blob: 0c694f5c2745dae5a0327cdba306f5803aecbaa8 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::fmt;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::path::Path;
use std::sync::Arc;
use globwalk::glob_builder;
use crate::builtins::filters::{array, common, number, object, string, Filter};
use crate::builtins::functions::{self, Function};
use crate::builtins::testers::{self, Test};
use crate::context::Context;
use crate::errors::{Error, Result};
use crate::renderer::Renderer;
use crate::template::Template;
use crate::utils::escape_html;
/// Default template name used for `Tera::render_str` and `Tera::one_off`.
const ONE_OFF_TEMPLATE_NAME: &str = "__tera_one_off";
/// The escape function type definition
pub type EscapeFn = fn(&str) -> String;
/// Main point of interaction in this library.
/// The [`Tera`] struct is the primary interface for working with the Tera template engine. It contains parsed templates, registered filters (which can filter
/// data), functions, and testers. It also contains some configuration options, such as a list of
/// suffixes for files that have autoescaping turned on.
/// It is responsible for:
/// - Loading and managing templates from files or strings
/// - Parsing templates and checking for syntax errors
/// - Maintaining a cache of compiled templates for efficient rendering
/// - Providing an interface for rendering templates with given contexts
/// - Managing template inheritance and includes
/// - Handling custom filters and functions
/// - Overriding settings, such as autoescape rules
/// # Example
/// Basic usage:
/// ```
/// use tera::Tera;
/// // Create a new Tera instance and add a template from a string
/// let mut tera = Tera::new("templates/**/*").unwrap();
/// tera.add_raw_template("hello", "Hello, {{ name }}!").unwrap();
/// // Prepare the context with some data
/// let mut context = tera::Context::new();
/// context.insert("name", "World");
/// // Render the template with the given context
/// let rendered = tera.render("hello", &context).unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(rendered, "Hello, World!");
/// ```
pub struct Tera {
// The glob used in `Tera::new`, None if Tera was instantiated differently
glob: Option<String>,
pub templates: HashMap<String, Template>,
pub filters: HashMap<String, Arc<dyn Filter>>,
pub testers: HashMap<String, Arc<dyn Test>>,
pub functions: HashMap<String, Arc<dyn Function>>,
// Which extensions does Tera automatically autoescape on.
// Defaults to [".html", ".htm", ".xml"]
pub autoescape_suffixes: Vec<&'static str>,
escape_fn: EscapeFn,
impl Tera {
fn create(dir: &str, parse_only: bool) -> Result<Tera> {
if dir.find('*').is_none() {
return Err(Error::msg(format!(
"Tera expects a glob as input, no * were found in `{}`",
let mut tera = Tera {
glob: Some(dir.to_string()),
templates: HashMap::new(),
filters: HashMap::new(),
functions: HashMap::new(),
testers: HashMap::new(),
autoescape_suffixes: vec![".html", ".htm", ".xml"],
escape_fn: escape_html,
if !parse_only {
/// Create a new instance of Tera, containing all the parsed templates found in the `dir` glob.
/// A glob is a pattern for matching multiple file paths, employing special characters such as
/// the single asterisk (`*`) to match any sequence of characters within a single directory
/// level, and the double asterisk (`**`) to match any sequence of characters across multiple
/// directory levels, thereby providing a flexible and concise way to select files based on
/// their names, extensions, or hierarchical relationships. For example, the glob pattern
/// `templates/*.html` will match all files with the `.html` extension located directly inside
/// the `templates` folder, while the glob pattern `templates/**/*.html` will match all files
/// with the `.html` extension directly inside or in a subdirectory of `templates`.
/// In order to create an empty [`Tera`] instance, you can use the [`Default`] implementation.
/// # Examples
/// Basic usage:
/// ```no_run
/// # use tera::Tera;
/// let tera = Tera::new("examples/basic/templates/**/*").unwrap();
/// ```
pub fn new(dir: &str) -> Result<Tera> {
Self::create(dir, false)
/// Create a new instance of Tera, containing all the parsed templates found in the `dir` glob.
/// The difference to [`Tera::new`] is that it won't build the inheritance chains
/// automatically, so you are free to modify the templates if you need to.
/// # Inheritance Chains
/// You will *not* get a working Tera instance using this method. You will need to call
/// [`build_inheritance_chains()`](Tera::build_inheritance_chains) to make it usable.
