| // This file is generated by rust-protobuf 3.0.0-pre. Do not edit |
| // .proto file is parsed by protoc --rust-out=... |
| // @generated |
| |
| // https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-clippy/issues/702 |
| #![allow(unknown_lints)] |
| #![allow(clippy::all)] |
| |
| #![allow(unused_attributes)] |
| #![cfg_attr(rustfmt, rustfmt::skip)] |
| |
| #![allow(box_pointers)] |
| #![allow(dead_code)] |
| #![allow(missing_docs)] |
| #![allow(non_camel_case_types)] |
| #![allow(non_snake_case)] |
| #![allow(non_upper_case_globals)] |
| #![allow(trivial_casts)] |
| #![allow(unused_results)] |
| #![allow(unused_mut)] |
| |
| //! Generated file from `google/protobuf/compiler/plugin.proto` |
| |
| /// The version number of protocol compiler. |
| #[derive(PartialEq,Clone,Default,Debug)] |
| // @@protoc_insertion_point(message:google.protobuf.compiler.Version) |
| pub struct Version { |
| // message fields |
| // @@protoc_insertion_point(field:google.protobuf.compiler.Version.major) |
| pub major: ::std::option::Option<i32>, |
| // @@protoc_insertion_point(field:google.protobuf.compiler.Version.minor) |
| pub minor: ::std::option::Option<i32>, |
| // @@protoc_insertion_point(field:google.protobuf.compiler.Version.patch) |
| pub patch: ::std::option::Option<i32>, |
| /// A suffix for alpha, beta or rc release, e.g., "alpha-1", "rc2". It should |
| /// be empty for mainline stable releases. |
| // @@protoc_insertion_point(field:google.protobuf.compiler.Version.suffix) |
| pub suffix: ::std::option::Option<::std::string::String>, |
| // special fields |
| // @@protoc_insertion_point(special_field:google.protobuf.compiler.Version.special_fields) |
| pub special_fields: crate::SpecialFields, |
| } |
| |
| impl<'a> ::std::default::Default for &'a Version { |
| fn default() -> &'a Version { |
| <Version as crate::Message>::default_instance() |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl Version { |
| pub fn new() -> Version { |
| ::std::default::Default::default() |
| } |
| |
| // optional int32 major = 1; |
| |
| pub fn major(&self) -> i32 { |
| self.major.unwrap_or(0) |
| } |
| |
| pub fn clear_major(&mut self) { |
| self.major = ::std::option::Option::None; |
| } |
| |
| pub fn has_major(&self) -> bool { |
| self.major.is_some() |
| } |
| |
| // Param is passed by value, moved |
| pub fn set_major(&mut self, v: i32) { |
| self.major = ::std::option::Option::Some(v); |
| } |
| |
| // optional int32 minor = 2; |
| |
| pub fn minor(&self) -> i32 { |
| self.minor.unwrap_or(0) |
| } |
| |
| pub fn clear_minor(&mut self) { |
| self.minor = ::std::option::Option::None; |
| } |
| |
| pub fn has_minor(&self) -> bool { |
| self.minor.is_some() |
| } |
| |
| // Param is passed by value, moved |
| pub fn set_minor(&mut self, v: i32) { |
| self.minor = ::std::option::Option::Some(v); |
| } |
| |
| // optional int32 patch = 3; |
| |
| pub fn patch(&self) -> i32 { |
| self.patch.unwrap_or(0) |
| } |
| |
| pub fn clear_patch(&mut self) { |
| self.patch = ::std::option::Option::None; |
| } |
| |
| pub fn has_patch(&self) -> bool { |
| self.patch.is_some() |
| } |
| |
| // Param is passed by value, moved |
| pub fn set_patch(&mut self, v: i32) { |
| self.patch = ::std::option::Option::Some(v); |
| } |
| |
| // optional string suffix = 4; |
| |
| pub fn suffix(&self) -> &str { |
| match self.suffix.as_ref() { |
| Some(v) => v, |
| None => "", |
| } |
| } |
| |
| pub fn clear_suffix(&mut self) { |
| self.suffix = ::std::option::Option::None; |
| } |
| |
| pub fn has_suffix(&self) -> bool { |
| self.suffix.is_some() |
| } |
| |
| // Param is passed by value, moved |
| pub fn set_suffix(&mut self, v: ::std::string::String) { |
| self.suffix = ::std::option::Option::Some(v); |
| } |
| |
| // Mutable pointer to the field. |
| // If field is not initialized, it is initialized with default value first. |
| pub fn mut_suffix(&mut self) -> &mut ::std::string::String { |
| if self.suffix.is_none() { |
| self.suffix = ::std::option::Option::Some(::std::string::String::new()); |
| } |
| self.suffix.as_mut().unwrap() |
| } |
| |
| // Take field |
| pub fn take_suffix(&mut self) -> ::std::string::String { |
| self.suffix.take().unwrap_or_else(|| ::std::string::String::new()) |
| } |
| |
| fn generated_message_descriptor_data() -> crate::reflect::GeneratedMessageDescriptorData { |
| let mut fields = ::std::vec::Vec::with_capacity(4); |
| let mut oneofs = ::std::vec::Vec::with_capacity(0); |
| fields.push(crate::reflect::rt::v2::make_option_accessor::<_, _>( |
| "major", |
| |m: &Version| { &m.major }, |
| |m: &mut Version| { &mut m.major }, |
| )); |
| fields.push(crate::reflect::rt::v2::make_option_accessor::<_, _>( |
| "minor", |
| |m: &Version| { &m.minor }, |
| |m: &mut Version| { &mut m.minor }, |
| )); |
| fields.push(crate::reflect::rt::v2::make_option_accessor::<_, _>( |
| "patch", |
| |m: &Version| { &m.patch }, |
| |m: &mut Version| { &mut m.patch }, |
| )); |
| fields.push(crate::reflect::rt::v2::make_option_accessor::<_, _>( |
| "suffix", |
| |m: &Version| { &m.suffix }, |
| |m: &mut Version| { &mut m.suffix }, |
| )); |
| crate::reflect::GeneratedMessageDescriptorData::new_2::<Version>( |
| "Version", |
| fields, |
| oneofs, |
| ) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl crate::Message for Version { |
| const NAME: &'static str = "Version"; |
| |
| fn is_initialized(&self) -> bool { |
| true |
| } |
| |
| fn merge_from(&mut self, is: &mut crate::CodedInputStream<'_>) -> crate::Result<()> { |
| while let Some(tag) = is.read_raw_tag_or_eof()? { |
| match tag { |
| 8 => { |
| self.major = ::std::option::Option::Some(is.read_int32()?); |
| }, |
| 16 => { |
| self.minor = ::std::option::Option::Some(is.read_int32()?); |
| }, |
| 24 => { |
| self.patch = ::std::option::Option::Some(is.read_int32()?); |
| }, |
| 34 => { |
| self.suffix = ::std::option::Option::Some(is.read_string()?); |
| }, |
| tag => { |
| crate::rt::read_unknown_or_skip_group(tag, is, self.special_fields.mut_unknown_fields())?; |
| }, |
| }; |
| } |
| ::std::result::Result::Ok(()) |
| } |
| |
| // Compute sizes of nested messages |
| #[allow(unused_variables)] |
| fn compute_size(&self) -> u64 { |
| let mut my_size = 0; |
| if let Some(v) = self.major { |
| my_size += crate::rt::int32_size(1, v); |
| } |
| if let Some(v) = self.minor { |
| my_size += crate::rt::int32_size(2, v); |
| } |
| if let Some(v) = self.patch { |
| my_size += crate::rt::int32_size(3, v); |
| } |
| if let Some(v) = self.suffix.as_ref() { |
| my_size += crate::rt::string_size(4, &v); |
| } |
| my_size += crate::rt::unknown_fields_size(self.special_fields.unknown_fields()); |
| self.special_fields.cached_size().set(my_size as u32); |
| my_size |
| } |
| |
| fn write_to_with_cached_sizes(&self, os: &mut crate::CodedOutputStream<'_>) -> crate::Result<()> { |
| if let Some(v) = self.major { |
| os.write_int32(1, v)?; |
| } |
| if let Some(v) = self.minor { |
| os.write_int32(2, v)?; |
| } |
| if let Some(v) = self.patch { |
| os.write_int32(3, v)?; |
| } |
| if let Some(v) = self.suffix.as_ref() { |
| os.write_string(4, v)?; |
| } |
| os.write_unknown_fields(self.special_fields.unknown_fields())?; |
| ::std::result::Result::Ok(()) |
| } |
| |
| fn special_fields(&self) -> &crate::SpecialFields { |
| &self.special_fields |
| } |
| |
| fn mut_special_fields(&mut self) -> &mut crate::SpecialFields { |
| &mut self.special_fields |
| } |
| |
| fn new() -> Version { |
| Version::new() |
| } |
| |
| fn clear(&mut self) { |
| self.major = ::std::option::Option::None; |
