blob: 77eb26c1410225c55e0caef823299b584ffb3ecd [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
//! Miscellaneous minor utilities.
use core::ffi::c_void;
use core::mem::{align_of, size_of};
use core::ptr::{null, null_mut, NonNull};
/// Convert a `&T` into a `*const T` without using an `as`.
pub(crate) const fn as_ptr<T>(t: &T) -> *const T {
/// Convert a `&mut T` into a `*mut T` without using an `as`.
pub(crate) fn as_mut_ptr<T>(t: &mut T) -> *mut T {
/// Convert an `Option<&T>` into a possibly-null `*const T`.
pub(crate) const fn option_as_ptr<T>(t: Option<&T>) -> *const T {
match t {
Some(t) => t,
None => null(),
/// Convert an `Option<&mut T>` into a possibly-null `*mut T`.
pub(crate) fn option_as_mut_ptr<T>(t: Option<&mut T>) -> *mut T {
match t {
Some(t) => t,
None => null_mut(),
/// Convert a `*mut c_void` to a `*mut T`, checking that it is not null,
/// misaligned, or pointing to a region of memory that wraps around the address
/// space.
pub(crate) fn check_raw_pointer<T>(value: *mut c_void) -> Option<NonNull<T>> {
if (value as usize).checked_add(size_of::<T>()).is_none()
|| (value as usize) % align_of::<T>() != 0
return None;
/// Create a union value containing a default value in one of its arms.
/// The field names a union field which must have the same size as the union
/// itself.
macro_rules! default_union {
($union:ident, $field:ident) => {{
let u = $union {
$field: Default::default(),
// Assert that the given field initializes the whole union.
unsafe {
let field_value = u.$field;
const_assert_eq!(memoffset::offset_of_union!($union, $field), 0);