blob: 58822f4d9b29aa94870e292e911cfa9866dda45a [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
//! Spans represent periods of time in which a program was executing in a
//! particular context.
//! A span consists of [fields], user-defined key-value pairs of arbitrary data
//! that describe the context the span represents, and a set of fixed attributes
//! that describe all `tracing` spans and events. Attributes describing spans
//! include:
//! - An [`Id`] assigned by the subscriber that uniquely identifies it in relation
//! to other spans.
//! - The span's [parent] in the trace tree.
//! - [Metadata] that describes static characteristics of all spans
//! originating from that callsite, such as its name, source code location,
//! [verbosity level], and the names of its fields.
//! # Creating Spans
//! Spans are created using the [`span!`] macro. This macro is invoked with the
//! following arguments, in order:
//! - The [`target`] and/or [`parent`][parent] attributes, if the user wishes to
//! override their default values.
//! - The span's [verbosity level]
//! - A string literal providing the span's name.
//! - Finally, between zero and 32 arbitrary key/value fields.
//! [`target`]: super::Metadata::target
//! For example:
//! ```rust
//! use tracing::{span, Level};
//! /// Construct a new span at the `INFO` level named "my_span", with a single
//! /// field named answer , with the value `42`.
//! let my_span = span!(Level::INFO, "my_span", answer = 42);
//! ```
//! The documentation for the [`span!`] macro provides additional examples of
//! the various options that exist when creating spans.
//! The [`trace_span!`], [`debug_span!`], [`info_span!`], [`warn_span!`], and
//! [`error_span!`] exist as shorthand for constructing spans at various
//! verbosity levels.
//! ## Recording Span Creation
//! The [`Attributes`] type contains data associated with a span, and is
//! provided to the [`Subscriber`] when a new span is created. It contains
//! the span's metadata, the ID of [the span's parent][parent] if one was
//! explicitly set, and any fields whose values were recorded when the span was
//! constructed. The subscriber, which is responsible for recording `tracing`
//! data, can then store or record these values.
//! # The Span Lifecycle
//! ## Entering a Span
//! A thread of execution is said to _enter_ a span when it begins executing,
//! and _exit_ the span when it switches to another context. Spans may be
//! entered through the [`enter`], [`entered`], and [`in_scope`] methods.
//! The [`enter`] method enters a span, returning a [guard] that exits the span
//! when dropped
//! ```
//! # use tracing::{span, Level};
//! let my_var: u64 = 5;
//! let my_span = span!(Level::TRACE, "my_span", my_var);
//! // `my_span` exists but has not been entered.
//! // Enter `my_span`...
//! let _enter = my_span.enter();
//! // Perform some work inside of the context of `my_span`...
//! // Dropping the `_enter` guard will exit the span.
//! <div class="example-wrap" style="display:inline-block"><pre class="compile_fail" style="white-space:normal;font:inherit;">
//! <strong>Warning</strong>: In asynchronous code that uses async/await syntax,
//! <code>Span::enter</code> may produce incorrect traces if the returned drop
//! guard is held across an await point. See
//! <a href="struct.Span.html#in-asynchronous-code">the method documentation</a>
//! for details.
//! </pre></div>
//! The [`entered`] method is analogous to [`enter`], but moves the span into
//! the returned guard, rather than borrowing it. This allows creating and
//! entering a span in a single expression:
//! ```
//! # use tracing::{span, Level};
//! // Create a span and enter it, returning a guard:
//! let span = span!(Level::INFO, "my_span").entered();
//! // We are now inside the span! Like `enter()`, the guard returned by
//! // `entered()` will exit the span when it is dropped...
//! // ...but, it can also be exited explicitly, returning the `Span`
//! // struct:
//! let span = span.exit();
//! ```
//! Finally, [`in_scope`] takes a closure or function pointer and executes it
//! inside the span:
//! ```
//! # use tracing::{span, Level};
//! let my_var: u64 = 5;
//! let my_span = span!(Level::TRACE, "my_span", my_var = &my_var);
//! my_span.in_scope(|| {
//! // perform some work in the context of `my_span`...
//! });
//! // Perform some work outside of the context of `my_span`...
//! my_span.in_scope(|| {
//! // Perform some more work in the context of `my_span`.
//! });
//! ```
//! <pre class="ignore" style="white-space:normal;font:inherit;">
//! <strong>Note</strong>: Since entering a span takes <code>&self</code>, and
//! <code>Span</code>s are <code>Clone</code>, <code>Send</code>, and
//! <code>Sync</code>, it is entirely valid for multiple threads to enter the
//! same span concurrently.
//! </pre>
//! ## Span Relationships
//! Spans form a tree structure — unless it is a root span, all spans have a
//! _parent_, and may have one or more _children_. When a new span is created,
//! the current span becomes the new span's parent. The total execution time of
//! a span consists of the time spent in that span and in the entire subtree
//! represented by its children. Thus, a parent span always lasts for at least
//! as long as the longest-executing span in its subtree.
//! ```
//! # use tracing::{Level, span};
//! // this span is considered the "root" of a new trace tree:
//! span!(Level::INFO, "root").in_scope(|| {
//! // since we are now inside "root", this span is considered a child
//! // of "root":
//! span!(Level::DEBUG, "outer_child").in_scope(|| {
//! // this span is a child of "outer_child", which is in turn a
//! // child of "root":
//! span!(Level::TRACE, "inner_child").in_scope(|| {
//! // and so on...
//! });
//! });
//! // another span created here would also be a child of "root".
//! });
//! In addition, the parent of a span may be explicitly specified in
//! the `span!` macro. For example:
//! ```rust
//! # use tracing::{Level, span};
//! // Create, but do not enter, a span called "foo".
