blob: 54319c4ae841bbb0912564dfc4c50e8db9bc409a [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::fmt::{Display, Formatter, Result, Write};
use toml_datetime::Datetime;
use crate::inline_table::DEFAULT_INLINE_KEY_DECOR;
use crate::key::Key;
use crate::repr::{Formatted, Repr, ValueRepr};
use crate::table::{
use crate::value::{
use crate::DocumentMut;
use crate::{Array, InlineTable, Item, Table, Value};
pub(crate) fn encode_key(this: &Key, buf: &mut dyn Write, input: Option<&str>) -> Result {
if let Some(input) = input {
let repr = this
.unwrap_or_else(|| Cow::Owned(this.default_repr()));
repr.encode(buf, input)?;
} else {
let repr = this.display_repr();
write!(buf, "{}", repr)?;
fn encode_key_path(
this: &[Key],
buf: &mut dyn Write,
input: Option<&str>,
default_decor: (&str, &str),
) -> Result {
let leaf_decor = this.last().expect("always at least one key").leaf_decor();
for (i, key) in this.iter().enumerate() {
let dotted_decor = key.dotted_decor();
let first = i == 0;
let last = i + 1 == this.len();
if first {
leaf_decor.prefix_encode(buf, input, default_decor.0)?;
} else {
write!(buf, ".")?;
dotted_decor.prefix_encode(buf, input, DEFAULT_KEY_PATH_DECOR.0)?;
encode_key(key, buf, input)?;
if last {
leaf_decor.suffix_encode(buf, input, default_decor.1)?;
} else {
dotted_decor.suffix_encode(buf, input, DEFAULT_KEY_PATH_DECOR.1)?;
pub(crate) fn encode_key_path_ref(
this: &[&Key],
buf: &mut dyn Write,
input: Option<&str>,
default_decor: (&str, &str),
) -> Result {
let leaf_decor = this.last().expect("always at least one key").leaf_decor();
for (i, key) in this.iter().enumerate() {
let dotted_decor = key.dotted_decor();
let first = i == 0;
let last = i + 1 == this.len();
if first {
leaf_decor.prefix_encode(buf, input, default_decor.0)?;
} else {
write!(buf, ".")?;
dotted_decor.prefix_encode(buf, input, DEFAULT_KEY_PATH_DECOR.0)?;
encode_key(key, buf, input)?;
if last {
leaf_decor.suffix_encode(buf, input, default_decor.1)?;
} else {
dotted_decor.suffix_encode(buf, input, DEFAULT_KEY_PATH_DECOR.1)?;
pub(crate) fn encode_formatted<T: ValueRepr>(
this: &Formatted<T>,
buf: &mut dyn Write,
input: Option<&str>,
default_decor: (&str, &str),
) -> Result {
let decor = this.decor();
decor.prefix_encode(buf, input, default_decor.0)?;
if let Some(input) = input {
let repr = this
.unwrap_or_else(|| Cow::Owned(this.default_repr()));
repr.encode(buf, input)?;
} else {
let repr = this.display_repr();
write!(buf, "{}", repr)?;
decor.suffix_encode(buf, input, default_decor.1)?;
pub(crate) fn encode_array(
this: &Array,
buf: &mut dyn Write,
input: Option<&str>,
default_decor: (&str, &str),
) -> Result {
let decor = this.decor();
decor.prefix_encode(buf, input, default_decor.0)?;
write!(buf, "[")?;
for (i, elem) in this.iter().enumerate() {
let inner_decor;
if i == 0 {
} else {
inner_decor = DEFAULT_VALUE_DECOR;
write!(buf, ",")?;
encode_value(elem, buf, input, inner_decor)?;
if this.trailing_comma() && !this.is_empty() {
write!(buf, ",")?;
this.trailing().encode_with_default(buf, input, "")?;
write!(buf, "]")?;
decor.suffix_encode(buf, input, default_decor.1)?;
pub(crate) fn encode_table(
this: &InlineTable,
buf: &mut dyn Write,
input: Option<&str>,
default_decor: (&str, &str),
) -> Result {
let decor = this.decor();
decor.prefix_encode(buf, input, default_decor.0)?;
write!(buf, "{{")?;
this.preamble().encode_with_default(buf, input, "")?;
let children = this.get_values();
let len = children.len();
for (i, (key_path, value)) in children.into_iter().enumerate() {
if i != 0 {
write!(buf, ",")?;
let inner_decor = if i == len - 1 {
} else {
encode_key_path_ref(&key_path, buf, input, DEFAULT_INLINE_KEY_DECOR)?;
write!(buf, "=")?;
encode_value(value, buf, input, inner_decor)?;
write!(buf, "}}")?;
decor.suffix_encode(buf, input, default_decor.1)?;
pub(crate) fn encode_value(
this: &Value,
buf: &mut dyn Write,
input: Option<&str>,
default_decor: (&str, &str),
) -> Result {
match this {
Value::String(repr) => encode_formatted(repr, buf, input, default_decor),
Value::Integer(repr) => encode_formatted(repr, buf, input, default_decor),
Value::Float(repr) => encode_formatted(repr, buf, input, default_decor),
