blob: 1e3efe23cebbd222e023995dc52fa906a5d4ef43 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
//! Generic MessagePack deserialization.
use std::convert::TryInto;
use std::error;
use std::fmt::{self, Display, Formatter};
use std::io::{self, Cursor, ErrorKind, Read};
use std::num::TryFromIntError;
use std::str::{self, Utf8Error};
use byteorder::{self, ReadBytesExt};
use serde;
use serde::de::{self, Deserialize, DeserializeOwned, DeserializeSeed, Unexpected, Visitor};
use rmp;
use rmp::decode::{self, RmpRead, DecodeStringError, MarkerReadError, NumValueReadError, ValueReadError};
use rmp::Marker;
use crate::config::{BinaryConfig, DefaultConfig, HumanReadableConfig, SerializerConfig};
/// Enum representing errors that can occur while decoding MessagePack data.
pub enum Error {
/// The enclosed I/O error occurred while trying to read a MessagePack
/// marker.
/// The enclosed I/O error occurred while trying to read the encoded
/// MessagePack data.
/// A mismatch occurred between the decoded and expected value types.
/// A numeric cast failed due to an out-of-range error.
/// A decoded array did not have the enclosed expected length.
/// An otherwise uncategorized error occurred. See the enclosed `String` for
/// details.
/// A general error occurred while deserializing the expected type. See the
/// enclosed `String` for details.
/// An encoded string could not be parsed as UTF-8.
/// The depth limit was exceeded.
macro_rules! depth_count(
( $counter:expr, $expr:expr ) => {
$counter -= 1;
if $counter == 0 {
return Err(Error::DepthLimitExceeded)
let res = $expr;
$counter += 1;
impl error::Error for Error {
fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn error::Error + 'static)> {
match *self {
Error::TypeMismatch(..) => None,
Error::InvalidMarkerRead(ref err) => Some(err),
Error::InvalidDataRead(ref err) => Some(err),
Error::LengthMismatch(..) => None,
Error::OutOfRange => None,
Error::Uncategorized(..) => None,
Error::Syntax(..) => None,
Error::Utf8Error(ref err) => Some(err),
Error::DepthLimitExceeded => None,
impl de::Error for Error {
fn custom<T: Display>(msg: T) -> Self {
impl Display for Error {
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
match *self {
Error::InvalidMarkerRead(ref err) => write!(fmt, "IO error while reading marker: {}", err),
Error::InvalidDataRead(ref err) => write!(fmt, "IO error while reading data: {}", err),
Error::TypeMismatch(ref actual_marker) => {
write!(fmt, "wrong msgpack marker {:?}", actual_marker)
Error::OutOfRange => fmt.write_str("numeric cast found out of range"),
Error::LengthMismatch(expected_length) => write!(
"array had incorrect length, expected {}",
Error::Uncategorized(ref msg) => write!(fmt, "uncategorized error: {}", msg),
Error::Syntax(ref msg) => fmt.write_str(msg),
Error::Utf8Error(ref err) => write!(fmt, "string found to be invalid utf8: {}", err),
Error::DepthLimitExceeded => fmt.write_str("depth limit exceeded"),
impl From<MarkerReadError> for Error {
fn from(err: MarkerReadError) -> Error {
match err {
MarkerReadError(err) => Error::InvalidMarkerRead(err),
impl From<Utf8Error> for Error {
fn from(err: Utf8Error) -> Error {
impl From<ValueReadError> for Error {
fn from(err: ValueReadError) -> Error {
match err {
ValueReadError::TypeMismatch(marker) => Error::TypeMismatch(marker),
ValueReadError::InvalidMarkerRead(err) => Error::InvalidMarkerRead(err),
ValueReadError::InvalidDataRead(err) => Error::InvalidDataRead(err),
impl From<NumValueReadError> for Error {
fn from(err: NumValueReadError) -> Error {
match err {
NumValueReadError::TypeMismatch(marker) => Error::TypeMismatch(marker),
NumValueReadError::InvalidMarkerRead(err) => Error::InvalidMarkerRead(err),
NumValueReadError::InvalidDataRead(err) => Error::InvalidDataRead(err),
NumValueReadError::OutOfRange => Error::OutOfRange,
impl<'a> From<DecodeStringError<'a>> for Error {
fn from(err: DecodeStringError<'_>) -> Error {
match err {
DecodeStringError::InvalidMarkerRead(err) => Error::InvalidMarkerRead(err),
DecodeStringError::InvalidDataRead(err) => Error::InvalidDataRead(err),
DecodeStringError::TypeMismatch(marker) => Error::TypeMismatch(marker),
DecodeStringError::BufferSizeTooSmall(..) => Error::Uncategorized("BufferSizeTooSmall".to_string()),
DecodeStringError::InvalidUtf8(..) => Error::Uncategorized("InvalidUtf8".to_string()),
impl From<TryFromIntError> for Error {
fn from(_: TryFromIntError) -> Self {
/// A Deserializer that reads bytes from a buffer.