//! let foo = span!(Level::INFO, "foo");
//! // Create and enter a span called "bar".
//! let bar = span!(Level::INFO, "bar");
//! let _enter = bar.enter();
//! // Although we have currently entered "bar", "baz"'s parent span
//! // will be "foo".
//! let baz = span!(parent: &foo, Level::INFO, "baz");
//! ```
//! A child span should typically be considered _part_ of its parent. For
//! example, if a subscriber is recording the length of time spent in various
//! spans, it should generally include the time spent in a span's children as
//! part of that span's duration.
//! In addition to having zero or one parent, a span may also _follow from_ any
//! number of other spans. This indicates a causal relationship between the span
//! and the spans that it follows from, but a follower is *not* typically
//! considered part of the duration of the span it follows. Unlike the parent, a
//! span may record that it follows from another span after it is created, using
//! the [`follows_from`] method.
//! As an example, consider a listener task in a server. As the listener accepts
//! incoming connections, it spawns new tasks that handle those connections. We
//! might want to have a span representing the listener, and instrument each
//! spawned handler task with its own span. We would want our instrumentation to
//! record that the handler tasks were spawned as a result of the listener task.
//! However, we might not consider the handler tasks to be _part_ of the time
//! spent in the listener task, so we would not consider those spans children of
//! the listener span. Instead, we would record that the handler tasks follow
//! from the listener, recording the causal relationship but treating the spans
//! as separate durations.
//! ## Closing Spans
//! Execution may enter and exit a span multiple times before that span is
//! _closed_. Consider, for example, a future which has an associated
//! span and enters that span every time it is polled:
//! ```rust
//! # use std::future::Future;
//! # use std::task::{Context, Poll};
//! # use std::pin::Pin;
//! struct MyFuture {
//! // data
//! span: tracing::Span,
//! }
//! impl Future for MyFuture {
//! type Output = ();
//! fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, _cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
//! let _enter = self.span.enter();
//! // Do actual future work...
//! # Poll::Ready(())
//! }
//! }
//! ```
//! If this future was spawned on an executor, it might yield one or more times
//! before `poll` returns [`Poll::Ready`]. If the future were to yield, then
//! the executor would move on to poll the next future, which may _also_ enter
//! an associated span or series of spans. Therefore, it is valid for a span to
//! be entered repeatedly before it completes. Only the time when that span or
//! one of its children was the current span is considered to be time spent in
//! that span. A span which is not executing and has not yet been closed is said
//! to be _idle_.
//! Because spans may be entered and exited multiple times before they close,
//! [`Subscriber`]s have separate trait methods which are called to notify them
//! of span exits and when span handles are dropped. When execution exits a
//! span, [`exit`] will always be called with that span's ID to notify the
//! subscriber that the span has been exited. When span handles are dropped, the
//! [`drop_span`] method is called with that span's ID. The subscriber may use
//! this to determine whether or not the span will be entered again.
//! If there is only a single handle with the capacity to exit a span, dropping
//! that handle "closes" the span, since the capacity to enter it no longer
//! exists. For example:
//! ```
//! # use tracing::{Level, span};
//! {
//! span!(Level::TRACE, "my_span").in_scope(|| {
//! // perform some work in the context of `my_span`...
//! }); // --> Subscriber::exit(my_span)
//! // The handle to `my_span` only lives inside of this block; when it is
//! // dropped, the subscriber will be informed via `drop_span`.
//! } // --> Subscriber::drop_span(my_span)
//! ```
//! However, if multiple handles exist, the span can still be re-entered even if
//! one or more is dropped. For determining when _all_ handles to a span have
//! been dropped, `Subscriber`s have a [`clone_span`] method, which is called
//! every time a span handle is cloned. Combined with `drop_span`, this may be
//! used to track the number of handles to a given span — if `drop_span` has
//! been called one more time than the number of calls to `clone_span` for a
//! given ID, then no more handles to the span with that ID exist. The
//! subscriber may then treat it as closed.
//! # When to use spans
//! As a rule of thumb, spans should be used to represent discrete units of work
//! (e.g., a given request's lifetime in a server) or periods of time spent in a
//! given context (e.g., time spent interacting with an instance of an external
//! system, such as a database).
//! Which scopes in a program correspond to new spans depend somewhat on user
//! intent. For example, consider the case of a loop in a program. Should we
//! construct one span and perform the entire loop inside of that span, like:
//! ```rust
//! # use tracing::{Level, span};
//! # let n = 1;
//! let span = span!(Level::TRACE, "my_loop");
//! let _enter = span.enter();
//! for i in 0..n {
//! # let _ = i;
//! // ...
//! }
//! ```
//! Or, should we create a new span for each iteration of the loop, as in:
//! ```rust
//! # use tracing::{Level, span};
//! # let n = 1u64;
//! for i in 0..n {
//! let span = span!(Level::TRACE, "my_loop", iteration = i);
//! let _enter = span.enter();
//! // ...
//! }
//! ```
//! Depending on the circumstances, we might want to do either, or both. For
//! example, if we want to know how long was spent in the loop overall, we would
//! create a single span around the entire loop; whereas if we wanted to know how
//! much time was spent in each individual iteration, we would enter a new span
//! on every iteration.
//! [fields]: super::field
//! [Metadata]: super::Metadata
//! [verbosity level]: super::Level
//! [`Poll::Ready`]: std::task::Poll::Ready
//! [`span!`]: super::span!
//! [`trace_span!`]: super::trace_span!
//! [`debug_span!`]: super::debug_span!
//! [`info_span!`]: super::info_span!
//! [`warn_span!`]: super::warn_span!
//! [`error_span!`]: super::error_span!
