blob: ffdc12536f9be66375ea83d3746179ee4d6b4a93 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// see
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::u16;
use std::sync::Mutex;
use std::fmt;
use std::str::FromStr;
use std::u64;
use std::cmp::{Ordering, min};
use std::mem;
use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
use serde::de::{Deserialize, Deserializer, Error, Visitor};
use serde::ser::{Serialize, Serializer};
use serde_derive::{Deserialize, Serialize};
/// Scope related errors
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum ScopeError {
#[error("Tried to restore cleared scopes, but none were cleared")]
/// Multiplier on the power of 2 for MatchPower. This is only useful if you compute your own
/// [`MatchPower`] scores
/// [`MatchPower`]: struct.MatchPower.html
pub const ATOM_LEN_BITS: u16 = 3;
/// The global scope repo, exposed in case you want to minimize locking and unlocking.
/// Ths shouldn't be necessary for you to use. See the [`ScopeRepository`] docs.
/// [`ScopeRepository`]: struct.ScopeRepository.html
pub static SCOPE_REPO: Lazy<Mutex<ScopeRepository>> =
Lazy::new(|| Mutex::new(ScopeRepository::new()));
/// A hierarchy of atoms with semi-standardized names used to accord semantic information to a
/// specific piece of text.
/// These are generally written with the atoms separated by dots, and - by convention - atoms are
/// all lowercase alphanumeric.
/// Example scopes: `text.plain`, `punctuation.definition.string.begin.ruby`,
/// `meta.function.parameters.rust`
/// `syntect` uses an optimized format for storing these that allows super fast comparison and
/// determining if one scope is a prefix of another. It also always takes 16 bytes of space. It
/// accomplishes this by using a global repository to store string values and using bit-packed 16
/// bit numbers to represent and compare atoms. Like "atoms" or "symbols" in other languages. This
/// means that while comparing and prefix are fast, extracting a string is relatively slower but
/// ideally should be very rare.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Copy, Default, Hash)]
pub struct Scope {
a: u64,
b: u64,
/// Not all strings are valid scopes
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum ParseScopeError {
/// Due to a limitation of the current optimized internal representation
/// scopes can be at most 8 atoms long
#[error("Too long scope. Scopes can be at most 8 atoms long.")]
/// The internal representation uses 16 bits per atom, so if all scopes ever
/// used by the program have more than 2^16-2 atoms, things break
#[error("Too many atoms. Max 2^16-2 atoms allowed.")]
/// The structure used to keep track of the mapping between scope atom numbers and their string
/// names
/// It is only exposed in case you want to lock [`SCOPE_REPO`] and then allocate a bunch of scopes
/// at once without thrashing the lock. In general, you should just use [`Scope::new()`].
/// Only [`Scope`]s created by the same repository have valid comparison results.
/// [`SCOPE_REPO`]: struct.SCOPE_REPO.html
/// [`Scope::new()`]:
/// [`Scope`]: struct.Scope.html
pub struct ScopeRepository {
atoms: Vec<String>,
atom_index_map: HashMap<String, usize>,
/// A stack/sequence of scopes for representing hierarchies for a given token of text
/// This is also used within [`ScopeSelectors`].
/// In Sublime Text, the scope stack at a given point can be seen by pressing `ctrl+shift+p`. Also
/// see [the TextMate docs](
/// Example for a JS string inside a script tag in a Rails `ERB` file:
/// `text.html.ruby text.html.basic source.js.embedded.html string.quoted.double.js`
/// [`ScopeSelectors`]: ../highlighting/struct.ScopeSelectors.html
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Default, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct ScopeStack {
clear_stack: Vec<Vec<Scope>>,
pub scopes: Vec<Scope>,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum ClearAmount {
/// A change to a scope stack
/// Generally, `Noop` is only used internally and you won't need to worry about getting one back
/// from calling a public function.
/// The change from a `ScopeStackOp` can be applied via [`ScopeStack::apply`].
