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// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
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// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
//! Scanners for fragments of CommonMark syntax
use std::char;
use crate::parse::HtmlScanGuard;
pub(crate) use crate::puncttable::{is_ascii_punctuation, is_punctuation};
use crate::strings::CowStr;
use crate::{entities, BlockQuoteKind, HeadingLevel};
use crate::{Alignment, LinkType};
use memchr::memchr;
// sorted for binary search
const HTML_TAGS: [&str; 62] = [
/// Analysis of the beginning of a line, including indentation and container
/// markers.
pub(crate) struct LineStart<'a> {
bytes: &'a [u8],
ix: usize,
// The index in `bytes` after the last tab we scanned; initially
// zero.
// Thus, there are no tab characters between `ix` and here, and for
// the purpose of defining block structure, this position can be
// considered to fall on a tab stop.
// This is only valid while scanning the initial portion of the
// line; methods that work with interior structure don't bother to
// update it.
tab_start: usize,
// In contexts where spaces help to define block structure, tabs
// behave as if they were replaced by spaces with a tab stop of 4
// characters.
// If we have scanned past a tab character but not consumed all
// the horizontal width it contributed, this is the number of
// spaces logically remaining, before the character at `ix`.
spaces_remaining: usize,
// no thematic breaks can occur before this offset.
// this prevents scanning over and over up to a certain point
min_hrule_offset: usize,
impl<'a> LineStart<'a> {
pub(crate) fn new(bytes: &[u8]) -> LineStart<'_> {
LineStart {
tab_start: 0,
ix: 0,
spaces_remaining: 0,
min_hrule_offset: 0,
/// Try to scan a number of spaces.
/// Returns true if all spaces were consumed.
/// Note: consumes some spaces even if not successful.
pub(crate) fn scan_space(&mut self, n_space: usize) -> bool {
self.scan_space_inner(n_space) == 0
/// Scan a number of spaces up to a maximum.
/// Returns number of spaces scanned.
pub(crate) fn scan_space_upto(&mut self, n_space: usize) -> usize {
n_space - self.scan_space_inner(n_space)
/// Returns unused remainder of spaces.
fn scan_space_inner(&mut self, mut n_space: usize) -> usize {
// Consume any common prefix between the number of spaces we
// want and the number of unscanned tab-introduced spaces.
let n_from_remaining = self.spaces_remaining.min(n_space);
self.spaces_remaining -= n_from_remaining;
n_space -= n_from_remaining;
while n_space > 0 && self.ix < self.bytes.len() {
match self.bytes[self.ix] {
b' ' => {
self.ix += 1;
n_space -= 1;
b'\t' => {
let spaces = 4 - (self.ix - self.tab_start) % 4;
self.ix += 1;
self.tab_start = self.ix;
let n = spaces.min(n_space);
n_space -= n;
// Record the unscanned portion of the tab.
self.spaces_remaining = spaces - n;
_ => break,
/// Scan all available ASCII whitespace (not including eol).
pub(crate) fn scan_all_space(&mut self) {
self.spaces_remaining = 0;
self.ix += self.bytes[self.ix..]
.take_while(|&&b| b == b' ' || b == b'\t')
/// Determine whether we're at end of line (includes end of file).
pub(crate) fn is_at_eol(&self) -> bool {
.map(|&c| c == b'\r' || c == b'\n')
fn scan_ch(&mut self, c: u8) -> bool {
if self.ix < self.bytes.len() && self.bytes[self.ix] == c {
self.ix += 1;
} else {
fn scan_case_insensitive(&mut self, tag: &[u8]) -> bool {
if self.bytes.len() - self.ix < tag.len() {
return false;
let prefix = &self.bytes[self.ix..self.ix + tag.len()];
let ok = prefix.eq_ignore_ascii_case(tag);
if ok {
self.ix += tag.len();
pub(crate) fn scan_blockquote_tag(&mut self) -> Option<BlockQuoteKind> {
let saved_ix = self.ix;
let tag = if self.scan_ch(b'[') && self.scan_ch(b'!') {
let tag = if self.scan_case_insensitive(b"note") {
} else if self.scan_case_insensitive(b"tip") {
} else if self.scan_case_insensitive(b"important") {
} else if self.scan_case_insensitive(b"warning") {
} else if self.scan_case_insensitive(b"caution") {
} else {
if tag.is_some() && self.scan_ch(b']') {
if let Some(nl) = scan_blank_line(&self.bytes[self.ix..]) {
self.ix += nl;
} else {
} else {
} else {
if tag.is_none() {
self.ix = saved_ix;
pub(crate) fn scan_blockquote_marker(&mut self) -> bool {
let save = self.clone();
let _ = self.scan_space(3);
if self.scan_ch(b'>') {
let _ = self.scan_space(1);
} else {
*self = save;
/// Scan a list marker.
