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// Copyright 2014-2015 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
use std::cmp::{max, min};
use std::u8;
use unicode::regex::UNICODE_CLASSES;
use {
Expr, Repeater, CharClass, ClassRange,
CaptureIndex, CaptureName,
Error, ErrorKind, Result,
/// Parser state.
/// Keeps the entire input in memory and maintains a cursor (char offset).
/// It also keeps an expression stack, which is responsible for managing
/// grouped expressions and flag state.
pub struct Parser {
chars: Vec<char>,
chari: usize,
stack: Vec<Build>,
caps: usize,
names: Vec<String>, // to check for duplicates
flags: Flags,
/// Flag state used in the parser.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub struct Flags {
/// i
pub casei: bool,
/// m
pub multi: bool,
/// s
pub dotnl: bool,
/// U
pub swap_greed: bool,
/// x
pub ignore_space: bool,
/// u
pub unicode: bool,
/// Not actually a flag, but when disabled, every regex that may not match
/// UTF-8 exclusively will cause the parser to return an error.
pub allow_bytes: bool,
impl Default for Flags {
fn default() -> Self {
Flags {
casei: false,
multi: false,
dotnl: false,
swap_greed: false,
ignore_space: false,
unicode: true,
allow_bytes: false,
/// An ephemeral type for representing the expression stack.
/// Everything on the stack is either a regular expression or a marker
/// indicating the opening of a group (possibly non-capturing). The opening
/// of a group copies the current flag state, which is reset on the parser
/// state once the group closes.
enum Build {
LeftParen {
i: CaptureIndex,
name: CaptureName,
chari: usize,
old_flags: Flags,
// Primary expression parsing routines.
impl Parser {
pub fn parse(s: &str, flags: Flags) -> Result<Expr> {
Parser {
chars: s.chars().collect(),
chari: 0,
stack: vec![],
caps: 0,
names: vec![],
flags: flags,
// Top-level expression parser.
// Starts at the beginning of the input and consumes until either the end
// of input or an error.
fn parse_expr(mut self) -> Result<Expr> {
while !self.eof() {
let build_expr = match self.cur() {
'\\' => try!(self.parse_escape()),
'|' => { let e = try!(self.alternate()); self.bump(); e }
'?' => try!(self.parse_simple_repeat(Repeater::ZeroOrOne)),
'*' => try!(self.parse_simple_repeat(Repeater::ZeroOrMore)),
'+' => try!(self.parse_simple_repeat(Repeater::OneOrMore)),
'{' => try!(self.parse_counted_repeat()),
'[' => match self.maybe_parse_ascii() {
None => try!(self.parse_class()),
Some(cls) => Build::Expr(Expr::Class(cls)),
'^' => {
if self.flags.multi {
} else {
'$' => {
if self.flags.multi {
} else {
'.' => {
if self.flags.dotnl {
if self.flags.unicode {
} else {
if !self.flags.allow_bytes {
return Err(self.err(ErrorKind::InvalidUtf8));
} else {
if self.flags.unicode {
} else {
if !self.flags.allow_bytes {
return Err(self.err(ErrorKind::InvalidUtf8));
'(' => try!(self.parse_group()),
')' => {
let (old_flags, e) = try!(self.close_paren());
self.flags = old_flags;
_ => {
let c = self.bump();
if !build_expr.is_empty() {
// Parses an escape sequence, e.g., \Ax
// Start: `\`
// End: `x`
fn parse_escape(&mut self) -> Result<Build> {
if self.eof() {
return Err(self.err(ErrorKind::UnexpectedEscapeEof));
let c = self.cur();
if is_punct(c) {
let c = self.bump();
return Ok(try!(self.lit(c)));
match c {
'a' => { self.bump(); Ok(try!(self.lit('\x07'))) }
'f' => { self.bump(); Ok(try!(self.lit('\x0C'))) }
't' => { self.bump(); Ok(try!(self.lit('\t'))) }
'n' => { self.bump(); Ok(try!(self.lit('\n'))) }
'r' => { self.bump(); Ok(try!(self.lit('\r'))) }
'v' => { self.bump(); Ok(try!(self.lit('\x0B'))) }
'A' => { self.bump(); Ok(Build::Expr(Expr::StartText)) }
'z' => { self.bump(); Ok(Build::Expr(Expr::EndText)) }
'b' => {
Ok(Build::Expr(if self.flags.unicode {
} else {
'B' => {
Ok(Build::Expr(if self.flags.unicode {
} else {
'0'|'1'|'2'|'3'|'4'|'5'|'6'|'7' => self.parse_octal(),
'x' => { self.bump(); self.parse_hex() }
'p'|'P' => {
self.parse_unicode_class(c == 'P')
.map(|cls| Build::Expr(Expr::Class(cls)))
'd'|'s'|'w'|'D'|'S'|'W' => {
c => Err(self.err(ErrorKind::UnrecognizedEscape(c))),
// Parses a group, e.g., `(abc)`.
// Start: `(`
// End: `a`
// A more interesting example, `(?P<foo>abc)`.
// Start: `(`
// End: `a`
fn parse_group(&mut self) -> Result<Build> {
let chari = self.chari;
let mut name: CaptureName = None;
if self.bump_if("?P<") {
let n = try!(self.parse_group_name());
if self.names.iter().any(|n2| n2 == &n) {
return Err(self.err(ErrorKind::DuplicateCaptureName(n)));
name = Some(n);
} else if self.bump_if("?") {
// This can never be capturing. It's either setting flags for
// the current group, or it's opening a non-capturing group or
// it's opening a group with a specific set of flags (which is
// also non-capturing).
// Anything else is an error.
return self.parse_group_flags(chari);
self.caps = checkadd(self.caps, 1);
Ok(Build::LeftParen {
i: Some(self.caps),
name: name,
chari: chari,
old_flags: self.flags, // no flags changed if we're here
// Parses flags (inline or grouped), e.g., `(?s-i:abc)`.
// Start: `s`
// End: `a`
// Another example, `(?s-i)a`.
// Start: `s`
// End: `a`
fn parse_group_flags(&mut self, opening_chari: usize) -> Result<Build> {
let old_flags = self.flags;
let mut sign = true;
let mut saw_flag = false;
loop {
if self.eof() {
// e.g., (?i
return Err(self.err(ErrorKind::UnexpectedFlagEof));
match self.cur() {
'i' => { self.flags.casei = sign; saw_flag = true }
'm' => { self.flags.multi = sign; saw_flag = true }
's' => { self.flags.dotnl = sign; saw_flag = true }
'U' => { self.flags.swap_greed = sign; saw_flag = true }
'x' => { self.flags.ignore_space = sign; saw_flag = true }
'u' => { self.flags.unicode = sign; saw_flag = true }
'-' => {
if !sign {
// e.g., (?-i-s)
return Err(self.err(ErrorKind::DoubleFlagNegation));
sign = false;
saw_flag = false;
')' => {
if !saw_flag {
// e.g., (?)
return Err(self.err(ErrorKind::EmptyFlagNegation));
// At this point, we're just changing the flags inside
// the current group, which means the old flags have
// been saved elsewhere. Our modifications in place are
// okey dokey!
// This particular flag expression only has a stateful
// impact on a regex's AST, so nothing gets explicitly
// added.
return Ok(Build::Expr(Expr::Empty));
':' => {
if !sign && !saw_flag {
// e.g., (?i-:a)
// Note that if there's no negation, it's OK not
// to see flag, because you end up with a regular
// non-capturing group: `(?:a)`.
return Err(self.err(ErrorKind::EmptyFlagNegation));
return Ok(Build::LeftParen {
i: None,
name: None,
chari: opening_chari,
old_flags: old_flags,
// e.g., (?z:a)
c => return Err(self.err(ErrorKind::UnrecognizedFlag(c))),
// Parses a group name, e.g., `foo` in `(?P<foo>abc)`.
// Start: `f`
// End: `a`
fn parse_group_name(&mut self) -> Result<String> {
let mut name = String::new();
while !self.eof() && !self.peek_is('>') {
if self.eof() {
// e.g., (?P<a
return Err(self.err(ErrorKind::UnclosedCaptureName(name)));
let all_valid = name.chars().all(is_valid_capture_char);
match name.chars().next() {
// e.g., (?P<>a)
None => Err(self.err(ErrorKind::EmptyCaptureName)),
Some(c) if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || !all_valid => {
// e.g., (?P<a#>x)
// e.g., (?P<1a>x)
_ => {
self.bump(); // for `>`
// Parses a counted repeition operator, e.g., `a{2,4}?z`.
// Start: `{`
// End: `z`
fn parse_counted_repeat(&mut self) -> Result<Build> {
let e = try!(self.pop(ErrorKind::RepeaterExpectsExpr)); // e.g., ({5}
if !e.can_repeat() {
// e.g., a*{5}
return Err(self.err(ErrorKind::RepeaterUnexpectedExpr(e)));
let min = try!(self.parse_decimal(|c| c != ',' && c != '}'));
let mut max_opt = Some(min);
if self.bump_if(',') {
if self.peek_is('}') {
max_opt = None;
} else {
let max = try!(self.parse_decimal(|c| c != '}'));
if min > max {
// e.g., a{2,1}
return Err(self.err(ErrorKind::InvalidRepeatRange {
min: min,
max: max,
max_opt = Some(max);
if !self.bump_if('}') {
} else {
Ok(Build::Expr(Expr::Repeat {
e: Box::new(e),
r: Repeater::Range { min: min, max: max_opt },
greedy: !self.bump_if('?') ^ self.flags.swap_greed,
// Parses a simple repetition operator, e.g., `a+?z`.
