blob: 0e9d1e2191ad0fedc3a7d9046cc87791e7e55ef3 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Suppression of a false positive clippy lint. Upstream issue:
// mutable_key_type false positive for raw pointers
// We use `*const MatchPattern` as key in our `SearchCache` hash map.
// Clippy thinks this is a problem since `MatchPattern` has interior mutability
// via `MatchPattern::regex::regex` which is an `AtomicLazyCell`.
// But raw pointers are hashed via the pointer itself, not what is pointed to.
// See
use super::syntax_definition::*;
use super::scope::*;
use super::regex::Region;
use std::usize;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::i32;
use std::hash::BuildHasherDefault;
use fnv::FnvHasher;
use crate::parsing::syntax_set::{SyntaxSet, SyntaxReference};
use crate::parsing::syntax_definition::ContextId;
/// Errors that can occur while parsing.
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum ParsingError {
#[error("Somehow main context was popped from the stack")]
/// A context is missing. Usually caused by a syntax referencing a another
/// syntax that is not known to syntect. See e.g. <>
#[error("Missing context with ID '{0:?}'")]
#[error("Bad index to match_at: {0}")]
#[error("Tried to use a ContextReference that has not bee resolved yet: {0:?}")]
/// Keeps the current parser state (the internal syntax interpreter stack) between lines of parsing.
/// If you are parsing an entire file you create one of these at the start and use it
/// all the way to the end.
/// # Caching
/// One reason this is exposed is that since it implements `Clone` you can actually cache
/// these (probably along with a [`HighlightState`]) and only re-start parsing from the point of a change.
/// See the docs for [`HighlightState`] for more in-depth discussion of caching.
/// This state doesn't keep track of the current scope stack and parsing only returns changes to this stack
/// so if you want to construct scope stacks you'll need to keep track of that as well.
/// Note that [`HighlightState`] contains exactly this as a public field that you can use.
/// **Note:** Caching is for advanced users who have tons of time to maximize performance or want to do so eventually.
/// It is not recommended that you try caching the first time you implement highlighting.
/// [`HighlightState`]: ../highlighting/struct.HighlightState.html
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct ParseState {
stack: Vec<StateLevel>,
first_line: bool,
// See issue #101. Contains indices of frames pushed by `with_prototype`s.
// Doesn't look at `with_prototype`s below top of stack.
proto_starts: Vec<usize>,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
struct StateLevel {
context: ContextId,
prototypes: Vec<ContextId>,
captures: Option<(Region, String)>,
struct RegexMatch<'a> {
regions: Region,
context: &'a Context,
pat_index: usize,
from_with_prototype: bool,
would_loop: bool,
/// Maps the pattern to the start index, which is -1 if not found.
type SearchCache = HashMap<*const MatchPattern, Option<Region>, BuildHasherDefault<FnvHasher>>;
// To understand the implementation of this, here's an introduction to how
// Sublime Text syntax definitions work.
// Let's say we have the following made-up syntax definition:
// contexts:
// main:
// - match: A
// scope: scope.a.first
// push: context-a
// - match: b
// scope: scope.b
// - match: \w+
// scope: scope.other
// context-a:
// - match: a+
// scope:
// - match: (?=.)
// pop: true
// There are two contexts, `main` and `context-a`. Each context contains a list
// of match rules with instructions for how to proceed.
// Let's say we have the input string " Aaaabxxx". We start at position 0 in
// the string. We keep a stack of contexts, which at the beginning is just main.
// So we start by looking at the top of the context stack (main), and look at
// the rules in order. The rule that wins is the first one that matches
// "earliest" in the input string. In our example:
// 1. The first one matches "A". Note that matches are not anchored, so this
// matches at position 1.
// 2. The second one matches "b", so position 5. The first rule is winning.
// 3. The third one matches "\w+", so also position 1. But because the first
// rule comes first, it wins.
// So now we execute the winning rule. Whenever we matched some text, we assign
// the scope (if there is one) to the matched text and advance our position to
// after the matched text. The scope is "scope.a.first" and our new position is
// after the "A", so 2. The "push" means that we should change our stack by
// pushing `context-a` on top of it.
// In the next step, we repeat the above, but now with the rules in `context-a`.
// The result is that we match "a+" and assign "" to "aaa", and our
// new position is now after the "aaa". Note that there was no instruction for
// changing the stack, so we stay in that context.
// In the next step, the first rule doesn't match anymore, so we go to the next
// rule where "(?=.)" matches. The instruction is to "pop", which means we
// pop the top of our context stack, which means we're now back in main.
// This time in main, we match "b", and in the next step we match the rest with
// "\w+", and we're done.
// ## Preventing loops
// These are the basics of how matching works. Now, you saw that you can write
// patterns that result in an empty match and don't change the position. These
// are called non-consuming matches. The problem with them is that they could
// result in infinite loops. Let's look at a syntax where that is the case:
// contexts:
// main:
// - match: (?=.)
// push: test
// test:
// - match: \w+
// scope: word
// - match: (?=.)
// pop: true
// This is a bit silly, but it's a minimal example for explaining how matching
// works in that case.
// Let's say we have the input string " hello". In `main`, our rule matches and
// we go into `test` and stay at position 0. Now, the best match is the rule
// with "pop". But if we used that rule, we'd pop back to `main` and would still
// be at the same position we started at! So this would be an infinite loop,
// which we don't want.
// So what Sublime Text does in case a looping rule "won":
// * If there's another rule that matches at the same position and does not
// result in a loop, use that instead.
// * Otherwise, go to the next position and go through all the rules in the
// current context again. Note that it means that the "pop" could again be the
// winning rule, but that's ok as it wouldn't result in a loop anymore.
// So in our input string, we'd skip one character and try to match the rules
// again. This time, the "\w+" wins because it comes first.
impl ParseState {
/// Creates a state from a syntax definition, keeping its own reference-counted point to the
/// main context of the syntax
pub fn new(syntax: &SyntaxReference) -> ParseState {
let start_state = StateLevel {
context: syntax.context_ids()["__start"],
prototypes: Vec::new(),
captures: None,
ParseState {
stack: vec![start_state],
first_line: true,
proto_starts: Vec::new(),
/// Parses a single line of the file. Because of the way regex engines work you unfortunately
/// have to pass in a single line contiguous in memory. This can be bad for really long lines.
/// Sublime Text avoids this by just not highlighting lines that are too long (thousands of characters).
/// For efficiency reasons this returns only the changes to the current scope at each point in the line.