/// [`ScopeStack::apply`]: struct.ScopeStack.html#method.apply
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum ScopeStackOp {
/// Used for the `clear_scopes` feature
/// Restores cleared scopes
/// Used for [`ScopeStack::apply_with_hook`]
/// [`ScopeStack::apply_with_hook`]: struct.ScopeStack.html#method.apply_with_hook
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum BasicScopeStackOp {
fn pack_as_u16s(atoms: &[usize]) -> Result<Scope, ParseScopeError> {
let mut res = Scope { a: 0, b: 0 };
for (i, &n) in atoms.iter().enumerate() {
if n >= (u16::MAX as usize) - 2 {
return Err(ParseScopeError::TooManyAtoms);
let small = (n + 1) as u64; // +1 since we reserve 0 for unused
if i < 4 {
let shift = (3 - i) * 16;
res.a |= small << shift;
} else {
let shift = (7 - i) * 16;
res.b |= small << shift;
impl ScopeRepository {
fn new() -> ScopeRepository {
ScopeRepository {
atoms: Vec::new(),
atom_index_map: HashMap::new(),
pub fn build(&mut self, s: &str) -> Result<Scope, ParseScopeError> {
if s.is_empty() {
return Ok(Scope { a: 0, b: 0 });
let parts: Vec<usize> = s.trim_end_matches('.').split('.').map(|a| self.atom_to_index(a)).collect();
if parts.len() > 8 {
return Err(ParseScopeError::TooManyAtoms);
pub fn to_string(&self, scope: Scope) -> String {
let mut s = String::new();
for i in 0..8 {
let atom_number = scope.atom_at(i);
// println!("atom {} of {:x}-{:x} = {:x}",
// i, scope.a, scope.b, atom_number);
if atom_number == 0 {
if i != 0 {
fn atom_to_index(&mut self, atom: &str) -> usize {
if let Some(index) = self.atom_index_map.get(atom) {
return *index;
let index = self.atoms.len() - 1;
self.atom_index_map.insert(atom.to_owned(), index);
/// Return the string for an atom number returned by [`Scope::atom_at`]
/// [`Scope::atom_at`]: struct.Scope.html#method.atom_at
pub fn atom_str(&self, atom_number: u16) -> &str {
&self.atoms[(atom_number - 1) as usize]
impl Scope {
/// Parses a `Scope` from a series of atoms separated by dot (`.`) characters
/// Example: `Scope::new("meta.rails.controller")`
pub fn new(s: &str) -> Result<Scope, ParseScopeError> {
let mut repo = SCOPE_REPO.lock().unwrap();
/// Gets the atom number at a given index.
/// I can't think of any reason you'd find this useful. It is used internally for turning a
/// scope back into a string.
pub fn atom_at(self, index: usize) -> u16 {
#[allow(clippy::panic)] // The below panic is too much of an edge-case for it to be worth propagating
let shifted = if index < 4 {
self.a >> ((3 - index) * 16)
} else if index < 8 {
self.b >> ((7 - index) * 16)
} else {
panic!("atom index out of bounds {:?}", index);
(shifted & 0xFFFF) as u16
fn missing_atoms(self) -> u32 {
let trail = if self.b == 0 {
self.a.trailing_zeros() + 64
} else {
trail / 16
/// Returns the number of atoms in the scope
pub fn len(self) -> u32 {
8 - self.missing_atoms()
pub fn is_empty(self) -> bool {
self.len() == 0
/// Returns a string representation of this scope
/// This requires locking a global repo and shouldn't be done frequently.
pub fn build_string(self) -> String {
let repo = SCOPE_REPO.lock().unwrap();
/// Tests if this scope is a prefix of another scope. Note that the empty scope is always a
/// prefix.