/// # Note
/// All instances of `ErrorKind::Interrupted` are handled by this function and the underlying
/// operation is retried.
pub struct Deserializer<R, C = DefaultConfig> {
rd: R,
config: C,
marker: Option<Marker>,
depth: usize,
impl<R: Read, C> Deserializer<R, C> {
fn take_or_read_marker(&mut self) -> Result<Marker, MarkerReadError> {
.map_or_else(|| rmp::decode::read_marker(&mut self.rd), Ok)
fn peek_or_read_marker(&mut self) -> Result<Marker, MarkerReadError> {
if let Some(m) = self.marker {
} else {
let m = rmp::decode::read_marker(&mut self.rd)?;
impl<R: Read> Deserializer<ReadReader<R>, DefaultConfig> {
/// Constructs a new `Deserializer` by consuming the given reader.
pub fn new(rd: R) -> Self {
Self {
rd: ReadReader::new(rd),
config: DefaultConfig,
// Cached marker in case of deserializing optional values.
marker: None,
depth: 1024,
impl<R: Read, C> Deserializer<ReadReader<R>, C> {
/// Gets a reference to the underlying reader in this decoder.
pub fn get_ref(&self) -> &R {
/// Gets a mutable reference to the underlying reader in this decoder.
pub fn get_mut(&mut self) -> &mut R {
&mut self.rd.rd
/// Consumes this deserializer returning the underlying reader.
pub fn into_inner(self) -> R {
impl<R: Read, C: SerializerConfig> Deserializer<R, C> {
/// Consumes this deserializer and returns a new one, which will deserialize types with
/// human-readable representations (`Deserializer::is_human_readable` will return `true`).
/// This is primarily useful if you need to interoperate with serializations produced by older
/// versions of `rmp-serde`.
pub fn with_human_readable(self) -> Deserializer<R, HumanReadableConfig<C>> {
let Deserializer { rd, config, marker, depth } = self;
Deserializer {
config: HumanReadableConfig::new(config),
/// Consumes this deserializer and returns a new one, which will deserialize types with
/// binary representations (`Deserializer::is_human_readable` will return `false`).
/// This is the default MessagePack deserialization mechanism, consuming the most compact
/// representation.
pub fn with_binary(self) -> Deserializer<R, BinaryConfig<C>> {
let Deserializer { rd, config, marker, depth } = self;
Deserializer {
config: BinaryConfig::new(config),
impl<R: AsRef<[u8]>> Deserializer<ReadReader<Cursor<R>>> {
/// Returns the current position of this deserializer, i.e. how many bytes were read.
pub fn position(&self) -> u64 {
impl<'de, R> Deserializer<ReadRefReader<'de, R>>
R: AsRef<[u8]> + ?Sized,
/// Constructs a new `Deserializer` from the given byte slice.
pub fn from_read_ref(rd: &'de R) -> Self {
Deserializer {
rd: ReadRefReader::new(rd),
config: DefaultConfig,
marker: None,
depth: 1024,
/// Gets a reference to the underlying reader in this decoder.
pub fn get_ref(&self) -> &R {
impl<'de, R: ReadSlice<'de>, C: SerializerConfig> Deserializer<R, C> {
/// Changes the maximum nesting depth that is allowed
pub fn set_max_depth(&mut self, depth: usize) {
self.depth = depth;
fn read_str_data<V>(&mut self, len: u32, visitor: V) -> Result<V::Value, Error>
where V: Visitor<'de>
match read_bin_data(&mut self.rd, len as u32)? {
Reference::Borrowed(buf) => {
match str::from_utf8(buf) {
Ok(s) => visitor.visit_borrowed_str(s),
Err(err) => {
// Allow to unpack invalid UTF-8 bytes into a byte array.