/// Return value is the character, the start index, and the indent in spaces.
/// For ordered list markers, the character will be one of b'.' or b')'. For
/// bullet list markers, it will be one of b'-', b'+', or b'*'.
pub(crate) fn scan_list_marker(&mut self) -> Option<(u8, u64, usize)> {
let save = self.clone();
let indent = self.scan_space_upto(4);
if indent < 4 && self.ix < self.bytes.len() {
let c = self.bytes[self.ix];
if c == b'-' || c == b'+' || c == b'*' {
if self.ix >= self.min_hrule_offset {
// there could be an hrule here
if let Err(min_offset) = scan_hrule(&self.bytes[self.ix..]) {
self.min_hrule_offset = min_offset;
} else {
*self = save;
return None;
self.ix += 1;
if self.scan_space(1) || self.is_at_eol() {
return self.finish_list_marker(c, 0, indent + 2);
} else if c.is_ascii_digit() {
let start_ix = self.ix;
let mut ix = self.ix + 1;
let mut val = u64::from(c - b'0');
while ix < self.bytes.len() && ix - start_ix < 10 {
let c = self.bytes[ix];
ix += 1;
if c.is_ascii_digit() {
val = val * 10 + u64::from(c - b'0');
} else if c == b')' || c == b'.' {
self.ix = ix;
if self.scan_space(1) || self.is_at_eol() {
return self.finish_list_marker(c, val, indent + 1 + ix - start_ix);
} else {
} else {
*self = save;
fn finish_list_marker(
&mut self,
c: u8,
start: u64,
mut indent: usize,
) -> Option<(u8, u64, usize)> {
let save = self.clone();
// skip the rest of the line if it's blank
if scan_blank_line(&self.bytes[self.ix..]).is_some() {
return Some((c, start, indent));
let post_indent = self.scan_space_upto(4);
if post_indent < 4 {
indent += post_indent;
} else {
*self = save;
Some((c, start, indent))
/// Returns Some(is_checked) when a task list marker was found. Resets itself
/// to original state otherwise.
pub(crate) fn scan_task_list_marker(&mut self) -> Option<bool> {
let save = self.clone();
if !self.scan_ch(b'[') {
*self = save;
return None;
let is_checked = match self.bytes.get(self.ix) {
Some(&c) if is_ascii_whitespace_no_nl(c) => {
self.ix += 1;
Some(b'x') | Some(b'X') => {
self.ix += 1;
_ => {
*self = save;
return None;
if !self.scan_ch(b']') {
*self = save;
return None;
if !self
.map(|&b| is_ascii_whitespace_no_nl(b))
*self = save;
return None;
pub(crate) fn bytes_scanned(&self) -> usize {
pub(crate) fn remaining_space(&self) -> usize {
pub(crate) fn is_ascii_whitespace(c: u8) -> bool {
(0x09..=0x0d).contains(&c) || c == b' '
pub(crate) fn is_ascii_whitespace_no_nl(c: u8) -> bool {
c == b'\t' || c == 0x0b || c == 0x0c || c == b' '
fn is_ascii_alpha(c: u8) -> bool {
fn is_ascii_alphanumeric(c: u8) -> bool {
matches!(c, b'0'..=b'9' | b'a'..=b'z' | b'A'..=b'Z')
fn is_ascii_letterdigitdash(c: u8) -> bool {
c == b'-' || is_ascii_alphanumeric(c)
fn is_digit(c: u8) -> bool {
fn is_valid_unquoted_attr_value_char(c: u8) -> bool {
b'\'' | b'"' | b' ' | b'=' | b'>' | b'<' | b'`' | b'\n' | b'\r'
// scan a single character
pub(crate) fn scan_ch(data: &[u8], c: u8) -> usize {
if !data.is_empty() && data[0] == c {
} else {
pub(crate) fn scan_while<F>(data: &[u8], mut f: F) -> usize
F: FnMut(u8) -> bool,
data.iter().take_while(|&&c| f(c)).count()
pub(crate) fn scan_rev_while<F>(data: &[u8], mut f: F) -> usize
F: FnMut(u8) -> bool,
data.iter().rev().take_while(|&&c| f(c)).count()
pub(crate) fn scan_ch_repeat(data: &[u8], c: u8) -> usize {
scan_while(data, |x| x == c)
// Note: this scans ASCII whitespace only, for Unicode whitespace use
// a different function.
