blob: b2aacbb46d45c5c8c6f5e890bc09099a5bf18e4f [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// This module is unused. It was written as an experiment to get a ballpark
// idea of what state machines look like when translated to Rust code, and
// in particular, an idea of how much code it generates. The implementation
// below isn't optimal with respect to size, but the result wasn't exactly
// small. At some point, we should pursue building this out beyond
// experimentation, and in particular, probably provide a command line tool
// and/or a macro. It's a fair bit of work, so I abandoned it for the initial
// release. ---AG
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::io::Write;
use dense::DFA;
use state_id::StateID;
macro_rules! wstr {
($($tt:tt)*) => { write!($($tt)*).unwrap() }
macro_rules! wstrln {
($($tt:tt)*) => { writeln!($($tt)*).unwrap() }
pub fn is_match_forward<S: StateID>(dfa: &DFA<S>) -> String {
let names = state_variant_names(dfa);
let mut buf = vec![];
wstrln!(buf, "pub fn is_match(input: &[u8]) -> bool {{");
if dfa.is_match_state(dfa.start()) {
wstrln!(buf, " return true;");
wstrln!(buf, "}}");
return String::from_utf8(buf).unwrap();
wstrln!(buf, "{}", state_enum_def(dfa, &names));
wstrln!(buf, " let mut state = {};", names[&dfa.start()]);
wstrln!(buf, " for &b in input.iter() {{");
wstrln!(buf, " state = match state {{");
for (id, s) in dfa.iter() {
if dfa.is_match_state(id) {
wstrln!(buf, " {} => {{", &names[&id]);
wstrln!(buf, " match b {{");
for (start, end, next_id) in s.sparse_transitions() {
if dfa.is_match_state(next_id) {
wstrln!(buf, " {:?}...{:?} => return true,", start, end);
} else {
if start == end {
wstrln!(buf, " {:?} => {},", start, &names[&next_id]);
} else {
wstrln!(buf, " {:?}...{:?} => {},", start, end, &names[&next_id]);
wstrln!(buf, " _ => S::S0,");
wstrln!(buf, " }}");
wstrln!(buf, " }}");
wstrln!(buf, " }};");
wstrln!(buf, " }}");
wstrln!(buf, " false");
wstrln!(buf, "}}");
fn state_enum_def<S: StateID>(
dfa: &DFA<S>,
variant_names: &HashMap<S, String>,
) -> String {
let mut buf = vec![];
wstrln!(buf, " #[derive(Clone, Copy)]");
wstr!(buf, " enum S {{");
let mut i = 0;
for (id, _) in dfa.iter() {
if dfa.is_match_state(id) {
if i % 10 == 0 {
wstr!(buf, "\n ");
let name = format!("S{}", id.to_usize());
wstr!(buf, " {},", name);
i += 1;
wstr!(buf, "\n");
wstrln!(buf, " }}");
fn state_variant_names<S: StateID>(dfa: &DFA<S>) -> HashMap<S, String> {
let mut variants = HashMap::new();
for (id, _) in dfa.iter() {
if dfa.is_match_state(id) {
variants.insert(id, format!("S::S{}", id.to_usize()));