match visitor.visit_borrowed_bytes::<Error>(buf) {
Ok(buf) => Ok(buf),
Err(..) => Err(Error::Utf8Error(err)),
Reference::Copied(buf) => {
match str::from_utf8(buf) {
Ok(s) => visitor.visit_str(s),
Err(err) => {
// Allow to unpack invalid UTF-8 bytes into a byte array.
match visitor.visit_bytes::<Error>(buf) {
Ok(buf) => Ok(buf),
Err(..) => Err(Error::Utf8Error(err)),
fn read_128(&mut self) -> Result<[u8; 16], Error> {
let marker = self.take_or_read_marker()?;
if marker != Marker::Bin8 {
return Err(Error::TypeMismatch(marker));
let len = read_u8(&mut self.rd)?;
if len != 16 {
return Err(Error::LengthMismatch(16));
let buf = match read_bin_data(&mut self.rd, len as u32)? {
Reference::Borrowed(buf) => buf,
Reference::Copied(buf) => buf,
fn read_bin_data<'a, 'de, R: ReadSlice<'de>>(rd: &'a mut R, len: u32) -> Result<Reference<'de,'a, [u8]>, Error> {
rd.read_slice(len as usize).map_err(Error::InvalidDataRead)
fn read_u8<R: Read>(rd: &mut R) -> Result<u8, Error> {
fn read_u16<R: Read>(rd: &mut R) -> Result<u16, Error> {
fn read_u32<R: Read>(rd: &mut R) -> Result<u32, Error> {
fn ext_len<R: Read>(rd: &mut R, marker: Marker) -> Result<u32, Error> {
Ok(match marker {
Marker::FixExt1 => 1,
Marker::FixExt2 => 2,
Marker::FixExt4 => 4,
Marker::FixExt8 => 8,
Marker::FixExt16 => 16,
Marker::Ext8 => read_u8(rd)? as u32,
Marker::Ext16 => read_u16(rd)? as u32,
Marker::Ext32 => read_u32(rd)? as u32,
_ => return Err(Error::TypeMismatch(marker)),
enum ExtDeserializerState {
struct ExtDeserializer<'a, R, C> {
rd: &'a mut R,
_config: C,
len: u32,
state: ExtDeserializerState,
impl<'de, 'a, R: ReadSlice<'de> + 'a, C: SerializerConfig> ExtDeserializer<'a, R, C> {
fn new(d: &'a mut Deserializer<R, C>, len: u32) -> Self {
ExtDeserializer {
rd: &mut d.rd,
_config: d.config,
state: ExtDeserializerState::New,
impl<'de, 'a, R: ReadSlice<'de> + 'a, C: SerializerConfig> de::Deserializer<'de> for ExtDeserializer<'a, R, C> {
type Error = Error;
fn deserialize_any<V>(self, visitor: V) -> Result<V::Value, Self::Error>
where V: Visitor<'de>
forward_to_deserialize_any! {
bool u8 u16 u32 u64 i8 i16 i32 i64 f32 f64 char str string unit option
seq bytes byte_buf map unit_struct newtype_struct
struct identifier tuple enum ignored_any tuple_struct
impl<'de, 'a, R: ReadSlice<'de> + 'a, C: SerializerConfig> de::SeqAccess<'de> for ExtDeserializer<'a, R, C> {
type Error = Error;
fn next_element_seed<T>(&mut self, seed: T) -> Result<Option<T::Value>, Error>
T: DeserializeSeed<'de>,
match self.state {
ExtDeserializerState::New | ExtDeserializerState::ReadTag => Ok(Some(seed.deserialize(self)?)),
ExtDeserializerState::ReadBinary => Ok(None)
/// Deserializer for Ext SeqAccess
impl<'de, 'a, R: ReadSlice<'de> + 'a, C: SerializerConfig> de::Deserializer<'de> for &mut ExtDeserializer<'a, R, C> {
type Error = Error;
fn deserialize_any<V>(self, visitor: V) -> Result<V::Value, Self::Error>
where V: Visitor<'de>
match self.state {
ExtDeserializerState::New => {
let tag = self.rd.read_data_i8()?;
self.state = ExtDeserializerState::ReadTag;
ExtDeserializerState::ReadTag => {
let data = self.rd.read_slice(self.len as usize).map_err(Error::InvalidDataRead)?;
self.state = ExtDeserializerState::ReadBinary;
match data {
Reference::Borrowed(bytes) => visitor.visit_borrowed_bytes(bytes),
Reference::Copied(bytes) => visitor.visit_bytes(bytes),
ExtDeserializerState::ReadBinary => unreachable!(),
forward_to_deserialize_any! {
bool u8 u16 u32 u64 i8 i16 i32 i64 f32 f64 char str string unit option
