blob: e5467150770d6e63c84f48254d8d2d69cd5e9a00 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
use alloc::alloc::Layout;
use alloc::boxed::Box;
use alloc::string::String;
use alloc::vec::Vec;
use core::cmp::Ordering;
use core::iter::{ExactSizeIterator, Iterator};
use core::marker::PhantomData;
use core::mem::{self, ManuallyDrop};
use core::ptr::{self, addr_of_mut};
use core::usize;
use super::{Arc, ArcInner};
/// Structure to allow Arc-managing some fixed-sized data and a variably-sized
/// slice in a single allocation.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub struct HeaderSlice<H, T: ?Sized> {
/// The fixed-sized data.
pub header: H,
/// The dynamically-sized data.
pub slice: T,
impl<H, T> Arc<HeaderSlice<H, [T]>> {
/// Creates an Arc for a HeaderSlice using the given header struct and
/// iterator to generate the slice. The resulting Arc will be fat.
pub fn from_header_and_iter<I>(header: H, mut items: I) -> Self
I: Iterator<Item = T> + ExactSizeIterator,
assert_ne!(mem::size_of::<T>(), 0, "Need to think about ZST");
let num_items = items.len();
let inner = Arc::allocate_for_header_and_slice(num_items);
unsafe {
// Write the data.
// Note that any panics here (i.e. from the iterator) are safe, since
// we'll just leak the uninitialized memory.
ptr::write(&mut ((*inner.as_ptr()).data.header), header);
let mut current = (*inner.as_ptr()).data.slice.as_mut_ptr();
for _ in 0..num_items {
.expect("ExactSizeIterator over-reported length"),
current = current.offset(1);
"ExactSizeIterator under-reported length"
// Safety: ptr is valid & the inner structure is fully initialized
Arc {
p: inner,
phantom: PhantomData,
/// Creates an Arc for a HeaderSlice using the given header struct and
/// iterator to generate the slice. The resulting Arc will be fat.
pub fn from_header_and_slice(header: H, items: &[T]) -> Self
T: Copy,
assert_ne!(mem::size_of::<T>(), 0, "Need to think about ZST");
let num_items = items.len();
let inner = Arc::allocate_for_header_and_slice(num_items);
unsafe {
// Write the data.
ptr::write(&mut ((*inner.as_ptr()).data.header), header);
let dst = (*inner.as_ptr()).data.slice.as_mut_ptr();
ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(items.as_ptr(), dst, num_items);
// Safety: ptr is valid & the inner structure is fully initialized
Arc {
p: inner,
phantom: PhantomData,
/// Creates an Arc for a HeaderSlice using the given header struct and
/// vec to generate the slice. The resulting Arc will be fat.
pub fn from_header_and_vec(header: H, mut v: Vec<T>) -> Self {
let len = v.len();
let inner = Arc::allocate_for_header_and_slice(len);
unsafe {
// Safety: inner is a valid pointer, so this can't go out of bounds
let dst = addr_of_mut!((*inner.as_ptr()).data.header);
// Safety: `dst` is valid for writes (just allocated)
ptr::write(dst, header);
unsafe {
let src = v.as_mut_ptr();
// Safety: inner is a valid pointer, so this can't go out of bounds
let dst = addr_of_mut!((*inner.as_ptr()).data.slice) as *mut T;
// Safety:
// - `src` is valid for reads for `len` (got from `Vec`)
// - `dst` is valid for writes for `len` (just allocated, with layout for appropriate slice)
// - `src` and `dst` don't overlap (separate allocations)
ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(src, dst, len);
// Deallocate vec without dropping `T`
// Safety: 0..0 elements are always initialized, 0 <= cap for any cap
// Safety: ptr is valid & the inner structure is fully initialized
Arc {
p: inner,
phantom: PhantomData,
impl<H> Arc<HeaderSlice<H, str>> {
/// Creates an Arc for a HeaderSlice using the given header struct and
/// a str slice to generate the slice. The resulting Arc will be fat.
pub fn from_header_and_str(header: H, string: &str) -> Self {
let bytes = Arc::from_header_and_slice(header, string.as_bytes());
// Safety: `ArcInner` and `HeaderSlice` are `repr(C)`, `str` has the same layout as `[u8]`,
// thus it's ok to "transmute" between `Arc<HeaderSlice<H, [u8]>>` and `Arc<HeaderSlice<H, str>>`.
