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#![allow(unknown_lints, renamed_and_remove_lints, bare_trait_objects)]
//! Backend of the [signal-hook] crate.
//! The [signal-hook] crate tries to provide an API to the unix signals, which are a global
//! resource. Therefore, it is desirable an application contains just one version of the crate
//! which manages this global resource. But that makes it impossible to make breaking changes in
//! the API.
//! Therefore, this crate provides very minimal and low level API to the signals that is unlikely
//! to have to change, while there may be multiple versions of the [signal-hook] that all use this
//! low-level API to provide different versions of the high level APIs.
//! It is also possible some other crates might want to build a completely different API. This
//! split allows these crates to still reuse the same low-level routines in this crate instead of
//! going to the (much more dangerous) unix calls.
//! # What this crate provides
//! The only thing this crate does is multiplexing the signals. An application or library can add
//! or remove callbacks and have multiple callbacks for the same signal.
//! It handles dispatching the callbacks and managing them in a way that uses only the
//! [async-signal-safe] functions inside the signal handler. Note that the callbacks are still run
//! inside the signal handler, so it is up to the caller to ensure they are also
//! [async-signal-safe].
//! # What this is for
//! This is a building block for other libraries creating reasonable abstractions on top of
//! signals. The [signal-hook] is the generally preferred way if you need to handle signals in your
//! application and provides several safe patterns of doing so.
//! # Rust version compatibility
//! Currently builds on 1.26.0 an newer and this is very unlikely to change. However, tests
//! require dependencies that don't build there, so tests need newer Rust version (they are run on
//! stable).
//! # Portability
//! This crate includes a limited support for Windows, based on `signal`/`raise` in the CRT.
//! There are differences in both API and behavior:
//! - Due to lack of `siginfo_t`, we don't provide `register_sigaction` or `register_unchecked`.
//! - Due to lack of signal blocking, there's a race condition.
//! After the call to `signal`, there's a moment where we miss a signal.
//! That means when you register a handler, there may be a signal which invokes
//! neither the default handler or the handler you register.
//! - Handlers registered by `signal` in Windows are cleared on first signal.
//! To match behavior in other platforms, we re-register the handler each time the handler is
//! called, but there's a moment where we miss a handler.
//! That means when you receive two signals in a row, there may be a signal which invokes
//! the default handler, nevertheless you certainly have registered the handler.
//! [signal-hook]:
//! [async-signal-safe]:
extern crate libc;
mod half_lock;
use std::collections::hash_map::Entry;
use std::collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap};
use std::io::Error;
use std::mem;
use std::ptr;
// Once::new is now a const-fn. But it is not stable in all the rustc versions we want to support
// yet.
use std::sync::ONCE_INIT;
use std::sync::{Arc, Once};
use libc::{c_int, c_void, sigaction, siginfo_t};
use libc::{c_int, sighandler_t};
use half_lock::HalfLock;
// These constants are not defined in the current version of libc, but it actually
// exists in Windows CRT.
const SIG_DFL: sighandler_t = 0;
const SIG_IGN: sighandler_t = 1;
const SIG_GET: sighandler_t = 2;
const SIG_ERR: sighandler_t = !0;
// To simplify implementation. Not to be exposed.
struct siginfo_t;
// # Internal workings
// This uses a form of RCU. There's an atomic pointer to the current action descriptors (in the
// form of IndependentArcSwap, to be able to track what, if any, signal handlers still use the
// version). A signal handler takes a copy of the pointer and calls all the relevant actions.
// Modifications to that are protected by a mutex, to avoid juggling multiple signal handlers at
// once (eg. not calling sigaction concurrently). This should not be a problem, because modifying
// the signal actions should be initialization only anyway. To avoid all allocations and also
// deallocations inside the signal handler, after replacing the pointer, the modification routine
// needs to busy-wait for the reference count on the old pointer to drop to 1 and take ownership ‒
// that way the one deallocating is the modification routine, outside of the signal handler.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash)]
struct ActionId(u128);
/// An ID of registered action.