seq bytes byte_buf map unit_struct newtype_struct
tuple_struct struct identifier tuple enum ignored_any
impl<'de, 'a, R: ReadSlice<'de>, C: SerializerConfig> serde::Deserializer<'de> for &'a mut Deserializer<R, C> {
type Error = Error;
fn is_human_readable(&self) -> bool {
fn deserialize_any<V>(self, visitor: V) -> Result<V::Value, Self::Error>
where V: Visitor<'de>
let marker = self.take_or_read_marker()?;
match marker {
Marker::Null => visitor.visit_unit(),
Marker::True |
Marker::False => visitor.visit_bool(marker == Marker::True),
Marker::FixPos(val) => visitor.visit_u8(val),
Marker::FixNeg(val) => visitor.visit_i8(val),
Marker::U8 => visitor.visit_u8(self.rd.read_data_u8()?),
Marker::U16 => visitor.visit_u16(self.rd.read_data_u16()?),
Marker::U32 => visitor.visit_u32(self.rd.read_data_u32()?),
Marker::U64 => visitor.visit_u64(self.rd.read_data_u64()?),
Marker::I8 => visitor.visit_i8(self.rd.read_data_i8()?),
Marker::I16 => visitor.visit_i16(self.rd.read_data_i16()?),
Marker::I32 => visitor.visit_i32(self.rd.read_data_i32()?),
Marker::I64 => visitor.visit_i64(self.rd.read_data_i64()?),
Marker::F32 => visitor.visit_f32(self.rd.read_data_f32()?),
Marker::F64 => visitor.visit_f64(self.rd.read_data_f64()?),
Marker::FixStr(_) | Marker::Str8 | Marker::Str16 | Marker::Str32 => {
let len = match marker {
Marker::FixStr(len) => Ok(len.into()),
Marker::Str8 => read_u8(&mut self.rd).map(u32::from),
Marker::Str16 => read_u16(&mut self.rd).map(u32::from),
Marker::Str32 => read_u32(&mut self.rd).map(u32::from),
_ => unreachable!()
self.read_str_data(len, visitor)
Marker::FixArray(_) |
Marker::Array16 |
Marker::Array32 => {
let len = match marker {
Marker::FixArray(len) => len.into(),
Marker::Array16 => read_u16(&mut self.rd)?.into(),
Marker::Array32 => read_u32(&mut self.rd)?,
_ => unreachable!(),
depth_count!(self.depth, {
let mut seq = SeqAccess::new(self, len);
let res = visitor.visit_seq(&mut seq)?;
match seq.left {
0 => Ok(res),
excess => Err(Error::LengthMismatch(len - excess)),
Marker::FixMap(_) |
Marker::Map16 |
Marker::Map32 => {
let len = match marker {
Marker::FixMap(len) => len.into(),
Marker::Map16 => read_u16(&mut self.rd)?.into(),
Marker::Map32 => read_u32(&mut self.rd)?,
_ => unreachable!()
depth_count!(self.depth, {
let mut seq = MapAccess::new(self, len);
let res = visitor.visit_map(&mut seq)?;
match seq.left {
0 => Ok(res),
excess => Err(Error::LengthMismatch(len - excess)),
Marker::Bin8 | Marker::Bin16 | Marker::Bin32 => {
let len = match marker {
Marker::Bin8 => read_u8(&mut self.rd).map(u32::from),
Marker::Bin16 => read_u16(&mut self.rd).map(u32::from),
Marker::Bin32 => read_u32(&mut self.rd).map(u32::from),
_ => unreachable!()
match read_bin_data(&mut self.rd, len)? {
Reference::Borrowed(buf) => visitor.visit_borrowed_bytes(buf),
Reference::Copied(buf) => visitor.visit_bytes(buf),
Marker::FixExt1 |
Marker::FixExt2 |
Marker::FixExt4 |
Marker::FixExt8 |
Marker::FixExt16 |
Marker::Ext8 |
Marker::Ext16 |
Marker::Ext32 => {
let len = ext_len(&mut self.rd, marker)?;
depth_count!(self.depth, visitor.visit_newtype_struct(ExtDeserializer::new(self, len)))
Marker::Reserved => Err(Error::TypeMismatch(Marker::Reserved)),
fn deserialize_option<V>(self, visitor: V) -> Result<V::Value, Self::Error>
where V: Visitor<'de>
// # Important
// If a nested Option `o ∈ { Option<Opion<t>>, Option<Option<Option<t>>>, ..., Option<Option<...Option<t>...> }`
// is visited for the first time, the marker (read from the underlying Reader) will determine
// `o`'s innermost type `t`.
