blob: 03aed9a3fe27c50ce7a42fa6634305e88a7b2678 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
//! Collecting parsed zoneinfo data lines into a set of time zone data.
//! This module provides the `Table` struct, which is able to take parsed
//! lines of input from the `line` module and coalesce them into a single
//! set of data.
//! It’s not as simple as it seems, because the zoneinfo data lines refer to
//! each other through strings: lines of the form “link zone A to B” could be
//! *parsed* successfully but still fail to be *interpreted* successfully if
//! “B” doesn’t exist. So it has to check every step of the way—nothing wrong
//! with this, it’s just a consequence of reading data from a text file.
//! This module only deals with constructing a table from data: any analysis
//! of the data is done elsewhere.
//! ## Example
//! ```
//! use parse_zoneinfo::line::{Zone, Line, LineParser, Link};
//! use parse_zoneinfo::table::{TableBuilder};
//! let parser = LineParser::default();
//! let mut builder = TableBuilder::new();
//! let zone = "Zone Pacific/Auckland 11:39:04 - LMT 1868 Nov 2";
//! let link = "Link Pacific/Auckland Antarctica/McMurdo";
//! for line in [zone, link] {
//! match parser.parse_str(&line)? {
//! Line::Zone(zone) => builder.add_zone_line(zone).unwrap(),
//! Line::Continuation(cont) => builder.add_continuation_line(cont).unwrap(),
//! Line::Rule(rule) => builder.add_rule_line(rule).unwrap(),
//! Line::Link(link) => builder.add_link_line(link).unwrap(),
//! Line::Space => {}
//! }
//! }
//! let table =;
//! assert!(table.get_zoneset("Pacific/Auckland").is_some());
//! assert!(table.get_zoneset("Antarctica/McMurdo").is_some());
//! assert!(table.get_zoneset("UTC").is_none());
//! # Ok::<(), parse_zoneinfo::line::Error>(())
//! ```
use std::collections::hash_map::{Entry, HashMap};
use std::fmt;
use crate::line::{self, ChangeTime, DaySpec, Month, TimeType, Year};
/// A **table** of all the data in one or more zoneinfo files.
#[derive(PartialEq, Debug, Default)]
pub struct Table {
/// Mapping of ruleset names to rulesets.
pub rulesets: HashMap<String, Vec<RuleInfo>>,
/// Mapping of zoneset names to zonesets.
pub zonesets: HashMap<String, Vec<ZoneInfo>>,
/// Mapping of link timezone names, to the names they link to.
pub links: HashMap<String, String>,
impl Table {
/// Tries to find the zoneset with the given name by looking it up in
/// either the zonesets map or the links map.
pub fn get_zoneset(&self, zone_name: &str) -> Option<&[ZoneInfo]> {
if self.zonesets.contains_key(zone_name) {
} else if self.links.contains_key(zone_name) {
let target = &self.links[zone_name];
} else {
/// An owned rule definition line.
/// This mimics the `Rule` struct in the `line` module, only its uses owned
/// Strings instead of string slices, and has had some pre-processing
/// applied to it.
#[derive(PartialEq, Debug)]
pub struct RuleInfo {
/// The year that this rule *starts* applying.
pub from_year: Year,
/// The year that this rule *finishes* applying, inclusive, or `None` if
/// it applies up until the end of this timespan.
pub to_year: Option<Year>,
/// The month it applies on.
pub month: Month,
/// The day it applies on.
pub day: DaySpec,
/// The exact time it applies on.
pub time: i64,
/// The type of time that time is.
pub time_type: TimeType,
/// The amount of time to save.
pub time_to_add: i64,
/// Any extra letters that should be added to this time zone’s
/// abbreviation, in place of `%s`.
