blob: 303cc867b72bd61a2343840907a4f1227becaac3 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
//! This module contains a [`IterTable`] table.
//! In contrast to [`Table`] [`IterTable`] does no allocations but it consumes an iterator.
//! It's useful when you don't want to re/allocate a buffer for your data.
//! # Example
//! ```
//! use tabled::{grid::records::IterRecords, tables::IterTable};
//! let iterator = vec![vec!["First", "row"], vec!["Second", "row"]];
//! let records = IterRecords::new(iterator, 2, Some(2));
//! let table = IterTable::new(records);
//! let s = table.to_string();
//! assert_eq!(
//! s,
//! "+--------+-----+\n\
//! | First | row |\n\
//! +--------+-----+\n\
//! | Second | row |\n\
//! +--------+-----+",
//! );
//! ```
//! [`Table`]: crate::Table
use std::{fmt, io};
use crate::{
config::{AlignmentHorizontal, CompactConfig, Indent, Sides, SpannedConfig},
dimension::{CompactGridDimension, Dimension, DimensionValue, StaticDimension},
into_records::{BufRecords, LimitColumns, LimitRows, TruncateContent},
IntoRecords, IterRecords,
settings::{Style, TableOption},
use super::util::utf8_writer::UTF8Writer;
/// A table which consumes an [`IntoRecords`] iterator.
/// To be able to build table we need a dimensions.
/// If no width and count_columns is set, [`IterTable`] will sniff the records, by
/// keeping a number of rows buffered (You can set the number via [`IterTable::sniff`]).
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct IterTable<I> {
records: I,
cfg: CompactConfig,
table: Settings,
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct Settings {
sniff: usize,
count_columns: Option<usize>,
count_rows: Option<usize>,
width: Option<usize>,
height: Option<usize>,
impl<I> IterTable<I> {
/// Creates a new [`IterTable`] structure.
pub fn new(iter: I) -> Self
I: IntoRecords,
Self {
records: iter,
cfg: create_config(),
table: Settings {
sniff: 1000,
count_columns: None,
count_rows: None,
height: None,
width: None,
/// With is a generic function which applies options to the [`IterTable`].
pub fn with<O>(mut self, option: O) -> Self
for<'a> O: TableOption<IterRecords<&'a I>, CompactConfig, StaticDimension>,
let count_columns = self.table.count_columns.unwrap_or(0);
let mut records = IterRecords::new(&self.records, count_columns, self.table.count_rows);
let mut dims = StaticDimension::new(DimensionValue::Exact(0), DimensionValue::Exact(1));
option.change(&mut records, &mut self.cfg, &mut dims);
/// Limit a number of columns.
pub fn columns(mut self, count_columns: usize) -> Self {
self.table.count_columns = Some(count_columns);
/// Limit a number of rows.
pub fn rows(mut self, count_rows: usize) -> Self {
self.table.count_rows = Some(count_rows);
/// Limit an amount of rows will be read for dimension estimations.
pub fn sniff(mut self, count: usize) -> Self {
self.table.sniff = count;
/// Set a height for each row.
pub fn height(mut self, size: usize) -> Self {
self.table.height = Some(size);
/// Set a width for each column.
pub fn width(mut self, size: usize) -> Self {
self.table.width = Some(size);
/// Build a string.
/// We can't implement [`std::string::ToString`] cause it does takes `&self` reference.
pub fn to_string(self) -> String
I: IntoRecords,
I::Cell: AsRef<str>,
let mut buf = String::new();
self.fmt(&mut buf)
.expect("according to a doc is safe to fmt() a string");
/// Format table into [`io::Write`]r.
pub fn build<W>(self, writer: W) -> io::Result<()>
W: io::Write,
I: IntoRecords,
I::Cell: AsRef<str>,
let writer = UTF8Writer::new(writer);
.map_err(|err| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, err))
/// Format table into [fmt::Write]er.