// For subsequent visits of `o` the marker will not be re-read again but kept until type `t`
// is visited.
// # Note
// Round trips of Options where `Option<t> = None` such as `Some(None)` will fail because
// they are just seriialized as `nil`. The serialization format has probably to be changed
// to solve this. But as serde_json behaves the same, I think it's not worth doing this.
let marker = self.take_or_read_marker()?;
if marker == Marker::Null {
} else {
// Keep the marker until `o`'s innermost type `t` is visited.
self.marker = Some(marker);
fn deserialize_enum<V>(self, _name: &str, _variants: &[&str], visitor: V) -> Result<V::Value, Error>
where V: Visitor<'de>
let marker = self.peek_or_read_marker()?;
match rmp::decode::marker_to_len(&mut self.rd, marker) {
Ok(len) => match len {
// Enums are either encoded as maps with a single K/V pair
// where the K = the variant & V = associated data
// or as just the variant
1 => {
self.marker = None;
n => Err(Error::LengthMismatch(n as u32)),
// TODO: Check this is a string
Err(_) => visitor.visit_enum(UnitVariantAccess::new(self)),
fn deserialize_newtype_struct<V>(self, name: &'static str, visitor: V) -> Result<V::Value, Error>
where V: Visitor<'de>
let marker = self.take_or_read_marker()?;
let len = ext_len(&mut self.rd, marker)?;
let ext_de = ExtDeserializer::new(self, len);
return visitor.visit_newtype_struct(ext_de);
fn deserialize_unit_struct<V>(self, _name: &'static str, visitor: V) -> Result<V::Value, Self::Error>
where V: Visitor<'de>
// We need to special case this so that [] is treated as a unit struct when asked for,
// but as a sequence otherwise. This is because we serialize unit structs as [] rather
// than as 'nil'.
match self.take_or_read_marker()? {
Marker::Null | Marker::FixArray(0) => visitor.visit_unit(),
marker => {
self.marker = Some(marker);
fn deserialize_i128<V>(self, visitor: V) -> Result<V::Value, Self::Error>
V: Visitor<'de>,
let buf = self.read_128()?;
fn deserialize_u128<V>(self, visitor: V) -> Result<V::Value, Self::Error>
V: Visitor<'de>,
let buf = self.read_128()?;
forward_to_deserialize_any! {
bool u8 u16 u32 u64 i8 i16 i32 i64 f32
f64 char str string bytes byte_buf unit
seq map struct identifier tuple
tuple_struct ignored_any
struct SeqAccess<'a, R, C> {
de: &'a mut Deserializer<R, C>,
left: u32,
impl<'a, R: 'a, C> SeqAccess<'a, R, C> {
fn new(de: &'a mut Deserializer<R, C>, len: u32) -> Self {
SeqAccess {
left: len,
impl<'de, 'a, R: ReadSlice<'de> + 'a, C: SerializerConfig> de::SeqAccess<'de> for SeqAccess<'a, R, C> {
type Error = Error;
fn next_element_seed<T>(&mut self, seed: T) -> Result<Option<T::Value>, Self::Error>
where T: DeserializeSeed<'de>
if self.left > 0 {
self.left -= 1;
Ok(Some(seed.deserialize(&mut *
} else {
fn size_hint(&self) -> Option<usize> {
struct MapAccess<'a, R, C> {
de: &'a mut Deserializer<R, C>,
left: u32,
impl<'a, R: 'a, C> MapAccess<'a, R, C> {
fn new(de: &'a mut Deserializer<R, C>, len: u32) -> Self {
MapAccess {
left: len,