pub(crate) fn scan_whitespace_no_nl(data: &[u8]) -> usize {
scan_while(data, is_ascii_whitespace_no_nl)
fn scan_attr_value_chars(data: &[u8]) -> usize {
scan_while(data, is_valid_unquoted_attr_value_char)
pub(crate) fn scan_eol(bytes: &[u8]) -> Option<usize> {
if bytes.is_empty() {
return Some(0);
match bytes[0] {
b'\n' => Some(1),
b'\r' => Some(if bytes.get(1) == Some(&b'\n') { 2 } else { 1 }),
_ => None,
pub(crate) fn scan_blank_line(bytes: &[u8]) -> Option<usize> {
let i = scan_whitespace_no_nl(bytes);
scan_eol(&bytes[i..]).map(|n| i + n)
pub(crate) fn scan_nextline(bytes: &[u8]) -> usize {
memchr(b'\n', bytes).map_or(bytes.len(), |x| x + 1)
// return: end byte for closing code fence, or None
// if the line is not a closing code fence
pub(crate) fn scan_closing_code_fence(
bytes: &[u8],
fence_char: u8,
n_fence_char: usize,
) -> Option<usize> {
if bytes.is_empty() {
return Some(0);
let mut i = 0;
let num_fence_chars_found = scan_ch_repeat(&bytes[i..], fence_char);
if num_fence_chars_found < n_fence_char {
return None;
i += num_fence_chars_found;
let num_trailing_spaces = scan_ch_repeat(&bytes[i..], b' ');
i += num_trailing_spaces;
scan_eol(&bytes[i..]).map(|_| i)
// return: end byte for closing metadata block, or None
// if the line is not a closing metadata block
pub(crate) fn scan_closing_metadata_block(bytes: &[u8], fence_char: u8) -> Option<usize> {
let mut i = 0;
let mut num_fence_chars_found = scan_ch_repeat(&bytes[i..], fence_char);
if num_fence_chars_found != 3 {
// if YAML style metadata block the closing character can also be `.`
if fence_char == b'-' {
num_fence_chars_found = scan_ch_repeat(&bytes[i..], b'.');
if num_fence_chars_found != 3 {
return None;
} else {
return None;
i += num_fence_chars_found;
let num_trailing_spaces = scan_ch_repeat(&bytes[i..], b' ');
i += num_trailing_spaces;
scan_eol(&bytes[i..]).map(|_| i)
// returned pair is (number of bytes, number of spaces)
pub(crate) fn calc_indent(text: &[u8], max: usize) -> (usize, usize) {
let mut spaces = 0;
let mut offset = 0;
for (i, &b) in text.iter().enumerate() {
offset = i;
match b {
b' ' => {
spaces += 1;
if spaces == max {
b'\t' => {
let new_spaces = spaces + 4 - (spaces & 3);
if new_spaces > max {
spaces = new_spaces;
_ => break,
(offset, spaces)
/// Scan hrule opening sequence.
/// Returns Ok(x) when it finds an hrule, where x is the
/// size of line containing the hrule, including the trailing newline.
/// Returns Err(x) when it does not find an hrule and x is
/// the offset in data before no hrule can appear.
pub(crate) fn scan_hrule(bytes: &[u8]) -> Result<usize, usize> {
if bytes.len() < 3 {
return Err(0);
let c = bytes[0];
if !(c == b'*' || c == b'-' || c == b'_') {
return Err(0);
let mut n = 0;
let mut i = 0;
while i < bytes.len() {
match bytes[i] {
b'\n' | b'\r' => {
i += scan_eol(&bytes[i..]).unwrap_or(0);
c2 if c2 == c => {
n += 1;
b' ' | b'\t' => (),
_ => return Err(i),
i += 1;
if n >= 3 {
} else {
/// Scan an ATX heading opening sequence.
/// Returns number of bytes in prefix and level.
pub(crate) fn scan_atx_heading(data: &[u8]) -> Option<HeadingLevel> {
let level = scan_ch_repeat(data, b'#');
if data.get(level).copied().map_or(true, is_ascii_whitespace) {
} else {
/// Scan a setext heading underline.