/// You can use [`ScopeStack::apply`] on each operation in succession to get the stack for a given point.
/// Look at the code in `` for an example of doing this for highlighting purposes.
/// The returned vector is in order both by index to apply at (the `usize`) and also by order to apply them at a
/// given index (e.g popping old scopes before pushing new scopes).
/// The [`SyntaxSet`] has to be the one that contained the syntax that was used to construct
/// this [`ParseState`], or an extended version of it. Otherwise the parsing would return the
/// wrong result or even panic. The reason for this is that contexts within the [`SyntaxSet`]
/// are referenced via indexes.
/// [`ScopeStack::apply`]: struct.ScopeStack.html#method.apply
/// [`SyntaxSet`]: struct.SyntaxSet.html
/// [`ParseState`]: struct.ParseState.html
pub fn parse_line(
&mut self,
line: &str,
syntax_set: &SyntaxSet,
) -> Result<Vec<(usize, ScopeStackOp)>, ParsingError> {
if self.stack.is_empty() {
return Err(ParsingError::MissingMainContext)
let mut match_start = 0;
let mut res = Vec::new();
if self.first_line {
let cur_level = &self.stack[self.stack.len() - 1];
let context = syntax_set.get_context(&cur_level.context)?;
if !context.meta_content_scope.is_empty() {
res.push((0, ScopeStackOp::Push(context.meta_content_scope[0])));
self.first_line = false;
let mut regions = Region::new();
let fnv = BuildHasherDefault::<FnvHasher>::default();
let mut search_cache: SearchCache = HashMap::with_capacity_and_hasher(128, fnv);
// Used for detecting loops with push/pop, see long comment above.
let mut non_consuming_push_at = (0, 0);
while self.parse_next_token(
&mut match_start,
&mut search_cache,
&mut regions,
&mut non_consuming_push_at,
&mut res
)? {}
fn parse_next_token(
&mut self,
line: &str,
syntax_set: &SyntaxSet,
start: &mut usize,
search_cache: &mut SearchCache,
regions: &mut Region,
non_consuming_push_at: &mut (usize, usize),
ops: &mut Vec<(usize, ScopeStackOp)>,
) -> Result<bool, ParsingError> {
let check_pop_loop = {
let (pos, stack_depth) = *non_consuming_push_at;
pos == *start && stack_depth == self.stack.len()
// Trim proto_starts that are no longer valid
while self.proto_starts.last().map(|start| *start >= self.stack.len()).unwrap_or(false) {
let best_match = self.find_best_match(line, *start, syntax_set, search_cache, regions, check_pop_loop)?;
if let Some(reg_match) = best_match {
if reg_match.would_loop {
// A push that doesn't consume anything (a regex that resulted
// in an empty match at the current position) can not be
// followed by a non-consuming pop. Otherwise we're back where
// we started and would try the same sequence of matches again,
// resulting in an infinite loop. In this case, Sublime Text
// advances one character and tries again, thus preventing the
// loop.
// println!("pop_would_loop for match {:?}, start {}", reg_match, *start);
// nth(1) gets the next character if there is one. Need to do
// this instead of just += 1 because we have byte indices and
// unicode characters can be more than 1 byte.
if let Some((i, _)) = line[*start..].char_indices().nth(1) {
*start += i;
return Ok(true);
} else {
// End of line, no character to advance and no point trying
// any more patterns.
return Ok(false);
let match_end = reg_match.regions.pos(0).unwrap().1;
let consuming = match_end > *start;
if !consuming {
// The match doesn't consume any characters. If this is a
// "push", remember the position and stack size so that we can
// check the next "pop" for loops. Otherwise leave the state,
// e.g. non-consuming "set" could also result in a loop.
let context = reg_match.context;
let match_pattern = context.match_at(reg_match.pat_index)?;
if let MatchOperation::Push(_) = match_pattern.operation {
*non_consuming_push_at = (match_end, self.stack.len() + 1);
*start = match_end;
// ignore `with_prototype`s below this if a context is pushed
if reg_match.from_with_prototype {
// use current height, since we're before the actual push
let level_context = {
let id = &self.stack[self.stack.len() - 1].context;
self.exec_pattern(line, &reg_match, level_context, syntax_set, ops)?;
} else {
fn find_best_match<'a>(
line: &str,
start: usize,
syntax_set: &'a SyntaxSet,
search_cache: &mut SearchCache,
regions: &mut Region,
check_pop_loop: bool,
) -> Result<Option<RegexMatch<'a>>, ParsingError> {
let cur_level = &self.stack[self.stack.len() - 1];
let context = syntax_set.get_context(&cur_level.context)?;
let prototype = if let Some(ref p) = context.prototype {
} else {
// Build an iterator for the contexts we want to visit in order
let context_chain = {
let proto_start = self.proto_starts.last().cloned().unwrap_or(0);
// Sublime applies with_prototypes from bottom to top
let with_prototypes = self.stack[proto_start..].iter().flat_map(|lvl| lvl.prototypes.iter().map(move |ctx| (true, ctx, lvl.captures.as_ref())));
let cur_prototype = prototype.into_iter().map(|ctx| (false, ctx, None));
let cur_context = Some((false, &cur_level.context, cur_level.captures.as_ref())).into_iter();
// println!("{:#?}", cur_level);
// println!("token at {} on {}", start, line.trim_right());
let mut min_start = usize::MAX;
let mut best_match: Option<RegexMatch<'_>> = None;
let mut pop_would_loop = false;
for (from_with_proto, ctx, captures) in context_chain {
for (pat_context, pat_index) in context_iter(syntax_set, syntax_set.get_context(ctx)?) {
let match_pat = pat_context.match_at(pat_index)?;
if let Some(match_region) =
line, start, match_pat, captures, search_cache, regions
) {
let (match_start, match_end) = match_region.pos(0).unwrap();
// println!("matched pattern {:?} at start {} end {}", match_pat.regex_str, match_start, match_end);
if match_start < min_start || (match_start == min_start && pop_would_loop) {
// New match is earlier in text than old match,
// or old match was a looping pop at the same
// position.