impl<'de, 'a, R: ReadSlice<'de> + 'a, C: SerializerConfig> de::MapAccess<'de> for MapAccess<'a, R, C> {
type Error = Error;
fn next_key_seed<K>(&mut self, seed: K) -> Result<Option<K::Value>, Self::Error>
where K: DeserializeSeed<'de>
if self.left > 0 {
self.left -= 1;
seed.deserialize(&mut *
} else {
fn next_value_seed<V>(&mut self, seed: V) -> Result<V::Value, Self::Error>
where V: DeserializeSeed<'de>
seed.deserialize(&mut *
fn size_hint(&self) -> Option<usize> {
struct UnitVariantAccess<'a, R: 'a, C> {
de: &'a mut Deserializer<R, C>,
impl<'a, R: 'a, C> UnitVariantAccess<'a, R, C> {
pub fn new(de: &'a mut Deserializer<R, C>) -> Self {
UnitVariantAccess { de }
impl<'de, 'a, R: ReadSlice<'de>, C: SerializerConfig> de::EnumAccess<'de>
for UnitVariantAccess<'a, R, C>
type Error = Error;
type Variant = Self;
fn variant_seed<V>(self, seed: V) -> Result<(V::Value, Self), Error>
V: de::DeserializeSeed<'de>,
let variant = seed.deserialize(&mut *;
Ok((variant, self))
impl<'de, 'a, R: ReadSlice<'de> + 'a, C: SerializerConfig> de::VariantAccess<'de>
for UnitVariantAccess<'a, R, C>
type Error = Error;
fn unit_variant(self) -> Result<(), Error> {
fn newtype_variant_seed<T>(self, _seed: T) -> Result<T::Value, Error>
T: de::DeserializeSeed<'de>,
&"newtype variant",
fn tuple_variant<V>(self, _len: usize, _visitor: V) -> Result<V::Value, Error>
V: de::Visitor<'de>,
&"tuple variant",
fn struct_variant<V>(
_fields: &'static [&'static str],
_visitor: V,
) -> Result<V::Value, Error>
V: de::Visitor<'de>,
&"struct variant",
struct VariantAccess<'a, R, C> {
de: &'a mut Deserializer<R, C>,
impl<'a, R: 'a, C> VariantAccess<'a, R, C> {
pub fn new(de: &'a mut Deserializer<R, C>) -> Self {
VariantAccess { de }
impl<'de, 'a, R: ReadSlice<'de>, C: SerializerConfig> de::EnumAccess<'de> for VariantAccess<'a, R, C> {
type Error = Error;
type Variant = Self;
fn variant_seed<V>(self, seed: V) -> Result<(V::Value, Self), Error>
where V: de::DeserializeSeed<'de>,
Ok((seed.deserialize(&mut *, self))
impl<'de, 'a, R: ReadSlice<'de>, C: SerializerConfig> de::VariantAccess<'de> for VariantAccess<'a, R, C> {
type Error = Error;
fn unit_variant(self) -> Result<(), Error> {
fn newtype_variant_seed<T>(self, seed: T) -> Result<T::Value, Self::Error>
where T: DeserializeSeed<'de>
fn tuple_variant<V>(self, len: usize, visitor: V) -> Result<V::Value, Error>
where V: Visitor<'de>
de::Deserializer::deserialize_tuple(, len, visitor)
fn struct_variant<V>(self, fields: &'static [&'static str], visitor: V) -> Result<V::Value, Error>
where V: Visitor<'de>
de::Deserializer::deserialize_tuple(, fields.len(), visitor)
/// Unification of both borrowed and non-borrowed reference types.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum Reference<'b, 'c, T: ?Sized + 'static> {
/// The reference is pointed at data that was borrowed.
Borrowed(&'b T),
/// The reference is pointed at data that was copied.
Copied(&'c T),
/// Extends the `Read` trait by allowing to read slices directly by borrowing bytes.