/// Returns number of bytes in line (including trailing newline) and level.
pub(crate) fn scan_setext_heading(data: &[u8]) -> Option<(usize, HeadingLevel)> {
let c = *data.first()?;
let level = if c == b'=' {
} else if c == b'-' {
} else {
return None;
let mut i = 1 + scan_ch_repeat(&data[1..], c);
i += scan_blank_line(&data[i..])?;
Some((i, level))
// returns number of bytes in line (including trailing
// newline) and column alignments
pub(crate) fn scan_table_head(data: &[u8]) -> (usize, Vec<Alignment>) {
let (mut i, spaces) = calc_indent(data, 4);
if spaces > 3 || i == data.len() {
return (0, vec![]);
let mut cols = vec![];
let mut active_col = Alignment::None;
let mut start_col = true;
let mut found_pipe = false;
let mut found_hyphen = false;
let mut found_hyphen_in_col = false;
if data[i] == b'|' {
i += 1;
found_pipe = true;
for c in &data[i..] {
if let Some(n) = scan_eol(&data[i..]) {
i += n;
match *c {
b' ' => (),
b':' => {
active_col = match (start_col, active_col) {
(true, Alignment::None) => Alignment::Left,
(false, Alignment::Left) => Alignment::Center,
(false, Alignment::None) => Alignment::Right,
_ => active_col,
start_col = false;
b'-' => {
start_col = false;
found_hyphen = true;
found_hyphen_in_col = true;
b'|' => {
start_col = true;
found_pipe = true;
active_col = Alignment::None;
if !found_hyphen_in_col {
// It isn't a table head if it has back-to-back pipes.
return (0, vec![]);
found_hyphen_in_col = false;
_ => {
// It isn't a table head if it has characters outside the allowed set.
return (0, vec![]);
i += 1;
if !start_col {
if !found_pipe || !found_hyphen {
// It isn't a table head if it doesn't have a least one pipe or hyphen.
// It's a list, a header, or a thematic break.
return (0, vec![]);
(i, cols)
/// Scan code fence.
/// Returns number of bytes scanned and the char that is repeated to make the code fence.
pub(crate) fn scan_code_fence(data: &[u8]) -> Option<(usize, u8)> {
let c = *data.first()?;
if !(c == b'`' || c == b'~') {
return None;
let i = 1 + scan_ch_repeat(&data[1..], c);
if i >= 3 {
if c == b'`' {
let suffix = &data[i..];
let next_line = i + scan_nextline(suffix);
// FIXME: make sure this is correct
if suffix[..(next_line - i)].iter().any(|&b| b == b'`') {
return None;
Some((i, c))
} else {
/// Scan metadata block, returning the number of delimiter bytes
/// (always 3 for now) and the delimiter character.
/// Differently to code blocks, metadata blocks must be closed with the closing
/// sequence not being a valid terminator the end of the file.
/// In addition, they cannot be empty (closing sequence in the next line) and
/// the next line cannot be an empty line.
pub(crate) fn scan_metadata_block(
data: &[u8],
yaml_style_enabled: bool,
pluses_style_enabled: bool,
) -> Option<(usize, u8)> {
// Only if metadata blocks are enabled
if yaml_style_enabled || pluses_style_enabled {
let c = *data.first()?;
if !((c == b'-' && yaml_style_enabled) || (c == b'+' && pluses_style_enabled)) {
return None;
let i = 1 + scan_ch_repeat(&data[1..], c);
// Only trailing spaces after the delimiters in the line
let next_line = scan_nextline(&data[i..]);
for c in &data[i..i + next_line] {
if !c.is_ascii_whitespace() {
return None;
if i == 3 {
// Search the closing sequence
let mut j = i;
let mut first_line = true;
while j < data.len() {
j += scan_nextline(&data[j..]);
let closed = scan_closing_metadata_block(&data[j..], c).is_some();
// The first line of the metadata block cannot be an empty line
// nor the end of the block
if first_line {
if closed || scan_blank_line(&data[j..]).is_some() {
return None;
first_line = false;
if closed {
return Some((i, c));
} else {
} else {
pub(crate) fn scan_blockquote_start(data: &[u8]) -> Option<usize> {
if data.first().copied() == Some(b'>') {
let space = if data.get(1).copied() == Some(b' ') {
} else {
Some(1 + space)
} else {
