blob: 9301149a8cccba263d00efbf3804cebdfcc5a5e8 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Released under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license with LLVM
* exception. See `LICENSE` for details.
use crate::{ion::data_structures::u64_key, Allocation, PReg};
use core::fmt::Debug;
use smallvec::{smallvec, SmallVec};
/// A list of moves to be performed in sequence, with auxiliary data
/// attached to each.
pub type MoveVec<T> = SmallVec<[(Allocation, Allocation, T); 16]>;
/// A list of moves to be performance in sequence, like a
/// `MoveVec<T>`, except that an unchosen scratch space may occur as
/// well, represented by `Allocation::none()`.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum MoveVecWithScratch<T> {
/// No scratch was actually used.
/// A scratch space was used.
/// A `ParallelMoves` represents a list of alloc-to-alloc moves that
/// must happen in parallel -- i.e., all reads of sources semantically
/// happen before all writes of destinations, and destinations are
/// allowed to overwrite sources. It can compute a list of sequential
/// moves that will produce the equivalent data movement, possibly
/// using a scratch register if one is necessary.
pub struct ParallelMoves<T: Clone + Copy + Default> {
parallel_moves: MoveVec<T>,
impl<T: Clone + Copy + Default + PartialEq> ParallelMoves<T> {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
parallel_moves: smallvec![],
pub fn add(&mut self, from: Allocation, to: Allocation, t: T) {
self.parallel_moves.push((from, to, t));
fn sources_overlap_dests(&self) -> bool {
// Assumes `parallel_moves` has already been sorted by `dst`
// in `resolve()` below. The O(n log n) cost of this loop is no
// worse than the sort we already did.
for &(src, _, _) in &self.parallel_moves {
if self
.binary_search_by_key(&src, |&(_, dst, _)| dst)
return true;
/// Resolve the parallel-moves problem to a sequence of separate
/// moves, such that the combined effect of the sequential moves
/// is as-if all of the moves added to this `ParallelMoves`
/// resolver happened in parallel.
/// Sometimes, if there is a cycle, a scratch register is
/// necessary to allow the moves to occur sequentially. In this
/// case, `Allocation::none()` is returned to represent the
/// scratch register. The caller may choose to always hold a
/// separate scratch register unused to allow this to be trivially
/// rewritten; or may dynamically search for or create a free
/// register as needed, if none are available.
pub fn resolve(mut self) -> MoveVecWithScratch<T> {
// Easy case: zero or one move. Just return our vec.
if self.parallel_moves.len() <= 1 {
return MoveVecWithScratch::NoScratch(self.parallel_moves);
// Sort moves so that we can efficiently test for presence.
// For that purpose it doesn't matter whether we sort by
// source or destination, but later we'll want them sorted
// by destination.
.sort_by_key(|&(src, dst, _)| u64_key(dst.bits(), src.bits()));
// Duplicate moves cannot change the semantics of this
// parallel move set, so remove them. This is cheap since we
// just sorted the list.
// General case: some moves overwrite dests that other moves
// read as sources. We'll use a general algorithm.
// *Important property*: because we expect that each register
// has only one writer (otherwise the effect of the parallel
// move is undefined), each move can only block one other move
// (with its one source corresponding to the one writer of
// that source). Thus, we *can only have simple cycles* (those
// that are a ring of nodes, i.e., with only one path from a
// node back to itself); there are no SCCs that are more
// complex than that. We leverage this fact below to avoid
// having to do a full Tarjan SCC DFS (with lowest-index
// computation, etc.): instead, as soon as we find a cycle, we
// know we have the full cycle and we can do a cyclic move
// sequence and continue.
// Check that each destination has only one writer.
if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
let mut last_dst = None;
for &(_, dst, _) in &self.parallel_moves {
if last_dst.is_some() {
debug_assert!(last_dst.unwrap() != dst);
last_dst = Some(dst);
// Moving an allocation into itself is technically a cycle but
// should have no effect, as long as there are no other writes
// into that destination.
self.parallel_moves.retain(|&mut (src, dst, _)| src != dst);
// Do any dests overlap sources? If not, we can also just
// return the list.
if !self.sources_overlap_dests() {
return MoveVecWithScratch::NoScratch(self.parallel_moves);
// Construct a mapping from move indices to moves they must
// come before. Any given move must come before a move that
// overwrites its destination; we have moves sorted by dest
// above so we can efficiently find such a move, if any.