//! [`clone_span`]: super::subscriber::Subscriber::clone_span()
//! [`drop_span`]: super::subscriber::Subscriber::drop_span()
//! [`exit`]: super::subscriber::Subscriber::exit
//! [`Subscriber`]: super::subscriber::Subscriber
//! [`enter`]: Span::enter()
//! [`entered`]: Span::entered()
//! [`in_scope`]: Span::in_scope()
//! [`follows_from`]: Span::follows_from()
//! [guard]: Entered
//! [parent]: #span-relationships
pub use tracing_core::span::{Attributes, Id, Record};
use crate::stdlib::{
cmp, fmt,
hash::{Hash, Hasher},
use crate::{
dispatcher::{self, Dispatch},
field, Metadata,
/// Trait implemented by types which have a span `Id`.
pub trait AsId: crate::sealed::Sealed {
/// Returns the `Id` of the span that `self` corresponds to, or `None` if
/// this corresponds to a disabled span.
fn as_id(&self) -> Option<&Id>;
/// A handle representing a span, with the capability to enter the span if it
/// exists.
/// If the span was rejected by the current `Subscriber`'s filter, entering the
/// span will silently do nothing. Thus, the handle can be used in the same
/// manner regardless of whether or not the trace is currently being collected.
pub struct Span {
/// A handle used to enter the span when it is not executing.
/// If this is `None`, then the span has either closed or was never enabled.
inner: Option<Inner>,
/// Metadata describing the span.
/// This might be `Some` even if `inner` is `None`, in the case that the
/// span is disabled but the metadata is needed for `log` support.
meta: Option<&'static Metadata<'static>>,
/// A handle representing the capacity to enter a span which is known to exist.
/// Unlike `Span`, this type is only constructed for spans which _have_ been
/// enabled by the current filter. This type is primarily used for implementing
/// span handles; users should typically not need to interact with it directly.
pub(crate) struct Inner {
/// The span's ID, as provided by `subscriber`.
id: Id,
/// The subscriber that will receive events relating to this span.
/// This should be the same subscriber that provided this span with its
/// `id`.
subscriber: Dispatch,
/// A guard representing a span which has been entered and is currently
/// executing.
/// When the guard is dropped, the span will be exited.
/// This is returned by the [`Span::enter`] function.
/// [`Span::enter`]: super::Span::enter
#[must_use = "once a span has been entered, it should be exited"]
pub struct Entered<'a> {
span: &'a Span,
/// An owned version of [`Entered`], a guard representing a span which has been
/// entered and is currently executing.
/// When the guard is dropped, the span will be exited.
/// This is returned by the [`Span::entered`] function.
/// [`Span::entered`]: super::Span::entered()
#[must_use = "once a span has been entered, it should be exited"]
pub struct EnteredSpan {
span: Span,
/// ```compile_fail
/// use tracing::span::*;
/// trait AssertSend: Send {}
/// impl AssertSend for EnteredSpan {}
/// ```
_not_send: PhantomNotSend,
/// `log` target for all span lifecycle (creation/enter/exit/close) records.
#[cfg(feature = "log")]
const LIFECYCLE_LOG_TARGET: &str = "tracing::span";
/// `log` target for span activity (enter/exit) records.
#[cfg(feature = "log")]
const ACTIVITY_LOG_TARGET: &str = "tracing::span::active";
// ===== impl Span =====
impl Span {
/// Constructs a new `Span` with the given [metadata] and set of
/// [field values].
/// The new span will be constructed by the currently-active [`Subscriber`],
/// with the current span as its parent (if one exists).
/// After the span is constructed, [field values] and/or [`follows_from`]
/// annotations may be added to it.
/// [metadata]: super::Metadata
/// [`Subscriber`]: super::subscriber::Subscriber
/// [field values]: super::field::ValueSet
/// [`follows_from`]: super::Span::follows_from
pub fn new(meta: &'static Metadata<'static>, values: &field::ValueSet<'_>) -> Span {
dispatcher::get_default(|dispatch| Self::new_with(meta, values, dispatch))
pub fn new_with(
meta: &'static Metadata<'static>,
values: &field::ValueSet<'_>,
dispatch: &Dispatch,
) -> Span {
let new_span = Attributes::new(meta, values);
Self::make_with(meta, new_span, dispatch)
/// Constructs a new `Span` as the root of its own trace tree, with the
/// given [metadata] and set of [field values].
/// After the span is constructed, [field values] and/or [`follows_from`]
/// annotations may be added to it.
/// [metadata]: super::Metadata
/// [field values]: super::field::ValueSet
/// [`follows_from`]: super::Span::follows_from
pub fn new_root(meta: &'static Metadata<'static>, values: &field::ValueSet<'_>) -> Span {
dispatcher::get_default(|dispatch| Self::new_root_with(meta, values, dispatch))
pub fn new_root_with(
meta: &'static Metadata<'static>,
values: &field::ValueSet<'_>,
dispatch: &Dispatch,
) -> Span {
let new_span = Attributes::new_root(meta, values);
Self::make_with(meta, new_span, dispatch)
/// Constructs a new `Span` as child of the given parent span, with the
/// given [metadata] and set of [field values].
/// After the span is constructed, [field values] and/or [`follows_from`]
/// annotations may be added to it.
/// [metadata]: super::Metadata
/// [field values]: super::field::ValueSet
/// [`follows_from`]: super::Span::follows_from
pub fn child_of(
parent: impl Into<Option<Id>>,
meta: &'static Metadata<'static>,
values: &field::ValueSet<'_>,
) -> Span {
let mut parent = parent.into();
dispatcher::get_default(move |dispatch| {
Self::child_of_with(Option::take(&mut parent), meta, values, dispatch)
pub fn child_of_with(
parent: impl Into<Option<Id>>,
meta: &'static Metadata<'static>,
values: &field::ValueSet<'_>,
dispatch: &Dispatch,
) -> Span {
let new_span = match parent.into() {
Some(parent) => Attributes::child_of(parent, meta, values),
None => Attributes::new_root(meta, values),
Self::make_with(meta, new_span, dispatch)
/// Constructs a new disabled span with the given `Metadata`.
