blob: 1be85f04eb39b7e1273fea8d824d5783a4bbab40 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
//! Functionality for unfilling and refilling text.
use crate::core::display_width;
use crate::line_ending::NonEmptyLines;
use crate::{fill, LineEnding, Options};
/// Unpack a paragraph of already-wrapped text.
/// This function attempts to recover the original text from a single
/// paragraph of wrapped text, such as what [`fill()`] would produce.
/// This means that it turns
/// ```text
/// textwrap: a small
/// library for
/// wrapping text.
/// ```
/// back into
/// ```text
/// textwrap: a small library for wrapping text.
/// ```
/// In addition, it will recognize a common prefix and a common line
/// ending among the lines.
/// The prefix of the first line is returned in
/// [`Options::initial_indent`] and the prefix (if any) of the the
/// other lines is returned in [`Options::subsequent_indent`].
/// Line ending is returned in [`Options::line_ending`]. If line ending
/// can not be confidently detected (mixed or no line endings in the
/// input), [`LineEnding::LF`] will be returned.
/// In addition to `' '`, the prefixes can consist of characters used
/// for unordered lists (`'-'`, `'+'`, and `'*'`) and block quotes
/// (`'>'`) in Markdown as well as characters often used for inline
/// comments (`'#'` and `'/'`).
/// The text must come from a single wrapped paragraph. This means
/// that there can be no empty lines (`"\n\n"` or `"\r\n\r\n"`) within
/// the text. It is unspecified what happens if `unfill` is called on
/// more than one paragraph of text.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use textwrap::{LineEnding, unfill};
/// let (text, options) = unfill("\
/// * This is an
/// example of
/// a list item.
/// ");
/// assert_eq!(text, "This is an example of a list item.\n");
/// assert_eq!(options.initial_indent, "* ");
/// assert_eq!(options.subsequent_indent, " ");
/// assert_eq!(options.line_ending, LineEnding::LF);
/// ```
pub fn unfill(text: &str) -> (String, Options<'_>) {
let prefix_chars: &[_] = &[' ', '-', '+', '*', '>', '#', '/'];
let mut options = Options::new(0);
for (idx, line) in text.lines().enumerate() {
options.width = std::cmp::max(options.width, display_width(line));
let without_prefix = line.trim_start_matches(prefix_chars);
let prefix = &line[..line.len() - without_prefix.len()];
if idx == 0 {
options.initial_indent = prefix;
} else if idx == 1 {
options.subsequent_indent = prefix;
} else if idx > 1 {
for ((idx, x), y) in prefix.char_indices().zip(options.subsequent_indent.chars()) {
if x != y {
options.subsequent_indent = &prefix[..idx];
if prefix.len() < options.subsequent_indent.len() {
options.subsequent_indent = prefix;
let mut unfilled = String::with_capacity(text.len());
let mut detected_line_ending = None;
for (idx, (line, ending)) in NonEmptyLines(text).enumerate() {
if idx == 0 {
} else {
unfilled.push(' ');
match (detected_line_ending, ending) {
(None, Some(_)) => detected_line_ending = ending,
(Some(LineEnding::CRLF), Some(LineEnding::LF)) => detected_line_ending = ending,
_ => (),
// Add back a line ending if `text` ends with the one we detect.
if let Some(line_ending) = detected_line_ending {
if text.ends_with(line_ending.as_str()) {
options.line_ending = detected_line_ending.unwrap_or(LineEnding::LF);
(unfilled, options)
/// Refill a paragraph of wrapped text with a new width.
/// This function will first use [`unfill()`] to remove newlines from
/// the text. Afterwards the text is filled again using [`fill()`].
/// The `new_width_or_options` argument specify the new width and can
/// specify other options as well — except for
/// [`Options::initial_indent`] and [`Options::subsequent_indent`],
/// which are deduced from `filled_text`.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use textwrap::refill;
/// // Some loosely wrapped text. The "> " prefix is recognized automatically.
/// let text = "\
/// > Memory
/// > safety without garbage
/// > collection.
/// ";
/// assert_eq!(refill(text, 20), "\
/// > Memory safety
/// > without garbage
/// > collection.
/// ");
/// assert_eq!(refill(text, 40), "\
/// > Memory safety without garbage
/// > collection.
/// ");
/// assert_eq!(refill(text, 60), "\
/// > Memory safety without garbage collection.
/// ");
/// ```
/// You can also reshape bullet points:
/// ```
/// use textwrap::refill;
/// let text = "\
/// - This is my
/// list item.
/// ";
/// assert_eq!(refill(text, 20), "\
/// - This is my list
/// item.
