blob: a17aedc0d8dffc6a79cc3eebd297f9584b562613 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
//! Generating UUIDs from timestamps.
//! Timestamps are used in a few UUID versions as a source of decentralized
//! uniqueness (as in versions 1 and 6), and as a way to enable sorting (as
//! in versions 6 and 7). Timestamps aren't encoded the same way by all UUID
//! versions so this module provides a single [`Timestamp`] type that can
//! convert between them.
//! # Timestamp representations in UUIDs
//! Versions 1 and 6 UUIDs use a bespoke timestamp that consists of the
//! number of 100ns ticks since `1582-10-15 00:00:00`, along with
//! a counter value to avoid duplicates.
//! Version 7 UUIDs use a more standard timestamp that consists of the
//! number of millisecond ticks since the Unix epoch (`1970-01-01 00:00:00`).
//! # References
//! * [UUID Version 1 in RFC 9562](
//! * [UUID Version 7 in RFC 9562](
//! * [Timestamp Considerations in RFC 9562](
use core::cmp;
use crate::Uuid;
/// The number of 100 nanosecond ticks between the RFC 9562 epoch
/// (`1582-10-15 00:00:00`) and the Unix epoch (`1970-01-01 00:00:00`).
pub const UUID_TICKS_BETWEEN_EPOCHS: u64 = 0x01B2_1DD2_1381_4000;
/// A timestamp that can be encoded into a UUID.
/// This type abstracts the specific encoding, so versions 1, 6, and 7
/// UUIDs can both be supported through the same type, even
/// though they have a different representation of a timestamp.
/// # References
/// * [Timestamp Considerations in RFC 9562](
/// * [UUID Generator States in RFC 9562](
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct Timestamp {
seconds: u64,
subsec_nanos: u32,
counter: u128,
usable_counter_bits: u8,
impl Timestamp {
/// Get a timestamp representing the current system time and up to a 128-bit counter.
/// This method defers to the standard library's `SystemTime` type.
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
pub fn now(context: impl ClockSequence<Output = impl Into<u128>>) -> Self {
let (seconds, subsec_nanos) = now();
let (counter, seconds, subsec_nanos) =
context.generate_timestamp_sequence(seconds, subsec_nanos);
let counter = counter.into();
let usable_counter_bits = context.usable_bits() as u8;
Timestamp {
/// Construct a `Timestamp` from the number of 100 nanosecond ticks since 00:00:00.00,
/// 15 October 1582 (the date of Gregorian reform to the Christian calendar) and a 14-bit
/// counter, as used in versions 1 and 6 UUIDs.
/// # Overflow
/// If conversion from RFC 9562 ticks to the internal timestamp format would overflow
/// it will wrap.
pub const fn from_gregorian(ticks: u64, counter: u16) -> Self {
let (seconds, subsec_nanos) = Self::gregorian_to_unix(ticks);
Timestamp {
counter: counter as u128,
usable_counter_bits: 14,
/// Construct a `Timestamp` from a Unix timestamp and up to a 128-bit counter, as used in version 7 UUIDs.
pub const fn from_unix_time(
seconds: u64,
subsec_nanos: u32,
counter: u128,
usable_counter_bits: u8,
) -> Self {
Timestamp {
/// Construct a `Timestamp` from a Unix timestamp and up to a 128-bit counter, as used in version 7 UUIDs.
pub fn from_unix(
context: impl ClockSequence<Output = impl Into<u128>>,
seconds: u64,
subsec_nanos: u32,
) -> Self {
let (counter, seconds, subsec_nanos) =
context.generate_timestamp_sequence(seconds, subsec_nanos);
let counter = counter.into();
let usable_counter_bits = context.usable_bits() as u8;
Timestamp {
/// Get the value of the timestamp as the number of 100 nanosecond ticks since 00:00:00.00,
/// 15 October 1582 and a 14-bit counter, as used in versions 1 and 6 UUIDs.
/// # Overflow
/// If conversion from the internal timestamp format to ticks would overflow
/// then it will wrap.