// Start: `+`
// End: `z`
// N.B. "simple" in this context means "not min/max repetition",
// e.g., `a{1,2}`.
fn parse_simple_repeat(&mut self, rep: Repeater) -> Result<Build> {
let e = try!(self.pop(ErrorKind::RepeaterExpectsExpr)); // e.g., (*
if !e.can_repeat() {
// e.g., a**
return Err(self.err(ErrorKind::RepeaterUnexpectedExpr(e)));
Ok(Build::Expr(Expr::Repeat {
e: Box::new(e),
r: rep,
greedy: !self.bump_if('?') ^ self.flags.swap_greed,
// Parses a decimal number until the given character, e.g., `a{123,456}`.
// Start: `1`
// End: `,` (where `until == ','`)
fn parse_decimal<B: Bumpable>(&mut self, until: B) -> Result<u32> {
match self.bump_get(until) {
// e.g., a{}
None => Err(self.err(ErrorKind::MissingBase10)),
Some(n) => {
// e.g., a{xyz
// e.g., a{9999999999}
let n = n.trim();
u32::from_str_radix(n, 10)
.map_err(|_| self.err(ErrorKind::InvalidBase10(n.into())))
// Parses an octal number, up to 3 digits, e.g., `a\123b`
// Start: `1`
// End: `b`
fn parse_octal(&mut self) -> Result<Build> {
use std::char;
let mut i = 0; // counter for limiting octal to 3 digits.
let n = self.bump_get(|c| { i += 1; i <= 3 && c >= '0' && c <= '7' })
.expect("octal string"); // guaranteed at least 1 digit
// I think both of the following unwraps are impossible to fail.
// We limit it to a three digit octal number, which maxes out at
// `0777` or `511` in decimal. Since all digits are in `0...7`, we'll
// always have a valid `u32` number. Moreover, since all numbers in
// the range `0...511` are valid Unicode scalar values, it will always
// be a valid `char`.
// Hence, we `unwrap` with reckless abandon.
let n = u32::from_str_radix(&n, 8).ok().expect("valid octal number");
if !self.flags.unicode {
return Ok(try!(self.u32_to_one_byte(n)));
let c = char::from_u32(n).expect("Unicode scalar value");
// Parses a hex number, e.g., `a\x5ab`.
// Start: `5`
// End: `b`
// And also, `a\x{2603}b`.
// Start: `{`
// End: `b`
fn parse_hex(&mut self) -> Result<Build> {
if self.bump_if('{') {
} else {
// Parses a many-digit hex number, e.g., `a\x{2603}b`.
// Start: `2`
// End: `b`
fn parse_hex_many_digits(&mut self) -> Result<Build> {
use std::char;
let s = self.bump_get(|c| c != '}').unwrap_or("".into());
let n = try!(u32::from_str_radix(&s, 16)
.map_err(|_| self.err(ErrorKind::InvalidBase16(s))));
if !self.bump_if('}') {
// e.g., a\x{d
return Err(self.err(ErrorKind::UnclosedHex));
if !self.flags.unicode {
return Ok(try!(self.u32_to_one_byte(n)));
let c = try!(char::from_u32(n)
// Parses a two-digit hex number, e.g., `a\x5ab`.
// Start: `5`
// End: `b`
fn parse_hex_two_digits(&mut self) -> Result<Build> {
use std::char;
let mut i = 0;
let s = self.bump_get(|_| { i += 1; i <= 2 }).unwrap_or("".into());
if s.len() < 2 {
// e.g., a\x
// e.g., a\xf
return Err(self.err(ErrorKind::UnexpectedTwoDigitHexEof));
let n = try!(u32::from_str_radix(&s, 16)
.map_err(|_| self.err(ErrorKind::InvalidBase16(s))));
if !self.flags.unicode {
return Ok(try!(self.u32_to_one_byte(n)));
let c = char::from_u32(n).expect("Unicode scalar value");
// Parses a character class, e.g., `[^a-zA-Z0-9]+`.
// Start: `[`
// End: `+`
fn parse_class(&mut self) -> Result<Build> {
let negated = self.bump_if('^');
let mut class = CharClass::empty();
while self.bump_if('-') {
loop {
if self.eof() {
// e.g., [a
return Err(self.err(ErrorKind::UnexpectedClassEof));
match self.cur() {
// If no ranges have been added, then `]` is the first
// character (sans, perhaps, the `^` symbol), so it should
// be interpreted as a `]` instead of a closing class bracket.
']' if class.len() > 0 => { self.bump(); break }
'[' => match self.maybe_parse_ascii() {
Some(class2) => class.ranges.extend(class2),
None => {
try!(self.parse_class_range(&mut class, '['))
'\\' => match try!(self.parse_escape()) {
Build::Expr(Expr::Class(class2)) => {
Build::Expr(Expr::ClassBytes(class2)) => {
for byte_range in class2 {
let s = byte_range.start as char;
let e = byte_range.end as char;
class.ranges.push(ClassRange::new(s, e));
Build::Expr(Expr::Literal { chars, .. }) => {
try!(self.parse_class_range(&mut class, chars[0]));
Build::Expr(Expr::LiteralBytes { bytes, .. }) => {
let start = bytes[0] as char;
try!(self.parse_class_range(&mut class, start));
Build::Expr(e) => {
let err = ErrorKind::InvalidClassEscape(e);
return Err(self.err(err));
// Because `parse_escape` can never return `LeftParen`.
_ => unreachable!(),
start => {
if !self.flags.unicode {
let _ = try!(self.codepoint_to_one_byte(start));
try!(self.parse_class_range(&mut class, start));
class = self.class_transform(negated, class).canonicalize();
if class.is_empty() {
return Err(self.err(ErrorKind::EmptyClass));
Ok(Build::Expr(if self.flags.unicode {
} else {
// Parses a single range in a character class.
// Since this is a helper for `parse_class`, its signature sticks out.
// Namely, it requires the start character of the range and the char
// class to mutate.
// e.g., `[a-z]`
// Start: `-` (with start == `a`)
// End: `]`
fn parse_class_range(&mut self, class: &mut CharClass, start: char)
-> Result<()> {
if !self.bump_if('-') {
// Not a range, so just push a singleton range.
return Ok(());
if self.eof() {
// e.g., [a-
return Err(self.err(ErrorKind::UnexpectedClassEof));
if self.peek_is(']') {
// This is the end of the class, so we permit use of `-` as a
// regular char (just like we do in the beginning).
return Ok(());
// We have a real range. Just need to check to parse literal and
// make sure it's a valid range.
let end = match self.cur() {
'\\' => match try!(self.parse_escape()) {
Build::Expr(Expr::Literal { chars, .. }) => {
Build::Expr(Expr::LiteralBytes { bytes, .. }) => {
bytes[0] as char
Build::Expr(e) => {
return Err(self.err(ErrorKind::InvalidClassEscape(e)));
// Because `parse_escape` can never return `LeftParen`.
_ => unreachable!(),
_ => {
let c = self.bump();
if !self.flags.unicode {
let _ = try!(self.codepoint_to_one_byte(c));
if end < start {
// e.g., [z-a]
return Err(self.err(ErrorKind::InvalidClassRange {
start: start,
end: end,
class.ranges.push(ClassRange::new(start, end));
// Parses an ASCII class, e.g., `[:alnum:]+`.
// Start: `[`
// End: `+`
// Also supports negation, e.g., `[:^alnum:]`.
// This parsing routine is distinct from the others in that it doesn't
// actually report any errors. Namely, if it fails, then the parser should
// fall back to parsing a regular class.
// This method will only make progress in the parser if it succeeds.
// Otherwise, the input remains where it started.
fn maybe_parse_ascii(&mut self) -> Option<CharClass> {
fn parse(p: &mut Parser) -> Option<CharClass> {
p.bump(); // the `[`
if !p.bump_if(':') { return None; }
let negate = p.bump_if('^');
let name = match p.bump_get(|c| c != ':') {
None => return None,
Some(name) => name,
if !p.bump_if(":]") { return None; }
ascii_class(&name).map(|cls| p.class_transform(negate, cls))
let start = self.chari;
match parse(self) {
None => { self.chari = start; None }
result => result,
// Parses a Uncode class name, e.g., `a\pLb`.
// Start: `L`
// End: `b`
// And also, `a\p{Greek}b`.
// Start: `{`
// End: `b`
// `negate` is true when the class name is used with `\P`.
fn parse_unicode_class(&mut self, neg: bool) -> Result<CharClass> {
let name =
if self.bump_if('{') {
let n = self.bump_get(|c| c != '}').unwrap_or("".into());
if n.is_empty() || !self.bump_if('}') {
// e.g., \p{Greek
return Err(self.err(ErrorKind::UnclosedUnicodeName));
} else {
if self.eof() {
// e.g., \p
return Err(self.err(ErrorKind::UnexpectedEscapeEof));
match unicode_class(&name) {
None => Err(self.err(ErrorKind::UnrecognizedUnicodeClass(name))),
Some(cls) => {
if self.flags.unicode {
Ok(self.class_transform(neg, cls))
} else {
// Parses a perl character class with Unicode support.
