blob: 6e8eebbd1b847011a962269530a3a2a58a6ee706 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
use std::{
time::{Duration, SystemTime},
use crate::{progress, unit};
const THROTTLE_INTERVAL: Duration = Duration::from_secs(1);
const ONCE_A_SECOND: Duration = Duration::from_secs(1);
#[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Debug)]
struct State {
observed: Duration,
last_value: progress::Step,
elapsed_values: VecDeque<(Duration, progress::Step)>,
last_update_duration: Duration,
precomputed_throughput: Option<progress::Step>,
impl State {
fn new(value: progress::Step, elapsed: Duration) -> Self {
State {
observed: elapsed,
last_value: value,
elapsed_values: {
let mut v = VecDeque::with_capacity(6); // default frames per second
v.push_back((elapsed, value));
last_update_duration: elapsed,
precomputed_throughput: None,
fn compute_throughput(&mut self) -> progress::Step {
let mut observed: Duration = self.elapsed_values.iter().map(|e| e.0).sum();
while !self.elapsed_values.is_empty() && observed > ONCE_A_SECOND {
let candidate = self
.map(|e| e.0)
.expect("at least one item as we are in the checked loop");
if observed.checked_sub(candidate).unwrap_or_default() <= ONCE_A_SECOND {
observed -= candidate;
let observed_value: progress::Step = self.elapsed_values.iter().map(|e| e.1).sum();
((observed_value as f64 / observed.as_secs_f64()) * ONCE_A_SECOND.as_secs_f64()) as progress::Step
fn update(&mut self, value: progress::Step, elapsed: Duration) -> Option<unit::display::Throughput> {
self.observed += elapsed;
.push_back((elapsed, value.saturating_sub(self.last_value)));
self.last_value = value;
if self.observed - self.last_update_duration > THROTTLE_INTERVAL {
self.precomputed_throughput = Some(self.compute_throughput());
self.last_update_duration = self.observed;
fn throughput(&self) -> Option<unit::display::Throughput> {|tp| unit::display::Throughput {
value_change_in_timespan: tp,
timespan: ONCE_A_SECOND,
/// A utility to compute throughput of a set of progress values usually available to a renderer.
pub struct Throughput {
sorted_by_key: Vec<(progress::Key, State)>,
updated_at: Option<SystemTime>,
elapsed: Option<Duration>,
impl Throughput {
/// Called at the beginning of the drawing of a renderer to remember at which time progress values are
/// going to be updated with [`update_and_get(…)`][Throughput::update_and_get()].
pub fn update_elapsed(&mut self) {
let now = SystemTime::now();
self.elapsed = self.updated_at.and_then(|then| now.duration_since(then).ok());
self.updated_at = Some(now);
/// Lookup or create the progress value at `key` and set its current `progress`, returning its computed
/// throughput.
pub fn update_and_get(
&mut self,
key: &progress::Key,
progress: Option<&progress::Value>,
) -> Option<unit::display::Throughput> {
progress.and_then(|progress| {
.and_then(|elapsed| match self.sorted_by_key.binary_search_by_key(key, |t| t.0) {
Ok(index) => self.sorted_by_key[index]
.update(progress.step.load(Ordering::SeqCst), elapsed),
Err(index) => {
let state = State::new(progress.step.load(Ordering::SeqCst), elapsed);
let tp = state.throughput();
self.sorted_by_key.insert(index, (*key, state));
/// Compare the keys in `sorted_values` with our internal state and remove all missing tasks from it.
/// This should be called after [`update_and_get(…)`][Throughput::update_and_get()] to pick up removed/finished
/// progress.
pub fn reconcile(&mut self, sorted_values: &[(progress::Key, progress::Task)]) {
.retain(|(key, _)| sorted_values.binary_search_by_key(key, |e| e.0).is_ok());