blob: 602bdc5c76b5d998cca1ff331fb1f2a5e05aad24 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
use super::{Timespec, Tm, at_utc, ParseError, NSEC_PER_SEC};
/// Parses the time from the string according to the format string.
pub fn strptime(mut s: &str, format: &str) -> Result<Tm, ParseError> {
let mut tm = Tm {
tm_sec: 0,
tm_min: 0,
tm_hour: 0,
tm_mday: 0,
tm_mon: 0,
tm_year: 0,
tm_wday: 0,
tm_yday: 0,
tm_isdst: 0,
tm_utcoff: 0,
tm_nsec: 0,
let mut chars = format.chars();
while let Some(ch) = {
if ch == '%' {
if let Some(ch) = {
parse_type(&mut s, ch, &mut tm)?;
} else {
parse_char(&mut s, ch)?;
fn parse_type(s: &mut &str, ch: char, tm: &mut Tm) -> Result<(), ParseError> {
match ch {
'A' => match match_strs(s, &[("Sunday", 0),
("Monday", 1),
("Tuesday", 2),
("Wednesday", 3),
("Thursday", 4),
("Friday", 5),
("Saturday", 6)]) {
Some(v) => { tm.tm_wday = v; Ok(()) }
None => Err(ParseError::InvalidDay)
'a' => match match_strs(s, &[("Sun", 0),
("Mon", 1),
("Tue", 2),
("Wed", 3),
("Thu", 4),
("Fri", 5),
("Sat", 6)]) {
Some(v) => { tm.tm_wday = v; Ok(()) }
None => Err(ParseError::InvalidDay)
'B' => match match_strs(s, &[("January", 0),
("February", 1),
("March", 2),
("April", 3),
("May", 4),
("June", 5),
("July", 6),
("August", 7),
("September", 8),
("October", 9),
("November", 10),
("December", 11)]) {
Some(v) => { tm.tm_mon = v; Ok(()) }
None => Err(ParseError::InvalidMonth)
'b' | 'h' => match match_strs(s, &[("Jan", 0),
("Feb", 1),
("Mar", 2),
("Apr", 3),
("May", 4),
("Jun", 5),
("Jul", 6),
("Aug", 7),
("Sep", 8),
("Oct", 9),
("Nov", 10),
("Dec", 11)]) {
Some(v) => { tm.tm_mon = v; Ok(()) }
None => Err(ParseError::InvalidMonth)
'C' => match match_digits_in_range(s, 1, 2, false, 0, 99) {
Some(v) => { tm.tm_year += (v * 100) - 1900; Ok(()) }
None => Err(ParseError::InvalidYear)
'c' => {
parse_type(s, 'a', tm)
.and_then(|()| parse_char(s, ' '))
.and_then(|()| parse_type(s, 'b', tm))
.and_then(|()| parse_char(s, ' '))
.and_then(|()| parse_type(s, 'e', tm))
.and_then(|()| parse_char(s, ' '))
.and_then(|()| parse_type(s, 'T', tm))
.and_then(|()| parse_char(s, ' '))
.and_then(|()| parse_type(s, 'Y', tm))
'D' | 'x' => {
parse_type(s, 'm', tm)
.and_then(|()| parse_char(s, '/'))
.and_then(|()| parse_type(s, 'd', tm))
.and_then(|()| parse_char(s, '/'))
.and_then(|()| parse_type(s, 'y', tm))
'd' => match match_digits_in_range(s, 1, 2, false, 1, 31) {
Some(v) => { tm.tm_mday = v; Ok(()) }
None => Err(ParseError::InvalidDayOfMonth)
'e' => match match_digits_in_range(s, 1, 2, true, 1, 31) {
Some(v) => { tm.tm_mday = v; Ok(()) }
None => Err(ParseError::InvalidDayOfMonth)
'f' => {
tm.tm_nsec = match_fractional_seconds(s);
'F' => {
parse_type(s, 'Y', tm)
.and_then(|()| parse_char(s, '-'))
.and_then(|()| parse_type(s, 'm', tm))
.and_then(|()| parse_char(s, '-'))
.and_then(|()| parse_type(s, 'd', tm))
'H' => {
match match_digits_in_range(s, 1, 2, false, 0, 23) {
Some(v) => { tm.tm_hour = v; Ok(()) }
None => Err(ParseError::InvalidHour)