/// # Examples
/// Basic usage:
/// ```no_run
/// # use tera::Tera;
/// let mut tera = Tera::parse("examples/basic/templates/**/*").unwrap();
/// // do not forget to build the inheritance chains
/// tera.build_inheritance_chains().unwrap();
/// ```
pub fn parse(dir: &str) -> Result<Tera> {
Self::create(dir, true)
/// Loads all the templates found in the glob that was given to [`Tera::new`].
fn load_from_glob(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
let glob = match &self.glob {
Some(g) => g,
None => return Err(Error::msg("Tera can only load from glob if a glob is provided")),
// We want to preserve templates that have been added through
// Tera::extend so we only keep those
self.templates = self
.filter(|&(_, t)| t.from_extend)
.map(|(n, t)| (n.clone(), t.clone())) // TODO: avoid that clone
let mut errors = String::new();
// Need to canonicalize the glob path because globwalk always returns
// an empty list for paths starting with `./` or `../`.
// See for the Tera discussion
// and for the upstream issue.
let (parent_dir, glob_end) = glob.split_at(glob.find('*').unwrap());
let parent_dir = match std::fs::canonicalize(parent_dir) {
Ok(d) => d,
// If canonicalize fails, just abort it and resume with the given path.
// Consumers expect invalid globs to just return the empty set instead of failing.
// See
Err(_) => std::path::PathBuf::from(parent_dir),
let dir = parent_dir.join(glob_end).into_os_string().into_string().unwrap();
// We are parsing all the templates on instantiation
for entry in glob_builder(&dir)
let mut path = entry.into_path();
// We only care about actual files
if path.is_file() {
if path.starts_with("./") {
path = path.strip_prefix("./").unwrap().to_path_buf();
let filepath = path
// unify on forward slash
.replace('\\', "/");
if let Err(e) = self.add_file(Some(&filepath), path) {
use std::error::Error;
errors += &format!("\n* {}", e);
let mut cause = e.source();
while let Some(e) = cause {
errors += &format!("\n{}", e);
cause = e.source();
if !errors.is_empty() {
return Err(Error::msg(errors));
// Add a template from a path: reads the file and parses it.
// This will return an error if the template is invalid and doesn't check the validity of
// inheritance chains.
fn add_file<P: AsRef<Path>>(&mut self, name: Option<&str>, path: P) -> Result<()> {
let path = path.as_ref();
let tpl_name = name.unwrap_or_else(|| path.to_str().unwrap());
let mut f = File::open(path)
.map_err(|e| Error::chain(format!("Couldn't open template '{:?}'", path), e))?;
let mut input = String::new();
f.read_to_string(&mut input)
.map_err(|e| Error::chain(format!("Failed to read template '{:?}'", path), e))?;
let tpl = Template::new(tpl_name, Some(path.to_str().unwrap().to_string()), &input)
.map_err(|e| Error::chain(format!("Failed to parse {:?}", path), e))?;
self.templates.insert(tpl_name.to_string(), tpl);
/// Build inheritance chains for loaded templates.
/// We need to know the hierarchy of templates to be able to render multiple extends level.
/// This happens at compile-time to avoid checking it every time we want to render a template.
/// This also checks for soundness issues in the inheritance chains, such as missing template
/// or circular extends. It also builds the block inheritance chain and detects when super()
/// is called in a place where it can't possibly work
/// You generally don't need to call that yourself, unless you used [`Tera::parse()`].
pub fn build_inheritance_chains(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
// Recursive fn that finds all the parents and put them in an ordered Vec from closest to first parent
// parent template
fn build_chain(
templates: &HashMap<String, Template>,
start: &Template,
template: &Template,
mut parents: Vec<String>,
) -> Result<Vec<String>> {
if !parents.is_empty() && == {
return Err(Error::circular_extend(&, parents));
match template.parent {
Some(ref p) => match templates.get(p) {
Some(parent) => {
build_chain(templates, start, parent, parents)
None => Err(Error::missing_parent(&, p)),
None => Ok(parents),
// TODO: if we can rewrite the 2 loops below to be only one loop, that'd be great
let mut tpl_parents = HashMap::new();
let mut tpl_block_definitions = HashMap::new();
for (name, template) in &self.templates {
if template.parent.is_none() && template.blocks.is_empty() {
let parents = build_chain(&self.templates, template, template, vec![])?;
let mut blocks_definitions = HashMap::new();
for (block_name, def) in &template.blocks {
// push our own block first
let mut definitions = vec![(, def.clone())];
// and then see if our parents have it
for parent in &parents {
let t = self.get_template(parent)?;
if let Some(b) = t.blocks.get(block_name) {
definitions.push((, b.clone()));
blocks_definitions.insert(block_name.clone(), definitions);
tpl_parents.insert(name.clone(), parents);
tpl_block_definitions.insert(name.clone(), blocks_definitions);
for template in self.templates.values_mut() {
// Simple template: no inheritance or blocks -> nothing to do
if template.parent.is_none() && template.blocks.is_empty() {
template.parents = match tpl_parents.remove(& {
Some(parents) => parents,
None => vec![],
template.blocks_definitions = match tpl_block_definitions.remove(& {
Some(blocks) => blocks,
None => HashMap::new(),
/// We keep track of macro files loaded in each Template so we can know whether one or them
/// is missing and error accordingly before the user tries to render a template.