// `name` must be one of d, s, w, D, S, W. If not, this function panics.
// No parser state is changed.
fn parse_perl_class(&mut self, name: char) -> CharClass {
use unicode::regex::{PERLD, PERLS, PERLW};
let (cls, negate) = match (self.flags.unicode, name) {
(true, 'd') => (raw_class_to_expr(PERLD), false),
(true, 'D') => (raw_class_to_expr(PERLD), true),
(true, 's') => (raw_class_to_expr(PERLS), false),
(true, 'S') => (raw_class_to_expr(PERLS), true),
(true, 'w') => (raw_class_to_expr(PERLW), false),
(true, 'W') => (raw_class_to_expr(PERLW), true),
(false, 'd') => (ascii_class("digit").unwrap(), false),
(false, 'D') => (ascii_class("digit").unwrap(), true),
(false, 's') => (ascii_class("space").unwrap(), false),
(false, 'S') => (ascii_class("space").unwrap(), true),
(false, 'w') => (ascii_class("word").unwrap(), false),
(false, 'W') => (ascii_class("word").unwrap(), true),
_ => unreachable!(),
self.class_transform(negate, cls)
// Always bump to the next input and return the given expression as a
// `Build`.
// This is mostly for convenience when the surrounding context implies
// that the next character corresponds to the given expression.
fn parse_one(&mut self, e: Expr) -> Build {
// Auxiliary helper methods.
impl Parser {
fn chars(&self) -> Chars {
Chars::new(&self.chars[self.chari..], self.flags.ignore_space)
fn bump(&mut self) -> char {
let c = self.cur();
self.chari = checkadd(self.chari, self.chars().next_count());
fn cur(&self) -> char { self.chars().next().unwrap() }
fn eof(&self) -> bool { self.chars().next().is_none() }
fn bump_get<B: Bumpable>(&mut self, s: B) -> Option<String> {
let n = s.match_end(self);
if n == 0 {
} else {
let end = checkadd(self.chari, n);
let s = self.chars[self.chari..end]
self.chari = end;
fn bump_if<B: Bumpable>(&mut self, s: B) -> bool {
let n = s.match_end(self);
if n == 0 {
} else {
self.chari = checkadd(self.chari, n);
fn peek_is<B: Bumpable>(&self, s: B) -> bool {
s.match_end(self) > 0
fn err(&self, kind: ErrorKind) -> Error {
self.errat(self.chari, kind)
fn errat(&self, pos: usize, kind: ErrorKind) -> Error {
Error { pos: pos, surround: self.windowat(pos), kind: kind }
fn windowat(&self, pos: usize) -> String {
let s = max(5, pos) - 5;
let e = min(self.chars.len(), checkadd(pos, 5));
fn pop(&mut self, expected: ErrorKind) -> Result<Expr> {
match self.stack.pop() {
None | Some(Build::LeftParen{..}) => Err(self.err(expected)),
Some(Build::Expr(e)) => Ok(e),
// If the current context calls for case insensitivity, then apply
// case folding. Similarly, if `negate` is `true`, then negate the
// class. (Negation always proceeds case folding.)
fn class_transform(&self, negate: bool, mut cls: CharClass) -> CharClass {
if self.flags.casei {
cls = cls.case_fold();
if negate {
cls = cls.negate();
// Translates a Unicode codepoint into a single UTF-8 byte, and returns an
// error if it's not possible.
// This will panic if self.flags.unicode == true.
fn codepoint_to_one_byte(&self, c: char) -> Result<u8> {
let bytes = c.to_string().as_bytes().to_owned();
if bytes.len() > 1 {
return Err(self.err(ErrorKind::UnicodeNotAllowed));
// Creates a new byte literal from a single byte.
// If the given number can't fit into a single byte, then it is assumed
// to be a Unicode codepoint and an error is returned.
// This should only be called when the bytes flag is enabled.
fn u32_to_one_byte(&self, b: u32) -> Result<Build> {
if b > u8::MAX as u32 {
} else if !self.flags.allow_bytes && b > 0x7F {
} else {
Ok(Build::Expr(Expr::LiteralBytes {
bytes: vec![b as u8],
casei: self.flags.casei,
// Creates a new literal expr from a Unicode codepoint.
// Creates a byte literal if the `bytes` flag is set.
fn lit(&self, c: char) -> Result<Build> {
Ok(Build::Expr(if self.flags.unicode {
Expr::Literal {
chars: vec![c],
casei: self.flags.casei,
} else {
Expr::LiteralBytes {
bytes: vec![try!(self.codepoint_to_one_byte(c))],
casei: self.flags.casei,
struct Chars<'a> {
chars: &'a [char],
cur: usize,
ignore_space: bool,
impl<'a> Iterator for Chars<'a> {
type Item = char;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<char> {
if !self.ignore_space {
let x = self.c();
return x;
while let Some(c) = self.c() {
match c {
'\\' => return match self.c() {
Some('#') => {self.advance(); Some('#')}
_ => Some('\\')
'#' => loop {
match self.c() {
Some(c) => {
if c == '\n' {
None => return None
_ => if !c.is_whitespace() {return Some(c);}
impl<'a> Chars<'a> {
fn new(chars: &[char], ignore_space: bool) -> Chars {
Chars {
chars: chars,
cur: 0,
ignore_space: ignore_space,
fn c(&self) -> Option<char> {
self.chars.get(self.cur).map(|&c| c)
fn advance(&mut self) {
self.cur = checkadd(self.cur, 1);
fn next_count(&mut self) -> usize {;
// Auxiliary methods for manipulating the expression stack.
impl Parser {
// Called whenever an alternate (`|`) is found.
// This pops the expression stack until:
// 1. The stack is empty. Pushes an alternation with one arm.
// 2. An opening parenthesis is found. Leave the parenthesis
// on the stack and push an alternation with one arm.
// 3. An alternate (`|`) is found. Pop the existing alternation,
// add an arm and push the modified alternation.
// Each "arm" in the above corresponds to the concatenation of all
// popped expressions.
// In the first two cases, the stack is left in an invalid state
// because an alternation with one arm is not allowed. This
// particular state will be detected by `finish_concat` and an
// error will be reported.
// In none of the cases is an empty arm allowed. If an empty arm
// is found, an error is reported.
fn alternate(&mut self) -> Result<Build> {
let mut concat = vec![];
let alts = |es| Ok(Build::Expr(Expr::Alternate(es)));
loop {
match self.stack.pop() {
None => {
if concat.is_empty() {
// e.g., |a
return Err(self.err(ErrorKind::EmptyAlternate));
return alts(vec![rev_concat(concat)]);
Some(e @ Build::LeftParen{..}) => {
if concat.is_empty() {
// e.g., (|a)
return Err(self.err(ErrorKind::EmptyAlternate));
return alts(vec![rev_concat(concat)]);
Some(Build::Expr(Expr::Alternate(mut es))) => {
if concat.is_empty() {
// e.g., a||
return Err(self.err(ErrorKind::EmptyAlternate));
return alts(es);
Some(Build::Expr(e)) => { concat.push(e); }
// Called whenever a closing parenthesis (`)`) is found.
// This pops the expression stack until:
// 1. The stack is empty. An error is reported because this
// indicates an unopened parenthesis.
// 2. An opening parenthesis is found. Pop the opening parenthesis
// and push a `Group` expression.
// 3. An alternate (`|`) is found. Pop the existing alternation
// and an arm to it in place. Pop one more item from the stack.
// If the stack was empty, then report an unopened parenthesis
// error, otherwise assume it is an opening parenthesis and
// push a `Group` expression with the popped alternation.
// (We can assume this is an opening parenthesis because an
// alternation either corresponds to the entire Regex or it
// corresponds to an entire group. This is guaranteed by the
// `alternate` method.)
// Each "arm" in the above corresponds to the concatenation of all
// popped expressions.
// Empty arms nor empty groups are allowed.
fn close_paren(&mut self) -> Result<(Flags, Build)> {
let mut concat = vec![];
loop {
match self.stack.pop() {
// e.g., )
None => return Err(self.err(ErrorKind::UnopenedParen)),
Some(Build::LeftParen { i, name, old_flags, .. }) => {
if concat.is_empty() {
// e.g., ()
return Err(self.err(ErrorKind::EmptyGroup));
return Ok((old_flags, Build::Expr(Expr::Group {
e: Box::new(rev_concat(concat)),
i: i,
name: name,
Some(Build::Expr(Expr::Alternate(mut es))) => {
if concat.is_empty() {
// e.g., (a|)
return Err(self.err(ErrorKind::EmptyAlternate));
match self.stack.pop() {
// e.g., a|b)
None => return Err(self.err(ErrorKind::UnopenedParen)),
Some(Build::Expr(_)) => unreachable!(),
Some(Build::LeftParen { i, name, old_flags, .. }) => {
return Ok((old_flags, Build::Expr(Expr::Group {
e: Box::new(Expr::Alternate(es)),
i: i,
name: name,
Some(Build::Expr(e)) => { concat.push(e); }
// Called only when the parser reaches the end of input.
