blob: 8d9e16422bde112212afc09c414e57a9ceb2de50 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::fmt::Write as _;
use std::io::Write as _;
use pulldown_cmark::{html, CowStr, Event, Options, Parser, Tag, TagEnd};
/// This example shows how to do footnotes as bottom-notes, in the style of GitHub.
fn main() {
let markdown_input: &str = "This is an [^a] footnote [^a].\n\n[^a]: footnote contents";
println!("Parsing the following markdown string:\n{}", markdown_input);
// To generate this style, you have to collect the footnotes at the end, while parsing.
// You also need to count usages.
let mut footnotes = Vec::new();
let mut in_footnote = Vec::new();
let mut footnote_numbers = HashMap::new();
// ENABLE_FOOTNOTES is used in this example, but ENABLE_OLD_FOOTNOTES would work, too.
let parser = Parser::new_ext(markdown_input, Options::ENABLE_FOOTNOTES)
.filter_map(|event| {
match event {
Event::Start(Tag::FootnoteDefinition(_)) => {
Event::End(TagEnd::FootnoteDefinition) => {
let mut f = in_footnote.pop().unwrap();
Event::FootnoteReference(name) => {
let n = footnote_numbers.len() + 1;
let (n, nr) = footnote_numbers.entry(name.clone()).or_insert((n, 0usize));
*nr += 1;
let html = Event::Html(format!(r##"<sup class="footnote-reference" id="fr-{name}-{nr}"><a href="#fn-{name}">[{n}]</a></sup>"##).into());
if in_footnote.is_empty() {
} else {
_ if !in_footnote.is_empty() => {
_ => Some(event),
// Write to anything implementing the `Write` trait. This could also be a file
// or network socket.
let stdout = std::io::stdout();
let mut handle = stdout.lock();
handle.write_all(b"\nHTML output:\n").unwrap();
html::write_html(&mut handle, parser).unwrap();
// To make the footnotes look right, we need to sort them by their appearance order, not by
// the in-tree order of their actual definitions. Unused items are omitted entirely.
// For example, this code:
// test [^1] [^2]
// [^2]: second used, first defined
// [^1]: test
// Gets rendered like *this* if you copy it into a GitHub comment box:
// <p>test <sup>[1]</sup> <sup>[2]</sup></p>
// <hr>
// <ol>
// <li>test ↩</li>
// <li>second used, first defined ↩</li>
// </ol>
if !footnotes.is_empty() {
footnotes.retain(|f| match f.first() {
Some(Event::Start(Tag::FootnoteDefinition(name))) => {
footnote_numbers.get(name).unwrap_or(&(0, 0)).1 != 0
_ => false,
footnotes.sort_by_cached_key(|f| match f.first() {
Some(Event::Start(Tag::FootnoteDefinition(name))) => {
footnote_numbers.get(name).unwrap_or(&(0, 0)).0
_ => unreachable!(),
.write_all(b"<hr><ol class=\"footnotes-list\">\n")
&mut handle,
footnotes.into_iter().flat_map(|fl| {
// To write backrefs, the name needs kept until the end of the footnote definition.
let mut name = CowStr::from("");
// Backrefs are included in the final paragraph of the footnote, if it's normal text.
// For example, this DOM can be produced:
// Markdown:
// five [^feet].
// [^feet]:
// A foot is defined, in this case, as 0.3048 m.
// Historically, the foot has not been defined this way, corresponding to many
// subtly different units depending on the location.
// HTML:
// <p>five <sup class="footnote-reference" id="fr-feet-1"><a href="#fn-feet">[1]</a></sup>.</p>
// <ol class="footnotes-list">
// <li id="fn-feet">
// <p>A foot is defined, in this case, as 0.3048 m.</p>
// <p>Historically, the foot has not been defined this way, corresponding to many
// subtly different units depending on the location. <a href="#fr-feet-1">↩</a></p>
// </li>
// </ol>
// This is mostly a visual hack, so that footnotes use less vertical space.
// If there is no final paragraph, such as a tabular, list, or image footnote, it gets
// pushed after the last tag instead.
let mut has_written_backrefs = false;
let fl_len = fl.len();
let footnote_numbers = &footnote_numbers;
fl.into_iter().enumerate().map(move |(i, f)| match f {
Event::Start(Tag::FootnoteDefinition(current_name)) => {
name = current_name;
has_written_backrefs = false;
Event::Html(format!(r##"<li id="fn-{name}">"##).into())
Event::End(TagEnd::FootnoteDefinition) | Event::End(TagEnd::Paragraph)
if !has_written_backrefs && i >= fl_len - 2 =>
let usage_count = footnote_numbers.get(&name).unwrap().1;
let mut end = String::with_capacity(
name.len() + (r##" <a href="#fr--1">↩</a></li>"##.len() * usage_count),
for usage in 1..=usage_count {
if usage == 1 {
write!(&mut end, r##" <a href="#fr-{name}-{usage}">↩</a>"##)
} else {
write!(&mut end, r##" <a href="#fr-{name}-{usage}">↩{usage}</a>"##)
has_written_backrefs = true;
if f == Event::End(TagEnd::FootnoteDefinition) {
} else {
Event::End(TagEnd::FootnoteDefinition) => Event::Html("</li>\n".into()),
Event::FootnoteReference(_) => unreachable!("converted to HTML earlier"),
f => f,