/// This should be used when a span is constructed from a known callsite,
/// but the subscriber indicates that it is disabled.
/// Entering, exiting, and recording values on this span will not notify the
/// `Subscriber` but _may_ record log messages if the `log` feature flag is
/// enabled.
pub fn new_disabled(meta: &'static Metadata<'static>) -> Span {
Self {
inner: None,
meta: Some(meta),
/// Constructs a new span that is *completely disabled*.
/// This can be used rather than `Option<Span>` to represent cases where a
/// span is not present.
/// Entering, exiting, and recording values on this span will do nothing.
pub const fn none() -> Span {
Self {
inner: None,
meta: None,
/// Returns a handle to the span [considered by the `Subscriber`] to be the
/// current span.
/// If the subscriber indicates that it does not track the current span, or
/// that the thread from which this function is called is not currently
/// inside a span, the returned span will be disabled.
/// [considered by the `Subscriber`]:
/// super::subscriber::Subscriber::current_span
pub fn current() -> Span {
dispatcher::get_default(|dispatch| {
if let Some((id, meta)) = dispatch.current_span().into_inner() {
let id = dispatch.clone_span(&id);
Self {
inner: Some(Inner::new(id, dispatch)),
meta: Some(meta),
} else {
fn make_with(
meta: &'static Metadata<'static>,
new_span: Attributes<'_>,
dispatch: &Dispatch,
) -> Span {
let attrs = &new_span;
let id = dispatch.new_span(attrs);
let inner = Some(Inner::new(id, dispatch));
let span = Self {
meta: Some(meta),
if_log_enabled! { *meta.level(), {
let target = if attrs.is_empty() {
} else {
let values = attrs.values();
format_args!("++ {};{}",, crate::log::LogValueSet { values, is_first: false }),
/// Enters this span, returning a guard that will exit the span when dropped.
/// If this span is enabled by the current subscriber, then this function will
/// call [`Subscriber::enter`] with the span's [`Id`], and dropping the guard
/// will call [`Subscriber::exit`]. If the span is disabled, this does
/// nothing.
/// # In Asynchronous Code
/// **Warning**: in asynchronous code that uses [async/await syntax][syntax],
/// `Span::enter` should be used very carefully or avoided entirely. Holding
/// the drop guard returned by `Span::enter` across `.await` points will
/// result in incorrect traces. For example,
/// ```
/// # use tracing::info_span;
/// # async fn some_other_async_function() {}
/// async fn my_async_function() {
/// let span = info_span!("my_async_function");
/// // WARNING: This span will remain entered until this
/// // guard is dropped...
/// let _enter = span.enter();
/// // ...but the `await` keyword may yield, causing the
/// // runtime to switch to another task, while remaining in
/// // this span!
/// some_other_async_function().await
/// // ...
/// }
/// ```
/// The drop guard returned by `Span::enter` exits the span when it is
/// dropped. When an async function or async block yields at an `.await`
/// point, the current scope is _exited_, but values in that scope are
/// **not** dropped (because the async block will eventually resume
/// execution from that await point). This means that _another_ task will
/// begin executing while _remaining_ in the entered span. This results in
/// an incorrect trace.
/// Instead of using `Span::enter` in asynchronous code, prefer the
/// following:
/// * To enter a span for a synchronous section of code within an async
/// block or function, prefer [`Span::in_scope`]. Since `in_scope` takes a
/// synchronous closure and exits the span when the closure returns, the
/// span will always be exited before the next await point. For example:
/// ```
/// # use tracing::info_span;
/// # async fn some_other_async_function(_: ()) {}
/// async fn my_async_function() {
/// let span = info_span!("my_async_function");
/// let some_value = span.in_scope(|| {
/// // run some synchronous code inside the span...
/// });
/// // This is okay! The span has already been exited before we reach
/// // the await point.
/// some_other_async_function(some_value).await;
/// // ...
/// }
/// ```
/// * For instrumenting asynchronous code, `tracing` provides the
/// [`Future::instrument` combinator][instrument] for
/// attaching a span to a future (async function or block). This will
/// enter the span _every_ time the future is polled, and exit it whenever
/// the future yields.
/// `Instrument` can be used with an async block inside an async function:
/// ```ignore
/// # use tracing::info_span;
/// use tracing::Instrument;
/// # async fn some_other_async_function() {}
/// async fn my_async_function() {
/// let span = info_span!("my_async_function");
/// async move {
/// // This is correct! If we yield here, the span will be exited,
/// // and re-entered when we resume.
/// some_other_async_function().await;
/// //more asynchronous code inside the span...
/// }
/// // instrument the async block with the span...
/// .instrument(span)
/// // ...and await it.
/// .await
/// }
/// ```
/// It can also be used to instrument calls to async functions at the
/// callsite:
/// ```ignore
/// # use tracing::debug_span;
/// use tracing::Instrument;
/// # async fn some_other_async_function() {}
/// async fn my_async_function() {
/// let some_value = some_other_async_function()
/// .instrument(debug_span!("some_other_async_function"))
/// .await;
/// // ...
/// }
/// ```
/// * The [`#[instrument]` attribute macro][attr] can automatically generate
/// correct code when used on an async function:
/// ```ignore
/// # async fn some_other_async_function() {}
/// #[tracing::instrument(level = "info")]
/// async fn my_async_function() {
/// // This is correct! If we yield here, the span will be exited,
/// // and re-entered when we resume.