const NONE: usize = usize::MAX;
let must_come_before: SmallVec<[usize; 16]> = self
.map(|&(src, _, _)| {
.binary_search_by_key(&src, |&(_, dst, _)| dst)
// Do a simple stack-based DFS and emit moves in postorder,
// then reverse at the end for RPO. Unlike Tarjan's SCC
// algorithm, we can emit a cycle as soon as we find one, as
// noted above.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
enum State {
/// Not on stack, not visited
/// On stack, not yet visited
/// Visited
let mut ret: MoveVec<T> = smallvec![];
let mut stack: SmallVec<[usize; 16]> = smallvec![];
let mut state: SmallVec<[State; 16]> = smallvec![State::ToDo; self.parallel_moves.len()];
let mut scratch_used = false;
while let Some(next) = state.iter().position(|&state| state == State::ToDo) {
state[next] = State::Pending;
while let Some(&top) = stack.last() {
debug_assert_eq!(state[top], State::Pending);
let next = must_come_before[top];
if next == NONE || state[next] == State::Done {
state[top] = State::Done;
while let Some(top) = stack.pop() {
state[top] = State::Done;
} else if state[next] == State::ToDo {
state[next] = State::Pending;
} else {
// Found a cycle -- emit a cyclic-move sequence
// for the cycle on the top of stack, then normal
// moves below it. Recall that these moves will be
// reversed in sequence, so from the original
// parallel move set
// { B := A, C := B, A := B }
// we will generate something like:
// A := scratch
// B := A
// C := B
// scratch := C
// which will become:
// scratch := C
// C := B
// B := A
// A := scratch
debug_assert_ne!(top, next);
state[top] = State::Done;
let (scratch_src, dst, dst_t) = self.parallel_moves[top];
scratch_used = true;
ret.push((Allocation::none(), dst, dst_t));
while let Some(move_idx) = stack.pop() {
state[move_idx] = State::Done;
if move_idx == next {
ret.push((scratch_src, Allocation::none(), T::default()));
if scratch_used {
} else {
impl<T> MoveVecWithScratch<T> {
/// Fills in the scratch space, if needed, with the given
/// register/allocation and returns a final list of moves. The
/// scratch register must not occur anywhere in the parallel-move
/// problem given to the resolver that produced this
/// `MoveVecWithScratch`.
pub fn with_scratch(self, scratch: Allocation) -> MoveVec<T> {
match self {
MoveVecWithScratch::NoScratch(moves) => moves,
MoveVecWithScratch::Scratch(mut moves) => {
for (src, dst, _) in &mut moves {
*src != scratch && *dst != scratch,
"Scratch register should not also be an actual source or dest of moves"
!(src.is_none() && dst.is_none()),
"Move resolution should not have produced a scratch-to-scratch move"
if src.is_none() {
*src = scratch;
if dst.is_none() {
*dst = scratch;
/// Unwrap without a scratch register.
pub fn without_scratch(self) -> Option<MoveVec<T>> {
match self {
MoveVecWithScratch::NoScratch(moves) => Some(moves),
MoveVecWithScratch::Scratch(..) => None,
/// Do we need a scratch register?
pub fn needs_scratch(&self) -> bool {
match self {
MoveVecWithScratch::NoScratch(..) => false,
MoveVecWithScratch::Scratch(..) => true,
/// Final stage of move resolution: finding or using scratch
/// registers, creating them if necessary by using stackslots, and
/// ensuring that the final list of moves contains no stack-to-stack
/// moves.
/// The resolved list of moves may need one or two scratch registers,
/// and maybe a stackslot, to ensure these conditions. Our general
/// strategy is in two steps.
/// First, we find a scratch register, so we only have to worry about
/// a list of moves, all with real locations as src and dest. If we're
/// lucky and there are any registers not allocated at this
/// program-point, we can use a real register. Otherwise, we use an
/// extra stackslot. This is fine, because at this step,
/// stack-to-stack moves are OK.
/// Then, we resolve stack-to-stack moves into stack-to-reg /
/// reg-to-stack pairs. For this, we try to allocate a second free
/// register. If unavailable, we create a new scratch stackslot to
/// serve as a backup of one of the in-use registers, then borrow that
/// register as the scratch register in the middle of stack-to-stack
/// moves.
pub struct MoveAndScratchResolver<GetReg, GetStackSlot, IsStackAlloc>
GetReg: FnMut() -> Option<Allocation>,
GetStackSlot: FnMut() -> Allocation,
IsStackAlloc: Fn(Allocation) -> bool,
/// Closure that finds us a PReg at the current location.
pub find_free_reg: GetReg,
/// Closure that gets us a stackslot, if needed.
