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#![cfg_attr(not(any(test, feature = "use_std")), no_std)]
#![doc(html_root_url = "")]
//! A scope guard will run a given closure when it goes out of scope,
//! even if the code between panics.
//! (as long as panic doesn't abort)
//! # Examples
//! ## Hello World
//! This example creates a scope guard with an example function:
//! ```
//! extern crate scopeguard;
//! fn f() {
//! let _guard = scopeguard::guard((), |_| {
//! println!("Hello Scope Exit!");
//! });
//! // rest of the code here.
//! // Here, at the end of `_guard`'s scope, the guard's closure is called.
//! // It is also called if we exit this scope through unwinding instead.
//! }
//! # fn main() {
//! # f();
//! # }
//! ```
//! ## `defer!`
//! Use the `defer` macro to run an operation at scope exit,
//! either regular scope exit or during unwinding from a panic.
//! ```
//! #[macro_use(defer)] extern crate scopeguard;
//! use std::cell::Cell;
//! fn main() {
//! // use a cell to observe drops during and after the scope guard is active
//! let drop_counter = Cell::new(0);
//! {
//! // Create a scope guard using `defer!` for the current scope
//! defer! {
//! drop_counter.set(1 + drop_counter.get());
//! }
//! // Do regular operations here in the meantime.
//! // Just before scope exit: it hasn't run yet.
//! assert_eq!(drop_counter.get(), 0);
//! // The following scope end is where the defer closure is called
//! }
//! assert_eq!(drop_counter.get(), 1);
//! }
//! ```
//! ## Scope Guard with Value
//! If the scope guard closure needs to access an outer value that is also
//! mutated outside of the scope guard, then you may want to use the scope guard
//! with a value. The guard works like a smart pointer, so the inner value can
//! be accessed by reference or by mutable reference.
//! ### 1. The guard owns a file
//! In this example, the scope guard owns a file and ensures pending writes are
//! synced at scope exit.
//! ```
//! extern crate scopeguard;
//! use std::fs::*;
//! use std::io::{self, Write};
//! # // Mock file so that we don't actually write a file
//! # struct MockFile;
//! # impl MockFile {
//! # fn create(_s: &str) -> io::Result<Self> { Ok(MockFile) }
//! # fn write_all(&self, _b: &[u8]) -> io::Result<()> { Ok(()) }
//! # fn sync_all(&self) -> io::Result<()> { Ok(()) }
//! # }
//! # use self::MockFile as File;
//! fn try_main() -> io::Result<()> {
//! let f = File::create("newfile.txt")?;
//! let mut file = scopeguard::guard(f, |f| {
//! // ensure we flush file at return or panic
//! let _ = f.sync_all();
//! });
//! // Access the file through the scope guard itself
//! file.write_all(b"test me\n").map(|_| ())
//! }
//! fn main() {
//! try_main().unwrap();
//! }
//! ```
//! ### 2. The guard restores an invariant on scope exit
//! ```
//! extern crate scopeguard;
//! use std::mem::ManuallyDrop;
//! use std::ptr;
//! // This function, just for this example, takes the first element
//! // and inserts it into the assumed sorted tail of the vector.
//! //
//! // For optimization purposes we temporarily violate an invariant of the
//! // Vec, that it owns all of its elements.
//! //
//! // The safe approach is to use swap, which means two writes to memory,
//! // the optimization is to use a “hole” which uses only one write of memory
//! // for each position it moves.
//! //
//! // We *must* use a scope guard to run this code safely. We
//! // are running arbitrary user code (comparison operators) that may panic.
//! // The scope guard ensures we restore the invariant after successful
//! // exit or during unwinding from panic.
//! fn insertion_sort_first<T>(v: &mut Vec<T>)
//! where T: PartialOrd
//! {
//! struct Hole<'a, T: 'a> {
//! v: &'a mut Vec<T>,
//! index: usize,
//! value: ManuallyDrop<T>,
//! }
//! unsafe {
//! // Create a moved-from location in the vector, a “hole”.
