blob: c48df1f62f6e620154f65960ab8c259950a84fee [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
//! PEM encoder.
use crate::{
grammar, Base64Encoder, Error, LineEnding, Result, BASE64_WRAP_WIDTH,
use base64ct::{Base64, Encoding};
use core::str;
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
use alloc::string::String;
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
use std::io;
/// Compute the length of a PEM encoded document which encapsulates a
/// Base64-encoded body including line endings every 64 characters.
/// The `input_len` parameter specifies the length of the raw input
/// bytes prior to Base64 encoding.
/// Note that the current implementation of this function computes an upper
/// bound of the length and the actual encoded document may be slightly shorter
/// (typically 1-byte). Downstream consumers of this function should check the
/// actual encoded length and potentially truncate buffers allocated using this
/// function to estimate the encapsulated size.
/// Use [`encoded_len`] (when possible) to obtain a precise length.
/// ## Returns
/// - `Ok(len)` on success
/// - `Err(Error::Length)` on length overflow
pub fn encapsulated_len(label: &str, line_ending: LineEnding, input_len: usize) -> Result<usize> {
encapsulated_len_wrapped(label, BASE64_WRAP_WIDTH, line_ending, input_len)
/// Compute the length of a PEM encoded document with the Base64 body
/// line wrapped at the specified `width`.
/// This is the same as [`encapsulated_len`], which defaults to a width of 64.
/// Note that per [RFC7468 § 2] encoding PEM with any other wrap width besides
/// 64 is technically non-compliant:
/// > Generators MUST wrap the base64-encoded lines so that each line
/// > consists of exactly 64 characters except for the final line, which
/// > will encode the remainder of the data (within the 64-character line
/// > boundary)
/// [RFC7468 § 2]:
pub fn encapsulated_len_wrapped(
label: &str,
line_width: usize,
line_ending: LineEnding,
input_len: usize,
) -> Result<usize> {
if line_width < 4 {
return Err(Error::Length);
let base64_len = input_len
.and_then(|n| n.checked_div(3))
.and_then(|n| n.checked_add(3))
& !3;
let base64_len_wrapped = base64_len_wrapped(base64_len, line_width, line_ending)?;
encapsulated_len_inner(label, line_ending, base64_len_wrapped)
/// Get the length of a PEM encoded document with the given bytes and label.
/// This function computes a precise length of the PEM encoding of the given
/// `input` data.
/// ## Returns
/// - `Ok(len)` on success
/// - `Err(Error::Length)` on length overflow
pub fn encoded_len(label: &str, line_ending: LineEnding, input: &[u8]) -> Result<usize> {
let base64_len = Base64::encoded_len(input);
let base64_len_wrapped = base64_len_wrapped(base64_len, BASE64_WRAP_WIDTH, line_ending)?;
encapsulated_len_inner(label, line_ending, base64_len_wrapped)
/// Encode a PEM document according to RFC 7468's "Strict" grammar.
pub fn encode<'o>(
type_label: &str,
line_ending: LineEnding,
input: &[u8],
buf: &'o mut [u8],
) -> Result<&'o str> {
let mut encoder = Encoder::new(type_label, line_ending, buf)?;
let encoded_len = encoder.finish()?;
let output = &buf[..encoded_len];
// Sanity check
// Ensure `output` contains characters from the lower 7-bit ASCII set
if output.iter().fold(0u8, |acc, &byte| acc | (byte & 0x80)) == 0 {
// Use unchecked conversion to avoid applying UTF-8 checks to potentially
// secret PEM documents (and therefore introducing a potential timing
// sidechannel)
// SAFETY: contents of this buffer are controlled entirely by the encoder,
// which ensures the contents are always a valid (ASCII) subset of UTF-8.
// It's also additionally sanity checked by two assertions above to ensure
// the validity (with the always-on runtime check implemented in a
// constant time-ish manner.
Ok(unsafe { str::from_utf8_unchecked(output) })
} else {
/// Encode a PEM document according to RFC 7468's "Strict" grammar, returning
/// the result as a [`String`].