pub get_stackslot: GetStackSlot,
/// Closure to determine whether an `Allocation` refers to a stack slot.
pub is_stack_alloc: IsStackAlloc,
/// Use this register if no free register is available to use as a
/// temporary in stack-to-stack moves. If we do use this register
/// for that purpose, its value will be restored by the end of the
/// move sequence. Provided by caller and statically chosen. This is
/// a very last-ditch option, so static choice is OK.
pub borrowed_scratch_reg: PReg,
impl<GetReg, GetStackSlot, IsStackAlloc> MoveAndScratchResolver<GetReg, GetStackSlot, IsStackAlloc>
GetReg: FnMut() -> Option<Allocation>,
GetStackSlot: FnMut() -> Allocation,
IsStackAlloc: Fn(Allocation) -> bool,
pub fn compute<T: Debug + Default + Copy>(
mut self,
moves: MoveVecWithScratch<T>,
) -> MoveVec<T> {
let moves = if moves.needs_scratch() {
// Now, find a scratch allocation in order to resolve cycles.
let scratch = (self.find_free_reg)().unwrap_or_else(|| (self.get_stackslot)());
trace!("scratch resolver: scratch alloc {:?}", scratch);
} else {
// Do we have any stack-to-stack moves? Fast return if not.
let stack_to_stack = moves
.any(|&(src, dst, _)| self.is_stack_to_stack_move(src, dst));
if !stack_to_stack {
return moves;
// Allocate a scratch register for stack-to-stack move expansion.
let (scratch_reg, save_slot) = if let Some(reg) = (self.find_free_reg)() {
"scratch resolver: have free stack-to-stack scratch preg: {:?}",
(reg, None)
} else {
let reg = Allocation::reg(self.borrowed_scratch_reg);
// Stackslot into which we need to save the stack-to-stack
// scratch reg before doing any stack-to-stack moves, if we stole
// the reg.
let save = (self.get_stackslot)();
"scratch resolver: stack-to-stack borrowing {:?} with save stackslot {:?}",
(reg, Some(save))
// Mutually exclusive flags for whether either scratch_reg or
// save_slot need to be restored from the other. Initially,
// scratch_reg has a value we should preserve and save_slot
// has garbage.
let mut scratch_dirty = false;
let mut save_dirty = true;
let mut result = smallvec![];
for &(src, dst, data) in &moves {
// Do we have a stack-to-stack move? If so, resolve.
if self.is_stack_to_stack_move(src, dst) {
trace!("scratch resolver: stack to stack: {:?} -> {:?}", src, dst);
// If the selected scratch register is stolen from the
// set of in-use registers, then we need to save the
// current contents of the scratch register before using
// it as a temporary.
if let Some(save_slot) = save_slot {
// However we may have already done so for an earlier
// stack-to-stack move in which case we don't need
// to do it again.
if save_dirty {
result.push((scratch_reg, save_slot, T::default()));
save_dirty = false;
// We can't move directly from one stack slot to another
// on any architecture we care about, so stack-to-stack
// moves must go via a scratch register.
result.push((src, scratch_reg, data));
result.push((scratch_reg, dst, data));
scratch_dirty = true;
} else {
// This is not a stack-to-stack move, but we need to
// make sure that the scratch register is in the correct
// state if this move interacts with that register.
if src == scratch_reg && scratch_dirty {
// We're copying from the scratch register so if
// it was stolen for a stack-to-stack move then we
// need to make sure it has the correct contents,
// not whatever was temporarily copied into it. If
// we got scratch_reg from find_free_reg then it
// had better not have been used as the source of
// a move. So if we're here it's because we fell
// back to the caller-provided last-resort scratch
// register, and we must therefore have a save-slot
// allocated too.
let save_slot = save_slot.expect("move source should not be a free register");
result.push((save_slot, scratch_reg, T::default()));
scratch_dirty = false;
if dst == scratch_reg {
// We are writing something to the scratch register
// so it doesn't matter what was there before. We
// can avoid restoring it, but we will need to save
// it again before the next stack-to-stack move.
scratch_dirty = false;
save_dirty = true;
result.push((src, dst, data));
// Now that all the stack-to-stack moves are done, restore the
// scratch register if necessary.
if let Some(save_slot) = save_slot {
if scratch_dirty {
result.push((save_slot, scratch_reg, T::default()));
trace!("scratch resolver: got {:?}", result);
fn is_stack_to_stack_move(&self, src: Allocation, dst: Allocation) -> bool {
(self.is_stack_alloc)(src) && (self.is_stack_alloc)(dst)