/// This is returned by all the registration routines and can be used to remove the action later on
/// with a call to [`unregister`].
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash)]
pub struct SigId {
signal: c_int,
action: ActionId,
// This should be dyn Fn(...), but we want to support Rust 1.26.0 and that one doesn't allow dyn
// yet.
#[allow(unknown_lints, bare_trait_objects)]
type Action = Fn(&siginfo_t) + Send + Sync;
struct Slot {
prev: Prev,
// We use BTreeMap here, because we want to run the actions in the order they were inserted.
// This works, because the ActionIds are assigned in an increasing order.
actions: BTreeMap<ActionId, Arc<Action>>,
impl Slot {
fn new(signal: libc::c_int) -> Result<Self, Error> {
let old = unsafe { libc::signal(signal, handler as sighandler_t) };
if old == SIG_ERR {
return Err(Error::last_os_error());
Ok(Slot {
prev: Prev { signal, info: old },
actions: BTreeMap::new(),
fn new(signal: libc::c_int) -> Result<Self, Error> {
// C data structure, expected to be zeroed out.
let mut new: libc::sigaction = unsafe { mem::zeroed() };
#[cfg(not(target_os = "aix"))]
{ new.sa_sigaction = handler as usize; }
#[cfg(target_os = "aix")]
{ new.sa_union.__su_sigaction = handler; }
// Android is broken and uses different int types than the rest (and different depending on
// the pointer width). This converts the flags to the proper type no matter what it is on
// the given platform.
let flags = libc::SA_RESTART;
let mut siginfo = flags;
siginfo = libc::SA_SIGINFO as _;
let flags = flags | siginfo;
new.sa_flags = flags as _;
// C data structure, expected to be zeroed out.
let mut old: libc::sigaction = unsafe { mem::zeroed() };
// FFI ‒ pointers are valid, it doesn't take ownership.
if unsafe { libc::sigaction(signal, &new, &mut old) } != 0 {
return Err(Error::last_os_error());
Ok(Slot {
prev: Prev { signal, info: old },
actions: BTreeMap::new(),
struct SignalData {
signals: HashMap<c_int, Slot>,
next_id: u128,
struct Prev {
signal: c_int,
info: sighandler_t,
info: sigaction,
impl Prev {
fn detect(signal: c_int) -> Result<Self, Error> {
let old = unsafe { libc::signal(signal, SIG_GET) };
if old == SIG_ERR {
return Err(Error::last_os_error());
Ok(Prev { signal, info: old })
fn detect(signal: c_int) -> Result<Self, Error> {
// C data structure, expected to be zeroed out.
let mut old: libc::sigaction = unsafe { mem::zeroed() };
// FFI ‒ pointers are valid, it doesn't take ownership.
if unsafe { libc::sigaction(signal, ptr::null(), &mut old) } != 0 {
return Err(Error::last_os_error());
Ok(Prev { signal, info: old })
fn execute(&self, sig: c_int) {
let fptr =;
if fptr != 0 && fptr != SIG_DFL && fptr != SIG_IGN {
// FFI ‒ calling the original signal handler.
unsafe {
let action = mem::transmute::<usize, extern "C" fn(c_int)>(fptr);
unsafe fn execute(&self, sig: c_int, info: *mut siginfo_t, data: *mut c_void) {
#[cfg(not(target_os = "aix"))]
let fptr =;
#[cfg(target_os = "aix")]
let fptr = as usize;
if fptr != 0 && fptr != libc::SIG_DFL && fptr != libc::SIG_IGN {
// Android is broken and uses different int types than the rest (and different
// depending on the pointer width). This converts the flags to the proper type no
// matter what it is on the given platform.
