| #![allow( |
| clippy::assertions_on_result_states, |
| clippy::byte_char_slices, |
| clippy::cast_precision_loss, |
| clippy::derive_partial_eq_without_eq, |
| clippy::excessive_precision, |
| clippy::float_cmp, |
| clippy::incompatible_msrv, // https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-clippy/issues/12257 |
| clippy::items_after_statements, |
| clippy::large_digit_groups, |
| clippy::let_underscore_untyped, |
| clippy::shadow_unrelated, |
| clippy::too_many_lines, |
| clippy::unreadable_literal, |
| clippy::unseparated_literal_suffix, |
| clippy::vec_init_then_push, |
| clippy::zero_sized_map_values |
| )] |
| |
| #[macro_use] |
| mod macros; |
| |
| #[cfg(feature = "raw_value")] |
| use ref_cast::RefCast; |
| use serde::de::{self, IgnoredAny, IntoDeserializer}; |
| use serde::ser::{self, SerializeMap, SerializeSeq, Serializer}; |
| use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; |
| use serde_bytes::{ByteBuf, Bytes}; |
| #[cfg(feature = "raw_value")] |
| use serde_json::value::RawValue; |
| use serde_json::{ |
| from_reader, from_slice, from_str, from_value, json, to_string, to_string_pretty, to_value, |
| to_vec, Deserializer, Number, Value, |
| }; |
| use std::collections::BTreeMap; |
| #[cfg(feature = "raw_value")] |
| use std::collections::HashMap; |
| use std::fmt::{self, Debug}; |
| use std::hash::BuildHasher; |
| #[cfg(feature = "raw_value")] |
| use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher}; |
| use std::io; |
| use std::iter; |
| use std::marker::PhantomData; |
| use std::mem; |
| use std::str::FromStr; |
| use std::{f32, f64}; |
| |
| macro_rules! treemap { |
| () => { |
| BTreeMap::new() |
| }; |
| ($($k:expr => $v:expr),+ $(,)?) => { |
| { |
| let mut m = BTreeMap::new(); |
| $( |
| m.insert($k, $v); |
| )+ |
| m |
| } |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)] |
| #[serde(deny_unknown_fields)] |
| enum Animal { |
| Dog, |
| Frog(String, Vec<isize>), |
| Cat { age: usize, name: String }, |
| AntHive(Vec<String>), |
| } |
| |
| #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)] |
| struct Inner { |
| a: (), |
| b: usize, |
| c: Vec<String>, |
| } |
| |
| #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)] |
| struct Outer { |
| inner: Vec<Inner>, |
| } |
| |
| fn test_encode_ok<T>(errors: &[(T, &str)]) |
| where |
| T: PartialEq + Debug + ser::Serialize, |
| { |
| for &(ref value, out) in errors { |
| let out = out.to_string(); |
| |
| let s = to_string(value).unwrap(); |
| assert_eq!(s, out); |
| |
| let v = to_value(value).unwrap(); |
| let s = to_string(&v).unwrap(); |
| assert_eq!(s, out); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| fn test_pretty_encode_ok<T>(errors: &[(T, &str)]) |
| where |
| T: PartialEq + Debug + ser::Serialize, |
| { |
| for &(ref value, out) in errors { |
| let out = out.to_string(); |
| |
| let s = to_string_pretty(value).unwrap(); |
| assert_eq!(s, out); |
| |
| let v = to_value(value).unwrap(); |
| let s = to_string_pretty(&v).unwrap(); |
| assert_eq!(s, out); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| #[test] |
| fn test_write_null() { |
| let tests = &[((), "null")]; |
| test_encode_ok(tests); |
| test_pretty_encode_ok(tests); |
| } |
| |
| #[test] |
| fn test_write_u64() { |
| let tests = &[(3u64, "3"), (u64::MAX, &u64::MAX.to_string())]; |
| test_encode_ok(tests); |
| test_pretty_encode_ok(tests); |
| } |
| |
| #[test] |
| fn test_write_i64() { |
| let tests = &[ |
| (3i64, "3"), |
| (-2i64, "-2"), |
| (-1234i64, "-1234"), |
| (i64::MIN, &i64::MIN.to_string()), |
| ]; |
| test_encode_ok(tests); |
| test_pretty_encode_ok(tests); |
| } |
| |
| #[test] |
| fn test_write_f64() { |
| let tests = &[ |
| (3.0, "3.0"), |
| (3.1, "3.1"), |
| (-1.5, "-1.5"), |
| (0.5, "0.5"), |
| (f64::MIN, "-1.7976931348623157e308"), |
| (f64::MAX, "1.7976931348623157e308"), |
| (f64::EPSILON, "2.220446049250313e-16"), |
| ]; |
| test_encode_ok(tests); |
| test_pretty_encode_ok(tests); |
| } |
| |
| #[test] |
| fn test_encode_nonfinite_float_yields_null() { |
| let v = to_value(f64::NAN.copysign(1.0)).unwrap(); |
| assert!(v.is_null()); |
| |
| let v = to_value(f64::NAN.copysign(-1.0)).unwrap(); |
| assert!(v.is_null()); |
| |
| let v = to_value(f64::INFINITY).unwrap(); |
| assert!(v.is_null()); |
| |
| let v = to_value(-f64::INFINITY).unwrap(); |
| assert!(v.is_null()); |
| |
| let v = to_value(f32::NAN.copysign(1.0)).unwrap(); |
| assert!(v.is_null()); |
| |
| let v = to_value(f32::NAN.copysign(-1.0)).unwrap(); |
| assert!(v.is_null()); |
| |
| let v = to_value(f32::INFINITY).unwrap(); |
| assert!(v.is_null()); |
| |
| let v = to_value(-f32::INFINITY).unwrap(); |
| assert!(v.is_null()); |
| } |
| |
| #[test] |
| fn test_write_str() { |
| let tests = &[("", "\"\""), ("foo", "\"foo\"")]; |
| test_encode_ok(tests); |
| test_pretty_encode_ok(tests); |
| } |
| |
| #[test] |
| fn test_write_bool() { |
| let tests = &[(true, "true"), (false, "false")]; |
| test_encode_ok(tests); |
| test_pretty_encode_ok(tests); |
| } |
| |
| #[test] |
| fn test_write_char() { |
| let tests = &[ |
| ('n', "\"n\""), |
| ('"', "\"\\\"\""), |
| ('\\', "\"\\\\\""), |
| ('/', "\"/\""), |
| ('\x08', "\"\\b\""), |
| ('\x0C', "\"\\f\""), |
| ('\n', "\"\\n\""), |
| ('\r', "\"\\r\""), |
| ('\t', "\"\\t\""), |
| ('\x0B', "\"\\u000b\""), |
| ('\u{3A3}', "\"\u{3A3}\""), |
| ]; |
| test_encode_ok(tests); |
| test_pretty_encode_ok(tests); |
| } |
| |
| #[test] |
| fn test_write_list() { |
| test_encode_ok(&[ |
| (vec![], "[]"), |
| (vec![true], "[true]"), |
| (vec![true, false], "[true,false]"), |
| ]); |
| |
| test_encode_ok(&[ |
| (vec![vec![], vec![], vec![]], "[[],[],[]]"), |
| (vec![vec![1, 2, 3], vec![], vec![]], "[[1,2,3],[],[]]"), |
| (vec![vec![], vec![1, 2, 3], vec![]], "[[],[1,2,3],[]]"), |
| (vec![vec![], vec![], vec![1, 2, 3]], "[[],[],[1,2,3]]"), |
| ]); |
| |
| test_pretty_encode_ok(&[ |
| (vec![vec![], vec![], vec![]], pretty_str!([[], [], []])), |
| ( |
| vec![vec![1, 2, 3], vec![], vec![]], |
| pretty_str!([[1, 2, 3], [], []]), |
| ), |
| ( |
| vec![vec![], vec![1, 2, 3], vec![]], |
| pretty_str!([[], [1, 2, 3], []]), |
| ), |
| ( |
| vec![vec![], vec![], vec![1, 2, 3]], |
| pretty_str!([[], [], [1, 2, 3]]), |
| ), |
| ]); |
| |
| test_pretty_encode_ok(&[ |
| (vec![], "[]"), |
| (vec![true], pretty_str!([true])), |
| (vec![true, false], pretty_str!([true, false])), |
| ]); |
| |
| let long_test_list = json!([false, null, ["foo\nbar", 3.5]]); |
| |
| test_encode_ok(&[( |
| long_test_list.clone(), |
| json_str!([false, null, ["foo\nbar", 3.5]]), |
| )]); |
| |
| test_pretty_encode_ok(&[( |
| long_test_list, |
| pretty_str!([false, null, ["foo\nbar", 3.5]]), |
| )]); |
| } |
| |
| #[test] |
| fn test_write_object() { |
| test_encode_ok(&[ |
| (treemap!(), "{}"), |
| (treemap!("a".to_string() => true), "{\"a\":true}"), |
| ( |
| treemap!( |
| "a".to_string() => true, |
| "b".to_string() => false, |
| ), |
| "{\"a\":true,\"b\":false}", |
| ), |
| ]); |
| |
| test_encode_ok(&[ |
| ( |
| treemap![ |
| "a".to_string() => treemap![], |
| "b".to_string() => treemap![], |
| "c".to_string() => treemap![], |
| ], |
| "{\"a\":{},\"b\":{},\"c\":{}}", |
| ), |
| ( |
| treemap![ |
| "a".to_string() => treemap![ |
| "a".to_string() => treemap!["a" => vec![1,2,3]], |
| "b".to_string() => treemap![], |
| "c".to_string() => treemap![], |
| ], |
| "b".to_string() => treemap![], |
| "c".to_string() => treemap![], |
| ], |
| "{\"a\":{\"a\":{\"a\":[1,2,3]},\"b\":{},\"c\":{}},\"b\":{},\"c\":{}}", |
| ), |
| ( |
| treemap![ |
| "a".to_string() => treemap![], |
| "b".to_string() => treemap![ |
| "a".to_string() => treemap!["a" => vec![1,2,3]], |
| "b".to_string() => treemap![], |
| "c".to_string() => treemap![], |
| ], |
| "c".to_string() => treemap![], |
| ], |
| "{\"a\":{},\"b\":{\"a\":{\"a\":[1,2,3]},\"b\":{},\"c\":{}},\"c\":{}}", |
| ), |
| ( |
| treemap![ |
| "a".to_string() => treemap![], |
| "b".to_string() => treemap![], |
| "c".to_string() => treemap![ |
| "a".to_string() => treemap!["a" => vec![1,2,3]], |
| "b".to_string() => treemap![], |
| "c".to_string() => treemap![], |
| ], |
| ], |
| "{\"a\":{},\"b\":{},\"c\":{\"a\":{\"a\":[1,2,3]},\"b\":{},\"c\":{}}}", |
| ), |
| ]); |
| |
| test_encode_ok(&[(treemap!['c' => ()], "{\"c\":null}")]); |
| |
| test_pretty_encode_ok(&[ |
| ( |
| treemap![ |
| "a".to_string() => treemap![], |
| "b".to_string() => treemap![], |
| "c".to_string() => treemap![], |
| ], |
| pretty_str!({ |
| "a": {}, |
| "b": {}, |
| "c": {} |
| }), |
| ), |
| ( |
| treemap![ |
| "a".to_string() => treemap![ |
| "a".to_string() => treemap!["a" => vec![1,2,3]], |
| "b".to_string() => treemap![], |
| "c".to_string() => treemap![], |
| ], |
| "b".to_string() => treemap![], |
| "c".to_string() => treemap![], |
| ], |
| pretty_str!({ |
| "a": { |
| "a": { |
| "a": [ |