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
pub fn encode_string(label: &str, line_ending: LineEnding, input: &[u8]) -> Result<String> {
let expected_len = encoded_len(label, line_ending, input)?;
let mut buf = vec![0u8; expected_len];
let actual_len = encode(label, line_ending, input, &mut buf)?.len();
debug_assert_eq!(expected_len, actual_len);
String::from_utf8(buf).map_err(|_| Error::CharacterEncoding)
/// Compute the encapsulated length of Base64 data of the given length.
fn encapsulated_len_inner(
label: &str,
line_ending: LineEnding,
base64_len: usize,
) -> Result<usize> {
.try_fold(0usize, |acc, len| acc.checked_add(len))
/// Compute Base64 length line-wrapped at the specified width with the given
/// line ending.
fn base64_len_wrapped(
base64_len: usize,
line_width: usize,
line_ending: LineEnding,
) -> Result<usize> {
.and_then(|lines| lines.checked_mul(line_ending.len()))
.and_then(|len| len.checked_add(base64_len))
/// Buffered PEM encoder.
/// Stateful buffered encoder type which encodes an input PEM document according
/// to RFC 7468's "Strict" grammar.
pub struct Encoder<'l, 'o> {
/// PEM type label.
type_label: &'l str,
/// Line ending used to wrap Base64.
line_ending: LineEnding,
/// Buffered Base64 encoder.
base64: Base64Encoder<'o>,
impl<'l, 'o> Encoder<'l, 'o> {
/// Create a new PEM [`Encoder`] with the default options which
/// writes output into the provided buffer.
/// Uses the default 64-character line wrapping.
pub fn new(type_label: &'l str, line_ending: LineEnding, out: &'o mut [u8]) -> Result<Self> {
Self::new_wrapped(type_label, BASE64_WRAP_WIDTH, line_ending, out)
/// Create a new PEM [`Encoder`] which wraps at the given line width.
/// Note that per [RFC7468 § 2] encoding PEM with any other wrap width besides
/// 64 is technically non-compliant:
/// > Generators MUST wrap the base64-encoded lines so that each line
/// > consists of exactly 64 characters except for the final line, which
/// > will encode the remainder of the data (within the 64-character line
/// > boundary)
/// This method is provided with the intended purpose of implementing the
/// OpenSSH private key format, which uses a non-standard wrap width of 70.
/// [RFC7468 § 2]:
pub fn new_wrapped(
type_label: &'l str,
line_width: usize,
line_ending: LineEnding,
mut out: &'o mut [u8],
) -> Result<Self> {
for boundary_part in [
] {
if out.len() < boundary_part.len() {
return Err(Error::Length);
let (part, rest) = out.split_at_mut(boundary_part.len());
out = rest;
let base64 = Base64Encoder::new_wrapped(out, line_width, line_ending)?;
Ok(Self {
/// Get the PEM type label used for this document.
pub fn type_label(&self) -> &'l str {
/// Encode the provided input data.
/// This method can be called as many times as needed with any sized input
/// to write data encoded data into the output buffer, so long as there is
/// sufficient space in the buffer to handle the resulting Base64 encoded
/// data.
pub fn encode(&mut self, input: &[u8]) -> Result<()> {
/// Borrow the inner [`Base64Encoder`].
pub fn base64_encoder(&mut self) -> &mut Base64Encoder<'o> {
&mut self.base64
/// Finish encoding PEM, writing the post-encapsulation boundary.
/// On success, returns the total number of bytes written to the output
/// buffer.
pub fn finish(self) -> Result<usize> {
let (base64, mut out) = self.base64.finish_with_remaining()?;
for boundary_part in [
] {
if out.len() < boundary_part.len() {
return Err(Error::Length);
let (part, rest) = out.split_at_mut(boundary_part.len());
out = rest;
encapsulated_len_inner(self.type_label, self.line_ending, base64.len())
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
impl<'l, 'o> io::Write for Encoder<'l, 'o> {
fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
fn flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
// TODO(tarcieri): return an error if there's still data remaining in the buffer?