/// If the internal counter is wider than 14 bits then it will be truncated to 14 bits.
pub const fn to_gregorian(&self) -> (u64, u16) {
Self::unix_to_gregorian_ticks(self.seconds, self.subsec_nanos),
(self.counter as u16) & 0x3FFF,
// NOTE: This method is not public; the usable counter bits are lost in a version 7 UUID
// so can't be reliably recovered.
#[cfg(feature = "v7")]
pub(crate) const fn counter(&self) -> (u128, u8) {
(self.counter, self.usable_counter_bits)
/// Get the value of the timestamp as a Unix timestamp, as used in version 7 UUIDs.
pub const fn to_unix(&self) -> (u64, u32) {
(self.seconds, self.subsec_nanos)
const fn unix_to_gregorian_ticks(seconds: u64, nanos: u32) -> u64 {
.wrapping_add(nanos as u64 / 100)
const fn gregorian_to_unix(ticks: u64) -> (u64, u32) {
ticks.wrapping_sub(UUID_TICKS_BETWEEN_EPOCHS) / 10_000_000,
(ticks.wrapping_sub(UUID_TICKS_BETWEEN_EPOCHS) % 10_000_000) as u32 * 100,
impl Timestamp {
#[deprecated(since = "1.10.0", note = "use `Timestamp::from_gregorian(ticks, counter)`")]
pub const fn from_rfc4122(ticks: u64, counter: u16) -> Self {
Timestamp::from_gregorian(ticks, counter)
#[deprecated(since = "1.10.0", note = "use `Timestamp::to_gregorian()`")]
pub const fn to_rfc4122(&self) -> (u64, u16) {
#[deprecated(since = "1.2.0", note = "`Timestamp::to_unix_nanos()` is deprecated and will be removed: use `Timestamp::to_unix()`")]
pub const fn to_unix_nanos(&self) -> u32 {
panic!("`Timestamp::to_unix_nanos()` is deprecated and will be removed: use `Timestamp::to_unix()`")
pub(crate) const fn encode_gregorian_timestamp(
ticks: u64,
counter: u16,
node_id: &[u8; 6],
) -> Uuid {
let time_low = (ticks & 0xFFFF_FFFF) as u32;
let time_mid = ((ticks >> 32) & 0xFFFF) as u16;
let time_high_and_version = (((ticks >> 48) & 0x0FFF) as u16) | (1 << 12);
let mut d4 = [0; 8];
d4[0] = (((counter & 0x3F00) >> 8) as u8) | 0x80;
d4[1] = (counter & 0xFF) as u8;
d4[2] = node_id[0];
d4[3] = node_id[1];
d4[4] = node_id[2];
d4[5] = node_id[3];
d4[6] = node_id[4];
d4[7] = node_id[5];
Uuid::from_fields(time_low, time_mid, time_high_and_version, &d4)
pub(crate) const fn decode_gregorian_timestamp(uuid: &Uuid) -> (u64, u16) {
let bytes = uuid.as_bytes();
let ticks: u64 = ((bytes[6] & 0x0F) as u64) << 56
| (bytes[7] as u64) << 48
| (bytes[4] as u64) << 40
| (bytes[5] as u64) << 32
| (bytes[0] as u64) << 24
| (bytes[1] as u64) << 16
| (bytes[2] as u64) << 8
| (bytes[3] as u64);
let counter: u16 = ((bytes[8] & 0x3F) as u16) << 8 | (bytes[9] as u16);
(ticks, counter)
pub(crate) const fn encode_sorted_gregorian_timestamp(
ticks: u64,
counter: u16,
node_id: &[u8; 6],
) -> Uuid {
let time_high = ((ticks >> 28) & 0xFFFF_FFFF) as u32;
let time_mid = ((ticks >> 12) & 0xFFFF) as u16;
let time_low_and_version = ((ticks & 0x0FFF) as u16) | (0x6 << 12);
let mut d4 = [0; 8];
d4[0] = (((counter & 0x3F00) >> 8) as u8) | 0x80;
d4[1] = (counter & 0xFF) as u8;
d4[2] = node_id[0];
d4[3] = node_id[1];
d4[4] = node_id[2];