// The trick is to create the same-typed variable as the sa_flags first and then
// set it to the proper value (does Rust have a way to copy a type in a different
// way?)
let mut siginfo =;
siginfo = libc::SA_SIGINFO as _;
if & siginfo == 0 {
let action = mem::transmute::<usize, extern "C" fn(c_int)>(fptr);
} else {
type SigAction = extern "C" fn(c_int, *mut siginfo_t, *mut c_void);
let action = mem::transmute::<usize, SigAction>(fptr);
action(sig, info, data);
/// Lazy-initiated data structure with our global variables.
/// Used inside a structure to cut down on boilerplate code to lazy-initialize stuff. We don't dare
/// use anything fancy like lazy-static or once-cell, since we are not sure they are
/// async-signal-safe in their access. Our code uses the [Once], but only on the write end outside
/// of signal handler. The handler assumes it has already been initialized.
struct GlobalData {
/// The data structure describing what needs to be run for each signal.
data: HalfLock<SignalData>,
/// A fallback to fight/minimize a race condition during signal initialization.
/// See the comment inside [`register_unchecked_impl`].
race_fallback: HalfLock<Option<Prev>>,
static mut GLOBAL_DATA: Option<GlobalData> = None;
impl GlobalData {
fn get() -> &'static Self {
unsafe { GLOBAL_DATA.as_ref().unwrap() }
fn ensure() -> &'static Self {
GLOBAL_INIT.call_once(|| unsafe {
GLOBAL_DATA = Some(GlobalData {
data: HalfLock::new(SignalData {
signals: HashMap::new(),
next_id: 1,
race_fallback: HalfLock::new(None),
extern "C" fn handler(sig: c_int) {
if sig != SIGFPE {
// Windows CRT `signal` resets handler every time, unless for SIGFPE.
// Reregister the handler to retain maximal compatibility.
// Problems:
// - It's racy. But this is inevitably racy in Windows.
// - Interacts poorly with handlers outside signal-hook-registry.
let old = unsafe { libc::signal(sig, handler as sighandler_t) };
if old == SIG_ERR {
// MSDN doesn't describe which errors might occur,
// but we can tell from the Linux manpage that
// EINVAL (invalid signal number) is mostly the only case.
// Therefore, this branch must not occur.
// In any case we can do nothing useful in the signal handler,
// so we're going to abort silently.
unsafe {
let globals = GlobalData::get();
let fallback =;
let sigdata =;
if let Some(ref slot) = sigdata.signals.get(&sig) {
for action in slot.actions.values() {
} else if let Some(prev) = fallback.as_ref() {
// In case we get called but don't have the slot for this signal set up yet, we are under
// the race condition. We may have the old signal handler stored in the fallback
// temporarily.
if sig == prev.signal {
// else -> probably should not happen, but races with other threads are possible so
// better safe
extern "C" fn handler(sig: c_int, info: *mut siginfo_t, data: *mut c_void) {
let globals = GlobalData::get();
let fallback =;
let sigdata =;
if let Some(slot) = sigdata.signals.get(&sig) {
unsafe { slot.prev.execute(sig, info, data) };
let info = unsafe { info.as_ref() };
let info = info.unwrap_or_else(|| {
// The info being null seems to be illegal according to POSIX, but has been observed on
// some probably broken platform. We can't do anything about that, that is just broken,
// but we are not allowed to panic in a signal handler, so we are left only with simply
// aborting. We try to write a message what happens, but using the libc stuff
// (`eprintln` is not guaranteed to be async-signal-safe).
unsafe {
const MSG: &[u8] =
b"Platform broken, got NULL as siginfo to signal handler. Aborting";
libc::write(2, MSG.as_ptr() as *const _, MSG.len());
for action in slot.actions.values() {
} else if let Some(prev) = fallback.as_ref() {
// In case we get called but don't have the slot for this signal set up yet, we are under
// the race condition. We may have the old signal handler stored in the fallback
// temporarily.
if prev.signal == sig {
unsafe { prev.execute(sig, info, data) };
// else -> probably should not happen, but races with other threads are possible so
// better safe
/// List of forbidden signals.