/// Used to allow zero-copy reading.
pub trait ReadSlice<'de>: Read {
/// Reads the exact number of bytes from the underlying byte-array.
fn read_slice<'a>(&'a mut self, len: usize) -> Result<Reference<'de, 'a, [u8]>, io::Error>;
/// Owned reader wrapper.
pub struct ReadReader<R: Read> {
rd: R,
buf: Vec<u8>,
impl<R: Read> ReadReader<R> {
fn new(rd: R) -> Self {
ReadReader {
buf: Vec::with_capacity(128),
impl<'de, R: Read> ReadSlice<'de> for ReadReader<R> {
fn read_slice<'a>(&'a mut self, len: usize) -> Result<Reference<'de, 'a, [u8]>, io::Error> {
let read = self.rd.by_ref().take(len as u64).read_to_end(&mut self.buf)?;
if read != len {
return Err(io::ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof.into());
impl<R: Read> Read for ReadReader<R> {
fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
fn read_exact(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result<()> {
/// Borrowed reader wrapper.
pub struct ReadRefReader<'a, R: ?Sized> {
whole_slice: &'a R,
buf: &'a [u8],
impl<'a, T> ReadRefReader<'a, T> {
/// Returns the part that hasn't been consumed yet
pub fn remaining_slice(&self) -> &'a [u8] {
impl<'a, T: AsRef<[u8]> + ?Sized> ReadRefReader<'a, T> {
fn new(rd: &'a T) -> Self {
Self {
whole_slice: rd,
buf: rd.as_ref(),
impl<'a, T: AsRef<[u8]> + ?Sized> Read for ReadRefReader<'a, T> {
fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result<usize, io::Error> {
fn read_exact(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), io::Error> {
impl<'de, T: AsRef<[u8]> + ?Sized> ReadSlice<'de> for ReadRefReader<'de, T> {
fn read_slice<'a>(&'a mut self, len: usize) -> Result<Reference<'de, 'a, [u8]>, io::Error> {
if len > self.buf.len() {
return Err(ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof.into());
let (a, b) = self.buf.split_at(len);
self.buf = b;
fn test_as_ref_reader() {
let buf = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];
let mut rd = ReadRefReader::new(&buf);
assert_eq!(rd.read_slice(1).unwrap(), Reference::Borrowed(&[0][..]));
assert_eq!(rd.read_slice(6).unwrap(), Reference::Borrowed(&[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6][..]));
assert_eq!(rd.read_slice(4).unwrap(), Reference::Borrowed(&[7, 8, 9, 10][..]));
/// Deserialize an instance of type `T` from an I/O stream of MessagePack.
/// # Errors
/// This conversion can fail if the structure of the Value does not match the structure expected
/// by `T`. It can also fail if the structure is correct but `T`'s implementation of `Deserialize`
/// decides that something is wrong with the data, for example required struct fields are missing.
pub fn from_read<R, T>(rd: R) -> Result<T, Error>
where R: Read,
T: DeserializeOwned
Deserialize::deserialize(&mut Deserializer::new(rd))
/// Deserialize a temporary scope-bound instance of type `T` from a slice, with zero-copy if possible.
/// Deserialization will be performed in zero-copy manner whenever it is possible, borrowing the
/// data from the slice itself. For example, strings and byte-arrays won't copied.
/// # Errors
/// This conversion can fail if the structure of the Value does not match the structure expected
/// by `T`. It can also fail if the structure is correct but `T`'s implementation of `Deserialize`
/// decides that something is wrong with the data, for example required struct fields are missing.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # #[macro_use] extern crate serde_derive;
/// // Encoded `["Bobby", 8]`.
/// let buf = [0x92, 0xa5, 0x42, 0x6f, 0x62, 0x62, 0x79, 0x8];
/// #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, PartialEq)]
/// struct Dog<'a> {
/// name: &'a str,
/// age: u8,
/// }
/// assert_eq!(Dog { name: "Bobby", age: 8 }, rmp_serde::from_slice(&buf).unwrap());
/// ```
pub fn from_slice<'a, T>(input: &'a [u8]) -> Result<T, Error>
T: Deserialize<'a>
#[deprecated(note = "use from_slice")]
pub fn from_read_ref<'a, R, T>(rd: &'a R) -> Result<T, Error>
R: AsRef<[u8]> + ?Sized,
T: Deserialize<'a>,
let mut de = Deserializer::from_read_ref(rd);
Deserialize::deserialize(&mut de)