// println!("setting as current match");
min_start = match_start;
let consuming = match_end > start;
pop_would_loop = check_pop_loop
&& !consuming
&& matches!(match_pat.operation, MatchOperation::Pop);
best_match = Some(RegexMatch {
regions: match_region,
context: pat_context,
from_with_prototype: from_with_proto,
would_loop: pop_would_loop,
if match_start == start && !pop_would_loop {
// We're not gonna find a better match after this,
// so as an optimization we can stop matching now.
return Ok(best_match);
fn search(&self,
line: &str,
start: usize,
match_pat: &MatchPattern,
captures: Option<&(Region, String)>,
search_cache: &mut SearchCache,
regions: &mut Region,
) -> Option<Region> {
// println!("{} - {:?} - {:?}", match_pat.regex_str, match_pat.has_captures, cur_level.captures.is_some());
let match_ptr = match_pat as *const MatchPattern;
if let Some(maybe_region) = search_cache.get(&match_ptr) {
if let Some(ref region) = *maybe_region {
let match_start = region.pos(0).unwrap().0;
if match_start >= start {
// Cached match is valid, return it. Otherwise do another
// search below.
return Some(region.clone());
} else {
// Didn't find a match earlier, so no point trying to match it again
return None;
let (matched, can_cache) = match (match_pat.has_captures, captures) {
(true, Some(captures)) => {
let (region, s) = captures;
let regex = match_pat.regex_with_refs(region, s);
let matched =, start, line.len(), Some(regions));
(matched, false)
_ => {
let regex = match_pat.regex();
let matched =, start, line.len(), Some(regions));
(matched, true)
if matched {
let (match_start, match_end) = regions.pos(0).unwrap();
// this is necessary to avoid infinite looping on dumb patterns
let does_something = match match_pat.operation {
MatchOperation::None => match_start != match_end,
_ => true,
if can_cache && does_something {
search_cache.insert(match_pat, Some(regions.clone()));
if does_something {
// print!("catch {} at {} on {}", match_pat.regex_str, match_start, line);
return Some(regions.clone());
} else if can_cache {
search_cache.insert(match_pat, None);
/// Returns true if the stack was changed
fn exec_pattern<'a>(
&mut self,
line: &str,
reg_match: &RegexMatch<'a>,
level_context: &'a Context,
syntax_set: &'a SyntaxSet,
ops: &mut Vec<(usize, ScopeStackOp)>,
) -> Result<bool, ParsingError> {
let (match_start, match_end) = reg_match.regions.pos(0).unwrap();
let context = reg_match.context;
let pat = context.match_at(reg_match.pat_index)?;
// println!("running pattern {:?} on '{}' at {}, operation {:?}", pat.regex_str, line, match_start, pat.operation);
self.push_meta_ops(true, match_start, level_context, &pat.operation, syntax_set, ops)?;
for s in &pat.scope {
// println!("pushing {:?} at {}", s, match_start);
ops.push((match_start, ScopeStackOp::Push(*s)));
if let Some(ref capture_map) = pat.captures {
// captures could appear in an arbitrary order, have to produce ops in right order
// ex: ((bob)|(hi))* could match hibob in wrong order, and outer has to push first
// we don't have to handle a capture matching multiple times, Sublime doesn't
let mut map: Vec<((usize, i32), ScopeStackOp)> = Vec::new();
for &(cap_index, ref scopes) in capture_map.iter() {
if let Some((cap_start, cap_end)) = reg_match.regions.pos(cap_index) {
// marking up empty captures causes pops to be sorted wrong
if cap_start == cap_end {
// println!("capture {:?} at {:?}-{:?}", scopes[0], cap_start, cap_end);
for scope in scopes.iter() {
map.push(((cap_start, -((cap_end - cap_start) as i32)),
map.push(((cap_end, i32::MIN), ScopeStackOp::Pop(scopes.len())));
map.sort_by(|a, b| a.0.cmp(&b.0));
for ((index, _), op) in map.into_iter() {
ops.push((index, op));
if !pat.scope.is_empty() {
// println!("popping at {}", match_end);
ops.push((match_end, ScopeStackOp::Pop(pat.scope.len())));
self.push_meta_ops(false, match_end, level_context, &pat.operation, syntax_set, ops)?;
self.perform_op(line, &reg_match.regions, pat, syntax_set)
fn push_meta_ops(
initial: bool,
index: usize,
cur_context: &Context,
match_op: &MatchOperation,
syntax_set: &SyntaxSet,
ops: &mut Vec<(usize, ScopeStackOp)>,
) -> Result<(), ParsingError>{
// println!("metas ops for {:?}, initial: {}",
// match_op,
// initial);
// println!("{:?}", cur_context.meta_scope);
match *match_op {
MatchOperation::Pop => {
let v = if initial {
} else {
if !v.is_empty() {
ops.push((index, ScopeStackOp::Pop(v.len())));
// cleared scopes are restored after the scopes from match pattern that invoked the pop are applied
if !initial && cur_context.clear_scopes.is_some() {
ops.push((index, ScopeStackOp::Restore))
// for some reason the ST3 behaviour of set is convoluted and is inconsistent with the docs and other ops
// - the meta_content_scope of the current context is applied to the matched thing, unlike pop
// - the clear_scopes are applied after the matched token, unlike push
// - the interaction with meta scopes means that the token has the meta scopes of both the current scope and the new scope.
MatchOperation::Push(ref context_refs) |
MatchOperation::Set(ref context_refs) => {
let is_set = matches!(*match_op, MatchOperation::Set(_));
// a match pattern that "set"s keeps the meta_content_scope and meta_scope from the previous context
if initial {
if is_set && cur_context.clear_scopes.is_some() {
// cleared scopes from the old context are restored immediately
ops.push((index, ScopeStackOp::Restore));
// add each context's meta scope
for r in context_refs.iter() {
let ctx = r.resolve(syntax_set)?;
if !is_set {
if let Some(clear_amount) = ctx.clear_scopes {
ops.push((index, ScopeStackOp::Clear(clear_amount)));
for scope in ctx.meta_scope.iter() {
ops.push((index, ScopeStackOp::Push(*scope)));
} else {
let repush = (is_set && (!cur_context.meta_scope.is_empty() || !cur_context.meta_content_scope.is_empty())) || context_refs.iter().any(|r| {
let ctx = r.resolve(syntax_set).unwrap();
!ctx.meta_content_scope.is_empty() || (ctx.clear_scopes.is_some() && is_set)
if repush {
// remove previously pushed meta scopes, so that meta content scopes will be applied in the correct order
let mut num_to_pop : usize = context_refs.iter().map(|r| {
let ctx = r.resolve(syntax_set).unwrap();
// also pop off the original context's meta scopes
if is_set {
num_to_pop += cur_context.meta_content_scope.len() + cur_context.meta_scope.len();
// do all the popping as one operation
if num_to_pop > 0 {
ops.push((index, ScopeStackOp::Pop(num_to_pop)));
// now we push meta scope and meta context scope for each context pushed
for r in context_refs {
let ctx = r.resolve(syntax_set)?;
// for some reason, contrary to my reading of the docs, set does this after the token
if is_set {
if let Some(clear_amount) = ctx.clear_scopes {
ops.push((index, ScopeStackOp::Clear(clear_amount)));
for scope in ctx.meta_scope.iter() {
ops.push((index, ScopeStackOp::Push(*scope)));
for scope in ctx.meta_content_scope.iter() {
ops.push((index, ScopeStackOp::Push(*scope)));
MatchOperation::None => (),
/// Returns true if the stack was changed
fn perform_op(
&mut self,
line: &str,
regions: &Region,
pat: &MatchPattern,
syntax_set: &SyntaxSet
) -> Result<bool, ParsingError> {
let (ctx_refs, old_proto_ids) = match pat.operation {
MatchOperation::Push(ref ctx_refs) => (ctx_refs, None),
MatchOperation::Set(ref ctx_refs) => {
// a `with_prototype` stays active when the context is `set`
// until the context layer in the stack (where the `with_prototype`
// was initially applied) is popped off.