d4[5] = node_id[3];
d4[6] = node_id[4];
d4[7] = node_id[5];
Uuid::from_fields(time_high, time_mid, time_low_and_version, &d4)
pub(crate) const fn decode_sorted_gregorian_timestamp(uuid: &Uuid) -> (u64, u16) {
let bytes = uuid.as_bytes();
let ticks: u64 = ((bytes[0]) as u64) << 52
| (bytes[1] as u64) << 44
| (bytes[2] as u64) << 36
| (bytes[3] as u64) << 28
| (bytes[4] as u64) << 20
| (bytes[5] as u64) << 12
| ((bytes[6] & 0xF) as u64) << 8
| (bytes[7] as u64);
let counter: u16 = ((bytes[8] & 0x3F) as u16) << 8 | (bytes[9] as u16);
(ticks, counter)
pub(crate) const fn encode_unix_timestamp_millis(
millis: u64,
counter_random_bytes: &[u8; 10],
) -> Uuid {
let millis_high = ((millis >> 16) & 0xFFFF_FFFF) as u32;
let millis_low = (millis & 0xFFFF) as u16;
let counter_random_version = (counter_random_bytes[1] as u16
| ((counter_random_bytes[0] as u16) << 8) & 0x0FFF)
| (0x7 << 12);
let mut d4 = [0; 8];
d4[0] = (counter_random_bytes[2] & 0x3F) | 0x80;
d4[1] = counter_random_bytes[3];
d4[2] = counter_random_bytes[4];
d4[3] = counter_random_bytes[5];
d4[4] = counter_random_bytes[6];
d4[5] = counter_random_bytes[7];
d4[6] = counter_random_bytes[8];
d4[7] = counter_random_bytes[9];
Uuid::from_fields(millis_high, millis_low, counter_random_version, &d4)
pub(crate) const fn decode_unix_timestamp_millis(uuid: &Uuid) -> u64 {
let bytes = uuid.as_bytes();
let millis: u64 = (bytes[0] as u64) << 40
| (bytes[1] as u64) << 32
| (bytes[2] as u64) << 24
| (bytes[3] as u64) << 16
| (bytes[4] as u64) << 8
| (bytes[5] as u64);
feature = "std",
feature = "js",
target_arch = "wasm32",
target_vendor = "unknown",
target_os = "unknown"
fn now() -> (u64, u32) {
use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*;
extern "C" {
// NOTE: This signature works around
#[wasm_bindgen(js_namespace = Date, catch)]
fn now() -> Result<f64, JsValue>;
let now = now().unwrap_throw();
let secs = (now / 1_000.0) as u64;
let nanos = ((now % 1_000.0) * 1_000_000.0) as u32;
(secs, nanos)
feature = "std",
not(feature = "js"),
target_arch = "wasm32",
target_vendor = "unknown",
target_os = "unknown"
fn now() -> (u64, u32) {
let dur = std::time::SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH.elapsed().expect(
"Getting elapsed time since UNIX_EPOCH. If this fails, we've somehow violated causality",
(dur.as_secs(), dur.subsec_nanos())
#[cfg(all(feature = "std", miri))]
fn now() -> (u64, u32) {
use std::{sync::Mutex, time::Duration};
static TS: Mutex<u64> = Mutex::new(0);
let ts = Duration::from_nanos({
let mut ts = TS.lock().unwrap();
*ts += 1;
(ts.as_secs(), ts.subsec_nanos())
/// A counter that can be used by versions 1 and 6 UUIDs to support
/// the uniqueness of timestamps.
/// # References
/// * [UUID Version 1 in RFC 9562](
/// * [UUID Version 6 in RFC 9562](
/// * [UUID Generator States in RFC 9562](
pub trait ClockSequence {
/// The type of sequence returned by this counter.
type Output;
/// Get the next value in the sequence to feed into a timestamp.