/// some_other_async_function().await;
/// // ...
/// }
/// ```
/// [syntax]:
/// [`Span::in_scope`]: Span::in_scope()
/// [instrument]: crate::Instrument
/// [attr]: macro@crate::instrument
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use tracing::{span, Level};
/// let span = span!(Level::INFO, "my_span");
/// let guard = span.enter();
/// // code here is within the span
/// drop(guard);
/// // code here is no longer within the span
/// ```
/// Guards need not be explicitly dropped:
/// ```
/// # use tracing::trace_span;
/// fn my_function() -> String {
/// // enter a span for the duration of this function.
/// let span = trace_span!("my_function");
/// let _enter = span.enter();
/// // anything happening in functions we call is still inside the span...
/// my_other_function();
/// // returning from the function drops the guard, exiting the span.
/// return "Hello world".to_owned();
/// }
/// fn my_other_function() {
/// // ...
/// }
/// ```
/// Sub-scopes may be created to limit the duration for which the span is
/// entered:
/// ```
/// # use tracing::{info, info_span};
/// let span = info_span!("my_great_span");
/// {
/// let _enter = span.enter();
/// // this event occurs inside the span.
/// info!("i'm in the span!");
/// // exiting the scope drops the guard, exiting the span.
/// }
/// // this event is not inside the span.
/// info!("i'm outside the span!")
/// ```
/// [`Subscriber::enter`]: super::subscriber::Subscriber::enter()
/// [`Subscriber::exit`]: super::subscriber::Subscriber::exit()
/// [`Id`]: super::Id
pub fn enter(&self) -> Entered<'_> {
Entered { span: self }
/// Enters this span, consuming it and returning a [guard][`EnteredSpan`]
/// that will exit the span when dropped.
/// <pre class="compile_fail" style="white-space:normal;font:inherit;">
/// <strong>Warning</strong>: In asynchronous code that uses async/await syntax,
/// <code>Span::entered</code> may produce incorrect traces if the returned drop
/// guard is held across an await point. See <a href="#in-asynchronous-code">the
/// <code>Span::enter</code> documentation</a> for details.
/// </pre>
/// If this span is enabled by the current subscriber, then this function will
/// call [`Subscriber::enter`] with the span's [`Id`], and dropping the guard
/// will call [`Subscriber::exit`]. If the span is disabled, this does
/// nothing.
/// This is similar to the [`Span::enter`] method, except that it moves the
/// span by value into the returned guard, rather than borrowing it.
/// Therefore, this method can be used to create and enter a span in a
/// single expression, without requiring a `let`-binding. For example:
/// ```
/// # use tracing::info_span;
/// let _span = info_span!("something_interesting").entered();
/// ```
/// rather than:
/// ```
/// # use tracing::info_span;
/// let span = info_span!("something_interesting");
/// let _e = span.enter();
/// ```
/// Furthermore, `entered` may be used when the span must be stored in some
/// other struct or be passed to a function while remaining entered.
/// <pre class="ignore" style="white-space:normal;font:inherit;">
/// <strong>Note</strong>: The returned <a href="../struct.EnteredSpan.html">
/// <code>EnteredSpan</a></code> guard does not implement <code>Send</code>.
/// Dropping the guard will exit <em>this</em> span, and if the guard is sent
/// to another thread and dropped there, that thread may never have entered
/// this span. Thus, <code>EnteredSpan</code>s should not be sent between threads.
/// </pre>
/// [syntax]:
/// # Examples
/// The returned guard can be [explicitly exited][EnteredSpan::exit],
/// returning the un-entered span:
/// ```
/// # use tracing::{Level, span};
/// let span = span!(Level::INFO, "doing_something").entered();
/// // code here is within the span
/// // explicitly exit the span, returning it
/// let span = span.exit();
/// // code here is no longer within the span
/// // enter the span again
/// let span = span.entered();
/// // now we are inside the span once again
/// ```
/// Guards need not be explicitly dropped:
/// ```
/// # use tracing::trace_span;
/// fn my_function() -> String {
/// // enter a span for the duration of this function.
/// let span = trace_span!("my_function").entered();
/// // anything happening in functions we call is still inside the span...
/// my_other_function();
/// // returning from the function drops the guard, exiting the span.
/// return "Hello world".to_owned();
/// }
/// fn my_other_function() {
/// // ...
/// }
/// ```
/// Since the [`EnteredSpan`] guard can dereference to the [`Span`] itself,
/// the span may still be accessed while entered. For example:
/// ```rust
/// # use tracing::info_span;
/// use tracing::field;
/// // create the span with an empty field, and enter it.
/// let span = info_span!("my_span", some_field = field::Empty).entered();
/// // we can still record a value for the field while the span is entered.
/// span.record("some_field", &"hello world!");
/// ```
/// [`Subscriber::enter`]: super::subscriber::Subscriber::enter()
/// [`Subscriber::exit`]: super::subscriber::Subscriber::exit()
/// [`Id`]: super::Id
pub fn entered(self) -> EnteredSpan {
EnteredSpan {
span: self,
_not_send: PhantomNotSend,
/// Returns this span, if it was [enabled] by the current [`Subscriber`], or
/// the [current span] (whose lexical distance may be further than expected),
/// if this span [is disabled].
/// This method can be useful when propagating spans to spawned threads or
/// [async tasks]. Consider the following:
/// ```
/// let _parent_span = tracing::info_span!("parent").entered();
/// // ...
/// let child_span = tracing::debug_span!("child");
/// std::thread::spawn(move || {
/// let _entered = child_span.entered();
/// tracing::info!("spawned a thread!");
/// // ...