/// return number of bytes scanned, delimiter, start index, and indent
pub(crate) fn scan_listitem(bytes: &[u8]) -> Option<(usize, u8, usize, usize)> {
let mut c = *bytes.first()?;
let (w, start) = match c {
b'-' | b'+' | b'*' => (1, 0),
b'0'..=b'9' => {
let (length, start) = parse_decimal(bytes, 9);
c = *bytes.get(length)?;
if !(c == b'.' || c == b')') {
return None;
(length + 1, start)
_ => {
return None;
// TODO: replace calc_indent with scan_leading_whitespace, for tab correctness
let (mut postn, mut postindent) = calc_indent(&bytes[w..], 5);
if postindent == 0 {
postindent += 1;
} else if postindent > 4 {
postn = 1;
postindent = 1;
if scan_blank_line(&bytes[w..]).is_some() {
postn = 0;
postindent = 1;
Some((w + postn, c, start, w + postindent))
// returns (number of bytes, parsed decimal)
fn parse_decimal(bytes: &[u8], limit: usize) -> (usize, usize) {
match bytes
.take_while(|&&b| is_digit(b))
.try_fold((0, 0usize), |(count, acc), c| {
let digit = usize::from(c - b'0');
match acc
.and_then(|ten_acc| ten_acc.checked_add(digit))
Some(number) => Ok((count + 1, number)),
// stop early on overflow
None => Err((count, acc)),
}) {
Ok(p) | Err(p) => p,
// returns (number of bytes, parsed hex)
fn parse_hex(bytes: &[u8], limit: usize) -> (usize, usize) {
match bytes
.try_fold((0, 0usize), |(count, acc), c| {
let mut c = *c;
let digit = if c.is_ascii_digit() {
usize::from(c - b'0')
} else {
// make lower case
c |= 0x20;
if (b'a'..=b'f').contains(&c) {
usize::from(c - b'a' + 10)
} else {
return Err((count, acc));
match acc
.and_then(|sixteen_acc| sixteen_acc.checked_add(digit))
Some(number) => Ok((count + 1, number)),
// stop early on overflow
None => Err((count, acc)),
}) {
Ok(p) | Err(p) => p,
fn char_from_codepoint(input: usize) -> Option<char> {
let codepoint = input.try_into().ok()?;
if codepoint == 0 {
return None;
// doesn't bother to check data[0] == '&'
pub(crate) fn scan_entity(bytes: &[u8]) -> (usize, Option<CowStr<'static>>) {
let mut end = 1;
if scan_ch(&bytes[end..], b'#') == 1 {
end += 1;
let (bytecount, codepoint) = if end < bytes.len() && bytes[end] | 0x20 == b'x' {
end += 1;
parse_hex(&bytes[end..], 6)
} else {
parse_decimal(&bytes[end..], 7)
end += bytecount;
return if bytecount == 0 || scan_ch(&bytes[end..], b';') == 0 {
(0, None)
} else {
end + 1,
end += scan_while(&bytes[end..], is_ascii_alphanumeric);
if scan_ch(&bytes[end..], b';') == 1 {
if let Some(value) = entities::get_entity(&bytes[1..end]) {
return (end + 1, Some(value.into()));
(0, None)
// note: dest returned is raw, still needs to be unescaped
// TODO: check that nested parens are really not allowed for refdefs
// TODO(performance): this func should probably its own unescaping
pub(crate) fn scan_link_dest(
data: &str,
start_ix: usize,
max_next: usize,
) -> Option<(usize, &str)> {
let bytes = &data.as_bytes()[start_ix..];
let mut i = scan_ch(bytes, b'<');
if i != 0 {
// pointy links
while i < bytes.len() {
match bytes[i] {
b'\n' | b'\r' | b'<' => return None,
b'>' => return Some((i + 1, &data[(start_ix + 1)..(start_ix + i)])),
b'\\' if i + 1 < bytes.len() && is_ascii_punctuation(bytes[i + 1]) => {
i += 1;
_ => {}
i += 1;
} else {
// non-pointy links
let mut nest = 0;
while i < bytes.len() {
match bytes[i] {
0x0..=0x20 => {
b'(' => {
if nest > max_next {
return None;
nest += 1;
b')' => {
if nest == 0 {
nest -= 1;
b'\\' if i + 1 < bytes.len() && is_ascii_punctuation(bytes[i + 1]) => {
i += 1;
_ => {}
i += 1;
if nest != 0 {
return None;
Some((i, &data[start_ix..(start_ix + i)]))
/// Returns bytes scanned
fn scan_attribute_name(data: &[u8]) -> Option<usize> {
let (&c, tail) = data.split_first()?;
if is_ascii_alpha(c) || c == b'_' || c == b':' {
1 + scan_while(tail, |c| {
is_ascii_alphanumeric(c) || c == b'_' || c == b'.' || c == b':' || c == b'-'
} else {
/// Returns the index immediately following the attribute on success.