Value::Boolean(repr) => encode_formatted(repr, buf, input, default_decor),
Value::Datetime(repr) => encode_formatted(repr, buf, input, default_decor),
Value::Array(array) => encode_array(array, buf, input, default_decor),
Value::InlineTable(table) => encode_table(table, buf, input, default_decor),
impl Display for DocumentMut {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result {
let decor = self.decor();
decor.prefix_encode(f, None, DEFAULT_ROOT_DECOR.0)?;
let mut path = Vec::new();
let mut last_position = 0;
let mut tables = Vec::new();
visit_nested_tables(self.as_table(), &mut path, false, &mut |t, p, is_array| {
if let Some(pos) = t.position() {
last_position = pos;
tables.push((last_position, t, p.clone(), is_array));
tables.sort_by_key(|&(id, _, _, _)| id);
let mut first_table = true;
for (_, table, path, is_array) in tables {
visit_table(f, None, table, &path, is_array, &mut first_table)?;
decor.suffix_encode(f, None, DEFAULT_ROOT_DECOR.1)?;
self.trailing().encode_with_default(f, None, "")
fn visit_nested_tables<'t, F>(
table: &'t Table,
path: &mut Vec<Key>,
is_array_of_tables: bool,
callback: &mut F,
) -> Result
F: FnMut(&'t Table, &Vec<Key>, bool) -> Result,
if !table.is_dotted() {
callback(table, path, is_array_of_tables)?;
for (key, value) in table.items.iter() {
match value {
Item::Table(ref t) => {
let key = key.clone();
visit_nested_tables(t, path, false, callback)?;
Item::ArrayOfTables(ref a) => {
for t in a.iter() {
let key = key.clone();
visit_nested_tables(t, path, true, callback)?;
_ => {}
fn visit_table(
buf: &mut dyn Write,
input: Option<&str>,
table: &Table,
path: &[Key],
is_array_of_tables: bool,
first_table: &mut bool,
) -> Result {
let children = table.get_values();
// We are intentionally hiding implicit tables without any tables nested under them (ie
// `table.is_empty()` which is in contrast to `table.get_values().is_empty()`). We are
// trusting the user that an empty implicit table is not semantically meaningful
// This allows a user to delete all tables under this implicit table and the implicit table
// will disappear.
// However, this means that users need to take care in deciding what tables get marked as
// implicit.
let is_visible_std_table = !(table.implicit && children.is_empty());
if path.is_empty() {
// don't print header for the root node
if !children.is_empty() {
*first_table = false;
} else if is_array_of_tables {
let default_decor = if *first_table {
*first_table = false;
} else {
table.decor.prefix_encode(buf, input, default_decor.0)?;
write!(buf, "[[")?;
encode_key_path(path, buf, input, DEFAULT_KEY_PATH_DECOR)?;
write!(buf, "]]")?;
table.decor.suffix_encode(buf, input, default_decor.1)?;
} else if is_visible_std_table {
let default_decor = if *first_table {
*first_table = false;
} else {
table.decor.prefix_encode(buf, input, default_decor.0)?;
write!(buf, "[")?;
encode_key_path(path, buf, input, DEFAULT_KEY_PATH_DECOR)?;
write!(buf, "]")?;
table.decor.suffix_encode(buf, input, default_decor.1)?;
// print table body
for (key_path, value) in children {
encode_key_path_ref(&key_path, buf, input, DEFAULT_KEY_DECOR)?;
write!(buf, "=")?;
encode_value(value, buf, input, DEFAULT_VALUE_DECOR)?;
impl ValueRepr for String {
fn to_repr(&self) -> Repr {
to_string_repr(self, None, None)
pub(crate) fn to_string_repr(
value: &str,
style: Option<StringStyle>,
literal: Option<bool>,
) -> Repr {
let (style, literal) = infer_style(value, style, literal);
let mut output = String::with_capacity(value.len() * 2);
if literal {
} else {
for ch in value.chars() {
match ch {
'\u{8}' => output.push_str("\\b"),
'\u{9}' => output.push_str("\\t"),
'\u{a}' => match style {
StringStyle::NewlineTriple => output.push('\n'),
StringStyle::OnelineSingle => output.push_str("\\n"),
StringStyle::OnelineTriple => unreachable!(),
'\u{c}' => output.push_str("\\f"),
'\u{d}' => output.push_str("\\r"),
'\u{22}' => output.push_str("\\\""),
'\u{5c}' => output.push_str("\\\\"),
c if c <= '\u{1f}' || c == '\u{7f}' => {
write!(output, "\\u{:04X}", ch as u32).unwrap();
ch => output.push(ch),
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub(crate) enum StringStyle {
impl StringStyle {