// This pops the expression stack until:
// 1. The stack is empty. Return concatenation of popped
// expressions. This concatenation may be empty!
// 2. An alternation is found. Pop the alternation and push
// a new arm. Return the alternation as the entire Regex.
// After this, the stack must be empty, or else there is
// an unclosed paren.
// If an opening parenthesis is popped, then an error is
// returned since it indicates an unclosed parenthesis.
fn finish_concat(&mut self) -> Result<Expr> {
let mut concat = vec![];
loop {
match self.stack.pop() {
None => { return Ok(rev_concat(concat)); }
Some(Build::LeftParen{ chari, ..}) => {
// e.g., a(b
return Err(self.errat(chari, ErrorKind::UnclosedParen));
Some(Build::Expr(Expr::Alternate(mut es))) => {
if concat.is_empty() {
// e.g., a|
return Err(self.err(ErrorKind::EmptyAlternate));
// Make sure there are no opening parens remaining.
match self.stack.pop() {
None => return Ok(Expr::Alternate(es)),
Some(Build::LeftParen{ chari, ..}) => {
// e.g., (a|b
return Err(self.errat(
chari, ErrorKind::UnclosedParen));
e => unreachable!("{:?}", e),
Some(Build::Expr(e)) => { concat.push(e); }
impl Build {
fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
match *self {
Build::Expr(Expr::Empty) => true,
_ => false,
// Make it ergonomic to conditionally bump the parser.
// i.e., `bump_if('a')` or `bump_if("abc")`.
trait Bumpable {
fn match_end(self, p: &Parser) -> usize;
impl Bumpable for char {
fn match_end(self, p: &Parser) -> usize {
let mut chars = p.chars();
if|c| c == self).unwrap_or(false) {
} else {
impl<'a> Bumpable for &'a str {
fn match_end(self, p: &Parser) -> usize {
let mut search = self.chars();
let mut rest = p.chars();
let mut count = 0;
loop {
match (, {
(Some(c1), Some(c2)) if c1 == c2 => count = rest.cur,
(_, None) => return count,
_ => return 0,
impl<F: FnMut(char) -> bool> Bumpable for F {
fn match_end(mut self, p: &Parser) -> usize {
let mut chars = p.chars();
let mut count = 0;
while let Some(c) = {
if !self(c) {
count = chars.cur;
// Turn a sequence of expressions into a concatenation.
// This only uses `Concat` if there are 2 or more expressions.
fn rev_concat(mut exprs: Vec<Expr>) -> Expr {
if exprs.len() == 0 {
} else if exprs.len() == 1 {
} else {
// Returns true if and only if the given character is allowed in a capture
// name. Note that the first char of a capture name must not be numeric.
fn is_valid_capture_char(c: char) -> bool {
c == '_' || (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
|| (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
/// Returns true if the give character has significance in a regex.
pub fn is_punct(c: char) -> bool {
match c {
'\\' | '.' | '+' | '*' | '?' | '(' | ')' | '|' |
'[' | ']' | '{' | '}' | '^' | '$' | '#' => true,
_ => false,
fn checkadd(x: usize, y: usize) -> usize {
x.checked_add(y).expect("regex length overflow")
fn unicode_class(name: &str) -> Option<CharClass> {
UNICODE_CLASSES.binary_search_by(|&(s, _)| s.cmp(name)).ok().map(|i| {
fn ascii_class(name: &str) -> Option<CharClass> {
ASCII_CLASSES.binary_search_by(|&(s, _)| s.cmp(name)).ok().map(|i| {
fn raw_class_to_expr(raw: &[(char, char)]) -> CharClass {
let range = |&(s, e)| ClassRange { start: s, end: e };
type Class = &'static [(char, char)];
type NamedClasses = &'static [(&'static str, Class)];
const ASCII_CLASSES: NamedClasses = &[
// Classes must be in alphabetical order so that bsearch works.
// [:alnum:] alphanumeric (== [0-9A-Za-z])
// [:alpha:] alphabetic (== [A-Za-z])
// [:ascii:] ASCII (== [\x00-\x7F])
// [:blank:] blank (== [\t ])
// [:cntrl:] control (== [\x00-\x1F\x7F])
// [:digit:] digits (== [0-9])
// [:graph:] graphical (== [!-~])
// [:lower:] lower case (== [a-z])
// [:print:] printable (== [ -~] == [ [:graph:]])
// [:punct:] punctuation (== [!-/:-@[-`{-~])
// [:space:] whitespace (== [\t\n\v\f\r ])
// [:upper:] upper case (== [A-Z])
// [:word:] word characters (== [0-9A-Za-z_])
// [:xdigit:] hex digit (== [0-9A-Fa-f])
// Taken from:
("alnum", &ALNUM),
("alpha", &ALPHA),
("ascii", &ASCII),
("blank", &BLANK),
("cntrl", &CNTRL),
("digit", &DIGIT),
("graph", &GRAPH),
("lower", &LOWER),
("print", &PRINT),
("punct", &PUNCT),
("space", &SPACE),
("upper", &UPPER),
("word", &WORD),
("xdigit", &XDIGIT),
const ALNUM: Class = &[('0', '9'), ('A', 'Z'), ('a', 'z')];
const ALPHA: Class = &[('A', 'Z'), ('a', 'z')];
const ASCII: Class = &[('\x00', '\x7F')];
const BLANK: Class = &[(' ', ' '), ('\t', '\t')];
const CNTRL: Class = &[('\x00', '\x1F'), ('\x7F', '\x7F')];
const DIGIT: Class = &[('0', '9')];
const GRAPH: Class = &[('!', '~')];
const LOWER: Class = &[('a', 'z')];
const PRINT: Class = &[(' ', '~')];
const PUNCT: Class = &[('!', '/'), (':', '@'), ('[', '`'), ('{', '~')];
const SPACE: Class = &[('\t', '\t'), ('\n', '\n'), ('\x0B', '\x0B'),
('\x0C', '\x0C'), ('\r', '\r'), (' ', ' ')];
const UPPER: Class = &[('A', 'Z')];
const WORD: Class = &[('0', '9'), ('A', 'Z'), ('_', '_'), ('a', 'z')];
const XDIGIT: Class = &[('0', '9'), ('A', 'F'), ('a', 'f')];
mod tests {
use {
CharClass, ClassRange, ByteClass, ByteRange,
Expr, Repeater,
use unicode::regex::{PERLD, PERLS, PERLW};
use super::{LOWER, UPPER, WORD, Flags, Parser, ascii_class};
static YI: &'static [(char, char)] = &[
('\u{a000}', '\u{a48c}'), ('\u{a490}', '\u{a4c6}'),
fn p(s: &str) -> Expr { Parser::parse(s, Flags::default()).unwrap() }
fn pf(s: &str, flags: Flags) -> Expr { Parser::parse(s, flags).unwrap() }
fn lit(c: char) -> Expr { Expr::Literal { chars: vec![c], casei: false } }
fn liti(c: char) -> Expr { Expr::Literal { chars: vec![c], casei: true } }
fn b<T>(v: T) -> Box<T> { Box::new(v) }
fn c(es: &[Expr]) -> Expr { Expr::Concat(es.to_vec()) }
fn pb(s: &str) -> Expr {
let flags = Flags { allow_bytes: true, .. Flags::default() };
Parser::parse(s, flags).unwrap()
fn blit(b: u8) -> Expr {
Expr::LiteralBytes {
bytes: vec![b],
casei: false,
fn bliti(b: u8) -> Expr {
Expr::LiteralBytes {
bytes: vec![b],
casei: true,
fn class(ranges: &[(char, char)]) -> CharClass {
let ranges = ranges.iter().cloned()
.map(|(c1, c2)| ClassRange::new(c1, c2)).collect();
fn classes(classes: &[&[(char, char)]]) -> CharClass {