'I' => {
match match_digits_in_range(s, 1, 2, false, 1, 12) {
Some(v) => { tm.tm_hour = if v == 12 { 0 } else { v }; Ok(()) }
None => Err(ParseError::InvalidHour)
'j' => {
match match_digits_in_range(s, 1, 3, false, 1, 366) {
Some(v) => { tm.tm_yday = v - 1; Ok(()) }
None => Err(ParseError::InvalidDayOfYear)
'k' => {
match match_digits_in_range(s, 1, 2, true, 0, 23) {
Some(v) => { tm.tm_hour = v; Ok(()) }
None => Err(ParseError::InvalidHour)
'l' => {
match match_digits_in_range(s, 1, 2, true, 1, 12) {
Some(v) => { tm.tm_hour = if v == 12 { 0 } else { v }; Ok(()) }
None => Err(ParseError::InvalidHour)
'M' => {
match match_digits_in_range(s, 1, 2, false, 0, 59) {
Some(v) => { tm.tm_min = v; Ok(()) }
None => Err(ParseError::InvalidMinute)
'm' => {
match match_digits_in_range(s, 1, 2, false, 1, 12) {
Some(v) => { tm.tm_mon = v - 1; Ok(()) }
None => Err(ParseError::InvalidMonth)
'n' => parse_char(s, '\n'),
'P' => match match_strs(s, &[("am", 0), ("pm", 12)]) {
Some(v) => { tm.tm_hour += v; Ok(()) }
None => Err(ParseError::InvalidHour)
'p' => match match_strs(s, &[("AM", 0), ("PM", 12)]) {
Some(v) => { tm.tm_hour += v; Ok(()) }
None => Err(ParseError::InvalidHour)
'R' => {
parse_type(s, 'H', tm)
.and_then(|()| parse_char(s, ':'))
.and_then(|()| parse_type(s, 'M', tm))
'r' => {
parse_type(s, 'I', tm)
.and_then(|()| parse_char(s, ':'))
.and_then(|()| parse_type(s, 'M', tm))
.and_then(|()| parse_char(s, ':'))
.and_then(|()| parse_type(s, 'S', tm))
.and_then(|()| parse_char(s, ' '))
.and_then(|()| parse_type(s, 'p', tm))
's' => {
match match_digits_i64(s, 1, 18, false) {
Some(v) => {
*tm = at_utc(Timespec::new(v, 0));
None => Err(ParseError::InvalidSecondsSinceEpoch)
'S' => {
match match_digits_in_range(s, 1, 2, false, 0, 60) {
Some(v) => { tm.tm_sec = v; Ok(()) }
None => Err(ParseError::InvalidSecond)
//'s' {}
'T' | 'X' => {
parse_type(s, 'H', tm)
.and_then(|()| parse_char(s, ':'))
.and_then(|()| parse_type(s, 'M', tm))
.and_then(|()| parse_char(s, ':'))
.and_then(|()| parse_type(s, 'S', tm))
't' => parse_char(s, '\t'),
'u' => {
match match_digits_in_range(s, 1, 1, false, 1, 7) {
Some(v) => { tm.tm_wday = if v == 7 { 0 } else { v }; Ok(()) }
None => Err(ParseError::InvalidDayOfWeek)
'v' => {
parse_type(s, 'e', tm)
.and_then(|()| parse_char(s, '-'))
.and_then(|()| parse_type(s, 'b', tm))
.and_then(|()| parse_char(s, '-'))
.and_then(|()| parse_type(s, 'Y', tm))
//'W' {}
'w' => {
match match_digits_in_range(s, 1, 1, false, 0, 6) {
Some(v) => { tm.tm_wday = v; Ok(()) }
None => Err(ParseError::InvalidDayOfWeek)
'Y' => {
match match_digits(s, 4, 4, false) {
Some(v) => { tm.tm_year = v - 1900; Ok(()) }
None => Err(ParseError::InvalidYear)
'y' => {
match match_digits_in_range(s, 1, 2, false, 0, 99) {
Some(v) => { tm.tm_year = v; Ok(()) }
None => Err(ParseError::InvalidYear)
'Z' => {
if match_str(s, "UTC") || match_str(s, "GMT") {
tm.tm_utcoff = 0;
} else {
// It's odd, but to maintain compatibility with c's
// strptime we ignore the timezone.