// `bytes` are a valid string since we've just got them from a valid `str`.
unsafe { Arc::from_raw_inner(Arc::into_raw_inner(bytes) as _) }
/// Header data with an inline length. Consumers that use HeaderWithLength as the
/// Header type in HeaderSlice can take advantage of ThinArc.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub struct HeaderWithLength<H> {
/// The fixed-sized data.
pub header: H,
/// The slice length.
pub length: usize,
impl<H> HeaderWithLength<H> {
/// Creates a new HeaderWithLength.
pub fn new(header: H, length: usize) -> Self {
HeaderWithLength { header, length }
impl<T: ?Sized> From<Arc<HeaderSlice<(), T>>> for Arc<T> {
fn from(this: Arc<HeaderSlice<(), T>>) -> Self {
Layout::for_value::<HeaderSlice<(), T>>(&this),
// Safety: `HeaderSlice<(), T>` and `T` has the same layout
unsafe { Arc::from_raw_inner(Arc::into_raw_inner(this) as _) }
impl<T: ?Sized> From<Arc<T>> for Arc<HeaderSlice<(), T>> {
fn from(this: Arc<T>) -> Self {
// Safety: `T` and `HeaderSlice<(), T>` has the same layout
unsafe { Arc::from_raw_inner(Arc::into_raw_inner(this) as _) }
impl<T: Copy> From<&[T]> for Arc<[T]> {
fn from(slice: &[T]) -> Self {
Arc::from_header_and_slice((), slice).into()
impl From<&str> for Arc<str> {
fn from(s: &str) -> Self {
Arc::from_header_and_str((), s).into()
impl From<String> for Arc<str> {
fn from(s: String) -> Self {
// FIXME: once `pointer::with_metadata_of` is stable or
// implementable on stable without assuming ptr layout
// this will be able to accept `T: ?Sized`.
impl<T> From<Box<T>> for Arc<T> {
fn from(b: Box<T>) -> Self {
let layout = Layout::for_value::<T>(&b);
// Safety: the closure only changes the type of the pointer
let inner = unsafe { Self::allocate_for_layout(layout, |mem| mem as *mut ArcInner<T>) };
unsafe {
let src = Box::into_raw(b);
// Safety: inner is a valid pointer, so this can't go out of bounds
let dst = addr_of_mut!((*inner.as_ptr()).data);
// Safety:
// - `src` is valid for reads (got from `Box`)
// - `dst` is valid for writes (just allocated)
// - `src` and `dst` don't overlap (separate allocations)
ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(src, dst, 1);
// Deallocate box without dropping `T`
// Safety:
// - `src` has been got from `Box::into_raw`
// - `ManuallyDrop<T>` is guaranteed to have the same layout as `T`
drop(Box::<ManuallyDrop<T>>::from_raw(src as _));
Arc {
p: inner,
phantom: PhantomData,
impl<T> From<Vec<T>> for Arc<[T]> {
fn from(v: Vec<T>) -> Self {
Arc::from_header_and_vec((), v).into()
pub(crate) type HeaderSliceWithLength<H, T> = HeaderSlice<HeaderWithLength<H>, T>;
impl<H: PartialOrd, T: ?Sized + PartialOrd> PartialOrd for HeaderSliceWithLength<H, T> {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> {
(&self.header.header, &self.slice).partial_cmp(&(&other.header.header, &other.slice))
impl<H: Ord, T: ?Sized + Ord> Ord for HeaderSliceWithLength<H, T> {
fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering {
(&self.header.header, &self.slice).cmp(&(&other.header.header, &other.slice))
mod tests {
use alloc::boxed::Box;
use alloc::string::String;
use alloc::vec;
use core::iter;
use crate::{Arc, HeaderSlice};
fn from_header_and_iter_smoke() {
let arc = Arc::from_header_and_iter(
(42u32, 17u8),
