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// Copyright 2018 The proptest developers
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
//! Provides actual deriving logic for the crate.
use proc_macro2::{Span, TokenStream};
use syn::spanned::Spanned;
use syn::{DeriveInput, Expr, Field, Ident, Path, Type, Variant};
use crate::ast::*;
use crate::attr::{self, ParamsMode, ParsedAttributes, StratMode};
use crate::error::{self, Context, Ctx, DeriveResult};
use crate::use_tracking::{UseMarkable, UseTracker};
use crate::util::{fields_to_vec, is_unit_type, self_ty};
use crate::void::IsUninhabited;
// API
pub fn impl_proptest_arbitrary(ast: DeriveInput) -> TokenStream {
let mut ctx = Context::default();
let result = derive_proptest_arbitrary(&mut ctx, ast);
match (result, ctx.check()) {
(Ok(derive), Ok(())) => derive,
(_, Err(err)) => err,
(Err(result), Ok(())) => panic!(
"[proptest_derive]: internal error, this is a bug! \
result: {:?}",
/// Simplified version of `DeriveInput` from syn letting us be generic over
/// the body.
struct DeriveData<B> {
ident: Ident,
attrs: ParsedAttributes,
tracker: UseTracker,
body: B,
/// Entry point for deriving `Arbitrary`.
fn derive_proptest_arbitrary(
ctx: Ctx,
ast: DeriveInput,
) -> DeriveResult<TokenStream> {
use syn::Data::*;
// Deny lifetimes on type.
error::if_has_lifetimes(ctx, &ast);
// Parse top level attributes:
let attrs = attr::parse_top_attributes(ctx, &ast.attrs)?;
// Initialize tracker:
let mut tracker = UseTracker::new(ast.generics);
if attrs.no_bound {
// Compile into our own high level IR for the impl:
let the_impl = match {
// Deal with structs:
Struct(data) => derive_struct(
DeriveData {
ident: ast.ident,
body: fields_to_vec(data.fields),
// Deal with enums:
Enum(data) => derive_enum(
DeriveData {
ident: ast.ident,
body: data.variants.into_iter().collect(),
// Unions are not supported:
_ => error::not_struct_or_enum(ctx)?,
// Linearise the IR into Rust code:
let q = the_impl.into_tokens(ctx)?;
// We're done!
// Struct
/// Entry point for deriving `Arbitrary` for `struct`s.
fn derive_struct(
ctx: Ctx,
mut ast: DeriveData<Vec<Field>>,
) -> DeriveResult<Impl> {
// Deny attributes that are only for enum variants:
error::if_enum_attrs_present(ctx, &ast.attrs, error::STRUCT);
// Deny an explicit strategy directly on the struct.
error::if_strategy_present(ctx, &ast.attrs, error::STRUCT);
let v_path = ast.ident.clone().into();
let parts = if ast.body.is_empty() {
// Deriving for a unit struct.
error::if_present_on_unit_struct(ctx, &ast.attrs);
let (strat, ctor) = pair_unit_self(&v_path);
(Params::empty(), strat, ctor)
} else {
// Not a unit struct.
// Ensures that the fields of the given struct has fields which are all
// inhabited. If one field is uninhabited, the entire product type is
// uninhabited.
// A unit struct in the other branch is by definition always inhabited.
if (&*ast.body).is_uninhabited() {
// Construct the closure for `.prop_map`:
let closure = map_closure(v_path, &ast.body);
// The complexity of the logic depends mostly now on whether
// parameters were set directly on the type or not.
let parts = if let Some(param_ty) = ast.attrs.params.into_option() {
// Parameters was set on the struct itself, the logic is simpler.
&mut ast.tracker,
} else {
// We need considerably more complex logic.
&mut ast.tracker,
// Possibly apply filter:
add_top_filter(ast.attrs.filter, parts)
// We're done!
Ok(Impl::new(ast.ident, ast.tracker, parts))
/// Apply the filter at the top level if provided.
fn add_top_filter(filter: Vec<Expr>, parts: ImplParts) -> ImplParts {
let (params, strat, ctor) = parts;
let (strat, ctor) = add_filter_self(filter, (strat, ctor));
(params, strat, ctor)
/// Apply a filter with `Self` as the input type to the predicate.
fn add_filter_self(filter: Vec<Expr>, pair: StratPair) -> StratPair {
pair_filter(filter, self_ty(), pair)
/// Determine the `Parameters` part. We've already handled everything else.