| self.minor = ::std::option::Option::None; |
| self.patch = ::std::option::Option::None; |
| self.suffix = ::std::option::Option::None; |
| self.special_fields.clear(); |
| } |
| |
| fn default_instance() -> &'static Version { |
| static instance: Version = Version { |
| major: ::std::option::Option::None, |
| minor: ::std::option::Option::None, |
| patch: ::std::option::Option::None, |
| suffix: ::std::option::Option::None, |
| special_fields: crate::SpecialFields::new(), |
| }; |
| &instance |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl crate::MessageFull for Version { |
| fn descriptor() -> crate::reflect::MessageDescriptor { |
| static descriptor: crate::rt::Lazy<crate::reflect::MessageDescriptor> = crate::rt::Lazy::new(); |
| descriptor.get(|| file_descriptor().message_by_package_relative_name("Version").unwrap()).clone() |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl ::std::fmt::Display for Version { |
| fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> ::std::fmt::Result { |
| crate::text_format::fmt(self, f) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl crate::reflect::ProtobufValue for Version { |
| type RuntimeType = crate::reflect::rt::RuntimeTypeMessage<Self>; |
| } |
| |
| /// An encoded CodeGeneratorRequest is written to the plugin's stdin. |
| #[derive(PartialEq,Clone,Default,Debug)] |
| // @@protoc_insertion_point(message:google.protobuf.compiler.CodeGeneratorRequest) |
| pub struct CodeGeneratorRequest { |
| // message fields |
| /// The .proto files that were explicitly listed on the command-line. The |
| /// code generator should generate code only for these files. Each file's |
| /// descriptor will be included in proto_file, below. |
| // @@protoc_insertion_point(field:google.protobuf.compiler.CodeGeneratorRequest.file_to_generate) |
| pub file_to_generate: ::std::vec::Vec<::std::string::String>, |
| /// The generator parameter passed on the command-line. |
| // @@protoc_insertion_point(field:google.protobuf.compiler.CodeGeneratorRequest.parameter) |
| pub parameter: ::std::option::Option<::std::string::String>, |
| /// FileDescriptorProtos for all files in files_to_generate and everything |
| /// they import. The files will appear in topological order, so each file |
| /// appears before any file that imports it. |
| /// |
| /// protoc guarantees that all proto_files will be written after |
| /// the fields above, even though this is not technically guaranteed by the |
| /// protobuf wire format. This theoretically could allow a plugin to stream |
| /// in the FileDescriptorProtos and handle them one by one rather than read |
| /// the entire set into memory at once. However, as of this writing, this |
| /// is not similarly optimized on protoc's end -- it will store all fields in |
| /// memory at once before sending them to the plugin. |
| /// |
| /// Type names of fields and extensions in the FileDescriptorProto are always |
| /// fully qualified. |
| // @@protoc_insertion_point(field:google.protobuf.compiler.CodeGeneratorRequest.proto_file) |
| pub proto_file: ::std::vec::Vec<crate::descriptor::FileDescriptorProto>, |
| /// The version number of protocol compiler. |
| // @@protoc_insertion_point(field:google.protobuf.compiler.CodeGeneratorRequest.compiler_version) |
| pub compiler_version: crate::MessageField<Version>, |
| // special fields |
| // @@protoc_insertion_point(special_field:google.protobuf.compiler.CodeGeneratorRequest.special_fields) |
| pub special_fields: crate::SpecialFields, |
| } |
| |
| impl<'a> ::std::default::Default for &'a CodeGeneratorRequest { |
| fn default() -> &'a CodeGeneratorRequest { |
| <CodeGeneratorRequest as crate::Message>::default_instance() |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl CodeGeneratorRequest { |
| pub fn new() -> CodeGeneratorRequest { |
| ::std::default::Default::default() |
| } |
| |
| // optional string parameter = 2; |
| |
| pub fn parameter(&self) -> &str { |
| match self.parameter.as_ref() { |
| Some(v) => v, |
| None => "", |
| } |
| } |
| |
| pub fn clear_parameter(&mut self) { |
| self.parameter = ::std::option::Option::None; |
| } |
| |
| pub fn has_parameter(&self) -> bool { |
| self.parameter.is_some() |
| } |
| |
| // Param is passed by value, moved |
| pub fn set_parameter(&mut self, v: ::std::string::String) { |
| self.parameter = ::std::option::Option::Some(v); |
| } |
| |
| // Mutable pointer to the field. |
| // If field is not initialized, it is initialized with default value first. |
| pub fn mut_parameter(&mut self) -> &mut ::std::string::String { |
| if self.parameter.is_none() { |
| self.parameter = ::std::option::Option::Some(::std::string::String::new()); |
| } |
| self.parameter.as_mut().unwrap() |
| } |
| |
| // Take field |
| pub fn take_parameter(&mut self) -> ::std::string::String { |
| self.parameter.take().unwrap_or_else(|| ::std::string::String::new()) |
| } |
| |
| fn generated_message_descriptor_data() -> crate::reflect::GeneratedMessageDescriptorData { |
| let mut fields = ::std::vec::Vec::with_capacity(4); |
| let mut oneofs = ::std::vec::Vec::with_capacity(0); |
| fields.push(crate::reflect::rt::v2::make_vec_simpler_accessor::<_, _>( |
| "file_to_generate", |
| |m: &CodeGeneratorRequest| { &m.file_to_generate }, |
| |m: &mut CodeGeneratorRequest| { &mut m.file_to_generate }, |
| )); |
| fields.push(crate::reflect::rt::v2::make_option_accessor::<_, _>( |
| "parameter", |
| |m: &CodeGeneratorRequest| { &m.parameter }, |
| |m: &mut CodeGeneratorRequest| { &mut m.parameter }, |
| )); |
| fields.push(crate::reflect::rt::v2::make_vec_simpler_accessor::<_, _>( |
| "proto_file", |
| |m: &CodeGeneratorRequest| { &m.proto_file }, |
| |m: &mut CodeGeneratorRequest| { &mut m.proto_file }, |
| )); |
| fields.push(crate::reflect::rt::v2::make_message_field_accessor::<_, Version>( |
| "compiler_version", |
| |m: &CodeGeneratorRequest| { &m.compiler_version }, |
| |m: &mut CodeGeneratorRequest| { &mut m.compiler_version }, |
| )); |
| crate::reflect::GeneratedMessageDescriptorData::new_2::<CodeGeneratorRequest>( |
| "CodeGeneratorRequest", |
| fields, |
| oneofs, |
| ) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl crate::Message for CodeGeneratorRequest { |
| const NAME: &'static str = "CodeGeneratorRequest"; |
| |
| fn is_initialized(&self) -> bool { |
| for v in &self.proto_file { |
| if !v.is_initialized() { |
| return false; |
| } |
| }; |
| for v in &self.compiler_version { |
| if !v.is_initialized() { |
| return false; |
| } |
| }; |
| true |
| } |
| |
| fn merge_from(&mut self, is: &mut crate::CodedInputStream<'_>) -> crate::Result<()> { |
| while let Some(tag) = is.read_raw_tag_or_eof()? { |
| match tag { |
| 10 => { |
| self.file_to_generate.push(is.read_string()?); |
| }, |
| 18 => { |
| self.parameter = ::std::option::Option::Some(is.read_string()?); |
| }, |
| 122 => { |
| self.proto_file.push(is.read_message()?); |
| }, |
| 26 => { |
| crate::rt::read_singular_message_into_field(is, &mut self.compiler_version)?; |
| }, |
| tag => { |
| crate::rt::read_unknown_or_skip_group(tag, is, self.special_fields.mut_unknown_fields())?; |
| }, |
| }; |
| } |
| ::std::result::Result::Ok(()) |
| } |
| |
| // Compute sizes of nested messages |
| #[allow(unused_variables)] |
| fn compute_size(&self) -> u64 { |
| let mut my_size = 0; |
| for value in &self.file_to_generate { |
| my_size += crate::rt::string_size(1, &value); |
| }; |
| if let Some(v) = self.parameter.as_ref() { |
| my_size += crate::rt::string_size(2, &v); |