/// This method will be called each time a [`Timestamp`] is constructed.
/// Any bits beyond [`ClockSequence::usable_bits`] in the output must be unset.
fn generate_sequence(&self, seconds: u64, subsec_nanos: u32) -> Self::Output;
/// Get the next value in the sequence, potentially also adjusting the timestamp.
/// This method should be preferred over `generate_sequence`.
/// Any bits beyond [`ClockSequence::usable_bits`] in the output must be unset.
fn generate_timestamp_sequence(
seconds: u64,
subsec_nanos: u32,
) -> (Self::Output, u64, u32) {
self.generate_sequence(seconds, subsec_nanos),
/// The number of usable bits from the least significant bit in the result of [`ClockSequence::generate_sequence`]
/// or [`ClockSequence::generate_timestamp_sequence`].
/// The number of usable bits must not exceed 128.
/// The number of usable bits is not expected to change between calls. An implementation of `ClockSequence` should
/// always return the same value from this method.
fn usable_bits(&self) -> usize
Self::Output: Sized,
cmp::min(128, core::mem::size_of::<Self::Output>())
impl<'a, T: ClockSequence + ?Sized> ClockSequence for &'a T {
type Output = T::Output;
fn generate_sequence(&self, seconds: u64, subsec_nanos: u32) -> Self::Output {
(**self).generate_sequence(seconds, subsec_nanos)
fn generate_timestamp_sequence(
seconds: u64,
subsec_nanos: u32,
) -> (Self::Output, u64, u32) {
(**self).generate_timestamp_sequence(seconds, subsec_nanos)
fn usable_bits(&self) -> usize
Self::Output: Sized,
/// Default implementations for the [`ClockSequence`] trait.
pub mod context {
use super::ClockSequence;
#[cfg(any(feature = "v1", feature = "v6"))]
mod v1_support {
use super::*;
use atomic::{Atomic, Ordering};
#[cfg(all(feature = "std", feature = "rng"))]
static CONTEXT: Context = Context {
count: Atomic::new(0),
#[cfg(all(feature = "std", feature = "rng"))]
static CONTEXT_INITIALIZED: Atomic<bool> = Atomic::new(false);
#[cfg(all(feature = "std", feature = "rng"))]
pub(crate) fn shared_context() -> &'static Context {
// If the context is in its initial state then assign it to a random value
// It doesn't matter if multiple threads observe `false` here and initialize the context
.compare_exchange(false, true, Ordering::Relaxed, Ordering::Relaxed)
{, Ordering::Release);
/// A thread-safe, wrapping counter that produces 14-bit values.
/// This type works by:
/// 1. Atomically incrementing the counter value for each timestamp.
/// 2. Wrapping the counter back to zero if it overflows its 14-bit storage.
/// This type should be used when constructing versions 1 and 6 UUIDs.
/// This type should not be used when constructing version 7 UUIDs. When used to
/// construct a version 7 UUID, the 14-bit counter will be padded with random data.
/// Counter overflows are more likely with a 14-bit counter than they are with a
/// 42-bit counter when working at millisecond precision. This type doesn't attempt
/// to adjust the timestamp on overflow.
pub struct Context {
count: Atomic<u16>,
impl Context {
/// Construct a new context that's initialized with the given value.
/// The starting value should be a random number, so that UUIDs from
/// different systems with the same timestamps are less likely to collide.
/// When the `rng` feature is enabled, prefer the [`Context::new_random`] method.
pub const fn new(count: u16) -> Self {
Self {
count: Atomic::<u16>::new(count),
/// Construct a new context that's initialized with a random value.