/// After this, we have all parts needed for an impl. If `None` is given,
/// then the unit type `()` will be used for `Parameters`.
fn add_top_params(
param_ty: Option<Type>,
(strat, ctor): StratPair,
) -> ImplParts {
let params = Params::empty();
if let Some(params_ty) = param_ty {
// We need to add `let params = _top;`.
(params + params_ty, strat, extract_api(ctor, FromReg::Top))
} else {
(params, strat, ctor)
/// Deriving for a list of fields (product type) on
/// which `params` or `no_params` was set directly.
fn derive_product_has_params(
ctx: Ctx,
ut: &mut UseTracker,
item: &str,
closure: MapClosure,
fields: Vec<Field>,
) -> DeriveResult<StratPair> {
// Fold into an accumulator of the strategy types and the expressions
// that produces the strategy. Finally turn the accumulator into
// a `.prop_map(..)` that produces the composite strategy.
let len = fields.len();
.try_fold(StratAcc::new(len), |acc, field| {
let attrs = attr::parse_attributes(ctx, &field.attrs)?;
// Deny attributes that are only for enum variants:
error::if_enum_attrs_present(ctx, &attrs, item);
// Deny setting parameters on the field since it has been set on parent:
error::if_specified_params(ctx, &attrs, item);
// Determine the strategy for this field and add it to acc.
let span = field.span();
let ty = field.ty.clone();
let pair =
product_handle_default_params(ut, ty, span, attrs.strategy);
let pair = pair_filter(attrs.filter, field.ty, pair);
.map(|acc| acc.finish(closure))
/// Determine strategy using "Default" semantics for a product.
fn product_handle_default_params(
ut: &mut UseTracker,
ty: Type,
span: Span,
strategy: StratMode,
) -> StratPair {
match strategy {
// Specific strategy - use the given expr and erase the type
// (since we don't know about it):
StratMode::Strategy(strat) => pair_existential(ty, strat),
// Specific value - use the given expr:
StratMode::Value(value) => pair_value(ty, value),
// Specific regex - dispatch to `_regex` function based on `ty`:
StratMode::Regex(regex) => pair_regex(ty, regex),
// Use Arbitrary for the given type and mark the type as used:
StratMode::Arbitrary => {
pair_any(ty, span)
/// Deriving for a list of fields (product type) on
/// which `params` or `no_params` was NOT set directly.
fn derive_product_no_params(
ctx: Ctx,
ut: &mut UseTracker,
fields: Vec<Field>,
item: &str,
) -> DeriveResult<PartsAcc<Ctor>> {
// Fold into an accumulator of the strategy types and the expressions
// that produces the strategy. We then just return that accumulator
// and let the caller of this function determine what to do with it.
let acc = PartsAcc::new(fields.len());
fields.into_iter().try_fold(acc, |mut acc, field| {
let attrs = attr::parse_attributes(ctx, &field.attrs)?;
// Deny attributes that are only for enum variants:
error::if_enum_attrs_present(ctx, &attrs, item);
let span = field.span();
let ty = field.ty;
let strat = pair_filter(
match attrs.params {
// Parameters were not set on the field:
ParamsMode::Passthrough => match attrs.strategy {
// Specific strategy - use the given expr and erase the type:
StratMode::Strategy(strat) => pair_existential(ty, strat),
// Specific value - use the given expr:
StratMode::Value(value) => pair_value(ty, value),
// Specific regex - dispatch to `_regex` function:
StratMode::Regex(regex) => pair_regex(ty, regex),
// Use Arbitrary for the given type and mark the type as used:
StratMode::Arbitrary => {
// We use the Parameters type of the field's type.
let pref = acc.add_param(arbitrary_param(&ty));
pair_any_with(ty, pref, span)
// no_params set on the field:
ParamsMode::Default => {
product_handle_default_params(ut, ty, span, attrs.strategy)
// params(<type>) set on the field:
ParamsMode::Specified(params_ty) =>
// We need to extract the param as the binding `params`:
&mut acc,
match attrs.strategy {
// Specific strategy - use the given expr and erase the type:
StratMode::Strategy(strat) => {
pair_existential(ty, strat)
// Specific value - use the given expr in a closure and erase:
StratMode::Value(value) => {
pair_value_exist(ty, value)
// Logic error by user; Pointless to specify params and
// regex because the params can never be used in the regex.
StratMode::Regex(regex) => {
error::cant_set_param_and_regex(ctx, item);
pair_regex(ty, regex)
// Logic error by user.
// Pointless to specify params and not the strategy. Bail!