| } |
| for value in &self.proto_file { |
| let len = value.compute_size(); |
| my_size += 1 + crate::rt::compute_raw_varint64_size(len) + len; |
| }; |
| if let Some(v) = self.compiler_version.as_ref() { |
| let len = v.compute_size(); |
| my_size += 1 + crate::rt::compute_raw_varint64_size(len) + len; |
| } |
| my_size += crate::rt::unknown_fields_size(self.special_fields.unknown_fields()); |
| self.special_fields.cached_size().set(my_size as u32); |
| my_size |
| } |
| |
| fn write_to_with_cached_sizes(&self, os: &mut crate::CodedOutputStream<'_>) -> crate::Result<()> { |
| for v in &self.file_to_generate { |
| os.write_string(1, &v)?; |
| }; |
| if let Some(v) = self.parameter.as_ref() { |
| os.write_string(2, v)?; |
| } |
| for v in &self.proto_file { |
| crate::rt::write_message_field_with_cached_size(15, v, os)?; |
| }; |
| if let Some(v) = self.compiler_version.as_ref() { |
| crate::rt::write_message_field_with_cached_size(3, v, os)?; |
| } |
| os.write_unknown_fields(self.special_fields.unknown_fields())?; |
| ::std::result::Result::Ok(()) |
| } |
| |
| fn special_fields(&self) -> &crate::SpecialFields { |
| &self.special_fields |
| } |
| |
| fn mut_special_fields(&mut self) -> &mut crate::SpecialFields { |
| &mut self.special_fields |
| } |
| |
| fn new() -> CodeGeneratorRequest { |
| CodeGeneratorRequest::new() |
| } |
| |
| fn clear(&mut self) { |
| self.file_to_generate.clear(); |
| self.parameter = ::std::option::Option::None; |
| self.proto_file.clear(); |
| self.compiler_version.clear(); |
| self.special_fields.clear(); |
| } |
| |
| fn default_instance() -> &'static CodeGeneratorRequest { |
| static instance: CodeGeneratorRequest = CodeGeneratorRequest { |
| file_to_generate: ::std::vec::Vec::new(), |
| parameter: ::std::option::Option::None, |
| proto_file: ::std::vec::Vec::new(), |
| compiler_version: crate::MessageField::none(), |
| special_fields: crate::SpecialFields::new(), |
| }; |
| &instance |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl crate::MessageFull for CodeGeneratorRequest { |
| fn descriptor() -> crate::reflect::MessageDescriptor { |
| static descriptor: crate::rt::Lazy<crate::reflect::MessageDescriptor> = crate::rt::Lazy::new(); |
| descriptor.get(|| file_descriptor().message_by_package_relative_name("CodeGeneratorRequest").unwrap()).clone() |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl ::std::fmt::Display for CodeGeneratorRequest { |
| fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> ::std::fmt::Result { |
| crate::text_format::fmt(self, f) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl crate::reflect::ProtobufValue for CodeGeneratorRequest { |
| type RuntimeType = crate::reflect::rt::RuntimeTypeMessage<Self>; |
| } |
| |
| /// The plugin writes an encoded CodeGeneratorResponse to stdout. |
| #[derive(PartialEq,Clone,Default,Debug)] |
| // @@protoc_insertion_point(message:google.protobuf.compiler.CodeGeneratorResponse) |
| pub struct CodeGeneratorResponse { |
| // message fields |
| /// Error message. If non-empty, code generation failed. The plugin process |
| /// should exit with status code zero even if it reports an error in this way. |
| /// |
| /// This should be used to indicate errors in .proto files which prevent the |
| /// code generator from generating correct code. Errors which indicate a |
| /// problem in protoc itself -- such as the input CodeGeneratorRequest being |
| /// unparseable -- should be reported by writing a message to stderr and |
| /// exiting with a non-zero status code. |
| // @@protoc_insertion_point(field:google.protobuf.compiler.CodeGeneratorResponse.error) |
| pub error: ::std::option::Option<::std::string::String>, |
| /// A bitmask of supported features that the code generator supports. |
| /// This is a bitwise "or" of values from the Feature enum. |
| // @@protoc_insertion_point(field:google.protobuf.compiler.CodeGeneratorResponse.supported_features) |
| pub supported_features: ::std::option::Option<u64>, |
| // @@protoc_insertion_point(field:google.protobuf.compiler.CodeGeneratorResponse.file) |
| pub file: ::std::vec::Vec<code_generator_response::File>, |
| // special fields |
| // @@protoc_insertion_point(special_field:google.protobuf.compiler.CodeGeneratorResponse.special_fields) |
| pub special_fields: crate::SpecialFields, |
| } |
| |
| impl<'a> ::std::default::Default for &'a CodeGeneratorResponse { |
| fn default() -> &'a CodeGeneratorResponse { |
| <CodeGeneratorResponse as crate::Message>::default_instance() |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl CodeGeneratorResponse { |
| pub fn new() -> CodeGeneratorResponse { |
| ::std::default::Default::default() |
| } |
| |
| // optional string error = 1; |
| |
| pub fn error(&self) -> &str { |
| match self.error.as_ref() { |
| Some(v) => v, |
| None => "", |
| } |
| } |
| |
| pub fn clear_error(&mut self) { |
| self.error = ::std::option::Option::None; |
| } |
| |
| pub fn has_error(&self) -> bool { |
| self.error.is_some() |
| } |
| |
| // Param is passed by value, moved |
| pub fn set_error(&mut self, v: ::std::string::String) { |
| self.error = ::std::option::Option::Some(v); |
| } |
| |
| // Mutable pointer to the field. |
| // If field is not initialized, it is initialized with default value first. |
| pub fn mut_error(&mut self) -> &mut ::std::string::String { |
| if self.error.is_none() { |
| self.error = ::std::option::Option::Some(::std::string::String::new()); |
| } |
| self.error.as_mut().unwrap() |
| } |
| |
| // Take field |
| pub fn take_error(&mut self) -> ::std::string::String { |
| self.error.take().unwrap_or_else(|| ::std::string::String::new()) |
| } |
| |
| // optional uint64 supported_features = 2; |
| |
| pub fn supported_features(&self) -> u64 { |
| self.supported_features.unwrap_or(0) |
| } |
| |
| pub fn clear_supported_features(&mut self) { |
| self.supported_features = ::std::option::Option::None; |
| } |
| |
| pub fn has_supported_features(&self) -> bool { |
| self.supported_features.is_some() |
| } |
| |
| // Param is passed by value, moved |
| pub fn set_supported_features(&mut self, v: u64) { |
| self.supported_features = ::std::option::Option::Some(v); |
| } |
| |
| fn generated_message_descriptor_data() -> crate::reflect::GeneratedMessageDescriptorData { |
| let mut fields = ::std::vec::Vec::with_capacity(3); |
| let mut oneofs = ::std::vec::Vec::with_capacity(0); |
| fields.push(crate::reflect::rt::v2::make_option_accessor::<_, _>( |
| "error", |
| |m: &CodeGeneratorResponse| { &m.error }, |
| |m: &mut CodeGeneratorResponse| { &mut m.error }, |
| )); |
| fields.push(crate::reflect::rt::v2::make_option_accessor::<_, _>( |
| "supported_features", |
| |m: &CodeGeneratorResponse| { &m.supported_features }, |
| |m: &mut CodeGeneratorResponse| { &mut m.supported_features }, |
| )); |
| fields.push(crate::reflect::rt::v2::make_vec_simpler_accessor::<_, _>( |
| "file", |
| |m: &CodeGeneratorResponse| { &m.file }, |
| |m: &mut CodeGeneratorResponse| { &mut m.file }, |
| )); |
| crate::reflect::GeneratedMessageDescriptorData::new_2::<CodeGeneratorResponse>( |
| "CodeGeneratorResponse", |
| fields, |
| oneofs, |
| ) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl crate::Message for CodeGeneratorResponse { |
| const NAME: &'static str = "CodeGeneratorResponse"; |
| |
| fn is_initialized(&self) -> bool { |
| true |
| } |
| |
| fn merge_from(&mut self, is: &mut crate::CodedInputStream<'_>) -> crate::Result<()> { |
| while let Some(tag) = is.read_raw_tag_or_eof()? { |