#[cfg(feature = "rng")]
pub fn new_random() -> Self {
Self {
count: Atomic::<u16>::new(crate::rng::u16()),
impl ClockSequence for Context {
type Output = u16;
fn generate_sequence(&self, _seconds: u64, _nanos: u32) -> Self::Output {
// RFC 9562 reserves 2 bits of the clock sequence so the actual
// maximum value is smaller than `u16::MAX`. Since we unconditionally
// increment the clock sequence we want to wrap once it becomes larger
// than what we can represent in a "u14". Otherwise there'd be patches
// where the clock sequence doesn't change regardless of the timestamp
self.count.fetch_add(1, Ordering::AcqRel) & (u16::MAX >> 2)
fn usable_bits(&self) -> usize {
mod tests {
use crate::Timestamp;
use super::*;
fn context() {
let seconds = 1_496_854_535;
let subsec_nanos = 812_946_000;
let context = Context::new(u16::MAX >> 2);
let ts = Timestamp::from_unix(&context, seconds, subsec_nanos);
assert_eq!(16383, ts.counter);
assert_eq!(14, ts.usable_counter_bits);
let seconds = 1_496_854_536;
let ts = Timestamp::from_unix(&context, seconds, subsec_nanos);
assert_eq!(0, ts.counter);
let seconds = 1_496_854_535;
let ts = Timestamp::from_unix(&context, seconds, subsec_nanos);
assert_eq!(1, ts.counter);
#[cfg(any(feature = "v1", feature = "v6"))]
pub use v1_support::*;
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
mod std_support {
use super::*;
use core::panic::{AssertUnwindSafe, RefUnwindSafe};
use std::{sync::Mutex, thread::LocalKey};
/// A wrapper for a context that uses thread-local storage.
pub struct ThreadLocalContext<C: 'static>(&'static LocalKey<C>);
impl<C> std::fmt::Debug for ThreadLocalContext<C> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
impl<C: 'static> ThreadLocalContext<C> {
/// Wrap a thread-local container with a context.
pub const fn new(local_key: &'static LocalKey<C>) -> Self {
impl<C: ClockSequence + 'static> ClockSequence for ThreadLocalContext<C> {
type Output = C::Output;
fn generate_sequence(&self, seconds: u64, subsec_nanos: u32) -> Self::Output {
.with(|ctxt| ctxt.generate_sequence(seconds, subsec_nanos))
fn generate_timestamp_sequence(
seconds: u64,
subsec_nanos: u32,
) -> (Self::Output, u64, u32) {
.with(|ctxt| ctxt.generate_timestamp_sequence(seconds, subsec_nanos))
fn usable_bits(&self) -> usize {
self.0.with(|ctxt| ctxt.usable_bits())
impl<C: ClockSequence> ClockSequence for AssertUnwindSafe<C> {
type Output = C::Output;
fn generate_sequence(&self, seconds: u64, subsec_nanos: u32) -> Self::Output {
self.0.generate_sequence(seconds, subsec_nanos)
fn generate_timestamp_sequence(
seconds: u64,
subsec_nanos: u32,
) -> (Self::Output, u64, u32) {
self.0.generate_timestamp_sequence(seconds, subsec_nanos)
fn usable_bits(&self) -> usize
Self::Output: Sized,
impl<C: ClockSequence + RefUnwindSafe> ClockSequence for Mutex<C> {
type Output = C::Output;
fn generate_sequence(&self, seconds: u64, subsec_nanos: u32) -> Self::Output {
.unwrap_or_else(|err| err.into_inner())
.generate_sequence(seconds, subsec_nanos)
fn generate_timestamp_sequence(
seconds: u64,
subsec_nanos: u32,
) -> (Self::Output, u64, u32) {
.unwrap_or_else(|err| err.into_inner())
.generate_timestamp_sequence(seconds, subsec_nanos)
fn usable_bits(&self) -> usize
Self::Output: Sized,
.unwrap_or_else(|err| err.into_inner())
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
pub use std_support::*;
#[cfg(feature = "v7")]
mod v7_support {
use super::*;
use core::{cell::Cell, panic::RefUnwindSafe};
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
static CONTEXT_V7: SharedContextV7 =
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
pub(crate) fn shared_context_v7() -> &'static SharedContextV7 {
const USABLE_BITS: usize = 42;
// Leave the most significant bit unset
// This guarantees the counter has at least 2,199,023,255,552
// values before it will overflow, which is exceptionally unlikely
// even in the worst case
const RESEED_MASK: u64 = u64::MAX >> 23;
const MAX_COUNTER: u64 = u64::MAX >> 22;
/// An unsynchronized, reseeding counter that produces 42-bit values.