/// Some signals are impossible to replace according to POSIX and some are so special that this
/// library refuses to handle them (eg. SIGSEGV). The routines panic in case registering one of
/// these signals is attempted.
/// See [`register`].
pub const FORBIDDEN: &[c_int] = FORBIDDEN_IMPL;
/// Registers an arbitrary action for the given signal.
/// This makes sure there's a signal handler for the given signal. It then adds the action to the
/// ones called each time the signal is delivered. If multiple actions are set for the same signal,
/// all are called, in the order of registration.
/// If there was a previous signal handler for the given signal, it is chained ‒ it will be called
/// as part of this library's signal handler, before any actions set through this function.
/// On success, the function returns an ID that can be used to remove the action again with
/// [`unregister`].
/// # Panics
/// If the signal is one of (see [`FORBIDDEN`]):
/// * `SIGKILL`
/// * `SIGSTOP`
/// * `SIGILL`
/// * `SIGFPE`
/// * `SIGSEGV`
/// The first two are not possible to override (and the underlying C functions simply ignore all
/// requests to do so, which smells of possible bugs, or return errors). The rest can be set, but
/// generally needs very special handling to do so correctly (direct manipulation of the
/// application's address space, `longjmp` and similar). Unless you know very well what you're
/// doing, you'll shoot yourself into the foot and this library won't help you with that.
/// # Errors
/// Since the library manipulates signals using the low-level C functions, all these can return
/// errors. Generally, the errors mean something like the specified signal does not exist on the
/// given platform ‒ after a program is debugged and tested on a given OS, it should never return
/// an error.
/// However, if an error *is* returned, there are no guarantees if the given action was registered
/// or not.
/// # Safety
/// This function is unsafe, because the `action` is run inside a signal handler. The set of
/// functions allowed to be called from within is very limited (they are called async-signal-safe
/// functions by POSIX). These specifically do *not* contain mutexes and memory
/// allocation/deallocation. They *do* contain routines to terminate the program, to further
/// manipulate signals (by the low-level functions, not by this library) and to read and write file
/// descriptors. Calling program's own functions consisting only of these is OK, as is manipulating
/// program's variables ‒ however, as the action can be called on any thread that does not have the
/// given signal masked (by default no signal is masked on any thread), and mutexes are a no-go,
/// this is harder than it looks like at first.
/// As panicking from within a signal handler would be a panic across FFI boundary (which is
/// undefined behavior), the passed handler must not panic.
/// If you find these limitations hard to satisfy, choose from the helper functions in the
/// [signal-hook]( crate ‒ these provide safe interface to use some
/// common signal handling patters.
/// # Race condition
/// Upon registering the first hook for a given signal into this library, there's a short race
/// condition under the following circumstances:
/// * The program already has a signal handler installed for this particular signal (through some
/// other library, possibly).
/// * Concurrently, some other thread installs a different signal handler while it is being
/// installed by this library.
/// * At the same time, the signal is delivered.
/// Under such conditions signal-hook might wrongly "chain" to the older signal handler for a short
/// while (until the registration is fully complete).
/// Note that the exact conditions of the race condition might change in future versions of the
/// library. The recommended way to avoid it is to register signals before starting any additional
/// threads, or at least not to register signals concurrently.
/// Alternatively, make sure all signals are handled through this library.
/// # Performance
/// Even when it is possible to repeatedly install and remove actions during the lifetime of a
/// program, the installation and removal is considered a slow operation and should not be done
/// very often. Also, there's limited (though huge) amount of distinct IDs (they are `u128`).
/// # Examples
/// ```rust
/// extern crate signal_hook_registry;
/// use std::io::Error;
/// use std::process;
/// fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
/// let signal = unsafe {
/// signal_hook_registry::register(signal_hook::consts::SIGTERM, || process::abort())
/// }?;
/// // Stuff here...