/// As with [`build_inheritance_chains()`](Self::build_inheritance_chains), you don't usually need to call that yourself.
pub fn check_macro_files(&self) -> Result<()> {
for template in self.templates.values() {
for (tpl_name, _) in &template.imported_macro_files {
if !self.templates.contains_key(tpl_name) {
return Err(Error::msg(format!(
"Template `{}` loads macros from `{}` which isn't present in Tera",, tpl_name
/// Renders a Tera template given a [`Context`].
/// # Examples
/// Basic usage:
/// ```
/// # use tera::{Tera, Context};
/// // Create new tera instance with sample template
/// let mut tera = Tera::default();
/// tera.add_raw_template("info", "My age is {{ age }}.");
/// // Create new context
/// let mut context = Context::new();
/// context.insert("age", &18);
/// // Render template using the context
/// let output = tera.render("info", &context).unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(output, "My age is 18.");
/// ```
/// To render a template with an empty context, simply pass an empty [`Context`] object.
/// ```
/// # use tera::{Tera, Context};
/// // Create new tera instance with demo template
/// let mut tera = Tera::default();
/// tera.add_raw_template("hello.html", "<h1>Hello</h1>");
/// // Render a template with an empty context
/// let output = tera.render("hello.html", &Context::new()).unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(output, "<h1>Hello</h1>");
/// ```
pub fn render(&self, template_name: &str, context: &Context) -> Result<String> {
let template = self.get_template(template_name)?;
let renderer = Renderer::new(template, self, context);
/// Renders a Tera template given a [`Context`] to something that implements [`Write`].
/// The only difference from [`render()`](Self::render) is that this version doesn't convert
/// buffer to a String, allowing to render directly to anything that implements [`Write`]. For
/// example, this could be used to write directly to a [`File`](std::fs::File).
/// Any I/O error will be reported in the result.
/// # Examples
/// Rendering into a `Vec<u8>`:
/// ```
/// # use tera::{Context, Tera};
/// let mut tera = Tera::default();
/// tera.add_raw_template("index.html", "<p>{{ name }}</p>");
/// // Rendering a template to an internal buffer
/// let mut buffer = Vec::new();
/// let mut context = Context::new();
/// context.insert("name", "John Wick");
/// tera.render_to("index.html", &context, &mut buffer).unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(buffer, b"<p>John Wick</p>");
/// ```
pub fn render_to(
template_name: &str,
context: &Context,
write: impl Write,
) -> Result<()> {
let template = self.get_template(template_name)?;
let renderer = Renderer::new(template, self, context);
/// Renders a one off template (for example a template coming from a user
/// input) given a `Context` and an instance of Tera. This allows you to
/// render templates using custom filters or functions.
/// Any errors will mention the `__tera_one_off` template: this is the name
/// given to the template by Tera.
/// ```no_compile
/// let mut context = Context::new();
/// context.insert("greeting", &"Hello");
/// let string = tera.render_str("{{ greeting }} World!", &context)?;
/// assert_eq!(string, "Hello World!");
/// ```
pub fn render_str(&mut self, input: &str, context: &Context) -> Result<String> {
self.add_raw_template(ONE_OFF_TEMPLATE_NAME, input)?;
let result = self.render(ONE_OFF_TEMPLATE_NAME, context);
/// Renders a one off template (for example a template coming from a user input) given a `Context`
/// This creates a separate instance of Tera with no possibilities of adding custom filters
/// or testers, parses the template and render it immediately.
/// Any errors will mention the `__tera_one_off` template: this is the name given to the template by
/// Tera
/// ```no_compile
/// let mut context = Context::new();
/// context.insert("greeting", &"hello");
/// Tera::one_off("{{ greeting }} world", &context, true);
/// ```
pub fn one_off(input: &str, context: &Context, autoescape: bool) -> Result<String> {
let mut tera = Tera::default();
if autoescape {
tera.render_str(input, context)
pub fn get_template(&self, template_name: &str) -> Result<&Template> {
match self.templates.get(template_name) {
Some(tpl) => Ok(tpl),
None => Err(Error::template_not_found(template_name)),
/// Returns an iterator over the names of all registered templates in an
/// unspecified order.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// use tera::Tera;
/// let mut tera = Tera::default();
/// tera.add_raw_template("foo", "{{ hello }}");
/// tera.add_raw_template("another-one.html", "contents go here");
/// let names: Vec<_> = tera.get_template_names().collect();
/// assert_eq!(names.len(), 2);
/// assert!(names.contains(&"foo"));
/// assert!(names.contains(&"another-one.html"));
/// ```
pub fn get_template_names(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &str> {
self.templates.keys().map(|s| s.as_str())
/// Add a single template to the Tera instance.