/// The argument `buffer_ix` refers to the index into `data` from which we
/// should copy into `buffer` when we find bytes to skip.
fn scan_attribute(
data: &[u8],
mut ix: usize,
newline_handler: Option<&dyn Fn(&[u8]) -> usize>,
buffer: &mut Vec<u8>,
buffer_ix: &mut usize,
) -> Option<usize> {
ix += scan_attribute_name(&data[ix..])?;
let ix_after_attribute = ix;
ix = scan_whitespace_with_newline_handler_without_buffer(data, ix, newline_handler)?;
if scan_ch(&data[ix..], b'=') == 1 {
ix = scan_whitespace_with_newline_handler(data, ix_after_attribute, newline_handler, buffer, buffer_ix)?;
ix += 1;
ix = scan_whitespace_with_newline_handler(data, ix, newline_handler, buffer, buffer_ix)?;
ix = scan_attribute_value(data, ix, newline_handler, buffer, buffer_ix)?;
} else {
// Leave whitespace for next attribute.
/// Scans whitespace and possibly newlines according to the
/// behavior defined by the newline handler. When bytes are skipped,
/// all preceding non-skipped bytes are pushed to the buffer.
fn scan_whitespace_with_newline_handler(
data: &[u8],
mut i: usize,
newline_handler: Option<&dyn Fn(&[u8]) -> usize>,
buffer: &mut Vec<u8>,
buffer_ix: &mut usize,
) -> Option<usize> {
while i < data.len() {
if !is_ascii_whitespace(data[i]) {
return Some(i);
if let Some(eol_bytes) = scan_eol(&data[i..]) {
let handler = newline_handler?;
i += eol_bytes;
let skipped_bytes = handler(&data[i..]);
if skipped_bytes > 0 {
*buffer_ix = i + skipped_bytes;
i += skipped_bytes;
} else {
i += 1;
/// Scans whitespace and possible newlines according to the behavior defined
/// by the newline handler.
/// Unlike [`scan_whitespace_with_newline_handler`], this function doesn't
/// copy skipped data into a buffer. Typically, if this function
/// returns `Some`, a call to `scan_whitespace_with_newline_handler` will
/// soon follow.
fn scan_whitespace_with_newline_handler_without_buffer(
data: &[u8],
mut i: usize,
newline_handler: Option<&dyn Fn(&[u8]) -> usize>,
) -> Option<usize> {
while i < data.len() {
if !is_ascii_whitespace(data[i]) {
return Some(i);
if let Some(eol_bytes) = scan_eol(&data[i..]) {
let handler = newline_handler?;
i += eol_bytes;
let skipped_bytes = handler(&data[i..]);
i += skipped_bytes;
} else {
i += 1;
/// Returns the index immediately following the attribute value on success.
fn scan_attribute_value(
data: &[u8],
mut i: usize,
newline_handler: Option<&dyn Fn(&[u8]) -> usize>,
buffer: &mut Vec<u8>,
buffer_ix: &mut usize,
) -> Option<usize> {
match *data.get(i)? {
b @ b'"' | b @ b'\'' => {
i += 1;
while i < data.len() {
if data[i] == b {
return Some(i + 1);
if let Some(eol_bytes) = scan_eol(&data[i..]) {
let handler = newline_handler?;
i += eol_bytes;
let skipped_bytes = handler(&data[i..]);
if skipped_bytes > 0 {
*buffer_ix = i + skipped_bytes;
i += skipped_bytes;
} else {
i += 1;
return None;
b' ' | b'=' | b'>' | b'<' | b'`' | b'\n' | b'\r' => {
return None;
_ => {
// unquoted attribute value
i += scan_attr_value_chars(&data[i..]);
// Remove backslash escapes and resolve entities
pub(crate) fn unescape<'a, I: Into<CowStr<'a>>>(input: I, is_in_table: bool) -> CowStr<'a> {
let input = input.into();
let mut result = String::new();
let mut mark = 0;
let mut i = 0;
let bytes = input.as_bytes();
while i < bytes.len() {
match bytes[i] {
// Tables are special, because they're parsed as-if the tables
// were parsed in a discrete pass, changing `\|` to `|`, and then
// passing the changed string to the inline parser.
if is_in_table
&& i + 2 < bytes.len()
&& bytes[i + 1] == b'\\'
&& bytes[i + 2] == b'|' =>
// even number of `\`s before pipe
// odd number is handled in the normal way below
mark = i + 2;
i += 3;
b'\\' if i + 1 < bytes.len() && is_ascii_punctuation(bytes[i + 1]) => {
mark = i + 1;
i += 2;
b'&' => match scan_entity(&bytes[i..]) {
(n, Some(value)) => {
i += n;
mark = i;
_ => i += 1,
b'\r' => {
i += 1;
mark = i;
_ => i += 1,
if mark == 0 {
} else {
/// Assumes `data` is preceded by `<`.