(ctx_refs, self.stack.pop().map(|s| s.prototypes))
MatchOperation::Pop => {
return Ok(true);
MatchOperation::None => return Ok(false),
for (i, r) in ctx_refs.iter().enumerate() {
let mut proto_ids = if i == 0 {
// it is only necessary to preserve the old prototypes
// at the first stack frame pushed
} else {
if i == ctx_refs.len() - 1 {
// if a with_prototype was specified, and multiple contexts were pushed,
// then the with_prototype applies only to the last context pushed, i.e.
// top most on the stack after all the contexts are pushed - this is also
// referred to as the "target" of the push by sublimehq - see
// for more info
if let Some(ref p) = pat.with_prototype {
let context_id =;
let context = syntax_set.get_context(&context_id)?;
let captures = {
let mut uses_backrefs = context.uses_backrefs;
if !proto_ids.is_empty() {
uses_backrefs = uses_backrefs || proto_ids.iter().any(|id| syntax_set.get_context(id).unwrap().uses_backrefs);
if uses_backrefs {
Some((regions.clone(), line.to_owned()))
} else {
self.stack.push(StateLevel {
context: context_id,
prototypes: proto_ids,
#[cfg(feature = "yaml-load")]
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::parsing::{SyntaxSet, SyntaxSetBuilder, Scope, ScopeStack};
use crate::parsing::ScopeStackOp::{Push, Pop, Clear, Restore};
use crate::util::debug_print_ops;
const TEST_SYNTAX: &str = include_str!("../../testdata/parser_tests.sublime-syntax");
fn can_parse_simple() {
let ss = SyntaxSet::load_from_folder("testdata/Packages").unwrap();
let mut state = {
let syntax = ss.find_syntax_by_name("Ruby on Rails").unwrap();
let ops1 = ops(&mut state, "module Bob::Wow::Troll::Five; 5; end", &ss);
let test_ops1 = vec![
(0, Push(Scope::new("source.ruby.rails").unwrap())),
(0, Push(Scope::new("meta.module.ruby").unwrap())),
(0, Push(Scope::new("keyword.control.module.ruby").unwrap())),
(6, Pop(2)),
(6, Push(Scope::new("meta.module.ruby").unwrap())),
(7, Pop(1)),
(7, Push(Scope::new("meta.module.ruby").unwrap())),
(7, Push(Scope::new("").unwrap())),
(7, Push(Scope::new("support.other.namespace.ruby").unwrap())),
(10, Pop(1)),
(10, Push(Scope::new("punctuation.accessor.ruby").unwrap())),
assert_eq!(&ops1[0..test_ops1.len()], &test_ops1[..]);
let ops2 = ops(&mut state, "def lol(wow = 5)", &ss);
let test_ops2 = vec![
(0, Push(Scope::new("meta.function.ruby").unwrap())),
(0, Push(Scope::new("keyword.control.def.ruby").unwrap())),
(3, Pop(2)),
(3, Push(Scope::new("meta.function.ruby").unwrap())),
(4, Push(Scope::new("").unwrap())),
(7, Pop(1))
assert_eq!(&ops2[0..test_ops2.len()], &test_ops2[..]);
fn can_parse_yaml() {
let ps = SyntaxSet::load_from_folder("testdata/Packages").unwrap();
let mut state = {
let syntax = ps.find_syntax_by_name("YAML").unwrap();
assert_eq!(ops(&mut state, "key: value\n", &ps), vec![
(0, Push(Scope::new("source.yaml").unwrap())),
(0, Push(Scope::new("string.unquoted.plain.out.yaml").unwrap())),
(0, Push(Scope::new("").unwrap())),
(3, Pop(2)),
(3, Push(Scope::new("punctuation.separator.key-value.mapping.yaml").unwrap())),
(4, Pop(1)),
(5, Push(Scope::new("string.unquoted.plain.out.yaml").unwrap())),
(10, Pop(1)),
fn can_parse_includes() {
let ss = SyntaxSet::load_from_folder("testdata/Packages").unwrap();
let mut state = {
let syntax = ss.find_syntax_by_name("HTML (Rails)").unwrap();
let ops = ops(&mut state, "<script>var lol = '<% def wow(", &ss);
let mut test_stack = ScopeStack::new();
let mut stack = ScopeStack::new();
for (_, op) in ops.iter() {
assert_eq!(stack, test_stack);
fn can_parse_backrefs() {
let ss = SyntaxSet::load_from_folder("testdata/Packages").unwrap();
let mut state = {
let syntax = ss.find_syntax_by_name("Ruby on Rails").unwrap();
// For parsing HEREDOC, the "SQL" is captured at the beginning and then used in another
// regex with a backref, to match the end of the HEREDOC. Note that there can be code
// after the marker (`.strip`) here.