/// This will error if the inheritance chain can't be built, such as adding a child
/// template without the parent one.
/// # Bulk loading
/// If you want to add several templates, use
/// [`add_raw_templates()`](Tera::add_raw_templates).
/// # Examples
/// Basic usage:
/// ```
/// # use tera::Tera;
/// let mut tera = Tera::default();
/// tera.add_raw_template("new.html", "Blabla").unwrap();
/// ```
pub fn add_raw_template(&mut self, name: &str, content: &str) -> Result<()> {
let tpl = Template::new(name, None, content)
.map_err(|e| Error::chain(format!("Failed to parse '{}'", name), e))?;
self.templates.insert(name.to_string(), tpl);
/// Add all the templates given to the Tera instance
/// This will error if the inheritance chain can't be built, such as adding a child
/// template without the parent one.
/// ```no_compile
/// tera.add_raw_templates(vec![
/// ("new.html", "blabla"),
/// ("new2.html", "hello"),
/// ]);
/// ```
pub fn add_raw_templates<I, N, C>(&mut self, templates: I) -> Result<()>
I: IntoIterator<Item = (N, C)>,
N: AsRef<str>,
C: AsRef<str>,
for (name, content) in templates {
let name = name.as_ref();
let tpl = Template::new(name, None, content.as_ref())
.map_err(|e| Error::chain(format!("Failed to parse '{}'", name), e))?;
self.templates.insert(name.to_string(), tpl);
/// Add a single template from a path to the Tera instance. The default name for the template is
/// the path given, but this can be renamed with the `name` parameter
/// This will error if the inheritance chain can't be built, such as adding a child
/// template without the parent one.
/// If you want to add several file, use [Tera::add_template_files](struct.Tera.html#method.add_template_files)
/// ```
/// # use tera::Tera;
/// let mut tera = Tera::default();
/// // Rename template with custom name
/// tera.add_template_file("examples/basic/templates/macros.html", Some("macros.html")).unwrap();
/// // Use path as name
/// tera.add_template_file("examples/basic/templates/base.html", None).unwrap();
/// ```
pub fn add_template_file<P: AsRef<Path>>(&mut self, path: P, name: Option<&str>) -> Result<()> {
self.add_file(name, path)?;
/// Add several templates from paths to the Tera instance.
/// The default name for the template is the path given, but this can be renamed with the
/// second parameter of the tuple
/// This will error if the inheritance chain can't be built, such as adding a child
/// template without the parent one.
/// ```no_run
/// # use tera::Tera;
/// let mut tera = Tera::default();
/// tera.add_template_files(vec![
/// ("./path/to/template.tera", None), // this template will have the value of path1 as name
/// ("./path/to/other.tera", Some("hey")), // this template will have `hey` as name
/// ]);
/// ```
pub fn add_template_files<I, P, N>(&mut self, files: I) -> Result<()>
I: IntoIterator<Item = (P, Option<N>)>,
P: AsRef<Path>,
N: AsRef<str>,
for (path, name) in files {
self.add_file(name.as_ref().map(AsRef::as_ref), path)?;
pub fn get_filter(&self, filter_name: &str) -> Result<&dyn Filter> {
match self.filters.get(filter_name) {
Some(fil) => Ok(&**fil),
None => Err(Error::filter_not_found(filter_name)),
/// Register a filter with Tera.
/// If a filter with that name already exists, it will be overwritten
/// ```no_compile
/// tera.register_filter("upper", string::upper);
/// ```
pub fn register_filter<F: Filter + 'static>(&mut self, name: &str, filter: F) {
self.filters.insert(name.to_string(), Arc::new(filter));
pub fn get_tester(&self, tester_name: &str) -> Result<&dyn Test> {
match self.testers.get(tester_name) {
Some(t) => Ok(&**t),
None => Err(Error::test_not_found(tester_name)),
/// Register a tester with Tera.
/// If a tester with that name already exists, it will be overwritten
/// ```no_compile
/// tera.register_tester("odd", testers::odd);
/// ```
pub fn register_tester<T: Test + 'static>(&mut self, name: &str, tester: T) {
self.testers.insert(name.to_string(), Arc::new(tester));
pub fn get_function(&self, fn_name: &str) -> Result<&dyn Function> {
match self.functions.get(fn_name) {
Some(t) => Ok(&**t),
None => Err(Error::function_not_found(fn_name)),
/// Register a function with Tera.
/// This registers an arbitrary function to make it callable from within a template. If a
/// function with that name already exists, it will be overwritten.
