blob: 9dc7dbf4da9c322674c9717d177c1d992421f622 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
//! ***Unstable.*** Graph generation.
//! ***Unstable: API may change at any time.*** Depends on `feature = "generate"`.
use crate::graph::NodeIndex;
use crate::{Directed, EdgeType, Graph};
// A DAG has the property that the adjacency matrix is lower triangular,
// diagonal zero.
// This means we only allow edges i → j where i < j.
// The set of all DAG of a particular size is simply the power set of all
// possible edges.
// For a graph of n=3 nodes we have (n - 1) * n / 2 = 3 possible edges.
/// A graph generator of “all” graphs of a particular size.
/// ***Unstable: API may change at any time.*** Depends on `feature = "generate"`.
pub struct Generator<Ty> {
acyclic: bool,
selfloops: bool,
nodes: usize,
/// number of possible edges
nedges: usize,
/// current edge bitmap
bits: u64,
g: Graph<(), (), Ty>,
impl Generator<Directed> {
/// Generate all possible Directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) of a particular number of vertices.
/// These are only generated with one per isomorphism, so they use
/// one canonical node labeling where node *i* can only have edges to node *j* if *i < j*.
/// For a graph of *k* vertices there are *e = (k - 1) k / 2* possible edges and
/// *2<sup>e</sup>* DAGs.
pub fn directed_acyclic(nodes: usize) -> Self {
assert!(nodes != 0);
let nedges = (nodes - 1) * nodes / 2;
assert!(nedges < 64);
Generator {
acyclic: true,
selfloops: false,
nodes: nodes,
nedges: nedges,
bits: !0,
g: Graph::with_capacity(nodes, nedges),
impl<Ty: EdgeType> Generator<Ty> {
/// Generate all possible graphs of a particular number of vertices.
/// All permutations are generated, so the graphs are not unique down to isomorphism.
/// For a graph of *k* vertices there are *e = k²* possible edges and
/// *2<sup>k<sup>2</sup></sup>* graphs.
pub fn all(nodes: usize, allow_selfloops: bool) -> Self {
let scale = if Ty::is_directed() { 1 } else { 2 };
let nedges = if allow_selfloops {
(nodes * nodes - nodes) / scale + nodes
} else {
(nodes * nodes) / scale - nodes
assert!(nedges < 64);
Generator {
acyclic: false,
selfloops: allow_selfloops,
nodes: nodes,
nedges: nedges,
bits: !0,
g: Graph::with_capacity(nodes, nedges),
fn state_to_graph(&mut self) -> &Graph<(), (), Ty> {
for _ in 0..self.nodes {
// For a DAG:
// interpret the bits in order, it's a lower triangular matrix:
// a b c d
// a x x x x
// b 0 x x x
// c 1 2 x x
// d 3 4 5 x
let mut bit = 0;
for i in 0..self.nodes {
let start = if self.acyclic || !self.g.is_directed() {
} else {
for j in start..self.nodes {
if i == j && !self.selfloops {
if self.bits & (1u64 << bit) != 0 {
self.g.add_edge(NodeIndex::new(i), NodeIndex::new(j), ());
bit += 1;
pub fn next_ref(&mut self) -> Option<&Graph<(), (), Ty>> {
if self.bits == !0 {
self.bits = 0;
} else {
self.bits += 1;
if self.bits >= 1u64 << self.nedges {
return None;
impl<Ty: EdgeType> Iterator for Generator<Ty> {
type Item = Graph<(), (), Ty>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {