blob: a82c247d2e897fd22f4604cf3f8527e6ad875cd5 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
use crate::cfg::{self, CfgPrivate};
use crate::clear::Clear;
use crate::sync::UnsafeCell;
use crate::Pack;
pub(crate) mod slot;
mod stack;
pub(crate) use self::slot::Slot;
use std::{fmt, marker::PhantomData};
/// A page address encodes the location of a slot within a shard (the page
/// number and offset within that page) as a single linear value.
pub(crate) struct Addr<C: cfg::Config = cfg::DefaultConfig> {
addr: usize,
_cfg: PhantomData<fn(C)>,
impl<C: cfg::Config> Addr<C> {
const NULL: usize = Self::BITS + 1;
pub(crate) fn index(self) -> usize {
// Since every page is twice as large as the previous page, and all page sizes
// are powers of two, we can determine the page index that contains a given
// address by counting leading zeros, which tells us what power of two
// the offset fits into.
// First, we must shift down to the smallest page size, so that the last
// offset on the first page becomes 0.
let shifted = (self.addr + C::INITIAL_SZ) >> C::ADDR_INDEX_SHIFT;
// Now, we can determine the number of twos places by counting the
// number of leading zeros (unused twos places) in the number's binary
// representation, and subtracting that count from the total number of bits in a word.
cfg::WIDTH - shifted.leading_zeros() as usize
pub(crate) fn offset(self) -> usize {
pub(crate) trait FreeList<C> {
fn push<T>(&self, new_head: usize, slot: &Slot<T, C>)
C: cfg::Config;
impl<C: cfg::Config> Pack<C> for Addr<C> {
const LEN: usize = C::MAX_PAGES + C::ADDR_INDEX_SHIFT;
type Prev = ();
fn as_usize(&self) -> usize {
fn from_usize(addr: usize) -> Self {
debug_assert!(addr <= Self::BITS);
Self {
_cfg: PhantomData,
pub(crate) type Iter<'a, T, C> = std::iter::FilterMap<
std::slice::Iter<'a, Slot<Option<T>, C>>,
fn(&'a Slot<Option<T>, C>) -> Option<&'a T>,
pub(crate) struct Local {
/// Index of the first slot on the local free list
head: UnsafeCell<usize>,
pub(crate) struct Shared<T, C> {
/// The remote free list
/// Slots freed from a remote thread are pushed onto this list.
remote: stack::TransferStack<C>,
// Total size of the page.
// If the head index of the local or remote free list is greater than the size of the
// page, then that free list is emtpy. If the head of both free lists is greater than `size`
// then there are no slots left in that page.
size: usize,
prev_sz: usize,
slab: UnsafeCell<Option<Slots<T, C>>>,
type Slots<T, C> = Box<[Slot<T, C>]>;
impl Local {
pub(crate) fn new() -> Self {
Self {
head: UnsafeCell::new(0),
fn head(&self) -> usize {
self.head.with(|head| unsafe { *head })
fn set_head(&self, new_head: usize) {
self.head.with_mut(|head| unsafe {
*head = new_head;
impl<C: cfg::Config> FreeList<C> for Local {
fn push<T>(&self, new_head: usize, slot: &Slot<T, C>) {
impl<T, C> Shared<T, C>
C: cfg::Config,
const NULL: usize = Addr::<C>::NULL;
pub(crate) fn new(size: usize, prev_sz: usize) -> Self {
Self {
remote: stack::TransferStack::new(),
slab: UnsafeCell::new(None),
/// Return the head of the freelist
/// If there is space on the local list, it returns the head of the local list. Otherwise, it
/// pops all the slots from the global list and returns the head of that list
/// *Note*: The local list's head is reset when setting the new state in the slot pointed to be
/// `head` returned from this function
fn pop(&self, local: &Local) -> Option<usize> {
let head = local.head();
test_println!("-> local head {:?}", head);
// are there any items on the local free list? (fast path)
let head = if head < self.size {
} else {
// slow path: if the local free list is empty, pop all the items on
// the remote free list.
let head = self.remote.pop_all();
test_println!("-> remote head {:?}", head);
// if the head is still null, both the local and remote free lists are
// empty --- we can't fit any more items on this page.
if head == Self::NULL {
test_println!("-> NULL! {:?}", head);
} else {
/// Returns `true` if storage is currently allocated for this page, `false`
/// otherwise.
fn is_unallocated(&self) -> bool {
self.slab.with(|s| unsafe { (*s).is_none() })
pub(crate) fn with_slot<'a, U>(
&'a self,
addr: Addr<C>,
f: impl FnOnce(&'a Slot<T, C>) -> Option<U>,
) -> Option<U> {
let poff = addr.offset() - self.prev_sz;
test_println!("-> offset {:?}", poff);
self.slab.with(|slab| {
let slot = unsafe { &*slab }.as_ref()?.get(poff)?;
pub(crate) fn free_list(&self) -> &impl FreeList<C> {
impl<'a, T, C> Shared<Option<T>, C>
C: cfg::Config + 'a,
pub(crate) fn take<F>(
addr: Addr<C>,
gen: slot::Generation<C>,
free_list: &F,
) -> Option<T>
F: FreeList<C>,
let offset = addr.offset() - self.prev_sz;
test_println!("-> take: offset {:?}", offset);
self.slab.with(|slab| {
let slab = unsafe { &*slab }.as_ref()?;
let slot = slab.get(offset)?;
slot.remove_value(gen, offset, free_list)
pub(crate) fn remove<F: FreeList<C>>(
addr: Addr<C>,
gen: slot::Generation<C>,
free_list: &F,
) -> bool {
let offset = addr.offset() - self.prev_sz;
test_println!("-> offset {:?}", offset);
self.slab.with(|slab| {
let slab = unsafe { &*slab }.as_ref();
if let Some(slot) = slab.and_then(|slab| slab.get(offset)) {
slot.try_remove_value(gen, offset, free_list)
} else {
// Need this function separately, as we need to pass a function pointer to `filter_map` and
// `Slot::value` just returns a `&T`, specifically a `&Option<T>` for this impl.
fn make_ref(slot: &'a Slot<Option<T>, C>) -> Option<&'a T> {
pub(crate) fn iter(&self) -> Option<Iter<'a, T, C>> {
let slab = self.slab.with(|slab| unsafe { (*slab).as_ref() });|slab| {
.filter_map(Shared::make_ref as fn(&'a Slot<Option<T>, C>) -> Option<&'a T>)
impl<T, C> Shared<T, C>
T: Clear + Default,
C: cfg::Config,
pub(crate) fn init_with<U>(
local: &Local,
init: impl FnOnce(usize, &Slot<T, C>) -> Option<U>,
) -> Option<U> {
let head = self.pop(local)?;
// do we need to allocate storage for this page?
if self.is_unallocated() {
let index = head + self.prev_sz;
let result = self.slab.with(|slab| {
let slab = unsafe { &*(slab) }
.expect("page must have been allocated to insert!");
let slot = &slab[head];
let result = init(index, slot)?;
test_println!("-> init_with: insert at offset: {}", index);
/// Allocates storage for the page's slots.
fn allocate(&self) {
test_println!("-> alloc new page ({})", self.size);
let mut slab = Vec::with_capacity(self.size);
self.slab.with_mut(|s| {
// safety: this mut access is safe — it only occurs to initially allocate the page,
// which only happens on this thread; if the page has not yet been allocated, other
// threads will not try to access it yet.
unsafe {
*s = Some(slab.into_boxed_slice());
pub(crate) fn mark_clear<F: FreeList<C>>(
addr: Addr<C>,
gen: slot::Generation<C>,
free_list: &F,
) -> bool {
let offset = addr.offset() - self.prev_sz;
test_println!("-> offset {:?}", offset);
self.slab.with(|slab| {
let slab = unsafe { &*slab }.as_ref();
if let Some(slot) = slab.and_then(|slab| slab.get(offset)) {
slot.try_clear_storage(gen, offset, free_list)
} else {
pub(crate) fn clear<F: FreeList<C>>(
addr: Addr<C>,
gen: slot::Generation<C>,
free_list: &F,
) -> bool {
let offset = addr.offset() - self.prev_sz;
test_println!("-> offset {:?}", offset);
self.slab.with(|slab| {
let slab = unsafe { &*slab }.as_ref();
if let Some(slot) = slab.and_then(|slab| slab.get(offset)) {
slot.clear_storage(gen, offset, free_list)
} else {
impl fmt::Debug for Local {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
self.head.with(|head| {
let head = unsafe { *head };
.field("head", &format_args!("{:#0x}", head))
impl<C, T> fmt::Debug for Shared<C, T> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
.field("remote", &self.remote)
.field("prev_sz", &self.prev_sz)
.field("size", &self.size)
// .field("slab", &self.slab)
impl<C: cfg::Config> fmt::Debug for Addr<C> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
.field("addr", &format_args!("{:#0x}", &self.addr))
.field("index", &self.index())
.field("offset", &self.offset())
impl<C: cfg::Config> PartialEq for Addr<C> {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
self.addr == other.addr
impl<C: cfg::Config> Eq for Addr<C> {}
impl<C: cfg::Config> PartialOrd for Addr<C> {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<std::cmp::Ordering> {
impl<C: cfg::Config> Ord for Addr<C> {
fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> std::cmp::Ordering {
impl<C: cfg::Config> Clone for Addr<C> {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
impl<C: cfg::Config> Copy for Addr<C> {}
pub(crate) fn indices<C: cfg::Config>(idx: usize) -> (Addr<C>, usize) {
let addr = C::unpack_addr(idx);
(addr, addr.index())
mod test {
use super::*;
use crate::Pack;
use proptest::prelude::*;
proptest! {
fn addr_roundtrips(pidx in 0usize..Addr::<cfg::DefaultConfig>::BITS) {
let addr = Addr::<cfg::DefaultConfig>::from_usize(pidx);
let packed = addr.pack(0);
assert_eq!(addr, Addr::from_packed(packed));
fn gen_roundtrips(gen in 0usize..slot::Generation::<cfg::DefaultConfig>::BITS) {
let gen = slot::Generation::<cfg::DefaultConfig>::from_usize(gen);
let packed = gen.pack(0);
assert_eq!(gen, slot::Generation::from_packed(packed));
fn page_roundtrips(
gen in 0usize..slot::Generation::<cfg::DefaultConfig>::BITS,
addr in 0usize..Addr::<cfg::DefaultConfig>::BITS,
) {
let gen = slot::Generation::<cfg::DefaultConfig>::from_usize(gen);
let addr = Addr::<cfg::DefaultConfig>::from_usize(addr);
let packed = gen.pack(addr.pack(0));
assert_eq!(addr, Addr::from_packed(packed));
assert_eq!(gen, slot::Generation::from_packed(packed));