//! let value = ptr::read(&v[0]);
//! let mut hole = Hole { v: v, index: 0, value: ManuallyDrop::new(value) };
//! // Use a scope guard with a value.
//! // At scope exit, plug the hole so that the vector is fully
//! // initialized again.
//! // The scope guard owns the hole, but we can access it through the guard.
//! let mut hole_guard = scopeguard::guard(hole, |hole| {
//! // plug the hole in the vector with the value that was // taken out
//! let index = hole.index;
//! ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(&*hole.value, &mut hole.v[index], 1);
//! });
//! // run algorithm that moves the hole in the vector here
//! // move the hole until it's in a sorted position
//! for i in 1..hole_guard.v.len() {
//! if *hole_guard.value >= hole_guard.v[i] {
//! // move the element back and the hole forward
//! let index = hole_guard.index;
//! hole_guard.v.swap(index, index + 1);
//! hole_guard.index += 1;
//! } else {
//! break;
//! }
//! }
//! // When the scope exits here, the Vec becomes whole again!
//! }
//! }
//! fn main() {
//! let string = String::from;
//! let mut data = vec![string("c"), string("a"), string("b"), string("d")];
//! insertion_sort_first(&mut data);
//! assert_eq!(data, vec!["a", "b", "c", "d"]);
//! }
//! ```
//! # Crate Features
//! - `use_std`
//! + Enabled by default. Enables the `OnUnwind` and `OnSuccess` strategies.
//! + Disable to use `no_std`.
//! # Rust Version
//! This version of the crate requires Rust 1.20 or later.
//! The scopeguard 1.x release series will use a carefully considered version
//! upgrade policy, where in a later 1.x version, we will raise the minimum
//! required Rust version.
#[cfg(not(any(test, feature = "use_std")))]
extern crate core as std;
use std::fmt;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::mem::ManuallyDrop;
use std::ops::{Deref, DerefMut};
use std::ptr;
/// Controls in which cases the associated code should be run
pub trait Strategy {
/// Return `true` if the guard’s associated code should run
/// (in the context where this method is called).
fn should_run() -> bool;
/// Always run on scope exit.
/// “Always” run: on regular exit from a scope or on unwinding from a panic.
/// Can not run on abort, process exit, and other catastrophic events where
/// destructors don’t run.
pub enum Always {}
/// Run on scope exit through unwinding.
/// Requires crate feature `use_std`.
#[cfg(feature = "use_std")]
pub enum OnUnwind {}
/// Run on regular scope exit, when not unwinding.
/// Requires crate feature `use_std`.
#[cfg(feature = "use_std")]
pub enum OnSuccess {}
impl Strategy for Always {
fn should_run() -> bool {
#[cfg(feature = "use_std")]
impl Strategy for OnUnwind {
fn should_run() -> bool {
#[cfg(feature = "use_std")]
impl Strategy for OnSuccess {
fn should_run() -> bool {
/// Macro to create a `ScopeGuard` (always run).
/// The macro takes statements, which are the body of a closure
/// that will run when the scope is exited.
macro_rules! defer {
($($t:tt)*) => {
let _guard = $crate::guard((), |()| { $($t)* });
/// Macro to create a `ScopeGuard` (run on successful scope exit).
/// The macro takes statements, which are the body of a closure
/// that will run when the scope is exited.
/// Requires crate feature `use_std`.
#[cfg(feature = "use_std")]
macro_rules! defer_on_success {
($($t:tt)*) => {
let _guard = $crate::guard_on_success((), |()| { $($t)* });
/// Macro to create a `ScopeGuard` (run on unwinding from panic).
/// The macro takes statements, which are the body of a closure
/// that will run when the scope is exited.
/// Requires crate feature `use_std`.
#[cfg(feature = "use_std")]
macro_rules! defer_on_unwind {
($($t:tt)*) => {
let _guard = $crate::guard_on_unwind((), |()| { $($t)* });
/// `ScopeGuard` is a scope guard that may own a protected value.