StratMode::Arbitrary => {
ctx, &ty, item,
/// Wrap the given constructor with a let binding
/// moving `param_<x>` into `params`.
fn extract_nparam<C>(
acc: &mut PartsAcc<C>,
params_ty: Type,
(strat, ctor): StratPair,
) -> StratPair {
extract_api(ctor, FromReg::Num(acc.add_param(params_ty))),
// Enum
/// Entry point for deriving `Arbitrary` for `enum`s.
fn derive_enum(
ctx: Ctx,
mut ast: DeriveData<Vec<Variant>>,
) -> DeriveResult<Impl> {
// An enum can't be skipped, ensure it hasn't been:
error::if_skip_present(ctx, &ast.attrs, error::ENUM);
// We don't allow a strategy on the enum directly:
error::if_strategy_present(ctx, &ast.attrs, error::ENUM);
// We don't allow weight on enums directly:
error::if_weight_present(ctx, &ast.attrs, error::ENUM);
// Bail if there are no variants:
if ast.body.is_empty() {
// Bail if all variants are uninhabited:
if (&*ast.body).is_uninhabited() {
// The complexity of the logic depends mostly now on whether
// parameters were set directly on the type or not.
let parts = if let Some(sty) = ast.attrs.params.into_option() {
// The logic is much simpler in this branch.
derive_enum_has_params(ctx, &mut ast.tracker, &ast.ident, ast.body, sty)
} else {
// And considerably more complex here.
derive_enum_no_params(ctx, &mut ast.tracker, &ast.ident, ast.body)
let parts = add_top_filter(ast.attrs.filter, parts);
// We're done!
Ok(Impl::new(ast.ident, ast.tracker, parts))
/// Deriving for a enum on which `params` or `no_params` was NOT set directly.
fn derive_enum_no_params(
ctx: Ctx,
ut: &mut UseTracker,
_self: &Ident,
variants: Vec<Variant>,
) -> DeriveResult<ImplParts> {
// Initialize the accumulator:
let mut acc = PartsAcc::new(variants.len());
// Fold into the accumulator the strategies for each variant:
for variant in variants {
if let Some((weight, ident, fields, attrs)) =
keep_inhabited_variant(ctx, _self, variant)?
let path = parse_quote!( #_self::#ident );
let (strat, ctor) = if fields.is_empty() {
// Unit variant:
pair_unit_variant(ctx, &attrs, path)
} else {
// Not a unit variant:
ctx, ut, path, attrs, fields, &mut acc,
acc = acc.add_strat((strat, (weight, ctor)));
ensure_union_has_strategies(ctx, &acc.strats);
// Package the strategies into a union.
/// Ensure that there's at least one generatable variant for a union.
fn ensure_union_has_strategies<C>(ctx: Ctx, strats: &StratAcc<C>) {
if strats.is_empty() {
// We didn't accumulate any strategies,
// so we can't construct any variant.
/// Derive for a variant which has fields and where the
/// variant or its fields may specify `params` or `no_params`.
fn derive_variant_with_fields<C>(
ctx: Ctx,
ut: &mut UseTracker,
v_path: Path,
attrs: ParsedAttributes,
fields: Vec<Field>,
acc: &mut PartsAcc<C>,
) -> DeriveResult<StratPair> {
let filter = attrs.filter.clone();
let pair = match attrs.params {
// Parameters were not set on the variant:
ParamsMode::Passthrough => match attrs.strategy {
// Specific strategy - use the given expr and erase the type:
StratMode::Strategy(strat) => {
deny_all_attrs_on_fields(ctx, fields)?;
// Specific value - use the given expr:
StratMode::Value(value) => {
deny_all_attrs_on_fields(ctx, fields)?;
StratMode::Regex(regex) => {
deny_all_attrs_on_fields(ctx, fields)?;
// No explicit strategy, use strategies for variant fields instead:
StratMode::Arbitrary => {
variant_no_explicit_strategy(ctx, ut, v_path, fields, acc)?
// no_params set on the variant:
ParamsMode::Default => {
variant_handle_default_params(ctx, ut, v_path, attrs, fields)?
// params(<type>) set on the variant:
ParamsMode::Specified(params_ty) => extract_nparam(
match attrs.strategy {
// Specific strategy - use the given expr and erase the type:
StratMode::Strategy(strat) => {
deny_all_attrs_on_fields(ctx, fields)?;
// Specific value - use the given expr in a closure and erase:
StratMode::Value(value) => {
deny_all_attrs_on_fields(ctx, fields)?;
// Logic error by user; Pointless to specify params and regex
// because the params can never be used in the regex.
StratMode::Regex(regex) => {
error::cant_set_param_and_regex(ctx, error::ENUM_VARIANT);
deny_all_attrs_on_fields(ctx, fields)?;
// Logic error by user. Pointless to specify params and not
// the strategy. Bail!
