blob: 57c21ef92353f06c023bd2c488fa519ce72c6992 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
use std::error::Error as StdError;
use std::fmt::{Display, Formatter, Result};
/// Type representing a TOML parse error
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub struct TomlError {
message: String,
raw: Option<String>,
keys: Vec<String>,
span: Option<std::ops::Range<usize>>,
impl TomlError {
#[cfg(feature = "parse")]
pub(crate) fn new(
error: winnow::error::ParseError<
mut raw: crate::parser::prelude::Input<'_>,
) -> Self {
use winnow::stream::Stream;
let message = error.inner().to_string();
let raw = raw.finish();
let raw = String::from_utf8(raw.to_owned()).expect("original document was utf8");
let offset = error.offset();
let offset = (0..=offset)
.find(|index| raw.is_char_boundary(*index))
let mut indices = raw[offset..].char_indices();;
let len = if let Some((index, _)) = {
} else {
raw.len() - offset
let span = offset..(offset + len);
Self {
raw: Some(raw),
keys: Vec::new(),
span: Some(span),
#[cfg(any(feature = "serde", feature = "parse"))]
pub(crate) fn custom(message: String, span: Option<std::ops::Range<usize>>) -> Self {
Self {
raw: None,
keys: Vec::new(),
#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
pub(crate) fn add_key(&mut self, key: String) {
self.keys.insert(0, key);
/// What went wrong
pub fn message(&self) -> &str {
/// The start/end index into the original document where the error occurred
pub fn span(&self) -> Option<std::ops::Range<usize>> {
#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
pub(crate) fn set_span(&mut self, span: Option<std::ops::Range<usize>>) {
self.span = span;
#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
pub(crate) fn set_raw(&mut self, raw: Option<String>) {
self.raw = raw;
/// Displays a TOML parse error
/// # Example
/// TOML parse error at line 1, column 10
/// |
/// 1 | 00:32:00.a999999
/// | ^
/// Unexpected `a`
/// Expected `digit`
/// While parsing a Time
/// While parsing a Date-Time
impl Display for TomlError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result {
let mut context = false;
if let (Some(raw), Some(span)) = (&self.raw, self.span()) {
context = true;
let (line, column) = translate_position(raw.as_bytes(), span.start);
let line_num = line + 1;
let col_num = column + 1;
let gutter = line_num.to_string().len();
let content = raw.split('\n').nth(line).expect("valid line number");
let highlight_len = span.end - span.start;
// Allow highlight to go one past the line
let highlight_len = highlight_len.min(content.len().saturating_sub(column));
"TOML parse error at line {}, column {}",
line_num, col_num
// |
for _ in 0..=gutter {
write!(f, " ")?;
writeln!(f, "|")?;
// 1 | 00:32:00.a999999
write!(f, "{} | ", line_num)?;
writeln!(f, "{}", content)?;
// | ^
for _ in 0..=gutter {
write!(f, " ")?;
write!(f, "|")?;
for _ in 0..=column {
write!(f, " ")?;
// The span will be empty at eof, so we need to make sure we always print at least
// one `^`
write!(f, "^")?;
for _ in 1..highlight_len {
write!(f, "^")?;
writeln!(f, "{}", self.message)?;
if !context && !self.keys.is_empty() {
writeln!(f, "in `{}`", self.keys.join("."))?;
impl StdError for TomlError {
fn description(&self) -> &'static str {
"TOML parse error"
fn translate_position(input: &[u8], index: usize) -> (usize, usize) {
if input.is_empty() {
return (0, index);
let safe_index = index.min(input.len() - 1);
let column_offset = index - safe_index;
let index = safe_index;
let nl = input[0..index]
.find(|(_, b)| **b == b'\n')
.map(|(nl, _)| index - nl - 1);
let line_start = match nl {
Some(nl) => nl + 1,
None => 0,
let line = input[0..line_start].iter().filter(|b| **b == b'\n').count();
let column = std::str::from_utf8(&input[line_start..=index])
.map(|s| s.chars().count() - 1)
.unwrap_or_else(|_| index - line_start);
let column = column + column_offset;
(line, column)
mod test_translate_position {
use super::*;
fn empty() {
let input = b"";
let index = 0;
let position = translate_position(&input[..], index);
assert_eq!(position, (0, 0));
fn start() {
let input = b"Hello";
let index = 0;
let position = translate_position(&input[..], index);
assert_eq!(position, (0, 0));
fn end() {
let input = b"Hello";
let index = input.len() - 1;
let position = translate_position(&input[..], index);
assert_eq!(position, (0, input.len() - 1));
fn after() {
let input = b"Hello";
let index = input.len();
let position = translate_position(&input[..], index);
assert_eq!(position, (0, input.len()));
fn first_line() {
let input = b"Hello\nWorld\n";
let index = 2;
let position = translate_position(&input[..], index);
assert_eq!(position, (0, 2));
fn end_of_line() {
let input = b"Hello\nWorld\n";
let index = 5;
let position = translate_position(&input[..], index);
assert_eq!(position, (0, 5));
fn start_of_second_line() {
let input = b"Hello\nWorld\n";
let index = 6;
let position = translate_position(&input[..], index);
assert_eq!(position, (1, 0));
fn second_line() {
let input = b"Hello\nWorld\n";
let index = 8;
let position = translate_position(&input[..], index);
assert_eq!(position, (1, 2));