blob: 0d3591858f4949f34b29d49cc03beab0b03f2cee [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
//! Clause storage.
use std::slice;
use varisat_formula::{lit::LitIdx, Lit};
pub mod activity;
pub mod alloc;
pub mod assess;
pub mod db;
pub mod gc;
pub mod header;
pub mod reduce;
pub use activity::{bump_clause_activity, decay_clause_activities, ClauseActivity};
pub use alloc::{ClauseAlloc, ClauseRef};
pub use assess::{assess_learned_clause, bump_clause};
pub use db::{ClauseDb, Tier};
pub use gc::collect_garbage;
pub use header::ClauseHeader;
use header::HEADER_LEN;
/// A clause.
/// This is stoed in a [`ClauseAlloc`] and thus must have a representation compatible with slice of
/// [`LitIdx`] values.
/// It would be nicer to use a DST struct with two members and `repr(C)`, but while that can be
/// declared in stable rust, it's almost impossible to work with.
pub struct Clause {
data: [LitIdx],
impl Clause {
/// The clause's header
pub fn header(&self) -> &ClauseHeader {
unsafe {
let header_ptr = as *const ClauseHeader;
/// Mutable reference to the clause's header
pub fn header_mut(&mut self) -> &mut ClauseHeader {
unsafe {
let header_ptr = as *mut ClauseHeader;
&mut *header_ptr
/// The clause's literals
pub fn lits(&self) -> &[Lit] {
unsafe {
let lit_ptr = as *const Lit;
slice::from_raw_parts(lit_ptr, - HEADER_LEN)
/// Mutable slice of the clause's literals
pub fn lits_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [Lit] {
unsafe {
let lit_ptr = as *mut Lit;
slice::from_raw_parts_mut(lit_ptr, - HEADER_LEN)