StratMode::Arbitrary => {
let ty = self_ty();
let pair = add_filter_self(filter, pair);
/// Derive for a variant on which params were not set and on which no explicit
/// strategy was set (or where it doesn't make sense...) and which has fields.
fn variant_no_explicit_strategy<C>(
ctx: Ctx,
ut: &mut UseTracker,
v_path: Path,
fields: Vec<Field>,
acc: &mut PartsAcc<C>,
) -> DeriveResult<StratPair> {
// Compute parts for the inner product:
let closure = map_closure(v_path, &fields);
let fields_acc =
derive_product_no_params(ctx, ut, fields, error::ENUM_VARIANT_FIELD)?;
let (params, count) = fields_acc.params.consume();
let (strat, ctor) = fields_acc.strats.finish(closure);
// Add params types from inner derive as a single type
// in the outer params types.
let params_ty = params.into();
if is_unit_type(&params_ty) {
} else {
let pref = acc.add_param(params_ty);
extract_all(ctor, count, FromReg::Num(pref))
/// Determine strategy using "Default" semantics for a variant.
fn variant_handle_default_params(
ctx: Ctx,
ut: &mut UseTracker,
v_path: Path,
attrs: ParsedAttributes,
fields: Vec<Field>,
) -> DeriveResult<StratPair> {
let pair = match attrs.strategy {
// Specific strategy - use the given expr and erase the type:
StratMode::Strategy(strat) => {
deny_all_attrs_on_fields(ctx, fields)?;
// Specific value - use the given expr:
StratMode::Value(value) => {
deny_all_attrs_on_fields(ctx, fields)?;
StratMode::Regex(regex) => {
deny_all_attrs_on_fields(ctx, fields)?;
// Use Arbitrary for the factors (fields) of variant:
StratMode::Arbitrary =>
// Fields are not allowed to specify params.
map_closure(v_path, &fields),
/// Ensures that there are no proptest attributes on any of the fields.
fn deny_all_attrs_on_fields(ctx: Ctx, fields: Vec<Field>) -> DeriveResult<()> {
fields.into_iter().try_for_each(|field| {
let f_attr = attr::parse_attributes(ctx, &field.attrs)?;
error::if_anything_specified(ctx, &f_attr, error::ENUM_VARIANT_FIELD);
/// Derive for a variant which has fields and where the
/// variant or its fields may NOT specify `params` or `no_params`.
fn derive_enum_has_params(
ctx: Ctx,
ut: &mut UseTracker,
_self: &Ident,
variants: Vec<Variant>,
sty: Option<Type>,
) -> DeriveResult<ImplParts> {
// Initialize the accumulator:
let mut acc = StratAcc::new(variants.len());
// Fold into the accumulator the strategies for each variant:
for variant in variants {
let parts = keep_inhabited_variant(ctx, _self, variant)?;
if let Some((weight, ident, fields, attrs)) = parts {
let path = parse_quote!( #_self::#ident );
let (strat, ctor) = if fields.is_empty() {
// Unit variant:
pair_unit_variant(ctx, &attrs, path)
} else {
// Not a unit variant:
let filter = attrs.filter.clone();
ctx, ut, path, attrs, fields,
acc = acc.add((strat, (weight, ctor)));
ensure_union_has_strategies(ctx, &acc);
Ok(add_top_params(sty, acc.finish(ctx)))
/// Filters out uninhabited and variants that we've been ordered to skip.
fn keep_inhabited_variant(
ctx: Ctx,
_self: &Ident,
variant: Variant,
) -> DeriveResult<Option<(u32, Ident, Vec<Field>, ParsedAttributes)>> {
let attrs = attr::parse_attributes(ctx, &variant.attrs)?;
let fields = fields_to_vec(variant.fields);
if attrs.skip {
// We've been ordered to skip this variant!