/// signal_hook_registry::unregister(signal); // Not really necessary.
/// Ok(())
/// }
/// ```
pub unsafe fn register<F>(signal: c_int, action: F) -> Result<SigId, Error>
F: Fn() + Sync + Send + 'static,
register_sigaction_impl(signal, move |_: &_| action())
/// Register a signal action.
/// This acts in the same way as [`register`], including the drawbacks, panics and performance
/// characteristics. The only difference is the provided action accepts a [`siginfo_t`] argument,
/// providing information about the received signal.
/// # Safety
/// See the details of [`register`].
pub unsafe fn register_sigaction<F>(signal: c_int, action: F) -> Result<SigId, Error>
F: Fn(&siginfo_t) + Sync + Send + 'static,
register_sigaction_impl(signal, action)
unsafe fn register_sigaction_impl<F>(signal: c_int, action: F) -> Result<SigId, Error>
F: Fn(&siginfo_t) + Sync + Send + 'static,
"Attempted to register forbidden signal {}",
register_unchecked_impl(signal, action)
/// Register a signal action without checking for forbidden signals.
/// This acts in the same way as [`register_unchecked`], including the drawbacks, panics and
/// performance characteristics. The only difference is the provided action doesn't accept a
/// [`siginfo_t`] argument.
/// # Safety
/// See the details of [`register`].
pub unsafe fn register_signal_unchecked<F>(signal: c_int, action: F) -> Result<SigId, Error>
F: Fn() + Sync + Send + 'static,
register_unchecked_impl(signal, move |_: &_| action())
/// Register a signal action without checking for forbidden signals.
/// This acts the same way as [`register_sigaction`], but without checking for the [`FORBIDDEN`]
/// signals. All the signals passed are registered and it is up to the caller to make some sense of
/// them.
/// Note that you really need to know what you're doing if you change eg. the `SIGSEGV` signal
/// handler. Generally, you don't want to do that. But unlike the other functions here, this
/// function still allows you to do it.
/// # Safety
/// See the details of [`register`].
pub unsafe fn register_unchecked<F>(signal: c_int, action: F) -> Result<SigId, Error>
F: Fn(&siginfo_t) + Sync + Send + 'static,
register_unchecked_impl(signal, action)
unsafe fn register_unchecked_impl<F>(signal: c_int, action: F) -> Result<SigId, Error>
F: Fn(&siginfo_t) + Sync + Send + 'static,
let globals = GlobalData::ensure();
let action = Arc::from(action);
let mut lock =;
let mut sigdata = SignalData::clone(&lock);
let id = ActionId(sigdata.next_id);
sigdata.next_id += 1;
match sigdata.signals.entry(signal) {
Entry::Occupied(mut occupied) => {
assert!(occupied.get_mut().actions.insert(id, action).is_none());
Entry::Vacant(place) => {
// While the sigaction/signal exchanges the old one atomically, we are not able to
// atomically store it somewhere a signal handler could read it. That poses a race
// condition where we could lose some signals delivered in between changing it and
// storing it.
// Therefore we first store the old one in the fallback storage. The fallback only
// covers the cases where the slot is not yet active and becomes "inert" after that,
// even if not removed (it may get overwritten by some other signal, but for that the
// mutex in must be unlocked here - and by that time we already stored the
// slot.
// And yes, this still leaves a short race condition when some other thread could
// replace the signal handler and we would be calling the outdated one for a short
// time, until we install the slot.
let mut slot = Slot::new(signal)?;
slot.actions.insert(id, action);
Ok(SigId { signal, action: id })
/// Removes a previously installed action.
/// This function does nothing if the action was already removed. It returns true if it was removed
/// and false if the action wasn't found.
