blob: f6b65afda1e186afc59a93b1fe3fcd7576545088 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
//! Word splitting functionality.
//! To wrap text into lines, long words sometimes need to be split
//! across lines. The [`WordSplitter`] trait defines this
//! functionality. [`HyphenSplitter`] is the default implementation of
//! this treat: it will simply split words on existing hyphens.
#[cfg(feature = "hyphenation")]
use hyphenation::{Hyphenator, Standard};
/// An interface for splitting words.
/// When the [`wrap_iter`] method will try to fit text into a line, it
/// will eventually find a word that it too large the current text
/// width. It will then call the currently configured `WordSplitter` to
/// have it attempt to split the word into smaller parts. This trait
/// describes that functionality via the [`split`] method.
/// If the `textwrap` crate has been compiled with the `hyphenation`
/// feature enabled, you will find an implementation of `WordSplitter`
/// by the `hyphenation::language::Corpus` struct. Use this struct for
/// language-aware hyphenation. See the [`hyphenation` documentation]
/// for details.
/// [`wrap_iter`]: ../struct.Wrapper.html#method.wrap_iter
/// [`split`]: #tymethod.split
/// [`hyphenation` documentation]:
pub trait WordSplitter {
/// Return all possible splits of word. Each split is a triple
/// with a head, a hyphen, and a tail where `head + &hyphen +
/// &tail == word`. The hyphen can be empty if there is already a
/// hyphen in the head.
/// The splits should go from smallest to longest and should
/// include no split at all. So the word "technology" could be
/// split into
/// ```no_run
/// vec![("tech", "-", "nology"),
/// ("technol", "-", "ogy"),
/// ("technolo", "-", "gy"),
/// ("technology", "", "")];
/// ```
fn split<'w>(&self, word: &'w str) -> Vec<(&'w str, &'w str, &'w str)>;
/// Use this as a [`Wrapper.splitter`] to avoid any kind of
/// hyphenation:
/// ```
/// use textwrap::{Wrapper, NoHyphenation};
/// let wrapper = Wrapper::with_splitter(8, NoHyphenation);
/// assert_eq!(wrapper.wrap("foo bar-baz"), vec!["foo", "bar-baz"]);
/// ```
/// [`Wrapper.splitter`]: ../struct.Wrapper.html#structfield.splitter
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct NoHyphenation;
/// `NoHyphenation` implements `WordSplitter` by not splitting the
/// word at all.
impl WordSplitter for NoHyphenation {
fn split<'w>(&self, word: &'w str) -> Vec<(&'w str, &'w str, &'w str)> {
vec![(word, "", "")]
/// Simple and default way to split words: splitting on existing
/// hyphens only.
/// You probably don't need to use this type since it's already used
/// by default by `Wrapper::new`.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct HyphenSplitter;
/// `HyphenSplitter` is the default `WordSplitter` used by
/// `Wrapper::new`. It will split words on any existing hyphens in the
/// word.
/// It will only use hyphens that are surrounded by alphanumeric
/// characters, which prevents a word like "--foo-bar" from being
/// split on the first or second hyphen.
impl WordSplitter for HyphenSplitter {
fn split<'w>(&self, word: &'w str) -> Vec<(&'w str, &'w str, &'w str)> {
let mut triples = Vec::new();
// Split on hyphens, smallest split first. We only use hyphens
// that are surrounded by alphanumeric characters. This is to
// avoid splitting on repeated hyphens, such as those found in
// --foo-bar.
let mut char_indices = word.char_indices();
// Early return if the word is empty.
let mut prev = match {
None => return vec![(word, "", "")],
Some((_, ch)) => ch,
// Find current word, or return early if the word only has a
// single character.
let (mut idx, mut cur) = match {
None => return vec![(word, "", "")],
Some((idx, cur)) => (idx, cur),
for (i, next) in char_indices {
if prev.is_alphanumeric() && cur == '-' && next.is_alphanumeric() {
let (head, tail) = word.split_at(idx + 1);
triples.push((head, "", tail));
prev = cur;
idx = i;
cur = next;
// Finally option is no split at all.
triples.push((word, "", ""));
/// A hyphenation dictionary can be used to do language-specific
/// hyphenation using patterns from the hyphenation crate.
#[cfg(feature = "hyphenation")]
impl WordSplitter for Standard {
fn split<'w>(&self, word: &'w str) -> Vec<(&'w str, &'w str, &'w str)> {
// Find splits based on language dictionary.
let mut triples = Vec::new();
for n in self.hyphenate(word).breaks {
let (head, tail) = word.split_at(n);
let hyphen = if head.ends_with('-') { "" } else { "-" };
triples.push((head, hyphen, tail));
// Finally option is no split at all.
triples.push((word, "", ""));