/// ```no_compile
/// tera.register_function("range", range);
/// ```
pub fn register_function<F: Function + 'static>(&mut self, name: &str, function: F) {
self.functions.insert(name.to_string(), Arc::new(function));
fn register_tera_filters(&mut self) {
self.register_filter("upper", string::upper);
self.register_filter("lower", string::lower);
self.register_filter("trim", string::trim);
self.register_filter("trim_start", string::trim_start);
self.register_filter("trim_end", string::trim_end);
self.register_filter("trim_start_matches", string::trim_start_matches);
self.register_filter("trim_end_matches", string::trim_end_matches);
self.register_filter("truncate", string::truncate);
self.register_filter("wordcount", string::wordcount);
self.register_filter("replace", string::replace);
self.register_filter("capitalize", string::capitalize);
self.register_filter("title", string::title);
self.register_filter("linebreaksbr", string::linebreaksbr);
self.register_filter("indent", string::indent);
self.register_filter("striptags", string::striptags);
self.register_filter("spaceless", string::spaceless);
#[cfg(feature = "urlencode")]
self.register_filter("urlencode", string::urlencode);
#[cfg(feature = "urlencode")]
self.register_filter("urlencode_strict", string::urlencode_strict);
self.register_filter("escape", string::escape_html);
self.register_filter("escape_xml", string::escape_xml);
#[cfg(feature = "builtins")]
self.register_filter("slugify", string::slugify);
self.register_filter("addslashes", string::addslashes);
self.register_filter("split", string::split);
self.register_filter("int", string::int);
self.register_filter("float", string::float);
self.register_filter("first", array::first);
self.register_filter("last", array::last);
self.register_filter("nth", array::nth);
self.register_filter("join", array::join);
self.register_filter("sort", array::sort);
self.register_filter("unique", array::unique);
self.register_filter("slice", array::slice);
self.register_filter("group_by", array::group_by);
self.register_filter("filter", array::filter);
self.register_filter("map", array::map);
self.register_filter("concat", array::concat);
self.register_filter("abs", number::abs);
self.register_filter("pluralize", number::pluralize);
self.register_filter("round", number::round);
#[cfg(feature = "builtins")]
self.register_filter("filesizeformat", number::filesizeformat);
self.register_filter("length", common::length);
self.register_filter("reverse", common::reverse);
#[cfg(feature = "builtins")]
self.register_filter("date", common::date);
self.register_filter("json_encode", common::json_encode);
self.register_filter("as_str", common::as_str);
self.register_filter("get", object::get);
fn register_tera_testers(&mut self) {
self.register_tester("defined", testers::defined);
self.register_tester("undefined", testers::undefined);
self.register_tester("odd", testers::odd);
self.register_tester("even", testers::even);
self.register_tester("string", testers::string);
self.register_tester("number", testers::number);
self.register_tester("divisibleby", testers::divisible_by);
self.register_tester("iterable", testers::iterable);
self.register_tester("object", testers::object);
self.register_tester("starting_with", testers::starting_with);
self.register_tester("ending_with", testers::ending_with);
self.register_tester("containing", testers::containing);
self.register_tester("matching", testers::matching);
fn register_tera_functions(&mut self) {
self.register_function("range", functions::range);
#[cfg(feature = "builtins")]
self.register_function("now", functions::now);
self.register_function("throw", functions::throw);
#[cfg(feature = "builtins")]
self.register_function("get_random", functions::get_random);
self.register_function("get_env", functions::get_env);
/// Select which suffix(es) to automatically do HTML escaping on.
/// By default, autoescaping is performed on `.html`, `.htm` and `.xml` template files. Only
/// call this function if you wish to change the defaults.
/// # Examples
/// Basic usage:
/// ```
/// # use tera::Tera;
/// let mut tera = Tera::default();
/// // escape only files ending with `.php.html`
/// tera.autoescape_on(vec![".php.html"]);
/// // disable autoescaping completely
/// tera.autoescape_on(vec![]);
/// ```
pub fn autoescape_on(&mut self, suffixes: Vec<&'static str>) {
self.autoescape_suffixes = suffixes;
pub fn get_escape_fn(&self) -> &EscapeFn {
/// Set user-defined function that is used to escape content.
/// Often times, arbitrary data needs to be injected into a template without allowing injection
/// attacks. For this reason, typically escaping is performed on all input. By default, the
/// escaping function will produce HTML escapes, but it can be overridden to produce escapes
/// more appropriate to the language being used.
/// Inside templates, escaping can be turned off for specific content using the `safe` filter.
/// For example, the string `{{ data }}` inside a template will escape data, while `{{ data |
/// safe }}` will not.
