blob: 0dae0a6d4f1a9c2182996e511070fd2a08ae2488 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2014-2015 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
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// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
use std::mem;
use aho_corasick::{Automaton, AcAutomaton, FullAcAutomaton};
use memchr::{memchr, memchr2, memchr3};
use syntax;
use simd_accel::teddy128::{Teddy, is_teddy_128_available};
/// A prefix extracted from a compiled regular expression.
/// A regex prefix is a set of literal strings that *must* be matched at the
/// beginning of a regex in order for the entire regex to match.
/// There are a variety of ways to efficiently scan the search text for a
/// prefix. Currently, there are three implemented:
/// 1. The prefix is a single byte. Just use memchr.
/// 2. If the prefix is a set of two or more single byte prefixes, then
/// a single sparse map is created. Checking if there is a match is a lookup
/// in this map for each byte in the search text.
/// 3. In all other cases, build an Aho-Corasick automaton.
/// It's possible that there's room here for other substring algorithms,
/// such as Boyer-Moore for single-set prefixes greater than 1, or Rabin-Karp
/// for small sets of same-length prefixes.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct LiteralSearcher {
complete: bool,
lcp: SingleSearch,
lcs: SingleSearch,
matcher: Matcher,
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
enum Matcher {
/// No literals. (Never advances through the input.)
/// A set of four or more single byte literals.
/// A single substring. (Likely using Boyer-Moore with memchr.)
/// An Aho-Corasick automaton.
/// A simd accelerated multiple string matcher.
impl LiteralSearcher {
/// Returns a matcher that never matches and never advances the input.
pub fn empty() -> Self {
Self::new(syntax::Literals::empty(), Matcher::Empty)
/// Returns a matcher for literal prefixes from the given set.
pub fn prefixes(lits: syntax::Literals) -> Self {
let matcher = Matcher::prefixes(&lits);
Self::new(lits, matcher)
/// Returns a matcher for literal suffixes from the given set.
pub fn suffixes(lits: syntax::Literals) -> Self {
let matcher = Matcher::suffixes(&lits);
Self::new(lits, matcher)
fn new(lits: syntax::Literals, matcher: Matcher) -> Self {
let complete = lits.all_complete();
LiteralSearcher {
complete: complete,
lcp: SingleSearch::new(lits.longest_common_prefix().to_vec()),
lcs: SingleSearch::new(lits.longest_common_suffix().to_vec()),
matcher: matcher,
/// Returns true if all matches comprise the entire regular expression.
/// This does not necessarily mean that a literal match implies a match
/// of the regular expression. For example, the regular expresison `^a`
/// is comprised of a single complete literal `a`, but the regular
/// expression demands that it only match at the beginning of a string.
pub fn complete(&self) -> bool {
self.complete && self.len() > 0
/// Find the position of a literal in `haystack` if it exists.
#[inline(always)] // reduces constant overhead
pub fn find(&self, haystack: &[u8]) -> Option<(usize, usize)> {
use self::Matcher::*;
match self.matcher {
Empty => Some((0, 0)),
Bytes(ref sset) => sset.find(haystack).map(|i| (i, i + 1)),
Single(ref s) => s.find(haystack).map(|i| (i, i + s.len())),
AC(ref aut) => aut.find(haystack).next().map(|m| (m.start, m.end)),
Teddy128(ref ted) => ted.find(haystack).map(|m| (m.start, m.end)),
/// Like find, except matches must start at index `0`.
pub fn find_start(&self, haystack: &[u8]) -> Option<(usize, usize)> {
for lit in self.iter() {
if lit.len() > haystack.len() {
if lit == &haystack[0..lit.len()] {
return Some((0, lit.len()));
/// Like find, except matches must end at index `haystack.len()`.
pub fn find_end(&self, haystack: &[u8]) -> Option<(usize, usize)> {
for lit in self.iter() {
if lit.len() > haystack.len() {
if lit == &haystack[haystack.len() - lit.len()..] {
return Some((haystack.len() - lit.len(), haystack.len()));
/// Returns an iterator over all literals to be matched.
pub fn iter(&self) -> LiteralIter {
match self.matcher {
Matcher::Empty => LiteralIter::Empty,
Matcher::Bytes(ref sset) => LiteralIter::Bytes(&sset.dense),
Matcher::Single(ref s) => LiteralIter::Single(&s.pat),
Matcher::AC(ref ac) => LiteralIter::AC(ac.patterns()),
Matcher::Teddy128(ref ted) => {
/// Returns a matcher for the longest common prefix of this matcher.
pub fn lcp(&self) -> &SingleSearch {
/// Returns a matcher for the longest common suffix of this matcher.
pub fn lcs(&self) -> &SingleSearch {
/// Returns true iff this prefix is empty.
pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
self.len() == 0
/// Returns the number of prefixes in this machine.
pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
use self::Matcher::*;
match self.matcher {
Empty => 0,
Bytes(ref sset) => sset.dense.len(),
Single(_) => 1,
AC(ref aut) => aut.len(),
Teddy128(ref ted) => ted.len(),
/// Return the approximate heap usage of literals in bytes.
pub fn approximate_size(&self) -> usize {
use self::Matcher::*;
match self.matcher {
Empty => 0,
Bytes(ref sset) => sset.approximate_size(),
Single(ref single) => single.approximate_size(),
AC(ref aut) => aut.heap_bytes(),
Teddy128(ref ted) => ted.approximate_size(),
impl Matcher {
fn prefixes(lits: &syntax::Literals) -> Self {
let sset = SingleByteSet::prefixes(&lits);
Matcher::new(lits, sset)
fn suffixes(lits: &syntax::Literals) -> Self {
let sset = SingleByteSet::suffixes(&lits);
Matcher::new(lits, sset)
fn new(lits: &syntax::Literals, sset: SingleByteSet) -> Self {
if lits.literals().is_empty() {
return Matcher::Empty;
if sset.dense.len() >= 26 {
// Avoid trying to match a large number of single bytes.
// This is *very* sensitive to a frequency analysis comparison
// between the bytes in sset and the composition of the haystack.
// No matter the size of sset, if its members all are rare in the
// haystack, then it'd be worth using it. How to tune this... IDK.
// ---AG
return Matcher::Empty;
if sset.complete {
return Matcher::Bytes(sset);
if lits.literals().len() == 1 {
let lit = lits.literals()[0].to_vec();
return Matcher::Single(SingleSearch::new(lit));
let is_aho_corasick_fast = sset.dense.len() == 1 && sset.all_ascii;
if is_teddy_128_available() && !is_aho_corasick_fast {
// Only try Teddy if Aho-Corasick can't use memchr on an ASCII
// byte. Also, in its current form, Teddy doesn't scale well to
// lots of literals.
// We impose the ASCII restriction since an alternation of
// non-ASCII string literals in the same language is likely to all
// start with the same byte. Even worse, the corpus being searched
// probably has a similar composition, which ends up completely
// negating the benefit of memchr.
const MAX_TEDDY_LITERALS: usize = 32;
if lits.literals().len() <= MAX_TEDDY_LITERALS {
if let Some(ted) = Teddy::new(lits) {
return Matcher::Teddy128(ted);
// Fallthrough to ol' reliable Aho-Corasick...
let pats = lits.literals().to_owned();
pub enum LiteralIter<'a> {
Bytes(&'a [u8]),
Single(&'a [u8]),
AC(&'a [syntax::Lit]),
Teddy128(&'a [Vec<u8>]),
impl<'a> Iterator for LiteralIter<'a> {
type Item = &'a [u8];
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
match *self {
LiteralIter::Empty => None,
LiteralIter::Bytes(ref mut many) => {
if many.is_empty() {
} else {
let next = &many[0..1];
*many = &many[1..];
LiteralIter::Single(ref mut one) => {
if one.is_empty() {
} else {
let next = &one[..];
*one = &[];
LiteralIter::AC(ref mut lits) => {
if lits.is_empty() {
} else {
let next = &lits[0];
*lits = &lits[1..];
LiteralIter::Teddy128(ref mut lits) => {
if lits.is_empty() {
} else {
let next = &lits[0];
*lits = &lits[1..];
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct SingleByteSet {
sparse: Vec<bool>,
dense: Vec<u8>,
complete: bool,
all_ascii: bool,
impl SingleByteSet {
fn new() -> SingleByteSet {
SingleByteSet {
sparse: vec![false; 256],
dense: vec![],
complete: true,
all_ascii: true,
fn prefixes(lits: &syntax::Literals) -> SingleByteSet {
let mut sset = SingleByteSet::new();
for lit in lits.literals() {
sset.complete = sset.complete && lit.len() == 1;
if let Some(&b) = lit.get(0) {
if !sset.sparse[b as usize] {
if b > 0x7F {
sset.all_ascii = false;
sset.sparse[b as usize] = true;
fn suffixes(lits: &syntax::Literals) -> SingleByteSet {
let mut sset = SingleByteSet::new();
for lit in lits.literals() {
sset.complete = sset.complete && lit.len() == 1;
if let Some(&b) = lit.get(lit.len().checked_sub(1).unwrap()) {
if !sset.sparse[b as usize] {
if b > 0x7F {
sset.all_ascii = false;
sset.sparse[b as usize] = true;
/// Faster find that special cases certain sizes to use memchr.