| match tag { |
| 10 => { |
| self.error = ::std::option::Option::Some(is.read_string()?); |
| }, |
| 16 => { |
| self.supported_features = ::std::option::Option::Some(is.read_uint64()?); |
| }, |
| 122 => { |
| self.file.push(is.read_message()?); |
| }, |
| tag => { |
| crate::rt::read_unknown_or_skip_group(tag, is, self.special_fields.mut_unknown_fields())?; |
| }, |
| }; |
| } |
| ::std::result::Result::Ok(()) |
| } |
| |
| // Compute sizes of nested messages |
| #[allow(unused_variables)] |
| fn compute_size(&self) -> u64 { |
| let mut my_size = 0; |
| if let Some(v) = self.error.as_ref() { |
| my_size += crate::rt::string_size(1, &v); |
| } |
| if let Some(v) = self.supported_features { |
| my_size += crate::rt::uint64_size(2, v); |
| } |
| for value in &self.file { |
| let len = value.compute_size(); |
| my_size += 1 + crate::rt::compute_raw_varint64_size(len) + len; |
| }; |
| my_size += crate::rt::unknown_fields_size(self.special_fields.unknown_fields()); |
| self.special_fields.cached_size().set(my_size as u32); |
| my_size |
| } |
| |
| fn write_to_with_cached_sizes(&self, os: &mut crate::CodedOutputStream<'_>) -> crate::Result<()> { |
| if let Some(v) = self.error.as_ref() { |
| os.write_string(1, v)?; |
| } |
| if let Some(v) = self.supported_features { |
| os.write_uint64(2, v)?; |
| } |
| for v in &self.file { |
| crate::rt::write_message_field_with_cached_size(15, v, os)?; |
| }; |
| os.write_unknown_fields(self.special_fields.unknown_fields())?; |
| ::std::result::Result::Ok(()) |
| } |
| |
| fn special_fields(&self) -> &crate::SpecialFields { |
| &self.special_fields |
| } |
| |
| fn mut_special_fields(&mut self) -> &mut crate::SpecialFields { |
| &mut self.special_fields |
| } |
| |
| fn new() -> CodeGeneratorResponse { |
| CodeGeneratorResponse::new() |
| } |
| |
| fn clear(&mut self) { |
| self.error = ::std::option::Option::None; |
| self.supported_features = ::std::option::Option::None; |
| self.file.clear(); |
| self.special_fields.clear(); |
| } |
| |
| fn default_instance() -> &'static CodeGeneratorResponse { |
| static instance: CodeGeneratorResponse = CodeGeneratorResponse { |
| error: ::std::option::Option::None, |
| supported_features: ::std::option::Option::None, |
| file: ::std::vec::Vec::new(), |
| special_fields: crate::SpecialFields::new(), |
| }; |
| &instance |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl crate::MessageFull for CodeGeneratorResponse { |
| fn descriptor() -> crate::reflect::MessageDescriptor { |
| static descriptor: crate::rt::Lazy<crate::reflect::MessageDescriptor> = crate::rt::Lazy::new(); |
| descriptor.get(|| file_descriptor().message_by_package_relative_name("CodeGeneratorResponse").unwrap()).clone() |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl ::std::fmt::Display for CodeGeneratorResponse { |
| fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> ::std::fmt::Result { |
| crate::text_format::fmt(self, f) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl crate::reflect::ProtobufValue for CodeGeneratorResponse { |
| type RuntimeType = crate::reflect::rt::RuntimeTypeMessage<Self>; |
| } |
| |
| /// Nested message and enums of message `CodeGeneratorResponse` |
| pub mod code_generator_response { |
| /// Represents a single generated file. |
| #[derive(PartialEq,Clone,Default,Debug)] |
| // @@protoc_insertion_point(message:google.protobuf.compiler.CodeGeneratorResponse.File) |
| pub struct File { |
| // message fields |
| /// The file name, relative to the output directory. The name must not |
| /// contain "." or ".." components and must be relative, not be absolute (so, |
| /// the file cannot lie outside the output directory). "/" must be used as |
| /// the path separator, not "\". |
| /// |
| /// If the name is omitted, the content will be appended to the previous |
| /// file. This allows the generator to break large files into small chunks, |
| /// and allows the generated text to be streamed back to protoc so that large |
| /// files need not reside completely in memory at one time. Note that as of |
| /// this writing protoc does not optimize for this -- it will read the entire |
| /// CodeGeneratorResponse before writing files to disk. |
| // @@protoc_insertion_point(field:google.protobuf.compiler.CodeGeneratorResponse.File.name) |
| pub name: ::std::option::Option<::std::string::String>, |
| /// If non-empty, indicates that the named file should already exist, and the |
| /// content here is to be inserted into that file at a defined insertion |
| /// point. This feature allows a code generator to extend the output |
| /// produced by another code generator. The original generator may provide |
| /// insertion points by placing special annotations in the file that look |
| /// like: |
| /// @@protoc_insertion_point(NAME) |
| /// The annotation can have arbitrary text before and after it on the line, |
| /// which allows it to be placed in a comment. NAME should be replaced with |
| /// an identifier naming the point -- this is what other generators will use |
| /// as the insertion_point. Code inserted at this point will be placed |
| /// immediately above the line containing the insertion point (thus multiple |
| /// insertions to the same point will come out in the order they were added). |
| /// The double-@ is intended to make it unlikely that the generated code |
| /// could contain things that look like insertion points by accident. |
| /// |
| /// For example, the C++ code generator places the following line in the |
| /// .pb.h files that it generates: |
| /// // @@protoc_insertion_point(namespace_scope) |
| /// This line appears within the scope of the file's package namespace, but |
| /// outside of any particular class. Another plugin can then specify the |
| /// insertion_point "namespace_scope" to generate additional classes or |
| /// other declarations that should be placed in this scope. |
| /// |
| /// Note that if the line containing the insertion point begins with |
| /// whitespace, the same whitespace will be added to every line of the |
| /// inserted text. This is useful for languages like Python, where |
| /// indentation matters. In these languages, the insertion point comment |
| /// should be indented the same amount as any inserted code will need to be |
| /// in order to work correctly in that context. |
| /// |
| /// The code generator that generates the initial file and the one which |
| /// inserts into it must both run as part of a single invocation of protoc. |
| /// Code generators are executed in the order in which they appear on the |
| /// command line. |
| /// |
| /// If |insertion_point| is present, |name| must also be present. |
| // @@protoc_insertion_point(field:google.protobuf.compiler.CodeGeneratorResponse.File.insertion_point) |
| pub insertion_point: ::std::option::Option<::std::string::String>, |
| /// The file contents. |
| // @@protoc_insertion_point(field:google.protobuf.compiler.CodeGeneratorResponse.File.content) |
| pub content: ::std::option::Option<::std::string::String>, |
| /// Information describing the file content being inserted. If an insertion |
| /// point is used, this information will be appropriately offset and inserted |
| /// into the code generation metadata for the generated files. |
| // @@protoc_insertion_point(field:google.protobuf.compiler.CodeGeneratorResponse.File.generated_code_info) |
| pub generated_code_info: crate::MessageField<crate::descriptor::GeneratedCodeInfo>, |
| // special fields |