IntoIterator::into_iter([1u16, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]),
assert_eq!(arc.header, (42, 17));
assert_eq!(arc.slice, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]);
fn from_header_and_slice_smoke() {
let arc = Arc::from_header_and_slice((42u32, 17u8), &[1u16, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]);
assert_eq!(arc.header, (42, 17));
assert_eq!(arc.slice, [1u16, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]);
fn from_header_and_vec_smoke() {
let arc = Arc::from_header_and_vec((42u32, 17u8), vec![1u16, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]);
assert_eq!(arc.header, (42, 17));
assert_eq!(arc.slice, [1u16, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]);
fn from_header_and_iter_empty() {
let arc = Arc::from_header_and_iter((42u32, 17u8), iter::empty::<u16>());
assert_eq!(arc.header, (42, 17));
assert_eq!(arc.slice, []);
fn from_header_and_slice_empty() {
let arc = Arc::from_header_and_slice((42u32, 17u8), &[1u16; 0]);
assert_eq!(arc.header, (42, 17));
assert_eq!(arc.slice, []);
fn from_header_and_vec_empty() {
let arc = Arc::from_header_and_vec((42u32, 17u8), vec![1u16; 0]);
assert_eq!(arc.header, (42, 17));
assert_eq!(arc.slice, []);
fn issue_13_empty() {
crate::Arc::from_header_and_iter((), iter::empty::<usize>());
fn issue_13_consumption() {
let s: &[u8] = &[0u8; 255];
crate::Arc::from_header_and_iter((), s.iter().copied());
fn from_header_and_str_smoke() {
let a = Arc::from_header_and_str(
"The answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything",
assert_eq!(a.header, 42);
"The answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything"
let empty = Arc::from_header_and_str((), "");
assert_eq!(empty.header, ());
assert_eq!(&empty.slice, "");
fn erase_and_create_from_thin_air_header() {
let a: Arc<HeaderSlice<(), [u32]>> = Arc::from_header_and_slice((), &[12, 17, 16]);
let b: Arc<[u32]> = a.into();
assert_eq!(&*b, [12, 17, 16]);
let c: Arc<HeaderSlice<(), [u32]>> = b.into();
assert_eq!(&c.slice, [12, 17, 16]);
assert_eq!(c.header, ());
fn from_box_and_vec() {
let b = Box::new(String::from("xxx"));
let b = Arc::<String>::from(b);
assert_eq!(&*b, "xxx");
let v = vec![String::from("1"), String::from("2"), String::from("3")];
let v = Arc::<[_]>::from(v);
[String::from("1"), String::from("2"), String::from("3")]
let mut v = vec![String::from("1"), String::from("2"), String::from("3")];
let v = Arc::<[_]>::from(v);
[String::from("1"), String::from("2"), String::from("3")]
/// It’s possible to make a generic `Arc` wrapper that supports both:
/// * `T: !Sized`
/// * `Arc::make_mut` if `T: Sized`
fn dst_and_make_mut() {
struct MyArc<T: ?Sized>(Arc<HeaderSlice<MyHeader, T>>);
struct MyHeader {
// Very interesting things go here
// MyArc<str> is possible
let dst: MyArc<str> = MyArc(Arc::from_header_and_str(MyHeader {}, "example"));
assert_eq!(&dst.0.slice, "example");
// `make_mut` is still available when `T: Sized`
let mut answer: MyArc<u32> = MyArc(Arc::new(HeaderSlice {
header: MyHeader {},
// Not actually a slice in this case,
// but `HeaderSlice` is required to use `from_header_and_str`
// and we want the same `MyArc` to support both cases.
slice: 6 * 9,
let mut_ref = Arc::make_mut(&mut answer.0);
mut_ref.slice = 42;