#[inline(always)] // reduces constant overhead
fn find(&self, text: &[u8]) -> Option<usize> {
match self.dense.len() {
0 => None,
1 => memchr(self.dense[0], text),
2 => memchr2(self.dense[0], self.dense[1], text),
3 => memchr3(self.dense[0], self.dense[1], self.dense[2], text),
_ => self._find(text),
/// Generic find that works on any sized set.
fn _find(&self, haystack: &[u8]) -> Option<usize> {
for (i, &b) in haystack.iter().enumerate() {
if self.sparse[b as usize] {
return Some(i);
fn approximate_size(&self) -> usize {
(self.dense.len() * mem::size_of::<u8>())
+ (self.sparse.len() * mem::size_of::<bool>())
/// Provides an implementation of fast subtring search.
/// This particular implementation is a Boyer-Moore variant, based on the
/// "tuned boyer moore" search from (Hume & Sunday, 1991). It has been tweaked
/// slightly to better use memchr.
/// memchr is so fast that we do everything we can to keep the loop in memchr
/// for as long as possible. The easiest way to do this is to intelligently
/// pick the byte to send to memchr. The best byte is the byte that occurs
/// least frequently in the haystack. Since doing frequency analysis on the
/// haystack is far too expensive, we compute a set of fixed frequencies up
/// front and hard code them in src/ Frequency analysis is done via
/// scripts/
/// TODO(burntsushi): Add some amount of shifting to this.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct SingleSearch {
/// The pattern.
pat: Vec<u8>,
/// The number of Unicode characters in the pattern. This is useful for
/// determining the effective length of a pattern when deciding which
/// optimizations to perform. A trailing incomplete UTF-8 sequence counts
/// as one character.
char_len: usize,
/// The rarest byte in the pattern, according to pre-computed frequency
/// analysis.
rare1: u8,
/// The offset of the rarest byte in `pat`.
rare1i: usize,
/// The second rarest byte in the pattern, according to pre-computed
/// frequency analysis. (This may be equivalent to the rarest byte.)
/// The second rarest byte is used as a type of guard for quickly detecting
/// a mismatch after memchr locates an instance of the rarest byte. This
/// is a hedge against pathological cases where the pre-computed frequency
/// analysis may be off. (But of course, does not prevent *all*
/// pathological cases.)
rare2: u8,
/// The offset of the second rarest byte in `pat`.
rare2i: usize,
impl SingleSearch {
fn new(pat: Vec<u8>) -> SingleSearch {
fn freq_rank(b: u8) -> usize { BYTE_FREQUENCIES[b as usize] as usize }
if pat.is_empty() {
return SingleSearch::empty();
// Find the rarest two bytes. Try to make them distinct (but it's not
// required).
let mut rare1 = pat[0];
let mut rare2 = pat[0];
for b in pat[1..].iter().cloned() {
if freq_rank(b) < freq_rank(rare1) {
rare1 = b;
for &b in &pat {
if rare1 == rare2 {
rare2 = b
} else if b != rare1 && freq_rank(b) < freq_rank(rare2) {
rare2 = b;
// And find the offsets of their last occurrences.
let rare1i = pat.iter().rposition(|&b| b == rare1).unwrap();
let rare2i = pat.iter().rposition(|&b| b == rare2).unwrap();
let char_len = char_len_lossy(&pat);
SingleSearch {
pat: pat,
char_len: char_len,
rare1: rare1,
rare1i: rare1i,
rare2: rare2,
rare2i: rare2i,
fn empty() -> SingleSearch {
SingleSearch {
pat: vec![],
char_len: 0,
rare1: 0,
rare1i: 0,
rare2: 0,
rare2i: 0,
#[inline(always)] // reduces constant overhead
pub fn find(&self, haystack: &[u8]) -> Option<usize> {
let pat = &*self.pat;
if haystack.len() < pat.len() || pat.is_empty() {
return None;
let mut i = self.rare1i;
while i < haystack.len() {
i += match memchr(self.rare1, &haystack[i..]) {
None => return None,
Some(i) => i,
let start = i - self.rare1i;
let end = start + pat.len();
if end > haystack.len() {
return None;
let aligned = &haystack[start..end];
if aligned[self.rare2i] == self.rare2 && aligned == &*self.pat {
return Some(start);
i += 1;
#[inline(always)] // reduces constant overhead
pub fn is_suffix(&self, text: &[u8]) -> bool {
if text.len() < self.len() {
return false;
&text[text.len() - self.len()..] == &*self.pat
pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
pub fn char_len(&self) -> usize {
fn approximate_size(&self) -> usize {
self.pat.len() * mem::size_of::<u8>()
fn char_len_lossy(bytes: &[u8]) -> usize {