| // @@protoc_insertion_point(special_field:google.protobuf.compiler.CodeGeneratorResponse.File.special_fields) |
| pub special_fields: crate::SpecialFields, |
| } |
| |
| impl<'a> ::std::default::Default for &'a File { |
| fn default() -> &'a File { |
| <File as crate::Message>::default_instance() |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl File { |
| pub fn new() -> File { |
| ::std::default::Default::default() |
| } |
| |
| // optional string name = 1; |
| |
| pub fn name(&self) -> &str { |
| match self.name.as_ref() { |
| Some(v) => v, |
| None => "", |
| } |
| } |
| |
| pub fn clear_name(&mut self) { |
| self.name = ::std::option::Option::None; |
| } |
| |
| pub fn has_name(&self) -> bool { |
| self.name.is_some() |
| } |
| |
| // Param is passed by value, moved |
| pub fn set_name(&mut self, v: ::std::string::String) { |
| self.name = ::std::option::Option::Some(v); |
| } |
| |
| // Mutable pointer to the field. |
| // If field is not initialized, it is initialized with default value first. |
| pub fn mut_name(&mut self) -> &mut ::std::string::String { |
| if self.name.is_none() { |
| self.name = ::std::option::Option::Some(::std::string::String::new()); |
| } |
| self.name.as_mut().unwrap() |
| } |
| |
| // Take field |
| pub fn take_name(&mut self) -> ::std::string::String { |
| self.name.take().unwrap_or_else(|| ::std::string::String::new()) |
| } |
| |
| // optional string insertion_point = 2; |
| |
| pub fn insertion_point(&self) -> &str { |
| match self.insertion_point.as_ref() { |
| Some(v) => v, |
| None => "", |
| } |
| } |
| |
| pub fn clear_insertion_point(&mut self) { |
| self.insertion_point = ::std::option::Option::None; |
| } |
| |
| pub fn has_insertion_point(&self) -> bool { |
| self.insertion_point.is_some() |
| } |
| |
| // Param is passed by value, moved |
| pub fn set_insertion_point(&mut self, v: ::std::string::String) { |
| self.insertion_point = ::std::option::Option::Some(v); |
| } |
| |
| // Mutable pointer to the field. |
| // If field is not initialized, it is initialized with default value first. |
| pub fn mut_insertion_point(&mut self) -> &mut ::std::string::String { |
| if self.insertion_point.is_none() { |
| self.insertion_point = ::std::option::Option::Some(::std::string::String::new()); |
| } |
| self.insertion_point.as_mut().unwrap() |
| } |
| |
| // Take field |
| pub fn take_insertion_point(&mut self) -> ::std::string::String { |
| self.insertion_point.take().unwrap_or_else(|| ::std::string::String::new()) |
| } |
| |
| // optional string content = 15; |
| |
| pub fn content(&self) -> &str { |
| match self.content.as_ref() { |
| Some(v) => v, |
| None => "", |
| } |
| } |
| |
| pub fn clear_content(&mut self) { |
| self.content = ::std::option::Option::None; |
| } |
| |
| pub fn has_content(&self) -> bool { |
| self.content.is_some() |
| } |
| |
| // Param is passed by value, moved |
| pub fn set_content(&mut self, v: ::std::string::String) { |
| self.content = ::std::option::Option::Some(v); |
| } |
| |
| // Mutable pointer to the field. |
| // If field is not initialized, it is initialized with default value first. |
| pub fn mut_content(&mut self) -> &mut ::std::string::String { |
| if self.content.is_none() { |
| self.content = ::std::option::Option::Some(::std::string::String::new()); |
| } |
| self.content.as_mut().unwrap() |
| } |
| |
| // Take field |
| pub fn take_content(&mut self) -> ::std::string::String { |
| self.content.take().unwrap_or_else(|| ::std::string::String::new()) |
| } |
| |
| pub(in super) fn generated_message_descriptor_data() -> crate::reflect::GeneratedMessageDescriptorData { |
| let mut fields = ::std::vec::Vec::with_capacity(4); |
| let mut oneofs = ::std::vec::Vec::with_capacity(0); |
| fields.push(crate::reflect::rt::v2::make_option_accessor::<_, _>( |
| "name", |
| |m: &File| { &m.name }, |
| |m: &mut File| { &mut m.name }, |
| )); |
| fields.push(crate::reflect::rt::v2::make_option_accessor::<_, _>( |
| "insertion_point", |
| |m: &File| { &m.insertion_point }, |
| |m: &mut File| { &mut m.insertion_point }, |
| )); |
| fields.push(crate::reflect::rt::v2::make_option_accessor::<_, _>( |
| "content", |
| |m: &File| { &m.content }, |
| |m: &mut File| { &mut m.content }, |
| )); |
| fields.push(crate::reflect::rt::v2::make_message_field_accessor::<_, crate::descriptor::GeneratedCodeInfo>( |
| "generated_code_info", |
| |m: &File| { &m.generated_code_info }, |
| |m: &mut File| { &mut m.generated_code_info }, |
| )); |
| crate::reflect::GeneratedMessageDescriptorData::new_2::<File>( |
| "CodeGeneratorResponse.File", |
| fields, |
| oneofs, |
| ) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl crate::Message for File { |
| const NAME: &'static str = "File"; |
| |
| fn is_initialized(&self) -> bool { |
| true |
| } |
| |
| fn merge_from(&mut self, is: &mut crate::CodedInputStream<'_>) -> crate::Result<()> { |
| while let Some(tag) = is.read_raw_tag_or_eof()? { |
| match tag { |
| 10 => { |
| self.name = ::std::option::Option::Some(is.read_string()?); |
| }, |
| 18 => { |
| self.insertion_point = ::std::option::Option::Some(is.read_string()?); |
| }, |
| 122 => { |
| self.content = ::std::option::Option::Some(is.read_string()?); |
| }, |
| 130 => { |
| crate::rt::read_singular_message_into_field(is, &mut self.generated_code_info)?; |
| }, |
| tag => { |
| crate::rt::read_unknown_or_skip_group(tag, is, self.special_fields.mut_unknown_fields())?; |
| }, |
| }; |
| } |
| ::std::result::Result::Ok(()) |
| } |
| |
| // Compute sizes of nested messages |
| #[allow(unused_variables)] |
| fn compute_size(&self) -> u64 { |
| let mut my_size = 0; |
| if let Some(v) = self.name.as_ref() { |
| my_size += crate::rt::string_size(1, &v); |
| } |
| if let Some(v) = self.insertion_point.as_ref() { |
| my_size += crate::rt::string_size(2, &v); |
| } |
| if let Some(v) = self.content.as_ref() { |
| my_size += crate::rt::string_size(15, &v); |
| } |
| if let Some(v) = self.generated_code_info.as_ref() { |
| let len = v.compute_size(); |
| my_size += 2 + crate::rt::compute_raw_varint64_size(len) + len; |
| } |
| my_size += crate::rt::unknown_fields_size(self.special_fields.unknown_fields()); |
| self.special_fields.cached_size().set(my_size as u32); |
| my_size |
| } |
| |
| fn write_to_with_cached_sizes(&self, os: &mut crate::CodedOutputStream<'_>) -> crate::Result<()> { |
| if let Some(v) = self.name.as_ref() { |
| os.write_string(1, v)?; |
| } |
| if let Some(v) = self.insertion_point.as_ref() { |
| os.write_string(2, v)?; |
| } |
| if let Some(v) = self.content.as_ref() { |
| os.write_string(15, v)?; |
| } |
| if let Some(v) = self.generated_code_info.as_ref() { |
| crate::rt::write_message_field_with_cached_size(16, v, os)?; |
| } |
| os.write_unknown_fields(self.special_fields.unknown_fields())?; |
| ::std::result::Result::Ok(()) |
| } |
| |
| fn special_fields(&self) -> &crate::SpecialFields { |
| &self.special_fields |
| } |
| |
| fn mut_special_fields(&mut self) -> &mut crate::SpecialFields { |
| &mut self.special_fields |
| } |
| |
| fn new() -> File { |
| File::new() |
| } |
| |
| fn clear(&mut self) { |
| self.name = ::std::option::Option::None; |
| self.insertion_point = ::std::option::Option::None; |
| self.content = ::std::option::Option::None; |
| self.generated_code_info.clear(); |
| self.special_fields.clear(); |
| } |
| |
| fn default_instance() -> &'static File { |
| static instance: File = File { |
| name: ::std::option::Option::None, |
| insertion_point: ::std::option::Option::None, |
