blob: bbd74e4a242fc907cd206a078d3d30011bdea139 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Take a look at the license at the top of the repository in the LICENSE file.
#[cfg(feature = "debug")]
macro_rules! sysinfo_debug {
($($x:tt)*) => {{
#[cfg(not(feature = "debug"))]
macro_rules! sysinfo_debug {
($($x:tt)*) => {{}};
#[cfg(feature = "system")]
macro_rules! declare_signals {
($kind:ty, _ => None,) => (
use crate::Signal;
pub(crate) const fn supported_signals() -> &'static [Signal] {
($kind:ty, $(Signal::$signal:ident => $map:expr,)+ _ => None,) => (
use crate::Signal;
pub(crate) const fn supported_signals() -> &'static [Signal] {
pub(crate) fn convert_signal(s: Signal) -> Option<$kind> {
match s {
$(Signal::$signal => Some($map),)*
_ => None,
($kind:ty, $(Signal::$signal:ident => $map:expr,)+) => (
use crate::Signal;
pub(crate) const fn supported_signals() -> &'static [Signal] {
pub(crate) fn convert_signal(s: Signal) -> Option<$kind> {
match s {
$(Signal::$signal => Some($map),)*
#[cfg(all(unix, not(feature = "unknown-ci")))]
macro_rules! retry_eintr {
(set_to_0 => $($t:tt)+) => {{
let errno = crate::unix::libc_errno();
if !errno.is_null() {
*errno = 0;
($errno_value:ident => $($t:tt)+) => {{
loop {
let ret = $($t)+;
if ret < 0 {
let tmp = std::io::Error::last_os_error();
if tmp.kind() == std::io::ErrorKind::Interrupted {
$errno_value = tmp.raw_os_error().unwrap_or(0);
break ret;
($($t:tt)+) => {{
loop {
let ret = $($t)+;
if ret < 0 && std::io::Error::last_os_error().kind() == std::io::ErrorKind::Interrupted {
break ret;
//FIXME: Remove this code if is ever merged.
macro_rules! cfg_if {
// match if/else chains with a final `else`
if #[cfg( $i_meta:meta )] { $( $i_tokens:tt )* }
) else+
else { $( $e_tokens:tt )* }
) => {
cfg_if! {
@__items () ;
(( $i_meta ) ( $( $i_tokens )* )) ,
(() ( $( $e_tokens )* )) ,
// Allow to multiple conditions in a same call.
if #[cfg( $i_meta:meta )] { $( $i_tokens:tt )* }
) else+
else { $( $e_tokens:tt )* }
if $($extra_conditions:tt)+
) => {
cfg_if! {
@__items () ;
(( $i_meta ) ( $( $i_tokens )* )) ,
(() ( $( $e_tokens )* )) ,
cfg_if! {
if $($extra_conditions)+
// match if/else chains lacking a final `else`
if #[cfg( $i_meta:meta )] { $( $i_tokens:tt )* }
else if #[cfg( $e_meta:meta )] { $( $e_tokens:tt )* }
) => {
cfg_if! {
@__items () ;
(( $i_meta ) ( $( $i_tokens )* )) ,
(( $e_meta ) ( $( $e_tokens )* )) ,
// Allow to multiple conditions in a same call.
if #[cfg( $i_meta:meta )] { $( $i_tokens:tt )* }
else if #[cfg( $e_meta:meta )] { $( $e_tokens:tt )* }
if $($extra_conditions:tt)+
) => {
cfg_if! {
@__items () ;
(( $i_meta ) ( $( $i_tokens )* )) ,
(( $e_meta ) ( $( $e_tokens )* )) ,
cfg_if! {
if $($extra_conditions)+
// Internal and recursive macro to emit all the items
// Collects all the previous cfgs in a list at the beginning, so they can be
// negated. After the semicolon is all the remaining items.
(@__items ( $( $_:meta , )* ) ; ) => {};
@__items ( $( $no:meta , )* ) ;
(( $( $yes:meta )? ) ( $( $tokens:tt )* )) ,
$( $rest:tt , )*
) => {
// Emit all items within one block, applying an appropriate #[cfg]. The
// #[cfg] will require all `$yes` matchers specified and must also negate
// all previous matchers.
$( $yes , )?
not(any( $( $no ),* ))
cfg_if! { @__identity $( $tokens )* }
// Recurse to emit all other items in `$rest`, and when we do so add all
// our `$yes` matchers to the list of `$no` matchers as future emissions
// will have to negate everything we just matched as well.
cfg_if! {
@__items ( $( $no , )* $( $yes , )? ) ;
$( $rest , )*
// Internal macro to make __apply work out right for different match types,
// because of how macros match/expand stuff.
(@__identity $( $tokens:tt )* ) => {
$( $tokens )*
mod tests {
cfg_if! {
if #[cfg(test)] {
use core::option::Option as Option2;
fn works1() -> Option2<u32> { Some(1) }
} else {
fn works1() -> Option<u32> { None }
cfg_if! {
if #[cfg(foo)] {
fn works2() -> bool { false }
} else if #[cfg(test)] {
fn works2() -> bool { true }
} else {
fn works2() -> bool { false }
cfg_if! {
if #[cfg(foo)] {
fn works3() -> bool { false }
} else {
fn works3() -> bool { true }
cfg_if! {
if #[cfg(test)] {
use core::option::Option as Option3;
fn works4() -> Option3<u32> { Some(1) }
cfg_if! {
if #[cfg(foo)] {
fn works5() -> bool { false }
} else if #[cfg(test)] {
fn works5() -> bool { true }
cfg_if! {
if #[cfg(foo)] {
fn works6() -> bool { false }
} else if #[cfg(test)] {
fn works6() -> bool { true }
if #[cfg(test)] {
fn works7() -> bool { true }
} else {
fn works7() -> bool { false }
cfg_if! {
if #[cfg(test)] {
fn works8() -> bool { true }
} else if #[cfg(foo)] {
fn works8() -> bool { false }
if #[cfg(foo)] {
fn works9() -> bool { false }
} else if #[cfg(test)] {
fn works9() -> bool { true }
fn it_works() {
fn test_usage_within_a_function() {
cfg_if! {if #[cfg(debug_assertions)] {
// we want to put more than one thing here to make sure that they
// all get configured properly.
assert_eq!(4, 2+2);
} else {
assert_eq!(10, 5+5);
trait Trait {
fn blah(&self);
struct Struct;
impl Trait for Struct {
cfg_if! {
if #[cfg(feature = "blah")] {
fn blah(&self) {
} else {
fn blah(&self) {