| 1, |
| 2, |
| 3 |
| ] |
| }, |
| "b": {}, |
| "c": {} |
| }, |
| "b": {}, |
| "c": {} |
| }), |
| ), |
| ( |
| treemap![ |
| "a".to_string() => treemap![], |
| "b".to_string() => treemap![ |
| "a".to_string() => treemap!["a" => vec![1,2,3]], |
| "b".to_string() => treemap![], |
| "c".to_string() => treemap![], |
| ], |
| "c".to_string() => treemap![], |
| ], |
| pretty_str!({ |
| "a": {}, |
| "b": { |
| "a": { |
| "a": [ |
| 1, |
| 2, |
| 3 |
| ] |
| }, |
| "b": {}, |
| "c": {} |
| }, |
| "c": {} |
| }), |
| ), |
| ( |
| treemap![ |
| "a".to_string() => treemap![], |
| "b".to_string() => treemap![], |
| "c".to_string() => treemap![ |
| "a".to_string() => treemap!["a" => vec![1,2,3]], |
| "b".to_string() => treemap![], |
| "c".to_string() => treemap![], |
| ], |
| ], |
| pretty_str!({ |
| "a": {}, |
| "b": {}, |
| "c": { |
| "a": { |
| "a": [ |
| 1, |
| 2, |
| 3 |
| ] |
| }, |
| "b": {}, |
| "c": {} |
| } |
| }), |
| ), |
| ]); |
| |
| test_pretty_encode_ok(&[ |
| (treemap!(), "{}"), |
| ( |
| treemap!("a".to_string() => true), |
| pretty_str!({ |
| "a": true |
| }), |
| ), |
| ( |
| treemap!( |
| "a".to_string() => true, |
| "b".to_string() => false, |
| ), |
| pretty_str!( { |
| "a": true, |
| "b": false |
| }), |
| ), |
| ]); |
| |
| let complex_obj = json!({ |
| "b": [ |
| {"c": "\x0c\x1f\r"}, |
| {"d": ""} |
| ] |
| }); |
| |
| test_encode_ok(&[( |
| complex_obj.clone(), |
| json_str!({ |
| "b": [ |
| { |
| "c": (r#""\f\u001f\r""#) |
| }, |
| { |
| "d": "" |
| } |
| ] |
| }), |
| )]); |
| |
| test_pretty_encode_ok(&[( |
| complex_obj, |
| pretty_str!({ |
| "b": [ |
| { |
| "c": (r#""\f\u001f\r""#) |
| }, |
| { |
| "d": "" |
| } |
| ] |
| }), |
| )]); |
| } |
| |
| #[test] |
| fn test_write_tuple() { |
| test_encode_ok(&[((5,), "[5]")]); |
| |
| test_pretty_encode_ok(&[((5,), pretty_str!([5]))]); |
| |
| test_encode_ok(&[((5, (6, "abc")), "[5,[6,\"abc\"]]")]); |
| |
| test_pretty_encode_ok(&[((5, (6, "abc")), pretty_str!([5, [6, "abc"]]))]); |
| } |
| |
| #[test] |
| fn test_write_enum() { |
| test_encode_ok(&[ |
| (Animal::Dog, "\"Dog\""), |
| ( |
| Animal::Frog("Henry".to_string(), vec![]), |
| "{\"Frog\":[\"Henry\",[]]}", |
| ), |
| ( |
| Animal::Frog("Henry".to_string(), vec![349]), |
| "{\"Frog\":[\"Henry\",[349]]}", |
| ), |
| ( |
| Animal::Frog("Henry".to_string(), vec![349, 102]), |
| "{\"Frog\":[\"Henry\",[349,102]]}", |
| ), |
| ( |
| Animal::Cat { |
| age: 5, |
| name: "Kate".to_string(), |
| }, |
| "{\"Cat\":{\"age\":5,\"name\":\"Kate\"}}", |
| ), |
| ( |
| Animal::AntHive(vec!["Bob".to_string(), "Stuart".to_string()]), |
| "{\"AntHive\":[\"Bob\",\"Stuart\"]}", |
| ), |
| ]); |
| |
| test_pretty_encode_ok(&[ |
| (Animal::Dog, "\"Dog\""), |
| ( |
| Animal::Frog("Henry".to_string(), vec![]), |
| pretty_str!({ |
| "Frog": [ |
| "Henry", |
| [] |
| ] |
| }), |
| ), |
| ( |
| Animal::Frog("Henry".to_string(), vec![349]), |
| pretty_str!({ |
| "Frog": [ |
| "Henry", |
| [ |
| 349 |
| ] |
| ] |
| }), |
| ), |
| ( |
| Animal::Frog("Henry".to_string(), vec![349, 102]), |
| pretty_str!({ |
| "Frog": [ |
| "Henry", |
| [ |
| 349, |
| 102 |
| ] |
| ] |
| }), |
| ), |
| ]); |
| } |
| |
| #[test] |
| fn test_write_option() { |
| test_encode_ok(&[(None, "null"), (Some("jodhpurs"), "\"jodhpurs\"")]); |
| |
| test_encode_ok(&[ |
| (None, "null"), |
| (Some(vec!["foo", "bar"]), "[\"foo\",\"bar\"]"), |
| ]); |
| |
| test_pretty_encode_ok(&[(None, "null"), (Some("jodhpurs"), "\"jodhpurs\"")]); |
| |
| test_pretty_encode_ok(&[ |
| (None, "null"), |
| (Some(vec!["foo", "bar"]), pretty_str!(["foo", "bar"])), |
| ]); |
| } |
| |
| #[test] |
| fn test_write_newtype_struct() { |
| #[derive(Serialize, PartialEq, Debug)] |
| struct Newtype(BTreeMap<String, i32>); |
| |
| let inner = Newtype(treemap!(String::from("inner") => 123)); |
| let outer = treemap!(String::from("outer") => to_value(&inner).unwrap()); |
| |
| test_encode_ok(&[(inner, r#"{"inner":123}"#)]); |
| |
| test_encode_ok(&[(outer, r#"{"outer":{"inner":123}}"#)]); |
| } |
| |
| #[test] |
| fn test_deserialize_number_to_untagged_enum() { |
| #[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Deserialize, Debug)] |
| #[serde(untagged)] |
| enum E { |
| N(i64), |
| } |
| |
| assert_eq!(E::N(0), E::deserialize(Number::from(0)).unwrap()); |
| } |
| |
| fn test_parse_ok<T>(tests: Vec<(&str, T)>) |
| where |
| T: Clone + Debug + PartialEq + ser::Serialize + de::DeserializeOwned, |
| { |
| for (s, value) in tests { |
| let v: T = from_str(s).unwrap(); |
| assert_eq!(v, value.clone()); |
| |
| let v: T = from_slice(s.as_bytes()).unwrap(); |
| assert_eq!(v, value.clone()); |
| |
| // Make sure we can deserialize into a `Value`. |
| let json_value: Value = from_str(s).unwrap(); |
| assert_eq!(json_value, to_value(&value).unwrap()); |
| |
| // Make sure we can deserialize from a `&Value`. |
| let v = T::deserialize(&json_value).unwrap(); |
| assert_eq!(v, value); |
| |
| // Make sure we can deserialize from a `Value`. |
| let v: T = from_value(json_value.clone()).unwrap(); |
| assert_eq!(v, value); |
| |
| // Make sure we can round trip back to `Value`. |
| let json_value2: Value = from_value(json_value.clone()).unwrap(); |
| assert_eq!(json_value2, json_value); |
| |
| // Make sure we can fully ignore. |
| let twoline = s.to_owned() + "\n3735928559"; |
| let mut de = Deserializer::from_str(&twoline); |
| IgnoredAny::deserialize(&mut de).unwrap(); |
| assert_eq!(0xDEAD_BEEF, u64::deserialize(&mut de).unwrap()); |
| |
| // Make sure every prefix is an EOF error, except that a prefix of a |
| // number may be a valid number. |
| if !json_value.is_number() { |
| for (i, _) in s.trim_end().char_indices() { |
| assert!(from_str::<Value>(&s[..i]).unwrap_err().is_eof()); |
| assert!(from_str::<IgnoredAny>(&s[..i]).unwrap_err().is_eof()); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // For testing representations that the deserializer accepts but the serializer |
| // never generates. These do not survive a round-trip through Value. |
| fn test_parse_unusual_ok<T>(tests: Vec<(&str, T)>) |
| where |
| T: Clone + Debug + PartialEq + ser::Serialize + de::DeserializeOwned, |
| { |
| for (s, value) in tests { |
| let v: T = from_str(s).unwrap(); |
| assert_eq!(v, value.clone()); |
| |
| let v: T = from_slice(s.as_bytes()).unwrap(); |
| assert_eq!(v, value.clone()); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| macro_rules! test_parse_err { |
| ($name:ident::<$($ty:ty),*>($arg:expr) => $expected:expr) => { |
| let actual = $name::<$($ty),*>($arg).unwrap_err().to_string(); |
| assert_eq!(actual, $expected, "unexpected {} error", stringify!($name)); |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| fn test_parse_err<T>(errors: &[(&str, &'static str)]) |
| where |
| T: Debug + PartialEq + de::DeserializeOwned, |
| { |
| for &(s, err) in errors { |
| test_parse_err!(from_str::<T>(s) => err); |
| test_parse_err!(from_slice::<T>(s.as_bytes()) => err); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| fn test_parse_slice_err<T>(errors: &[(&[u8], &'static str)]) |
| where |
| T: Debug + PartialEq + de::DeserializeOwned, |
| { |
| for &(s, err) in errors { |
| test_parse_err!(from_slice::<T>(s) => err); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| fn test_fromstr_parse_err<T>(errors: &[(&str, &'static str)]) |
| where |
| T: Debug + PartialEq + FromStr, |
| <T as FromStr>::Err: ToString, |
| { |
| for &(s, err) in errors { |
| let actual = s.parse::<T>().unwrap_err().to_string(); |
| assert_eq!(actual, err, "unexpected parsing error"); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| #[test] |
| fn test_parse_null() { |
| test_parse_err::<()>(&[ |
| ("n", "EOF while parsing a value at line 1 column 1"), |
| ("nul", "EOF while parsing a value at line 1 column 3"), |
| ("nulla", "trailing characters at line 1 column 5"), |
| ]); |
| |
| test_parse_ok(vec![("null", ())]); |
| } |
| |
| #[test] |
| fn test_parse_bool() { |
| test_parse_err::<bool>(&[ |
| ("t", "EOF while parsing a value at line 1 column 1"), |
| ("truz", "expected ident at line 1 column 4"), |
| ("f", "EOF while parsing a value at line 1 column 1"), |
| ("faz", "expected ident at line 1 column 3"), |
| ("truea", "trailing characters at line 1 column 5"), |
| ("falsea", "trailing characters at line 1 column 6"), |
| ]); |
| |
| test_parse_ok(vec![ |
| ("true", true), |
| (" true ", true), |
| ("false", false), |
| (" false ", false), |
| ]); |
| } |
| |
| #[test] |
| fn test_parse_char() { |
| test_parse_err::<char>(&[ |
| ( |
| "\"ab\"", |
| "invalid value: string \"ab\", expected a character at line 1 column 4", |
| ), |
| ( |
| "10", |
| "invalid type: integer `10`, expected a character at line 1 column 2", |
| ), |
| ]); |
| |
| test_parse_ok(vec![ |
| ("\"n\"", 'n'), |
| ("\"\\\"\"", '"'), |
| ("\"\\\\\"", '\\'), |