| content: ::std::option::Option::None, |
| generated_code_info: crate::MessageField::none(), |
| special_fields: crate::SpecialFields::new(), |
| }; |
| &instance |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl crate::MessageFull for File { |
| fn descriptor() -> crate::reflect::MessageDescriptor { |
| static descriptor: crate::rt::Lazy<crate::reflect::MessageDescriptor> = crate::rt::Lazy::new(); |
| descriptor.get(|| super::file_descriptor().message_by_package_relative_name("CodeGeneratorResponse.File").unwrap()).clone() |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl ::std::fmt::Display for File { |
| fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> ::std::fmt::Result { |
| crate::text_format::fmt(self, f) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl crate::reflect::ProtobufValue for File { |
| type RuntimeType = crate::reflect::rt::RuntimeTypeMessage<Self>; |
| } |
| |
| /// Sync with code_generator.h. |
| #[derive(Clone,Copy,PartialEq,Eq,Debug,Hash)] |
| // @@protoc_insertion_point(enum:google.protobuf.compiler.CodeGeneratorResponse.Feature) |
| pub enum Feature { |
| // @@protoc_insertion_point(enum_value:google.protobuf.compiler.CodeGeneratorResponse.Feature.FEATURE_NONE) |
| // @@protoc_insertion_point(enum_value:google.protobuf.compiler.CodeGeneratorResponse.Feature.FEATURE_PROTO3_OPTIONAL) |
| } |
| |
| impl crate::Enum for Feature { |
| const NAME: &'static str = "Feature"; |
| |
| fn value(&self) -> i32 { |
| *self as i32 |
| } |
| |
| fn from_i32(value: i32) -> ::std::option::Option<Feature> { |
| match value { |
| 0 => ::std::option::Option::Some(Feature::FEATURE_NONE), |
| 1 => ::std::option::Option::Some(Feature::FEATURE_PROTO3_OPTIONAL), |
| _ => ::std::option::Option::None |
| } |
| } |
| |
| const VALUES: &'static [Feature] = &[ |
| Feature::FEATURE_NONE, |
| ]; |
| } |
| |
| impl crate::EnumFull for Feature { |
| fn enum_descriptor() -> crate::reflect::EnumDescriptor { |
| static descriptor: crate::rt::Lazy<crate::reflect::EnumDescriptor> = crate::rt::Lazy::new(); |
| descriptor.get(|| super::file_descriptor().enum_by_package_relative_name("CodeGeneratorResponse.Feature").unwrap()).clone() |
| } |
| |
| fn descriptor(&self) -> crate::reflect::EnumValueDescriptor { |
| let index = *self as usize; |
| Self::enum_descriptor().value_by_index(index) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl ::std::default::Default for Feature { |
| fn default() -> Self { |
| Feature::FEATURE_NONE |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl Feature { |
| pub(in super) fn generated_enum_descriptor_data() -> crate::reflect::GeneratedEnumDescriptorData { |
| crate::reflect::GeneratedEnumDescriptorData::new::<Feature>("CodeGeneratorResponse.Feature") |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| static file_descriptor_proto_data: &'static [u8] = b"\ |
| \n%google/protobuf/compiler/plugin.proto\x12\x18google.protobuf.compiler\ |
| \x1a\x20google/protobuf/descriptor.proto\"c\n\x07Version\x12\x14\n\x05ma\ |
| jor\x18\x01\x20\x01(\x05R\x05major\x12\x14\n\x05minor\x18\x02\x20\x01(\ |
| \x05R\x05minor\x12\x14\n\x05patch\x18\x03\x20\x01(\x05R\x05patch\x12\x16\ |
| \n\x06suffix\x18\x04\x20\x01(\tR\x06suffix\"\xf1\x01\n\x14CodeGeneratorR\ |
| equest\x12(\n\x10file_to_generate\x18\x01\x20\x03(\tR\x0efileToGenerate\ |
| \x12\x1c\n\tparameter\x18\x02\x20\x01(\tR\tparameter\x12C\n\nproto_file\ |
| \x18\x0f\x20\x03(\x0b2$.google.protobuf.FileDescriptorProtoR\tprotoFile\ |
| \x12L\n\x10compiler_version\x18\x03\x20\x01(\x0b2!.google.protobuf.compi\ |
| ler.VersionR\x0fcompilerVersion\"\x94\x03\n\x15CodeGeneratorResponse\x12\ |
| \x14\n\x05error\x18\x01\x20\x01(\tR\x05error\x12-\n\x12supported_feature\ |
| s\x18\x02\x20\x01(\x04R\x11supportedFeatures\x12H\n\x04file\x18\x0f\x20\ |
| \x03(\x0b24.google.protobuf.compiler.CodeGeneratorResponse.FileR\x04file\ |
| \x1a\xb1\x01\n\x04File\x12\x12\n\x04name\x18\x01\x20\x01(\tR\x04name\x12\ |
| '\n\x0finsertion_point\x18\x02\x20\x01(\tR\x0einsertionPoint\x12\x18\n\ |
| \x07content\x18\x0f\x20\x01(\tR\x07content\x12R\n\x13generated_code_info\ |
| \x18\x10\x20\x01(\x0b2\".google.protobuf.GeneratedCodeInfoR\x11generated\ |
| CodeInfo\"8\n\x07Feature\x12\x10\n\x0cFEATURE_NONE\x10\0\x12\x1b\n\x17FE\ |
| ATURE_PROTO3_OPTIONAL\x10\x01BW\n\x1ccom.google.protobuf.compilerB\x0cPl\ |
| uginProtosZ)google.golang.org/protobuf/types/pluginpbJ\xf9C\n\x07\x12\ |
| \x05.\0\xb6\x01\x01\n\xca\x11\n\x01\x0c\x12\x03.\0\x122\xc1\x0c\x20Proto\ |
| col\x20Buffers\x20-\x20Google's\x20data\x20interchange\x20format\n\x20Co\ |
| pyright\x202008\x20Google\x20Inc.\x20\x20All\x20rights\x20reserved.\n\ |
| \x20https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/\n\n\x20Redistributio\ |
| n\x20and\x20use\x20in\x20source\x20and\x20binary\x20forms,\x20with\x20or\ |
| \x20without\n\x20modification,\x20are\x20permitted\x20provided\x20that\ |
| \x20the\x20following\x20conditions\x20are\n\x20met:\n\n\x20\x20\x20\x20\ |
| \x20*\x20Redistributions\x20of\x20source\x20code\x20must\x20retain\x20th\ |
| e\x20above\x20copyright\n\x20notice,\x20this\x20list\x20of\x20conditions\ |
| \x20and\x20the\x20following\x20disclaimer.\n\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20*\x20Red\ |
| istributions\x20in\x20binary\x20form\x20must\x20reproduce\x20the\x20abov\ |
| e\n\x20copyright\x20notice,\x20this\x20list\x20of\x20conditions\x20and\ |
| \x20the\x20following\x20disclaimer\n\x20in\x20the\x20documentation\x20an\ |
| d/or\x20other\x20materials\x20provided\x20with\x20the\n\x20distribution.\ |
| \n\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20*\x20Neither\x20the\x20name\x20of\x20Google\x20Inc\ |
| .\x20nor\x20the\x20names\x20of\x20its\n\x20contributors\x20may\x20be\x20\ |
| used\x20to\x20endorse\x20or\x20promote\x20products\x20derived\x20from\n\ |
| \x20this\x20software\x20without\x20specific\x20prior\x20written\x20permi\ |
| ssion.\n\n\x20THIS\x20SOFTWARE\x20IS\x20PROVIDED\x20BY\x20THE\x20COPYRIG\ |
| HT\x20HOLDERS\x20AND\x20CONTRIBUTORS\n\x20\"AS\x20IS\"\x20AND\x20ANY\x20\ |
| ITY\x20AND\x20FITNESS\x20FOR\n\x20A\x20PARTICULAR\x20PURPOSE\x20ARE\x20D\ |
| ,\n\x20DATA,\x20OR\x20PROFITS;\x20OR\x20BUSINESS\x20INTERRUPTION)\x20HOW\ |
| EVER\x20CAUSED\x20AND\x20ON\x20ANY\n\x20THEORY\x20OF\x20LIABILITY,\x20WH\ |
| \x20OUT\x20OF\x20THE\x20USE\n\x20OF\x20THIS\x20SOFTWARE,\x20EVEN\x20IF\ |
| \x20ADVISED\x20OF\x20THE\x20POSSIBILITY\x20OF\x20SUCH\x20DAMAGE.\n2\xfb\ |
| \x04\x20Author:\x20kenton@google.com\x20(Kenton\x20Varda)\n\n\x20WARNING\ |
| :\x20\x20The\x20plugin\x20interface\x20is\x20currently\x20EXPERIMENTAL\ |
| \x20and\x20is\x20subject\x20to\n\x20\x20\x20change.\n\n\x20protoc\x20(ak\ |
| a\x20the\x20Protocol\x20Compiler)\x20can\x20be\x20extended\x20via\x20plu\ |
| gins.\x20\x20A\x20plugin\x20is\n\x20just\x20a\x20program\x20that\x20read\ |
| s\x20a\x20CodeGeneratorRequest\x20from\x20stdin\x20and\x20writes\x20a\n\ |
| \x20CodeGeneratorResponse\x20to\x20stdout.\n\n\x20Plugins\x20written\x20\ |
| using\x20C++\x20can\x20use\x20google/protobuf/compiler/plugin.h\x20inste\ |
| ad\n\x20of\x20dealing\x20with\x20the\x20raw\x20protocol\x20defined\x20he\ |
| re.\n\n\x20A\x20plugin\x20executable\x20needs\x20only\x20to\x20be\x20pla\ |
| ced\x20somewhere\x20in\x20the\x20path.\x20\x20The\n\x20plugin\x20should\ |
| \x20be\x20named\x20\"protoc-gen-$NAME\",\x20and\x20will\x20then\x20be\ |
| \x20used\x20when\x20the\n\x20flag\x20\"--${NAME}_out\"\x20is\x20passed\ |
| \x20to\x20protoc.\n\n\x08\n\x01\x02\x12\x030\0!\n\x08\n\x01\x08\x12\x031\ |