/// If you place a guard in a local variable, the closure can
/// run regardless how you leave the scope — through regular return or panic
/// (except if panic or other code aborts; so as long as destructors run).
/// It is run only once.
/// The `S` parameter for [`Strategy`](trait.Strategy.html) determines if
/// the closure actually runs.
/// The guard's closure will be called with the held value in the destructor.
/// The `ScopeGuard` implements `Deref` so that you can access the inner value.
pub struct ScopeGuard<T, F, S = Always>
F: FnOnce(T),
S: Strategy,
value: ManuallyDrop<T>,
dropfn: ManuallyDrop<F>,
// fn(S) -> S is used, so that the S is not taken into account for auto traits.
strategy: PhantomData<fn(S) -> S>,
impl<T, F, S> ScopeGuard<T, F, S>
F: FnOnce(T),
S: Strategy,
/// Create a `ScopeGuard` that owns `v` (accessible through deref) and calls
/// `dropfn` when its destructor runs.
/// The `Strategy` decides whether the scope guard's closure should run.
pub fn with_strategy(v: T, dropfn: F) -> ScopeGuard<T, F, S> {
ScopeGuard {
value: ManuallyDrop::new(v),
dropfn: ManuallyDrop::new(dropfn),
strategy: PhantomData,
/// “Defuse” the guard and extract the value without calling the closure.
/// ```
/// extern crate scopeguard;
/// use scopeguard::{guard, ScopeGuard};
/// fn conditional() -> bool { true }
/// fn main() {
/// let mut guard = guard(Vec::new(), |mut v| v.clear());
/// guard.push(1);
/// if conditional() {
/// // a condition maybe makes us decide to
/// // “defuse” the guard and get back its inner parts
/// let value = ScopeGuard::into_inner(guard);
/// } else {
/// // guard still exists in this branch
/// }
/// }
/// ```
pub fn into_inner(guard: Self) -> T {
// Cannot move out of `Drop`-implementing types,
// so `ptr::read` the value and forget the guard.
let mut guard = ManuallyDrop::new(guard);
unsafe {
let value = ptr::read(&*guard.value);
// Drop the closure after `value` has been read, so that if the
// closure's `drop` function panics, unwinding still tries to drop
// `value`.
ManuallyDrop::drop(&mut guard.dropfn);
/// Create a new `ScopeGuard` owning `v` and with deferred closure `dropfn`.
pub fn guard<T, F>(v: T, dropfn: F) -> ScopeGuard<T, F, Always>
F: FnOnce(T),
ScopeGuard::with_strategy(v, dropfn)
/// Create a new `ScopeGuard` owning `v` and with deferred closure `dropfn`.
/// Requires crate feature `use_std`.
#[cfg(feature = "use_std")]
pub fn guard_on_success<T, F>(v: T, dropfn: F) -> ScopeGuard<T, F, OnSuccess>
F: FnOnce(T),
ScopeGuard::with_strategy(v, dropfn)
/// Create a new `ScopeGuard` owning `v` and with deferred closure `dropfn`.
/// Requires crate feature `use_std`.
/// ## Examples
/// For performance reasons, or to emulate “only run guard on unwind” in
/// no-std environments, we can also use the default guard and simply manually
/// defuse it at the end of scope like the following example. (The performance
/// reason would be if the [`OnUnwind`]'s call to [std::thread::panicking()] is
/// an issue.)
/// ```
/// extern crate scopeguard;
/// use scopeguard::ScopeGuard;
/// # fn main() {
/// {
/// let guard = scopeguard::guard((), |_| {});
/// // rest of the code here
/// // we reached the end of scope without unwinding - defuse it
/// ScopeGuard::into_inner(guard);
/// }
/// # }
/// ```
#[cfg(feature = "use_std")]
pub fn guard_on_unwind<T, F>(v: T, dropfn: F) -> ScopeGuard<T, F, OnUnwind>
F: FnOnce(T),
ScopeGuard::with_strategy(v, dropfn)
// ScopeGuard can be Sync even if F isn't because the closure is
// not accessible from references.