/// This operation uses bitwise operations and is very fast
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use syntect::parsing::Scope;
/// assert!( Scope::new("string").unwrap()
/// .is_prefix_of(Scope::new("string.quoted").unwrap()));
/// assert!( Scope::new("string.quoted").unwrap()
/// .is_prefix_of(Scope::new("string.quoted").unwrap()));
/// assert!( Scope::new("").unwrap()
/// .is_prefix_of(Scope::new("meta.rails.controller").unwrap()));
/// assert!(!Scope::new("source.php").unwrap()
/// .is_prefix_of(Scope::new("source").unwrap()));
/// assert!(!Scope::new("source.php").unwrap()
/// .is_prefix_of(Scope::new("source.ruby").unwrap()));
/// assert!(!Scope::new("meta.php").unwrap()
/// .is_prefix_of(Scope::new("source.php").unwrap()));
/// assert!(!Scope::new("meta.php").unwrap()
/// .is_prefix_of(Scope::new("").unwrap()));
/// ```
pub fn is_prefix_of(self, s: Scope) -> bool {
let pref_missing = self.missing_atoms();
// TODO: test optimization - use checked shl and then mult carry flag as int by -1
let mask: (u64, u64) = if pref_missing == 8 {
(0, 0)
} else if pref_missing == 4 {
(u64::MAX, 0)
} else if pref_missing > 4 {
(u64::MAX << ((pref_missing - 4) * 16), 0)
} else {
(u64::MAX, u64::MAX << (pref_missing * 16))
// xor to find the difference
let ax = (self.a ^ s.a) & mask.0;
let bx = (self.b ^ s.b) & mask.1;
// println!("{:x}-{:x} is_pref {:x}-{:x}: missing {} mask {:x}-{:x} xor {:x}-{:x}",
// self.a, self.b, s.a, s.b, pref_missing, mask.0, mask.1, ax, bx);
ax == 0 && bx == 0
impl FromStr for Scope {
type Err = ParseScopeError;
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Scope, ParseScopeError> {
impl fmt::Display for Scope {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
let s = self.build_string();
write!(f, "{}", s)
impl fmt::Debug for Scope {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
let s = self.build_string();
write!(f, "<{}>", s)
impl Serialize for Scope {
fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error> where S: Serializer {
let s = self.build_string();
impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for Scope {
fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<Self, D::Error> where D: Deserializer<'de> {
struct ScopeVisitor;
impl<'de> Visitor<'de> for ScopeVisitor {
type Value = Scope;
fn expecting(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
formatter.write_str("a string")
fn visit_str<E>(self, v: &str) -> Result<Scope, E> where E: Error {
Scope::new(v).map_err(|e| Error::custom(format!("Invalid scope: {:?}", e)))
/// Wrapper to get around the fact Rust `f64` doesn't implement `Ord` and there is no non-NaN
/// float type
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialOrd, PartialEq)]
pub struct MatchPower(pub f64);
impl Eq for MatchPower {}
#[allow(clippy::derive_ord_xor_partial_ord)] // The code works, so let's keep using it
impl Ord for MatchPower {
fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering {
impl ScopeStack {
pub fn new() -> ScopeStack {
ScopeStack {
clear_stack: Vec::new(),
scopes: Vec::new()
/// Note: creating a ScopeStack with this doesn't contain information
/// on what to do when `clear_scopes` contexts end.
pub fn from_vec(v: Vec<Scope>) -> ScopeStack {
ScopeStack {
clear_stack: Vec::new(),
scopes: v
pub fn push(&mut self, s: Scope) {
pub fn pop(&mut self) {
/// Modifies this stack according to the operation given
/// Use this to create a stack from a `Vec` of changes given by the parser.
pub fn apply(&mut self, op: &ScopeStackOp) -> Result<(), ScopeError> {
self.apply_with_hook(op, |_,_|{})
/// Modifies this stack according to the operation given and calls the hook for each basic operation.
/// Like [`apply`] but calls `hook` for every basic modification (as defined by
/// [`BasicScopeStackOp`]). Use this to do things only when the scope stack changes.
/// [`apply`]: #method.apply
/// [`BasicScopeStackOp`]: enum.BasicScopeStackOp.html
pub fn apply_with_hook<F>(&mut self, op: &ScopeStackOp, mut hook: F) -> Result<(), ScopeError>
where F: FnMut(BasicScopeStackOp, &[Scope])
match *op {
ScopeStackOp::Push(scope) => {
hook(BasicScopeStackOp::Push(scope), self.as_slice());
ScopeStackOp::Pop(count) => {
for _ in 0..count {
hook(BasicScopeStackOp::Pop, self.as_slice());
ScopeStackOp::Clear(amount) => {
let cleared = match amount {
ClearAmount::TopN(n) => {
// don't try to clear more scopes than are on the stack
let to_leave = self.scopes.len() - min(n, self.scopes.len());
ClearAmount::All => {
let mut cleared = Vec::new();
mem::swap(&mut cleared, &mut self.scopes);
let clear_amount = cleared.len();
for _ in 0..clear_amount {
hook(BasicScopeStackOp::Pop, self.as_slice());
ScopeStackOp::Restore => {
match self.clear_stack.pop() {
Some(ref mut to_push) => {
for s in to_push {
hook(BasicScopeStackOp::Push(*s), self.as_slice());
None => return Err(ScopeError::NoClearedScopesToRestore),
ScopeStackOp::Noop => (),
/// Prints out each scope in the stack separated by spaces
/// and then a newline. Top of the stack at the end.
pub fn debug_print(&self, repo: &ScopeRepository) {
for s in &self.scopes {
print!("{} ", repo.to_string(*s));
/// Returns the bottom `n` elements of the stack.