| \05\n\t\n\x02\x08\x01\x12\x031\05\n\x08\n\x01\x08\x12\x032\0-\n\t\n\x02\ |
| \x08\x08\x12\x032\0-\n\x08\n\x01\x08\x12\x034\0@\n\t\n\x02\x08\x0b\x12\ |
| \x034\0@\n\t\n\x02\x03\0\x12\x036\0*\n6\n\x02\x04\0\x12\x049\0@\x01\x1a*\ |
| \x20The\x20version\x20number\x20of\x20protocol\x20compiler.\n\n\n\n\x03\ |
| \x04\0\x01\x12\x039\x08\x0f\n\x0b\n\x04\x04\0\x02\0\x12\x03:\x02\x1b\n\ |
| \x0c\n\x05\x04\0\x02\0\x04\x12\x03:\x02\n\n\x0c\n\x05\x04\0\x02\0\x05\ |
| \x12\x03:\x0b\x10\n\x0c\n\x05\x04\0\x02\0\x01\x12\x03:\x11\x16\n\x0c\n\ |
| \x05\x04\0\x02\0\x03\x12\x03:\x19\x1a\n\x0b\n\x04\x04\0\x02\x01\x12\x03;\ |
| \x02\x1b\n\x0c\n\x05\x04\0\x02\x01\x04\x12\x03;\x02\n\n\x0c\n\x05\x04\0\ |
| \x02\x01\x05\x12\x03;\x0b\x10\n\x0c\n\x05\x04\0\x02\x01\x01\x12\x03;\x11\ |
| \x16\n\x0c\n\x05\x04\0\x02\x01\x03\x12\x03;\x19\x1a\n\x0b\n\x04\x04\0\ |
| \x02\x02\x12\x03<\x02\x1b\n\x0c\n\x05\x04\0\x02\x02\x04\x12\x03<\x02\n\n\ |
| \x0c\n\x05\x04\0\x02\x02\x05\x12\x03<\x0b\x10\n\x0c\n\x05\x04\0\x02\x02\ |
| \x01\x12\x03<\x11\x16\n\x0c\n\x05\x04\0\x02\x02\x03\x12\x03<\x19\x1a\n\ |
| \x80\x01\n\x04\x04\0\x02\x03\x12\x03?\x02\x1d\x1as\x20A\x20suffix\x20for\ |
| \x20alpha,\x20beta\x20or\x20rc\x20release,\x20e.g.,\x20\"alpha-1\",\x20\ |
| \"rc2\".\x20It\x20should\n\x20be\x20empty\x20for\x20mainline\x20stable\ |
| \x20releases.\n\n\x0c\n\x05\x04\0\x02\x03\x04\x12\x03?\x02\n\n\x0c\n\x05\ |
| \x04\0\x02\x03\x05\x12\x03?\x0b\x11\n\x0c\n\x05\x04\0\x02\x03\x01\x12\ |
| \x03?\x12\x18\n\x0c\n\x05\x04\0\x02\x03\x03\x12\x03?\x1b\x1c\nO\n\x02\ |
| \x04\x01\x12\x04C\0_\x01\x1aC\x20An\x20encoded\x20CodeGeneratorRequest\ |
| \x20is\x20written\x20to\x20the\x20plugin's\x20stdin.\n\n\n\n\x03\x04\x01\ |
| \x01\x12\x03C\x08\x1c\n\xd1\x01\n\x04\x04\x01\x02\0\x12\x03G\x02'\x1a\ |
| \xc3\x01\x20The\x20.proto\x20files\x20that\x20were\x20explicitly\x20list\ |
| ed\x20on\x20the\x20command-line.\x20\x20The\n\x20code\x20generator\x20sh\ |
| ould\x20generate\x20code\x20only\x20for\x20these\x20files.\x20\x20Each\ |
| \x20file's\n\x20descriptor\x20will\x20be\x20included\x20in\x20proto_file\ |
| ,\x20below.\n\n\x0c\n\x05\x04\x01\x02\0\x04\x12\x03G\x02\n\n\x0c\n\x05\ |
| \x04\x01\x02\0\x05\x12\x03G\x0b\x11\n\x0c\n\x05\x04\x01\x02\0\x01\x12\ |
| \x03G\x12\"\n\x0c\n\x05\x04\x01\x02\0\x03\x12\x03G%&\nB\n\x04\x04\x01\ |
| \x02\x01\x12\x03J\x02\x20\x1a5\x20The\x20generator\x20parameter\x20passe\ |
| d\x20on\x20the\x20command-line.\n\n\x0c\n\x05\x04\x01\x02\x01\x04\x12\ |
| \x03J\x02\n\n\x0c\n\x05\x04\x01\x02\x01\x05\x12\x03J\x0b\x11\n\x0c\n\x05\ |
| \x04\x01\x02\x01\x01\x12\x03J\x12\x1b\n\x0c\n\x05\x04\x01\x02\x01\x03\ |
| \x12\x03J\x1e\x1f\n\x87\x06\n\x04\x04\x01\x02\x02\x12\x03Z\x02/\x1a\xf9\ |
| \x05\x20FileDescriptorProtos\x20for\x20all\x20files\x20in\x20files_to_ge\ |
| nerate\x20and\x20everything\n\x20they\x20import.\x20\x20The\x20files\x20\ |
| will\x20appear\x20in\x20topological\x20order,\x20so\x20each\x20file\n\ |
| \x20appears\x20before\x20any\x20file\x20that\x20imports\x20it.\n\n\x20pr\ |
| otoc\x20guarantees\x20that\x20all\x20proto_files\x20will\x20be\x20writte\ |
| n\x20after\n\x20the\x20fields\x20above,\x20even\x20though\x20this\x20is\ |
| \x20not\x20technically\x20guaranteed\x20by\x20the\n\x20protobuf\x20wire\ |
| \x20format.\x20\x20This\x20theoretically\x20could\x20allow\x20a\x20plugi\ |
| n\x20to\x20stream\n\x20in\x20the\x20FileDescriptorProtos\x20and\x20handl\ |
| e\x20them\x20one\x20by\x20one\x20rather\x20than\x20read\n\x20the\x20enti\ |
| re\x20set\x20into\x20memory\x20at\x20once.\x20\x20However,\x20as\x20of\ |
| \x20this\x20writing,\x20this\n\x20is\x20not\x20similarly\x20optimized\ |
| \x20on\x20protoc's\x20end\x20--\x20it\x20will\x20store\x20all\x20fields\ |
| \x20in\n\x20memory\x20at\x20once\x20before\x20sending\x20them\x20to\x20t\ |
| he\x20plugin.\n\n\x20Type\x20names\x20of\x20fields\x20and\x20extensions\ |
| \x20in\x20the\x20FileDescriptorProto\x20are\x20always\n\x20fully\x20qual\ |
| ified.\n\n\x0c\n\x05\x04\x01\x02\x02\x04\x12\x03Z\x02\n\n\x0c\n\x05\x04\ |
| \x01\x02\x02\x06\x12\x03Z\x0b\x1e\n\x0c\n\x05\x04\x01\x02\x02\x01\x12\ |
| \x03Z\x1f)\n\x0c\n\x05\x04\x01\x02\x02\x03\x12\x03Z,.\n7\n\x04\x04\x01\ |
| \x02\x03\x12\x03]\x02(\x1a*\x20The\x20version\x20number\x20of\x20protoco\ |
| l\x20compiler.\n\n\x0c\n\x05\x04\x01\x02\x03\x04\x12\x03]\x02\n\n\x0c\n\ |
| \x05\x04\x01\x02\x03\x06\x12\x03]\x0b\x12\n\x0c\n\x05\x04\x01\x02\x03\ |
| \x01\x12\x03]\x13#\n\x0c\n\x05\x04\x01\x02\x03\x03\x12\x03]&'\nL\n\x02\ |
| \x04\x02\x12\x05b\0\xb6\x01\x01\x1a?\x20The\x20plugin\x20writes\x20an\ |
| \x20encoded\x20CodeGeneratorResponse\x20to\x20stdout.\n\n\n\n\x03\x04\ |
| \x02\x01\x12\x03b\x08\x1d\n\xed\x03\n\x04\x04\x02\x02\0\x12\x03k\x02\x1c\ |
| \x1a\xdf\x03\x20Error\x20message.\x20\x20If\x20non-empty,\x20code\x20gen\ |
| eration\x20failed.\x20\x20The\x20plugin\x20process\n\x20should\x20exit\ |
| \x20with\x20status\x20code\x20zero\x20even\x20if\x20it\x20reports\x20an\ |
| \x20error\x20in\x20this\x20way.\n\n\x20This\x20should\x20be\x20used\x20t\ |
| o\x20indicate\x20errors\x20in\x20.proto\x20files\x20which\x20prevent\x20\ |
| the\n\x20code\x20generator\x20from\x20generating\x20correct\x20code.\x20\ |
| \x20Errors\x20which\x20indicate\x20a\n\x20problem\x20in\x20protoc\x20its\ |
| elf\x20--\x20such\x20as\x20the\x20input\x20CodeGeneratorRequest\x20being\ |
| \n\x20unparseable\x20--\x20should\x20be\x20reported\x20by\x20writing\x20\ |
| a\x20message\x20to\x20stderr\x20and\n\x20exiting\x20with\x20a\x20non-zer\ |
| o\x20status\x20code.\n\n\x0c\n\x05\x04\x02\x02\0\x04\x12\x03k\x02\n\n\ |
| \x0c\n\x05\x04\x02\x02\0\x05\x12\x03k\x0b\x11\n\x0c\n\x05\x04\x02\x02\0\ |
| \x01\x12\x03k\x12\x17\n\x0c\n\x05\x04\x02\x02\0\x03\x12\x03k\x1a\x1b\n\ |
| \x89\x01\n\x04\x04\x02\x02\x01\x12\x03o\x02)\x1a|\x20A\x20bitmask\x20of\ |
| \x20supported\x20features\x20that\x20the\x20code\x20generator\x20support\ |
| s.\n\x20This\x20is\x20a\x20bitwise\x20\"or\"\x20of\x20values\x20from\x20\ |
| the\x20Feature\x20enum.\n\n\x0c\n\x05\x04\x02\x02\x01\x04\x12\x03o\x02\n\ |
| \n\x0c\n\x05\x04\x02\x02\x01\x05\x12\x03o\x0b\x11\n\x0c\n\x05\x04\x02\ |
| \x02\x01\x01\x12\x03o\x12$\n\x0c\n\x05\x04\x02\x02\x01\x03\x12\x03o'(\n+\ |
| \n\x04\x04\x02\x04\0\x12\x04r\x02u\x03\x1a\x1d\x20Sync\x20with\x20code_g\ |
| enerator.h.\n\n\x0c\n\x05\x04\x02\x04\0\x01\x12\x03r\x07\x0e\n\r\n\x06\ |
| \x04\x02\x04\0\x02\0\x12\x03s\x04\x15\n\x0e\n\x07\x04\x02\x04\0\x02\0\ |
| \x01\x12\x03s\x04\x10\n\x0e\n\x07\x04\x02\x04\0\x02\0\x02\x12\x03s\x13\ |
| \x14\n\r\n\x06\x04\x02\x04\0\x02\x01\x12\x03t\x04\x20\n\x0e\n\x07\x04\ |
| \x02\x04\0\x02\x01\x01\x12\x03t\x04\x1b\n\x0e\n\x07\x04\x02\x04\0\x02\ |
| \x01\x02\x12\x03t\x1e\x1f\n4\n\x04\x04\x02\x03\0\x12\x05x\x02\xb4\x01\ |
| \x03\x1a%\x20Represents\x20a\x20single\x20generated\x20file.\n\n\x0c\n\ |
| \x05\x04\x02\x03\0\x01\x12\x03x\n\x0e\n\xae\x05\n\x06\x04\x02\x03\0\x02\ |
| \0\x12\x04\x84\x01\x04\x1d\x1a\x9d\x05\x20The\x20file\x20name,\x20relati\ |
| ve\x20to\x20the\x20output\x20directory.\x20\x20The\x20name\x20must\x20no\ |
| t\n\x20contain\x20\".\"\x20or\x20\"..\"\x20components\x20and\x20must\x20\ |
| be\x20relative,\x20not\x20be\x20absolute\x20(so,\n\x20the\x20file\x20can\ |
| not\x20lie\x20outside\x20the\x20output\x20directory).\x20\x20\"/\"\x20mu\ |
| st\x20be\x20used\x20as\n\x20the\x20path\x20separator,\x20not\x20\"\\\".\ |
| \n\n\x20If\x20the\x20name\x20is\x20omitted,\x20the\x20content\x20will\ |
| \x20be\x20appended\x20to\x20the\x20previous\n\x20file.\x20\x20This\x20al\ |
| lows\x20the\x20generator\x20to\x20break\x20large\x20files\x20into\x20sma\ |
