blob: 2036cdd99704b5416435d7ffc3bc7e13ff044a1a [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
//! Compute glue levels of clauses.
//! The glue level of a propagating clause is the number of distinct decision levels of the clause's
//! variables. This is also called the literal block distance (LBD). For each clause the smallest
//! glue level observed is used as an indicator of how useful that clause is.
use partial_ref::{partial, PartialRef};
use varisat_formula::Lit;
use crate::context::{parts::*, Context};
/// Compute the glue level of a clause.
pub fn compute_glue(mut ctx: partial!(Context, mut TmpFlagsP, ImplGraphP), lits: &[Lit]) -> usize {
let (tmp_flags, ctx) = ctx.split_part_mut(TmpFlagsP);
let impl_graph = ctx.part(ImplGraphP);
let flags = &mut tmp_flags.flags;
let mut glue = 0;
for &lit in lits {
let level = impl_graph.level(lit.var());
let flag = &mut flags[level];
if !*flag {
*flag = true;
glue += 1
for &lit in lits {
let level = impl_graph.level(lit.var());
flags[level] = false;