/// Equivalent to `&scopes[0..n]` on a `Vec`
pub fn bottom_n(&self, n: usize) -> &[Scope] {
/// Return a slice of the scopes in this stack
pub fn as_slice(&self) -> &[Scope] {
/// Return the height/length of this stack
pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
self.len() == 0
/// Checks if this stack as a selector matches the given stack, returning the match score if so
/// Higher match scores indicate stronger matches. Scores are ordered according to the rules
/// found at [](
/// It accomplishes this ordering through some floating point math ensuring deeper and longer
/// matches matter. Unfortunately it is only guaranteed to return perfectly accurate results up
/// to stack depths of 17, but it should be reasonably good even afterwards. TextMate has the
/// exact same limitation, dunno about Sublime Text.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use syntect::parsing::{ScopeStack, MatchPower};
/// use std::str::FromStr;
/// assert_eq!(ScopeStack::from_str("a.b c e.f").unwrap()
/// .does_match(ScopeStack::from_str("a.b c.d e.f.g").unwrap().as_slice()),
/// Some(MatchPower(0o212u64 as f64)));
/// assert_eq!(ScopeStack::from_str("a c.d.e").unwrap()
/// .does_match(ScopeStack::from_str("a.b c.d e.f.g").unwrap().as_slice()),
/// None);
/// ```
pub fn does_match(&self, stack: &[Scope]) -> Option<MatchPower> {
let mut sel_index: usize = 0;
let mut score: f64 = 0.0;
for (i, scope) in stack.iter().enumerate() {
let sel_scope = self.scopes[sel_index];
if sel_scope.is_prefix_of(*scope) {
let len = sel_scope.len();
// equivalent to score |= len << (ATOM_LEN_BITS*i) on a large unsigned
score += f64::from(len) * f64::from(ATOM_LEN_BITS * (i as u16)).exp2();
sel_index += 1;
if sel_index >= self.scopes.len() {
return Some(MatchPower(score));
impl FromStr for ScopeStack {
type Err = ParseScopeError;
/// Parses a scope stack from a whitespace separated list of scopes.
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<ScopeStack, ParseScopeError> {
let mut scopes = Vec::new();
for name in s.split_whitespace() {
impl fmt::Display for ScopeStack {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
for s in &self.scopes {
write!(f, "{} ", s)?;
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn misc() {
// use std::mem;
// use std::rc::{Rc};
// use scope::*;
// assert_eq!(8, mem::size_of::<Rc<Scope>>());
// assert_eq!(Scope::new("source.php"), Scope::new("source.php"));
fn repo_works() {
let mut repo = ScopeRepository::new();
let s1 ="").unwrap();
assert_eq!(repo.to_string(s1), "");
let s2 ="").unwrap();
assert_eq!(repo.to_string(s2), "");
assert!("source.php").unwrap() !="source.perl").unwrap());
assert!("source.php").unwrap() !="source.php.wagon").unwrap());
fn global_repo_works() {
use std::str::FromStr;
fn prefixes_work() {
fn matching_works() {
use std::str::FromStr;
Some(MatchPower(0o1u64 as f64)));
assert_eq!(ScopeStack::from_str("a.b e.f")
.does_match(ScopeStack::from_str("a.b c.d e.f.g").unwrap().as_slice()),
Some(MatchPower(0o202u64 as f64)));
assert_eq!(ScopeStack::from_str("c e.f")
.does_match(ScopeStack::from_str("a.b c.d e.f.g").unwrap().as_slice()),
Some(MatchPower(0o210u64 as f64)));
assert_eq!(ScopeStack::from_str("c.d e.f")
.does_match(ScopeStack::from_str("a.b c.d e.f.g").unwrap().as_slice()),
Some(MatchPower(0o220u64 as f64)));
assert_eq!(ScopeStack::from_str("a.b c e.f")
.does_match(ScopeStack::from_str("a.b c.d e.f.g").unwrap().as_slice()),
Some(MatchPower(0o212u64 as f64)));
assert_eq!(ScopeStack::from_str("a c.d")
.does_match(ScopeStack::from_str("a.b c.d e.f.g").unwrap().as_slice()),
Some(MatchPower(0o021u64 as f64)));
assert_eq!(ScopeStack::from_str("a c.d.e")
.does_match(ScopeStack::from_str("a.b c.d e.f.g").unwrap().as_slice()),