| ("\"/\"", '/'), |
| ("\"\\b\"", '\x08'), |
| ("\"\\f\"", '\x0C'), |
| ("\"\\n\"", '\n'), |
| ("\"\\r\"", '\r'), |
| ("\"\\t\"", '\t'), |
| ("\"\\u000b\"", '\x0B'), |
| ("\"\\u000B\"", '\x0B'), |
| ("\"\u{3A3}\"", '\u{3A3}'), |
| ]); |
| } |
| |
| #[test] |
| fn test_parse_number_errors() { |
| test_parse_err::<f64>(&[ |
| ("+", "expected value at line 1 column 1"), |
| (".", "expected value at line 1 column 1"), |
| ("-", "EOF while parsing a value at line 1 column 1"), |
| ("00", "invalid number at line 1 column 2"), |
| ("0x80", "trailing characters at line 1 column 2"), |
| ("\\0", "expected value at line 1 column 1"), |
| (".0", "expected value at line 1 column 1"), |
| ("0.", "EOF while parsing a value at line 1 column 2"), |
| ("1.", "EOF while parsing a value at line 1 column 2"), |
| ("1.a", "invalid number at line 1 column 3"), |
| ("1.e1", "invalid number at line 1 column 3"), |
| ("1e", "EOF while parsing a value at line 1 column 2"), |
| ("1e+", "EOF while parsing a value at line 1 column 3"), |
| ("1a", "trailing characters at line 1 column 2"), |
| ( |
| "100e777777777777777777777777777", |
| "number out of range at line 1 column 14", |
| ), |
| ( |
| "-100e777777777777777777777777777", |
| "number out of range at line 1 column 15", |
| ), |
| ( |
| "1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\ |
| 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\ |
| 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\ |
| 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\ |
| 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\ |
| 000000000", // 1e309 |
| "number out of range at line 1 column 310", |
| ), |
| ( |
| "1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\ |
| 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\ |
| 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\ |
| 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\ |
| 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\ |
| .0e9", // 1e309 |
| "number out of range at line 1 column 305", |
| ), |
| ( |
| "1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\ |
| 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\ |
| 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\ |
| 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\ |
| 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\ |
| e9", // 1e309 |
| "number out of range at line 1 column 303", |
| ), |
| ]); |
| } |
| |
| #[test] |
| fn test_parse_i64() { |
| test_parse_ok(vec![ |
| ("-2", -2), |
| ("-1234", -1234), |
| (" -1234 ", -1234), |
| (&i64::MIN.to_string(), i64::MIN), |
| (&i64::MAX.to_string(), i64::MAX), |
| ]); |
| } |
| |
| #[test] |
| fn test_parse_u64() { |
| test_parse_ok(vec![ |
| ("0", 0u64), |
| ("3", 3u64), |
| ("1234", 1234), |
| (&u64::MAX.to_string(), u64::MAX), |
| ]); |
| } |
| |
| #[test] |
| fn test_parse_negative_zero() { |
| for negative_zero in &[ |
| "-0", |
| "-0.0", |
| "-0e2", |
| "-0.0e2", |
| "-1e-400", |
| "-1e-4000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", |
| ] { |
| assert!( |
| from_str::<f32>(negative_zero).unwrap().is_sign_negative(), |
| "should have been negative: {:?}", |
| negative_zero, |
| ); |
| assert!( |
| from_str::<f64>(negative_zero).unwrap().is_sign_negative(), |
| "should have been negative: {:?}", |
| negative_zero, |
| ); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| #[test] |
| fn test_parse_f64() { |
| test_parse_ok(vec![ |
| ("0.0", 0.0f64), |
| ("3.0", 3.0f64), |
| ("3.1", 3.1), |
| ("-1.2", -1.2), |
| ("0.4", 0.4), |
| // Edge case from: |
| // https://github.com/serde-rs/json/issues/536#issuecomment-583714900 |
| ("2.638344616030823e-256", 2.638344616030823e-256), |
| ]); |
| |
| #[cfg(not(feature = "arbitrary_precision"))] |
| test_parse_ok(vec![ |
| // With arbitrary-precision enabled, this parses as Number{"3.00"} |
| // but the float is Number{"3.0"} |
| ("3.00", 3.0f64), |
| ("0.4e5", 0.4e5), |
| ("0.4e+5", 0.4e5), |
| ("0.4e15", 0.4e15), |
| ("0.4e+15", 0.4e15), |
| ("0.4e-01", 0.4e-1), |
| (" 0.4e-01 ", 0.4e-1), |
| ("0.4e-001", 0.4e-1), |
| ("0.4e-0", 0.4e0), |
| ("0.00e00", 0.0), |
| ("0.00e+00", 0.0), |
| ("0.00e-00", 0.0), |
| ("3.5E-2147483647", 0.0), |
| ("0.0100000000000000000001", 0.01), |
| ( |
| &format!("{}", (i64::MIN as f64) - 1.0), |
| (i64::MIN as f64) - 1.0, |
| ), |
| ( |
| &format!("{}", (u64::MAX as f64) + 1.0), |
| (u64::MAX as f64) + 1.0, |
| ), |
| (&format!("{}", f64::EPSILON), f64::EPSILON), |
| ( |
| "0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000123e50", |
| 1.23, |
| ), |
| ("100e-777777777777777777777777777", 0.0), |
| ( |
| "1010101010101010101010101010101010101010", |
| 10101010101010101010e20, |
| ), |
| ( |
| "0.1010101010101010101010101010101010101010", |
| 0.1010101010101010101, |
| ), |
| ("0e1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", 0.0), |
| ( |
| "1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\ |
| 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\ |
| 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\ |
| 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\ |
| 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\ |
| 00000000", |
| 1e308, |
| ), |
| ( |
| "1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\ |
| 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\ |
| 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\ |
| 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\ |
| 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\ |
| .0e8", |
| 1e308, |
| ), |
| ( |
| "1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\ |
| 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\ |
| 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\ |
| 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\ |
| 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\ |
| e8", |
| 1e308, |
| ), |
| ( |
| "1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\ |
| 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\ |
| 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\ |
| 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\ |
| 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\ |
| 000000000000000000e-10", |
| 1e308, |
| ), |
| ]); |
| } |
| |
| #[test] |
| fn test_value_as_f64() { |
| let v = serde_json::from_str::<Value>("1e1000"); |
| |
| #[cfg(not(feature = "arbitrary_precision"))] |
| assert!(v.is_err()); |
| |
| #[cfg(feature = "arbitrary_precision")] |
| assert_eq!(v.unwrap().as_f64(), None); |
| } |
| |
| // Test roundtrip with some values that were not perfectly roundtripped by the |
| // old f64 deserializer. |
| #[cfg(feature = "float_roundtrip")] |
| #[test] |
| fn test_roundtrip_f64() { |
| for &float in &[ |
| // Samples from quickcheck-ing roundtrip with `input: f64`. Comments |
| // indicate the value returned by the old deserializer. |
| 51.24817837550540_4, // 51.2481783755054_1 |
| -93.3113703768803_3, // -93.3113703768803_2 |
| -36.5739948427534_36, // -36.5739948427534_4 |
| 52.31400820410624_4, // 52.31400820410624_ |
| 97.4536532003468_5, // 97.4536532003468_4 |
| // Samples from `rng.next_u64` + `f64::from_bits` + `is_finite` filter. |
| 2.0030397744267762e-253, |
| 7.101215824554616e260, |
| 1.769268377902049e74, |
| -1.6727517818542075e58, |
| 3.9287532173373315e299, |
| ] { |
| let json = serde_json::to_string(&float).unwrap(); |
| let output: f64 = serde_json::from_str(&json).unwrap(); |
| assert_eq!(float, output); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| #[test] |
| fn test_roundtrip_f32() { |
| // This number has 1 ULP error if parsed via f64 and converted to f32. |
| // https://github.com/serde-rs/json/pull/671#issuecomment-628534468 |
| let float = 7.038531e-26; |
| let json = serde_json::to_string(&float).unwrap(); |
| let output: f32 = serde_json::from_str(&json).unwrap(); |
| assert_eq!(float, output); |
| } |
| |
| #[test] |
| fn test_serialize_char() { |
| let value = json!( |
| ({ |
| let mut map = BTreeMap::new(); |
| map.insert('c', ()); |
| map |
| }) |
| ); |
| assert_eq!(&Value::Null, value.get("c").unwrap()); |
| } |
| |
| #[cfg(feature = "arbitrary_precision")] |
| #[test] |
| fn test_malicious_number() { |
| #[derive(Serialize)] |
| #[serde(rename = "$serde_json::private::Number")] |
| struct S { |
| #[serde(rename = "$serde_json::private::Number")] |
| f: &'static str, |
| } |
| |
| let actual = serde_json::to_value(&S { f: "not a number" }) |
| .unwrap_err() |
| .to_string(); |
| assert_eq!(actual, "invalid number at line 1 column 1"); |
| } |
| |
| #[test] |
| fn test_parse_number() { |
| test_parse_ok(vec![ |
| ("0.0", Number::from_f64(0.0f64).unwrap()), |
| ("3.0", Number::from_f64(3.0f64).unwrap()), |
| ("3.1", Number::from_f64(3.1).unwrap()), |
| ("-1.2", Number::from_f64(-1.2).unwrap()), |
| ("0.4", Number::from_f64(0.4).unwrap()), |
