blob: 40127b2f2aa672cb9c8fa63eab5352f02544fd9f [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
//! Various diff (longest common subsequence) algorithms.
//! The implementations of the algorithms in this module are relatively low
//! level and expose the most generic bounds possible for the algorithm. To
//! use them you would typically use the higher level API if possible but
//! direct access to these algorithms can be useful in some cases.
//! All these algorithms provide a `diff` function which takes two indexable
//! objects (for instance slices) and a [`DiffHook`]. As the
//! diff is generated the diff hook is invoked. Note that the diff hook does
//! not get access to the actual values but only the indexes. This is why the
//! diff hook is not used outside of the raw algorithm implementations as for
//! most situations access to the values is useful of required.
//! The algorithms module really is the most low-level module in similar and
//! generally not the place to start.
//! # Example
//! This is a simple example that shows how you can calculate the difference
//! between two sequences and capture the ops into a vector.
//! ```rust
//! use similar::algorithms::{Algorithm, Replace, Capture, diff_slices};
//! let a = vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
//! let b = vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 7];
//! let mut d = Replace::new(Capture::new());
//! diff_slices(Algorithm::Myers, &mut d, &a, &b).unwrap();
//! let ops = d.into_inner().into_ops();
//! ```
//! The above example is equivalent to using
//! [`capture_diff_slices`](crate::capture_diff_slices).
mod capture;
mod compact;
mod hook;
mod replace;
pub(crate) mod utils;
use std::hash::Hash;
use std::ops::{Index, Range};
use std::time::Instant;
pub use capture::Capture;
pub use compact::Compact;
pub use hook::{DiffHook, NoFinishHook};
pub use replace::Replace;
pub use utils::IdentifyDistinct;
pub use crate::Algorithm;
pub mod lcs;
pub mod myers;
pub mod patience;
/// Creates a diff between old and new with the given algorithm.
/// Diffs `old`, between indices `old_range` and `new` between indices `new_range`.
pub fn diff<Old, New, D>(
alg: Algorithm,
d: &mut D,
old: &Old,
old_range: Range<usize>,
new: &New,
new_range: Range<usize>,
) -> Result<(), D::Error>
Old: Index<usize> + ?Sized,
New: Index<usize> + ?Sized,
D: DiffHook,
Old::Output: Hash + Eq + Ord,
New::Output: PartialEq<Old::Output> + Hash + Eq + Ord,
diff_deadline(alg, d, old, old_range, new, new_range, None)
/// Creates a diff between old and new with the given algorithm with deadline.
/// Diffs `old`, between indices `old_range` and `new` between indices `new_range`.
/// This diff is done with an optional deadline that defines the maximal
/// execution time permitted before it bails and falls back to an approximation.
/// Note that not all algorithms behave well if they reach the deadline (LCS
/// for instance produces a very simplistic diff when the deadline is reached
/// in all cases).
pub fn diff_deadline<Old, New, D>(
alg: Algorithm,
d: &mut D,
old: &Old,
old_range: Range<usize>,
new: &New,
new_range: Range<usize>,
deadline: Option<Instant>,
) -> Result<(), D::Error>
Old: Index<usize> + ?Sized,
New: Index<usize> + ?Sized,
D: DiffHook,
Old::Output: Hash + Eq + Ord,
New::Output: PartialEq<Old::Output> + Hash + Eq + Ord,
match alg {
Algorithm::Myers => myers::diff_deadline(d, old, old_range, new, new_range, deadline),
Algorithm::Patience => patience::diff_deadline(d, old, old_range, new, new_range, deadline),
Algorithm::Lcs => lcs::diff_deadline(d, old, old_range, new, new_range, deadline),
/// Shortcut for diffing slices with a specific algorithm.
pub fn diff_slices<D, T>(alg: Algorithm, d: &mut D, old: &[T], new: &[T]) -> Result<(), D::Error>
D: DiffHook,
T: Eq + Hash + Ord,
diff(alg, d, old, 0..old.len(), new,
/// Shortcut for diffing slices with a specific algorithm.
pub fn diff_slices_deadline<D, T>(
alg: Algorithm,
d: &mut D,
old: &[T],
new: &[T],
deadline: Option<Instant>,
) -> Result<(), D::Error>
D: DiffHook,
T: Eq + Hash + Ord,
diff_deadline(alg, d, old, 0..old.len(), new,, deadline)