/// # Examples
/// Basic usage:
/// ```
/// # use tera::{Tera, Context};
/// // Create new Tera instance
/// let mut tera = Tera::default();
/// // Override escape function
/// tera.set_escape_fn(|input| {
/// input.escape_default().collect()
/// });
/// // Create template and enable autoescape
/// tera.add_raw_template("hello.js", "const data = \"{{ content }}\";").unwrap();
/// tera.autoescape_on(vec!["js"]);
/// // Create context with some data
/// let mut context = Context::new();
/// context.insert("content", &"Hello\n\'world\"!");
/// // Render template
/// let result = tera.render("hello.js", &context).unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(result, r#"const data = "Hello\n\'world\"!";"#);
/// ```
pub fn set_escape_fn(&mut self, function: EscapeFn) {
self.escape_fn = function;
/// Reset escape function to default [`escape_html()`].
pub fn reset_escape_fn(&mut self) {
self.escape_fn = escape_html;
/// Re-parse all templates found in the glob given to Tera.
/// Use this when you are watching a directory and want to reload everything,
/// for example when a file is added.
/// If you are adding templates without using a glob, we can't know when a template
/// is deleted, which would result in an error if we are trying to reload that file.
pub fn full_reload(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
if self.glob.is_some() {
} else {
return Err(Error::msg("Reloading is only available if you are using a glob"));
/// Extend this [`Tera`] instance with the templates, filters, testers and functions defined in
/// another instance.
/// Use that method when you want to add a given Tera instance templates/filters/testers/functions
/// to your own. If a template/filter/tester/function with the same name already exists in your instance,
/// it will not be overwritten.
/// // add all the templates from FRAMEWORK_TERA
/// // except the ones that have an identical name to the ones in `my_tera`
/// my_tera.extend(&FRAMEWORK_TERA);
pub fn extend(&mut self, other: &Tera) -> Result<()> {
for (name, template) in &other.templates {
if !self.templates.contains_key(name) {
let mut tpl = template.clone();
tpl.from_extend = true;
self.templates.insert(name.to_string(), tpl);
for (name, filter) in &other.filters {
if !self.filters.contains_key(name) {
self.filters.insert(name.to_string(), filter.clone());
for (name, tester) in &other.testers {
if !self.testers.contains_key(name) {
self.testers.insert(name.to_string(), tester.clone());
for (name, function) in &other.functions {
if !self.functions.contains_key(name) {
self.functions.insert(name.to_string(), function.clone());
impl Default for Tera {
fn default() -> Tera {
let mut tera = Tera {
glob: None,
templates: HashMap::new(),
filters: HashMap::new(),
testers: HashMap::new(),
functions: HashMap::new(),
autoescape_suffixes: vec![".html", ".htm", ".xml"],
escape_fn: escape_html,
// Needs a manual implementation since borrows in Fn's don't implement Debug.
impl fmt::Debug for Tera {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "Tera {{")?;
writeln!(f, "\n\ttemplates: [")?;
for template in self.templates.keys() {
writeln!(f, "\t\t{},", template)?;
write!(f, "\t]")?;
writeln!(f, "\n\tfilters: [")?;
for filter in self.filters.keys() {
writeln!(f, "\t\t{},", filter)?;
write!(f, "\t]")?;
writeln!(f, "\n\ttesters: [")?;
for tester in self.testers.keys() {
writeln!(f, "\t\t{},", tester)?;
writeln!(f, "\t]")?;
writeln!(f, "}}")
mod tests {
use tempfile::tempdir;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::fs::File;
use super::Tera;
use crate::context::Context;
use serde_json::{json, Value as JsonValue};
fn test_get_inheritance_chain() {
let mut tera = Tera::default();
("a", "{% extends \"b\" %}"),
("b", "{% extends \"c\" %}"),
("c", "{% extends \"d\" %}"),
("d", ""),
vec!["b".to_string(), "c".to_string(), "d".to_string()]
assert_eq!(tera.get_template("b").unwrap().parents, vec!["c".to_string(), "d".to_string()]);
assert_eq!(tera.get_template("c").unwrap().parents, vec!["d".to_string()]);
assert_eq!(tera.get_template("d").unwrap().parents.len(), 0);
fn test_missing_parent_template() {
let mut tera = Tera::default();
tera.add_raw_template("a", "{% extends \"b\" %}").unwrap_err().to_string(),
"Template \'a\' is inheriting from \'b\', which doesn\'t exist or isn\'t loaded."