/// });
/// ```
/// If the current [`Subscriber`] enables the [`DEBUG`] level, then both
/// the "parent" and "child" spans will be enabled. Thus, when the "spawaned
/// a thread!" event occurs, it will be inside of the "child" span. Because
/// "parent" is the parent of "child", the event will _also_ be inside of
/// "parent".
/// However, if the [`Subscriber`] only enables the [`INFO`] level, the "child"
/// span will be disabled. When the thread is spawned, the
/// `child_span.entered()` call will do nothing, since "child" is not
/// enabled. In this case, the "spawned a thread!" event occurs outside of
/// *any* span, since the "child" span was responsible for propagating its
/// parent to the spawned thread.
/// If this is not the desired behavior, `Span::or_current` can be used to
/// ensure that the "parent" span is propagated in both cases, either as a
/// parent of "child" _or_ directly. For example:
/// ```
/// let _parent_span = tracing::info_span!("parent").entered();
/// // ...
/// // If DEBUG is enabled, then "child" will be enabled, and `or_current`
/// // returns "child". Otherwise, if DEBUG is not enabled, "child" will be
/// // disabled, and `or_current` returns "parent".
/// let child_span = tracing::debug_span!("child").or_current();
/// std::thread::spawn(move || {
/// let _entered = child_span.entered();
/// tracing::info!("spawned a thread!");
/// // ...
/// });
/// ```
/// When spawning [asynchronous tasks][async tasks], `Span::or_current` can
/// be used similarly, in combination with [`instrument`]:
/// ```
/// use tracing::Instrument;
/// # // lol
/// # mod tokio {
/// # pub(super) fn spawn(_: impl std::future::Future) {}
/// # }
/// let _parent_span = tracing::info_span!("parent").entered();
/// // ...
/// let child_span = tracing::debug_span!("child");
/// tokio::spawn(
/// async {
/// tracing::info!("spawned a task!");
/// // ...
/// }.instrument(child_span.or_current())
/// );
/// ```
/// In general, `or_current` should be preferred over nesting an
/// [`instrument`] call inside of an [`in_current_span`] call, as using
/// `or_current` will be more efficient.
/// ```
/// use tracing::Instrument;
/// # // lol
/// # mod tokio {
/// # pub(super) fn spawn(_: impl std::future::Future) {}
/// # }
/// async fn my_async_fn() {
/// // ...
/// }
/// let _parent_span = tracing::info_span!("parent").entered();
/// // Do this:
/// tokio::spawn(
/// my_async_fn().instrument(tracing::debug_span!("child").or_current())
/// );
/// // ...rather than this:
/// tokio::spawn(
/// my_async_fn()
/// .instrument(tracing::debug_span!("child"))
/// .in_current_span()
/// );
/// ```
/// [enabled]: crate::Subscriber::enabled
/// [`Subscriber`]: crate::Subscriber
/// [current span]: Span::current
/// [is disabled]: Span::is_disabled
/// [`INFO`]: crate::Level::INFO
/// [`DEBUG`]: crate::Level::DEBUG
/// [async tasks]: std::task
/// [`instrument`]: crate::instrument::Instrument::instrument
/// [`in_current_span`]: crate::instrument::Instrument::in_current_span
pub fn or_current(self) -> Self {
if self.is_disabled() {
return Self::current();
fn do_enter(&self) {
if let Some(inner) = self.inner.as_ref() {
if_log_enabled! { crate::Level::TRACE, {
if let Some(_meta) = self.meta {
self.log(ACTIVITY_LOG_TARGET, log::Level::Trace, format_args!("-> {};",;
// Called from [`Entered`] and [`EnteredSpan`] drops.
// Running this behaviour on drop rather than with an explicit function
// call means that spans may still be exited when unwinding.
fn do_exit(&self) {
if let Some(inner) = self.inner.as_ref() {
if_log_enabled! { crate::Level::TRACE, {
if let Some(_meta) = self.meta {
self.log(ACTIVITY_LOG_TARGET, log::Level::Trace, format_args!("<- {};",;
/// Executes the given function in the context of this span.
/// If this span is enabled, then this function enters the span, invokes `f`
/// and then exits the span. If the span is disabled, `f` will still be
/// invoked, but in the context of the currently-executing span (if there is
/// one).
/// Returns the result of evaluating `f`.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use tracing::{trace, span, Level};
/// let my_span = span!(Level::TRACE, "my_span");
/// my_span.in_scope(|| {
/// // this event occurs within the span.
/// trace!("i'm in the span!");
/// });
/// // this event occurs outside the span.
/// trace!("i'm not in the span!");
/// ```
/// Calling a function and returning the result:
/// ```
/// # use tracing::{info_span, Level};
/// fn hello_world() -> String {
/// "Hello world!".to_owned()
/// }
/// let span = info_span!("hello_world");
/// // the span will be entered for the duration of the call to
/// // `hello_world`.
/// let a_string = span.in_scope(hello_world);
pub fn in_scope<F: FnOnce() -> T, T>(&self, f: F) -> T {
let _enter = self.enter();
/// Returns a [`Field`][super::field::Field] for the field with the
/// given `name`, if one exists,
pub fn field<Q: ?Sized>(&self, field: &Q) -> Option<field::Field>
Q: field::AsField,
self.metadata().and_then(|meta| field.as_field(meta))
/// Returns true if this `Span` has a field for the given
/// [`Field`][super::field::Field] or field name.
pub fn has_field<Q: ?Sized>(&self, field: &Q) -> bool
Q: field::AsField,
/// Records that the field described by `field` has the value `value`.
/// This may be used with [`field::Empty`] to declare fields whose values
/// are not known when the span is created, and record them later:
/// ```
/// use tracing::{trace_span, field};
/// // Create a span with two fields: `greeting`, with the value "hello world", and
/// // `parting`, without a value.