/// ");
/// ```
pub fn refill<'a, Opt>(filled_text: &str, new_width_or_options: Opt) -> String
Opt: Into<Options<'a>>,
let mut new_options = new_width_or_options.into();
let (text, options) = unfill(filled_text);
// The original line ending is kept by `unfill`.
let stripped = text.strip_suffix(options.line_ending.as_str());
let new_line_ending = new_options.line_ending.as_str();
new_options.initial_indent = options.initial_indent;
new_options.subsequent_indent = options.subsequent_indent;
let mut refilled = fill(stripped.unwrap_or(&text), new_options);
// Add back right line ending if we stripped one off above.
if stripped.is_some() {
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn unfill_simple() {
let (text, options) = unfill("foo\nbar");
assert_eq!(text, "foo bar");
assert_eq!(options.width, 3);
assert_eq!(options.line_ending, LineEnding::LF);
fn unfill_no_new_line() {
let (text, options) = unfill("foo bar");
assert_eq!(text, "foo bar");
assert_eq!(options.width, 7);
assert_eq!(options.line_ending, LineEnding::LF);
fn unfill_simple_crlf() {
let (text, options) = unfill("foo\r\nbar");
assert_eq!(text, "foo bar");
assert_eq!(options.width, 3);
assert_eq!(options.line_ending, LineEnding::CRLF);
fn unfill_mixed_new_lines() {
let (text, options) = unfill("foo\r\nbar\nbaz");
assert_eq!(text, "foo bar baz");
assert_eq!(options.width, 3);
assert_eq!(options.line_ending, LineEnding::LF);
fn test_unfill_consecutive_different_prefix() {
let (text, options) = unfill("foo\n*\n/");
assert_eq!(text, "foo * /");
assert_eq!(options.width, 3);
assert_eq!(options.line_ending, LineEnding::LF);
fn unfill_trailing_newlines() {
let (text, options) = unfill("foo\nbar\n\n\n");
assert_eq!(text, "foo bar\n");
assert_eq!(options.width, 3);
fn unfill_mixed_trailing_newlines() {
let (text, options) = unfill("foo\r\nbar\n\r\n\n");
assert_eq!(text, "foo bar\n");
assert_eq!(options.width, 3);
assert_eq!(options.line_ending, LineEnding::LF);
fn unfill_trailing_crlf() {
let (text, options) = unfill("foo bar\r\n");
assert_eq!(text, "foo bar\r\n");
assert_eq!(options.width, 7);
assert_eq!(options.line_ending, LineEnding::CRLF);
fn unfill_initial_indent() {
let (text, options) = unfill(" foo\nbar\nbaz");
assert_eq!(text, "foo bar baz");
assert_eq!(options.width, 5);
assert_eq!(options.initial_indent, " ");
fn unfill_differing_indents() {
let (text, options) = unfill(" foo\n bar\n baz");
assert_eq!(text, "foo bar baz");
assert_eq!(options.width, 7);
assert_eq!(options.initial_indent, " ");
assert_eq!(options.subsequent_indent, " ");
fn unfill_list_item() {
let (text, options) = unfill("* foo\n bar\n baz");
assert_eq!(text, "foo bar baz");
assert_eq!(options.width, 5);
assert_eq!(options.initial_indent, "* ");
assert_eq!(options.subsequent_indent, " ");
fn unfill_multiple_char_prefix() {
let (text, options) = unfill(" // foo bar\n // baz\n // quux");
assert_eq!(text, "foo bar baz quux");
assert_eq!(options.width, 14);
assert_eq!(options.initial_indent, " // ");
assert_eq!(options.subsequent_indent, " // ");
fn unfill_block_quote() {
let (text, options) = unfill("> foo\n> bar\n> baz");
assert_eq!(text, "foo bar baz");
assert_eq!(options.width, 5);
assert_eq!(options.initial_indent, "> ");
assert_eq!(options.subsequent_indent, "> ");
fn unfill_only_prefixes_issue_466() {
// Test that we don't crash if the first line has only prefix
// chars *and* the second line is shorter than the first line.
let (text, options) = unfill("######\nfoo");
assert_eq!(text, " foo");
assert_eq!(options.width, 6);
assert_eq!(options.initial_indent, "######");
assert_eq!(options.subsequent_indent, "");
fn unfill_trailing_newlines_issue_466() {
// Test that we don't crash on a '\r' following a string of
// '\n'. The problem was that we removed both kinds of
// characters in one code path, but not in the other.
let (text, options) = unfill("foo\n##\n\n\r");
// The \n\n changes subsequent_indent to "".
assert_eq!(text, "foo ## \r");
assert_eq!(options.width, 3);
assert_eq!(options.initial_indent, "");
assert_eq!(options.subsequent_indent, "");
fn unfill_whitespace() {
assert_eq!(unfill("foo bar").0, "foo bar");
fn refill_convert_lf_to_crlf() {
let options = Options::new(5).line_ending(LineEnding::CRLF);
assert_eq!(refill("foo\nbar\n", options), "foo\r\nbar\r\n",);
fn refill_convert_crlf_to_lf() {
let options = Options::new(5).line_ending(LineEnding::LF);
assert_eq!(refill("foo\r\nbar\r\n", options), "foo\nbar\n",);
fn refill_convert_mixed_newlines() {
let options = Options::new(5).line_ending(LineEnding::CRLF);
assert_eq!(refill("foo\r\nbar\n", options), "foo\r\nbar\r\n",);
fn refill_defaults_to_lf() {
assert_eq!(refill("foo bar baz", 5), "foo\nbar\nbaz");