assert_eq!(ops(&mut state, "lol = <<-SQL.strip", &ss), vec![
(0, Push(Scope::new("source.ruby.rails").unwrap())),
(4, Push(Scope::new("keyword.operator.assignment.ruby").unwrap())),
(5, Pop(1)),
(6, Push(Scope::new("string.unquoted.embedded.sql.ruby").unwrap())),
(6, Push(Scope::new("punctuation.definition.string.begin.ruby").unwrap())),
(12, Pop(1)),
(12, Pop(1)),
(12, Push(Scope::new("string.unquoted.embedded.sql.ruby").unwrap())),
(12, Push(Scope::new("text.sql.embedded.ruby").unwrap())),
(12, Clear(ClearAmount::TopN(2))),
(12, Push(Scope::new("punctuation.accessor.ruby").unwrap())),
(13, Pop(1)),
(18, Restore),
assert_eq!(ops(&mut state, "wow", &ss), vec![]);
assert_eq!(ops(&mut state, "SQL", &ss), vec![
(0, Pop(1)),
(0, Push(Scope::new("punctuation.definition.string.end.ruby").unwrap())),
(3, Pop(1)),
(3, Pop(1)),
fn can_parse_preprocessor_rules() {
let ss = SyntaxSet::load_from_folder("testdata/Packages").unwrap();
let mut state = {
let syntax = ss.find_syntax_by_name("C").unwrap();
assert_eq!(ops(&mut state, "#ifdef FOO", &ss), vec![
(0, Push(Scope::new("source.c").unwrap())),
(0, Push(Scope::new("meta.preprocessor.c").unwrap())),
(0, Push(Scope::new("keyword.control.import.c").unwrap())),
(6, Pop(1)),
(10, Pop(1)),
assert_eq!(ops(&mut state, "{", &ss), vec![
(0, Push(Scope::new("meta.block.c").unwrap())),
(0, Push(Scope::new("punctuation.section.block.begin.c").unwrap())),
(1, Pop(1)),
assert_eq!(ops(&mut state, "#else", &ss), vec![
(0, Push(Scope::new("meta.preprocessor.c").unwrap())),
(0, Push(Scope::new("keyword.control.import.c").unwrap())),
(5, Pop(1)),
(5, Pop(1)),
assert_eq!(ops(&mut state, "{", &ss), vec![
(0, Push(Scope::new("meta.block.c").unwrap())),
(0, Push(Scope::new("punctuation.section.block.begin.c").unwrap())),
(1, Pop(1)),
assert_eq!(ops(&mut state, "#endif", &ss), vec![
(0, Pop(1)),
(0, Push(Scope::new("meta.block.c").unwrap())),
(0, Push(Scope::new("meta.preprocessor.c").unwrap())),
(0, Push(Scope::new("keyword.control.import.c").unwrap())),
(6, Pop(2)),
(6, Pop(2)),
(6, Push(Scope::new("meta.block.c").unwrap())),
assert_eq!(ops(&mut state, " foo;", &ss), vec![
(7, Push(Scope::new("punctuation.terminator.c").unwrap())),
(8, Pop(1)),
assert_eq!(ops(&mut state, "}", &ss), vec![
(0, Push(Scope::new("punctuation.section.block.end.c").unwrap())),
(1, Pop(1)),
(1, Pop(1)),
fn can_parse_issue25() {
let ss = SyntaxSet::load_from_folder("testdata/Packages").unwrap();
let mut state = {
let syntax = ss.find_syntax_by_name("C").unwrap();
// test fix for issue #25
assert_eq!(ops(&mut state, "struct{estruct", &ss).len(), 10);
fn can_compare_parse_states() {
let ss = SyntaxSet::load_from_folder("testdata/Packages").unwrap();
let syntax = ss.find_syntax_by_name("Java").unwrap();
let mut state1 = ParseState::new(syntax);
let mut state2 = ParseState::new(syntax);
assert_eq!(ops(&mut state1, "class Foo {", &ss).len(), 11);
assert_eq!(ops(&mut state2, "class Fooo {", &ss).len(), 11);
assert_eq!(state1, state2);
ops(&mut state1, "}", &ss);
assert_ne!(state1, state2);
fn can_parse_non_nested_clear_scopes() {
let line = "'hello #simple_cleared_scopes_test world test \\n '";
let expect = [
"<source.test>, <example.meta-scope.after-clear-scopes.example>, <example.pushes-clear-scopes.example>",
"<source.test>, <example.meta-scope.after-clear-scopes.example>, <example.pops-clear-scopes.example>",
"<source.test>, <string.quoted.single.example>, <constant.character.escape.example>",
expect_scope_stacks(line, &expect, TEST_SYNTAX);
fn can_parse_non_nested_too_many_clear_scopes() {
let line = "'hello #too_many_cleared_scopes_test world test \\n '";
let expect = [
"<example.meta-scope.after-clear-scopes.example>, <example.pushes-clear-scopes.example>",
"<example.meta-scope.after-clear-scopes.example>, <example.pops-clear-scopes.example>",
"<source.test>, <string.quoted.single.example>, <constant.character.escape.example>",
expect_scope_stacks(line, &expect, TEST_SYNTAX);
fn can_parse_nested_clear_scopes() {
let line = "'hello #nested_clear_scopes_test world foo bar test \\n '";
let expect = [
"<source.test>, <example.meta-scope.after-clear-scopes.example>, <example.pushes-clear-scopes.example>",
"<source.test>, <example.meta-scope.cleared-previous-meta-scope.example>, <foo>",
"<source.test>, <example.meta-scope.after-clear-scopes.example>, <example.pops-clear-scopes.example>",
"<source.test>, <string.quoted.single.example>, <constant.character.escape.example>",
expect_scope_stacks(line, &expect, TEST_SYNTAX);
fn can_parse_infinite_loop() {
let line = "#infinite_loop_test 123";
let expect = [
"<source.test>, <constant.numeric.test>",
expect_scope_stacks(line, &expect, TEST_SYNTAX);
fn can_parse_infinite_seeming_loop() {
// See for an
// explanation.
let line = "#infinite_seeming_loop_test hello";
let expect = [
"<source.test>, <keyword.test>",
"<source.test>, <test>, <string.unquoted.test>",
"<source.test>, <test>, <keyword.control.test>",
expect_scope_stacks(line, &expect, TEST_SYNTAX);
fn can_parse_prototype_that_pops_main() {
let syntax = r#"
name: test
scope: source.test
# This causes us to pop out of the main context. Sublime Text handles that
# by pushing main back automatically.
- match: (?=!)