/// let span = trace_span!("my_span", greeting = "hello world", parting = field::Empty);
/// // ...
/// // Now, record a value for parting as well.
/// // (note that the field name is passed as a string slice)
/// span.record("parting", "goodbye world!");
/// ```
/// However, it may also be used to record a _new_ value for a field whose
/// value was already recorded:
/// ```
/// use tracing::info_span;
/// # fn do_something() -> Result<(), ()> { Err(()) }
/// // Initially, let's assume that our attempt to do something is going okay...
/// let span = info_span!("doing_something", is_okay = true);
/// let _e = span.enter();
/// match do_something() {
/// Ok(something) => {
/// // ...
/// }
/// Err(_) => {
/// // Things are no longer okay!
/// span.record("is_okay", false);
/// }
/// }
/// ```
/// <pre class="ignore" style="white-space:normal;font:inherit;">
/// <strong>Note</strong>: The fields associated with a span are part
/// of its <a href="../struct.Metadata.html"><code>Metadata</code></a>.
/// The <a href="../struct.Metadata.html"><code>Metadata</code></a>
/// describing a particular span is constructed statically when the span
/// is created and cannot be extended later to add new fields. Therefore,
/// you cannot record a value for a field that was not specified when the
/// span was created:
/// </pre>
/// ```
/// use tracing::{trace_span, field};
/// // Create a span with two fields: `greeting`, with the value "hello world", and
/// // `parting`, without a value.
/// let span = trace_span!("my_span", greeting = "hello world", parting = field::Empty);
/// // ...
/// // Now, you try to record a value for a new field, `new_field`, which was not
/// // declared as `Empty` or populated when you created `span`.
/// // You won't get any error, but the assignment will have no effect!
/// span.record("new_field", "interesting_value_you_really_need");
/// // Instead, all fields that may be recorded after span creation should be declared up front,
/// // using field::Empty when a value is not known, as we did for `parting`.
/// // This `record` call will indeed replace field::Empty with "you will be remembered".
/// span.record("parting", "you will be remembered");
/// ```
/// [`field::Empty`]: super::field::Empty
/// [`Metadata`]: super::Metadata
pub fn record<Q: ?Sized, V>(&self, field: &Q, value: V) -> &Self
Q: field::AsField,
V: field::Value,
if let Some(meta) = self.meta {
if let Some(field) = field.as_field(meta) {
.value_set(&[(&field, Some(&value as &dyn field::Value))]),
/// Records all the fields in the provided `ValueSet`.
pub fn record_all(&self, values: &field::ValueSet<'_>) -> &Self {
let record = Record::new(values);
if let Some(ref inner) = self.inner {
if let Some(_meta) = self.meta {
if_log_enabled! { *_meta.level(), {
let target = if record.is_empty() {
} else {
format_args!("{};{}",, crate::log::LogValueSet { values, is_first: false }),
/// Returns `true` if this span was disabled by the subscriber and does not
/// exist.
/// See also [`is_none`].
/// [`is_none`]: Span::is_none()
pub fn is_disabled(&self) -> bool {
/// Returns `true` if this span was constructed by [`Span::none`] and is
/// empty.
/// If `is_none` returns `true` for a given span, then [`is_disabled`] will
/// also return `true`. However, when a span is disabled by the subscriber
/// rather than constructed by `Span::none`, this method will return
/// `false`, while `is_disabled` will return `true`.
/// [`Span::none`]: Span::none()
/// [`is_disabled`]: Span::is_disabled()
pub fn is_none(&self) -> bool {
self.is_disabled() && self.meta.is_none()
/// Indicates that the span with the given ID has an indirect causal
/// relationship with this span.
/// This relationship differs somewhat from the parent-child relationship: a
/// span may have any number of prior spans, rather than a single one; and
/// spans are not considered to be executing _inside_ of the spans they
/// follow from. This means that a span may close even if subsequent spans
/// that follow from it are still open, and time spent inside of a
/// subsequent span should not be included in the time its precedents were
/// executing. This is used to model causal relationships such as when a
/// single future spawns several related background tasks, et cetera.
/// If this span is disabled, or the resulting follows-from relationship
/// would be invalid, this function will do nothing.
/// # Examples
/// Setting a `follows_from` relationship with a `Span`:
/// ```
/// # use tracing::{span, Id, Level, Span};
/// let span1 = span!(Level::INFO, "span_1");
/// let span2 = span!(Level::DEBUG, "span_2");
/// span2.follows_from(span1);
/// ```
/// Setting a `follows_from` relationship with the current span:
/// ```
/// # use tracing::{span, Id, Level, Span};
/// let span = span!(Level::INFO, "hello!");
/// span.follows_from(Span::current());
/// ```
/// Setting a `follows_from` relationship with a `Span` reference:
/// ```
/// # use tracing::{span, Id, Level, Span};
/// let span = span!(Level::INFO, "hello!");
/// let curr = Span::current();
/// span.follows_from(&curr);
/// ```
/// Setting a `follows_from` relationship with an `Id`:
/// ```
/// # use tracing::{span, Id, Level, Span};
/// let span = span!(Level::INFO, "hello!");
/// let id =;
/// span.follows_from(id);
/// ```
pub fn follows_from(&self, from: impl Into<Option<Id>>) -> &Self {
if let Some(ref inner) = self.inner {
if let Some(from) = from.into() {
/// Returns this span's `Id`, if it is enabled.
pub fn id(&self) -> Option<Id> {
/// Returns this span's `Metadata`, if it is enabled.
pub fn metadata(&self) -> Option<&'static Metadata<'static>> {
#[cfg(feature = "log")]
fn log(&self, target: &str, level: log::Level, message: fmt::Arguments<'_>) {
if let Some(meta) = self.meta {
if level_to_log!(*meta.level()) <= log::max_level() {
let logger = log::logger();
let log_meta = log::Metadata::builder().level(level).target(target).build();
if logger.enabled(&log_meta) {
if let Some(ref inner) = self.inner {
.args(format_args!("{} span={}", message,
} else {
/// Invokes a function with a reference to this span's ID and subscriber.