| ]); |
| |
| test_fromstr_parse_err::<Number>(&[ |
| (" 1.0", "invalid number at line 1 column 1"), |
| ("1.0 ", "invalid number at line 1 column 4"), |
| ("\t1.0", "invalid number at line 1 column 1"), |
| ("1.0\t", "invalid number at line 1 column 4"), |
| ]); |
| |
| #[cfg(feature = "arbitrary_precision")] |
| test_parse_ok(vec![ |
| ("1e999", Number::from_string_unchecked("1e999".to_owned())), |
| ("1e+999", Number::from_string_unchecked("1e+999".to_owned())), |
| ("-1e999", Number::from_string_unchecked("-1e999".to_owned())), |
| ("1e-999", Number::from_string_unchecked("1e-999".to_owned())), |
| ("1E999", Number::from_string_unchecked("1E999".to_owned())), |
| ("1E+999", Number::from_string_unchecked("1E+999".to_owned())), |
| ("-1E999", Number::from_string_unchecked("-1E999".to_owned())), |
| ("1E-999", Number::from_string_unchecked("1E-999".to_owned())), |
| ("1E+000", Number::from_string_unchecked("1E+000".to_owned())), |
| ( |
| "2.3e999", |
| Number::from_string_unchecked("2.3e999".to_owned()), |
| ), |
| ( |
| "-2.3e999", |
| Number::from_string_unchecked("-2.3e999".to_owned()), |
| ), |
| ]); |
| } |
| |
| #[test] |
| fn test_parse_string() { |
| test_parse_err::<String>(&[ |
| ("\"", "EOF while parsing a string at line 1 column 1"), |
| ("\"lol", "EOF while parsing a string at line 1 column 4"), |
| ("\"lol\"a", "trailing characters at line 1 column 6"), |
| ( |
| "\"\\uD83C\\uFFFF\"", |
| "lone leading surrogate in hex escape at line 1 column 13", |
| ), |
| ( |
| "\"\n\"", |
| "control character (\\u0000-\\u001F) found while parsing a string at line 2 column 0", |
| ), |
| ( |
| "\"\x1F\"", |
| "control character (\\u0000-\\u001F) found while parsing a string at line 1 column 2", |
| ), |
| ]); |
| |
| test_parse_slice_err::<String>(&[ |
| ( |
| &[b'"', 159, 146, 150, b'"'], |
| "invalid unicode code point at line 1 column 5", |
| ), |
| ( |
| &[b'"', b'\\', b'n', 159, 146, 150, b'"'], |
| "invalid unicode code point at line 1 column 7", |
| ), |
| ( |
| &[b'"', b'\\', b'u', 48, 48, 51], |
| "EOF while parsing a string at line 1 column 6", |
| ), |
| ( |
| &[b'"', b'\\', b'u', 250, 48, 51, 48, b'"'], |
| "invalid escape at line 1 column 4", |
| ), |
| ( |
| &[b'"', b'\\', b'u', 48, 250, 51, 48, b'"'], |
| "invalid escape at line 1 column 5", |
| ), |
| ( |
| &[b'"', b'\\', b'u', 48, 48, 250, 48, b'"'], |
| "invalid escape at line 1 column 6", |
| ), |
| ( |
| &[b'"', b'\\', b'u', 48, 48, 51, 250, b'"'], |
| "invalid escape at line 1 column 7", |
| ), |
| ( |
| &[b'"', b'\n', b'"'], |
| "control character (\\u0000-\\u001F) found while parsing a string at line 2 column 0", |
| ), |
| ( |
| &[b'"', b'\x1F', b'"'], |
| "control character (\\u0000-\\u001F) found while parsing a string at line 1 column 2", |
| ), |
| ]); |
| |
| test_parse_ok(vec![ |
| ("\"\"", String::new()), |
| ("\"foo\"", "foo".to_string()), |
| (" \"foo\" ", "foo".to_string()), |
| ("\"\\\"\"", "\"".to_string()), |
| ("\"\\b\"", "\x08".to_string()), |
| ("\"\\n\"", "\n".to_string()), |
| ("\"\\r\"", "\r".to_string()), |
| ("\"\\t\"", "\t".to_string()), |
| ("\"\\u12ab\"", "\u{12ab}".to_string()), |
| ("\"\\uAB12\"", "\u{AB12}".to_string()), |
| ("\"\\uD83C\\uDF95\"", "\u{1F395}".to_string()), |
| ]); |
| } |
| |
| #[test] |
| fn test_parse_list() { |
| test_parse_err::<Vec<f64>>(&[ |
| ("[", "EOF while parsing a list at line 1 column 1"), |
| ("[ ", "EOF while parsing a list at line 1 column 2"), |
| ("[1", "EOF while parsing a list at line 1 column 2"), |
| ("[1,", "EOF while parsing a value at line 1 column 3"), |
| ("[1,]", "trailing comma at line 1 column 4"), |
| ("[1 2]", "expected `,` or `]` at line 1 column 4"), |
| ("[]a", "trailing characters at line 1 column 3"), |
| ]); |
| |
| test_parse_ok(vec![ |
| ("[]", vec![]), |
| ("[ ]", vec![]), |
| ("[null]", vec![()]), |
| (" [ null ] ", vec![()]), |
| ]); |
| |
| test_parse_ok(vec![("[true]", vec![true])]); |
| |
| test_parse_ok(vec![("[3,1]", vec![3u64, 1]), (" [ 3 , 1 ] ", vec![3, 1])]); |
| |
| test_parse_ok(vec![("[[3], [1, 2]]", vec![vec![3u64], vec![1, 2]])]); |
| |
| test_parse_ok(vec![("[1]", (1u64,))]); |
| |
| test_parse_ok(vec![("[1, 2]", (1u64, 2u64))]); |
| |
| test_parse_ok(vec![("[1, 2, 3]", (1u64, 2u64, 3u64))]); |
| |
| test_parse_ok(vec![("[1, [2, 3]]", (1u64, (2u64, 3u64)))]); |
| } |
| |
| #[test] |
| fn test_parse_object() { |
| test_parse_err::<BTreeMap<String, u32>>(&[ |
| ("{", "EOF while parsing an object at line 1 column 1"), |
| ("{ ", "EOF while parsing an object at line 1 column 2"), |
| ("{1", "key must be a string at line 1 column 2"), |
| ("{ \"a\"", "EOF while parsing an object at line 1 column 5"), |
| ("{\"a\"", "EOF while parsing an object at line 1 column 4"), |
| ("{\"a\" ", "EOF while parsing an object at line 1 column 5"), |
| ("{\"a\" 1", "expected `:` at line 1 column 6"), |
| ("{\"a\":", "EOF while parsing a value at line 1 column 5"), |
| ("{\"a\":1", "EOF while parsing an object at line 1 column 6"), |
| ("{\"a\":1 1", "expected `,` or `}` at line 1 column 8"), |
| ("{\"a\":1,", "EOF while parsing a value at line 1 column 7"), |
| ("{}a", "trailing characters at line 1 column 3"), |
| ]); |
| |
| test_parse_ok(vec![ |
| ("{}", treemap!()), |
| ("{ }", treemap!()), |
| ("{\"a\":3}", treemap!("a".to_string() => 3u64)), |
| ("{ \"a\" : 3 }", treemap!("a".to_string() => 3)), |
| ( |
| "{\"a\":3,\"b\":4}", |
| treemap!("a".to_string() => 3, "b".to_string() => 4), |
| ), |
| ( |
| " { \"a\" : 3 , \"b\" : 4 } ", |
| treemap!("a".to_string() => 3, "b".to_string() => 4), |
| ), |
| ]); |
| |
| test_parse_ok(vec![( |
| "{\"a\": {\"b\": 3, \"c\": 4}}", |
| treemap!( |
| "a".to_string() => treemap!( |
| "b".to_string() => 3u64, |
| "c".to_string() => 4, |
| ), |
| ), |
| )]); |
| |
| test_parse_ok(vec![("{\"c\":null}", treemap!('c' => ()))]); |
| } |
| |
| #[test] |
| fn test_parse_struct() { |
| test_parse_err::<Outer>(&[ |
| ( |
| "5", |
| "invalid type: integer `5`, expected struct Outer at line 1 column 1", |
| ), |
| ( |
| "\"hello\"", |
| "invalid type: string \"hello\", expected struct Outer at line 1 column 7", |
| ), |
| ( |
| "{\"inner\": true}", |
| "invalid type: boolean `true`, expected a sequence at line 1 column 14", |
| ), |
| ("{}", "missing field `inner` at line 1 column 2"), |
| ( |
| r#"{"inner": [{"b": 42, "c": []}]}"#, |
| "missing field `a` at line 1 column 29", |
| ), |
| ]); |
| |
| test_parse_ok(vec![ |
| ( |
| "{ |
| \"inner\": [] |
| }", |
| Outer { inner: vec![] }, |
| ), |
| ( |
| "{ |
| \"inner\": [ |
| { \"a\": null, \"b\": 2, \"c\": [\"abc\", \"xyz\"] } |
| ] |
| }", |
| Outer { |
| inner: vec![Inner { |
| a: (), |
| b: 2, |
| c: vec!["abc".to_string(), "xyz".to_string()], |
| }], |
| }, |
| ), |
| ]); |
| |
| let v: Outer = from_str( |
| "[ |
| [ |
| [ null, 2, [\"abc\", \"xyz\"] ] |
| ] |
| ]", |
| ) |
| .unwrap(); |
| |
| assert_eq!( |
| v, |
| Outer { |
| inner: vec![Inner { |
| a: (), |
| b: 2, |
| c: vec!["abc".to_string(), "xyz".to_string()], |
| }], |
| } |
| ); |
| |
| let j = json!([null, 2, []]); |
| Inner::deserialize(&j).unwrap(); |
| Inner::deserialize(j).unwrap(); |
| } |
| |
| #[test] |
| fn test_parse_option() { |
| test_parse_ok(vec![ |
| ("null", None::<String>), |
| ("\"jodhpurs\"", Some("jodhpurs".to_string())), |
| ]); |
| |
| #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)] |
| struct Foo { |
| x: Option<isize>, |
| } |
| |
| let value: Foo = from_str("{}").unwrap(); |
| assert_eq!(value, Foo { x: None }); |
| |
| test_parse_ok(vec![ |
| ("{\"x\": null}", Foo { x: None }), |
| ("{\"x\": 5}", Foo { x: Some(5) }), |
| ]); |
| } |
| |
| #[test] |
| fn test_parse_enum_errors() { |
| test_parse_err::<Animal>( |
| &[ |
| ("{}", "expected value at line 1 column 2"), |
| ("[]", "expected value at line 1 column 1"), |
| ("\"unknown\"", |
| "unknown variant `unknown`, expected one of `Dog`, `Frog`, `Cat`, `AntHive` at line 1 column 9"), |
| ("{\"unknown\":null}", |
| "unknown variant `unknown`, expected one of `Dog`, `Frog`, `Cat`, `AntHive` at line 1 column 10"), |
| ("{\"Dog\":", "EOF while parsing a value at line 1 column 7"), |
| ("{\"Dog\":}", "expected value at line 1 column 8"), |
| ("{\"Dog\":{}}", "invalid type: map, expected unit at line 1 column 7"), |
| ("\"Frog\"", "invalid type: unit variant, expected tuple variant"), |
| ("\"Frog\" 0 ", "invalid type: unit variant, expected tuple variant"), |
| ("{\"Frog\":{}}", |
| "invalid type: map, expected tuple variant Animal::Frog at line 1 column 8"), |
| ("{\"Cat\":[]}", "invalid length 0, expected struct variant Animal::Cat with 2 elements at line 1 column 9"), |
| ("{\"Cat\":[0]}", "invalid length 1, expected struct variant Animal::Cat with 2 elements at line 1 column 10"), |
| ("{\"Cat\":[0, \"\", 2]}", "trailing characters at line 1 column 16"), |