/// This type works by:
/// 1. Reseeding the counter each millisecond with a random 41-bit value. The 42nd bit
/// is left unset so the counter can safely increment over the millisecond.
/// 2. Wrapping the counter back to zero if it overflows its 42-bit storage and adding a
/// millisecond to the timestamp.
/// This type can be used when constructing version 7 UUIDs. When used to construct a
/// version 7 UUID, the 42-bit counter will be padded with random data. This type can
/// be used to maintain ordering of UUIDs within the same millisecond.
/// This type should not be used when constructing version 1 or version 6 UUIDs.
/// When used to construct a version 1 or version 6 UUID, only the 14 least significant
/// bits of the counter will be used.
pub struct ContextV7 {
last_reseed: Cell<LastReseed>,
counter: Cell<u64>,
#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone, Copy)]
struct LastReseed {
millis: u64,
ts_seconds: u64,
ts_subsec_nanos: u32,
impl LastReseed {
fn from_millis(millis: u64) -> Self {
LastReseed {
ts_seconds: millis / 1_000,
ts_subsec_nanos: (millis % 1_000) as u32 * 1_000_000,
impl RefUnwindSafe for ContextV7 {}
impl ContextV7 {
/// Construct a new context that will reseed its counter on the first
/// non-zero timestamp it receives.
pub const fn new() -> Self {
ContextV7 {
last_reseed: Cell::new(LastReseed {
millis: 0,
ts_seconds: 0,
ts_subsec_nanos: 0,
counter: Cell::new(0),
impl ClockSequence for ContextV7 {
type Output = u64;
fn generate_sequence(&self, seconds: u64, subsec_nanos: u32) -> Self::Output {
self.generate_timestamp_sequence(seconds, subsec_nanos).0
fn generate_timestamp_sequence(
seconds: u64,
subsec_nanos: u32,
) -> (Self::Output, u64, u32) {
let millis = (seconds * 1_000).saturating_add(subsec_nanos as u64 / 1_000_000);
let last_reseed = self.last_reseed.get();
// If the observed system time has shifted forwards then regenerate the counter
if millis > last_reseed.millis {
let last_reseed = LastReseed::from_millis(millis);
let counter = crate::rng::u64() & RESEED_MASK;
(counter, last_reseed.ts_seconds, last_reseed.ts_subsec_nanos)
// If the observed system time has not shifted forwards then increment the counter
else {
// If the incoming timestamp is earlier than the last observed one then
// use it instead. This may happen if the system clock jitters, or if the counter
// has wrapped and the timestamp is artificially incremented
let millis = ();
let _ = millis;
// Guaranteed to never overflow u64
let counter = self.counter.get() + 1;
// If the counter has not overflowed its 42-bit storage then return it
if counter <= MAX_COUNTER {
(counter, last_reseed.ts_seconds, last_reseed.ts_subsec_nanos)
// Unlikely: If the counter has overflowed its 42-bit storage then wrap it
// and increment the timestamp. Until the observed system time shifts past
// this incremented value, all timestamps will use it to maintain monotonicity
else {
// Increment the timestamp by 1 milli
let last_reseed = LastReseed::from_millis(last_reseed.millis + 1);
// Reseed the counter
let counter = crate::rng::u64() & RESEED_MASK;
(counter, last_reseed.ts_seconds, last_reseed.ts_subsec_nanos)
fn usable_bits(&self) -> usize {
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
pub(crate) struct SharedContextV7(std::sync::Mutex<ContextV7>);
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
impl ClockSequence for SharedContextV7 {
type Output = u64;