| ll\x20chunks,\n\x20and\x20allows\x20the\x20generated\x20text\x20to\x20be\ |
| \x20streamed\x20back\x20to\x20protoc\x20so\x20that\x20large\n\x20files\ |
| \x20need\x20not\x20reside\x20completely\x20in\x20memory\x20at\x20one\x20\ |
| time.\x20\x20Note\x20that\x20as\x20of\n\x20this\x20writing\x20protoc\x20\ |
| does\x20not\x20optimize\x20for\x20this\x20--\x20it\x20will\x20read\x20th\ |
| e\x20entire\n\x20CodeGeneratorResponse\x20before\x20writing\x20files\x20\ |
| to\x20disk.\n\n\x0f\n\x07\x04\x02\x03\0\x02\0\x04\x12\x04\x84\x01\x04\ |
| \x0c\n\x0f\n\x07\x04\x02\x03\0\x02\0\x05\x12\x04\x84\x01\r\x13\n\x0f\n\ |
| \x07\x04\x02\x03\0\x02\0\x01\x12\x04\x84\x01\x14\x18\n\x0f\n\x07\x04\x02\ |
| \x03\0\x02\0\x03\x12\x04\x84\x01\x1b\x1c\n\xae\x10\n\x06\x04\x02\x03\0\ |
| \x02\x01\x12\x04\xab\x01\x04(\x1a\x9d\x10\x20If\x20non-empty,\x20indicat\ |
| es\x20that\x20the\x20named\x20file\x20should\x20already\x20exist,\x20and\ |
| \x20the\n\x20content\x20here\x20is\x20to\x20be\x20inserted\x20into\x20th\ |
| at\x20file\x20at\x20a\x20defined\x20insertion\n\x20point.\x20\x20This\ |
| \x20feature\x20allows\x20a\x20code\x20generator\x20to\x20extend\x20the\ |
| \x20output\n\x20produced\x20by\x20another\x20code\x20generator.\x20\x20T\ |
| he\x20original\x20generator\x20may\x20provide\n\x20insertion\x20points\ |
| \x20by\x20placing\x20special\x20annotations\x20in\x20the\x20file\x20that\ |
| \x20look\n\x20like:\n\x20\x20\x20@@protoc_insertion_point(NAME)\n\x20The\ |
| \x20annotation\x20can\x20have\x20arbitrary\x20text\x20before\x20and\x20a\ |
| fter\x20it\x20on\x20the\x20line,\n\x20which\x20allows\x20it\x20to\x20be\ |
| \x20placed\x20in\x20a\x20comment.\x20\x20NAME\x20should\x20be\x20replace\ |
| d\x20with\n\x20an\x20identifier\x20naming\x20the\x20point\x20--\x20this\ |
| \x20is\x20what\x20other\x20generators\x20will\x20use\n\x20as\x20the\x20i\ |
| nsertion_point.\x20\x20Code\x20inserted\x20at\x20this\x20point\x20will\ |
| \x20be\x20placed\n\x20immediately\x20above\x20the\x20line\x20containing\ |
| \x20the\x20insertion\x20point\x20(thus\x20multiple\n\x20insertions\x20to\ |
| \x20the\x20same\x20point\x20will\x20come\x20out\x20in\x20the\x20order\ |
| \x20they\x20were\x20added).\n\x20The\x20double-@\x20is\x20intended\x20to\ |
| \x20make\x20it\x20unlikely\x20that\x20the\x20generated\x20code\n\x20coul\ |
| d\x20contain\x20things\x20that\x20look\x20like\x20insertion\x20points\ |
| \x20by\x20accident.\n\n\x20For\x20example,\x20the\x20C++\x20code\x20gene\ |
| rator\x20places\x20the\x20following\x20line\x20in\x20the\n\x20.pb.h\x20f\ |
| iles\x20that\x20it\x20generates:\n\x20\x20\x20//\x20@@protoc_insertion_p\ |
| oint(namespace_scope)\n\x20This\x20line\x20appears\x20within\x20the\x20s\ |
| cope\x20of\x20the\x20file's\x20package\x20namespace,\x20but\n\x20outside\ |
| \x20of\x20any\x20particular\x20class.\x20\x20Another\x20plugin\x20can\ |
| \x20then\x20specify\x20the\n\x20insertion_point\x20\"namespace_scope\"\ |
| \x20to\x20generate\x20additional\x20classes\x20or\n\x20other\x20declarat\ |
| ions\x20that\x20should\x20be\x20placed\x20in\x20this\x20scope.\n\n\x20No\ |
| te\x20that\x20if\x20the\x20line\x20containing\x20the\x20insertion\x20poi\ |
| nt\x20begins\x20with\n\x20whitespace,\x20the\x20same\x20whitespace\x20wi\ |
| ll\x20be\x20added\x20to\x20every\x20line\x20of\x20the\n\x20inserted\x20t\ |
| ext.\x20\x20This\x20is\x20useful\x20for\x20languages\x20like\x20Python,\ |
| \x20where\n\x20indentation\x20matters.\x20\x20In\x20these\x20languages,\ |
| \x20the\x20insertion\x20point\x20comment\n\x20should\x20be\x20indented\ |
| \x20the\x20same\x20amount\x20as\x20any\x20inserted\x20code\x20will\x20ne\ |
| ed\x20to\x20be\n\x20in\x20order\x20to\x20work\x20correctly\x20in\x20that\ |
| \x20context.\n\n\x20The\x20code\x20generator\x20that\x20generates\x20the\ |
| \x20initial\x20file\x20and\x20the\x20one\x20which\n\x20inserts\x20into\ |
| \x20it\x20must\x20both\x20run\x20as\x20part\x20of\x20a\x20single\x20invo\ |
| cation\x20of\x20protoc.\n\x20Code\x20generators\x20are\x20executed\x20in\ |
| \x20the\x20order\x20in\x20which\x20they\x20appear\x20on\x20the\n\x20comm\ |
| and\x20line.\n\n\x20If\x20|insertion_point|\x20is\x20present,\x20|name|\ |
| \x20must\x20also\x20be\x20present.\n\n\x0f\n\x07\x04\x02\x03\0\x02\x01\ |
| \x04\x12\x04\xab\x01\x04\x0c\n\x0f\n\x07\x04\x02\x03\0\x02\x01\x05\x12\ |
| \x04\xab\x01\r\x13\n\x0f\n\x07\x04\x02\x03\0\x02\x01\x01\x12\x04\xab\x01\ |
| \x14#\n\x0f\n\x07\x04\x02\x03\0\x02\x01\x03\x12\x04\xab\x01&'\n$\n\x06\ |
| \x04\x02\x03\0\x02\x02\x12\x04\xae\x01\x04!\x1a\x14\x20The\x20file\x20co\ |
| ntents.\n\n\x0f\n\x07\x04\x02\x03\0\x02\x02\x04\x12\x04\xae\x01\x04\x0c\ |
| \n\x0f\n\x07\x04\x02\x03\0\x02\x02\x05\x12\x04\xae\x01\r\x13\n\x0f\n\x07\ |
| \x04\x02\x03\0\x02\x02\x01\x12\x04\xae\x01\x14\x1b\n\x0f\n\x07\x04\x02\ |
| \x03\0\x02\x02\x03\x12\x04\xae\x01\x1e\x20\n\xe1\x01\n\x06\x04\x02\x03\0\ |
| \x02\x03\x12\x04\xb3\x01\x048\x1a\xd0\x01\x20Information\x20describing\ |
| \x20the\x20file\x20content\x20being\x20inserted.\x20If\x20an\x20insertio\ |
| n\n\x20point\x20is\x20used,\x20this\x20information\x20will\x20be\x20appr\ |
| opriately\x20offset\x20and\x20inserted\n\x20into\x20the\x20code\x20gener\ |
| ation\x20metadata\x20for\x20the\x20generated\x20files.\n\n\x0f\n\x07\x04\ |
| \x02\x03\0\x02\x03\x04\x12\x04\xb3\x01\x04\x0c\n\x0f\n\x07\x04\x02\x03\0\ |
| \x02\x03\x06\x12\x04\xb3\x01\r\x1e\n\x0f\n\x07\x04\x02\x03\0\x02\x03\x01\ |
| \x12\x04\xb3\x01\x1f2\n\x0f\n\x07\x04\x02\x03\0\x02\x03\x03\x12\x04\xb3\ |
| \x0157\n\x0c\n\x04\x04\x02\x02\x02\x12\x04\xb5\x01\x02\x1a\n\r\n\x05\x04\ |
| \x02\x02\x02\x04\x12\x04\xb5\x01\x02\n\n\r\n\x05\x04\x02\x02\x02\x06\x12\ |
| \x04\xb5\x01\x0b\x0f\n\r\n\x05\x04\x02\x02\x02\x01\x12\x04\xb5\x01\x10\ |
| \x14\n\r\n\x05\x04\x02\x02\x02\x03\x12\x04\xb5\x01\x17\x19\ |
| "; |
| |
| /// `FileDescriptorProto` object which was a source for this generated file |
| fn file_descriptor_proto() -> &'static crate::descriptor::FileDescriptorProto { |
| static file_descriptor_proto_lazy: crate::rt::Lazy<crate::descriptor::FileDescriptorProto> = crate::rt::Lazy::new(); |
| file_descriptor_proto_lazy.get(|| { |
| crate::Message::parse_from_bytes(file_descriptor_proto_data).unwrap() |
| }) |
| } |
| |
| /// `FileDescriptor` object which allows dynamic access to files |
| pub fn file_descriptor() -> &'static crate::reflect::FileDescriptor { |
| static generated_file_descriptor_lazy: crate::rt::Lazy<crate::reflect::GeneratedFileDescriptor> = crate::rt::Lazy::new(); |
| static file_descriptor: crate::rt::Lazy<crate::reflect::FileDescriptor> = crate::rt::Lazy::new(); |
| file_descriptor.get(|| { |
| let generated_file_descriptor = generated_file_descriptor_lazy.get(|| { |
| let mut deps = ::std::vec::Vec::with_capacity(1); |
| deps.push(crate::descriptor::file_descriptor().clone()); |
| let mut messages = ::std::vec::Vec::with_capacity(4); |
| messages.push(Version::generated_message_descriptor_data()); |
| messages.push(CodeGeneratorRequest::generated_message_descriptor_data()); |
| messages.push(CodeGeneratorResponse::generated_message_descriptor_data()); |
| messages.push(code_generator_response::File::generated_message_descriptor_data()); |
| let mut enums = ::std::vec::Vec::with_capacity(1); |
| enums.push(code_generator_response::Feature::generated_enum_descriptor_data()); |
| crate::reflect::GeneratedFileDescriptor::new_generated( |
| file_descriptor_proto(), |
| deps, |
| messages, |
| enums, |
| ) |
| }); |
| crate::reflect::FileDescriptor::new_generated_2(generated_file_descriptor) |
| }) |
| } |