fn test_circular_extends() {
let mut tera = Tera::default();
let err = tera
.add_raw_templates(vec![("a", "{% extends \"b\" %}"), ("b", "{% extends \"a\" %}")])
assert!(err.to_string().contains("Circular extend detected for template"));
fn test_get_parent_blocks_definition() {
let mut tera = Tera::default();
"{% block hey %}hello{% endblock hey %} {% block ending %}sincerely{% endblock ending %}",
"{% extends \"grandparent\" %}{% block hey %}hi and grandma says {{ super() }}{% endblock hey %}",
"{% extends \"parent\" %}{% block hey %}dad says {{ super() }}{% endblock hey %}{% block ending %}{{ super() }} with love{% endblock ending %}",
let hey_definitions =
assert_eq!(hey_definitions.len(), 3);
let ending_definitions =
assert_eq!(ending_definitions.len(), 2);
fn test_get_parent_blocks_definition_nested_block() {
let mut tera = Tera::default();
("grandparent", "{% block hey %}hello{% endblock hey %}"),
"{% extends \"grandparent\" %}{% block hey %}hi and grandma says {{ super() }} {% block ending %}sincerely{% endblock ending %}{% endblock hey %}",
"{% extends \"parent\" %}{% block hey %}dad says {{ super() }}{% endblock hey %}{% block ending %}{{ super() }} with love{% endblock ending %}",
let hey_definitions =
assert_eq!(hey_definitions.len(), 3);
let ending_definitions =
assert_eq!(ending_definitions.len(), 1);
fn test_can_autoescape_one_off_template() {
let mut context = Context::new();
context.insert("greeting", &"<p>");
let result = Tera::one_off("{{ greeting }} world", &context, true).unwrap();
assert_eq!(result, "&lt;p&gt; world");
fn test_can_disable_autoescape_one_off_template() {
let mut context = Context::new();
context.insert("greeting", &"<p>");
let result = Tera::one_off("{{ greeting }} world", &context, false).unwrap();
assert_eq!(result, "<p> world");
fn test_set_escape_function() {
let escape_c_string: super::EscapeFn = |input| {
let mut output = String::with_capacity(input.len() * 2);
for c in input.chars() {
match c {
'\'' => output.push_str("\\'"),
'\"' => output.push_str("\\\""),
'\\' => output.push_str("\\\\"),
'\n' => output.push_str("\\n"),
'\r' => output.push_str("\\r"),
'\t' => output.push_str("\\t"),
_ => output.push(c),
let mut tera = Tera::default();
tera.add_raw_template("foo", "\"{{ content }}\"").unwrap();
let mut context = Context::new();
context.insert("content", &"Hello\n\'world\"!");
let result = tera.render("foo", &context).unwrap();
assert_eq!(result, r#""Hello\n\'world\"!""#);
fn test_reset_escape_function() {
let no_escape: super::EscapeFn = |input| input.to_string();
let mut tera = Tera::default();
tera.add_raw_template("foo", "{{ content }}").unwrap();
let mut context = Context::new();
context.insert("content", &"Hello\n\'world\"!");
let result = tera.render("foo", &context).unwrap();
assert_eq!(result, "Hello\n&#x27;world&quot;!");
fn test_value_one_off_template() {
let m = json!({
"greeting": "Good morning"
let result =
Tera::one_off("{{ greeting }} world", &Context::from_value(m).unwrap(), true).unwrap();
assert_eq!(result, "Good morning world");
fn test_render_str_with_custom_function() {
let mut tera = Tera::default();
tera.register_function("echo", |args: &HashMap<_, JsonValue>| {
let result =
tera.render_str("{{ echo(greeting='Hello') }} world", &Context::default()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(result, "Hello world");
fn test_render_map_with_dotted_keys() {
let mut my_tera = Tera::default();
("dots", r#"{{ map["a.b.c"] }}"#),
("urls", r#"{{ map[""] }}"#),
let mut map = HashMap::new();
map.insert("a.b.c", "success");
map.insert("", "success");
let mut tera_context = Context::new();
tera_context.insert("map", &map);
my_tera.render("dots", &tera_context).unwrap();
my_tera.render("urls", &tera_context).unwrap();
fn test_extend_no_overlap() {
let mut my_tera = Tera::default();
("one", "{% block hey %}1{% endblock hey %}"),
("two", "{% block hey %}2{% endblock hey %}"),
("three", "{% block hey %}3{% endblock hey %}"),
let mut framework_tera = Tera::default();
framework_tera.add_raw_templates(vec![("four", "Framework X")]).unwrap();
assert_eq!(my_tera.templates.len(), 4);
let result = my_tera.render("four", &Context::default()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(result, "Framework X");
fn test_extend_with_overlap() {
let mut my_tera = Tera::default();
("one", "MINE"),
("two", "{% block hey %}2{% endblock hey %}"),