/// It can unregister all the actions installed by [`register`] as well as the ones from downstream
/// crates (like [`signal-hook`](
/// # Warning
/// This does *not* currently return the default/previous signal handler if the last action for a
/// signal was just unregistered. That means that if you replaced for example `SIGTERM` and then
/// removed the action, the program will effectively ignore `SIGTERM` signals from now on, not
/// terminate on them as is the default action. This is OK if you remove it as part of a shutdown,
/// but it is not recommended to remove termination actions during the normal runtime of
/// application (unless the desired effect is to create something that can be terminated only by
pub fn unregister(id: SigId) -> bool {
let globals = GlobalData::ensure();
let mut replace = false;
let mut lock =;
let mut sigdata = SignalData::clone(&lock);
if let Some(slot) = sigdata.signals.get_mut(&id.signal) {
replace = slot.actions.remove(&id.action).is_some();
if replace {;
// We keep this one here for strict backwards compatibility, but the API is kind of bad. One can
// delete actions that don't belong to them, which is kind of against the whole idea of not
// breaking stuff for others.
since = "1.3.0",
note = "Don't use. Can influence unrelated parts of program / unknown actions"
pub fn unregister_signal(signal: c_int) -> bool {
let globals = GlobalData::ensure();
let mut replace = false;
let mut lock =;
let mut sigdata = SignalData::clone(&lock);
if let Some(slot) = sigdata.signals.get_mut(&signal) {
if !slot.actions.is_empty() {
replace = true;
if replace {;
mod tests {
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::thread;
use std::time::Duration;
use libc::{pid_t, SIGUSR1, SIGUSR2};
use libc::SIGTERM as SIGUSR1;
use libc::SIGTERM as SIGUSR2;
use super::*;
fn panic_forbidden() {
let _ = unsafe { register(SIGILL, || ()) };
/// Registering the forbidden signals is allowed in the _unchecked version.
#[allow(clippy::redundant_closure)] // Clippy, you're wrong. Because it changes the return value.
fn forbidden_raw() {
unsafe { register_signal_unchecked(SIGFPE, || std::process::abort()).unwrap() };
fn signal_without_pid() {
let status = Arc::new(AtomicUsize::new(0));
let action = {
let status = Arc::clone(&status);
move || {, Ordering::Relaxed);
unsafe {
register(SIGUSR2, action).unwrap();
for _ in 0..10 {
let current = status.load(Ordering::Relaxed);
match current {
// Not yet
0 => continue,
// Good, we are done with the correct result
_ if current == 1 => return,
_ => panic!("Wrong result value {}", current),
panic!("Timed out waiting for the signal");
fn signal_with_pid() {
let status = Arc::new(AtomicUsize::new(0));
let action = {
let status = Arc::clone(&status);
move |siginfo: &siginfo_t| {
// Hack: currently, libc exposes only the first 3 fields of siginfo_t. The pid
// comes somewhat later on. Therefore, we do a Really Ugly Hack and define our
// own structure (and hope it is correct on all platforms). But hey, this is
// only the tests, so we are going to get away with this.
struct SigInfo {
_fields: [c_int; 3],
#[cfg(all(target_pointer_width = "64", target_os = "linux"))]
_pad: c_int,
pid: pid_t,
let s: &SigInfo = unsafe {
(siginfo as *const _ as usize as *const SigInfo)
}; as usize, Ordering::Relaxed);
let pid;
unsafe {
pid = libc::getpid();
register_sigaction(SIGUSR2, action).unwrap();
for _ in 0..10 {
let current = status.load(Ordering::Relaxed);
match current {
// Not yet (PID == 0 doesn't happen)
0 => continue,
// Good, we are done with the correct result
_ if current == pid as usize => return,
_ => panic!("Wrong status value {}", current),
panic!("Timed out waiting for the signal");
/// Check that registration works as expected and that unregister tells if it did or not.
fn register_unregister() {
let signal = unsafe { register(SIGUSR1, || ()).unwrap() };
// It was there now, so we can unregister
// The next time unregistering does nothing and tells us so.