blob: c1d6fcada00ef285971377f34fc8189797cba3b0 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
use std::cmp::Ord;
use rand;
use super::{QuickCheck, StdGen, TestResult, quickcheck};
fn prop_oob() {
fn prop() -> bool {
let zero: Vec<bool> = vec![];
match QuickCheck::new().quicktest(prop as fn() -> bool) {
Ok(n) => panic!("prop_oob should fail with a runtime error \
but instead it passed {} tests.", n),
_ => return,
fn prop_reverse_reverse() {
fn prop(xs: Vec<usize>) -> bool {
let rev: Vec<_> = xs.clone().into_iter().rev().collect();
let revrev: Vec<_> = rev.into_iter().rev().collect();
xs == revrev
quickcheck(prop as fn(Vec<usize>) -> bool);
quickcheck! {
fn prop_reverse_reverse_macro(xs: Vec<usize>) -> bool {
let rev: Vec<_> = xs.clone().into_iter().rev().collect();
let revrev: Vec<_> = rev.into_iter().rev().collect();
xs == revrev
fn prop_macro_panic(_x: u32) -> bool {
fn reverse_single() {
fn prop(xs: Vec<usize>) -> TestResult {
if xs.len() != 1 {
else {
xs == xs.clone().into_iter().rev().collect::<Vec<_>>()
quickcheck(prop as fn(Vec<usize>) -> TestResult);
fn reverse_app() {
fn prop(xs: Vec<usize>, ys: Vec<usize>) -> bool {
let mut app = xs.clone();
let app_rev: Vec<usize> = app.into_iter().rev().collect();
let rxs: Vec<usize> = xs.into_iter().rev().collect();
let mut rev_app = ys.into_iter().rev().collect::<Vec<usize>>();
app_rev == rev_app
quickcheck(prop as fn(Vec<usize>, Vec<usize>) -> bool);
fn max() {
fn prop(x: isize, y: isize) -> TestResult {
if x > y {
} else {
TestResult::from_bool(::std::cmp::max(x, y) == y)
quickcheck(prop as fn(isize, isize) -> TestResult);
fn sort() {
fn prop(mut xs: Vec<isize>) -> bool {
xs.sort_by(|x, y| x.cmp(y));
for i in {
if i[0] > i[1] {
return false
quickcheck(prop as fn(Vec<isize>) -> bool);
fn sieve(n: usize) -> Vec<usize> {
if n <= 1 {
return vec![];
let mut marked = vec![false; n+1];
marked[0] = true;
marked[1] = true;
marked[2] = true;
for p in 2..n {
for i in (2*p..n).filter(|&n| n % p == 0) {
marked[i] = true;
.filter_map(|(i, &m)| if m { None } else { Some(i) })
fn is_prime(n: usize) -> bool {
n != 0 && n != 1 && (2..).take_while(|i| i*i <= n).all(|i| n % i != 0)
fn sieve_not_prime() {
fn prop_all_prime(n: usize) -> bool {
quickcheck(prop_all_prime as fn(usize) -> bool);
fn sieve_not_all_primes() {
fn prop_prime_iff_in_the_sieve(n: usize) -> bool {
sieve(n) == (0..(n + 1)).filter(|&i| is_prime(i)).collect::<Vec<_>>()
quickcheck(prop_prime_iff_in_the_sieve as fn(usize) -> bool);
fn testable_result() {
fn result() -> Result<bool, String> { Ok(true) }
quickcheck(result as fn() -> Result<bool, String>);
fn testable_result_err() {
quickcheck(Err::<bool, i32> as fn(i32) -> Result<bool, i32>);
fn testable_unit() {
fn do_nothing() {}
quickcheck(do_nothing as fn());
fn testable_unit_panic() {
fn panic() { panic!() }
assert!(QuickCheck::new().quicktest(panic as fn()).is_err());
fn regression_issue_83() {
fn prop(_: u8) -> bool { true }
.gen(StdGen::new(rand::thread_rng(), 1024))
.quickcheck(prop as fn(u8) -> bool)
fn regression_issue_83_signed() {
fn prop(_: i8) -> bool { true }
.gen(StdGen::new(rand::thread_rng(), 1024))
.quickcheck(prop as fn(i8) -> bool)
// Test that we can show the message after panic
#[should_panic(expected = "foo")]
fn panic_msg_1() {
fn prop() -> bool {
quickcheck(prop as fn() -> bool);
#[should_panic(expected = "foo")]
fn panic_msg_2() {
fn prop() -> bool {
assert!("foo" == "bar");
quickcheck(prop as fn() -> bool);
#[should_panic(expected = "foo")]
fn panic_msg_3() {
fn prop() -> bool {
assert_eq!("foo", "bar");
quickcheck(prop as fn() -> bool);
fn regression_issue_107_hang() {
fn prop(a: Vec<u8>) -> bool {
quickcheck(prop as fn(_) -> bool);