pub letters: Option<String>,
impl<'line> From<line::Rule<'line>> for RuleInfo {
fn from(info: line::Rule) -> RuleInfo {
RuleInfo {
from_year: info.from_year,
to_year: info.to_year,
month: info.month,
time: info.time.0.as_seconds(),
time_type: info.time.1,
time_to_add: info.time_to_add.as_seconds(),
impl RuleInfo {
/// Returns whether this rule is in effect during the given year.
pub fn applies_to_year(&self, year: i64) -> bool {
use line::Year::*;
match (self.from_year, self.to_year) {
(Number(from), None) => year == from,
(Number(from), Some(Maximum)) => year >= from,
(Number(from), Some(Number(to))) => year >= from && year <= to,
_ => unreachable!(),
pub fn absolute_datetime(&self, year: i64, utc_offset: i64, dst_offset: i64) -> i64 {
let offset = match self.time_type {
TimeType::UTC => 0,
TimeType::Standard => utc_offset,
TimeType::Wall => utc_offset + dst_offset,
let changetime = ChangeTime::UntilDay(Year::Number(year), self.month,;
changetime.to_timestamp() + self.time - offset
/// An owned zone definition line.
/// This struct mimics the `ZoneInfo` struct in the `line` module, *not* the
/// `Zone` struct, which is the key name in the map—this is just the value.
/// As with `RuleInfo`, this struct uses owned Strings rather than string
/// slices.
#[derive(PartialEq, Debug)]
pub struct ZoneInfo {
/// The number of seconds that need to be added to UTC to get the
/// standard time in this zone.
pub offset: i64,
/// The name of all the rules that should apply in the time zone, or the
/// amount of daylight-saving time to add.
pub saving: Saving,
/// The format for time zone abbreviations.
pub format: Format,
/// The time at which the rules change for this time zone, or `None` if
/// these rules are in effect until the end of time (!).
pub end_time: Option<ChangeTime>,
impl<'line> From<line::ZoneInfo<'line>> for ZoneInfo {
fn from(info: line::ZoneInfo) -> ZoneInfo {
ZoneInfo {
offset: info.utc_offset.as_seconds(),
saving: match info.saving {
line::Saving::NoSaving => Saving::NoSaving,
line::Saving::Multiple(s) => Saving::Multiple(s.to_owned()),
line::Saving::OneOff(t) => Saving::OneOff(t.as_seconds()),
format: Format::new(info.format),
end_time: info.time,
/// The amount of daylight saving time (DST) to apply to this timespan. This
/// is a special type for a certain field in a zone line, which can hold
/// different types of value.
/// This is the owned version of the `Saving` type in the `line` module.
#[derive(PartialEq, Debug)]
pub enum Saving {
/// Just stick to the base offset.
/// This amount of time should be saved while this timespan is in effect.
/// (This is the equivalent to there being a single one-off rule with the
/// given amount of time to save).
/// All rules with the given name should apply while this timespan is in
/// effect.
/// The format string to generate a time zone abbreviation from.
#[derive(PartialEq, Debug, Clone)]
pub enum Format {
/// A constant format, which remains the same throughout both standard
/// and DST timespans.
/// An alternate format, such as “PST/PDT”, which changes between
/// standard and DST timespans.
Alternate {
/// Abbreviation to use during Standard Time.
standard: String,
/// Abbreviation to use during Summer Time.
dst: String,
/// A format with a placeholder `%s`, which uses the `letters` field in
/// a `RuleInfo` to generate the time zone abbreviation.
impl Format {
/// Convert the template into one of the `Format` variants. This can’t
/// fail, as any syntax that doesn’t match one of the two formats will
/// just be a ‘constant’ format.
pub fn new(template: &str) -> Format {
if let Some(pos) = template.find('/') {
Format::Alternate {
standard: template[..pos].to_owned(),
dst: template[pos + 1..].to_owned(),
} else if template.contains("%s") {
} else {
pub fn format(&self, dst_offset: i64, letters: Option<&String>) -> String {
let letters = match letters {
Some(l) => &**l,
None => "",
match *self {
Format::Constant(ref s) => s.clone(),
Format::Placeholder(ref s) => s.replace("%s", letters),
Format::Alternate { ref standard, .. } if dst_offset == 0 => standard.clone(),
Format::Alternate { ref dst, .. } => dst.clone(),
pub fn format_constant(&self) -> String {
if let Format::Constant(ref s) = *self {
} else {
panic!("Expected a constant formatting string");
/// A builder for `Table` values based on various line definitions.