/// if this span is enabled, the provided function is called, and the result is returned.
/// If the span is disabled, the function is not called, and this method returns `None`
/// instead.
pub fn with_subscriber<T>(&self, f: impl FnOnce((&Id, &Dispatch)) -> T) -> Option<T> {
.map(|inner| f((&, &inner.subscriber)))
impl cmp::PartialEq for Span {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
match (&self.meta, &other.meta) {
(Some(this), Some(that)) => {
this.callsite() == that.callsite() && self.inner == other.inner
_ => false,
impl Hash for Span {
fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, hasher: &mut H) {
impl fmt::Debug for Span {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
let mut span = f.debug_struct("Span");
if let Some(meta) = self.meta {
span.field("name", &
.field("level", &meta.level())
.field("target", &;
if let Some(ref inner) = self.inner {
span.field("id", &;
} else {
span.field("disabled", &true);
if let Some(ref path) = meta.module_path() {
span.field("module_path", &path);
if let Some(ref line) = meta.line() {
span.field("line", &line);
if let Some(ref file) = meta.file() {
span.field("file", &file);
} else {
span.field("none", &true);
impl<'a> From<&'a Span> for Option<&'a Id> {
fn from(span: &'a Span) -> Self {
span.inner.as_ref().map(|inner| &
impl<'a> From<&'a Span> for Option<Id> {
fn from(span: &'a Span) -> Self {
impl From<Span> for Option<Id> {
fn from(span: Span) -> Self {
impl<'a> From<&'a EnteredSpan> for Option<&'a Id> {
fn from(span: &'a EnteredSpan) -> Self {
span.inner.as_ref().map(|inner| &
impl<'a> From<&'a EnteredSpan> for Option<Id> {
fn from(span: &'a EnteredSpan) -> Self {
impl Drop for Span {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if let Some(Inner {
ref id,
ref subscriber,
}) = self.inner
if_log_enabled! { crate::Level::TRACE, {
if let Some(meta) = self.meta {
format_args!("-- {};",,
// ===== impl Inner =====
impl Inner {
/// Indicates that the span with the given ID has an indirect causal
/// relationship with this span.
/// This relationship differs somewhat from the parent-child relationship: a
/// span may have any number of prior spans, rather than a single one; and
/// spans are not considered to be executing _inside_ of the spans they
/// follow from. This means that a span may close even if subsequent spans
/// that follow from it are still open, and time spent inside of a
/// subsequent span should not be included in the time its precedents were
/// executing. This is used to model causal relationships such as when a
/// single future spawns several related background tasks, et cetera.
/// If this span is disabled, this function will do nothing. Otherwise, it
/// returns `Ok(())` if the other span was added as a precedent of this
/// span, or an error if this was not possible.
fn follows_from(&self, from: &Id) {
self.subscriber.record_follows_from(&, from)
/// Returns the span's ID.
fn id(&self) -> Id {
fn record(&self, values: &Record<'_>) {
self.subscriber.record(&, values)
fn new(id: Id, subscriber: &Dispatch) -> Self {
Inner {
subscriber: subscriber.clone(),
impl cmp::PartialEq for Inner {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { ==
impl Hash for Inner {
fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {;
impl Clone for Inner {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
Inner {
id: self.subscriber.clone_span(&,
subscriber: self.subscriber.clone(),
// ===== impl Entered =====
impl EnteredSpan {
/// Returns this span's `Id`, if it is enabled.
pub fn id(&self) -> Option<Id> {
/// Exits this span, returning the underlying [`Span`].
pub fn exit(mut self) -> Span {
// One does not simply move out of a struct with `Drop`.
let span = mem::replace(&mut self.span, Span::none());
impl Deref for EnteredSpan {
type Target = Span;
fn deref(&self) -> &Span {
impl<'a> Drop for Entered<'a> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
impl Drop for EnteredSpan {
fn drop(&mut self) {
/// Technically, `EnteredSpan` _can_ implement both `Send` *and*
/// `Sync` safely. It doesn't, because it has a `PhantomNotSend` field,
/// specifically added in order to make it `!Send`.
/// Sending an `EnteredSpan` guard between threads cannot cause memory unsafety.
/// However, it *would* result in incorrect behavior, so we add a
/// `PhantomNotSend` to prevent it from being sent between threads. This is
/// because it must be *dropped* on the same thread that it was created;
/// otherwise, the span will never be exited on the thread where it was entered,
/// and it will attempt to exit the span on a thread that may never have entered
/// it. However, we still want them to be `Sync` so that a struct holding an
/// `Entered` guard can be `Sync`.
/// Thus, this is totally safe.
struct PhantomNotSend {
ghost: PhantomData<*mut ()>,
const PhantomNotSend: PhantomNotSend = PhantomNotSend { ghost: PhantomData };
/// # Safety
/// Trivially safe, as `PhantomNotSend` doesn't have any API.
unsafe impl Sync for PhantomNotSend {}
mod test {
use super::*;
trait AssertSend: Send {}
impl AssertSend for Span {}
trait AssertSync: Sync {}
impl AssertSync for Span {}
impl AssertSync for Entered<'_> {}
impl AssertSync for EnteredSpan {}
fn test_record_backwards_compat() {
Span::current().record("some-key", &"some text");
Span::current().record("some-key", &false);