for (i, ch) in s.char_indices() {
if ch == ' ' {
*s = &s[i..];
return Ok(())
*s = "";
'z' => {
if parse_char(s, 'Z').is_ok() {
tm.tm_utcoff = 0;
} else {
let sign = if parse_char(s, '+').is_ok() {1}
else if parse_char(s, '-').is_ok() {-1}
else { return Err(ParseError::InvalidZoneOffset) };
let hours;
let minutes;
match match_digits(s, 2, 2, false) {
Some(h) => hours = h,
None => return Err(ParseError::InvalidZoneOffset)
// consume the colon if its present,
// just ignore it otherwise
let _ = parse_char(s, ':');
match match_digits(s, 2, 2, false) {
Some(m) => minutes = m,
None => return Err(ParseError::InvalidZoneOffset)
tm.tm_utcoff = sign * (hours * 60 * 60 + minutes * 60);
'%' => parse_char(s, '%'),
ch => Err(ParseError::InvalidFormatSpecifier(ch))
fn match_str(s: &mut &str, needle: &str) -> bool {
if s.starts_with(needle) {
*s = &s[needle.len()..];
} else {
fn match_strs(ss: &mut &str, strs: &[(&str, i32)]) -> Option<i32> {
for &(needle, value) in strs.iter() {
if match_str(ss, needle) {
return Some(value)
fn match_digits(ss: &mut &str, min_digits : usize, max_digits: usize, ws: bool) -> Option<i32> {
match match_digits_i64(ss, min_digits, max_digits, ws) {
Some(v) => Some(v as i32),
None => None
fn match_digits_i64(ss: &mut &str, min_digits : usize, max_digits: usize, ws: bool) -> Option<i64> {
let mut value : i64 = 0;
let mut n = 0;
if ws {
#[allow(deprecated)] // use `trim_start_matches` starting in 1.30
let s2 = ss.trim_left_matches(" ");
n = ss.len() - s2.len();
if n > max_digits { return None }
let chars = ss[n..].char_indices();
for (_, ch) in chars.take(max_digits - n) {
match ch {
'0' ... '9' => value = value * 10 + (ch as i64 - '0' as i64),
_ => break,
n += 1;
if n >= min_digits && n <= max_digits {
*ss = &ss[n..];
} else {
fn match_fractional_seconds(ss: &mut &str) -> i32 {
let mut value = 0;
let mut multiplier = NSEC_PER_SEC / 10;
let mut chars = ss.char_indices();
let orig = *ss;
for (i, ch) in &mut chars {
*ss = &orig[i..];
match ch {
'0' ... '9' => {
// This will drop digits after the nanoseconds place
let digit = ch as i32 - '0' as i32;
value += digit * multiplier;
multiplier /= 10;
_ => break
fn match_digits_in_range(ss: &mut &str,
min_digits : usize, max_digits : usize,
ws: bool, min: i32, max: i32) -> Option<i32> {
let before = *ss;
match match_digits(ss, min_digits, max_digits, ws) {
Some(val) if val >= min && val <= max => Some(val),
_ => { *ss = before; None }
fn parse_char(s: &mut &str, c: char) -> Result<(), ParseError> {
match s.char_indices().next() {
Some((i, c2)) => {
if c == c2 {
*s = &s[i + c2.len_utf8()..];
} else {
Err(ParseError::UnexpectedCharacter(c, c2))
None => Err(ParseError::InvalidTime),