc = include_str!("../")]
//! ## `serde` support
//! When the `serde` feature of this crate is enabled, `Serialize` and
//! `Deserialize` are impl'd for the following types:
//! - [`AffinePoint`]
//! - [`Scalar`]
//! - [`ecdsa::VerifyingKey`]
//! Please see type-specific documentation for more information.
#[cfg(feature = "arithmetic")]
mod arithmetic;
#[cfg(feature = "ecdh")]
pub mod ecdh;
#[cfg(feature = "ecdsa-core")]
pub mod ecdsa;
#[cfg(any(feature = "test-vectors", test))]
pub mod test_vectors;
pub use elliptic_curve::{self, bigint::U384, consts::U48};
#[cfg(feature = "arithmetic")]
pub use arithmetic::{scalar::Scalar, AffinePoint, ProjectivePoint};
#[cfg(feature = "expose-field")]
pub use arithmetic::field::FieldElement;
#[cfg(feature = "pkcs8")]
pub use elliptic_curve::pkcs8;
use elliptic_curve::{
bigint::ArrayEncoding, consts::U49, generic_array::GenericArray, FieldBytesEncoding,
/// Order of NIST P-384's elliptic curve group (i.e. scalar modulus) in hexadecimal.
const ORDER_HEX: &str = "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffc7634d81f4372ddf581a0db248b0a77aecec196accc52973";
/// NIST P-384 elliptic curve.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Default, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub struct NistP384;
impl elliptic_curve::Curve for NistP384 {
/// 48-byte serialized field elements.
type FieldBytesSize = U48;
/// 384-bit integer type used for internally representing field elements.
type Uint = U384;
/// Order of NIST P-384's elliptic curve group (i.e. scalar modulus).
const ORDER: U384 = U384::from_be_hex(ORDER_HEX);
impl elliptic_curve::PrimeCurve for NistP384 {}
impl elliptic_curve::point::PointCompression for NistP384 {
/// NIST P-384 points are typically uncompressed.
const COMPRESS_POINTS: bool = false;
impl elliptic_curve::point::PointCompaction for NistP384 {
/// NIST P-384 points are typically uncompressed.
const COMPACT_POINTS: bool = false;
#[cfg(feature = "jwk")]
impl elliptic_curve::JwkParameters for NistP384 {
const CRV: &'static str = "P-384";
#[cfg(feature = "pkcs8")]
impl pkcs8::AssociatedOid for NistP384 {
const OID: pkcs8::ObjectIdentifier = pkcs8::ObjectIdentifier::new_unwrap("");
/// Compressed SEC1-encoded NIST P-384 curve point.
pub type CompressedPoint = GenericArray<u8, U49>;
/// NIST P-384 SEC1 encoded point.
pub type EncodedPoint = elliptic_curve::sec1::EncodedPoint<NistP384>;
/// NIST P-384 field element serialized as bytes.
/// Byte array containing a serialized field element value (base field or
/// scalar).
pub type FieldBytes = elliptic_curve::FieldBytes<NistP384>;
impl FieldBytesEncoding<NistP384> for U384 {
fn decode_field_bytes(field_bytes: &FieldBytes) -> Self {
fn encode_field_bytes(&self) -> FieldBytes {
/// Non-zero NIST P-384 scalar field element.
#[cfg(feature = "arithmetic")]
pub type NonZeroScalar = elliptic_curve::NonZeroScalar<NistP384>;
/// NIST P-384 public key.
#[cfg(feature = "arithmetic")]
pub type PublicKey = elliptic_curve::PublicKey<NistP384>;
/// NIST P-384 secret key.
pub type SecretKey = elliptic_curve::SecretKey<NistP384>;
#[cfg(not(feature = "arithmetic"))]
impl elliptic_curve::sec1::ValidatePublicKey for NistP384 {}
/// Bit representation of a NIST P-384 scalar field element.
#[cfg(feature = "bits")]
pub type ScalarBits = elliptic_curve::scalar::ScalarBits<NistP384>;
#[cfg(feature = "voprf")]
impl elliptic_curve::VoprfParameters for NistP384 {
/// See <>.
const ID: &'static str = "P384-SHA384";
/// See <>.
type Hash = sha2::Sha384;