| ("{\"Cat\":{\"age\": 5, \"name\": \"Kate\", \"foo\":\"bar\"}", |
| "unknown field `foo`, expected `age` or `name` at line 1 column 39"), |
| |
| // JSON does not allow trailing commas in data structures |
| ("{\"Cat\":[0, \"Kate\",]}", "trailing comma at line 1 column 19"), |
| ("{\"Cat\":{\"age\": 2, \"name\": \"Kate\",}}", |
| "trailing comma at line 1 column 34"), |
| ], |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| #[test] |
| fn test_parse_enum() { |
| test_parse_ok(vec![ |
| ("\"Dog\"", Animal::Dog), |
| (" \"Dog\" ", Animal::Dog), |
| ( |
| "{\"Frog\":[\"Henry\",[]]}", |
| Animal::Frog("Henry".to_string(), vec![]), |
| ), |
| ( |
| " { \"Frog\": [ \"Henry\" , [ 349, 102 ] ] } ", |
| Animal::Frog("Henry".to_string(), vec![349, 102]), |
| ), |
| ( |
| "{\"Cat\": {\"age\": 5, \"name\": \"Kate\"}}", |
| Animal::Cat { |
| age: 5, |
| name: "Kate".to_string(), |
| }, |
| ), |
| ( |
| " { \"Cat\" : { \"age\" : 5 , \"name\" : \"Kate\" } } ", |
| Animal::Cat { |
| age: 5, |
| name: "Kate".to_string(), |
| }, |
| ), |
| ( |
| " { \"AntHive\" : [\"Bob\", \"Stuart\"] } ", |
| Animal::AntHive(vec!["Bob".to_string(), "Stuart".to_string()]), |
| ), |
| ]); |
| |
| test_parse_unusual_ok(vec![ |
| ("{\"Dog\":null}", Animal::Dog), |
| (" { \"Dog\" : null } ", Animal::Dog), |
| ]); |
| |
| test_parse_ok(vec![( |
| concat!( |
| "{", |
| " \"a\": \"Dog\",", |
| " \"b\": {\"Frog\":[\"Henry\", []]}", |
| "}" |
| ), |
| treemap!( |
| "a".to_string() => Animal::Dog, |
| "b".to_string() => Animal::Frog("Henry".to_string(), vec![]), |
| ), |
| )]); |
| } |
| |
| #[test] |
| fn test_parse_trailing_whitespace() { |
| test_parse_ok(vec![ |
| ("[1, 2] ", vec![1u64, 2]), |
| ("[1, 2]\n", vec![1, 2]), |
| ("[1, 2]\t", vec![1, 2]), |
| ("[1, 2]\t \n", vec![1, 2]), |
| ]); |
| } |
| |
| #[test] |
| fn test_multiline_errors() { |
| test_parse_err::<BTreeMap<String, String>>(&[( |
| "{\n \"foo\":\n \"bar\"", |
| "EOF while parsing an object at line 3 column 6", |
| )]); |
| } |
| |
| #[test] |
| fn test_missing_option_field() { |
| #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Deserialize)] |
| struct Foo { |
| x: Option<u32>, |
| } |
| |
| let value: Foo = from_str("{}").unwrap(); |
| assert_eq!(value, Foo { x: None }); |
| |
| let value: Foo = from_str("{\"x\": 5}").unwrap(); |
| assert_eq!(value, Foo { x: Some(5) }); |
| |
| let value: Foo = from_value(json!({})).unwrap(); |
| assert_eq!(value, Foo { x: None }); |
| |
| let value: Foo = from_value(json!({"x": 5})).unwrap(); |
| assert_eq!(value, Foo { x: Some(5) }); |
| } |
| |
| #[test] |
| fn test_missing_nonoption_field() { |
| #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Deserialize)] |
| struct Foo { |
| x: u32, |
| } |
| |
| test_parse_err::<Foo>(&[("{}", "missing field `x` at line 1 column 2")]); |
| } |
| |
| #[test] |
| fn test_missing_renamed_field() { |
| #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Deserialize)] |
| struct Foo { |
| #[serde(rename = "y")] |
| x: Option<u32>, |
| } |
| |
| let value: Foo = from_str("{}").unwrap(); |
| assert_eq!(value, Foo { x: None }); |
| |
| let value: Foo = from_str("{\"y\": 5}").unwrap(); |
| assert_eq!(value, Foo { x: Some(5) }); |
| |
| let value: Foo = from_value(json!({})).unwrap(); |
| assert_eq!(value, Foo { x: None }); |
| |
| let value: Foo = from_value(json!({"y": 5})).unwrap(); |
| assert_eq!(value, Foo { x: Some(5) }); |
| } |
| |
| #[test] |
| fn test_serialize_seq_with_no_len() { |
| #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] |
| struct MyVec<T>(Vec<T>); |
| |
| impl<T> ser::Serialize for MyVec<T> |
| where |
| T: ser::Serialize, |
| { |
| fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error> |
| where |
| S: ser::Serializer, |
| { |
| let mut seq = serializer.serialize_seq(None)?; |
| for elem in &self.0 { |
| seq.serialize_element(elem)?; |
| } |
| seq.end() |
| } |
| } |
| |
| struct Visitor<T> { |
| marker: PhantomData<MyVec<T>>, |
| } |
| |
| impl<'de, T> de::Visitor<'de> for Visitor<T> |
| where |
| T: de::Deserialize<'de>, |
| { |
| type Value = MyVec<T>; |
| |
| fn expecting(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { |
| formatter.write_str("array") |
| } |
| |
| fn visit_unit<E>(self) -> Result<MyVec<T>, E> |
| where |
| E: de::Error, |
| { |
| Ok(MyVec(Vec::new())) |
| } |
| |
| fn visit_seq<V>(self, mut visitor: V) -> Result<MyVec<T>, V::Error> |
| where |
| V: de::SeqAccess<'de>, |
| { |
| let mut values = Vec::new(); |
| |
| while let Some(value) = visitor.next_element()? { |
| values.push(value); |
| } |
| |
| Ok(MyVec(values)) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl<'de, T> de::Deserialize<'de> for MyVec<T> |
| where |
| T: de::Deserialize<'de>, |
| { |
| fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<MyVec<T>, D::Error> |
| where |
| D: de::Deserializer<'de>, |
| { |
| deserializer.deserialize_map(Visitor { |
| marker: PhantomData, |
| }) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| let mut vec = Vec::new(); |
| vec.push(MyVec(Vec::new())); |
| vec.push(MyVec(Vec::new())); |
| let vec: MyVec<MyVec<u32>> = MyVec(vec); |
| |
| test_encode_ok(&[(vec.clone(), "[[],[]]")]); |
| |
| let s = to_string_pretty(&vec).unwrap(); |
| let expected = pretty_str!([[], []]); |
| assert_eq!(s, expected); |
| } |
| |
| #[test] |
| fn test_serialize_map_with_no_len() { |
| #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] |
| struct MyMap<K, V>(BTreeMap<K, V>); |
| |
| impl<K, V> ser::Serialize for MyMap<K, V> |
| where |
| K: ser::Serialize + Ord, |
| V: ser::Serialize, |
| { |
| fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error> |
| where |
| S: ser::Serializer, |
| { |
| let mut map = serializer.serialize_map(None)?; |
| for (k, v) in &self.0 { |
| map.serialize_entry(k, v)?; |
| } |
| map.end() |
| } |
| } |
| |
| struct Visitor<K, V> { |
| marker: PhantomData<MyMap<K, V>>, |
| } |
| |
| impl<'de, K, V> de::Visitor<'de> for Visitor<K, V> |
| where |
| K: de::Deserialize<'de> + Eq + Ord, |
| V: de::Deserialize<'de>, |
| { |
| type Value = MyMap<K, V>; |
| |
| fn expecting(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { |
| formatter.write_str("map") |
| } |
| |
| fn visit_unit<E>(self) -> Result<MyMap<K, V>, E> |
| where |
| E: de::Error, |
| { |
| Ok(MyMap(BTreeMap::new())) |
| } |
| |
| fn visit_map<Visitor>(self, mut visitor: Visitor) -> Result<MyMap<K, V>, Visitor::Error> |
| where |
| Visitor: de::MapAccess<'de>, |
| { |
| let mut values = BTreeMap::new(); |
| |
| while let Some((key, value)) = visitor.next_entry()? { |
| values.insert(key, value); |
| } |
| |
| Ok(MyMap(values)) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl<'de, K, V> de::Deserialize<'de> for MyMap<K, V> |
| where |
| K: de::Deserialize<'de> + Eq + Ord, |
| V: de::Deserialize<'de>, |
| { |
| fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<MyMap<K, V>, D::Error> |
| where |
| D: de::Deserializer<'de>, |
| { |
| deserializer.deserialize_map(Visitor { |
| marker: PhantomData, |
| }) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| let mut map = BTreeMap::new(); |
| map.insert("a", MyMap(BTreeMap::new())); |
| map.insert("b", MyMap(BTreeMap::new())); |
| let map: MyMap<_, MyMap<u32, u32>> = MyMap(map); |
| |
| test_encode_ok(&[(map.clone(), "{\"a\":{},\"b\":{}}")]); |
| |
| let s = to_string_pretty(&map).unwrap(); |
| let expected = pretty_str!({ |
| "a": {}, |
| "b": {} |
| }); |
| assert_eq!(s, expected); |
| } |
| |
| #[cfg(not(miri))] |
| #[test] |
| fn test_deserialize_from_stream() { |
| use serde_json::to_writer; |
| use std::net::{TcpListener, TcpStream}; |
| use std::thread; |
| |
| #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)] |
| struct Message { |
| message: String, |
| } |
| |
| let l = TcpListener::bind("localhost:20000").unwrap(); |
| |
| thread::spawn(|| { |
| let l = l; |
| for stream in l.incoming() { |
| let mut stream = stream.unwrap(); |
| let read_stream = stream.try_clone().unwrap(); |
| |
| let mut de = Deserializer::from_reader(read_stream); |
| let request = Message::deserialize(&mut de).unwrap(); |
| let response = Message { |
| message: request.message, |
| }; |
| to_writer(&mut stream, &response).unwrap(); |
| } |
| }); |
| |
| let mut stream = TcpStream::connect("localhost:20000").unwrap(); |
| let request = Message { |
| message: "hi there".to_string(), |
| }; |
| to_writer(&mut stream, &request).unwrap(); |
| |
| let mut de = Deserializer::from_reader(stream); |
| let response = Message::deserialize(&mut de).unwrap(); |
| |
| assert_eq!(request, response); |
| } |
| |
| #[test] |
| fn test_serialize_rejects_adt_keys() { |
| let map = treemap!( |
| Some("a") => 2, |
| Some("b") => 4, |
| None => 6, |
| ); |
| |
| let err = to_vec(&map).unwrap_err(); |
| assert_eq!(err.to_string(), "key must be a string"); |
| } |
| |
| #[test] |
