blob: e70bebe166e88521f542f522c47fa2f15a255318 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
use std::{iter::FusedIterator, slice};
use crate::{cfg, page, shard};
/// An exclusive fused iterator over the items in a [`Slab`](crate::Slab).
#[must_use = "iterators are lazy and do nothing unless consumed"]
pub struct UniqueIter<'a, T, C: cfg::Config> {
pub(super) shards: shard::IterMut<'a, Option<T>, C>,
pub(super) pages: slice::Iter<'a, page::Shared<Option<T>, C>>,
pub(super) slots: Option<page::Iter<'a, T, C>>,
impl<'a, T, C: cfg::Config> Iterator for UniqueIter<'a, T, C> {
type Item = &'a T;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
loop {
test_println!("-> try next slot");
if let Some(item) = self.slots.as_mut().and_then(|slots| {
test_println!("-> found an item!");
return Some(item);
test_println!("-> try next page");
if let Some(page) = {
test_println!("-> found another page");
self.slots = page.iter();
test_println!("-> try next shard");
if let Some(shard) = {
test_println!("-> found another shard");
self.pages = shard.iter();
} else {
test_println!("-> all done!");
return None;
impl<T, C: cfg::Config> FusedIterator for UniqueIter<'_, T, C> {}