pub(crate) fn starts_html_block_type_6(data: &[u8]) -> bool {
let i = scan_ch(data, b'/');
let tail = &data[i..];
let n = scan_while(tail, is_ascii_alphanumeric);
if !is_html_tag(&tail[..n]) {
return false;
// Starting condition says the next byte must be either a space, a tab,
// the end of the line, the string >, or the string />
let tail = &tail[n..];
|| tail[0] == b' '
|| tail[0] == b'\t'
|| tail[0] == b'\r'
|| tail[0] == b'\n'
|| tail[0] == b'>'
|| tail.len() >= 2 && &tail[..2] == b"/>"
fn is_html_tag(tag: &[u8]) -> bool {
.binary_search_by(|probe| {
let probe_bytes_iter = probe.as_bytes().iter();
let tag_bytes_iter = tag.iter();
.find_map(|(&a, &b)| {
// We can compare case insensitively because the probes are
// all lower case alpha strings.
match a.cmp(&(b | 0x20)) {
std::cmp::Ordering::Equal => None,
inequality => Some(inequality),
.unwrap_or_else(|| probe.len().cmp(&tag.len()))
/// Assumes that `data` starts with `<`.
/// Returns the index into data directly after the html tag on success.
pub(crate) fn scan_html_type_7(data: &[u8]) -> Option<usize> {
// Block type html does not allow for newlines, so we
// do not pass a newline handler.
let (_span, i) = scan_html_block_inner(data, None)?;
/// Assumes that `data` starts with `<`.
/// Returns the number of bytes scanned and the html in case of
/// success.
/// When some bytes were skipped, because the html was split over
/// multiple leafs (e.g. over multiple lines in a blockquote),
/// the html is returned as a vector of bytes.
/// If no bytes were skipped, the buffer will be empty.
pub(crate) fn scan_html_block_inner(
data: &[u8],
newline_handler: Option<&dyn Fn(&[u8]) -> usize>,
) -> Option<(Vec<u8>, usize)> {
let mut buffer = Vec::new();
let mut last_buf_index = 0;
let close_tag_bytes = scan_ch(&data[1..], b'/');
let l = scan_while(&data[(1 + close_tag_bytes)..], is_ascii_alpha);
if l == 0 {
return None;
let mut i = 1 + close_tag_bytes + l;
i += scan_while(&data[i..], is_ascii_letterdigitdash);
if close_tag_bytes == 0 {
loop {
let old_i = i;
loop {
i += scan_whitespace_no_nl(&data[i..]);
if let Some(eol_bytes) = scan_eol(&data[i..]) {
if eol_bytes == 0 {
return None;
let handler = newline_handler?;
i += eol_bytes;
let skipped_bytes = handler(&data[i..]);
let data_len = data.len() - i;
skipped_bytes <= data_len,
"Handler tried to skip too many bytes, fed {}, skipped {}",
if skipped_bytes > 0 {
i += skipped_bytes;
last_buf_index = i;
} else {
if let Some(b'/') | Some(b'>') = data.get(i) {
if old_i == i {
// No whitespace, which is mandatory.
return None;
i = scan_attribute(data, i, newline_handler, &mut buffer, &mut last_buf_index)?;
i += scan_whitespace_no_nl(&data[i..]);
if close_tag_bytes == 0 {
i += scan_ch(&data[i..], b'/');
if scan_ch(&data[i..], b'>') == 0 {
} else {
i += 1;
if !buffer.is_empty() {
Some((buffer, i))
/// Returns (next_byte_offset, uri, type)
pub(crate) fn scan_autolink(text: &str, start_ix: usize) -> Option<(usize, CowStr<'_>, LinkType)> {
scan_uri(text, start_ix)
.map(|(bytes, uri)| (bytes, uri, LinkType::Autolink))
.or_else(|| scan_email(text, start_ix).map(|(bytes, uri)| (bytes, uri, LinkType::Email)))
/// Returns (next_byte_offset, uri)
fn scan_uri(text: &str, start_ix: usize) -> Option<(usize, CowStr<'_>)> {
let bytes = &text.as_bytes()[start_ix..];
// scheme's first byte must be an ascii letter
if bytes.is_empty() || !is_ascii_alpha(bytes[0]) {
return None;
let mut i = 1;
while i < bytes.len() {
let c = bytes[i];
i += 1;
match c {
c if is_ascii_alphanumeric(c) => (),
b'.' | b'-' | b'+' => (),
b':' => break,
_ => return None,
// scheme length must be between 2 and 32 characters long. scheme
// must be followed by colon
if !(3..=33).contains(&i) {
return None;
while i < bytes.len() {
match bytes[i] {
b'>' => return Some((start_ix + i + 1, text[start_ix..(start_ix + i)].into())),
b'\0'..=b' ' | b'<' => return None,
_ => (),
i += 1;
/// Returns (next_byte_offset, email)
fn scan_email(text: &str, start_ix: usize) -> Option<(usize, CowStr<'_>)> {
// using a regex library would be convenient, but doing it by hand is not too bad
let bytes = &text.as_bytes()[start_ix..];
let mut i = 0;
while i < bytes.len() {
let c = bytes[i];
i += 1;
match c {
c if is_ascii_alphanumeric(c) => (),
b'.' | b'!' | b'#' | b'$' | b'%' | b'&' | b'\'' | b'*' | b'+' | b'/' | b'=' | b'?'