// Check that all other attributes are not set.
ensure_has_only_skip_attr(ctx, &attrs, error::ENUM_VARIANT);
fields.into_iter().try_for_each(|field| {
let f_attrs = attr::parse_attributes(ctx, &field.attrs)?;
error::if_skip_present(ctx, &f_attrs, error::ENUM_VARIANT_FIELD);
ensure_has_only_skip_attr(ctx, &f_attrs, error::ENUM_VARIANT_FIELD);
return Ok(None);
// If the variant is uninhabited, we can't generate it, so skip it.
if (&*fields).is_uninhabited() {
return Ok(None);
// Compute the weight:
let weight = attrs.weight.unwrap_or(1);
Ok(Some((weight, variant.ident, fields, attrs)))
/// Ensures that no other attributes than skip are present.
fn ensure_has_only_skip_attr(ctx: Ctx, attrs: &ParsedAttributes, item: &str) {
if attrs.params.is_set() {
error::skipped_variant_has_param(ctx, item);
if attrs.strategy.is_set() {
error::skipped_variant_has_strat(ctx, item);
if attrs.weight.is_some() {
error::skipped_variant_has_weight(ctx, item);
if !attrs.filter.is_empty() {
error::skipped_variant_has_filter(ctx, item);
/// Deal with a unit variant.
fn pair_unit_variant(
ctx: Ctx,
attrs: &ParsedAttributes,
v_path: Path,
) -> StratPair {
error::if_present_on_unit_variant(ctx, attrs);
// Combined accumulator
/// Combined accumulator for the parameters and strategies.
struct PartsAcc<C> {
/// The accumulator for the parameters.
params: ParamAcc,
/// The accumulator for the strategies.
strats: StratAcc<C>,
impl<C> PartsAcc<C> {
/// Constructs a new accumulator with the size
/// passed on to the accumulator for the strategies.
fn new(size: usize) -> Self {
Self {
params: ParamAcc::empty(),
strats: StratAcc::new(size),
/// Adds a strategy to the accumulator.
fn add_strat(self, pair: (Strategy, C)) -> Self {
Self {
strats: self.strats.add(pair),
params: self.params,
/// Adds a parameter type to the accumulator and returns how many types
/// there were before adding.
fn add_param(&mut self, ty: Type) -> usize {
impl PartsAcc<Ctor> {
/// Finishes off the accumulator by returning the parts needed for
/// deriving. The resulting strategy is a mapping of the parts into
/// the `Self` type.
fn finish(self, closure: MapClosure) -> ImplParts {
let (params, count) = self.params.consume();
let (strat, ctor) = self.strats.finish(closure);
(params, strat, extract_all(ctor, count, FromReg::Top))
impl PartsAcc<(u32, Ctor)> {
/// Finishes off the accumulator by returning the parts needed for
/// deriving. The resultant strategy is one that randomly picks
/// one of the parts based on the relative weights in the `u32`.
fn finish(self, ctx: Ctx) -> ImplParts {
let (params, count) = self.params.consume();
let (strat, ctor) = self.strats.finish(ctx);
(params, strat, extract_all(ctor, count, FromReg::Top))
// Param accumulator
/// Accumulator of the parameter types.
struct ParamAcc {
/// The accumulated parameters types.
types: Params,
impl ParamAcc {
/// Returns an empty accumulator.
fn empty() -> Self {
Self {
types: Params::empty(),
/// Adds a type to the accumulator and returns the type count before adding.
fn add(&mut self, ty: Type) -> usize {
let var = self.types.len();
self.types += ty;
/// Consumes the accumulator returning the types and the count.
fn consume(self) -> (Params, usize) {
let count = self.types.len();
(self.types, count)
// Strategy accumulator
/// Accumulator of a sequence of strategies (both type and constructor).
struct StratAcc<C> {
/// The type half of the accumulator:
types: Vec<Strategy>,
/// The constructors (Rust expression that makes the strategy) half:
ctors: Vec<C>,
impl<C> StratAcc<C> {
/// Construct the given accumulator with
/// initial capacity according to `size`.
fn new(size: usize) -> Self {
Self {
types: Vec::with_capacity(size),
ctors: Vec::with_capacity(size),
/// Add the given type and constructor pair to
/// the accumulator which is moved and returned.
fn add(mut self, (strat, ctor): (Strategy, C)) -> Self {
/// Consume the accumulator returning the:
/// + sequence of strategies
/// + sequence of constructors
fn consume(self) -> (Vec<Strategy>, Vec<C>) {
(self.types, self.ctors)
/// Returns `true` iff nothing has been accumulated yet.
fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
impl StratAcc<Ctor> {
/// Finishes off the accumulator by returning
/// a `.prop_map(<closure>)` of the strategies.
fn finish(self, closure: MapClosure) -> StratPair {
pair_map(self.consume(), closure)
impl StratAcc<(u32, Ctor)> {
/// Finishes off the accumulator by returning a union of the
/// strategies where the resultant strategy randomly picks
/// one of the summands based on the relative weights provided.
fn finish(self, ctx: Ctx) -> StratPair {
// Check that the weight sum <= u32::MAX
if self
.map(|&(w, _)| w)
.try_fold(0u32, |acc, w| acc.checked_add(w))