fn literal_start(self) -> &'static str {
match self {
Self::NewlineTriple => "'''\n",
Self::OnelineTriple => "'''",
Self::OnelineSingle => "'",
fn literal_end(self) -> &'static str {
match self {
Self::NewlineTriple => "'''",
Self::OnelineTriple => "'''",
Self::OnelineSingle => "'",
fn standard_start(self) -> &'static str {
match self {
Self::NewlineTriple => "\"\"\"\n",
// note: OnelineTriple can happen if do_pretty wants to do
// '''it's one line'''
// but literal == false
Self::OnelineTriple | Self::OnelineSingle => "\"",
fn standard_end(self) -> &'static str {
match self {
Self::NewlineTriple => "\"\"\"",
// note: OnelineTriple can happen if do_pretty wants to do
// '''it's one line'''
// but literal == false
Self::OnelineTriple | Self::OnelineSingle => "\"",
fn infer_style(
value: &str,
style: Option<StringStyle>,
literal: Option<bool>,
) -> (StringStyle, bool) {
match (style, literal) {
(Some(style), Some(literal)) => (style, literal),
(None, Some(literal)) => (infer_all_style(value).0, literal),
(Some(style), None) => {
let literal = infer_literal(value);
(style, literal)
(None, None) => infer_all_style(value),
fn infer_literal(value: &str) -> bool {
#[cfg(feature = "parse")]
use winnow::stream::ContainsToken as _;
(value.contains('"') | value.contains('\\'))
&& value
.all(|c| crate::parser::strings::LITERAL_CHAR.contains_token(c))
#[cfg(not(feature = "parse"))]
fn infer_all_style(value: &str) -> (StringStyle, bool) {
// We need to determine:
// - if we are a "multi-line" pretty (if there are \n)
// - if ['''] appears if multi or ['] if single
// - if there are any invalid control characters
// Doing it any other way would require multiple passes
// to determine if a pretty string works or not.
let mut ty = StringStyle::OnelineSingle;
// found consecutive single quotes
let mut max_found_singles = 0;
let mut found_singles = 0;
let mut prefer_literal = false;
let mut can_be_pretty = true;
for ch in value.chars() {
if can_be_pretty {
if ch == '\'' {
found_singles += 1;
if found_singles >= 3 {
can_be_pretty = false;
} else {
if found_singles > max_found_singles {
max_found_singles = found_singles;
found_singles = 0;
match ch {
'\t' => {}
'"' => {
prefer_literal = true;
'\\' => {
prefer_literal = true;
'\n' => ty = StringStyle::NewlineTriple,
// Escape codes are needed if any ascii control
// characters are present, including \b \f \r.
c if c <= '\u{1f}' || c == '\u{7f}' => can_be_pretty = false,
_ => {}
} else {
// the string cannot be represented as pretty,
// still check if it should be multiline
if ch == '\n' {
ty = StringStyle::NewlineTriple;
if found_singles > 0 && value.ends_with('\'') {
// We cannot escape the ending quote so we must use """
can_be_pretty = false;
if !prefer_literal {
can_be_pretty = false;
if !can_be_pretty {
debug_assert!(ty != StringStyle::OnelineTriple);
return (ty, false);
if found_singles > max_found_singles {
max_found_singles = found_singles;
debug_assert!(max_found_singles < 3);
if ty == StringStyle::OnelineSingle && max_found_singles >= 1 {
// no newlines, but must use ''' because it has ' in it
ty = StringStyle::OnelineTriple;
(ty, true)
impl ValueRepr for i64 {
fn to_repr(&self) -> Repr {
impl ValueRepr for f64 {
fn to_repr(&self) -> Repr {
fn to_f64_repr(f: f64) -> Repr {
let repr = match (f.is_sign_negative(), f.is_nan(), f == 0.0) {
(true, true, _) => "-nan".to_owned(),
(false, true, _) => "nan".to_owned(),
(true, false, true) => "-0.0".to_owned(),
(false, false, true) => "0.0".to_owned(),
(_, false, false) => {
if f % 1.0 == 0.0 {
format!("{}.0", f)
} else {
format!("{}", f)
impl ValueRepr for bool {
fn to_repr(&self) -> Repr {
impl ValueRepr for Datetime {
fn to_repr(&self) -> Repr {
mod test {
use super::*;
use proptest::prelude::*;
proptest! {
#[cfg(feature = "parse")]
fn parseable_string(string in "\\PC*") {
let string = Value::from(string);
let encoded = string.to_string();
let _: Value = encoded.parse().unwrap_or_else(|err| {
panic!("error: {err}
proptest! {
#[cfg(feature = "parse")]
fn parseable_key(string in "\\PC*") {
let string = Key::new(string);
let encoded = string.to_string();
let _: Key = encoded.parse().unwrap_or_else(|err| {
panic!("error: {err}