#[derive(PartialEq, Debug)]
pub struct TableBuilder {
/// The table that’s being built up.
table: Table,
/// If the last line was a zone definition, then this holds its name.
/// `None` otherwise. This is so continuation lines can be added to the
/// same zone as the original zone line.
current_zoneset_name: Option<String>,
impl Default for TableBuilder {
fn default() -> Self {
impl TableBuilder {
/// Creates a new builder with an empty table.
pub fn new() -> TableBuilder {
TableBuilder {
table: Table::default(),
current_zoneset_name: None,
/// Adds a new line describing a zone definition.
/// Returns an error if there’s already a zone with the same name, or the
/// zone refers to a ruleset that hasn’t been defined yet.
pub fn add_zone_line<'line>(
&mut self,
zone_line: line::Zone<'line>,
) -> Result<(), Error<'line>> {
if let line::Saving::Multiple(ruleset_name) = {
if !self.table.rulesets.contains_key(ruleset_name) {
return Err(Error::UnknownRuleset(ruleset_name));
let zoneset = match self.table.zonesets.entry( {
Entry::Occupied(_) => return Err(Error::DuplicateZone),
Entry::Vacant(e) => e.insert(Vec::new()),
self.current_zoneset_name = Some(;
/// Adds a new line describing the *continuation* of a zone definition.
/// Returns an error if the builder wasn’t expecting a continuation line
/// (meaning, the previous line wasn’t a zone line)
pub fn add_continuation_line(
&mut self,
continuation_line: line::ZoneInfo,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let zoneset = match self.current_zoneset_name {
Some(ref name) => self.table.zonesets.get_mut(name).unwrap(),
None => return Err(Error::SurpriseContinuationLine),
/// Adds a new line describing one entry in a ruleset, creating that set
/// if it didn’t exist already.
pub fn add_rule_line(&mut self, rule_line: line::Rule) -> Result<(), Error> {
let ruleset = self
self.current_zoneset_name = None;
/// Adds a new line linking one zone to another.
/// Returns an error if there was already a link with that name.
pub fn add_link_line<'line>(
&mut self,
link_line: line::Link<'line>,
) -> Result<(), Error<'line>> {
match self.table.links.entry( {
Entry::Occupied(_) => Err(Error::DuplicateLink(,
Entry::Vacant(e) => {
let _ = e.insert(link_line.existing.to_owned());
self.current_zoneset_name = None;
/// Returns the table after it’s finished being built.
pub fn build(self) -> Table {
/// Something that can go wrong while constructing a `Table`.
#[derive(PartialEq, Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub enum Error<'line> {
/// A continuation line was passed in, but the previous line wasn’t a zone
/// definition line.
/// A zone definition referred to a ruleset that hadn’t been defined.
UnknownRuleset(&'line str),
/// A link line was passed in, but there’s already a link with that name.
DuplicateLink(&'line str),
/// A zone line was passed in, but there’s already a zone with that name.
impl<'line> fmt::Display for Error<'line> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
Error::SurpriseContinuationLine => {
"continuation line follows line that isn't a zone definition line"
Error::UnknownRuleset(_) => {
write!(f, "zone definition refers to a ruleset that isn't defined")
Error::DuplicateLink(_) => write!(f, "link line with name that already exists"),
Error::DuplicateZone => write!(f, "zone line with name that already exists"),
impl<'line> std::error::Error for Error<'line> {}