("three", "{% block hey %}3{% endblock hey %}"),
let mut framework_tera = Tera::default();
.add_raw_templates(vec![("one", "FRAMEWORK"), ("four", "Framework X")])
assert_eq!(my_tera.templates.len(), 4);
let result = my_tera.render("one", &Context::default()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(result, "MINE");
fn test_extend_new_filter() {
let mut my_tera = Tera::default();
let mut framework_tera = Tera::default();
framework_tera.register_filter("hello", |_: &JsonValue, _: &HashMap<String, JsonValue>| {
fn test_extend_new_tester() {
let mut my_tera = Tera::default();
let mut framework_tera = Tera::default();
framework_tera.register_tester("hello", |_: Option<&JsonValue>, _: &[JsonValue]| Ok(true));
fn can_load_from_glob() {
let tera = Tera::new("examples/basic/templates/**/*").unwrap();
fn can_load_from_glob_with_patterns() {
let tera = Tera::new("examples/basic/templates/**/*.{html, xml}").unwrap();
fn full_reload_with_glob() {
let mut tera = Tera::new("examples/basic/templates/**/*").unwrap();
fn full_reload_with_glob_after_extending() {
let mut tera = Tera::new("examples/basic/templates/**/*").unwrap();
let mut framework_tera = Tera::default();
.add_raw_templates(vec![("one", "FRAMEWORK"), ("four", "Framework X")])
fn test_can_only_parse_templates() {
let mut tera = Tera::parse("examples/basic/templates/**/*").unwrap();
for tpl in tera.templates.values_mut() { = format!("a-theme/templates/{}",;
if let Some(ref parent) = tpl.parent.clone() {
tpl.parent = Some(format!("a-theme/templates/{}", parent));
// Will panic here as we changed the parent and it won't be able
// to build the inheritance chain in this case
fn glob_work_with_absolute_paths() {
let tmp_dir = tempdir().expect("create temp dir");
let cwd = tmp_dir.path().canonicalize().unwrap();
File::create(cwd.join("hey.html")).expect("Failed to create a test file");
File::create(cwd.join("ho.html")).expect("Failed to create a test file");
let glob = cwd.join("*.html").into_os_string().into_string().unwrap();
let tera = Tera::new(&glob).expect("Couldn't build Tera instance");
assert_eq!(tera.templates.len(), 2);
fn glob_work_with_absolute_paths_and_double_star() {
let tmp_dir = tempdir().expect("create temp dir");
let cwd = tmp_dir.path().canonicalize().unwrap();
File::create(cwd.join("hey.html")).expect("Failed to create a test file");
File::create(cwd.join("ho.html")).expect("Failed to create a test file");
let glob = cwd.join("**").join("*.html").into_os_string().into_string().unwrap();
let tera = Tera::new(&glob).expect("Couldn't build Tera instance");
assert_eq!(tera.templates.len(), 2);
// Test for
fn glob_work_with_paths_starting_with_dots() {
use std::path::PathBuf;
let this_dir = std::env::current_dir()
.expect("Could not retrieve the executable's current directory.");
let scratch_dir = tempfile::Builder::new()
"Could not create temporary directory for test in current directory ({}).",
File::create(scratch_dir.path().join("hey.html")).expect("Failed to create a test file");
File::create(scratch_dir.path().join("ho.html")).expect("Failed to create a test file");
let glob = PathBuf::from("./")
let tera = Tera::new(&glob).expect("Couldn't build Tera instance.");
assert_eq!(tera.templates.len(), 2);
fn issues_found_fuzzing_expressions_are_fixed() {
let samples: Vec<(&str, Option<&str>)> = vec![
// sample, expected result if it isn't an error
("{{0%0}}", None),
("{{W>W>vv}}{", None),
("{{22220222222022222220}}", None),
("{_{{W~1+11}}k{", None),
("{{n~n<n.11}}}", None),
("{{266314325266577770*4167}}7}}7", None),
("{{0~1~``~0~0~177777777777777777777~``~0~0~h}}", None),
for (sample, expected_output) in samples {
let res = Tera::one_off(sample, &Context::new(), true);
if let Some(output) = expected_output {
assert_eq!(res.unwrap(), output);
} else {
fn issues_found_fuzzing_conditions_are_fixed() {
let samples: Vec<(&str, Option<&str>)> = vec![
// (sample, expected result if it isn't an error)
("C~Q", None),
("s is V*0", None),
("x0x::N()", None),
// this is an issue in pest itself:
// ("_(p=__(p=[_(p=__(p=[_(p=[_(p=[_1", None),
for (sample, expected_output) in samples {
println!("{}, {:?}", sample, expected_output);
let res = Tera::one_off(
&format!("{{% if {} %}}true{{% endif %}}", sample),
if let Some(output) = expected_output {
assert_eq!(res.unwrap(), output);
} else {
fn empty_list_on_invalid_glob() {
let tera = Tera::new("\\dev/null/*");
println!("{:?}", tera);