| fn test_bytes_ser() { |
| let buf = vec![]; |
| let bytes = Bytes::new(&buf); |
| assert_eq!(to_string(&bytes).unwrap(), "[]".to_string()); |
| |
| let buf = vec![1, 2, 3]; |
| let bytes = Bytes::new(&buf); |
| assert_eq!(to_string(&bytes).unwrap(), "[1,2,3]".to_string()); |
| } |
| |
| #[test] |
| fn test_byte_buf_ser() { |
| let bytes = ByteBuf::new(); |
| assert_eq!(to_string(&bytes).unwrap(), "[]".to_string()); |
| |
| let bytes = ByteBuf::from(vec![1, 2, 3]); |
| assert_eq!(to_string(&bytes).unwrap(), "[1,2,3]".to_string()); |
| } |
| |
| #[test] |
| fn test_byte_buf_de() { |
| let bytes = ByteBuf::new(); |
| let v: ByteBuf = from_str("[]").unwrap(); |
| assert_eq!(v, bytes); |
| |
| let bytes = ByteBuf::from(vec![1, 2, 3]); |
| let v: ByteBuf = from_str("[1, 2, 3]").unwrap(); |
| assert_eq!(v, bytes); |
| } |
| |
| #[test] |
| fn test_byte_buf_de_lone_surrogate() { |
| let bytes = ByteBuf::from(vec![237, 160, 188]); |
| let v: ByteBuf = from_str(r#""\ud83c""#).unwrap(); |
| assert_eq!(v, bytes); |
| |
| let bytes = ByteBuf::from(vec![237, 160, 188, 10]); |
| let v: ByteBuf = from_str(r#""\ud83c\n""#).unwrap(); |
| assert_eq!(v, bytes); |
| |
| let bytes = ByteBuf::from(vec![237, 160, 188, 32]); |
| let v: ByteBuf = from_str(r#""\ud83c ""#).unwrap(); |
| assert_eq!(v, bytes); |
| |
| let bytes = ByteBuf::from(vec![237, 176, 129]); |
| let v: ByteBuf = from_str(r#""\udc01""#).unwrap(); |
| assert_eq!(v, bytes); |
| |
| let res = from_str::<ByteBuf>(r#""\ud83c\!""#); |
| assert!(res.is_err()); |
| |
| let res = from_str::<ByteBuf>(r#""\ud83c\u""#); |
| assert!(res.is_err()); |
| |
| let res = from_str::<ByteBuf>(r#""\ud83c\ud83c""#); |
| assert!(res.is_err()); |
| } |
| |
| #[cfg(feature = "raw_value")] |
| #[test] |
| fn test_raw_de_lone_surrogate() { |
| use serde_json::value::RawValue; |
| |
| assert!(from_str::<Box<RawValue>>(r#""\ud83c""#).is_ok()); |
| assert!(from_str::<Box<RawValue>>(r#""\ud83c\n""#).is_ok()); |
| assert!(from_str::<Box<RawValue>>(r#""\ud83c ""#).is_ok()); |
| assert!(from_str::<Box<RawValue>>(r#""\udc01 ""#).is_ok()); |
| assert!(from_str::<Box<RawValue>>(r#""\udc01\!""#).is_err()); |
| assert!(from_str::<Box<RawValue>>(r#""\udc01\u""#).is_err()); |
| assert!(from_str::<Box<RawValue>>(r#""\ud83c\ud83c""#).is_ok()); |
| } |
| |
| #[test] |
| fn test_byte_buf_de_multiple() { |
| let s: Vec<ByteBuf> = from_str(r#"["ab\nc", "cd\ne"]"#).unwrap(); |
| let a = ByteBuf::from(b"ab\nc".to_vec()); |
| let b = ByteBuf::from(b"cd\ne".to_vec()); |
| assert_eq!(vec![a, b], s); |
| } |
| |
| #[test] |
| fn test_json_pointer() { |
| // Test case taken from https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6901#page-5 |
| let data: Value = from_str( |
| r#"{ |
| "foo": ["bar", "baz"], |
| "": 0, |
| "a/b": 1, |
| "c%d": 2, |
| "e^f": 3, |
| "g|h": 4, |
| "i\\j": 5, |
| "k\"l": 6, |
| " ": 7, |
| "m~n": 8 |
| }"#, |
| ) |
| .unwrap(); |
| assert_eq!(data.pointer("").unwrap(), &data); |
| assert_eq!(data.pointer("/foo").unwrap(), &json!(["bar", "baz"])); |
| assert_eq!(data.pointer("/foo/0").unwrap(), &json!("bar")); |
| assert_eq!(data.pointer("/").unwrap(), &json!(0)); |
| assert_eq!(data.pointer("/a~1b").unwrap(), &json!(1)); |
| assert_eq!(data.pointer("/c%d").unwrap(), &json!(2)); |
| assert_eq!(data.pointer("/e^f").unwrap(), &json!(3)); |
| assert_eq!(data.pointer("/g|h").unwrap(), &json!(4)); |
| assert_eq!(data.pointer("/i\\j").unwrap(), &json!(5)); |
| assert_eq!(data.pointer("/k\"l").unwrap(), &json!(6)); |
| assert_eq!(data.pointer("/ ").unwrap(), &json!(7)); |
| assert_eq!(data.pointer("/m~0n").unwrap(), &json!(8)); |
| // Invalid pointers |
| assert!(data.pointer("/unknown").is_none()); |
| assert!(data.pointer("/e^f/ertz").is_none()); |
| assert!(data.pointer("/foo/00").is_none()); |
| assert!(data.pointer("/foo/01").is_none()); |
| } |
| |
| #[test] |
| fn test_json_pointer_mut() { |
| // Test case taken from https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6901#page-5 |
| let mut data: Value = from_str( |
| r#"{ |
| "foo": ["bar", "baz"], |
| "": 0, |
| "a/b": 1, |
| "c%d": 2, |
| "e^f": 3, |
| "g|h": 4, |
| "i\\j": 5, |
| "k\"l": 6, |
| " ": 7, |
| "m~n": 8 |
| }"#, |
| ) |
| .unwrap(); |
| |
| // Basic pointer checks |
| assert_eq!(data.pointer_mut("/foo").unwrap(), &json!(["bar", "baz"])); |
| assert_eq!(data.pointer_mut("/foo/0").unwrap(), &json!("bar")); |
| assert_eq!(data.pointer_mut("/").unwrap(), 0); |
| assert_eq!(data.pointer_mut("/a~1b").unwrap(), 1); |
| assert_eq!(data.pointer_mut("/c%d").unwrap(), 2); |
| assert_eq!(data.pointer_mut("/e^f").unwrap(), 3); |
| assert_eq!(data.pointer_mut("/g|h").unwrap(), 4); |
| assert_eq!(data.pointer_mut("/i\\j").unwrap(), 5); |
| assert_eq!(data.pointer_mut("/k\"l").unwrap(), 6); |
| assert_eq!(data.pointer_mut("/ ").unwrap(), 7); |
| assert_eq!(data.pointer_mut("/m~0n").unwrap(), 8); |
| |
| // Invalid pointers |
| assert!(data.pointer_mut("/unknown").is_none()); |
| assert!(data.pointer_mut("/e^f/ertz").is_none()); |
| assert!(data.pointer_mut("/foo/00").is_none()); |
| assert!(data.pointer_mut("/foo/01").is_none()); |
| |
| // Mutable pointer checks |
| *data.pointer_mut("/").unwrap() = 100.into(); |
| assert_eq!(data.pointer("/").unwrap(), 100); |
| *data.pointer_mut("/foo/0").unwrap() = json!("buzz"); |
| assert_eq!(data.pointer("/foo/0").unwrap(), &json!("buzz")); |
| |
| // Example of ownership stealing |
| assert_eq!( |
| data.pointer_mut("/a~1b") |
| .map(|m| mem::replace(m, json!(null))) |
| .unwrap(), |
| 1 |
| ); |
| assert_eq!(data.pointer("/a~1b").unwrap(), &json!(null)); |
| |
| // Need to compare against a clone so we don't anger the borrow checker |
| // by taking out two references to a mutable value |
| let mut d2 = data.clone(); |
| assert_eq!(data.pointer_mut("").unwrap(), &mut d2); |
| } |
| |
| #[test] |
| fn test_stack_overflow() { |
| let brackets: String = iter::repeat('[') |
| .take(127) |
| .chain(iter::repeat(']').take(127)) |
| .collect(); |
| let _: Value = from_str(&brackets).unwrap(); |
| |
| let brackets = "[".repeat(129); |
| test_parse_err::<Value>(&[(&brackets, "recursion limit exceeded at line 1 column 128")]); |
| } |
| |
| #[test] |
| #[cfg(feature = "unbounded_depth")] |
| fn test_disable_recursion_limit() { |
| let brackets: String = iter::repeat('[') |
| .take(140) |
| .chain(iter::repeat(']').take(140)) |
| .collect(); |
| |
| let mut deserializer = Deserializer::from_str(&brackets); |
| deserializer.disable_recursion_limit(); |
| Value::deserialize(&mut deserializer).unwrap(); |
| } |
| |
| #[test] |
| fn test_integer_key() { |
| // map with integer keys |
| let map = treemap!( |
| 1 => 2, |
| -1 => 6, |
| ); |
| let j = r#"{"-1":6,"1":2}"#; |
| test_encode_ok(&[(&map, j)]); |
| test_parse_ok(vec![(j, map)]); |
| |
| test_parse_err::<BTreeMap<i32, ()>>(&[ |
| ( |
| r#"{"x":null}"#, |
| "invalid value: expected key to be a number in quotes at line 1 column 2", |
| ), |
| ( |
| r#"{" 123":null}"#, |
| "invalid value: expected key to be a number in quotes at line 1 column 2", |
| ), |
| (r#"{"123 ":null}"#, "expected `\"` at line 1 column 6"), |
| ]); |
| |
| let err = from_value::<BTreeMap<i32, ()>>(json!({" 123":null})).unwrap_err(); |
| assert_eq!( |
| err.to_string(), |
| "invalid value: expected key to be a number in quotes", |
| ); |
| |
| let err = from_value::<BTreeMap<i32, ()>>(json!({"123 ":null})).unwrap_err(); |
| assert_eq!( |
| err.to_string(), |
| "invalid value: expected key to be a number in quotes", |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| #[test] |
| fn test_integer128_key() { |
| let map = treemap! { |
| 100000000000000000000000000000000000000u128 => (), |
| }; |
| let j = r#"{"100000000000000000000000000000000000000":null}"#; |
| assert_eq!(to_string(&map).unwrap(), j); |
| assert_eq!(from_str::<BTreeMap<u128, ()>>(j).unwrap(), map); |
| } |
| |
| #[test] |
| fn test_float_key() { |
| #[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Debug, Clone)] |
| struct Float; |
| impl Serialize for Float { |
| fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error> |
| where |
| S: Serializer, |
| { |
| serializer.serialize_f32(1.23) |
| } |
| } |
| impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for Float { |
| fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<Self, D::Error> |
| where |
| D: de::Deserializer<'de>, |
| { |
| f32::deserialize(deserializer).map(|_| Float) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // map with float key |
| let map = treemap!(Float => "x".to_owned()); |
| let j = r#"{"1.23":"x"}"#; |
| |
| test_encode_ok(&[(&map, j)]); |
| test_parse_ok(vec![(j, map)]); |
| |
| let j = r#"{"x": null}"#; |
| test_parse_err::<BTreeMap<Float, ()>>(&[( |
| j, |
| "invalid value: expected key to be a number in quotes at line 1 column 2", |
| )]); |