let mut cls = CharClass::empty();
for &ranges in classes {
fn bclass(ranges: &[(u8, u8)]) -> ByteClass {
let ranges = ranges.iter().cloned()
.map(|(c1, c2)| ByteRange::new(c1, c2)).collect();
fn asciid() -> CharClass {
fn asciis() -> CharClass {
fn asciiw() -> CharClass {
fn asciid_bytes() -> ByteClass {
fn asciis_bytes() -> ByteClass {
fn asciiw_bytes() -> ByteClass {
fn empty() {
assert_eq!(p(""), Expr::Empty);
fn literal() {
assert_eq!(p("a"), lit('a'));
assert_eq!(pb("(?-u)a"), blit(b'a'));
fn literal_string() {
assert_eq!(p("ab"), Expr::Concat(vec![lit('a'), lit('b')]));
assert_eq!(pb("(?-u)ab"), Expr::Concat(vec![blit(b'a'), blit(b'b')]));
fn start_literal() {
assert_eq!(p("^a"), Expr::Concat(vec![
Expr::Literal { chars: vec!['a'], casei: false },
fn repeat_zero_or_one_greedy() {
assert_eq!(p("a?"), Expr::Repeat {
e: b(lit('a')),
r: Repeater::ZeroOrOne,
greedy: true,
fn repeat_zero_or_one_greedy_concat() {
assert_eq!(p("ab?"), Expr::Concat(vec![
Expr::Repeat {
e: b(lit('b')),
r: Repeater::ZeroOrOne,
greedy: true,
fn repeat_zero_or_one_nongreedy() {
assert_eq!(p("a??"), Expr::Repeat {
e: b(lit('a')),
r: Repeater::ZeroOrOne,
greedy: false,
fn repeat_one_or_more_greedy() {
assert_eq!(p("a+"), Expr::Repeat {
e: b(lit('a')),
r: Repeater::OneOrMore,
greedy: true,
fn repeat_one_or_more_nongreedy() {
assert_eq!(p("a+?"), Expr::Repeat {
e: b(lit('a')),
r: Repeater::OneOrMore,
greedy: false,
fn repeat_zero_or_more_greedy() {
assert_eq!(p("a*"), Expr::Repeat {
e: b(lit('a')),
r: Repeater::ZeroOrMore,
greedy: true,
fn repeat_zero_or_more_nongreedy() {
assert_eq!(p("a*?"), Expr::Repeat {
e: b(lit('a')),
r: Repeater::ZeroOrMore,
greedy: false,
fn repeat_counted_exact() {
assert_eq!(p("a{5}"), Expr::Repeat {
e: b(lit('a')),
r: Repeater::Range { min: 5, max: Some(5) },
greedy: true,
fn repeat_counted_min() {
assert_eq!(p("a{5,}"), Expr::Repeat {
e: b(lit('a')),
r: Repeater::Range { min: 5, max: None },
greedy: true,
fn repeat_counted_min_max() {
assert_eq!(p("a{5,10}"), Expr::Repeat {
e: b(lit('a')),
r: Repeater::Range { min: 5, max: Some(10) },
greedy: true,
fn repeat_counted_exact_nongreedy() {
assert_eq!(p("a{5}?"), Expr::Repeat {
e: b(lit('a')),
r: Repeater::Range { min: 5, max: Some(5) },
greedy: false,
fn repeat_counted_min_nongreedy() {
assert_eq!(p("a{5,}?"), Expr::Repeat {
e: b(lit('a')),
r: Repeater::Range { min: 5, max: None },
greedy: false,
fn repeat_counted_min_max_nongreedy() {
assert_eq!(p("a{5,10}?"), Expr::Repeat {
e: b(lit('a')),
r: Repeater::Range { min: 5, max: Some(10) },
greedy: false,
fn repeat_counted_whitespace() {
assert_eq!(p("a{ 5 }"), Expr::Repeat {
e: b(lit('a')),
r: Repeater::Range { min: 5, max: Some(5) },
greedy: true,
assert_eq!(p("a{ 5 , 10 }"), Expr::Repeat {
e: b(lit('a')),
r: Repeater::Range { min: 5, max: Some(10) },
greedy: true,
fn group_literal() {
assert_eq!(p("(a)"), Expr::Group {
e: b(lit('a')),
i: Some(1),
name: None,
fn group_literal_concat() {
assert_eq!(p("(ab)"), Expr::Group {
e: b(c(&[lit('a'), lit('b')])),
i: Some(1),
name: None,
fn alt_two() {
assert_eq!(p("a|b"), Expr::Alternate(vec![lit('a'), lit('b')]));
fn alt_many() {
assert_eq!(p("a|b|c"), Expr::Alternate(vec![
lit('a'), lit('b'), lit('c'),
fn alt_many_concat() {
assert_eq!(p("ab|bc|cd"), Expr::Alternate(vec![
c(&[lit('a'), lit('b')]),
c(&[lit('b'), lit('c')]),
c(&[lit('c'), lit('d')]),
fn alt_group_two() {
assert_eq!(p("(a|b)"), Expr::Group {
e: b(Expr::Alternate(vec![lit('a'), lit('b')])),
i: Some(1),
name: None,
fn alt_group_many() {
assert_eq!(p("(a|b|c)"), Expr::Group {
e: b(Expr::Alternate(vec![lit('a'), lit('b'), lit('c')])),
i: Some(1),
name: None,
fn alt_group_many_concat() {
assert_eq!(p("(ab|bc|cd)"), Expr::Group {
e: b(Expr::Alternate(vec![
c(&[lit('a'), lit('b')]),
c(&[lit('b'), lit('c')]),
c(&[lit('c'), lit('d')]),
i: Some(1),
name: None,
fn alt_group_nested() {
assert_eq!(p("(ab|(bc|(cd)))"), Expr::Group {
e: b(Expr::Alternate(vec![
c(&[lit('a'), lit('b')]),
Expr::Group {
e: b(Expr::Alternate(vec![
c(&[lit('b'), lit('c')]),
Expr::Group {
e: b(c(&[lit('c'), lit('d')])),
i: Some(3),
name: None,
i: Some(2),
name: None,
i: Some(1),
name: None,
fn group_name() {
assert_eq!(p("(?P<foo>a)"), Expr::Group {
e: b(lit('a')),
i: Some(1),
name: Some("foo".into()),
fn group_no_capture() {
assert_eq!(p("(?:a)"), Expr::Group {
e: b(lit('a')),
i: None,
name: None,
fn group_flags() {
assert_eq!(p("(?i:a)"), Expr::Group {
e: b(liti('a')),
i: None,
name: None,
assert_eq!(pb("(?i-u:a)"), Expr::Group {
e: b(bliti(b'a')),
i: None,
name: None,
fn group_flags_returned() {
assert_eq!(p("(?i:a)a"), c(&[
Expr::Group {
e: b(liti('a')),
i: None,
name: None,
assert_eq!(pb("(?i-u:a)a"), c(&[
Expr::Group {
e: b(bliti(b'a')),
i: None,
name: None,
fn group_flags_retained() {
assert_eq!(p("(?i)(?-i:a)a"), c(&[
Expr::Group {
e: b(lit('a')),
i: None,
name: None,
assert_eq!(pb("(?i-u)(?u-i:a)a"), c(&[
Expr::Group {
e: b(lit('a')),
i: None,
name: None,
fn flags_inline() {
assert_eq!(p("(?i)a"), liti('a'));
fn flags_inline_multiple() {
assert_eq!(p("(?is)a."), c(&[liti('a'), Expr::AnyChar]));
fn flags_inline_multiline() {
assert_eq!(p("(?m)^(?-m)$"), c(&[Expr::StartLine, Expr::EndText]));
fn flags_inline_swap_greed() {
assert_eq!(p("(?U)a*a*?(?i-U)a*a*?"), c(&[
Expr::Repeat {
e: b(lit('a')),
r: Repeater::ZeroOrMore,
greedy: false,
Expr::Repeat {
e: b(lit('a')),
r: Repeater::ZeroOrMore,
greedy: true,
Expr::Repeat {
e: b(liti('a')),
r: Repeater::ZeroOrMore,
greedy: true,
Expr::Repeat {
e: b(liti('a')),
r: Repeater::ZeroOrMore,
greedy: false,
fn flags_inline_multiple_negate_one() {
assert_eq!(p("(?is)a.(?i-s)a."), c(&[
liti('a'), Expr::AnyChar, liti('a'), Expr::AnyCharNoNL,
fn any_byte() {
pb("(?-u).(?u)."), c(&[Expr::AnyByteNoNL, Expr::AnyCharNoNL]));
pb("(?s)(?-u).(?u)."), c(&[Expr::AnyByte, Expr::AnyChar]));
fn flags_inline_negate() {
assert_eq!(p("(?i)a(?-i)a"), c(&[liti('a'), lit('a')]));
fn flags_group_inline() {
assert_eq!(p("(a(?i)a)a"), c(&[
Expr::Group {
e: b(c(&[lit('a'), liti('a')])),
i: Some(1),
name: None,
fn flags_group_inline_retain() {
assert_eq!(p("(?i)((?-i)a)a"), c(&[
Expr::Group {
e: b(lit('a')),