pub fn fmt<W>(self, writer: W) -> fmt::Result
W: fmt::Write,
I: IntoRecords,
I::Cell: AsRef<str>,
build_grid(writer, self.records, self.cfg, self.table)
fn build_grid<W, I>(f: W, iter: I, cfg: CompactConfig, opts: Settings) -> fmt::Result
W: fmt::Write,
I: IntoRecords,
I::Cell: AsRef<str>,
let width_config = opts.width.is_some() && opts.count_columns.is_some();
if width_config {
build_table_with_static_dims(f, iter, cfg, opts)
} else if opts.width.is_some() {
build_table_sniffing_with_width(f, iter, cfg, opts)
} else {
build_table_sniffing(f, iter, cfg, opts)
fn build_table_with_static_dims<W, I>(
f: W,
iter: I,
cfg: CompactConfig,
opts: Settings,
) -> fmt::Result
W: fmt::Write,
I: IntoRecords,
I::Cell: AsRef<str>,
let count_columns = opts.count_columns.unwrap();
let width = opts.width.unwrap();
let height = opts.height.unwrap_or(1);
let contentw = WidthDimension::Exact(width);
let pad = cfg.get_padding();
let w = DimensionValue::Exact(width + pad.left.size + pad.right.size);
let h = DimensionValue::Exact(height + + pad.bottom.size);
let dims = StaticDimension::new(w, h);
let cfg = SpannedConfig::from(cfg);
match opts.count_rows {
Some(limit) => {
let records = LimitRows::new(iter, limit);
let records = build_records(records, contentw, count_columns, Some(limit));
Grid::new(records, dims, cfg, NoColors).build(f)
None => {
let records = build_records(iter, contentw, count_columns, None);
Grid::new(records, dims, cfg, NoColors).build(f)
fn build_table_sniffing<W, I>(f: W, iter: I, cfg: CompactConfig, opts: Settings) -> fmt::Result
W: fmt::Write,
I: IntoRecords,
I::Cell: AsRef<str>,
let records = BufRecords::new(iter, opts.sniff);
let count_columns = get_count_columns(&opts, records.as_slice());
let (mut width, height) = {
let records = LimitColumns::new(records.as_slice(), count_columns);
let records = IterRecords::new(records, count_columns, None);
CompactGridDimension::dimension(records, &cfg)
let padding = cfg.get_padding();
let pad = padding.left.size + padding.right.size;
let padv = + padding.bottom.size;
if opts.sniff == 0 {
width = std::iter::repeat(pad)
let content_width = WidthDimension::List(width.iter().map(|i| i.saturating_sub(pad)).collect());
let dims_width = DimensionValue::List(width);
let height_exact = opts.height.unwrap_or(1) + padv;
let mut dims_height = DimensionValue::Partial(height, height_exact);
if opts.height.is_some() {
dims_height = DimensionValue::Exact(height_exact);
let dims = StaticDimension::new(dims_width, dims_height);
let cfg = SpannedConfig::from(cfg);
match opts.count_rows {
Some(limit) => {
let records = LimitRows::new(records, limit);
let records = build_records(records, content_width, count_columns, Some(limit));
Grid::new(records, dims, cfg, NoColors).build(f)
None => {
let records = build_records(records, content_width, count_columns, None);
Grid::new(records, dims, cfg, NoColors).build(f)
fn build_table_sniffing_with_width<W, I>(
f: W,
iter: I,
cfg: CompactConfig,
opts: Settings,
) -> fmt::Result
W: fmt::Write,
I: IntoRecords,
I::Cell: AsRef<str>,
let records = BufRecords::new(iter, opts.sniff);
let count_columns = get_count_columns(&opts, records.as_slice());
let width = opts.width.unwrap();
let contentw = WidthDimension::Exact(width);
let padding = cfg.get_padding();
let pad = padding.left.size + padding.right.size;
let padv = + padding.bottom.size;
let height = opts.height.unwrap_or(1) + padv;
let dimsh = DimensionValue::Exact(height);
let dimsw = DimensionValue::Exact(width + pad);
let dims = StaticDimension::new(dimsw, dimsh);
let cfg = SpannedConfig::from(cfg);
match opts.count_rows {
Some(limit) => {
let records = LimitRows::new(records, limit);
let records = build_records(records, contentw, count_columns, Some(limit));
Grid::new(records, dims, cfg, NoColors).build(f)
None => {
let records = build_records(records, contentw, count_columns, None);
Grid::new(records, dims, cfg, NoColors).build(f)
fn get_count_columns<T>(opts: &Settings, buf: &[Vec<T>]) -> usize {
match opts.count_columns {
Some(size) => size,
None => buf.iter().map(|row| row.len()).max().unwrap_or(0),
fn create_config() -> CompactConfig {
fn build_records<I>(
records: I,
width: WidthDimension,
count_columns: usize,
count_rows: Option<usize>,
) -> IterRecords<LimitColumns<TruncateContent<I, WidthDimension>>>
I: IntoRecords,
let records = TruncateContent::new(records, width);
let records = LimitColumns::new(records, count_columns);
IterRecords::new(records, count_columns, count_rows)
/// A dimension value.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
enum WidthDimension {
impl Dimension for WidthDimension {
fn get_width(&self, column: usize) -> usize {
match self {
WidthDimension::Exact(value) => *value,
WidthDimension::List(list) => list[column],
fn get_height(&self, _row: usize) -> usize {
unreachable!("A height method is not supposed to be called");