| } |
| |
| #[test] |
| fn test_deny_non_finite_f32_key() { |
| // We store float bits so that we can derive Ord, and other traits. In a |
| // real context the code might involve a crate like ordered-float. |
| |
| #[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Debug, Clone)] |
| struct F32Bits(u32); |
| impl Serialize for F32Bits { |
| fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error> |
| where |
| S: Serializer, |
| { |
| serializer.serialize_f32(f32::from_bits(self.0)) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| let map = treemap!(F32Bits(f32::INFINITY.to_bits()) => "x".to_owned()); |
| assert!(serde_json::to_string(&map).is_err()); |
| assert!(serde_json::to_value(map).is_err()); |
| |
| let map = treemap!(F32Bits(f32::NEG_INFINITY.to_bits()) => "x".to_owned()); |
| assert!(serde_json::to_string(&map).is_err()); |
| assert!(serde_json::to_value(map).is_err()); |
| |
| let map = treemap!(F32Bits(f32::NAN.to_bits()) => "x".to_owned()); |
| assert!(serde_json::to_string(&map).is_err()); |
| assert!(serde_json::to_value(map).is_err()); |
| } |
| |
| #[test] |
| fn test_deny_non_finite_f64_key() { |
| // We store float bits so that we can derive Ord, and other traits. In a |
| // real context the code might involve a crate like ordered-float. |
| |
| #[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Debug, Clone)] |
| struct F64Bits(u64); |
| impl Serialize for F64Bits { |
| fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error> |
| where |
| S: Serializer, |
| { |
| serializer.serialize_f64(f64::from_bits(self.0)) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| let map = treemap!(F64Bits(f64::INFINITY.to_bits()) => "x".to_owned()); |
| assert!(serde_json::to_string(&map).is_err()); |
| assert!(serde_json::to_value(map).is_err()); |
| |
| let map = treemap!(F64Bits(f64::NEG_INFINITY.to_bits()) => "x".to_owned()); |
| assert!(serde_json::to_string(&map).is_err()); |
| assert!(serde_json::to_value(map).is_err()); |
| |
| let map = treemap!(F64Bits(f64::NAN.to_bits()) => "x".to_owned()); |
| assert!(serde_json::to_string(&map).is_err()); |
| assert!(serde_json::to_value(map).is_err()); |
| } |
| |
| #[test] |
| fn test_boolean_key() { |
| let map = treemap!(false => 0, true => 1); |
| let j = r#"{"false":0,"true":1}"#; |
| test_encode_ok(&[(&map, j)]); |
| test_parse_ok(vec![(j, map)]); |
| } |
| |
| #[test] |
| fn test_borrowed_key() { |
| let map: BTreeMap<&str, ()> = from_str("{\"borrowed\":null}").unwrap(); |
| let expected = treemap! { "borrowed" => () }; |
| assert_eq!(map, expected); |
| |
| #[derive(Deserialize, Debug, Ord, PartialOrd, Eq, PartialEq)] |
| struct NewtypeStr<'a>(&'a str); |
| |
| let map: BTreeMap<NewtypeStr, ()> = from_str("{\"borrowed\":null}").unwrap(); |
| let expected = treemap! { NewtypeStr("borrowed") => () }; |
| assert_eq!(map, expected); |
| } |
| |
| #[test] |
| fn test_effectively_string_keys() { |
| #[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] |
| enum Enum { |
| One, |
| Two, |
| } |
| let map = treemap! { |
| Enum::One => 1, |
| Enum::Two => 2, |
| }; |
| let expected = r#"{"One":1,"Two":2}"#; |
| test_encode_ok(&[(&map, expected)]); |
| test_parse_ok(vec![(expected, map)]); |
| |
| #[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] |
| struct Wrapper(String); |
| let map = treemap! { |
| Wrapper("zero".to_owned()) => 0, |
| Wrapper("one".to_owned()) => 1, |
| }; |
| let expected = r#"{"one":1,"zero":0}"#; |
| test_encode_ok(&[(&map, expected)]); |
| test_parse_ok(vec![(expected, map)]); |
| } |
| |
| #[test] |
| fn test_json_macro() { |
| // This is tricky because the <...> is not a single TT and the comma inside |
| // looks like an array element separator. |
| let _ = json!([ |
| <Result<(), ()> as Clone>::clone(&Ok(())), |
| <Result<(), ()> as Clone>::clone(&Err(())) |
| ]); |
| |
| // Same thing but in the map values. |
| let _ = json!({ |
| "ok": <Result<(), ()> as Clone>::clone(&Ok(())), |
| "err": <Result<(), ()> as Clone>::clone(&Err(())) |
| }); |
| |
| // It works in map keys but only if they are parenthesized. |
| let _ = json!({ |
| (<Result<&str, ()> as Clone>::clone(&Ok("")).unwrap()): "ok", |
| (<Result<(), &str> as Clone>::clone(&Err("")).unwrap_err()): "err" |
| }); |
| |
| #[deny(unused_results)] |
| let _ = json!({ "architecture": [true, null] }); |
| } |
| |
| #[test] |
| fn issue_220() { |
| #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Deserialize)] |
| enum E { |
| V(u8), |
| } |
| |
| assert!(from_str::<E>(r#" "V"0 "#).is_err()); |
| |
| assert_eq!(from_str::<E>(r#"{"V": 0}"#).unwrap(), E::V(0)); |
| } |
| |
| #[test] |
| fn test_partialeq_number() { |
| macro_rules! number_partialeq_ok { |
| ($($n:expr)*) => { |
| $( |
| let value = to_value($n).unwrap(); |
| let s = $n.to_string(); |
| assert_eq!(value, $n); |
| assert_eq!($n, value); |
| assert_ne!(value, s); |
| )* |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| number_partialeq_ok!(0 1 100 |
| i8::MIN i8::MAX i16::MIN i16::MAX i32::MIN i32::MAX i64::MIN i64::MAX |
| u8::MIN u8::MAX u16::MIN u16::MAX u32::MIN u32::MAX u64::MIN u64::MAX |
| f32::MIN f32::MAX f32::MIN_EXP f32::MAX_EXP f32::MIN_POSITIVE |
| f64::MIN f64::MAX f64::MIN_EXP f64::MAX_EXP f64::MIN_POSITIVE |
| f32::consts::E f32::consts::PI f32::consts::LN_2 f32::consts::LOG2_E |
| f64::consts::E f64::consts::PI f64::consts::LN_2 f64::consts::LOG2_E |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| #[test] |
| fn test_partialeq_string() { |
| let v = to_value("42").unwrap(); |
| assert_eq!(v, "42"); |
| assert_eq!("42", v); |
| assert_ne!(v, 42); |
| assert_eq!(v, String::from("42")); |
| assert_eq!(String::from("42"), v); |
| } |
| |
| #[test] |
| fn test_partialeq_bool() { |
| let v = to_value(true).unwrap(); |
| assert_eq!(v, true); |
| assert_eq!(true, v); |
| assert_ne!(v, false); |
| assert_ne!(v, "true"); |
| assert_ne!(v, 1); |
| assert_ne!(v, 0); |
| } |
| |
| struct FailReader(io::ErrorKind); |
| |
| impl io::Read for FailReader { |
| fn read(&mut self, _: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result<usize> { |
| Err(io::Error::new(self.0, "oh no!")) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| #[test] |
| fn test_category() { |
| assert!(from_str::<String>("123").unwrap_err().is_data()); |
| |
| assert!(from_str::<String>("]").unwrap_err().is_syntax()); |
| |
| assert!(from_str::<String>("").unwrap_err().is_eof()); |
| assert!(from_str::<String>("\"").unwrap_err().is_eof()); |
| assert!(from_str::<String>("\"\\").unwrap_err().is_eof()); |
| assert!(from_str::<String>("\"\\u").unwrap_err().is_eof()); |
| assert!(from_str::<String>("\"\\u0").unwrap_err().is_eof()); |
| assert!(from_str::<String>("\"\\u00").unwrap_err().is_eof()); |
| assert!(from_str::<String>("\"\\u000").unwrap_err().is_eof()); |
| |
| assert!(from_str::<Vec<usize>>("[").unwrap_err().is_eof()); |
| assert!(from_str::<Vec<usize>>("[0").unwrap_err().is_eof()); |
| assert!(from_str::<Vec<usize>>("[0,").unwrap_err().is_eof()); |
| |
| assert!(from_str::<BTreeMap<String, usize>>("{") |
| .unwrap_err() |
| .is_eof()); |
| assert!(from_str::<BTreeMap<String, usize>>("{\"k\"") |
| .unwrap_err() |
| .is_eof()); |
| assert!(from_str::<BTreeMap<String, usize>>("{\"k\":") |
| .unwrap_err() |
| .is_eof()); |
| assert!(from_str::<BTreeMap<String, usize>>("{\"k\":0") |
| .unwrap_err() |
| .is_eof()); |
| assert!(from_str::<BTreeMap<String, usize>>("{\"k\":0,") |
| .unwrap_err() |
| .is_eof()); |
| |
| let fail = FailReader(io::ErrorKind::NotConnected); |
| assert!(from_reader::<_, String>(fail).unwrap_err().is_io()); |
| } |
| |
| #[test] |
| // Clippy false positive: https://github.com/Manishearth/rust-clippy/issues/292 |
| #[allow(clippy::needless_lifetimes)] |
| fn test_into_io_error() { |
| fn io_error<'de, T: Deserialize<'de> + Debug>(j: &'static str) -> io::Error { |
| from_str::<T>(j).unwrap_err().into() |
| } |
| |
| assert_eq!( |
| io_error::<String>("\"\\u").kind(), |
| io::ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof |
| ); |
| assert_eq!(io_error::<String>("0").kind(), io::ErrorKind::InvalidData); |
| assert_eq!(io_error::<String>("]").kind(), io::ErrorKind::InvalidData); |
| |
| let fail = FailReader(io::ErrorKind::NotConnected); |
| let io_err: io::Error = from_reader::<_, u8>(fail).unwrap_err().into(); |
| assert_eq!(io_err.kind(), io::ErrorKind::NotConnected); |
| } |
| |
| #[test] |
| fn test_borrow() { |
| let s: &str = from_str("\"borrowed\"").unwrap(); |
| assert_eq!("borrowed", s); |
| |
| let s: &str = from_slice(b"\"borrowed\"").unwrap(); |
| assert_eq!("borrowed", s); |
| } |
| |
| #[test] |
| fn null_invalid_type() { |
| let err = serde_json::from_str::<String>("null").unwrap_err(); |
| assert_eq!( |
| format!("{}", err), |