pop: true
- match: foo
scope: test.good
let line = "foo!";
let expect = ["<source.test>, <test.good>"];
expect_scope_stacks(line, &expect, syntax);
fn can_parse_syntax_with_newline_in_character_class() {
let syntax = r#"
name: test
scope: source.test
- match: foo[\n]
scope: foo.end
- match: foo
scope: foo.any
let line = "foo";
let expect = ["<source.test>, <foo.end>"];
expect_scope_stacks(line, &expect, syntax);
let line = "foofoofoo";
let expect = [
"<source.test>, <foo.any>",
"<source.test>, <foo.any>",
"<source.test>, <foo.end>",
expect_scope_stacks(line, &expect, syntax);
fn can_parse_issue120() {
let syntax = SyntaxDefinition::load_from_str(
let line1 = "\"abctest\" foobar";
let expect1 = [
"<>, <string.quoted.double>, <punctuation.definition.string.begin.html>",
"<>, <source.css>",
"<>, <string.quoted.double>, <punctuation.definition.string.end.html>",
"<>, <source.css>, <test.embedded>",
expect_scope_stacks_with_syntax(line1, &expect1, syntax.clone());
let line2 = ">abctest</style>foobar";
let expect2 = [
"<>, <punctuation.definition.tag.end.html>",
"<source.css.embedded.html>, <test.embedded>",
expect_scope_stacks_with_syntax(line2, &expect2, syntax);
fn can_parse_non_consuming_pop_that_would_loop() {
// See
let syntax = r#"
name: test
scope: source.test
# This makes us go into "test" without consuming any characters
- match: (?=hello)
push: test
# If we used this match, we'd go back to "main" without consuming anything,
# and then back into "test", infinitely looping. ST detects this at this
# point and ignores this match until at least one character matched.
- match: (?!world)
pop: true
- match: \w+
scope: test.matched
let line = "hello";
let expect = ["<source.test>, <test.matched>"];
expect_scope_stacks(line, &expect, syntax);
fn can_parse_non_consuming_set_and_pop_that_would_loop() {
let syntax = r#"
name: test
scope: source.test
# This makes us go into "a" without advancing
- match: (?=test)
push: a
# This makes us go into "b" without advancing
- match: (?=t)
set: b
# If we used this match, we'd go back to "main" without having advanced,
# which means we'd have an infinite loop like with the previous test.
# So even for a "set", we have to check if we're advancing or not.
- match: (?=t)
pop: true
- match: \w+
scope: test.matched
let line = "test";
let expect = ["<source.test>, <test.matched>"];
expect_scope_stacks(line, &expect, syntax);
fn can_parse_non_consuming_set_after_consuming_push_that_does_not_loop() {
let syntax = r#"
name: test
scope: source.test
# This makes us go into "a", but we consumed a character
- match: t
push: a
- match: \w+
scope: test.matched
# This makes us go into "b" without consuming
- match: (?=e)
set: b
# This match does not result in an infinite loop because we already consumed
# a character to get into "a", so it's ok to pop back into "main".
- match: (?=e)
pop: true
let line = "test";
let expect = ["<source.test>, <test.matched>"];
expect_scope_stacks(line, &expect, syntax);
fn can_parse_non_consuming_set_after_consuming_set_that_does_not_loop() {
let syntax = r#"
name: test
scope: source.test
- match: (?=hello)
push: a
- match: \w+
scope: test.matched
- match: h
set: b
- match: (?=e)
set: c
# This is not an infinite loop because "a" consumed a character, so we can
# actually pop back into main and then match the rest of the input.
- match: (?=e)
pop: true
let line = "hello";
let expect = ["<source.test>, <test.matched>"];
expect_scope_stacks(line, &expect, syntax);
fn can_parse_non_consuming_pop_that_would_loop_at_end_of_line() {
let syntax = r#"
name: test
scope: source.test
# This makes us go into "test" without consuming, even at the end of line
- match: ""
push: test
- match: ""
pop: true
- match: \w+
scope: test.matched
let line = "hello";
let expect = ["<source.test>, <test.matched>"];
expect_scope_stacks(line, &expect, syntax);
fn can_parse_empty_but_consuming_set_that_does_not_loop() {
let syntax = r#"
name: test
scope: source.test
- match: (?=hello)
push: a
- match: ello
scope: test.good
# This is an empty match, but it consumed a character (the "h")
- match: (?=e)
set: b
# .. so it's ok to pop back to main from here
- match: ""
pop: true
- match: ello
scope: test.bad
let line = "hello";
let expect = ["<source.test>, <test.good>"];
expect_scope_stacks(line, &expect, syntax);
fn can_parse_non_consuming_pop_that_does_not_loop() {
let syntax = r#"
name: test
scope: source.test
# This is a non-consuming push, so "b" will need to check for a
# non-consuming pop
- match: (?=hello)
push: [b, a]
- match: ello
scope: test.good
# This pop is ok, it consumed "h"
- match: (?=e)
pop: true
# This is non-consuming, and we set to "c"
- match: (?=e)
set: c
# It's ok to pop back to "main" here because we consumed a character in the
# meantime.
- match: ""
pop: true
- match: ello
scope: test.bad
let line = "hello";
let expect = ["<source.test>, <test.good>"];
expect_scope_stacks(line, &expect, syntax);
fn can_parse_non_consuming_pop_with_multi_push_that_does_not_loop() {
let syntax = r#"
name: test
scope: source.test
- match: (?=hello)
push: [b, a]
- match: ello
scope: test.good
# This pop is ok, as we're not popping back to "main" yet (which would loop),
# we're popping to "b"
- match: ""
pop: true
- match: \w+
scope: test.bad
- match: \w+
scope: test.good
let line = "hello";
let expect = ["<source.test>, <test.good>"];
expect_scope_stacks(line, &expect, syntax);
fn can_parse_non_consuming_pop_of_recursive_context_that_does_not_loop() {
let syntax = r#"
name: test
scope: source.test
- match: xxx
scope: test.good
- include: basic-identifiers
- match: '\w+::'
scope: test.matched
push: no-type-names
- include: basic-identifiers
- match: \w+
scope: test.matched.inside
# This is a tricky one because when this is the best match,
# we have two instances of "no-type-names" on the stack, so we're popping
# back from "no-type-names" to another "no-type-names".
- match: ''
pop: true
let line = "foo::bar::* xxx";
let expect = ["<source.test>, <test.good>"];
expect_scope_stacks(line, &expect, syntax);
fn can_parse_non_consuming_pop_order() {
let syntax = r#"
name: test
scope: source.test
- match: (?=hello)
push: test
# This matches first
- match: (?=e)
push: good
# But this (looping) match replaces it, because it's an earlier match
- match: (?=h)