fn generate_sequence(&self, seconds: u64, subsec_nanos: u32) -> Self::Output {
self.0.generate_sequence(seconds, subsec_nanos)
fn generate_timestamp_sequence(
seconds: u64,
subsec_nanos: u32,
) -> (Self::Output, u64, u32) {
self.0.generate_timestamp_sequence(seconds, subsec_nanos)
fn usable_bits(&self) -> usize
Self::Output: Sized,
mod tests {
use core::time::Duration;
use super::*;
use crate::Timestamp;
fn context() {
let seconds = 1_496_854_535;
let subsec_nanos = 812_946_000;
let context = ContextV7::new();
let ts1 = Timestamp::from_unix(&context, seconds, subsec_nanos);
assert_eq!(42, ts1.usable_counter_bits);
// Backwards second
let seconds = 1_496_854_534;
let ts2 = Timestamp::from_unix(&context, seconds, subsec_nanos);
// The backwards time should be ignored
// The counter should still increment
assert_eq!(ts1.seconds, ts2.seconds);
assert_eq!(ts1.subsec_nanos, ts2.subsec_nanos);
assert_eq!(ts1.counter + 1, ts2.counter);
// Forwards second
let seconds = 1_496_854_536;
let ts3 = Timestamp::from_unix(&context, seconds, subsec_nanos);
// The counter should have reseeded
assert_ne!(ts2.counter + 1, ts3.counter);
assert_ne!(0, ts3.counter);
fn context_wrap() {
let seconds = 1_496_854_535u64;
let subsec_nanos = 812_946_000u32;
let millis = (seconds * 1000).saturating_add(subsec_nanos as u64 / 1_000_000);
// This context will wrap
let context = ContextV7 {
last_reseed: Cell::new(LastReseed::from_millis(millis)),
counter: Cell::new(u64::MAX >> 22),
let ts = Timestamp::from_unix(&context, seconds, subsec_nanos);
// The timestamp should be incremented by 1ms
let expected_ts = Duration::new(seconds, subsec_nanos / 1_000_000 * 1_000_000)
+ Duration::from_millis(1);
assert_eq!(expected_ts.as_secs(), ts.seconds);
assert_eq!(expected_ts.subsec_nanos(), ts.subsec_nanos);
// The counter should have reseeded
assert!(ts.counter < (u64::MAX >> 22) as u128);
assert_ne!(0, ts.counter);
#[cfg(feature = "v7")]
pub use v7_support::*;
/// An empty counter that will always return the value `0`.
/// This type can be used when constructing version 7 UUIDs. When used to
/// construct a version 7 UUID, the entire counter segment of the UUID will be
/// filled with a random value. This type does not maintain ordering of UUIDs
/// within a millisecond but is efficient.
/// This type should not be used when constructing version 1 or version 6 UUIDs.
/// When used to construct a version 1 or version 6 UUID, the counter
/// segment will remain zero.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Default)]
pub struct NoContext;
impl ClockSequence for NoContext {
type Output = u16;
fn generate_sequence(&self, _seconds: u64, _nanos: u32) -> Self::Output {
fn usable_bits(&self) -> usize {
#[cfg(all(test, any(feature = "v1", feature = "v6")))]
mod tests {
use super::*;
target_arch = "wasm32",
target_vendor = "unknown",
target_os = "unknown"
use wasm_bindgen_test::*;
target_arch = "wasm32",
target_vendor = "unknown",
target_os = "unknown"
fn gregorian_unix_does_not_panic() {
// Ensure timestamp conversions never panic
Timestamp::unix_to_gregorian_ticks(u64::MAX, 0);
Timestamp::unix_to_gregorian_ticks(0, u32::MAX);
Timestamp::unix_to_gregorian_ticks(u64::MAX, u32::MAX);
target_arch = "wasm32",
target_vendor = "unknown",
target_os = "unknown"
fn to_gregorian_truncates_to_usable_bits() {
let ts = Timestamp::from_gregorian(123, u16::MAX);
assert_eq!((123, u16::MAX >> 2), ts.to_gregorian());