i: Some(1),
name: None,
fn flags_default_casei() {
let flags = Flags { casei: true, .. Flags::default() };
assert_eq!(pf("a", flags), liti('a'));
fn flags_default_multi() {
let flags = Flags { multi: true, .. Flags::default() };
assert_eq!(pf("^", flags), Expr::StartLine);
fn flags_default_dotnl() {
let flags = Flags { dotnl: true, .. Flags::default() };
assert_eq!(pf(".", flags), Expr::AnyChar);
fn flags_default_swap_greed() {
let flags = Flags { swap_greed: true, .. Flags::default() };
assert_eq!(pf("a+", flags), Expr::Repeat {
e: b(lit('a')),
r: Repeater::OneOrMore,
greedy: false,
fn flags_default_ignore_space() {
let flags = Flags { ignore_space: true, .. Flags::default() };
assert_eq!(pf(" a ", flags), lit('a'));
fn escape_simple() {
assert_eq!(p(r"\a\f\t\n\r\v"), c(&[
lit('\x07'), lit('\x0C'), lit('\t'),
lit('\n'), lit('\r'), lit('\x0B'),
fn escape_boundaries() {
assert_eq!(p(r"\A\z\b\B"), c(&[
Expr::StartText, Expr::EndText,
Expr::WordBoundary, Expr::NotWordBoundary,
assert_eq!(pb(r"(?-u)\b\B"), c(&[
Expr::WordBoundaryAscii, Expr::NotWordBoundaryAscii,
fn escape_punctuation() {
assert_eq!(p(r"\\\.\+\*\?\(\)\|\[\]\{\}\^\$\#"), c(&[
lit('\\'), lit('.'), lit('+'), lit('*'), lit('?'),
lit('('), lit(')'), lit('|'), lit('['), lit(']'),
lit('{'), lit('}'), lit('^'), lit('$'), lit('#'),
fn escape_octal() {
assert_eq!(p(r"\123"), lit('S'));
assert_eq!(p(r"\1234"), c(&[lit('S'), lit('4')]));
assert_eq!(pb(r"(?-u)\377"), blit(0xFF));
fn escape_hex2() {
assert_eq!(p(r"\x53"), lit('S'));
assert_eq!(p(r"\x534"), c(&[lit('S'), lit('4')]));
assert_eq!(pb(r"(?-u)\xff"), blit(0xFF));
assert_eq!(pb(r"(?-u)\x00"), blit(0x0));
Expr::ClassBytes(bclass(&[(b'\x00', b'\x00')])));
Expr::ClassBytes(bclass(&[(b'\x01', b'\xFF')])));
fn escape_hex() {
assert_eq!(p(r"\x{53}"), lit('S'));
assert_eq!(p(r"\x{53}4"), c(&[lit('S'), lit('4')]));
assert_eq!(p(r"\x{2603}"), lit('\u{2603}'));
assert_eq!(pb(r"(?-u)\x{00FF}"), blit(0xFF));
fn escape_unicode_name() {
assert_eq!(p(r"\p{Yi}"), Expr::Class(class(YI)));
fn escape_unicode_letter() {
assert_eq!(p(r"\pZ"), Expr::Class(class(&[
('\u{20}', '\u{20}'), ('\u{a0}', '\u{a0}'),
('\u{1680}', '\u{1680}'), ('\u{2000}', '\u{200a}'),
('\u{2028}', '\u{2029}'), ('\u{202f}', '\u{202f}'),
('\u{205f}', '\u{205f}'), ('\u{3000}', '\u{3000}'),
fn escape_unicode_name_case_fold() {
assert_eq!(p(r"(?i)\p{Yi}"), Expr::Class(class(YI).case_fold()));
fn escape_unicode_letter_case_fold() {
assert_eq!(p(r"(?i)\pZ"), Expr::Class(class(&[
('\u{20}', '\u{20}'), ('\u{a0}', '\u{a0}'),
('\u{1680}', '\u{1680}'), ('\u{2000}', '\u{200a}'),
('\u{2028}', '\u{2029}'), ('\u{202f}', '\u{202f}'),
('\u{205f}', '\u{205f}'), ('\u{3000}', '\u{3000}'),
fn escape_unicode_name_negate() {
assert_eq!(p(r"\P{Yi}"), Expr::Class(class(YI).negate()));
fn escape_unicode_letter_negate() {
assert_eq!(p(r"\PZ"), Expr::Class(class(&[
('\u{20}', '\u{20}'), ('\u{a0}', '\u{a0}'),
('\u{1680}', '\u{1680}'), ('\u{2000}', '\u{200a}'),
('\u{2028}', '\u{2029}'), ('\u{202f}', '\u{202f}'),
('\u{205f}', '\u{205f}'), ('\u{3000}', '\u{3000}'),
fn escape_unicode_name_negate_case_fold() {
fn escape_unicode_letter_negate_case_fold() {
assert_eq!(p(r"(?i)\PZ"), Expr::Class(class(&[
('\u{20}', '\u{20}'), ('\u{a0}', '\u{a0}'),
('\u{1680}', '\u{1680}'), ('\u{2000}', '\u{200a}'),
('\u{2028}', '\u{2029}'), ('\u{202f}', '\u{202f}'),
('\u{205f}', '\u{205f}'), ('\u{3000}', '\u{3000}'),
fn escape_perl_d() {
assert_eq!(p(r"\d"), Expr::Class(class(PERLD)));
assert_eq!(pb(r"(?-u)\d"), Expr::Class(asciid()));
fn escape_perl_s() {
assert_eq!(p(r"\s"), Expr::Class(class(PERLS)));
assert_eq!(pb(r"(?-u)\s"), Expr::Class(asciis()));
fn escape_perl_w() {
assert_eq!(p(r"\w"), Expr::Class(class(PERLW)));
assert_eq!(pb(r"(?-u)\w"), Expr::Class(asciiw()));
fn escape_perl_d_negate() {
assert_eq!(p(r"\D"), Expr::Class(class(PERLD).negate()));
assert_eq!(pb(r"(?-u)\D"), Expr::Class(asciid().negate()));
fn escape_perl_s_negate() {
assert_eq!(p(r"\S"), Expr::Class(class(PERLS).negate()));
assert_eq!(pb(r"(?-u)\S"), Expr::Class(asciis().negate()));
fn escape_perl_w_negate() {
assert_eq!(p(r"\W"), Expr::Class(class(PERLW).negate()));
assert_eq!(pb(r"(?-u)\W"), Expr::Class(asciiw().negate()));
fn escape_perl_d_case_fold() {
assert_eq!(p(r"(?i)\d"), Expr::Class(class(PERLD).case_fold()));
assert_eq!(pb(r"(?i-u)\d"), Expr::Class(asciid().case_fold()));
fn escape_perl_s_case_fold() {
assert_eq!(p(r"(?i)\s"), Expr::Class(class(PERLS).case_fold()));
assert_eq!(pb(r"(?i-u)\s"), Expr::Class(asciis().case_fold()));
fn escape_perl_w_case_fold() {
assert_eq!(p(r"(?i)\w"), Expr::Class(class(PERLW).case_fold()));
assert_eq!(pb(r"(?i-u)\w"), Expr::Class(asciiw().case_fold()));
fn escape_perl_d_case_fold_negate() {
let bytes = asciid().case_fold().negate();
assert_eq!(pb(r"(?i-u)\D"), Expr::Class(bytes));
fn escape_perl_s_case_fold_negate() {
let bytes = asciis().case_fold().negate();
assert_eq!(pb(r"(?i-u)\S"), Expr::Class(bytes));
fn escape_perl_w_case_fold_negate() {
let bytes = asciiw().case_fold().negate();
assert_eq!(pb(r"(?i-u)\W"), Expr::Class(bytes));
fn class_singleton() {
assert_eq!(p(r"[a]"), Expr::Class(class(&[('a', 'a')])));
assert_eq!(p(r"[\x00]"), Expr::Class(class(&[('\x00', '\x00')])));
assert_eq!(p(r"[\n]"), Expr::Class(class(&[('\n', '\n')])));
assert_eq!(p("[\n]"), Expr::Class(class(&[('\n', '\n')])));
assert_eq!(pb(r"(?-u)[a]"), Expr::ClassBytes(bclass(&[(b'a', b'a')])));
assert_eq!(pb(r"(?-u)[\x00]"), Expr::ClassBytes(bclass(&[(0, 0)])));
Expr::ClassBytes(bclass(&[(0xFF, 0xFF)])));
Expr::ClassBytes(bclass(&[(b'\n', b'\n')])));
Expr::ClassBytes(bclass(&[(b'\n', b'\n')])));
fn class_singleton_negate() {
assert_eq!(p(r"[^a]"), Expr::Class(class(&[
('\x00', '\x60'), ('\x62', '\u{10FFFF}'),
assert_eq!(p(r"[^\x00]"), Expr::Class(class(&[
('\x01', '\u{10FFFF}'),
assert_eq!(p(r"[^\n]"), Expr::Class(class(&[
('\x00', '\x09'), ('\x0b', '\u{10FFFF}'),
assert_eq!(p("[^\n]"), Expr::Class(class(&[
('\x00', '\x09'), ('\x0b', '\u{10FFFF}'),
assert_eq!(pb(r"(?-u)[^a]"), Expr::ClassBytes(bclass(&[
(0x00, 0x60), (0x62, 0xFF),
assert_eq!(pb(r"(?-u)[^\x00]"), Expr::ClassBytes(bclass(&[
(0x01, 0xFF),