pop: true
# And this should not replace it, as it's a later match (only matches at
# the same position can replace looping pops).
- match: (?=o)
push: bad
- match: \w+
scope: test.good
- match: \w+
scope: test.bad
let line = "hello";
let expect = ["<source.test>, <test.good>"];
expect_scope_stacks(line, &expect, syntax);
fn can_parse_prototype_with_embed() {
let syntax = r#"
name: Javadoc
scope: text.html.javadoc
- match: \*
scope: punctuation.definition.comment.javadoc
- meta_include_prototype: false
- match: /\*\*
scope: comment.block.documentation.javadoc punctuation.definition.comment.begin.javadoc
embed: contents
embed_scope: comment.block.documentation.javadoc text.html.javadoc
escape: \*/
0: comment.block.documentation.javadoc punctuation.definition.comment.end.javadoc
- match: ''
let syntax = SyntaxDefinition::load_from_str(syntax, true, None).unwrap();
expect_scope_stacks_with_syntax("/** * */", &["<comment.block.documentation.javadoc>, <punctuation.definition.comment.begin.javadoc>", "<comment.block.documentation.javadoc>, <text.html.javadoc>, <punctuation.definition.comment.javadoc>", "<comment.block.documentation.javadoc>, <punctuation.definition.comment.end.javadoc>"], syntax);
fn can_parse_context_included_in_prototype_via_named_reference() {
let syntax = r#"
scope: source.test
- match: a
push: a
- match: b
scope: test.bad
- match: unused
# This context is included in the prototype (see `push: a`).
# Because of that, ST doesn't apply the prototype to this context, so if
# we're in here the "b" shouldn't match.
- match: a
scope: test.good
let stack_states = stack_states(parse("aa b", syntax));
assert_eq!(stack_states, vec![
"<source.test>, <test.good>",
], "Expected test.bad to not match");
fn can_parse_with_prototype_set() {
let syntax = r#"%YAML 1.2
scope: source.test-set-with-proto
- match: a
scope: a
set: next1
- match: '1'
scope: '1'
- match: '2'
scope: '2'
- match: '3'
scope: '3'
- match: '4'
scope: '4'
- match: '5'
scope: '5'
set: [next3, next2]
- match: c
scope: cwith
- match: b
scope: b
set: next2
- match: c
scope: c
push: next3
- match: e
scope: e
pop: true
- match: f
scope: f
set: [next1, next2]
- match: d
scope: d
- match: (?=e)
pop: true
- match: c
scope: cwithout
"<a>", "<1>", "<b>", "<2>", "<c>", "<3>", "<d>", "<4>", "<e>", "<5>"
], SyntaxDefinition::load_from_str(syntax, true, None).unwrap()
"<5>", "<cwith>", "<f>", "<e>", "<b>", "<d>", "<cwithout>", "<a>"
], SyntaxDefinition::load_from_str(syntax, true, None).unwrap()
fn can_parse_issue176() {
let syntax = r#"
scope: source.dummy
- match: (test)(?=(foo))(f)
1: test
2: ignored
3: f
- match: (oo)
1: keyword
let syntax = SyntaxDefinition::load_from_str(syntax, true, None).unwrap();
expect_scope_stacks_with_syntax("testfoo", &["<test>", /*"<ignored>",*/ "<f>", "<keyword>"], syntax);
fn can_parse_two_with_prototypes_at_same_stack_level() {
let syntax_yamlstr = r#"
%YAML 1.2
# See
scope: source.example-wp
- match: a
scope: a
- match: b
scope: b
- match: c
scope: c
- match: '2'
scope: '2'
- match: '1'
scope: '1'
let syntax = SyntaxDefinition::load_from_str(syntax_yamlstr, true, None).unwrap();
expect_scope_stacks_with_syntax("abc12", &["<1>", "<2>"], syntax);
fn can_parse_two_with_prototypes_at_same_stack_level_set_multiple() {
let syntax_yamlstr = r#"
%YAML 1.2
# See
scope: source.example-wp
- match: a
scope: a
- match: b
scope: b
set: [context1, context2, context3]
- match: '2'
scope: '2'
- match: '1'
scope: '1'
- match: '1'
scope: digit1
- match: '2'
scope: digit2
- match: e
scope: e
pop: true
- match: '2'
scope: digit2
- match: d
scope: d
pop: true
- match: '2'
scope: digit2
- match: c
scope: c
pop: true
let syntax = SyntaxDefinition::load_from_str(syntax_yamlstr, true, None).unwrap();
expect_scope_stacks_with_syntax("ab12", &["<1>", "<2>"], syntax.clone());
expect_scope_stacks_with_syntax("abc12", &["<1>", "<digit2>"], syntax.clone());
expect_scope_stacks_with_syntax("abcd12", &["<1>", "<digit2>"], syntax.clone());
expect_scope_stacks_with_syntax("abcde12", &["<digit1>", "<digit2>"], syntax);
fn can_parse_two_with_prototypes_at_same_stack_level_updated_captures() {
let syntax_yamlstr = r#"
%YAML 1.2
# See
scope: source.example-wp
- match: (a)
scope: a
- match: (b)
scope: b
- match: c
scope: c
- match: d
scope: d
- match: \1
scope: '1'
pop: true
let syntax = SyntaxDefinition::load_from_str(syntax_yamlstr, true, None).unwrap();
expect_scope_stacks_with_syntax("aa", &["<a>", "<1>"], syntax.clone());
expect_scope_stacks_with_syntax("abcdb", &["<a>", "<b>", "<c>", "<d>", "<1>"], syntax);
fn can_parse_two_with_prototypes_at_same_stack_level_updated_captures_ignore_unexisting() {
let syntax_yamlstr = r#"
%YAML 1.2
# See
scope: source.example-wp
- match: (a)(-)
scope: a
- match: (b)
scope: b
- match: c
scope: c
- match: d
scope: d
- match: \2
scope: '2'
pop: true
- match: \1
scope: '1'
pop: true
let syntax = SyntaxDefinition::load_from_str(syntax_yamlstr, true, None).unwrap();
expect_scope_stacks_with_syntax("a--", &["<a>", "<2>"], syntax.clone());
// it seems that when ST encounters a non existing pop backreference, it just pops back to the with_prototype's original parent context - i.e. cdb is unscoped
// TODO: it would be useful to have syntest functionality available here for easier testing and clarity
expect_scope_stacks_with_syntax("a-bcdba-", &["<a>", "<b>"], syntax);
fn can_parse_syntax_with_eol_and_newline() {
let syntax = r#"
name: test
scope: source.test
- match: foo$\n