| b'^' | b'_' | b'`' | b'{' | b'|' | b'}' | b'~' | b'-' => (),
b'@' if i > 1 => break,
_ => return None,
loop {
let label_start_ix = i;
let mut fresh_label = true;
while i < bytes.len() {
match bytes[i] {
c if is_ascii_alphanumeric(c) => (),
b'-' if fresh_label => {
return None;
b'-' => (),
_ => break,
fresh_label = false;
i += 1;
if i == label_start_ix || i - label_start_ix > 63 || bytes[i - 1] == b'-' {
return None;
if scan_ch(&bytes[i..], b'.') == 0 {
i += 1;
if scan_ch(&bytes[i..], b'>') == 0 {
return None;
Some((start_ix + i + 1, text[start_ix..(start_ix + i)].into()))
/// Scan comment, declaration, or CDATA section, with initial "<!" already consumed.
/// Returns byte offset on match.
pub(crate) fn scan_inline_html_comment(
bytes: &[u8],
mut ix: usize,
scan_guard: &mut HtmlScanGuard,
) -> Option<usize> {
let c = *bytes.get(ix)?;
ix += 1;
match c {
// An HTML comment consists of `<!-->`, `<!--->`, or `<!--`, a string of characters not
// including the string `-->`, and `-->`.
b'-' if ix > scan_guard.comment => {
// HTML comment needs two hyphens after the !.
if *bytes.get(ix)? != b'-' {
return None;
// Yes, we're intentionally going backwards.
// We want the cursor to point here:
// <!--
// ^
// This way, the `<!-->` case is covered by the loop below.
ix -= 1;
while let Some(x) = memchr(b'-', &bytes[ix..]) {
ix += x + 1;
scan_guard.comment = ix;
if scan_ch(&bytes[ix..], b'-') == 1 && scan_ch(&bytes[ix + 1..], b'>') == 1 {
return Some(ix + 2);
// A CDATA section consists of the string `<![CDATA[`, a string of characters not
// including the string `]]>`, and the string `]]>`.
b'[' if bytes[ix..].starts_with(b"CDATA[") && ix > scan_guard.cdata => {
ix += b"CDATA[".len();
ix = memchr(b']', &bytes[ix..]).map_or(bytes.len(), |x| ix + x);
let close_brackets = scan_ch_repeat(&bytes[ix..], b']');
ix += close_brackets;
if close_brackets == 0 || scan_ch(&bytes[ix..], b'>') == 0 {
scan_guard.cdata = ix;
} else {
Some(ix + 1)
// A declaration consists of the string `<!`, an ASCII letter, zero or more characters not
// including the character >, and the character >.
_ if c.is_ascii_alphabetic() && ix > scan_guard.declaration => {
ix = memchr(b'>', &bytes[ix..]).map_or(bytes.len(), |x| ix + x);
if scan_ch(&bytes[ix..], b'>') == 0 {
scan_guard.declaration = ix;
} else {
Some(ix + 1)
_ => None,
/// Scan processing directive, with initial "<?" already consumed.
/// Returns the next byte offset on success.
pub(crate) fn scan_inline_html_processing(
bytes: &[u8],
mut ix: usize,
scan_guard: &mut HtmlScanGuard,
) -> Option<usize> {
if ix <= scan_guard.processing {
return None;
while let Some(offset) = memchr(b'?', &bytes[ix..]) {
ix += offset + 1;
if scan_ch(&bytes[ix..], b'>') == 1 {
return Some(ix + 1);
scan_guard.processing = ix;
mod test {
use super::*;
fn overflow_list() {
fn overflow_by_addition() {
fn good_emails() {
const EMAILS: &[&str] = &[
"<[email protected]>",
"<a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}[email protected]>",
for email in EMAILS {
assert!(scan_email(email, 1).is_some());
fn bad_emails() {
const EMAILS: &[&str] = &[
"<[email protected]>",
"<[email protected]>",
for email in EMAILS {
assert!(scan_email(email, 1).is_none());