assert_eq!(pb(r"(?-u)[^\n]"), Expr::ClassBytes(bclass(&[
(0x00, 0x09), (0x0B, 0xFF),
assert_eq!(pb("(?-u)[^\n]"), Expr::ClassBytes(bclass(&[
(0x00, 0x09), (0x0B, 0xFF),
fn class_singleton_class() {
assert_eq!(p(r"[\d]"), Expr::Class(class(PERLD)));
assert_eq!(p(r"[\p{Yi}]"), Expr::Class(class(YI)));
let bytes = class(PERLD).to_byte_class();
assert_eq!(pb(r"(?-u)[\d]"), Expr::ClassBytes(bytes));
fn class_singleton_class_negate() {
assert_eq!(p(r"[^\d]"), Expr::Class(class(PERLD).negate()));
assert_eq!(p(r"[^\w]"), Expr::Class(class(PERLW).negate()));
assert_eq!(p(r"[^\s]"), Expr::Class(class(PERLS).negate()));
let bytes = asciid_bytes().negate();
assert_eq!(pb(r"(?-u)[^\d]"), Expr::ClassBytes(bytes));
let bytes = asciiw_bytes().negate();
assert_eq!(pb(r"(?-u)[^\w]"), Expr::ClassBytes(bytes));
let bytes = asciis_bytes().negate();
assert_eq!(pb(r"(?-u)[^\s]"), Expr::ClassBytes(bytes));
fn class_singleton_class_negate_negate() {
assert_eq!(p(r"[^\D]"), Expr::Class(class(PERLD)));
assert_eq!(p(r"[^\W]"), Expr::Class(class(PERLW)));
assert_eq!(p(r"[^\S]"), Expr::Class(class(PERLS)));
assert_eq!(pb(r"(?-u)[^\D]"), Expr::ClassBytes(asciid_bytes()));
assert_eq!(pb(r"(?-u)[^\W]"), Expr::ClassBytes(asciiw_bytes()));
assert_eq!(pb(r"(?-u)[^\S]"), Expr::ClassBytes(asciis_bytes()));
fn class_singleton_class_casei() {
assert_eq!(p(r"(?i)[\d]"), Expr::Class(class(PERLD).case_fold()));
assert_eq!(p(r"(?i)[\p{Yi}]"), Expr::Class(class(YI).case_fold()));
fn class_singleton_class_negate_casei() {
let bytes = asciid_bytes().case_fold().negate();
assert_eq!(pb(r"(?i-u)[^\d]"), Expr::ClassBytes(bytes));
let bytes = asciiw_bytes().case_fold().negate();
assert_eq!(pb(r"(?i-u)[^\w]"), Expr::ClassBytes(bytes));
let bytes = asciis_bytes().case_fold().negate();
assert_eq!(pb(r"(?i-u)[^\s]"), Expr::ClassBytes(bytes));
fn class_singleton_class_negate_negate_casei() {
assert_eq!(p(r"(?i)[^\D]"), Expr::Class(class(PERLD).case_fold()));
assert_eq!(p(r"(?i)[^\W]"), Expr::Class(class(PERLW).case_fold()));
assert_eq!(p(r"(?i)[^\S]"), Expr::Class(class(PERLS).case_fold()));
fn class_multiple_class() {
assert_eq!(p(r"[\d\p{Yi}]"), Expr::Class(classes(&[
fn class_multiple_class_negate() {
assert_eq!(p(r"[^\d\p{Yi}]"), Expr::Class(classes(&[
fn class_multiple_class_negate_negate() {
let nperlw = class(PERLW).negate();
let nyi = class(YI).negate();
let cls = CharClass::empty().merge(nperlw).merge(nyi);
assert_eq!(p(r"[^\W\P{Yi}]"), Expr::Class(cls.negate()));
fn class_multiple_class_casei() {
assert_eq!(p(r"(?i)[\d\p{Yi}]"), Expr::Class(classes(&[
fn class_multiple_class_negate_casei() {
assert_eq!(p(r"(?i)[^\d\p{Yi}]"), Expr::Class(classes(&[
fn class_multiple_class_negate_negate_casei() {
let nperlw = class(PERLW).negate();
let nyi = class(YI).negate();
let class = CharClass::empty().merge(nperlw).merge(nyi);
fn class_class_hypen() {
assert_eq!(p(r"[\p{Yi}-]"), Expr::Class(classes(&[
&[('-', '-')], YI,
assert_eq!(p(r"[\p{Yi}-a]"), Expr::Class(classes(&[
&[('-', '-')], &[('a', 'a')], YI,
fn class_brackets() {
assert_eq!(p("[]]"), Expr::Class(class(&[(']', ']')])));
assert_eq!(p("[][]"), Expr::Class(class(&[('[', '['), (']', ']')])));
assert_eq!(p("[[]]"), Expr::Concat(vec![
Expr::Class(class(&[('[', '[')])),
fn class_brackets_hypen() {
assert_eq!(p("[]-]"), Expr::Class(class(&[('-', '-'), (']', ']')])));
assert_eq!(p("[-]]"), Expr::Concat(vec![
Expr::Class(class(&[('-', '-')])),
fn class_overlapping() {
assert_eq!(p("[a-fd-h]"), Expr::Class(class(&[('a', 'h')])));
assert_eq!(p("[a-fg-m]"), Expr::Class(class(&[('a', 'm')])));
Expr::ClassBytes(bclass(&[(b'a', b'h')])));
Expr::ClassBytes(bclass(&[(b'a', b'm')])));
fn ascii_classes() {
assert_eq!(p("[:upper:]"), Expr::Class(class(UPPER)));
assert_eq!(p("[[:upper:]]"), Expr::Class(class(UPPER)));
assert_eq!(pb("(?-u)[:upper:]"), Expr::Class(class(UPPER)));
fn ascii_classes_not() {
Expr::Class(class(&[(':', ':'), ('a', 'c')])));
Expr::ClassBytes(bclass(&[(b':', b':'), (b'a', b'c')])));
fn ascii_classes_multiple() {
Expr::Class(classes(&[UPPER, LOWER])));
Expr::ClassBytes(classes(&[UPPER, LOWER]).to_byte_class()));
fn ascii_classes_negate() {
assert_eq!(p("[[:^upper:]]"), Expr::Class(class(UPPER).negate()));
assert_eq!(p("[^[:^upper:]]"), Expr::Class(class(UPPER)));
fn ascii_classes_negate_multiple() {
let (nlower, nword) = (class(LOWER).negate(), class(WORD).negate());
let cls = CharClass::empty().merge(nlower).merge(nword);
assert_eq!(p("[[:^lower:][:^word:]]"), Expr::Class(cls.clone()));
assert_eq!(p("[^[:^lower:][:^word:]]"), Expr::Class(cls.negate()));
fn ascii_classes_case_fold() {
assert_eq!(p("(?i)[:upper:]"), Expr::Class(class(UPPER).case_fold()));
fn ascii_classes_negate_case_fold() {
fn single_class_negate_case_fold() {
Expr::Class(class(&[('x', 'x')]).case_fold().negate()));
class(&[('x', 'x')])
fn ignore_space_empty() {
assert_eq!(p("(?x) "), Expr::Empty);
fn ignore_space_literal() {
assert_eq!(p("(?x) a b c"), Expr::Concat(vec![
lit('a'), lit('b'), lit('c'),
fn ignore_space_literal_off() {
assert_eq!(p("(?x) a b c(?-x) a"), Expr::Concat(vec![
lit('a'), lit('b'), lit('c'), lit(' '), lit('a'),
fn ignore_space_class() {
- z
]"), Expr::Class(class(&[('a', 'z')])));
assert_eq!(p("(?x)[ ^ a
- z
]"), Expr::Class(class(&[('a', 'z')]).negate()));
fn ignore_space_escape() {
assert_eq!(p(r"(?x)\ d"), Expr::Class(class(PERLD)));
D"), Expr::Class(class(PERLD).negate()));
fn ignore_space_comments() {
a # comment 1
z # comment 2
)"), Expr::Concat(vec![
Expr::Group {
e: Box::new(lit('a')),
i: Some(1),
name: Some("foo".into()),
Expr::Group {
e: Box::new(lit('z')),
i: Some(2),
name: Some("bar".into()),
fn ignore_space_comments_re_enable() {
assert_eq!(p(r"(?x)a # hi
(?-x:#) # sweet"), Expr::Concat(vec![
Expr::Group {
e: Box::new(lit('#')),
i: None,
name: None,
fn ignore_space_escape_punctuation() {
assert_eq!(p(r"(?x)\\\.\+\*\?\(\)\|\[\]\{\}\^\$\#"), c(&[
lit('\\'), lit('.'), lit('+'), lit('*'), lit('?'),
lit('('), lit(')'), lit('|'), lit('['), lit(']'),
lit('{'), lit('}'), lit('^'), lit('$'), lit('#'),
fn ignore_space_escape_hash() {
assert_eq!(p(r"(?x)a\# # hi there"), Expr::Concat(vec![
// Test every single possible error case.