scope: foo.newline
let line = "foo";
let expect = ["<source.test>, <foo.newline>"];
expect_scope_stacks(line, &expect, syntax);
fn can_parse_syntax_with_eol_only() {
let syntax = r#"
name: test
scope: source.test
- match: foo$
scope: foo.newline
let line = "foo";
let expect = ["<source.test>, <foo.newline>"];
expect_scope_stacks(line, &expect, syntax);
fn can_parse_syntax_with_beginning_of_line() {
let syntax = r#"
name: test
scope: source.test
- match: \w+
scope: word
# this should not match at the end of the line
- match: ^\s*$
pop: true
- match: =+
scope: heading
pop: true
- match: .*
scope: other
let syntax_newlines = SyntaxDefinition::load_from_str(syntax, true, None).unwrap();
let syntax_set = link(syntax_newlines);
let mut state = ParseState::new(&syntax_set.syntaxes()[0]);
assert_eq!(ops(&mut state, "foo\n", &syntax_set), vec![
(0, Push(Scope::new("source.test").unwrap())),
(0, Push(Scope::new("word").unwrap())),
(3, Pop(1))
assert_eq!(ops(&mut state, "===\n", &syntax_set), vec![
(0, Push(Scope::new("heading").unwrap())),
(3, Pop(1))
assert_eq!(ops(&mut state, "bar\n", &syntax_set), vec![
(0, Push(Scope::new("word").unwrap())),
(3, Pop(1))
// This should result in popping out of the context
assert_eq!(ops(&mut state, "\n", &syntax_set), vec![]);
// So now this matches other
assert_eq!(ops(&mut state, "====\n", &syntax_set), vec![
(0, Push(Scope::new("other").unwrap())),
(4, Pop(1))
fn can_parse_syntax_with_comment_and_eol() {
let syntax = r#"
name: test
scope: source.test
- match: (//).*$
scope: comment.line.double-slash
let syntax_newlines = SyntaxDefinition::load_from_str(syntax, true, None).unwrap();
let syntax_set = link(syntax_newlines);
let mut state = ParseState::new(&syntax_set.syntaxes()[0]);
assert_eq!(ops(&mut state, "// foo\n", &syntax_set), vec![
(0, Push(Scope::new("source.test").unwrap())),
(0, Push(Scope::new("comment.line.double-slash").unwrap())),
// 6 is important here, should not be 7. The pattern should *not* consume the newline,
// but instead match before it. This is important for whitespace-sensitive syntaxes
// where newlines terminate statements such as Scala.
(6, Pop(1))
fn can_parse_text_with_unicode_to_skip() {
let syntax = r#"
name: test
scope: source.test
- match: (?=.)
push: test
- match: (?=.)
pop: true
- match: x
scope: test.good
// U+03C0 GREEK SMALL LETTER PI, 2 bytes in UTF-8
expect_scope_stacks("\u{03C0}x", &["<source.test>, <test.good>"], syntax);
// U+0800 SAMARITAN LETTER ALAF, 3 bytes in UTF-8
expect_scope_stacks("\u{0800}x", &["<source.test>, <test.good>"], syntax);
// U+1F600 GRINNING FACE, 4 bytes in UTF-8
expect_scope_stacks("\u{1F600}x", &["<source.test>, <test.good>"], syntax);
fn can_include_backrefs() {
let syntax = SyntaxDefinition::load_from_str(r#"
name: Backref Include Test
scope: source.backrefinc
- match: (a)
scope: a
push: context1
- include: context2
- match: \1
scope: b
pop: true
"#, true, None).unwrap();
expect_scope_stacks_with_syntax("aa", &["<a>", "<b>"], syntax);
fn can_include_nested_backrefs() {
let syntax = SyntaxDefinition::load_from_str(r#"
name: Backref Include Test
scope: source.backrefinc
- match: (a)
scope: a
push: context1
- include: context3
- include: context2
- match: \1
scope: b
pop: true
"#, true, None).unwrap();
expect_scope_stacks_with_syntax("aa", &["<a>", "<b>"], syntax);
fn expect_scope_stacks(line_without_newline: &str, expect: &[&str], syntax: &str) {
println!("Parsing with newlines");
let line_with_newline = format!("{}\n", line_without_newline);
let syntax_newlines = SyntaxDefinition::load_from_str(syntax, true, None).unwrap();
expect_scope_stacks_with_syntax(&line_with_newline, expect, syntax_newlines);
println!("Parsing without newlines");
let syntax_nonewlines = SyntaxDefinition::load_from_str(syntax, false, None).unwrap();
expect_scope_stacks_with_syntax(line_without_newline, expect, syntax_nonewlines);
fn expect_scope_stacks_with_syntax(line: &str, expect: &[&str], syntax: SyntaxDefinition) {
// check that each expected scope stack appears at least once while parsing the given test line
let syntax_set = link(syntax);
let mut state = ParseState::new(&syntax_set.syntaxes()[0]);
let ops = ops(&mut state, line, &syntax_set);
expect_scope_stacks_for_ops(ops, expect);
fn expect_scope_stacks_for_ops(ops: Vec<(usize, ScopeStackOp)>, expect: &[&str]) {
let mut criteria_met = Vec::new();
for stack_str in stack_states(ops) {
println!("{}", stack_str);
for expectation in expect.iter() {
if stack_str.contains(expectation) {
if let Some(missing) = expect.iter().find(|e| !criteria_met.contains(e)) {
panic!("expected scope stack '{}' missing", missing);
fn parse(line: &str, syntax: &str) -> Vec<(usize, ScopeStackOp)> {
let syntax = SyntaxDefinition::load_from_str(syntax, true, None).unwrap();
let syntax_set = link(syntax);
let mut state = ParseState::new(&syntax_set.syntaxes()[0]);
ops(&mut state, line, &syntax_set)
fn link(syntax: SyntaxDefinition) -> SyntaxSet {
let mut builder = SyntaxSetBuilder::new();
fn ops(state: &mut ParseState, line: &str, syntax_set: &SyntaxSet) -> Vec<(usize, ScopeStackOp)> {
let ops = state.parse_line(line, syntax_set).expect("#[cfg(test)]");
debug_print_ops(line, &ops);
fn stack_states(ops: Vec<(usize, ScopeStackOp)>) -> Vec<String> {
let mut states = Vec::new();
let mut stack = ScopeStack::new();
for (_, op) in ops.iter() {
let scopes: Vec<String> = stack.as_slice().iter().map(|s| format!("{:?}", s)).collect();
let stack_str = scopes.join(", ");