// The guard does not store any instance of S, so it is also irrelevant.
unsafe impl<T, F, S> Sync for ScopeGuard<T, F, S>
T: Sync,
F: FnOnce(T),
S: Strategy,
impl<T, F, S> Deref for ScopeGuard<T, F, S>
F: FnOnce(T),
S: Strategy,
type Target = T;
fn deref(&self) -> &T {
impl<T, F, S> DerefMut for ScopeGuard<T, F, S>
F: FnOnce(T),
S: Strategy,
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T {
&mut *self.value
impl<T, F, S> Drop for ScopeGuard<T, F, S>
F: FnOnce(T),
S: Strategy,
fn drop(&mut self) {
// This is OK because the fields are `ManuallyDrop`s
// which will not be dropped by the compiler.
let (value, dropfn) = unsafe { (ptr::read(&*self.value), ptr::read(&*self.dropfn)) };
if S::should_run() {
impl<T, F, S> fmt::Debug for ScopeGuard<T, F, S>
T: fmt::Debug,
F: FnOnce(T),
S: Strategy,
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
.field("value", &*self.value)
mod tests {
use super::*;
use std::cell::Cell;
use std::panic::catch_unwind;
use std::panic::AssertUnwindSafe;
fn test_defer() {
let drops = Cell::new(0);
assert_eq!(drops.get(), 0);
#[cfg(feature = "use_std")]
fn test_defer_success_1() {
let drops = Cell::new(0);
assert_eq!(drops.get(), 0);
assert_eq!(drops.get(), 1);
#[cfg(feature = "use_std")]
fn test_defer_success_2() {
let drops = Cell::new(0);
let _ = catch_unwind(AssertUnwindSafe(|| {
assert_eq!(drops.get(), 0);
#[cfg(feature = "use_std")]
fn test_defer_unwind_1() {
let drops = Cell::new(0);
let _ = catch_unwind(AssertUnwindSafe(|| {
assert_eq!(drops.get(), 0);
assert_eq!(drops.get(), 1);
#[cfg(feature = "use_std")]
fn test_defer_unwind_2() {
let drops = Cell::new(0);
assert_eq!(drops.get(), 0);
fn test_only_dropped_by_closure_when_run() {
let value_drops = Cell::new(0);
let value = guard((), |()| value_drops.set(1 + value_drops.get()));
let closure_drops = Cell::new(0);
let guard = guard(value, |_| closure_drops.set(1 + closure_drops.get()));
assert_eq!(value_drops.get(), 0);
assert_eq!(closure_drops.get(), 0);
assert_eq!(value_drops.get(), 1);
assert_eq!(closure_drops.get(), 1);
#[cfg(feature = "use_std")]
fn test_dropped_once_when_not_run() {
let value_drops = Cell::new(0);
let value = guard((), |()| value_drops.set(1 + value_drops.get()));
let captured_drops = Cell::new(0);
let captured = guard((), |()| captured_drops.set(1 + captured_drops.get()));
let closure_drops = Cell::new(0);
let guard = guard_on_unwind(value, |value| {
closure_drops.set(1 + closure_drops.get())
assert_eq!(value_drops.get(), 0);
assert_eq!(captured_drops.get(), 0);
assert_eq!(closure_drops.get(), 0);
assert_eq!(value_drops.get(), 1);
assert_eq!(captured_drops.get(), 1);
assert_eq!(closure_drops.get(), 0);
fn test_into_inner() {
let dropped = Cell::new(false);
let value = guard(42, |_| dropped.set(true));
let guard = guard(value, |_| dropped.set(true));
let inner = ScopeGuard::into_inner(guard);
assert_eq!(dropped.get(), false);
assert_eq!(*inner, 42);