| String::from("invalid type: null, expected a string at line 1 column 4") |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| #[test] |
| fn test_integer128() { |
| let signed = &[i128::MIN, -1, 0, 1, i128::MAX]; |
| let unsigned = &[0, 1, u128::MAX]; |
| |
| for integer128 in signed { |
| let expected = integer128.to_string(); |
| assert_eq!(to_string(integer128).unwrap(), expected); |
| assert_eq!(from_str::<i128>(&expected).unwrap(), *integer128); |
| } |
| |
| for integer128 in unsigned { |
| let expected = integer128.to_string(); |
| assert_eq!(to_string(integer128).unwrap(), expected); |
| assert_eq!(from_str::<u128>(&expected).unwrap(), *integer128); |
| } |
| |
| test_parse_err::<i128>(&[ |
| ( |
| "-170141183460469231731687303715884105729", |
| "number out of range at line 1 column 40", |
| ), |
| ( |
| "170141183460469231731687303715884105728", |
| "number out of range at line 1 column 39", |
| ), |
| ]); |
| |
| test_parse_err::<u128>(&[ |
| ("-1", "number out of range at line 1 column 1"), |
| ( |
| "340282366920938463463374607431768211456", |
| "number out of range at line 1 column 39", |
| ), |
| ]); |
| } |
| |
| #[test] |
| fn test_integer128_to_value() { |
| let signed = &[i128::from(i64::MIN), i128::from(u64::MAX)]; |
| let unsigned = &[0, u128::from(u64::MAX)]; |
| |
| for integer128 in signed { |
| let expected = integer128.to_string(); |
| assert_eq!(to_value(integer128).unwrap().to_string(), expected); |
| } |
| |
| for integer128 in unsigned { |
| let expected = integer128.to_string(); |
| assert_eq!(to_value(integer128).unwrap().to_string(), expected); |
| } |
| |
| if !cfg!(feature = "arbitrary_precision") { |
| let err = to_value(u128::from(u64::MAX) + 1).unwrap_err(); |
| assert_eq!(err.to_string(), "number out of range"); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| #[cfg(feature = "raw_value")] |
| #[test] |
| fn test_borrowed_raw_value() { |
| #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)] |
| struct Wrapper<'a> { |
| a: i8, |
| #[serde(borrow)] |
| b: &'a RawValue, |
| c: i8, |
| } |
| |
| let wrapper_from_str: Wrapper = |
| serde_json::from_str(r#"{"a": 1, "b": {"foo": 2}, "c": 3}"#).unwrap(); |
| assert_eq!(r#"{"foo": 2}"#, wrapper_from_str.b.get()); |
| |
| let wrapper_to_string = serde_json::to_string(&wrapper_from_str).unwrap(); |
| assert_eq!(r#"{"a":1,"b":{"foo": 2},"c":3}"#, wrapper_to_string); |
| |
| let wrapper_to_value = serde_json::to_value(&wrapper_from_str).unwrap(); |
| assert_eq!(json!({"a": 1, "b": {"foo": 2}, "c": 3}), wrapper_to_value); |
| |
| let array_from_str: Vec<&RawValue> = |
| serde_json::from_str(r#"["a", 42, {"foo": "bar"}, null]"#).unwrap(); |
| assert_eq!(r#""a""#, array_from_str[0].get()); |
| assert_eq!("42", array_from_str[1].get()); |
| assert_eq!(r#"{"foo": "bar"}"#, array_from_str[2].get()); |
| assert_eq!("null", array_from_str[3].get()); |
| |
| let array_to_string = serde_json::to_string(&array_from_str).unwrap(); |
| assert_eq!(r#"["a",42,{"foo": "bar"},null]"#, array_to_string); |
| } |
| |
| #[cfg(feature = "raw_value")] |
| #[test] |
| fn test_raw_value_in_map_key() { |
| #[derive(RefCast)] |
| #[repr(transparent)] |
| struct RawMapKey(RawValue); |
| |
| #[allow(unknown_lints)] |
| #[allow(non_local_definitions)] // false positive: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/121621 |
| impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for &'de RawMapKey { |
| fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<Self, D::Error> |
| where |
| D: serde::Deserializer<'de>, |
| { |
| let raw_value = <&RawValue>::deserialize(deserializer)?; |
| Ok(RawMapKey::ref_cast(raw_value)) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl PartialEq for RawMapKey { |
| fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { |
| self.0.get() == other.0.get() |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl Eq for RawMapKey {} |
| |
| impl Hash for RawMapKey { |
| fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, hasher: &mut H) { |
| self.0.get().hash(hasher); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| let map_from_str: HashMap<&RawMapKey, &RawValue> = |
| serde_json::from_str(r#" {"\\k":"\\v"} "#).unwrap(); |
| let (map_k, map_v) = map_from_str.into_iter().next().unwrap(); |
| assert_eq!("\"\\\\k\"", map_k.0.get()); |
| assert_eq!("\"\\\\v\"", map_v.get()); |
| } |
| |
| #[cfg(feature = "raw_value")] |
| #[test] |
| fn test_boxed_raw_value() { |
| #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)] |
| struct Wrapper { |
| a: i8, |
| b: Box<RawValue>, |
| c: i8, |
| } |
| |
| let wrapper_from_str: Wrapper = |
| serde_json::from_str(r#"{"a": 1, "b": {"foo": 2}, "c": 3}"#).unwrap(); |
| assert_eq!(r#"{"foo": 2}"#, wrapper_from_str.b.get()); |
| |
| let wrapper_from_reader: Wrapper = |
| serde_json::from_reader(br#"{"a": 1, "b": {"foo": 2}, "c": 3}"#.as_ref()).unwrap(); |
| assert_eq!(r#"{"foo": 2}"#, wrapper_from_reader.b.get()); |
| |
| let wrapper_from_value: Wrapper = |
| serde_json::from_value(json!({"a": 1, "b": {"foo": 2}, "c": 3})).unwrap(); |
| assert_eq!(r#"{"foo":2}"#, wrapper_from_value.b.get()); |
| |
| let wrapper_to_string = serde_json::to_string(&wrapper_from_str).unwrap(); |
| assert_eq!(r#"{"a":1,"b":{"foo": 2},"c":3}"#, wrapper_to_string); |
| |
| let wrapper_to_value = serde_json::to_value(&wrapper_from_str).unwrap(); |
| assert_eq!(json!({"a": 1, "b": {"foo": 2}, "c": 3}), wrapper_to_value); |
| |
| let array_from_str: Vec<Box<RawValue>> = |
| serde_json::from_str(r#"["a", 42, {"foo": "bar"}, null]"#).unwrap(); |
| assert_eq!(r#""a""#, array_from_str[0].get()); |
| assert_eq!("42", array_from_str[1].get()); |
| assert_eq!(r#"{"foo": "bar"}"#, array_from_str[2].get()); |
| assert_eq!("null", array_from_str[3].get()); |
| |
| let array_from_reader: Vec<Box<RawValue>> = |
| serde_json::from_reader(br#"["a", 42, {"foo": "bar"}, null]"#.as_ref()).unwrap(); |
| assert_eq!(r#""a""#, array_from_reader[0].get()); |
| assert_eq!("42", array_from_reader[1].get()); |
| assert_eq!(r#"{"foo": "bar"}"#, array_from_reader[2].get()); |
| assert_eq!("null", array_from_reader[3].get()); |
| |
| let array_to_string = serde_json::to_string(&array_from_str).unwrap(); |
| assert_eq!(r#"["a",42,{"foo": "bar"},null]"#, array_to_string); |
| } |
| |
| #[cfg(feature = "raw_value")] |
| #[test] |
| fn test_raw_invalid_utf8() { |
| let j = &[b'"', b'\xCE', b'\xF8', b'"']; |
| let value_err = serde_json::from_slice::<Value>(j).unwrap_err(); |
| let raw_value_err = serde_json::from_slice::<Box<RawValue>>(j).unwrap_err(); |
| |
| assert_eq!( |
| value_err.to_string(), |
| "invalid unicode code point at line 1 column 4", |
| ); |
| assert_eq!( |
| raw_value_err.to_string(), |
| "invalid unicode code point at line 1 column 4", |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| #[cfg(feature = "raw_value")] |
| #[test] |
| fn test_serialize_unsized_value_to_raw_value() { |
| assert_eq!( |
| serde_json::value::to_raw_value("foobar").unwrap().get(), |
| r#""foobar""#, |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| #[test] |
| fn test_borrow_in_map_key() { |
| #[derive(Deserialize, Debug)] |
| struct Outer { |
| #[allow(dead_code)] |
| map: BTreeMap<MyMapKey, ()>, |
| } |
| |
| #[derive(Ord, PartialOrd, Eq, PartialEq, Debug)] |
| struct MyMapKey(usize); |
| |
| impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for MyMapKey { |
| fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<Self, D::Error> |
| where |
| D: de::Deserializer<'de>, |
| { |
| let s = <&str>::deserialize(deserializer)?; |
| let n = s.parse().map_err(de::Error::custom)?; |
| Ok(MyMapKey(n)) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| let value = json!({ "map": { "1": null } }); |
| Outer::deserialize(&value).unwrap(); |
| } |
| |
| #[test] |
| fn test_value_into_deserializer() { |
| #[derive(Deserialize)] |
| struct Outer { |
| inner: Inner, |
| } |
| |
| #[derive(Deserialize)] |
| struct Inner { |
| string: String, |
| } |
| |
| let mut map = BTreeMap::new(); |
| map.insert("inner", json!({ "string": "Hello World" })); |
| |
| let outer = Outer::deserialize(serde::de::value::MapDeserializer::new( |
| map.iter().map(|(k, v)| (*k, v)), |
| )) |
| .unwrap(); |
| assert_eq!(outer.inner.string, "Hello World"); |
| |
| let outer = Outer::deserialize(map.into_deserializer()).unwrap(); |
| assert_eq!(outer.inner.string, "Hello World"); |
| } |
| |
| #[test] |
| fn hash_positive_and_negative_zero() { |
| let rand = std::hash::RandomState::new(); |
| |
| let k1 = serde_json::from_str::<Number>("0.0").unwrap(); |
| let k2 = serde_json::from_str::<Number>("-0.0").unwrap(); |
| if cfg!(feature = "arbitrary_precision") { |
| assert_ne!(k1, k2); |
| assert_ne!(rand.hash_one(k1), rand.hash_one(k2)); |
| } else { |
| assert_eq!(k1, k2); |
| assert_eq!(rand.hash_one(k1), rand.hash_one(k2)); |
| } |
| } |