macro_rules! test_err {
($re:expr, $pos:expr, $kind:expr) => {
test_err!($re, $pos, $kind, Flags::default());
($re:expr, $pos:expr, $kind:expr, $flags:expr) => {{
let err = Parser::parse($re, $flags).unwrap_err();
assert_eq!($pos, err.pos);
assert_eq!($kind, err.kind);
fn invalid_utf8_not_allowed() {
// let flags = Flags { unicode: false, .. Flags::default() };
test_err!(r"(?-u)\xFF", 9, ErrorKind::InvalidUtf8);
test_err!(r"(?-u).", 5, ErrorKind::InvalidUtf8);
test_err!(r"(?-u)(?s).", 9, ErrorKind::InvalidUtf8);
test_err!(r"(?-u)[\x00-\x80]", 15, ErrorKind::InvalidUtf8);
test_err!(r"(?-u)\222", 9, ErrorKind::InvalidUtf8);
test_err!(r"(?-u)\x{0080}", 13, ErrorKind::InvalidUtf8);
fn unicode_char_not_allowed() {
let flags = Flags { allow_bytes: true, .. Flags::default() };
test_err!("☃(?-u:☃)", 7, ErrorKind::UnicodeNotAllowed, flags);
fn unicode_class_not_allowed() {
let flags = Flags { allow_bytes: true, .. Flags::default() };
test_err!(r"☃(?-u:\pL)", 9, ErrorKind::UnicodeNotAllowed, flags);
fn unicode_class_literal_not_allowed() {
let flags = Flags { allow_bytes: true, .. Flags::default() };
test_err!(r"(?-u)[☃]", 6, ErrorKind::UnicodeNotAllowed, flags);
test_err!(r"(?-u)[☃-☃]", 6, ErrorKind::UnicodeNotAllowed, flags);
fn unicode_hex_not_allowed() {
let flags = Flags { allow_bytes: true, .. Flags::default() };
test_err!(r"(?-u)\x{FFFF}", 13, ErrorKind::UnicodeNotAllowed, flags);
test_err!(r"(?-u)\x{100}", 12, ErrorKind::UnicodeNotAllowed, flags);
fn unicode_octal_not_allowed() {
let flags = Flags { allow_bytes: true, .. Flags::default() };
test_err!(r"(?-u)\400", 9, ErrorKind::UnicodeNotAllowed, flags);
fn error_repeat_no_expr_simple() {
test_err!("(*", 1, ErrorKind::RepeaterExpectsExpr);
fn error_repeat_no_expr_counted() {
test_err!("({5}", 1, ErrorKind::RepeaterExpectsExpr);
fn error_repeat_beginning_counted() {
test_err!("{5}", 0, ErrorKind::RepeaterExpectsExpr);
fn error_repeat_illegal_exprs_simple() {
test_err!("a**", 2, ErrorKind::RepeaterUnexpectedExpr(Expr::Repeat {
e: b(lit('a')),
r: Repeater::ZeroOrMore,
greedy: true,
test_err!("a|*", 2,
fn error_repeat_illegal_exprs_counted() {
test_err!("a*{5}", 2, ErrorKind::RepeaterUnexpectedExpr(Expr::Repeat {
e: b(lit('a')),
r: Repeater::ZeroOrMore,
greedy: true,
test_err!("a|{5}", 2,
fn error_repeat_empty_number() {
test_err!("a{}", 2, ErrorKind::MissingBase10);
fn error_repeat_eof() {
test_err!("a{5", 3, ErrorKind::UnclosedRepeat);
fn error_repeat_empty_number_eof() {
test_err!("a{xyz", 5, ErrorKind::InvalidBase10("xyz".into()));
test_err!("a{12,xyz", 8, ErrorKind::InvalidBase10("xyz".into()));
fn error_repeat_invalid_number() {
test_err!("a{9999999999}", 12,
test_err!("a{1,9999999999}", 14,
fn error_repeat_invalid_number_extra() {
test_err!("a{12x}", 5, ErrorKind::InvalidBase10("12x".into()));
test_err!("a{1,12x}", 7, ErrorKind::InvalidBase10("12x".into()));
fn error_repeat_invalid_range() {
test_err!("a{2,1}", 5,
ErrorKind::InvalidRepeatRange { min: 2, max: 1 });
fn error_alternate_empty() {
test_err!("|a", 0, ErrorKind::EmptyAlternate);
fn error_alternate_empty_with_group() {
test_err!("(|a)", 1, ErrorKind::EmptyAlternate);
fn error_alternate_empty_with_alternate() {
test_err!("a||", 2, ErrorKind::EmptyAlternate);
fn error_close_paren_unopened_empty() {
test_err!(")", 0, ErrorKind::UnopenedParen);
fn error_close_paren_unopened() {
test_err!("ab)", 2, ErrorKind::UnopenedParen);
fn error_close_paren_unopened_with_alt() {
test_err!("a|b)", 3, ErrorKind::UnopenedParen);
fn error_close_paren_unclosed_with_alt() {
test_err!("(a|b", 0, ErrorKind::UnclosedParen);
fn error_close_paren_empty_alt() {
test_err!("(a|)", 3, ErrorKind::EmptyAlternate);
fn error_close_paren_empty_group() {
test_err!("()", 1, ErrorKind::EmptyGroup);
fn error_close_paren_empty_group_with_name() {
test_err!("(?P<foo>)", 8, ErrorKind::EmptyGroup);
fn error_finish_concat_unclosed() {
test_err!("ab(xy", 2, ErrorKind::UnclosedParen);
fn error_finish_concat_empty_alt() {
test_err!("a|", 2, ErrorKind::EmptyAlternate);
fn error_group_name_invalid() {
test_err!("(?P<a#>x)", 6, ErrorKind::InvalidCaptureName("a#".into()));
fn error_group_name_invalid_leading() {
test_err!("(?P<1a>a)", 6, ErrorKind::InvalidCaptureName("1a".into()));
fn error_group_name_unexpected_eof() {
test_err!("(?P<a", 5, ErrorKind::UnclosedCaptureName("a".into()));
fn error_group_name_empty() {
test_err!("(?P<>a)", 4, ErrorKind::EmptyCaptureName);
fn error_group_opts_unrecognized_flag() {
test_err!("(?z:a)", 2, ErrorKind::UnrecognizedFlag('z'));
fn error_group_opts_unexpected_eof() {
test_err!("(?i", 3, ErrorKind::UnexpectedFlagEof);
fn error_group_opts_double_negation() {
test_err!("(?-i-s:a)", 4, ErrorKind::DoubleFlagNegation);
fn error_group_opts_empty_negation() {
test_err!("(?i-:a)", 4, ErrorKind::EmptyFlagNegation);
fn error_group_opts_empty() {
test_err!("(?)", 2, ErrorKind::EmptyFlagNegation);
fn error_escape_unexpected_eof() {
test_err!(r"\", 1, ErrorKind::UnexpectedEscapeEof);
fn error_escape_unrecognized() {
test_err!(r"\m", 1, ErrorKind::UnrecognizedEscape('m'));
fn error_escape_hex2_eof0() {
test_err!(r"\x", 2, ErrorKind::UnexpectedTwoDigitHexEof);
fn error_escape_hex2_eof1() {
test_err!(r"\xA", 3, ErrorKind::UnexpectedTwoDigitHexEof);
fn error_escape_hex2_invalid() {
test_err!(r"\xAG", 4, ErrorKind::InvalidBase16("AG".into()));
fn error_escape_hex_eof0() {
test_err!(r"\x{", 3, ErrorKind::InvalidBase16("".into()));
fn error_escape_hex_eof1() {
test_err!(r"\x{A", 4, ErrorKind::UnclosedHex);
fn error_escape_hex_invalid() {
test_err!(r"\x{AG}", 5, ErrorKind::InvalidBase16("AG".into()));
fn error_escape_hex_invalid_scalar_value_surrogate() {
test_err!(r"\x{D800}", 8, ErrorKind::InvalidScalarValue(0xD800));
fn error_escape_hex_invalid_scalar_value_high() {
test_err!(r"\x{110000}", 10, ErrorKind::InvalidScalarValue(0x110000));
fn error_escape_hex_invalid_u32() {
test_err!(r"\x{9999999999}", 13,
fn error_unicode_unclosed() {
test_err!(r"\p{", 3, ErrorKind::UnclosedUnicodeName);
test_err!(r"\p{Greek", 8, ErrorKind::UnclosedUnicodeName);
fn error_unicode_no_letter() {
test_err!(r"\p", 2, ErrorKind::UnexpectedEscapeEof);
fn error_unicode_unknown_letter() {
test_err!(r"\pA", 3, ErrorKind::UnrecognizedUnicodeClass("A".into()));
fn error_unicode_unknown_name() {
test_err!(r"\p{Yii}", 7,
fn error_class_eof_empty() {
test_err!("[", 1, ErrorKind::UnexpectedClassEof);
test_err!("[^", 2, ErrorKind::UnexpectedClassEof);
fn error_class_eof_non_empty() {
test_err!("[a", 2, ErrorKind::UnexpectedClassEof);
test_err!("[^a", 3, ErrorKind::UnexpectedClassEof);
fn error_class_eof_range() {
test_err!("[a-", 3, ErrorKind::UnexpectedClassEof);
test_err!("[^a-", 4, ErrorKind::UnexpectedClassEof);
test_err!("[---", 4, ErrorKind::UnexpectedClassEof);
fn error_class_invalid_escape() {
test_err!(r"[\pA]", 4,
fn error_class_valid_escape_not_allowed() {
test_err!(r"[\A]", 3, ErrorKind::InvalidClassEscape(Expr::StartText));
fn error_class_range_valid_escape_not_allowed() {
test_err!(r"[a-\d]", 5,
test_err!(r"[a-\A]", 5,
test_err!(r"[\A-a]", 3,
fn error_class_invalid_range() {
test_err!("[z-a]", 4, ErrorKind::InvalidClassRange {
start: 'z',
end: 'a',
fn error_class_empty_range() {
test_err!("[]", 2, ErrorKind::UnexpectedClassEof);
test_err!("[^]", 3, ErrorKind::UnexpectedClassEof);
test_err!(r"[^\d\D]", 7, ErrorKind::EmptyClass);
fn error_duplicate_capture_name() {
test_err!("(?P<a>.)(?P<a>.)", 14,